LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - alg - gdalgeoloc.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 911 969 94.0 %
Date: 2025-03-28 11:40:40 Functions: 29 30 96.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  *
       3             :  * Project:  GDAL
       4             :  * Purpose:  Implements Geolocation array based transformer.
       5             :  * Author:   Frank Warmerdam,
       6             :  *
       7             :  ******************************************************************************
       8             :  * Copyright (c) 2006, Frank Warmerdam <>
       9             :  * Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at>
      10             :  * Copyright (c) 2021, CLS
      11             :  * Copyright (c) 2022, Planet Labs
      12             :  *
      13             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      14             :  ****************************************************************************/
      15             : 
      16             : #include "cpl_port.h"
      17             : #include "gdal_alg.h"
      18             : #include "gdal_alg_priv.h"
      19             : #include "gdalgeoloc.h"
      20             : #include "gdalgeolocquadtree.h"
      21             : 
      22             : #include <climits>
      23             : #include <cmath>
      24             : #include <cstddef>
      25             : #include <cstdlib>
      26             : #include <cstring>
      27             : 
      28             : #include <algorithm>
      29             : #include <limits>
      30             : 
      31             : #include "cpl_conv.h"
      32             : #include "cpl_error.h"
      33             : #include "cpl_minixml.h"
      34             : #include "cpl_quad_tree.h"
      35             : #include "cpl_string.h"
      36             : #include "cpl_vsi.h"
      37             : #include "gdal.h"
      38             : #include "gdal_priv.h"
      39             : #include "memdataset.h"
      40             : 
      41             : constexpr float INVALID_BMXY = -10.0f;
      42             : 
      43             : #include "gdalgeoloc_carray_accessor.h"
      44             : #include "gdalgeoloc_dataset_accessor.h"
      45             : 
      46             : // #define DEBUG_GEOLOC
      47             : 
      48             : #ifdef DEBUG_GEOLOC
      49             : #include "ogrsf_frmts.h"
      50             : #endif
      51             : 
      52             : #ifdef DEBUG_GEOLOC
      53             : #warning "Remove me before committing"
      54             : #endif
      55             : 
      56             : CPL_C_START
      57             : CPLXMLNode *GDALSerializeGeoLocTransformer(void *pTransformArg);
      58             : void *GDALDeserializeGeoLocTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree);
      59             : CPL_C_END
      60             : 
      61             : /************************************************************************/
      62             : /* ==================================================================== */
      63             : /*                         GDALGeoLocTransformer                        */
      64             : /* ==================================================================== */
      65             : /************************************************************************/
      66             : 
      67             : /************************************************************************/
      68             : /*                           UnshiftGeoX()                              */
      69             : /************************************************************************/
      70             : 
      71             : // Renormalize longitudes to [-180,180] range
      72     1248520 : static double UnshiftGeoX(const GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform,
      73             :                           double dfX)
      74             : {
      75     1248520 :     if (!psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange)
      76      209489 :         return dfX;
      77     1039030 :     if (dfX > 180)
      78           0 :         return dfX - 360;
      79     1039030 :     if (dfX < -180)
      80         372 :         return dfX + 360;
      81     1038660 :     return dfX;
      82             : }
      83             : 
      84             : /************************************************************************/
      85             : /*                           UpdateMinMax()                             */
      86             : /************************************************************************/
      87             : 
      88      240538 : inline void UpdateMinMax(GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform, double dfGeoLocX,
      89             :                          double dfGeoLocY)
      90             : {
      91      240538 :     if (dfGeoLocX < psTransform->dfMinX)
      92             :     {
      93        1191 :         psTransform->dfMinX = dfGeoLocX;
      94        1191 :         psTransform->dfYAtMinX = dfGeoLocY;
      95             :     }
      96      240538 :     if (dfGeoLocX > psTransform->dfMaxX)
      97             :     {
      98         788 :         psTransform->dfMaxX = dfGeoLocX;
      99         788 :         psTransform->dfYAtMaxX = dfGeoLocY;
     100             :     }
     101      240538 :     if (dfGeoLocY < psTransform->dfMinY)
     102             :     {
     103        1199 :         psTransform->dfMinY = dfGeoLocY;
     104        1199 :         psTransform->dfXAtMinY = dfGeoLocX;
     105             :     }
     106      240538 :     if (dfGeoLocY > psTransform->dfMaxY)
     107             :     {
     108        3404 :         psTransform->dfMaxY = dfGeoLocY;
     109        3404 :         psTransform->dfXAtMaxY = dfGeoLocX;
     110             :     }
     111      240538 : }
     112             : 
     113             : /************************************************************************/
     114             : /*                                Clamp()                               */
     115             : /************************************************************************/
     116             : 
     117        2961 : inline double Clamp(double v, double minV, double maxV)
     118             : {
     119        2961 :     return std::min(std::max(v, minV), maxV);
     120             : }
     121             : 
     122             : /************************************************************************/
     123             : /*                    START_ITER_PER_BLOCK()                            */
     124             : /************************************************************************/
     125             : 
     126             : #define START_ITER_PER_BLOCK(_rasterXSize, _tileXSize, _rasterYSize,           \
     127             :                              _tileYSize, INIT_YBLOCK, _iXStart, _iXEnd,        \
     128             :                              _iYStart, _iYEnd)                                 \
     129             :     {                                                                          \
     130             :         const int _nYBlocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(_rasterYSize, _tileYSize);          \
     131             :         const int _nXBlocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(_rasterXSize, _tileXSize);          \
     132             :         for (int _iYBlock = 0; _iYBlock < _nYBlocks; ++_iYBlock)               \
     133             :         {                                                                      \
     134             :             const int _iYStart = _iYBlock * _tileYSize;                        \
     135             :             const int _iYEnd = _iYBlock == _nYBlocks - 1                       \
     136             :                                    ? _rasterYSize                              \
     137             :                                    : _iYStart + _tileYSize;                    \
     138             :             INIT_YBLOCK;                                                       \
     139             :             for (int _iXBlock = 0; _iXBlock < _nXBlocks; ++_iXBlock)           \
     140             :             {                                                                  \
     141             :                 const int _iXStart = _iXBlock * _tileXSize;                    \
     142             :                 const int _iXEnd = _iXBlock == _nXBlocks - 1                   \
     143             :                                        ? _rasterXSize                          \
     144             :                                        : _iXStart + _tileXSize;
     145             : 
     146             : #define END_ITER_PER_BLOCK                                                     \
     147             :     }                                                                          \
     148             :     }                                                                          \
     149             :     }
     150             : 
     151             : /************************************************************************/
     152             : /*                    GDALGeoLoc::LoadGeolocFinish()                    */
     153             : /************************************************************************/
     154             : 
     155             : /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */
     156             : 
     157             : template <class Accessors>
     158          48 : void GDALGeoLoc<Accessors>::LoadGeolocFinish(
     159             :     GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform)
     160             : {
     161          48 :     auto pAccessors = static_cast<Accessors *>(psTransform->pAccessors);
     162          48 :     CSLConstList papszGeolocationInfo = psTransform->papszGeolocationInfo;
     163             : 
     164             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     165             :     /*      Scan forward map for lat/long extents.                          */
     166             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     167          48 :     psTransform->dfMinX = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
     168          48 :     psTransform->dfMaxX = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
     169          48 :     psTransform->dfMinY = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
     170          48 :     psTransform->dfMaxY = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
     171             : 
     172          48 :     constexpr int TILE_SIZE = GDALGeoLocDatasetAccessors::TILE_SIZE;
     173         150 :     START_ITER_PER_BLOCK(psTransform->nGeoLocXSize, TILE_SIZE,
     174             :                          psTransform->nGeoLocYSize, TILE_SIZE, (void)0, iXStart,
     175             :                          iXEnd, iYStart, iYEnd)
     176             :     {
     177        1952 :         for (int iY = iYStart; iY < iYEnd; ++iY)
     178             :         {
     179      241359 :             for (int iX = iXStart; iX < iXEnd; ++iX)
     180             :             {
     181      239459 :                 const auto dfX = pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX, iY);
     182      239459 :                 if (!psTransform->bHasNoData || dfX != psTransform->dfNoDataX)
     183             :                 {
     184      236517 :                     UpdateMinMax(psTransform, dfX,
     185             :                                  pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(iX, iY));
     186             :                 }
     187             :             }
     188             :         }
     189             :     }
     190             :     END_ITER_PER_BLOCK
     191             : 
     192             :     // Check if the SRS is geographic and the geoloc longitudes are in
     193             :     // [-180,180]
     194          48 :     psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange = false;
     195          48 :     const char *pszSRS = CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "SRS");
     196          48 :     if (pszSRS && psTransform->dfMinX >= -180.0 &&
     197          45 :         psTransform->dfMaxX <= 180.0 && !psTransform->bSwapXY)
     198             :     {
     199          44 :         OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
     200          44 :         psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange =
     201          88 :             oSRS.importFromWkt(pszSRS) == OGRERR_NONE &&
     202          44 :             CPL_TO_BOOL(oSRS.IsGeographic());
     203             :     }
     204             : 
     205             : #ifdef DEBUG_GEOLOC
     206             :     if (CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("GEOLOC_DUMP", "NO")))
     207             :     {
     208             :         auto poDS = std::unique_ptr<GDALDataset>(
     209             :             GDALDriver::FromHandle(GDALGetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile"))
     210             :                 ->Create("/tmp/geoloc_poly.shp", 0, 0, 0, GDT_Unknown,
     211             :                          nullptr));
     212             :         auto poLayer =
     213             :             poDS->CreateLayer("geoloc_poly", nullptr, wkbPolygon, nullptr);
     214             :         auto poLayerDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn();
     215             :         OGRFieldDefn fieldX("x", OFTInteger);
     216             :         poLayer->CreateField(&fieldX);
     217             :         OGRFieldDefn fieldY("y", OFTInteger);
     218             :         poLayer->CreateField(&fieldY);
     219             :         for (int iY = 0; iY < psTransform->nGeoLocYSize - 1; iY++)
     220             :         {
     221             :             for (int iX = 0; iX < psTransform->nGeoLocXSize - 1; iX++)
     222             :             {
     223             :                 double x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
     224             :                 if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform, iX, iY, x0, y0) ||
     225             :                     !PixelLineToXY(psTransform, iX + 1, iY, x2, y2) ||
     226             :                     !PixelLineToXY(psTransform, iX, iY + 1, x1, y1) ||
     227             :                     !PixelLineToXY(psTransform, iX + 1, iY + 1, x3, y3))
     228             :                 {
     229             :                     break;
     230             :                 }
     231             :                 if (psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange &&
     232             :                     std::fabs(x0) > 170 && std::fabs(x1) > 170 &&
     233             :                     std::fabs(x2) > 170 && std::fabs(x3) > 170 &&
     234             :                     (std::fabs(x1 - x0) > 180 || std::fabs(x2 - x0) > 180 ||
     235             :                      std::fabs(x3 - x0) > 180))
     236             :                 {
     237             :                     OGRPolygon *poPoly = new OGRPolygon();
     238             :                     OGRLinearRing *poRing = new OGRLinearRing();
     239             :                     poRing->addPoint(x0 > 0 ? x0 : x0 + 360, y0);
     240             :                     poRing->addPoint(x2 > 0 ? x2 : x2 + 360, y2);
     241             :                     poRing->addPoint(x3 > 0 ? x3 : x3 + 360, y3);
     242             :                     poRing->addPoint(x1 > 0 ? x1 : x1 + 360, y1);
     243             :                     poRing->addPoint(x0 > 0 ? x0 : x0 + 360, y0);
     244             :                     poPoly->addRingDirectly(poRing);
     245             :                     auto poFeature = std::make_unique<OGRFeature>(poLayerDefn);
     246             :                     poFeature->SetField(0, static_cast<int>(iX));
     247             :                     poFeature->SetField(1, static_cast<int>(iY));
     248             :                     poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly(poPoly);
     249             :                     CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(poLayer->CreateFeature(poFeature.get()));
     250             :                     if (x0 > 0)
     251             :                         x0 -= 360;
     252             :                     if (x1 > 0)
     253             :                         x1 -= 360;
     254             :                     if (x2 > 0)
     255             :                         x2 -= 360;
     256             :                     if (x3 > 0)
     257             :                         x3 -= 360;
     258             :                 }
     259             : 
     260             :                 OGRPolygon *poPoly = new OGRPolygon();
     261             :                 OGRLinearRing *poRing = new OGRLinearRing();
     262             :                 poRing->addPoint(x0, y0);
     263             :                 poRing->addPoint(x2, y2);
     264             :                 poRing->addPoint(x3, y3);
     265             :                 poRing->addPoint(x1, y1);
     266             :                 poRing->addPoint(x0, y0);
     267             :                 poPoly->addRingDirectly(poRing);
     268             :                 auto poFeature = std::make_unique<OGRFeature>(poLayerDefn);
     269             :                 poFeature->SetField(0, static_cast<int>(iX));
     270             :                 poFeature->SetField(1, static_cast<int>(iY));
     271             :                 poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly(poPoly);
     272             :                 CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(poLayer->CreateFeature(poFeature.get()));
     273             :             }
     274             :         }
     275             :     }
     276             : #endif
     277             : 
     278          48 :     if (psTransform->bOriginIsTopLeftCorner)
     279             :     {
     280             :         // Add "virtual" edge at Y=nGeoLocYSize
     281        1772 :         for (int iX = 0; iX <= psTransform->nGeoLocXSize; iX++)
     282             :         {
     283             :             double dfGeoLocX;
     284             :             double dfGeoLocY;
     285        1746 :             if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform, static_cast<double>(iX),
     286        1746 :                                static_cast<double>(psTransform->nGeoLocYSize),
     287             :                                dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY))
     288           0 :                 continue;
     289        1746 :             if (psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange)
     290         982 :                 dfGeoLocX = Clamp(dfGeoLocX, -180.0, 180.0);
     291        1746 :             UpdateMinMax(psTransform, dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY);
     292             :         }
     293             : 
     294             :         // Add "virtual" edge at X=nGeoLocXSize
     295        1419 :         for (int iY = 0; iY <= psTransform->nGeoLocYSize; iY++)
     296             :         {
     297             :             double dfGeoLocX;
     298             :             double dfGeoLocY;
     299        1393 :             if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform,
     300        1393 :                                static_cast<double>(psTransform->nGeoLocXSize),
     301             :                                static_cast<double>(iY), dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY))
     302           0 :                 continue;
     303        1393 :             if (psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange)
     304        1189 :                 dfGeoLocX = Clamp(dfGeoLocX, -180.0, 180.0);
     305        1393 :             UpdateMinMax(psTransform, dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY);
     306             :         }
     307             :     }
     308             :     else
     309             :     {
     310             :         // Extend by half-pixel on 4 edges for pixel-center convention
     311             : 
     312         357 :         for (int iX = 0; iX <= psTransform->nGeoLocXSize; iX++)
     313             :         {
     314             :             double dfGeoLocX;
     315             :             double dfGeoLocY;
     316         335 :             if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform, static_cast<double>(iX), -0.5,
     317             :                                dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY))
     318         114 :                 continue;
     319         221 :             if (psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange)
     320         200 :                 dfGeoLocX = Clamp(dfGeoLocX, -180.0, 180.0);
     321         221 :             UpdateMinMax(psTransform, dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY);
     322             :         }
     323             : 
     324         357 :         for (int iX = 0; iX <= psTransform->nGeoLocXSize; iX++)
     325             :         {
     326             :             double dfGeoLocX;
     327             :             double dfGeoLocY;
     328         335 :             if (!PixelLineToXY(
     329             :                     psTransform, static_cast<double>(iX),
     330         335 :                     static_cast<double>(psTransform->nGeoLocYSize - 1 + 0.5),
     331             :                     dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY))
     332         118 :                 continue;
     333         217 :             if (psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange)
     334         196 :                 dfGeoLocX = Clamp(dfGeoLocX, -180.0, 180.0);
     335         217 :             UpdateMinMax(psTransform, dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY);
     336             :         }
     337             : 
     338         417 :         for (int iY = 0; iY <= psTransform->nGeoLocYSize; iY++)
     339             :         {
     340             :             double dfGeoLocX;
     341             :             double dfGeoLocY;
     342         395 :             if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform, -0.5, static_cast<double>(iY),
     343             :                                dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY))
     344         170 :                 continue;
     345         225 :             if (psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange)
     346         200 :                 dfGeoLocX = Clamp(dfGeoLocX, -180.0, 180.0);
     347         225 :             UpdateMinMax(psTransform, dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY);
     348             :         }
     349             : 
     350         417 :         for (int iY = 0; iY <= psTransform->nGeoLocYSize; iY++)
     351             :         {
     352             :             double dfGeoLocX;
     353             :             double dfGeoLocY;
     354         395 :             if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform, psTransform->nGeoLocXSize - 1 + 0.5,
     355             :                                static_cast<double>(iY), dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY))
     356         176 :                 continue;
     357         219 :             if (psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange)
     358         194 :                 dfGeoLocX = Clamp(dfGeoLocX, -180.0, 180.0);
     359         219 :             UpdateMinMax(psTransform, dfGeoLocX, dfGeoLocY);
     360             :         }
     361             :     }
     362          48 : }
     363             : 
     364             : /************************************************************************/
     365             : /*                     GDALGeoLoc::PixelLineToXY()                      */
     366             : /************************************************************************/
     367             : 
     368             : /** Interpolate a position expressed as (floating point) pixel/line in the
     369             :  * geolocation array to the corresponding bilinearly-interpolated georeferenced
     370             :  * position.
     371             :  *
     372             :  * The interpolation assumes infinite extension beyond borders of available
     373             :  * data based on closest grid square.
     374             :  *
     375             :  * @param psTransform Transformation info
     376             :  * @param dfGeoLocPixel Position along the column/pixel axis of the geolocation
     377             :  * array
     378             :  * @param dfGeoLocLine  Position along the row/line axis of the geolocation
     379             :  * array
     380             :  * @param[out] dfX      Output X of georeferenced position.
     381             :  * @param[out] dfY      Output Y of georeferenced position.
     382             :  * @return true if success
     383             :  */
     384             : 
     385             : template <class Accessors>
     386     1261684 : bool GDALGeoLoc<Accessors>::PixelLineToXY(
     387             :     const GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform, const double dfGeoLocPixel,
     388             :     const double dfGeoLocLine, double &dfX, double &dfY)
     389             : {
     390     1261684 :     int iX = static_cast<int>(
     391     2523368 :         std::min(std::max(0.0, dfGeoLocPixel),
     392     1261684 :                  static_cast<double>(psTransform->nGeoLocXSize - 1)));
     393     1261684 :     int iY = static_cast<int>(
     394     2523368 :         std::min(std::max(0.0, dfGeoLocLine),
     395     1261684 :                  static_cast<double>(psTransform->nGeoLocYSize - 1)));
     396             : 
     397     1261684 :     auto pAccessors = static_cast<Accessors *>(psTransform->pAccessors);
     398             : 
     399     1579345 :     for (int iAttempt = 0; iAttempt < 2; ++iAttempt)
     400             :     {
     401     1579345 :         const double dfGLX_0_0 = pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX, iY);
     402     1579345 :         const double dfGLY_0_0 = pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(iX, iY);
     403     1579345 :         if (psTransform->bHasNoData && dfGLX_0_0 == psTransform->dfNoDataX)
     404             :         {
     405       13114 :             return false;
     406             :         }
     407             : 
     408             :         // This assumes infinite extension beyond borders of available
     409             :         // data based on closest grid square.
     410     1566225 :         if (iX + 1 < psTransform->nGeoLocXSize &&
     411     1380005 :             iY + 1 < psTransform->nGeoLocYSize)
     412             :         {
     413     1248570 :             const double dfGLX_1_0 =
     414             :                 pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX + 1, iY);
     415     1248570 :             const double dfGLY_1_0 =
     416             :                 pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(iX + 1, iY);
     417     1248570 :             const double dfGLX_0_1 =
     418             :                 pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX, iY + 1);
     419     1248570 :             const double dfGLY_0_1 =
     420             :                 pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(iX, iY + 1);
     421     1248570 :             const double dfGLX_1_1 =
     422             :                 pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX + 1, iY + 1);
     423     1248570 :             const double dfGLY_1_1 =
     424             :                 pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(iX + 1, iY + 1);
     425     1248570 :             if (!psTransform->bHasNoData ||
     426       89134 :                 (dfGLX_1_0 != psTransform->dfNoDataX &&
     427       87634 :                  dfGLX_0_1 != psTransform->dfNoDataX &&
     428       86536 :                  dfGLX_1_1 != psTransform->dfNoDataX))
     429             :             {
     430             :                 const double dfGLX_1_0_adjusted =
     431     1245784 :                     ShiftGeoX(psTransform, dfGLX_0_0, dfGLX_1_0);
     432             :                 const double dfGLX_0_1_adjusted =
     433     1245784 :                     ShiftGeoX(psTransform, dfGLX_0_0, dfGLX_0_1);
     434             :                 const double dfGLX_1_1_adjusted =
     435     1245784 :                     ShiftGeoX(psTransform, dfGLX_0_0, dfGLX_1_1);
     436     1245784 :                 dfX = (1 - (dfGeoLocLine - iY)) *
     437     1245784 :                           (dfGLX_0_0 + (dfGeoLocPixel - iX) *
     438     1245784 :                                            (dfGLX_1_0_adjusted - dfGLX_0_0)) +
     439     1245784 :                       (dfGeoLocLine - iY) *
     440     1245784 :                           (dfGLX_0_1_adjusted +
     441     1245784 :                            (dfGeoLocPixel - iX) *
     442     1245784 :                                (dfGLX_1_1_adjusted - dfGLX_0_1_adjusted));
     443     1245784 :                 dfX = UnshiftGeoX(psTransform, dfX);
     444             : 
     445     1245784 :                 dfY = (1 - (dfGeoLocLine - iY)) *
     446     1245784 :                           (dfGLY_0_0 +
     447     1245784 :                            (dfGeoLocPixel - iX) * (dfGLY_1_0 - dfGLY_0_0)) +
     448     1245784 :                       (dfGeoLocLine - iY) *
     449     1245784 :                           (dfGLY_0_1 +
     450     1245784 :                            (dfGeoLocPixel - iX) * (dfGLY_1_1 - dfGLY_0_1));
     451     1245784 :                 break;
     452             :             }
     453             :         }
     454             : 
     455      320444 :         if (iX == psTransform->nGeoLocXSize - 1 && iX >= 1 &&
     456      186223 :             iY + 1 < psTransform->nGeoLocYSize)
     457             :         {
     458             :             // If we are after the right edge, then go one pixel left
     459             :             // and retry
     460      173501 :             iX--;
     461      173501 :             continue;
     462             :         }
     463      146943 :         else if (iY == psTransform->nGeoLocYSize - 1 && iY >= 1 &&
     464      144157 :                  iX + 1 < psTransform->nGeoLocXSize)
     465             :         {
     466             :             // If we are after the bottom edge, then go one pixel up
     467             :             // and retry
     468      131435 :             iY--;
     469      131435 :             continue;
     470             :         }
     471       15508 :         else if (iX == psTransform->nGeoLocXSize - 1 &&
     472       12722 :                  iY == psTransform->nGeoLocYSize - 1 && iX >= 1 && iY >= 1)
     473             :         {
     474             :             // If we are after the right and bottom edge, then go one pixel left
     475             :             // and up and retry
     476       12722 :             iX--;
     477       12722 :             iY--;
     478       12722 :             continue;
     479             :         }
     480        5572 :         else if (iX + 1 < psTransform->nGeoLocXSize &&
     481        2786 :                  (!psTransform->bHasNoData ||
     482        2786 :                   pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX + 1, iY) !=
     483        2786 :                       psTransform->dfNoDataX))
     484             :         {
     485        1286 :             const double dfGLX_1_0 =
     486             :                 pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX + 1, iY);
     487        1286 :             const double dfGLY_1_0 =
     488             :                 pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(iX + 1, iY);
     489        1286 :             dfX =
     490        1286 :                 dfGLX_0_0 +
     491        2572 :                 (dfGeoLocPixel - iX) *
     492        1286 :                     (ShiftGeoX(psTransform, dfGLX_0_0, dfGLX_1_0) - dfGLX_0_0);
     493        1286 :             dfX = UnshiftGeoX(psTransform, dfX);
     494        1286 :             dfY = dfGLY_0_0 + (dfGeoLocPixel - iX) * (dfGLY_1_0 - dfGLY_0_0);
     495             :         }
     496        3000 :         else if (iY + 1 < psTransform->nGeoLocYSize &&
     497        1500 :                  (!psTransform->bHasNoData ||
     498        1500 :                   pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX, iY + 1) !=
     499        1500 :                       psTransform->dfNoDataX))
     500             :         {
     501        1448 :             const double dfGLX_0_1 =
     502             :                 pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX, iY + 1);
     503        1448 :             const double dfGLY_0_1 =
     504             :                 pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(iX, iY + 1);
     505        1448 :             dfX =
     506        1448 :                 dfGLX_0_0 +
     507        2896 :                 (dfGeoLocLine - iY) *
     508        1448 :                     (ShiftGeoX(psTransform, dfGLX_0_0, dfGLX_0_1) - dfGLX_0_0);
     509        1448 :             dfX = UnshiftGeoX(psTransform, dfX);
     510        1448 :             dfY = dfGLY_0_0 + (dfGeoLocLine - iY) * (dfGLY_0_1 - dfGLY_0_0);
     511             :         }
     512             :         else
     513             :         {
     514          52 :             dfX = dfGLX_0_0;
     515          52 :             dfY = dfGLY_0_0;
     516             :         }
     517        2786 :         break;
     518             :     }
     519     1248570 :     return true;
     520             : }
     521             : 
     522             : template <class Accessors>
     523    10501780 : bool GDALGeoLoc<Accessors>::PixelLineToXY(
     524             :     const GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform, const int nGeoLocPixel,
     525             :     const int nGeoLocLine, double &dfX, double &dfY)
     526             : {
     527    10501780 :     if (nGeoLocPixel >= 0 && nGeoLocPixel < psTransform->nGeoLocXSize &&
     528     9826260 :         nGeoLocLine >= 0 && nGeoLocLine < psTransform->nGeoLocYSize)
     529             :     {
     530     9711660 :         auto pAccessors = static_cast<Accessors *>(psTransform->pAccessors);
     531     9711660 :         const double dfGLX =
     532             :             pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(nGeoLocPixel, nGeoLocLine);
     533     9711660 :         const double dfGLY =
     534             :             pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(nGeoLocPixel, nGeoLocLine);
     535     9711660 :         if (psTransform->bHasNoData && dfGLX == psTransform->dfNoDataX)
     536             :         {
     537       46946 :             return false;
     538             :         }
     539     9664710 :         dfX = dfGLX;
     540     9664710 :         dfY = dfGLY;
     541     9664710 :         return true;
     542             :     }
     543      790119 :     return PixelLineToXY(psTransform, static_cast<double>(nGeoLocPixel),
     544      790119 :                          static_cast<double>(nGeoLocLine), dfX, dfY);
     545             : }
     546             : 
     547             : /************************************************************************/
     548             : /*                     GDALGeoLoc::ExtractSquare()                      */
     549             : /************************************************************************/
     550             : 
     551             : template <class Accessors>
     552        3200 : bool GDALGeoLoc<Accessors>::ExtractSquare(
     553             :     const GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform, int nX, int nY, double &dfX_0_0,
     554             :     double &dfY_0_0, double &dfX_1_0, double &dfY_1_0, double &dfX_0_1,
     555             :     double &dfY_0_1, double &dfX_1_1, double &dfY_1_1)
     556             : {
     557        6400 :     return PixelLineToXY(psTransform, nX, nY, dfX_0_0, dfY_0_0) &&
     558        6400 :            PixelLineToXY(psTransform, nX + 1, nY, dfX_1_0, dfY_1_0) &&
     559        9600 :            PixelLineToXY(psTransform, nX, nY + 1, dfX_0_1, dfY_0_1) &&
     560        6400 :            PixelLineToXY(psTransform, nX + 1, nY + 1, dfX_1_1, dfY_1_1);
     561             : }
     562             : 
     563        3200 : bool GDALGeoLocExtractSquare(const GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform, int nX,
     564             :                              int nY, double &dfX_0_0, double &dfY_0_0,
     565             :                              double &dfX_1_0, double &dfY_1_0, double &dfX_0_1,
     566             :                              double &dfY_0_1, double &dfX_1_1, double &dfY_1_1)
     567             : {
     568        3200 :     if (psTransform->bUseArray)
     569             :     {
     570        3200 :         return GDALGeoLoc<GDALGeoLocCArrayAccessors>::ExtractSquare(
     571             :             psTransform, nX, nY, dfX_0_0, dfY_0_0, dfX_1_0, dfY_1_0, dfX_0_1,
     572        3200 :             dfY_0_1, dfX_1_1, dfY_1_1);
     573             :     }
     574             :     else
     575             :     {
     576           0 :         return GDALGeoLoc<GDALGeoLocDatasetAccessors>::ExtractSquare(
     577             :             psTransform, nX, nY, dfX_0_0, dfY_0_0, dfX_1_0, dfY_1_0, dfX_0_1,
     578           0 :             dfY_0_1, dfX_1_1, dfY_1_1);
     579             :     }
     580             : }
     581             : 
     582             : /************************************************************************/
     583             : /*                        GDALGeoLocTransform()                         */
     584             : /************************************************************************/
     585             : 
     586             : template <class Accessors>
     587       31164 : int GDALGeoLoc<Accessors>::Transform(void *pTransformArg, int bDstToSrc,
     588             :                                      int nPointCount, double *padfX,
     589             :                                      double *padfY, double * /* padfZ */,
     590             :                                      int *panSuccess)
     591             : {
     592       31164 :     int bSuccess = TRUE;
     593       31164 :     GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform =
     594             :         static_cast<GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
     595             : 
     596       31164 :     if (psTransform->bReversed)
     597           0 :         bDstToSrc = !bDstToSrc;
     598             : 
     599       31164 :     const double dfGeorefConventionOffset =
     600       31164 :         psTransform->bOriginIsTopLeftCorner ? 0 : 0.5;
     601             : 
     602             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     603             :     /*      Do original pixel line to target geox/geoy.                     */
     604             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     605       31164 :     if (!bDstToSrc)
     606             :     {
     607       70066 :         for (int i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++)
     608             :         {
     609       45165 :             if (padfX[i] == HUGE_VAL || padfY[i] == HUGE_VAL)
     610             :             {
     611        2745 :                 bSuccess = FALSE;
     612        2745 :                 panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
     613        2745 :                 continue;
     614             :             }
     615             : 
     616       42420 :             const double dfGeoLocPixel =
     617       42420 :                 (padfX[i] - psTransform->dfPIXEL_OFFSET) /
     618       42420 :                     psTransform->dfPIXEL_STEP -
     619             :                 dfGeorefConventionOffset;
     620       42420 :             const double dfGeoLocLine =
     621       42420 :                 (padfY[i] - psTransform->dfLINE_OFFSET) /
     622       42420 :                     psTransform->dfLINE_STEP -
     623             :                 dfGeorefConventionOffset;
     624             : 
     625       42420 :             if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform, dfGeoLocPixel, dfGeoLocLine,
     626       42420 :                                padfX[i], padfY[i]))
     627             :             {
     628        2826 :                 bSuccess = FALSE;
     629        2826 :                 panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
     630        2826 :                 padfX[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     631        2826 :                 padfY[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     632        2826 :                 continue;
     633             :             }
     634             : 
     635       39594 :             if (psTransform->bSwapXY)
     636             :             {
     637         568 :                 std::swap(padfX[i], padfY[i]);
     638             :             }
     639             : 
     640       39594 :             panSuccess[i] = TRUE;
     641             :         }
     642             :     }
     643             : 
     644             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     645             :     /*      geox/geoy to pixel/line using backmap.                          */
     646             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     647             :     else
     648             :     {
     649        6263 :         if (psTransform->hQuadTree)
     650             :         {
     651          24 :             GDALGeoLocInverseTransformQuadtree(psTransform, nPointCount, padfX,
     652             :                                                padfY, panSuccess);
     653          24 :             return TRUE;
     654             :         }
     655             : 
     656        6239 :         const bool bGeolocMaxAccuracy = CPLTestBool(
     657             :             CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_GEOLOC_USE_MAX_ACCURACY", "YES"));
     658             : 
     659             :         // Keep those objects in this outer scope, so they are re-used, to
     660             :         // save memory allocations.
     661       12478 :         OGRPoint oPoint;
     662       12478 :         OGRLinearRing oRing;
     663        6239 :         oRing.setNumPoints(5);
     664             : 
     665        6239 :         auto pAccessors = static_cast<Accessors *>(psTransform->pAccessors);
     666             : 
     667      216480 :         for (int i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++)
     668             :         {
     669      210241 :             if (padfX[i] == HUGE_VAL || padfY[i] == HUGE_VAL)
     670             :             {
     671           0 :                 bSuccess = FALSE;
     672           0 :                 panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
     673           0 :                 continue;
     674             :             }
     675             : 
     676      210241 :             if (psTransform->bSwapXY)
     677             :             {
     678         836 :                 std::swap(padfX[i], padfY[i]);
     679             :             }
     680             : 
     681      210241 :             const double dfGeoX = padfX[i];
     682      210241 :             const double dfGeoY = padfY[i];
     683             : 
     684      210241 :             const double dfBMX =
     685      210241 :                 ((padfX[i] - psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[0]) /
     686             :                  psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[1]);
     687      210241 :             const double dfBMY =
     688      210241 :                 ((padfY[i] - psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[3]) /
     689             :                  psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[5]);
     690             : 
     691      210241 :             if (!(dfBMX >= 0 && dfBMY >= 0 &&
     692      210111 :                   dfBMX + 1 < psTransform->nBackMapWidth &&
     693      208952 :                   dfBMY + 1 < psTransform->nBackMapHeight))
     694             :             {
     695        2068 :                 bSuccess = FALSE;
     696        2068 :                 panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
     697        2068 :                 padfX[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     698        2068 :                 padfY[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     699        2068 :                 continue;
     700             :             }
     701             : 
     702      208173 :             const int iBMX = static_cast<int>(dfBMX);
     703      208173 :             const int iBMY = static_cast<int>(dfBMY);
     704             : 
     705      208173 :             const auto fBMX_0_0 = pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY);
     706      208173 :             const auto fBMY_0_0 = pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY);
     707      208173 :             if (fBMX_0_0 == INVALID_BMXY)
     708             :             {
     709       86072 :                 bSuccess = FALSE;
     710       86072 :                 panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
     711       86072 :                 padfX[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     712       86072 :                 padfY[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     713       86072 :                 continue;
     714             :             }
     715             : 
     716      122101 :             const auto fBMX_1_0 =
     717             :                 pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Get(iBMX + 1, iBMY);
     718      122101 :             const auto fBMY_1_0 =
     719             :                 pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Get(iBMX + 1, iBMY);
     720      122101 :             const auto fBMX_0_1 =
     721             :                 pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY + 1);
     722      122101 :             const auto fBMY_0_1 =
     723             :                 pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY + 1);
     724      122101 :             const auto fBMX_1_1 =
     725             :                 pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Get(iBMX + 1, iBMY + 1);
     726      122101 :             const auto fBMY_1_1 =
     727             :                 pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Get(iBMX + 1, iBMY + 1);
     728      122101 :             if (fBMX_1_0 != INVALID_BMXY && fBMX_0_1 != INVALID_BMXY &&
     729             :                 fBMX_1_1 != INVALID_BMXY)
     730             :             {
     731      119870 :                 padfX[i] =
     732      119870 :                     (1 - (dfBMY - iBMY)) *
     733      119870 :                         (fBMX_0_0 + (dfBMX - iBMX) * (fBMX_1_0 - fBMX_0_0)) +
     734      119870 :                     (dfBMY - iBMY) *
     735      119870 :                         (fBMX_0_1 + (dfBMX - iBMX) * (fBMX_1_1 - fBMX_0_1));
     736      119870 :                 padfY[i] =
     737      119870 :                     (1 - (dfBMY - iBMY)) *
     738      119870 :                         (fBMY_0_0 + (dfBMX - iBMX) * (fBMY_1_0 - fBMY_0_0)) +
     739      119870 :                     (dfBMY - iBMY) *
     740      119870 :                         (fBMY_0_1 + (dfBMX - iBMX) * (fBMY_1_1 - fBMY_0_1));
     741             :             }
     742        2231 :             else if (fBMX_1_0 != INVALID_BMXY)
     743             :             {
     744        1686 :                 padfX[i] = fBMX_0_0 + (dfBMX - iBMX) * (fBMX_1_0 - fBMX_0_0);
     745        1686 :                 padfY[i] = fBMY_0_0 + (dfBMX - iBMX) * (fBMY_1_0 - fBMY_0_0);
     746             :             }
     747         545 :             else if (fBMX_0_1 != INVALID_BMXY)
     748             :             {
     749         410 :                 padfX[i] = fBMX_0_0 + (dfBMY - iBMY) * (fBMX_0_1 - fBMX_0_0);
     750         410 :                 padfY[i] = fBMY_0_0 + (dfBMY - iBMY) * (fBMY_0_1 - fBMY_0_0);
     751             :             }
     752             :             else
     753             :             {
     754         135 :                 padfX[i] = fBMX_0_0;
     755         135 :                 padfY[i] = fBMY_0_0;
     756             :             }
     757             : 
     758      122101 :             const double dfGeoLocPixel =
     759      122101 :                 (padfX[i] - psTransform->dfPIXEL_OFFSET) /
     760      122101 :                     psTransform->dfPIXEL_STEP -
     761             :                 dfGeorefConventionOffset;
     762      122101 :             const double dfGeoLocLine =
     763      122101 :                 (padfY[i] - psTransform->dfLINE_OFFSET) /
     764      122101 :                     psTransform->dfLINE_STEP -
     765             :                 dfGeorefConventionOffset;
     766             : #if 0
     767             :             CPLDebug("GEOLOC", "%f %f %f %f", padfX[i], padfY[i], dfGeoLocPixel, dfGeoLocLine);
     768             :             if( !psTransform->bOriginIsTopLeftCorner )
     769             :             {
     770             :                 if( dfGeoLocPixel + dfGeorefConventionOffset > psTransform->nGeoLocXSize-1 ||
     771             :                     dfGeoLocLine + dfGeorefConventionOffset > psTransform->nGeoLocYSize-1 )
     772             :                 {
     773             :                     panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
     774             :                     padfX[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     775             :                     padfY[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     776             :                     continue;
     777             :                 }
     778             :             }
     779             : #endif
     780      122101 :             if (!bGeolocMaxAccuracy)
     781             :             {
     782           0 :                 panSuccess[i] = TRUE;
     783           0 :                 continue;
     784             :             }
     785             : 
     786             :             // Now that we have an approximate solution, identify a matching
     787             :             // cell in the geolocation array, where we can use inverse bilinear
     788             :             // interpolation to find the exact solution.
     789             : 
     790             :             // NOTE: if the geolocation array is an affine transformation,
     791             :             // the approximate solution should match the exact one, if the
     792             :             // backmap has correctly been built.
     793             : 
     794      122101 :             oPoint.setX(dfGeoX);
     795      122101 :             oPoint.setY(dfGeoY);
     796             :             // The thresholds and radius are rather empirical and have been
     797             :             // tuned on the product
     798             :             //
     799             :             // that includes the north pole.
     800             :             // Amended with the test case of
     801             :             //
     802      122101 :             const int nSearchRadius =
     803      122101 :                 psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange &&
     804       72344 :                         fabs(dfGeoY) >= 85
     805             :                     ? 5
     806             :                     : 3;
     807      122101 :             const int nGeoLocPixel =
     808      122101 :                 static_cast<int>(std::floor(dfGeoLocPixel));
     809      122101 :             const int nGeoLocLine = static_cast<int>(std::floor(dfGeoLocLine));
     810             : 
     811      122101 :             bool bDone = false;
     812             :             // Using the above approximate nGeoLocPixel, nGeoLocLine, try to
     813             :             // find a forward cell that includes (dfGeoX, dfGeoY), with an
     814             :             // increasing search radius, up to nSearchRadius.
     815      329732 :             for (int r = 0; !bDone && r <= nSearchRadius; r++)
     816             :             {
     817     1672277 :                 for (int iter = 0; !bDone && iter < (r == 0 ? 1 : 8 * r);
     818             :                      ++iter)
     819             :                 {
     820             :                     // For r=1, the below formulas will give the following
     821             :                     // offsets:
     822             :                     // (-1,1), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0), (1,-1), (0,-1), (1,-1)
     823     2807190 :                     const int sx = (r == 0)         ? 0
     824     1342545 :                                    : (iter < 2 * r) ? -r + iter
     825      985782 :                                    : (iter < 4 * r) ? r
     826      646809 :                                    : (iter < 6 * r) ? r - (iter - 4 * r)
     827             :                                                     : -r;
     828     2807190 :                     const int sy = (r == 0)         ? 0
     829     1342545 :                                    : (iter < 2 * r) ? r
     830      985782 :                                    : (iter < 4 * r) ? r - (iter - 2 * r)
     831      646809 :                                    : (iter < 6 * r) ? -r
     832      317228 :                                                     : -r + (iter - 6 * r);
     833     1783986 :                     if (nGeoLocPixel >=
     834     1464646 :                             static_cast<int>(psTransform->nGeoLocXSize) - sx ||
     835             :                         nGeoLocLine >=
     836     1233276 :                             static_cast<int>(psTransform->nGeoLocYSize) - sy)
     837             :                     {
     838      319344 :                         continue;
     839             :                     }
     840     1145302 :                     const int iX = nGeoLocPixel + sx;
     841     1145302 :                     const int iY = nGeoLocLine + sy;
     842     1145302 :                     if (iX >= -1 || iY >= -1)
     843             :                     {
     844             :                         double x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
     845             : 
     846     1145118 :                         if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform, iX, iY, x0, y0) ||
     847     1105472 :                             !PixelLineToXY(psTransform, iX + 1, iY, x2, y2) ||
     848     3347450 :                             !PixelLineToXY(psTransform, iX, iY + 1, x1, y1) ||
     849     1096860 :                             !PixelLineToXY(psTransform, iX + 1, iY + 1, x3, y3))
     850             :                         {
     851       48686 :                             continue;
     852             :                         }
     853             : 
     854     1096432 :                         int nIters = 1;
     855             :                         // For a bounding box crossing the anti-meridian, check
     856             :                         // both around -180 and +180 deg.
     857     1096432 :                         if (psTransform
     858     1096432 :                                 ->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange &&
     859      950423 :                             std::fabs(x0) > 170 && std::fabs(x1) > 170 &&
     860       50764 :                             std::fabs(x2) > 170 && std::fabs(x3) > 170 &&
     861       37304 :                             (std::fabs(x1 - x0) > 180 ||
     862       37012 :                              std::fabs(x2 - x0) > 180 ||
     863       30492 :                              std::fabs(x3 - x0) > 180))
     864             :                         {
     865        7104 :                             nIters = 2;
     866        7104 :                             if (x0 > 0)
     867           0 :                                 x0 -= 360;
     868        7104 :                             if (x1 > 0)
     869         292 :                                 x1 -= 360;
     870        7104 :                             if (x2 > 0)
     871        6812 :                                 x2 -= 360;
     872        7104 :                             if (x3 > 0)
     873        7104 :                                 x3 -= 360;
     874             :                         }
     875     2199849 :                         for (int iIter = 0; !bDone && iIter < nIters; ++iIter)
     876             :                         {
     877     1103418 :                             if (iIter == 1)
     878             :                             {
     879        6986 :                                 x0 += 360;
     880        6986 :                                 x1 += 360;
     881        6986 :                                 x2 += 360;
     882        6986 :                                 x3 += 360;
     883             :                             }
     884     1103418 :                             oRing.setPoint(0, x0, y0);
     885     1103418 :                             oRing.setPoint(1, x2, y2);
     886     1103418 :                             oRing.setPoint(2, x3, y3);
     887     1103418 :                             oRing.setPoint(3, x1, y1);
     888     1103418 :                             oRing.setPoint(4, x0, y0);
     889     2103446 :                             if (oRing.isPointInRing(&oPoint) ||
     890     1000033 :                                 oRing.isPointOnRingBoundary(&oPoint))
     891             :                             {
     892      104799 :                                 double dfX = static_cast<double>(iX);
     893      104799 :                                 double dfY = static_cast<double>(iY);
     894      104799 :                                 GDALInverseBilinearInterpolation(
     895             :                                     dfGeoX, dfGeoY, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3,
     896             :                                     y3, dfX, dfY);
     897             : 
     898      104799 :                                 dfX = (dfX + dfGeorefConventionOffset) *
     899      104799 :                                           psTransform->dfPIXEL_STEP +
     900      104799 :                                       psTransform->dfPIXEL_OFFSET;
     901      104799 :                                 dfY = (dfY + dfGeorefConventionOffset) *
     902      104799 :                                           psTransform->dfLINE_STEP +
     903      104799 :                                       psTransform->dfLINE_OFFSET;
     904             : 
     905             : #ifdef DEBUG_GEOLOC_REALLY_VERBOSE
     906             :                                 CPLDebug("GEOLOC",
     907             :                                          "value before adjustment: %f %f, "
     908             :                                          "after adjustment: %f %f",
     909             :                                          padfX[i], padfY[i], dfX, dfY);
     910             : #endif
     911             : 
     912      104799 :                                 padfX[i] = dfX;
     913      104799 :                                 padfY[i] = dfY;
     914             : 
     915      104799 :                                 bDone = true;
     916             :                             }
     917             :                         }
     918             :                     }
     919             :                 }
     920             :             }
     921      122101 :             if (!bDone)
     922             :             {
     923       17302 :                 bSuccess = FALSE;
     924       17302 :                 panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
     925       17302 :                 padfX[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     926       17302 :                 padfY[i] = HUGE_VAL;
     927       17302 :                 continue;
     928             :             }
     929             : 
     930      104799 :             panSuccess[i] = TRUE;
     931             :         }
     932             :     }
     933             : 
     934       31140 :     return bSuccess;
     935             : }
     936             : 
     937             : /*! @endcond */
     938             : 
     939             : /************************************************************************/
     940             : /*                  GDALInverseBilinearInterpolation()                  */
     941             : /************************************************************************/
     942             : 
     943             : // (i,j) before the call should correspond to the input coordinates that give
     944             : // (x0,y0) as output of the forward interpolation
     945             : // After the call it will be updated to the input coordinates that give (x,y)
     946             : // This assumes that (x,y) is within the polygon formed by
     947             : // (x0, y0), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x1, y1), (x0, y0)
     948      242996 : void GDALInverseBilinearInterpolation(const double x, const double y,
     949             :                                       const double x0, const double y0,
     950             :                                       const double x1, const double y1,
     951             :                                       const double x2, const double y2,
     952             :                                       const double x3, const double y3,
     953             :                                       double &i, double &j)
     954             : {
     955             :     // Exact inverse bilinear interpolation method.
     956             :     // Maths from
     957             : 
     958      242996 :     const double A = (x0 - x) * (y0 - y2) - (y0 - y) * (x0 - x2);
     959      242996 :     const double B = (((x0 - x) * (y1 - y3) - (y0 - y) * (x1 - x3)) +
     960      242996 :                       ((x1 - x) * (y0 - y2) - (y1 - y) * (x0 - x2))) /
     961             :                      2;
     962      242996 :     const double C = (x1 - x) * (y1 - y3) - (y1 - y) * (x1 - x3);
     963      242996 :     const double denom = A - 2 * B + C;
     964             :     double s;
     965      242996 :     const double magnitudeOfValues = fabs(A) + fabs(B) + fabs(C);
     966      242996 :     if (fabs(denom) <= 1e-12 * magnitudeOfValues)
     967             :     {
     968             :         // Happens typically when the x_i,y_i points form a rectangle
     969             :         // Can also happen when they form a triangle.
     970      130853 :         s = A / (A - C);
     971             :     }
     972             :     else
     973             :     {
     974      112143 :         const double sqrtTerm = sqrt(B * B - A * C);
     975      112143 :         const double s1 = ((A - B) + sqrtTerm) / denom;
     976      112143 :         const double s2 = ((A - B) - sqrtTerm) / denom;
     977      112143 :         if (s1 < 0 || s1 > 1)
     978       95694 :             s = s2;
     979             :         else
     980       16449 :             s = s1;
     981             :     }
     982             : 
     983      242996 :     const double t_denom_x = (1 - s) * (x0 - x2) + s * (x1 - x3);
     984      242996 :     if (fabs(t_denom_x) > 1e-12 * magnitudeOfValues)
     985             :     {
     986      241486 :         i += ((1 - s) * (x0 - x) + s * (x1 - x)) / t_denom_x;
     987             :     }
     988             :     else
     989             :     {
     990        1510 :         const double t_denom_y = (1 - s) * (y0 - y2) + s * (y1 - y3);
     991        1510 :         if (fabs(t_denom_y) > 1e-12 * magnitudeOfValues)
     992             :         {
     993        1510 :             i += ((1 - s) * (y0 - y) + s * (y1 - y)) / t_denom_y;
     994             :         }
     995             :     }
     996             : 
     997      242996 :     j += s;
     998      242996 : }
     999             : 
    1000             : /************************************************************************/
    1001             : /*                       GeoLocGenerateBackMap()                        */
    1002             : /************************************************************************/
    1003             : 
    1004             : /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */
    1005             : 
    1006             : template <class Accessors>
    1007          44 : bool GDALGeoLoc<Accessors>::GenerateBackMap(
    1008             :     GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform)
    1009             : 
    1010             : {
    1011          44 :     CPLDebug("GEOLOC", "Starting backmap generation");
    1012          44 :     const int nXSize = psTransform->nGeoLocXSize;
    1013          44 :     const int nYSize = psTransform->nGeoLocYSize;
    1014             : 
    1015             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1016             :     /*      Decide on resolution for backmap.  We aim for slightly          */
    1017             :     /*      higher resolution than the source but we can't easily           */
    1018             :     /*      establish how much dead space there is in the backmap, so it    */
    1019             :     /*      is approximate.                                                 */
    1020             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1021          44 :     const double dfTargetPixels =
    1022          44 :         static_cast<double>(nXSize) * nYSize * psTransform->dfOversampleFactor;
    1023             :     const double dfPixelSizeSquare =
    1024          44 :         sqrt((psTransform->dfMaxX - psTransform->dfMinX) *
    1025          44 :              (psTransform->dfMaxY - psTransform->dfMinY) / dfTargetPixels);
    1026          44 :     if (dfPixelSizeSquare == 0.0)
    1027             :     {
    1028           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid pixel size for backmap");
    1029           0 :         return false;
    1030             :     }
    1031             : 
    1032          44 :     const double dfMinX = psTransform->dfMinX - dfPixelSizeSquare / 2.0;
    1033          44 :     const double dfMaxX = psTransform->dfMaxX + dfPixelSizeSquare / 2.0;
    1034          44 :     const double dfMaxY = psTransform->dfMaxY + dfPixelSizeSquare / 2.0;
    1035          44 :     const double dfMinY = psTransform->dfMinY - dfPixelSizeSquare / 2.0;
    1036          44 :     const double dfBMXSize = std::ceil((dfMaxX - dfMinX) / dfPixelSizeSquare);
    1037          44 :     const double dfBMYSize = std::ceil((dfMaxY - dfMinY) / dfPixelSizeSquare);
    1038             : 
    1039             :     // +2 : +1 due to afterwards nBMXSize++, and another +1 as security margin
    1040             :     // for other computations.
    1041          44 :     if (!(dfBMXSize > 0 && dfBMXSize + 2 < INT_MAX) ||
    1042          44 :         !(dfBMYSize > 0 && dfBMYSize + 2 < INT_MAX))
    1043             :     {
    1044           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Int overflow : %f x %f",
    1045             :                  dfBMXSize, dfBMYSize);
    1046           0 :         return false;
    1047             :     }
    1048             : 
    1049          44 :     int nBMXSize = static_cast<int>(dfBMXSize);
    1050          44 :     int nBMYSize = static_cast<int>(dfBMYSize);
    1051             : 
    1052          88 :     if (static_cast<size_t>(1 + nBMYSize) >
    1053          44 :         std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / static_cast<size_t>(1 + nBMXSize))
    1054             :     {
    1055           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Int overflow : %f x %f",
    1056             :                  dfBMXSize, dfBMYSize);
    1057           0 :         return false;
    1058             :     }
    1059             : 
    1060          44 :     const double dfPixelXSize = (dfMaxX - dfMinX) / nBMXSize;
    1061          44 :     const double dfPixelYSize = (dfMaxY - dfMinY) / nBMYSize;
    1062             : 
    1063             :     // Extra pixel for right-edge and bottom-edge extensions in TOP_LEFT_CORNER
    1064             :     // convention.
    1065          44 :     nBMXSize++;
    1066          44 :     nBMYSize++;
    1067          44 :     psTransform->nBackMapWidth = nBMXSize;
    1068          44 :     psTransform->nBackMapHeight = nBMYSize;
    1069             : 
    1070          44 :     psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[0] = dfMinX;
    1071          44 :     psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[1] = dfPixelXSize;
    1072          44 :     psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
    1073          44 :     psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[3] = dfMaxY;
    1074          44 :     psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
    1075          44 :     psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform[5] = -dfPixelYSize;
    1076             : 
    1077             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1078             :     /*      Allocate backmap.                                               */
    1079             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1080          44 :     auto pAccessors = static_cast<Accessors *>(psTransform->pAccessors);
    1081          44 :     if (!pAccessors->AllocateBackMap())
    1082           0 :         return false;
    1083             : 
    1084          44 :     const double dfGeorefConventionOffset =
    1085          44 :         psTransform->bOriginIsTopLeftCorner ? 0 : 0.5;
    1086             : 
    1087          44 :     const auto UpdateBackmap =
    1088     8957995 :         [&](int iBMX, int iBMY, double dfX, double dfY, double tempwt)
    1089             :     {
    1090      822374 :         const auto fBMX = pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY);
    1091      822374 :         const auto fBMY = pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY);
    1092      822374 :         const float fUpdatedBMX =
    1093             :             fBMX +
    1094      822374 :             static_cast<float>(tempwt * ((dfX + dfGeorefConventionOffset) *
    1095      822374 :                                              psTransform->dfPIXEL_STEP +
    1096      822374 :                                          psTransform->dfPIXEL_OFFSET));
    1097      822374 :         const float fUpdatedBMY =
    1098             :             fBMY +
    1099      822374 :             static_cast<float>(tempwt * ((dfY + dfGeorefConventionOffset) *
    1100      822374 :                                              psTransform->dfLINE_STEP +
    1101      822374 :                                          psTransform->dfLINE_OFFSET));
    1102      822374 :         const float fUpdatedWeight =
    1103      822374 :             pAccessors->backMapWeightAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY) +
    1104      822374 :             static_cast<float>(tempwt);
    1105             : 
    1106             :         // Only update the backmap if the updated averaged value results in a
    1107             :         // geoloc position that isn't too different from the original one.
    1108             :         // (there's no guarantee that if padfGeoLocX[i] ~= padfGeoLoc[j],
    1109             :         //  padfGeoLoc[alpha * i + (1 - alpha) * j] ~= padfGeoLoc[i] )
    1110      822374 :         if (fUpdatedWeight > 0)
    1111             :         {
    1112      822371 :             const float fX = fUpdatedBMX / fUpdatedWeight;
    1113      822371 :             const float fY = fUpdatedBMY / fUpdatedWeight;
    1114      822371 :             const double dfGeoLocPixel =
    1115      822371 :                 (fX - psTransform->dfPIXEL_OFFSET) / psTransform->dfPIXEL_STEP -
    1116             :                 dfGeorefConventionOffset;
    1117      822371 :             const double dfGeoLocLine =
    1118      822371 :                 (fY - psTransform->dfLINE_OFFSET) / psTransform->dfLINE_STEP -
    1119             :                 dfGeorefConventionOffset;
    1120      822371 :             int iXAvg = static_cast<int>(std::max(0.0, dfGeoLocPixel));
    1121      822371 :             iXAvg = std::min(iXAvg, psTransform->nGeoLocXSize - 1);
    1122      822371 :             int iYAvg = static_cast<int>(std::max(0.0, dfGeoLocLine));
    1123      822371 :             iYAvg = std::min(iYAvg, psTransform->nGeoLocYSize - 1);
    1124      822371 :             const double dfGLX = pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iXAvg, iYAvg);
    1125      822371 :             const double dfGLY = pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(iXAvg, iYAvg);
    1126             : 
    1127      822371 :             const unsigned iX = static_cast<unsigned>(dfX);
    1128      822371 :             const unsigned iY = static_cast<unsigned>(dfY);
    1129     1644730 :             if (!(psTransform->bHasNoData && dfGLX == psTransform->dfNoDataX) &&
    1130      822361 :                 ((iX >= static_cast<unsigned>(nXSize - 1) ||
    1131      808482 :                   iY >= static_cast<unsigned>(nYSize - 1)) ||
    1132      798718 :                  (fabs(dfGLX - pAccessors->geolocXAccessor.Get(iX, iY)) <=
    1133      798718 :                       2 * dfPixelXSize &&
    1134      756277 :                   fabs(dfGLY - pAccessors->geolocYAccessor.Get(iX, iY)) <=
    1135      756277 :                       2 * dfPixelYSize)))
    1136             :             {
    1137      779782 :                 pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Set(iBMX, iBMY, fUpdatedBMX);
    1138      779782 :                 pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Set(iBMX, iBMY, fUpdatedBMY);
    1139      779782 :                 pAccessors->backMapWeightAccessor.Set(iBMX, iBMY,
    1140             :                                                       fUpdatedWeight);
    1141             :             }
    1142             :         }
    1143             :     };
    1144             : 
    1145             :     // Keep those objects in this outer scope, so they are re-used, to
    1146             :     // save memory allocations.
    1147          88 :     OGRPoint oPoint;
    1148          88 :     OGRLinearRing oRing;
    1149          44 :     oRing.setNumPoints(5);
    1150             : 
    1151             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1152             :     /*      Run through the whole geoloc array forward projecting and       */
    1153             :     /*      pushing into the backmap.                                       */
    1154             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1155             : 
    1156             :     // Iterate over the (i,j) pixel space of the geolocation array, in a
    1157             :     // sufficiently dense way that if the geolocation array expressed an affine
    1158             :     // transformation, we would hit every node of the backmap.
    1159          44 :     const double dfStep = 1. / psTransform->dfOversampleFactor;
    1160             : 
    1161          44 :     constexpr int TILE_SIZE = GDALGeoLocDatasetAccessors::TILE_SIZE;
    1162          44 :     const int nYBlocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(nYSize, TILE_SIZE);
    1163          44 :     const int nXBlocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(nXSize, TILE_SIZE);
    1164             : 
    1165             :     // First compute for each block the start end ending floating-point
    1166             :     // pixel/line values
    1167          88 :     std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> yStartEnd(nYBlocks + 1);
    1168          88 :     std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> xStartEnd(nXBlocks + 1);
    1169             : 
    1170             :     {
    1171          44 :         int iYBlockLast = -1;
    1172          44 :         double dfY = -dfStep;
    1173        2371 :         for (; dfY <= static_cast<double>(nYSize) + 2 * dfStep; dfY += dfStep)
    1174             :         {
    1175        2327 :             const int iYBlock = static_cast<int>(dfY / TILE_SIZE);
    1176        2327 :             if (iYBlock != iYBlockLast)
    1177             :             {
    1178          46 :                 CPLAssert(iYBlock == iYBlockLast + 1);
    1179          46 :                 if (iYBlockLast >= 0)
    1180           2 :                     yStartEnd[iYBlockLast].second = dfY + dfStep / 10;
    1181          46 :                 yStartEnd[iYBlock].first = dfY;
    1182          46 :                 iYBlockLast = iYBlock;
    1183             :             }
    1184             :         }
    1185          44 :         const int iYBlock = static_cast<int>(dfY / TILE_SIZE);
    1186          44 :         yStartEnd[iYBlock].second = dfY + dfStep / 10;
    1187             :     }
    1188             : 
    1189             :     {
    1190          44 :         int iXBlockLast = -1;
    1191          44 :         double dfX = -dfStep;
    1192        2755 :         for (; dfX <= static_cast<double>(nXSize) + 2 * dfStep; dfX += dfStep)
    1193             :         {
    1194        2711 :             const int iXBlock = static_cast<int>(dfX / TILE_SIZE);
    1195        2711 :             if (iXBlock != iXBlockLast)
    1196             :             {
    1197          46 :                 CPLAssert(iXBlock == iXBlockLast + 1);
    1198          46 :                 if (iXBlockLast >= 0)
    1199           2 :                     xStartEnd[iXBlockLast].second = dfX + dfStep / 10;
    1200          46 :                 xStartEnd[iXBlock].first = dfX;
    1201          46 :                 iXBlockLast = iXBlock;
    1202             :             }
    1203             :         }
    1204          44 :         const int iXBlock = static_cast<int>(dfX / TILE_SIZE);
    1205          44 :         xStartEnd[iXBlock].second = dfX + dfStep / 10;
    1206             :     }
    1207             : 
    1208          90 :     for (int iYBlock = 0; iYBlock < nYBlocks; ++iYBlock)
    1209             :     {
    1210          94 :         for (int iXBlock = 0; iXBlock < nXBlocks; ++iXBlock)
    1211             :         {
    1212             : #if 0
    1213             :         CPLDebug("Process geoloc block (y=%d,x=%d) for y in [%f, %f] and x in [%f, %f]",
    1214             :                  iYBlock, iXBlock,
    1215             :                  yStartEnd[iYBlock].first, yStartEnd[iYBlock].second,
    1216             :                  xStartEnd[iXBlock].first, xStartEnd[iXBlock].second);
    1217             : #endif
    1218        2637 :             for (double dfY = yStartEnd[iYBlock].first;
    1219        2637 :                  dfY < yStartEnd[iYBlock].second; dfY += dfStep)
    1220             :             {
    1221      427135 :                 for (double dfX = xStartEnd[iXBlock].first;
    1222      427135 :                      dfX < xStartEnd[iXBlock].second; dfX += dfStep)
    1223             :                 {
    1224             :                     // Use forward geolocation array interpolation to compute
    1225             :                     // the georeferenced position corresponding to (dfX, dfY)
    1226             :                     double dfGeoLocX;
    1227             :                     double dfGeoLocY;
    1228      424546 :                     if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform, dfX, dfY, dfGeoLocX,
    1229             :                                        dfGeoLocY))
    1230      145313 :                         continue;
    1231             : 
    1232             :                     // Compute the floating point coordinates in the pixel space
    1233             :                     // of the backmap
    1234      417864 :                     const double dBMX = static_cast<double>(
    1235      417864 :                         (dfGeoLocX - dfMinX) / dfPixelXSize);
    1236             : 
    1237      417864 :                     const double dBMY = static_cast<double>(
    1238      417864 :                         (dfMaxY - dfGeoLocY) / dfPixelYSize);
    1239             : 
    1240             :                     // Get top left index by truncation
    1241      417864 :                     const int iBMX = static_cast<int>(std::floor(dBMX));
    1242      417864 :                     const int iBMY = static_cast<int>(std::floor(dBMY));
    1243             : 
    1244      417864 :                     if (iBMX >= 0 && iBMX < nBMXSize && iBMY >= 0 &&
    1245             :                         iBMY < nBMYSize)
    1246             :                     {
    1247             :                         // Compute the georeferenced position of the top-left
    1248             :                         // index of the backmap
    1249      416115 :                         double dfGeoX = dfMinX + iBMX * dfPixelXSize;
    1250      416115 :                         const double dfGeoY = dfMaxY - iBMY * dfPixelYSize;
    1251             : 
    1252      416115 :                         bool bMatchingGeoLocCellFound = false;
    1253             : 
    1254      416115 :                         const int nOuterIters =
    1255      416115 :                             psTransform->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange &&
    1256      311777 :                                     fabs(dfGeoX) >= 180
    1257             :                                 ? 2
    1258             :                                 : 1;
    1259             : 
    1260      832254 :                         for (int iOuterIter = 0; iOuterIter < nOuterIters;
    1261             :                              ++iOuterIter)
    1262             :                         {
    1263      416139 :                             if (iOuterIter == 1 && dfGeoX >= 180)
    1264           0 :                                 dfGeoX -= 360;
    1265      416139 :                             else if (iOuterIter == 1 && dfGeoX <= -180)
    1266          24 :                                 dfGeoX += 360;
    1267             : 
    1268             :                             // Identify a cell (quadrilateral in georeferenced
    1269             :                             // space) in the geolocation array in which dfGeoX,
    1270             :                             // dfGeoY falls into.
    1271      416139 :                             oPoint.setX(dfGeoX);
    1272      416139 :                             oPoint.setY(dfGeoY);
    1273      416139 :                             const int nX = static_cast<int>(std::floor(dfX));
    1274      416139 :                             const int nY = static_cast<int>(std::floor(dfY));
    1275     1196012 :                             for (int sx = -1;
    1276     1196012 :                                  !bMatchingGeoLocCellFound && sx <= 0; sx++)
    1277             :                             {
    1278     2289683 :                                 for (int sy = -1;
    1279     2289683 :                                      !bMatchingGeoLocCellFound && sy <= 0; sy++)
    1280             :                                 {
    1281     1511101 :                                     const int pixel = nX + sx;
    1282     1511101 :                                     const int line = nY + sy;
    1283             :                                     double x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
    1284     1511101 :                                     if (!PixelLineToXY(psTransform, pixel, line,
    1285     1510533 :                                                        x0, y0) ||
    1286     1510533 :                                         !PixelLineToXY(psTransform, pixel + 1,
    1287     1510313 :                                                        line, x2, y2) ||
    1288     1510313 :                                         !PixelLineToXY(psTransform, pixel,
    1289     3021630 :                                                        line + 1, x1, y1) ||
    1290     1509883 :                                         !PixelLineToXY(psTransform, pixel + 1,
    1291             :                                                        line + 1, x3, y3))
    1292             :                                     {
    1293        1288 :                                         break;
    1294             :                                     }
    1295             : 
    1296     1509813 :                                     int nIters = 1;
    1297     1509813 :                                     if (psTransform
    1298     1509813 :                                             ->bGeographicSRSWithMinus180Plus180LongRange &&
    1299     1178290 :                                         std::fabs(x0) > 170 &&
    1300       13548 :                                         std::fabs(x1) > 170 &&
    1301       13310 :                                         std::fabs(x2) > 170 &&
    1302       12092 :                                         std::fabs(x3) > 170 &&
    1303       11914 :                                         (std::fabs(x1 - x0) > 180 ||
    1304       11858 :                                          std::fabs(x2 - x0) > 180 ||
    1305       10496 :                                          std::fabs(x3 - x0) > 180))
    1306             :                                     {
    1307        1486 :                                         nIters = 2;
    1308        1486 :                                         if (x0 > 0)
    1309           0 :                                             x0 -= 360;
    1310        1486 :                                         if (x1 > 0)
    1311          56 :                                             x1 -= 360;
    1312        1486 :                                         if (x2 > 0)
    1313        1418 :                                             x2 -= 360;
    1314        1486 :                                         if (x3 > 0)
    1315        1486 :                                             x3 -= 360;
    1316             :                                     }
    1317     3021110 :                                     for (int iIter = 0; iIter < nIters; ++iIter)
    1318             :                                     {
    1319     1511299 :                                         if (iIter == 1)
    1320             :                                         {
    1321        1486 :                                             x0 += 360;
    1322        1486 :                                             x1 += 360;
    1323        1486 :                                             x2 += 360;
    1324        1486 :                                             x3 += 360;
    1325             :                                         }
    1326             : 
    1327     1511299 :                                         oRing.setPoint(0, x0, y0);
    1328     1511299 :                                         oRing.setPoint(1, x2, y2);
    1329     1511299 :                                         oRing.setPoint(2, x3, y3);
    1330     1511299 :                                         oRing.setPoint(3, x1, y1);
    1331     1511299 :                                         oRing.setPoint(4, x0, y0);
    1332     2884630 :                                         if (oRing.isPointInRing(&oPoint) ||
    1333     1373329 :                                             oRing.isPointOnRingBoundary(
    1334             :                                                 &oPoint))
    1335             :                                         {
    1336      138173 :                                             bMatchingGeoLocCellFound = true;
    1337      138173 :                                             double dfBMXValue = pixel;
    1338      138173 :                                             double dfBMYValue = line;
    1339      138173 :                                             GDALInverseBilinearInterpolation(
    1340             :                                                 dfGeoX, dfGeoY, x0, y0, x1, y1,
    1341             :                                                 x2, y2, x3, y3, dfBMXValue,
    1342             :                                                 dfBMYValue);
    1343             : 
    1344      138173 :                                             dfBMXValue =
    1345      138173 :                                                 (dfBMXValue +
    1346      138173 :                                                  dfGeorefConventionOffset) *
    1347      138173 :                                                     psTransform->dfPIXEL_STEP +
    1348      138173 :                                                 psTransform->dfPIXEL_OFFSET;
    1349      138173 :                                             dfBMYValue =
    1350      138173 :                                                 (dfBMYValue +
    1351      138173 :                                                  dfGeorefConventionOffset) *
    1352      138173 :                                                     psTransform->dfLINE_STEP +
    1353      138173 :                                                 psTransform->dfLINE_OFFSET;
    1354             : 
    1355      138173 :                                             pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Set(
    1356             :                                                 iBMX, iBMY,
    1357             :                                                 static_cast<float>(dfBMXValue));
    1358      138173 :                                             pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Set(
    1359             :                                                 iBMX, iBMY,
    1360             :                                                 static_cast<float>(dfBMYValue));
    1361      138173 :                                             pAccessors->backMapWeightAccessor
    1362             :                                                 .Set(iBMX, iBMY, 1.0f);
    1363             :                                         }
    1364             :                                     }
    1365             :                                 }
    1366             :                             }
    1367             :                         }
    1368      416115 :                         if (bMatchingGeoLocCellFound)
    1369      138173 :                             continue;
    1370             :                     }
    1371             : 
    1372             :                     // We will end up here in non-nominal cases, with nodata,
    1373             :                     // holes, etc.
    1374             : 
    1375             :                     // Check if the center is in range
    1376      279691 :                     if (iBMX < -1 || iBMY < -1 || iBMX > nBMXSize ||
    1377             :                         iBMY > nBMYSize)
    1378         458 :                         continue;
    1379             : 
    1380      279233 :                     const double fracBMX = dBMX - iBMX;
    1381      279233 :                     const double fracBMY = dBMY - iBMY;
    1382             : 
    1383             :                     // Check logic for top left pixel
    1384      278929 :                     if ((iBMX >= 0) && (iBMY >= 0) && (iBMX < nBMXSize) &&
    1385      558162 :                         (iBMY < nBMYSize) &&
    1386      277942 :                         pAccessors->backMapWeightAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY) !=
    1387             :                             1.0f)
    1388             :                     {
    1389      185775 :                         const double tempwt = (1.0 - fracBMX) * (1.0 - fracBMY);
    1390      185775 :                         UpdateBackmap(iBMX, iBMY, dfX, dfY, tempwt);
    1391             :                     }
    1392             : 
    1393             :                     // Check logic for top right pixel
    1394      278830 :                     if ((iBMY >= 0) && (iBMX + 1 < nBMXSize) &&
    1395      558063 :                         (iBMY < nBMYSize) &&
    1396      278190 :                         pAccessors->backMapWeightAccessor.Get(iBMX + 1, iBMY) !=
    1397             :                             1.0f)
    1398             :                     {
    1399      189705 :                         const double tempwt = fracBMX * (1.0 - fracBMY);
    1400      189705 :                         UpdateBackmap(iBMX + 1, iBMY, dfX, dfY, tempwt);
    1401             :                     }
    1402             : 
    1403             :                     // Check logic for bottom right pixel
    1404      557747 :                     if ((iBMX + 1 < nBMXSize) && (iBMY + 1 < nBMYSize) &&
    1405      278514 :                         pAccessors->backMapWeightAccessor.Get(iBMX + 1,
    1406      278514 :                                                               iBMY + 1) != 1.0f)
    1407             :                     {
    1408      226485 :                         const double tempwt = fracBMX * fracBMY;
    1409      226485 :                         UpdateBackmap(iBMX + 1, iBMY + 1, dfX, dfY, tempwt);
    1410             :                     }
    1411             : 
    1412             :                     // Check logic for bottom left pixel
    1413      278929 :                     if ((iBMX >= 0) && (iBMX < nBMXSize) &&
    1414      836440 :                         (iBMY + 1 < nBMYSize) &&
    1415      278278 :                         pAccessors->backMapWeightAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY + 1) !=
    1416             :                             1.0f)
    1417             :                     {
    1418      220409 :                         const double tempwt = (1.0 - fracBMX) * fracBMY;
    1419      220409 :                         UpdateBackmap(iBMX, iBMY + 1, dfX, dfY, tempwt);
    1420             :                     }
    1421             :                 }
    1422             :             }
    1423             :         }
    1424             :     }
    1425             : 
    1426             :     // Each pixel in the backmap may have multiple entries.
    1427             :     // We now go in average it out using the weights
    1428         148 :     START_ITER_PER_BLOCK(nBMXSize, TILE_SIZE, nBMYSize, TILE_SIZE, (void)0,
    1429             :                          iXStart, iXEnd, iYStart, iYEnd)
    1430             :     {
    1431        2268 :         for (int iY = iYStart; iY < iYEnd; ++iY)
    1432             :         {
    1433      327929 :             for (int iX = iXStart; iX < iXEnd; ++iX)
    1434             :             {
    1435             :                 // Check if pixel was only touch during neighbor scan
    1436             :                 // But no real weight was added as source point matched
    1437             :                 // backmap grid node
    1438      465470 :                 const auto weight =
    1439      325721 :                     pAccessors->backMapWeightAccessor.Get(iX, iY);
    1440      325721 :                 if (weight > 0)
    1441             :                 {
    1442      236251 :                     pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Set(
    1443             :                         iX, iY,
    1444      170330 :                         pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Get(iX, iY) / weight);
    1445      236251 :                     pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Set(
    1446             :                         iX, iY,
    1447      170330 :                         pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Get(iX, iY) / weight);
    1448             :                 }
    1449             :                 else
    1450             :                 {
    1451      155391 :                     pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Set(iX, iY, INVALID_BMXY);
    1452      155391 :                     pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Set(iX, iY, INVALID_BMXY);
    1453             :                 }
    1454             :             }
    1455             :         }
    1456             :     }
    1457             :     END_ITER_PER_BLOCK
    1458             : 
    1459          44 :     pAccessors->FreeWghtsBackMap();
    1460             : 
    1461             :     // Fill holes in backmap
    1462          44 :     auto poBackmapDS = pAccessors->GetBackmapDataset();
    1463             : 
    1464          44 :     pAccessors->FlushBackmapCaches();
    1465             : 
    1466             : #ifdef DEBUG_GEOLOC
    1467             :     if (CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("GEOLOC_DUMP", "NO")))
    1468             :     {
    1469             :         poBackmapDS->SetGeoTransform(psTransform->adfBackMapGeoTransform);
    1470             :         GDALClose(GDALCreateCopy(GDALGetDriverByName("GTiff"),
    1471             :                                  "/tmp/geoloc_before_fill.tif", poBackmapDS,
    1472             :                                  false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
    1473             :     }
    1474             : #endif
    1475             : 
    1476          44 :     constexpr double dfMaxSearchDist = 3.0;
    1477          44 :     constexpr int nSmoothingIterations = 1;
    1478         132 :     for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
    1479             :     {
    1480          88 :         GDALFillNodata(GDALRasterBand::ToHandle(poBackmapDS->GetRasterBand(i)),
    1481             :                        nullptr, dfMaxSearchDist,
    1482             :                        0,  // unused parameter
    1483             :                        nSmoothingIterations, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    1484             :     }
    1485             : 
    1486             : #ifdef DEBUG_GEOLOC
    1487             :     if (CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("GEOLOC_DUMP", "NO")))
    1488             :     {
    1489             :         GDALClose(GDALCreateCopy(GDALGetDriverByName("GTiff"),
    1490             :                                  "/tmp/geoloc_after_fill.tif", poBackmapDS,
    1491             :                                  false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
    1492             :     }
    1493             : #endif
    1494             : 
    1495             :     // A final hole filling logic, proceeding line by line, and filling
    1496             :     // holes when the backmap values surrounding the hole are close enough.
    1497             :     struct LastValidStruct
    1498             :     {
    1499             :         int iX = -1;
    1500             :         float bmX = 0;
    1501             :     };
    1502             : 
    1503          44 :     std::vector<LastValidStruct> lastValid(TILE_SIZE);
    1504         220 :     const auto reinitLine = [&lastValid]()
    1505             :     {
    1506          44 :         const size_t nSize = lastValid.size();
    1507          44 :         lastValid.clear();
    1508          44 :         lastValid.resize(nSize);
    1509             :     };
    1510         148 :     START_ITER_PER_BLOCK(nBMXSize, TILE_SIZE, nBMYSize, TILE_SIZE, reinitLine(),
    1511             :                          iXStart, iXEnd, iYStart, iYEnd)
    1512             :     {
    1513          60 :         const int iYCount = iYEnd - iYStart;
    1514        2268 :         for (int iYIter = 0; iYIter < iYCount; ++iYIter)
    1515             :         {
    1516        2208 :             int iLastValidIX = lastValid[iYIter].iX;
    1517        2208 :             float bmXLastValid = lastValid[iYIter].bmX;
    1518        2208 :             const int iBMY = iYStart + iYIter;
    1519      327929 :             for (int iBMX = iXStart; iBMX < iXEnd; ++iBMX)
    1520             :             {
    1521      325721 :                 const float bmX = pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY);
    1522      325721 :                 if (bmX == INVALID_BMXY)
    1523      127144 :                     continue;
    1524      199129 :                 if (iLastValidIX != -1 && iBMX > iLastValidIX + 1 &&
    1525         552 :                     fabs(bmX - bmXLastValid) <= 2)
    1526             :                 {
    1527         354 :                     const float bmY =
    1528         239 :                         pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Get(iBMX, iBMY);
    1529         354 :                     const float bmYLastValid =
    1530         239 :                         pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Get(iLastValidIX, iBMY);
    1531         239 :                     if (fabs(bmY - bmYLastValid) <= 2)
    1532             :                     {
    1533         266 :                         for (int iBMXInner = iLastValidIX + 1; iBMXInner < iBMX;
    1534             :                              ++iBMXInner)
    1535             :                         {
    1536         145 :                             const float alpha =
    1537         145 :                                 static_cast<float>(iBMXInner - iLastValidIX) /
    1538         145 :                                 (iBMX - iLastValidIX);
    1539         145 :                             pAccessors->backMapXAccessor.Set(
    1540             :                                 iBMXInner, iBMY,
    1541         145 :                                 (1.0f - alpha) * bmXLastValid + alpha * bmX);
    1542         145 :                             pAccessors->backMapYAccessor.Set(
    1543             :                                 iBMXInner, iBMY,
    1544         145 :                                 (1.0f - alpha) * bmYLastValid + alpha * bmY);
    1545             :                         }
    1546             :                     }
    1547             :                 }
    1548      198577 :                 iLastValidIX = iBMX;
    1549      198577 :                 bmXLastValid = bmX;
    1550             :             }
    1551        2208 :             lastValid[iYIter].iX = iLastValidIX;
    1552        2208 :             lastValid[iYIter].bmX = bmXLastValid;
    1553             :         }
    1554             :     }
    1555             :     END_ITER_PER_BLOCK
    1556             : 
    1557             : #ifdef DEBUG_GEOLOC
    1558             :     if (CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("GEOLOC_DUMP", "NO")))
    1559             :     {
    1560             :         pAccessors->FlushBackmapCaches();
    1561             : 
    1562             :         GDALClose(GDALCreateCopy(GDALGetDriverByName("GTiff"),
    1563             :                                  "/tmp/geoloc_after_line_fill.tif", poBackmapDS,
    1564             :                                  false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
    1565             :     }
    1566             : #endif
    1567             : 
    1568          44 :     pAccessors->ReleaseBackmapDataset(poBackmapDS);
    1569          44 :     CPLDebug("GEOLOC", "Ending backmap generation");
    1570             : 
    1571          44 :     return true;
    1572             : }
    1573             : 
    1574             : /*! @endcond */
    1575             : 
    1576             : /************************************************************************/
    1577             : /*                       GDALGeoLocRescale()                            */
    1578             : /************************************************************************/
    1579             : 
    1580           4 : static void GDALGeoLocRescale(char **&papszMD, const char *pszItem,
    1581             :                               double dfRatio, double dfDefaultVal)
    1582             : {
    1583             :     const double dfVal =
    1584           4 :         dfRatio * CPLAtofM(CSLFetchNameValueDef(
    1585           4 :                       papszMD, pszItem, CPLSPrintf("%.17g", dfDefaultVal)));
    1586             : 
    1587           4 :     papszMD = CSLSetNameValue(papszMD, pszItem, CPLSPrintf("%.17g", dfVal));
    1588           4 : }
    1589             : 
    1590             : /************************************************************************/
    1591             : /*                 GDALCreateSimilarGeoLocTransformer()                 */
    1592             : /************************************************************************/
    1593             : 
    1594           1 : static void *GDALCreateSimilarGeoLocTransformer(void *hTransformArg,
    1595             :                                                 double dfRatioX,
    1596             :                                                 double dfRatioY)
    1597             : {
    1598           1 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransformArg, "GDALCreateSimilarGeoLocTransformer",
    1599             :                       nullptr);
    1600             : 
    1601           1 :     GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psInfo =
    1602             :         static_cast<GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *>(hTransformArg);
    1603             : 
    1604           1 :     char **papszGeolocationInfo = CSLDuplicate(psInfo->papszGeolocationInfo);
    1605             : 
    1606           1 :     if (dfRatioX != 1.0 || dfRatioY != 1.0)
    1607             :     {
    1608           1 :         GDALGeoLocRescale(papszGeolocationInfo, "PIXEL_OFFSET", dfRatioX, 0.0);
    1609           1 :         GDALGeoLocRescale(papszGeolocationInfo, "LINE_OFFSET", dfRatioY, 0.0);
    1610           1 :         GDALGeoLocRescale(papszGeolocationInfo, "PIXEL_STEP", 1.0 / dfRatioX,
    1611             :                           1.0);
    1612           1 :         GDALGeoLocRescale(papszGeolocationInfo, "LINE_STEP", 1.0 / dfRatioY,
    1613             :                           1.0);
    1614             :     }
    1615             : 
    1616             :     auto psInfoNew =
    1617           2 :         static_cast<GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *>(GDALCreateGeoLocTransformer(
    1618           1 :             nullptr, papszGeolocationInfo, psInfo->bReversed));
    1619           1 :     psInfoNew->dfOversampleFactor = psInfo->dfOversampleFactor;
    1620             : 
    1621           1 :     CSLDestroy(papszGeolocationInfo);
    1622             : 
    1623           1 :     return psInfoNew;
    1624             : }
    1625             : 
    1626             : /************************************************************************/
    1627             : /*                  GDALCreateGeolocationMetadata()                     */
    1628             : /************************************************************************/
    1629             : 
    1630             : /** Synthetize the content of a GEOLOCATION metadata domain from a
    1631             :  *  geolocation dataset.
    1632             :  *
    1633             :  *  This is used when doing gdalwarp -to GEOLOC_ARRAY=some.tif
    1634             :  */
    1635          10 : CPLStringList GDALCreateGeolocationMetadata(GDALDatasetH hBaseDS,
    1636             :                                             const char *pszGeolocationDataset,
    1637             :                                             bool bIsSource)
    1638             : {
    1639          20 :     CPLStringList aosMD;
    1640             : 
    1641             :     // Open geolocation dataset
    1642             :     auto poGeolocDS = std::unique_ptr<GDALDataset>(
    1643          20 :         GDALDataset::Open(pszGeolocationDataset, GDAL_OF_RASTER));
    1644          10 :     if (poGeolocDS == nullptr)
    1645             :     {
    1646           2 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid dataset: %s",
    1647             :                  pszGeolocationDataset);
    1648           2 :         return CPLStringList();
    1649             :     }
    1650           8 :     const int nGeoLocXSize = poGeolocDS->GetRasterXSize();
    1651           8 :     const int nGeoLocYSize = poGeolocDS->GetRasterYSize();
    1652           8 :     if (nGeoLocXSize == 0 || nGeoLocYSize == 0)
    1653             :     {
    1654           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1655             :                  "Invalid dataset dimension for %s: %dx%d",
    1656             :                  pszGeolocationDataset, nGeoLocXSize, nGeoLocYSize);
    1657           0 :         return CPLStringList();
    1658             :     }
    1659             : 
    1660             :     // Import the GEOLOCATION metadata from the geolocation dataset, if existing
    1661           8 :     auto papszGeolocMDFromGeolocDS = poGeolocDS->GetMetadata("GEOLOCATION");
    1662           8 :     if (papszGeolocMDFromGeolocDS)
    1663           3 :         aosMD = CSLDuplicate(papszGeolocMDFromGeolocDS);
    1664             : 
    1665           8 :     aosMD.SetNameValue("X_DATASET", pszGeolocationDataset);
    1666           8 :     aosMD.SetNameValue("Y_DATASET", pszGeolocationDataset);
    1667             : 
    1668             :     // Set X_BAND, Y_BAND to 1, 2 if they are not specified in the initial
    1669             :     // GEOLOC metadata domain.and the geolocation dataset has 2 bands.
    1670          13 :     if (aosMD.FetchNameValue("X_BAND") == nullptr &&
    1671           5 :         aosMD.FetchNameValue("Y_BAND") == nullptr)
    1672             :     {
    1673           5 :         if (poGeolocDS->GetRasterCount() != 2)
    1674             :         {
    1675           1 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1676             :                      "Expected 2 bands for %s. Got %d", pszGeolocationDataset,
    1677             :                      poGeolocDS->GetRasterCount());
    1678           1 :             return CPLStringList();
    1679             :         }
    1680           4 :         aosMD.SetNameValue("X_BAND", "1");
    1681           4 :         aosMD.SetNameValue("Y_BAND", "2");
    1682             :     }
    1683             : 
    1684             :     // Set the geoloc SRS from the geolocation dataset SRS if there's no
    1685             :     // explicit one in the initial GEOLOC metadata domain.
    1686           7 :     if (aosMD.FetchNameValue("SRS") == nullptr)
    1687             :     {
    1688           7 :         auto poSRS = poGeolocDS->GetSpatialRef();
    1689           7 :         if (poSRS)
    1690             :         {
    1691           3 :             char *pszWKT = nullptr;
    1692           3 :             poSRS->exportToWkt(&pszWKT);
    1693           3 :             aosMD.SetNameValue("SRS", pszWKT);
    1694           3 :             CPLFree(pszWKT);
    1695             :         }
    1696             :     }
    1697           7 :     if (aosMD.FetchNameValue("SRS") == nullptr)
    1698             :     {
    1699           4 :         aosMD.SetNameValue("SRS", SRS_WKT_WGS84_LAT_LONG);
    1700             :     }
    1701             : 
    1702             :     // Set default values for PIXEL/LINE_OFFSET/STEP if not present.
    1703           7 :     if (aosMD.FetchNameValue("PIXEL_OFFSET") == nullptr)
    1704           4 :         aosMD.SetNameValue("PIXEL_OFFSET", "0");
    1705             : 
    1706           7 :     if (aosMD.FetchNameValue("LINE_OFFSET") == nullptr)
    1707           4 :         aosMD.SetNameValue("LINE_OFFSET", "0");
    1708             : 
    1709           7 :     if (aosMD.FetchNameValue("PIXEL_STEP") == nullptr)
    1710             :     {
    1711             :         aosMD.SetNameValue(
    1712           4 :             "PIXEL_STEP", CPLSPrintf("%.17g", static_cast<double>(
    1713           4 :                                                   GDALGetRasterXSize(hBaseDS)) /
    1714           4 :                                                   nGeoLocXSize));
    1715             :     }
    1716             : 
    1717           7 :     if (aosMD.FetchNameValue("LINE_STEP") == nullptr)
    1718             :     {
    1719             :         aosMD.SetNameValue(
    1720           4 :             "LINE_STEP", CPLSPrintf("%.17g", static_cast<double>(
    1721           4 :                                                  GDALGetRasterYSize(hBaseDS)) /
    1722           4 :                                                  nGeoLocYSize));
    1723             :     }
    1724             : 
    1725           7 :     if (aosMD.FetchNameValue("GEOREFERENCING_CONVENTION") == nullptr)
    1726             :     {
    1727             :         const char *pszConvention =
    1728           7 :             poGeolocDS->GetMetadataItem("GEOREFERENCING_CONVENTION");
    1729           7 :         if (pszConvention)
    1730           2 :             aosMD.SetNameValue("GEOREFERENCING_CONVENTION", pszConvention);
    1731             :     }
    1732             : 
    1733          14 :     std::string osDebugMsg;
    1734           7 :     osDebugMsg = "Synthetized GEOLOCATION metadata for ";
    1735           7 :     osDebugMsg += bIsSource ? "source" : "target";
    1736           7 :     osDebugMsg += ":\n";
    1737          72 :     for (int i = 0; i < aosMD.size(); ++i)
    1738             :     {
    1739          65 :         osDebugMsg += "  ";
    1740          65 :         osDebugMsg += aosMD[i];
    1741          65 :         osDebugMsg += '\n';
    1742             :     }
    1743           7 :     CPLDebug("GEOLOC", "%s", osDebugMsg.c_str());
    1744             : 
    1745           7 :     return aosMD;
    1746             : }
    1747             : 
    1748             : /************************************************************************/
    1749             : /*                    GDALCreateGeoLocTransformer()                     */
    1750             : /************************************************************************/
    1751             : 
    1752          50 : void *GDALCreateGeoLocTransformerEx(GDALDatasetH hBaseDS,
    1753             :                                     CSLConstList papszGeolocationInfo,
    1754             :                                     int bReversed, const char *pszSourceDataset,
    1755             :                                     CSLConstList papszTransformOptions)
    1756             : 
    1757             : {
    1758             : 
    1759          50 :     if (CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "PIXEL_OFFSET") == nullptr ||
    1760          48 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "LINE_OFFSET") == nullptr ||
    1761          48 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "PIXEL_STEP") == nullptr ||
    1762          48 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "LINE_STEP") == nullptr ||
    1763         146 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "X_BAND") == nullptr ||
    1764          48 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "Y_BAND") == nullptr)
    1765             :     {
    1766           2 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1767             :                  "Missing some geolocation fields in "
    1768             :                  "GDALCreateGeoLocTransformer()");
    1769           2 :         return nullptr;
    1770             :     }
    1771             : 
    1772             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1773             :     /*      Initialize core info.                                           */
    1774             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1775             :     GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform =
    1776             :         static_cast<GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *>(
    1777          48 :             CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDALGeoLocTransformInfo), 1));
    1778             : 
    1779          48 :     psTransform->bReversed = CPL_TO_BOOL(bReversed);
    1780          48 :     psTransform->dfOversampleFactor = std::max(
    1781          96 :         0.1,
    1782          96 :         std::min(2.0,
    1783          48 :                  CPLAtof(CSLFetchNameValueDef(
    1784             :                      papszTransformOptions, "GEOLOC_BACKMAP_OVERSAMPLE_FACTOR",
    1785             :                      CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_GEOLOC_BACKMAP_OVERSAMPLE_FACTOR",
    1786          48 :                                         "1.3")))));
    1787             : 
    1788          48 :     memcpy(psTransform->sTI.abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    1789             :            strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE));
    1790          48 :     psTransform->sTI.pszClassName = "GDALGeoLocTransformer";
    1791          48 :     psTransform->sTI.pfnTransform = GDALGeoLocTransform;
    1792          48 :     psTransform->sTI.pfnCleanup = GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer;
    1793          48 :     psTransform->sTI.pfnSerialize = GDALSerializeGeoLocTransformer;
    1794          48 :     psTransform->sTI.pfnCreateSimilar = GDALCreateSimilarGeoLocTransformer;
    1795             : 
    1796          48 :     psTransform->papszGeolocationInfo = CSLDuplicate(papszGeolocationInfo);
    1797             : 
    1798             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1799             :     /*      Pull geolocation info from the options/metadata.                */
    1800             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1801          48 :     psTransform->dfPIXEL_OFFSET =
    1802          48 :         CPLAtof(CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "PIXEL_OFFSET"));
    1803          48 :     psTransform->dfLINE_OFFSET =
    1804          48 :         CPLAtof(CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "LINE_OFFSET"));
    1805          48 :     psTransform->dfPIXEL_STEP =
    1806          48 :         CPLAtof(CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "PIXEL_STEP"));
    1807          48 :     psTransform->dfLINE_STEP =
    1808          48 :         CPLAtof(CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "LINE_STEP"));
    1809             : 
    1810          48 :     psTransform->bOriginIsTopLeftCorner = EQUAL(
    1811             :         CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszGeolocationInfo, "GEOREFERENCING_CONVENTION",
    1812             :                              "TOP_LEFT_CORNER"),
    1813             :         "TOP_LEFT_CORNER");
    1814             : 
    1815             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1816             :     /*      Establish access to geolocation dataset(s).                     */
    1817             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1818             :     const char *pszDSName =
    1819          48 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "X_DATASET");
    1820          48 :     if (pszDSName != nullptr)
    1821             :     {
    1822          96 :         CPLConfigOptionSetter oSetter("CPL_ALLOW_VSISTDIN", "NO", true);
    1823          48 :         if (CPLTestBool(CSLFetchNameValueDef(
    1824          49 :                 papszGeolocationInfo, "X_DATASET_RELATIVE_TO_SOURCE", "NO")) &&
    1825           1 :             (hBaseDS != nullptr || pszSourceDataset))
    1826             :         {
    1827           8 :             const CPLString osFilename = CPLProjectRelativeFilenameSafe(
    1828           7 :                 CPLGetDirnameSafe(pszSourceDataset
    1829             :                                       ? pszSourceDataset
    1830           3 :                                       : GDALGetDescription(hBaseDS))
    1831             :                     .c_str(),
    1832           4 :                 pszDSName);
    1833           4 :             psTransform->hDS_X =
    1834           4 :                 GDALOpenShared(osFilename.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
    1835             :         }
    1836             :         else
    1837             :         {
    1838          44 :             psTransform->hDS_X = GDALOpenShared(pszDSName, GA_ReadOnly);
    1839             :         }
    1840             :     }
    1841             :     else
    1842             :     {
    1843           0 :         psTransform->hDS_X = hBaseDS;
    1844           0 :         if (hBaseDS)
    1845             :         {
    1846           0 :             GDALReferenceDataset(psTransform->hDS_X);
    1847           0 :             psTransform->papszGeolocationInfo =
    1848           0 :                 CSLSetNameValue(psTransform->papszGeolocationInfo, "X_DATASET",
    1849             :                                 GDALGetDescription(hBaseDS));
    1850             :         }
    1851             :     }
    1852             : 
    1853          48 :     pszDSName = CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "Y_DATASET");
    1854          48 :     if (pszDSName != nullptr)
    1855             :     {
    1856          96 :         CPLConfigOptionSetter oSetter("CPL_ALLOW_VSISTDIN", "NO", true);
    1857          48 :         if (CPLTestBool(CSLFetchNameValueDef(
    1858          49 :                 papszGeolocationInfo, "Y_DATASET_RELATIVE_TO_SOURCE", "NO")) &&
    1859           1 :             (hBaseDS != nullptr || pszSourceDataset))
    1860             :         {
    1861           8 :             const CPLString osFilename = CPLProjectRelativeFilenameSafe(
    1862           7 :                 CPLGetDirnameSafe(pszSourceDataset
    1863             :                                       ? pszSourceDataset
    1864           3 :                                       : GDALGetDescription(hBaseDS))
    1865             :                     .c_str(),
    1866           4 :                 pszDSName);
    1867           4 :             psTransform->hDS_Y =
    1868           4 :                 GDALOpenShared(osFilename.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
    1869             :         }
    1870             :         else
    1871             :         {
    1872          44 :             psTransform->hDS_Y = GDALOpenShared(pszDSName, GA_ReadOnly);
    1873             :         }
    1874             :     }
    1875             :     else
    1876             :     {
    1877           0 :         psTransform->hDS_Y = hBaseDS;
    1878           0 :         if (hBaseDS)
    1879             :         {
    1880           0 :             GDALReferenceDataset(psTransform->hDS_Y);
    1881           0 :             psTransform->papszGeolocationInfo =
    1882           0 :                 CSLSetNameValue(psTransform->papszGeolocationInfo, "Y_DATASET",
    1883             :                                 GDALGetDescription(hBaseDS));
    1884             :         }
    1885             :     }
    1886             : 
    1887          48 :     if (psTransform->hDS_X == nullptr || psTransform->hDS_Y == nullptr)
    1888             :     {
    1889           0 :         GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer(psTransform);
    1890           0 :         return nullptr;
    1891             :     }
    1892             : 
    1893             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1894             :     /*      Get the band handles.                                           */
    1895             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1896             :     const int nXBand =
    1897          48 :         std::max(1, atoi(CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "X_BAND")));
    1898          48 :     psTransform->hBand_X = GDALGetRasterBand(psTransform->hDS_X, nXBand);
    1899             : 
    1900          48 :     psTransform->dfNoDataX = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue(
    1901             :         psTransform->hBand_X, &(psTransform->bHasNoData));
    1902             : 
    1903             :     const int nYBand =
    1904          48 :         std::max(1, atoi(CSLFetchNameValue(papszGeolocationInfo, "Y_BAND")));
    1905          48 :     psTransform->hBand_Y = GDALGetRasterBand(psTransform->hDS_Y, nYBand);
    1906             : 
    1907          48 :     if (psTransform->hBand_X == nullptr || psTransform->hBand_Y == nullptr)
    1908             :     {
    1909           0 :         GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer(psTransform);
    1910           0 :         return nullptr;
    1911             :     }
    1912             : 
    1913          48 :     psTransform->bSwapXY = CPLTestBool(
    1914             :         CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszGeolocationInfo, "SWAP_XY", "NO"));
    1915             : 
    1916             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1917             :     /*     Check that X and Y bands have the same dimensions                */
    1918             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1919          48 :     const int nXSize_XBand = GDALGetRasterXSize(psTransform->hDS_X);
    1920          48 :     const int nYSize_XBand = GDALGetRasterYSize(psTransform->hDS_X);
    1921          48 :     const int nXSize_YBand = GDALGetRasterXSize(psTransform->hDS_Y);
    1922          48 :     const int nYSize_YBand = GDALGetRasterYSize(psTransform->hDS_Y);
    1923          48 :     if (nYSize_XBand == 1 || nYSize_YBand == 1)
    1924             :     {
    1925          15 :         if (nYSize_XBand != 1 || nYSize_YBand != 1)
    1926             :         {
    1927           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1928             :                      "X_BAND and Y_BAND should have both nYSize == 1");
    1929           0 :             GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer(psTransform);
    1930           0 :             return nullptr;
    1931             :         }
    1932             :     }
    1933          33 :     else if (nXSize_XBand != nXSize_YBand || nYSize_XBand != nYSize_YBand)
    1934             :     {
    1935           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1936             :                  "X_BAND and Y_BAND do not have the same dimensions");
    1937           0 :         GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer(psTransform);
    1938           0 :         return nullptr;
    1939             :     }
    1940             : 
    1941          48 :     if (nXSize_XBand <= 0 || nYSize_XBand <= 0 || nXSize_YBand <= 0 ||
    1942             :         nYSize_YBand <= 0)
    1943             :     {
    1944           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid X_BAND / Y_BAND size");
    1945           0 :         GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer(psTransform);
    1946           0 :         return nullptr;
    1947             :     }
    1948             : 
    1949             :     // Is it a regular grid ? That is:
    1950             :     // The XBAND contains the x coordinates for all lines.
    1951             :     // The YBAND contains the y coordinates for all columns.
    1952          48 :     const bool bIsRegularGrid = (nYSize_XBand == 1 && nYSize_YBand == 1);
    1953             : 
    1954          48 :     const int nXSize = nXSize_XBand;
    1955          48 :     const int nYSize = bIsRegularGrid ? nXSize_YBand : nYSize_XBand;
    1956             : 
    1957          96 :     if (static_cast<size_t>(nXSize) >
    1958          48 :         std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / static_cast<size_t>(nYSize))
    1959             :     {
    1960           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Int overflow : %d x %d", nXSize,
    1961             :                  nYSize);
    1962           0 :         GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer(psTransform);
    1963           0 :         return nullptr;
    1964             :     }
    1965             : 
    1966          48 :     psTransform->nGeoLocXSize = nXSize;
    1967          48 :     psTransform->nGeoLocYSize = nYSize;
    1968             : 
    1969          48 :     if (hBaseDS && psTransform->dfPIXEL_OFFSET == 0 &&
    1970          44 :         psTransform->dfLINE_OFFSET == 0 && psTransform->dfPIXEL_STEP == 1 &&
    1971          37 :         psTransform->dfLINE_STEP == 1)
    1972             :     {
    1973          73 :         if (GDALGetRasterXSize(hBaseDS) > nXSize ||
    1974          36 :             GDALGetRasterYSize(hBaseDS) > nYSize)
    1975             :         {
    1976           2 :             CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1977             :                      "Geolocation array is %d x %d large, "
    1978             :                      "whereas dataset is %d x %d large. Result might be "
    1979             :                      "incorrect due to lack of values in geolocation array.",
    1980             :                      nXSize, nYSize, GDALGetRasterXSize(hBaseDS),
    1981             :                      GDALGetRasterYSize(hBaseDS));
    1982             :         }
    1983             :     }
    1984             : 
    1985             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1986             :     /*      Load the geolocation array.                                     */
    1987             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1988             : 
    1989             :     // The quadtree method is experimental. It simplifies the code
    1990             :     // significantly, but unfortunately burns more RAM and is slower.
    1991             :     const bool bUseQuadtree =
    1992          48 :         EQUAL(CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_GEOLOC_INVERSE_METHOD", "BACKMAP"),
    1993             :               "QUADTREE");
    1994             : 
    1995             :     // Decide if we should C-arrays for geoloc and backmap, or on-disk
    1996             :     // temporary datasets.
    1997          48 :     const char *pszUseTempDatasets = CSLFetchNameValueDef(
    1998             :         papszTransformOptions, "GEOLOC_USE_TEMP_DATASETS",
    1999             :         CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_GEOLOC_USE_TEMP_DATASETS", nullptr));
    2000          48 :     if (pszUseTempDatasets)
    2001           4 :         psTransform->bUseArray = !CPLTestBool(pszUseTempDatasets);
    2002             :     else
    2003             :     {
    2004          44 :         constexpr int MEGAPIXEL_LIMIT = 24;
    2005          44 :         psTransform->bUseArray =
    2006          44 :             nXSize < MEGAPIXEL_LIMIT * 1000 * 1000 / nYSize;
    2007          44 :         if (!psTransform->bUseArray)
    2008             :         {
    2009           0 :             CPLDebug("GEOLOC",
    2010             :                      "Using temporary GTiff backing to store backmap, because "
    2011             :                      "geoloc arrays require %d megapixels, exceeding the %d "
    2012             :                      "megapixels limit. You can set the "
    2013             :                      "GDAL_GEOLOC_USE_TEMP_DATASETS configuration option to "
    2014             :                      "NO to force RAM storage of backmap",
    2015           0 :                      static_cast<int>(static_cast<int64_t>(nXSize) * nYSize /
    2016             :                                       (1000 * 1000)),
    2017             :                      MEGAPIXEL_LIMIT);
    2018             :         }
    2019             :     }
    2020             : 
    2021          48 :     if (psTransform->bUseArray)
    2022             :     {
    2023          46 :         auto pAccessors = new GDALGeoLocCArrayAccessors(psTransform);
    2024          46 :         psTransform->pAccessors = pAccessors;
    2025          46 :         if (!pAccessors->Load(bIsRegularGrid, bUseQuadtree))
    2026             :         {
    2027           0 :             GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer(psTransform);
    2028           0 :             return nullptr;
    2029             :         }
    2030             :     }
    2031             :     else
    2032             :     {
    2033           2 :         auto pAccessors = new GDALGeoLocDatasetAccessors(psTransform);
    2034           2 :         psTransform->pAccessors = pAccessors;
    2035           2 :         if (!pAccessors->Load(bIsRegularGrid, bUseQuadtree))
    2036             :         {
    2037           0 :             GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer(psTransform);
    2038           0 :             return nullptr;
    2039             :         }
    2040             :     }
    2041             : 
    2042          48 :     return psTransform;
    2043             : }
    2044             : 
    2045             : /** Create GeoLocation transformer */
    2046           1 : void *GDALCreateGeoLocTransformer(GDALDatasetH hBaseDS,
    2047             :                                   char **papszGeolocationInfo, int bReversed)
    2048             : 
    2049             : {
    2050           1 :     return GDALCreateGeoLocTransformerEx(hBaseDS, papszGeolocationInfo,
    2051           1 :                                          bReversed, nullptr, nullptr);
    2052             : }
    2053             : 
    2054             : /************************************************************************/
    2055             : /*                    GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer()                    */
    2056             : /************************************************************************/
    2057             : 
    2058             : /** Destroy GeoLocation transformer */
    2059          48 : void GDALDestroyGeoLocTransformer(void *pTransformAlg)
    2060             : 
    2061             : {
    2062          48 :     if (pTransformAlg == nullptr)
    2063           0 :         return;
    2064             : 
    2065          48 :     GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform =
    2066             :         static_cast<GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *>(pTransformAlg);
    2067             : 
    2068          48 :     CSLDestroy(psTransform->papszGeolocationInfo);
    2069             : 
    2070          48 :     if (psTransform->bUseArray)
    2071             :         delete static_cast<GDALGeoLocCArrayAccessors *>(
    2072          46 :             psTransform->pAccessors);
    2073             :     else
    2074             :         delete static_cast<GDALGeoLocDatasetAccessors *>(
    2075           2 :             psTransform->pAccessors);
    2076             : 
    2077          96 :     if (psTransform->hDS_X != nullptr &&
    2078          48 :         GDALDereferenceDataset(psTransform->hDS_X) == 0)
    2079          27 :         GDALClose(psTransform->hDS_X);
    2080             : 
    2081          96 :     if (psTransform->hDS_Y != nullptr &&
    2082          48 :         GDALDereferenceDataset(psTransform->hDS_Y) == 0)
    2083          40 :         GDALClose(psTransform->hDS_Y);
    2084             : 
    2085          48 :     if (psTransform->hQuadTree != nullptr)
    2086           4 :         CPLQuadTreeDestroy(psTransform->hQuadTree);
    2087             : 
    2088          48 :     CPLFree(pTransformAlg);
    2089             : }
    2090             : 
    2091             : /** Use GeoLocation transformer */
    2092       31164 : int GDALGeoLocTransform(void *pTransformArg, int bDstToSrc, int nPointCount,
    2093             :                         double *padfX, double *padfY, double *padfZ,
    2094             :                         int *panSuccess)
    2095             : {
    2096       31164 :     GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psTransform =
    2097             :         static_cast<GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    2098       31164 :     if (psTransform->bUseArray)
    2099             :     {
    2100       29043 :         return GDALGeoLoc<GDALGeoLocCArrayAccessors>::Transform(
    2101             :             pTransformArg, bDstToSrc, nPointCount, padfX, padfY, padfZ,
    2102       29043 :             panSuccess);
    2103             :     }
    2104             :     else
    2105             :     {
    2106        2121 :         return GDALGeoLoc<GDALGeoLocDatasetAccessors>::Transform(
    2107             :             pTransformArg, bDstToSrc, nPointCount, padfX, padfY, padfZ,
    2108        2121 :             panSuccess);
    2109             :     }
    2110             : }
    2111             : 
    2112             : /************************************************************************/
    2113             : /*                   GDALSerializeGeoLocTransformer()                   */
    2114             : /************************************************************************/
    2115             : 
    2116           1 : CPLXMLNode *GDALSerializeGeoLocTransformer(void *pTransformArg)
    2117             : 
    2118             : {
    2119           1 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(pTransformArg, "GDALSerializeGeoLocTransformer", nullptr);
    2120             : 
    2121           1 :     GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *psInfo =
    2122             :         static_cast<GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    2123             : 
    2124             :     CPLXMLNode *psTree =
    2125           1 :         CPLCreateXMLNode(nullptr, CXT_Element, "GeoLocTransformer");
    2126             : 
    2127             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2128             :     /*      Serialize bReversed.                                            */
    2129             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2130           1 :     CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(
    2131             :         psTree, "Reversed",
    2132           2 :         CPLString().Printf("%d", static_cast<int>(psInfo->bReversed)));
    2133             : 
    2134             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2135             :     /*      geoloc metadata.                                                */
    2136             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2137           1 :     char **papszMD = psInfo->papszGeolocationInfo;
    2138           1 :     CPLXMLNode *psMD = CPLCreateXMLNode(psTree, CXT_Element, "Metadata");
    2139             : 
    2140          10 :     for (int i = 0; papszMD != nullptr && papszMD[i] != nullptr; i++)
    2141             :     {
    2142           9 :         char *pszKey = nullptr;
    2143           9 :         const char *pszRawValue = CPLParseNameValue(papszMD[i], &pszKey);
    2144             : 
    2145           9 :         CPLXMLNode *psMDI = CPLCreateXMLNode(psMD, CXT_Element, "MDI");
    2146           9 :         CPLSetXMLValue(psMDI, "#key", pszKey);
    2147           9 :         CPLCreateXMLNode(psMDI, CXT_Text, pszRawValue);
    2148             : 
    2149           9 :         CPLFree(pszKey);
    2150             :     }
    2151             : 
    2152           1 :     return psTree;
    2153             : }
    2154             : 
    2155             : /************************************************************************/
    2156             : /*                   GDALDeserializeGeoLocTransformer()                 */
    2157             : /************************************************************************/
    2158             : 
    2159           1 : void *GDALDeserializeGeoLocTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree)
    2160             : 
    2161             : {
    2162             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2163             :     /*      Collect metadata.                                               */
    2164             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2165           1 :     CPLXMLNode *psMetadata = CPLGetXMLNode(psTree, "Metadata");
    2166             : 
    2167           1 :     if (psMetadata == nullptr || psMetadata->eType != CXT_Element ||
    2168           1 :         !EQUAL(psMetadata->pszValue, "Metadata"))
    2169           0 :         return nullptr;
    2170             : 
    2171           1 :     char **papszMD = nullptr;
    2172             : 
    2173          12 :     for (CPLXMLNode *psMDI = psMetadata->psChild; psMDI != nullptr;
    2174          11 :          psMDI = psMDI->psNext)
    2175             :     {
    2176          11 :         if (!EQUAL(psMDI->pszValue, "MDI") || psMDI->eType != CXT_Element ||
    2177          11 :             psMDI->psChild == nullptr || psMDI->psChild->psNext == nullptr ||
    2178          11 :             psMDI->psChild->eType != CXT_Attribute ||
    2179          11 :             psMDI->psChild->psChild == nullptr)
    2180           0 :             continue;
    2181             : 
    2182          11 :         papszMD = CSLSetNameValue(papszMD, psMDI->psChild->psChild->pszValue,
    2183          11 :                                   psMDI->psChild->psNext->pszValue);
    2184             :     }
    2185             : 
    2186             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2187             :     /*      Get other flags.                                                */
    2188             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2189           1 :     const int bReversed = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "Reversed", "0"));
    2190             : 
    2191             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2192             :     /*      Generate transformation.                                        */
    2193             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2194             : 
    2195             :     const char *pszSourceDataset =
    2196           1 :         CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "SourceDataset", nullptr);
    2197             : 
    2198           1 :     void *pResult = GDALCreateGeoLocTransformerEx(nullptr, papszMD, bReversed,
    2199             :                                                   pszSourceDataset, nullptr);
    2200             : 
    2201             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2202             :     /*      Cleanup GCP copy.                                               */
    2203             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2204           1 :     CSLDestroy(papszMD);
    2205             : 
    2206           1 :     return pResult;
    2207             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14