LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - alg - gdaltransformer.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1660 1881 88.3 %
Date: 2025-03-28 11:40:40 Functions: 61 65 93.8 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  *
       3             :  * Project:  Mapinfo Image Warper
       4             :  * Purpose:  Implementation of one or more GDALTrasformerFunc types, including
       5             :  *           the GenImgProj (general image reprojector) transformer.
       6             :  * Author:   Frank Warmerdam,
       7             :  *
       8             :  ******************************************************************************
       9             :  * Copyright (c) 2002, i3 - information integration and imaging
      10             :  *                          Fort Collin, CO
      11             :  * Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at>
      12             :  * Copyright (c) 2021, CLS
      13             :  *
      14             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      15             :  ****************************************************************************/
      16             : 
      17             : #include "cpl_port.h"
      18             : #include "gdal_alg.h"
      19             : #include "gdal_alg_priv.h"
      20             : 
      21             : #include <climits>
      22             : #include <cmath>
      23             : #include <cstddef>
      24             : #include <cstdlib>
      25             : #include <cstring>
      26             : 
      27             : #include <algorithm>
      28             : #include <limits>
      29             : #include <utility>
      30             : 
      31             : #include "cpl_conv.h"
      32             : #include "cpl_error.h"
      33             : #include "cpl_list.h"
      34             : #include "cpl_minixml.h"
      35             : #include "cpl_multiproc.h"
      36             : #include "cpl_string.h"
      37             : #include "cpl_vsi.h"
      38             : #include "gdal.h"
      39             : #include "gdal_priv.h"
      40             : #include "ogr_core.h"
      41             : #include "ogr_spatialref.h"
      42             : #include "ogr_srs_api.h"
      43             : 
      44             : CPL_C_START
      45             : void *GDALDeserializeGCPTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree);
      46             : void *GDALDeserializeTPSTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree);
      47             : void *GDALDeserializeGeoLocTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree);
      48             : void *GDALDeserializeRPCTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree);
      49             : void *GDALDeserializeHomographyTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree);
      50             : CPL_C_END
      51             : 
      52             : static CPLXMLNode *GDALSerializeReprojectionTransformer(void *pTransformArg);
      53             : static void *GDALDeserializeReprojectionTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree);
      54             : 
      55             : static CPLXMLNode *GDALSerializeGenImgProjTransformer(void *pTransformArg);
      56             : static void *GDALDeserializeGenImgProjTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree);
      57             : 
      58             : static void *GDALCreateApproxTransformer2(GDALTransformerFunc pfnRawTransformer,
      59             :                                           void *pRawTransformerArg,
      60             :                                           double dfMaxErrorForward,
      61             :                                           double dfMaxErrorReverse);
      62             : 
      63             : /************************************************************************/
      64             : /*                            GDALIsTransformer()                       */
      65             : /************************************************************************/
      66             : 
      67       10562 : bool GDALIsTransformer(void *hTransformerArg, const char *pszClassName)
      68             : {
      69       10562 :     if (!hTransformerArg)
      70           0 :         return false;
      71             :     // All transformers should have a GDALTransformerInfo member as their first members
      72       10562 :     GDALTransformerInfo *psInfo =
      73             :         static_cast<GDALTransformerInfo *>(hTransformerArg);
      74       10562 :     return memcmp(psInfo->abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
      75       20230 :                   strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE)) == 0 &&
      76       20230 :            strcmp(psInfo->pszClassName, pszClassName) == 0;
      77             : }
      78             : 
      79             : /************************************************************************/
      80             : /*                          GDALTransformFunc                           */
      81             : /*                                                                      */
      82             : /*      Documentation for GDALTransformFunc typedef.                    */
      83             : /************************************************************************/
      84             : 
      85             : /*!
      86             : 
      87             : \typedef typedef int (*GDALTransformerFunc)( void *pTransformerArg, int
      88             : bDstToSrc, int nPointCount, double *x, double *y, double *z, int *panSuccess );
      89             : 
      90             : Generic signature for spatial point transformers.
      91             : 
      92             : This function signature is used for a variety of functions that accept
      93             : passed in functions used to transform point locations between two coordinate
      94             : spaces.
      95             : 
      96             : The GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer(), GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx(),
      97             : GDALCreateGCPTransformer() and GDALCreateApproxTransformer() functions can
      98             : be used to prepare argument data for some built-in transformers.  As well,
      99             : applications can implement their own transformers to the following signature.
     100             : 
     101             : \code
     102             : typedef int
     103             : (*GDALTransformerFunc)( void *pTransformerArg,
     104             :                         int bDstToSrc, int nPointCount,
     105             :                         double *x, double *y, double *z, int *panSuccess );
     106             : \endcode
     107             : 
     108             : @param pTransformerArg application supplied callback data used by the
     109             : transformer.
     110             : 
     111             : @param bDstToSrc if TRUE the transformation will be from the destination
     112             : coordinate space to the source coordinate system, otherwise the transformation
     113             : will be from the source coordinate system to the destination coordinate system.
     114             : 
     115             : @param nPointCount number of points in the x, y and z arrays.
     116             : 
     117             : @param[in,out] x input X coordinates.  Results returned in same array.
     118             : 
     119             : @param[in,out] y input Y coordinates.  Results returned in same array.
     120             : 
     121             : @param[in,out] z input Z coordinates.  Results returned in same array.
     122             : 
     123             : @param[out] panSuccess array of ints in which success (TRUE) or failure (FALSE)
     124             : flags are returned for the translation of each point. Must not be NULL.
     125             : 
     126             : @return TRUE if all points have been successfully transformed (changed in 3.11,
     127             : previously was TRUE if some points have been successfully transformed)
     128             : 
     129             : */
     130             : 
     131             : /************************************************************************/
     132             : /*                      GDALSuggestedWarpOutput()                       */
     133             : /************************************************************************/
     134             : 
     135             : /**
     136             :  * Suggest output file size.
     137             :  *
     138             :  * This function is used to suggest the size, and georeferenced extents
     139             :  * appropriate given the indicated transformation and input file.  It walks
     140             :  * the edges of the input file (approximately 20 sample points along each
     141             :  * edge) transforming into output coordinates in order to get an extents box.
     142             :  *
     143             :  * Then a resolution is computed with the intent that the length of the
     144             :  * distance from the top left corner of the output imagery to the bottom right
     145             :  * corner would represent the same number of pixels as in the source image.
     146             :  * Note that if the image is somewhat rotated the diagonal taken isn't of the
     147             :  * whole output bounding rectangle, but instead of the locations where the
     148             :  * top/left and bottom/right corners transform.  The output pixel size is
     149             :  * always square.  This is intended to approximately preserve the resolution
     150             :  * of the input data in the output file.
     151             :  *
     152             :  * The values returned in padfGeoTransformOut, pnPixels and pnLines are
     153             :  * the suggested number of pixels and lines for the output file, and the
     154             :  * geotransform relating those pixels to the output georeferenced coordinates.
     155             :  *
     156             :  * The trickiest part of using the function is ensuring that the
     157             :  * transformer created is from source file pixel/line coordinates to
     158             :  * output file georeferenced coordinates.  This can be accomplished with
     159             :  * GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer() by passing a NULL for the hDstDS.
     160             :  *
     161             :  * @param hSrcDS the input image (it is assumed the whole input image is
     162             :  * being transformed).
     163             :  * @param pfnTransformer the transformer function.
     164             :  * @param pTransformArg the callback data for the transformer function.
     165             :  * @param padfGeoTransformOut the array of six doubles in which the suggested
     166             :  * geotransform is returned.
     167             :  * @param pnPixels int in which the suggest pixel width of output is returned.
     168             :  * @param pnLines int in which the suggest pixel height of output is returned.
     169             :  *
     170             :  * @return CE_None if successful or CE_Failure otherwise.
     171             :  */
     172             : 
     173          41 : CPLErr CPL_STDCALL GDALSuggestedWarpOutput(GDALDatasetH hSrcDS,
     174             :                                            GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,
     175             :                                            void *pTransformArg,
     176             :                                            double *padfGeoTransformOut,
     177             :                                            int *pnPixels, int *pnLines)
     178             : 
     179             : {
     180          41 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hSrcDS, "GDALSuggestedWarpOutput", CE_Failure);
     181             : 
     182          41 :     double adfExtent[4] = {};
     183             : 
     184          41 :     return GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2(hSrcDS, pfnTransformer, pTransformArg,
     185             :                                     padfGeoTransformOut, pnPixels, pnLines,
     186          41 :                                     adfExtent, 0);
     187             : }
     188             : 
     189         489 : static bool GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2_MustAdjustForRightBorder(
     190             :     GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer, void *pTransformArg, double *padfExtent,
     191             :     int /* nPixels*/, int nLines, double dfPixelSizeX, double dfPixelSizeY)
     192             : {
     193         489 :     double adfX[21] = {};
     194         489 :     double adfY[21] = {};
     195             : 
     196         489 :     const double dfMaxXOut = padfExtent[2];
     197         489 :     const double dfMaxYOut = padfExtent[3];
     198             : 
     199             :     // Take 20 steps.
     200         489 :     int nSamplePoints = 0;
     201       10758 :     for (double dfRatio = 0.0; dfRatio <= 1.01; dfRatio += 0.05)
     202             :     {
     203             :         // Ensure we end exactly at the end.
     204       10269 :         if (dfRatio > 0.99)
     205         489 :             dfRatio = 1.0;
     206             : 
     207             :         // Along right.
     208       10269 :         adfX[nSamplePoints] = dfMaxXOut;
     209       10269 :         adfY[nSamplePoints] = dfMaxYOut - dfPixelSizeY * dfRatio * nLines;
     210       10269 :         nSamplePoints++;
     211             :     }
     212         489 :     double adfZ[21] = {};
     213             : 
     214         489 :     int abSuccess[21] = {};
     215             : 
     216         489 :     pfnTransformer(pTransformArg, TRUE, nSamplePoints, adfX, adfY, adfZ,
     217             :                    abSuccess);
     218             : 
     219         489 :     int abSuccess2[21] = {};
     220             : 
     221         489 :     pfnTransformer(pTransformArg, FALSE, nSamplePoints, adfX, adfY, adfZ,
     222             :                    abSuccess2);
     223             : 
     224         489 :     nSamplePoints = 0;
     225         489 :     int nBadCount = 0;
     226       10758 :     for (double dfRatio = 0.0; dfRatio <= 1.01; dfRatio += 0.05)
     227             :     {
     228       10269 :         const double expected_x = dfMaxXOut;
     229       10269 :         const double expected_y = dfMaxYOut - dfPixelSizeY * dfRatio * nLines;
     230       10269 :         if (!abSuccess[nSamplePoints] || !abSuccess2[nSamplePoints] ||
     231        7665 :             fabs(adfX[nSamplePoints] - expected_x) > dfPixelSizeX ||
     232        6039 :             fabs(adfY[nSamplePoints] - expected_y) > dfPixelSizeY)
     233             :         {
     234        4230 :             nBadCount++;
     235             :         }
     236       10269 :         nSamplePoints++;
     237             :     }
     238             : 
     239         489 :     return nBadCount == nSamplePoints;
     240             : }
     241             : 
     242         388 : static bool GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2_MustAdjustForBottomBorder(
     243             :     GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer, void *pTransformArg, double *padfExtent,
     244             :     int nPixels, int /* nLines */, double dfPixelSizeX, double dfPixelSizeY)
     245             : {
     246         388 :     double adfX[21] = {};
     247         388 :     double adfY[21] = {};
     248             : 
     249         388 :     const double dfMinXOut = padfExtent[0];
     250         388 :     const double dfMinYOut = padfExtent[1];
     251             : 
     252             :     // Take 20 steps.
     253         388 :     int nSamplePoints = 0;
     254        8536 :     for (double dfRatio = 0.0; dfRatio <= 1.01; dfRatio += 0.05)
     255             :     {
     256             :         // Ensure we end exactly at the end.
     257        8148 :         if (dfRatio > 0.99)
     258         388 :             dfRatio = 1.0;
     259             : 
     260             :         // Along right.
     261        8148 :         adfX[nSamplePoints] = dfMinXOut + dfPixelSizeX * dfRatio * nPixels;
     262        8148 :         adfY[nSamplePoints] = dfMinYOut;
     263        8148 :         nSamplePoints++;
     264             :     }
     265         388 :     double adfZ[21] = {};
     266             : 
     267         388 :     int abSuccess[21] = {};
     268             : 
     269         388 :     pfnTransformer(pTransformArg, TRUE, nSamplePoints, adfX, adfY, adfZ,
     270             :                    abSuccess);
     271             : 
     272         388 :     int abSuccess2[21] = {};
     273             : 
     274         388 :     pfnTransformer(pTransformArg, FALSE, nSamplePoints, adfX, adfY, adfZ,
     275             :                    abSuccess2);
     276             : 
     277         388 :     nSamplePoints = 0;
     278         388 :     int nBadCount = 0;
     279        8536 :     for (double dfRatio = 0.0; dfRatio <= 1.01; dfRatio += 0.05)
     280             :     {
     281        8148 :         const double expected_x = dfMinXOut + dfPixelSizeX * dfRatio * nPixels;
     282        8148 :         const double expected_y = dfMinYOut;
     283        8148 :         if (!abSuccess[nSamplePoints] || !abSuccess2[nSamplePoints] ||
     284        6262 :             fabs(adfX[nSamplePoints] - expected_x) > dfPixelSizeX ||
     285        5973 :             fabs(adfY[nSamplePoints] - expected_y) > dfPixelSizeY)
     286             :         {
     287        2175 :             nBadCount++;
     288             :         }
     289        8148 :         nSamplePoints++;
     290             :     }
     291             : 
     292         388 :     return nBadCount == nSamplePoints;
     293             : }
     294             : 
     295             : /************************************************************************/
     296             : /*                      GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2()                      */
     297             : /************************************************************************/
     298             : 
     299             : /**
     300             :  * Suggest output file size.
     301             :  *
     302             :  * This function is used to suggest the size, and georeferenced extents
     303             :  * appropriate given the indicated transformation and input file.  It walks
     304             :  * the edges of the input file (approximately 20 sample points along each
     305             :  * edge) transforming into output coordinates in order to get an extents box.
     306             :  *
     307             :  * Then a resolution is computed with the intent that the length of the
     308             :  * distance from the top left corner of the output imagery to the bottom right
     309             :  * corner would represent the same number of pixels as in the source image.
     310             :  * Note that if the image is somewhat rotated the diagonal taken isn't of the
     311             :  * whole output bounding rectangle, but instead of the locations where the
     312             :  * top/left and bottom/right corners transform.  The output pixel size is
     313             :  * always square.  This is intended to approximately preserve the resolution
     314             :  * of the input data in the output file.
     315             :  *
     316             :  * The values returned in padfGeoTransformOut, pnPixels and pnLines are
     317             :  * the suggested number of pixels and lines for the output file, and the
     318             :  * geotransform relating those pixels to the output georeferenced coordinates.
     319             :  *
     320             :  * The trickiest part of using the function is ensuring that the
     321             :  * transformer created is from source file pixel/line coordinates to
     322             :  * output file georeferenced coordinates.  This can be accomplished with
     323             :  * GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer() by passing a NULL for the hDstDS.
     324             :  *
     325             :  * @param hSrcDS the input image (it is assumed the whole input image is
     326             :  * being transformed).
     327             :  * @param pfnTransformer the transformer function.
     328             :  * @param pTransformArg the callback data for the transformer function.
     329             :  * @param padfGeoTransformOut the array of six doubles in which the suggested
     330             :  * geotransform is returned.
     331             :  * @param pnPixels int in which the suggest pixel width of output is returned.
     332             :  * @param pnLines int in which the suggest pixel height of output is returned.
     333             :  * @param padfExtent Four entry array to return extents as (xmin, ymin, xmax,
     334             :  * ymax).
     335             :  * @param nOptions Options flags. Zero or GDAL_SWO_ROUND_UP_SIZE  to ask *pnPixels
     336             :  * and *pnLines to be rounded up instead of being rounded to the closes integer, or
     337             :  * GDAL_SWO_FORCE_SQUARE_PIXEL to indicate that the generated pixel size is a square.
     338             :  *
     339             :  * @return CE_None if successful or CE_Failure otherwise.
     340             :  */
     341             : 
     342         932 : CPLErr CPL_STDCALL GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2(GDALDatasetH hSrcDS,
     343             :                                             GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,
     344             :                                             void *pTransformArg,
     345             :                                             double *padfGeoTransformOut,
     346             :                                             int *pnPixels, int *pnLines,
     347             :                                             double *padfExtent, int nOptions)
     348             : {
     349         932 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hSrcDS, "GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2", CE_Failure);
     350             : 
     351             :     const bool bIsGDALGenImgProjTransform{
     352        1864 :         pTransformArg &&
     353         932 :         GDALIsTransformer(pTransformArg, GDAL_GEN_IMG_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME)};
     354             : 
     355             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     356             :     /*      Setup sample points all around the edge of the input raster.    */
     357             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     358         932 :     if (bIsGDALGenImgProjTransform)
     359             :     {
     360             :         // In case CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ has been modified.
     361         932 :         GDALRefreshGenImgProjTransformer(pTransformArg);
     362             :     }
     363           0 :     else if (GDALIsTransformer(pTransformArg,
     364             :                                GDAL_APPROX_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
     365             :     {
     366             :         // In case CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ has been modified.
     367           0 :         GDALRefreshApproxTransformer(pTransformArg);
     368             :     }
     369             : 
     370         932 :     const int nInXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize(hSrcDS);
     371         932 :     const int nInYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize(hSrcDS);
     372             : 
     373             :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
     374             :     /* Special case for warping on the same (or null) CRS.           */
     375             :     /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
     376         932 :     if ((!nOptions || (nOptions & GDAL_SWO_FORCE_SQUARE_PIXEL) == 0) &&
     377         931 :         pTransformArg && bIsGDALGenImgProjTransform)
     378             :     {
     379         931 :         const GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
     380             :             static_cast<const GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
     381             : 
     382         931 :         if (!psInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformer &&
     383         858 :             !psInfo->bHasCustomTransformationPipeline &&
     384         854 :             !psInfo->sDstParams.pTransformer &&
     385         854 :             psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[2] == 0 &&
     386         854 :             psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[4] == 0 &&
     387         854 :             psInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[0] == 0 &&
     388         842 :             psInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[1] == 1 &&
     389         842 :             psInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[2] == 0 &&
     390         842 :             psInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[3] == 0 &&
     391         842 :             psInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[4] == 0 &&
     392         842 :             psInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[5] == 1)
     393             :         {
     394         842 :             const OGRSpatialReference *poSourceCRS = nullptr;
     395         842 :             const OGRSpatialReference *poTargetCRS = nullptr;
     396             : 
     397         842 :             if (psInfo->pReprojectArg)
     398             :             {
     399         580 :                 const GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *psRTI =
     400             :                     static_cast<const GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *>(
     401             :                         psInfo->pReprojectArg);
     402         580 :                 poSourceCRS = psRTI->poForwardTransform->GetSourceCS();
     403         580 :                 poTargetCRS = psRTI->poForwardTransform->GetTargetCS();
     404             :             }
     405             : 
     406        1422 :             if ((!poSourceCRS && !poTargetCRS) ||
     407         580 :                 (poSourceCRS && poTargetCRS &&
     408         580 :                  poSourceCRS->IsSame(poTargetCRS)))
     409             :             {
     410             : 
     411         610 :                 const bool bNorthUp{psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[5] <
     412             :                                     0.0};
     413             : 
     414         610 :                 memcpy(padfGeoTransformOut, psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform,
     415             :                        sizeof(double) * 6);
     416             : 
     417         610 :                 if (!bNorthUp)
     418             :                 {
     419          58 :                     padfGeoTransformOut[3] = padfGeoTransformOut[3] +
     420          58 :                                              nInYSize * padfGeoTransformOut[5];
     421          58 :                     padfGeoTransformOut[5] = -padfGeoTransformOut[5];
     422             :                 }
     423             : 
     424         610 :                 *pnPixels = nInXSize;
     425         610 :                 *pnLines = nInYSize;
     426             : 
     427             :                 // Calculate extent from hSrcDS
     428         610 :                 if (padfExtent)
     429             :                 {
     430         610 :                     padfExtent[0] = psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[0];
     431         610 :                     padfExtent[1] =
     432         610 :                         psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[3] +
     433         610 :                         nInYSize * psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[5];
     434         610 :                     padfExtent[2] =
     435         610 :                         psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[0] +
     436         610 :                         nInXSize * psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[1];
     437         610 :                     padfExtent[3] = psInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[3];
     438         610 :                     if (!bNorthUp)
     439             :                     {
     440          58 :                         std::swap(padfExtent[1], padfExtent[3]);
     441             :                     }
     442             :                 }
     443         610 :                 return CE_None;
     444             :             }
     445             :         }
     446             :     }
     447             : 
     448         322 :     const int N_PIXELSTEP = 50;
     449             :     int nSteps = static_cast<int>(
     450         322 :         static_cast<double>(std::min(nInYSize, nInXSize)) / N_PIXELSTEP + 0.5);
     451         322 :     if (nSteps < 20)
     452         297 :         nSteps = 20;
     453          25 :     else if (nSteps > 100)
     454          10 :         nSteps = 100;
     455             : 
     456             :     // TODO(rouault): How is this goto retry supposed to work?  Added in r20537.
     457             :     // Does redoing the same malloc multiple times work?  If it is needed, can
     458             :     // it be converted to a tigher while loop around the MALLOC3s and free?  Is
     459             :     // the point to try with the full requested steps.  Then, if there is not
     460             :     // enough memory, back off and try with just 20 steps?
     461         322 : retry:
     462         322 :     int nStepsPlusOne = nSteps + 1;
     463         322 :     int nSampleMax = nStepsPlusOne * nStepsPlusOne;
     464             : 
     465         322 :     double dfStep = 1.0 / nSteps;
     466         322 :     double *padfY = nullptr;
     467         322 :     double *padfZ = nullptr;
     468         322 :     double *padfYRevert = nullptr;
     469         322 :     double *padfZRevert = nullptr;
     470             : 
     471             :     int *pabSuccess = static_cast<int *>(
     472         322 :         VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE(sizeof(int), nStepsPlusOne, nStepsPlusOne));
     473             :     double *padfX = static_cast<double *>(
     474         322 :         VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE(sizeof(double) * 3, nStepsPlusOne, nStepsPlusOne));
     475             :     double *padfXRevert = static_cast<double *>(
     476         322 :         VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE(sizeof(double) * 3, nStepsPlusOne, nStepsPlusOne));
     477         322 :     if (pabSuccess == nullptr || padfX == nullptr || padfXRevert == nullptr)
     478             :     {
     479           0 :         CPLFree(padfX);
     480           0 :         CPLFree(padfXRevert);
     481           0 :         CPLFree(pabSuccess);
     482           0 :         if (nSteps > 20)
     483             :         {
     484           0 :             nSteps = 20;
     485           0 :             goto retry;
     486             :         }
     487           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     488             :     }
     489             : 
     490         322 :     padfY = padfX + nSampleMax;
     491         322 :     padfZ = padfX + nSampleMax * 2;
     492         322 :     padfYRevert = padfXRevert + nSampleMax;
     493         322 :     padfZRevert = padfXRevert + nSampleMax * 2;
     494             : 
     495             :     // Take N_STEPS steps.
     496        7987 :     for (int iStep = 0; iStep <= nSteps; iStep++)
     497             :     {
     498        7665 :         double dfRatio = (iStep == nSteps) ? 1.0 : iStep * dfStep;
     499        7665 :         int iStep2 = iStep;
     500             : 
     501             :         // Along top.
     502        7665 :         padfX[iStep2] = dfRatio * nInXSize;
     503        7665 :         padfY[iStep2] = 0.0;
     504        7665 :         padfZ[iStep2] = 0.0;
     505             : 
     506             :         // Along bottom.
     507        7665 :         iStep2 += nStepsPlusOne;
     508        7665 :         padfX[iStep2] = dfRatio * nInXSize;
     509        7665 :         padfY[iStep2] = nInYSize;
     510        7665 :         padfZ[iStep2] = 0.0;
     511             : 
     512             :         // Along left.
     513        7665 :         iStep2 += nStepsPlusOne;
     514        7665 :         padfX[iStep2] = 0.0;
     515        7665 :         padfY[iStep2] = dfRatio * nInYSize;
     516        7665 :         padfZ[iStep2] = 0.0;
     517             : 
     518             :         // Along right.
     519        7665 :         iStep2 += nStepsPlusOne;
     520        7665 :         padfX[iStep2] = nInXSize;
     521        7665 :         padfY[iStep2] = dfRatio * nInYSize;
     522        7665 :         padfZ[iStep2] = 0.0;
     523             :     }
     524             : 
     525         322 :     int nSamplePoints = 4 * nStepsPlusOne;
     526             : 
     527         322 :     memset(pabSuccess, 1, sizeof(int) * nSampleMax);
     528             : 
     529             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     530             :     /*      Transform them to the output coordinate system.                 */
     531             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     532             :     {
     533         644 :         CPLTurnFailureIntoWarningBackuper oErrorsToWarnings{};
     534         322 :         pfnTransformer(pTransformArg, FALSE, nSamplePoints, padfX, padfY, padfZ,
     535             :                        pabSuccess);
     536             :     }
     537         322 :     constexpr int SIGN_FINAL_UNINIT = -2;
     538         322 :     constexpr int SIGN_FINAL_INVALID = 0;
     539         322 :     int iSignDiscontinuity = SIGN_FINAL_UNINIT;
     540         322 :     int nFailedCount = 0;
     541         322 :     const int iSignArray[2] = {-1, 1};
     542       30982 :     for (int i = 0; i < nSamplePoints; i++)
     543             :     {
     544       30660 :         if (pabSuccess[i])
     545             :         {
     546             :             // Fix for
     547             :             // where echo "-2050000.000 2050000.000" |
     548             :             //              gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:3411 -t_srs EPSG:4326
     549             :             // gives "-180 63.691332898492"
     550             :             // but we would rather like 180
     551       27696 :             if (iSignDiscontinuity == 1 || iSignDiscontinuity == -1)
     552             :             {
     553        9777 :                 if (!((iSignDiscontinuity * padfX[i] > 0 &&
     554        9728 :                        iSignDiscontinuity * padfX[i] <= 180.0) ||
     555          50 :                       (fabs(padfX[i] - iSignDiscontinuity * -180.0) < 1e-8)))
     556             :                 {
     557          27 :                     iSignDiscontinuity = SIGN_FINAL_INVALID;
     558             :                 }
     559             :             }
     560       17919 :             else if (iSignDiscontinuity == SIGN_FINAL_UNINIT)
     561             :             {
     562         744 :                 for (const auto &iSign : iSignArray)
     563             :                 {
     564         556 :                     if ((iSign * padfX[i] > 0 && iSign * padfX[i] <= 180.0) ||
     565         423 :                         (fabs(padfX[i] - iSign * -180.0) < 1e-8))
     566             :                     {
     567         133 :                         iSignDiscontinuity = iSign;
     568         133 :                         break;
     569             :                     }
     570             :                 }
     571         321 :                 if (iSignDiscontinuity == SIGN_FINAL_UNINIT)
     572             :                 {
     573         188 :                     iSignDiscontinuity = SIGN_FINAL_INVALID;
     574             :                 }
     575             :             }
     576             :         }
     577             :         else
     578             :         {
     579        2964 :             nFailedCount++;
     580             :         }
     581             :     }
     582             : 
     583         322 :     if (iSignDiscontinuity == 1 || iSignDiscontinuity == -1)
     584             :     {
     585       10338 :         for (int i = 0; i < nSamplePoints; i++)
     586             :         {
     587       10232 :             if (pabSuccess[i])
     588             :             {
     589        9615 :                 if (fabs(padfX[i] - iSignDiscontinuity * -180.0) < 1e-8)
     590             :                 {
     591           2 :                     double axTemp[2] = {iSignDiscontinuity * -180.0,
     592           2 :                                         iSignDiscontinuity * 180.0};
     593           2 :                     double ayTemp[2] = {padfY[i], padfY[i]};
     594           2 :                     double azTemp[2] = {padfZ[i], padfZ[i]};
     595           2 :                     int abSuccess[2] = {FALSE, FALSE};
     596           4 :                     CPLTurnFailureIntoWarningBackuper oErrorsToWarnings{};
     597           2 :                     if (pfnTransformer(pTransformArg, TRUE, 2, axTemp, ayTemp,
     598           2 :                                        azTemp, abSuccess) &&
     599           4 :                         fabs(axTemp[0] - axTemp[1]) < 1e-8 &&
     600           2 :                         fabs(ayTemp[0] - ayTemp[1]) < 1e-8)
     601             :                     {
     602           2 :                         padfX[i] = iSignDiscontinuity * 180.0;
     603             :                     }
     604             :                 }
     605             :             }
     606             :         }
     607             :     }
     608             : 
     609             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     610             :     /*      Check if the computed target coordinates are revertable.        */
     611             :     /*      If not, try the detailed grid sampling.                         */
     612             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     613         322 :     if (nFailedCount)
     614             :     {
     615          49 :         CPLDebug("WARP", "At least one point failed after direct transform");
     616             :     }
     617             :     else
     618             :     {
     619         273 :         memcpy(padfXRevert, padfX, nSamplePoints * sizeof(double));
     620         273 :         memcpy(padfYRevert, padfY, nSamplePoints * sizeof(double));
     621         273 :         memcpy(padfZRevert, padfZ, nSamplePoints * sizeof(double));
     622             :         {
     623         546 :             CPLTurnFailureIntoWarningBackuper oErrorsToWarnings{};
     624         273 :             pfnTransformer(pTransformArg, TRUE, nSamplePoints, padfXRevert,
     625             :                            padfYRevert, padfZRevert, pabSuccess);
     626             :         }
     627             : 
     628       24948 :         for (int i = 0; nFailedCount == 0 && i < nSamplePoints; i++)
     629             :         {
     630       24691 :             if (!pabSuccess[i])
     631             :             {
     632          16 :                 nFailedCount++;
     633          16 :                 break;
     634             :             }
     635             : 
     636       24675 :             double dfRatio = (i % nStepsPlusOne) * dfStep;
     637       24675 :             if (dfRatio > 0.99)
     638        1026 :                 dfRatio = 1.0;
     639             : 
     640       24675 :             double dfExpectedX = 0.0;
     641       24675 :             double dfExpectedY = 0.0;
     642       24675 :             if (i < nStepsPlusOne)
     643             :             {
     644        6300 :                 dfExpectedX = dfRatio * nInXSize;
     645             :             }
     646       18375 :             else if (i < 2 * nStepsPlusOne)
     647             :             {
     648        6253 :                 dfExpectedX = dfRatio * nInXSize;
     649        6253 :                 dfExpectedY = nInYSize;
     650             :             }
     651       12122 :             else if (i < 3 * nStepsPlusOne)
     652             :             {
     653        6123 :                 dfExpectedY = dfRatio * nInYSize;
     654             :             }
     655             :             else
     656             :             {
     657        5999 :                 dfExpectedX = nInXSize;
     658        5999 :                 dfExpectedY = dfRatio * nInYSize;
     659             :             }
     660             : 
     661       24675 :             if (fabs(padfXRevert[i] - dfExpectedX) >
     662       24675 :                     nInXSize / static_cast<double>(nSteps) ||
     663       24666 :                 fabs(padfYRevert[i] - dfExpectedY) >
     664       24666 :                     nInYSize / static_cast<double>(nSteps))
     665           9 :                 nFailedCount++;
     666             :         }
     667         273 :         if (nFailedCount != 0)
     668          25 :             CPLDebug("WARP",
     669             :                      "At least one point failed after revert transform");
     670             :     }
     671             : 
     672             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     673             :     /*      If any of the edge points failed to transform, we need to       */
     674             :     /*      build a fairly detailed internal grid of points instead to      */
     675             :     /*      help identify the area that is transformable.                   */
     676             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     677         322 :     if (nFailedCount)
     678             :     {
     679          74 :         nSamplePoints = 0;
     680             : 
     681             :         // Take N_STEPS steps.
     682        1782 :         for (int iStep = 0; iStep <= nSteps; iStep++)
     683             :         {
     684        1708 :             double dfRatio = (iStep == nSteps) ? 1.0 : iStep * dfStep;
     685             : 
     686       51102 :             for (int iStep2 = 0; iStep2 <= nSteps; iStep2++)
     687             :             {
     688       49394 :                 const double dfRatio2 =
     689       49394 :                     iStep2 == nSteps ? 1.0 : iStep2 * dfStep;
     690             : 
     691             :                 // From top to bottom, from left to right.
     692       49394 :                 padfX[nSamplePoints] = dfRatio2 * nInXSize;
     693       49394 :                 padfY[nSamplePoints] = dfRatio * nInYSize;
     694       49394 :                 padfZ[nSamplePoints] = 0.0;
     695       49394 :                 nSamplePoints++;
     696             :             }
     697             :         }
     698             : 
     699          74 :         CPLAssert(nSamplePoints == nSampleMax);
     700             : 
     701             :         {
     702         148 :             CPLTurnFailureIntoWarningBackuper oErrorsToWarnings{};
     703          74 :             pfnTransformer(pTransformArg, FALSE, nSamplePoints, padfX, padfY,
     704             :                            padfZ, pabSuccess);
     705             :         }
     706             :     }
     707             : 
     708             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     709             :     /*      Collect the bounds, ignoring any failed points.                 */
     710             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     711         322 :     double dfMinXOut = 0.0;
     712         322 :     double dfMinYOut = 0.0;
     713         322 :     double dfMaxXOut = 0.0;
     714         322 :     double dfMaxYOut = 0.0;
     715         322 :     bool bGotInitialPoint = false;
     716             : 
     717         322 :     nFailedCount = 0;
     718       73544 :     for (int i = 0; i < nSamplePoints; i++)
     719             :     {
     720       73222 :         int x_i = 0;
     721       73222 :         int y_i = 0;
     722             : 
     723       73222 :         if (nSamplePoints == nSampleMax)
     724             :         {
     725       49394 :             x_i = i % nStepsPlusOne;
     726       49394 :             y_i = i / nStepsPlusOne;
     727             :         }
     728             :         else
     729             :         {
     730       23828 :             if (i < 2 * nStepsPlusOne)
     731             :             {
     732       11914 :                 x_i = i % nStepsPlusOne;
     733       11914 :                 y_i = (i < nStepsPlusOne) ? 0 : nSteps;
     734             :             }
     735             :         }
     736             : 
     737       73222 :         if (x_i > 0 && (pabSuccess[i - 1] || pabSuccess[i]))
     738             :         {
     739       47945 :             double x_out_before = padfX[i - 1];
     740       47945 :             double x_out_after = padfX[i];
     741       47945 :             int nIter = 0;
     742       47945 :             double x_in_before =
     743       47945 :                 static_cast<double>(x_i - 1) * nInXSize / nSteps;
     744       47945 :             double x_in_after = static_cast<double>(x_i) * nInXSize / nSteps;
     745       47945 :             int invalid_before = !(pabSuccess[i - 1]);
     746       47945 :             int invalid_after = !(pabSuccess[i]);
     747             : 
     748             :             // Detect discontinuity in target coordinates when the target x
     749             :             // coordinates change sign. This may be a false positive when the
     750             :             // target tx is around 0 Dichotomic search to reduce the interval
     751             :             // to near the discontinuity and get a better out extent.
     752       63621 :             while ((invalid_before || invalid_after ||
     753      133838 :                     x_out_before * x_out_after < 0.0) &&
     754             :                    nIter < 16)
     755             :             {
     756       22272 :                 double x = (x_in_before + x_in_after) / 2.0;
     757       22272 :                 double y = static_cast<double>(y_i) * nInYSize / nSteps;
     758       22272 :                 double z = 0.0;
     759       22272 :                 int bSuccess = TRUE;
     760       22272 :                 if (pfnTransformer(pTransformArg, FALSE, 1, &x, &y, &z,
     761       39062 :                                    &bSuccess) &&
     762       16790 :                     bSuccess)
     763             :                 {
     764       16790 :                     if (bGotInitialPoint)
     765             :                     {
     766       16772 :                         dfMinXOut = std::min(dfMinXOut, x);
     767       16772 :                         dfMinYOut = std::min(dfMinYOut, y);
     768       16772 :                         dfMaxXOut = std::max(dfMaxXOut, x);
     769       16772 :                         dfMaxYOut = std::max(dfMaxYOut, y);
     770             :                     }
     771             :                     else
     772             :                     {
     773          18 :                         bGotInitialPoint = true;
     774          18 :                         dfMinXOut = x;
     775          18 :                         dfMaxXOut = x;
     776          18 :                         dfMinYOut = y;
     777          18 :                         dfMaxYOut = y;
     778             :                     }
     779             : 
     780       16790 :                     if (invalid_before || x_out_before * x < 0)
     781             :                     {
     782        9033 :                         invalid_after = FALSE;
     783        9033 :                         x_in_after = (x_in_before + x_in_after) / 2.0;
     784        9033 :                         x_out_after = x;
     785             :                     }
     786             :                     else
     787             :                     {
     788        7757 :                         invalid_before = FALSE;
     789        7757 :                         x_out_before = x;
     790        7757 :                         x_in_before = (x_in_before + x_in_after) / 2.0;
     791             :                     }
     792             :                 }
     793             :                 else
     794             :                 {
     795        5482 :                     if (invalid_before)
     796             :                     {
     797        2736 :                         x_in_before = (x_in_before + x_in_after) / 2.0;
     798             :                     }
     799        2746 :                     else if (invalid_after)
     800             :                     {
     801        2746 :                         x_in_after = (x_in_before + x_in_after) / 2.0;
     802             :                     }
     803             :                     else
     804             :                     {
     805           0 :                         break;
     806             :                     }
     807             :                 }
     808       22272 :                 nIter++;
     809             :             }
     810             :         }
     811             : 
     812       73222 :         if (!pabSuccess[i])
     813             :         {
     814       12036 :             nFailedCount++;
     815       12036 :             continue;
     816             :         }
     817             : 
     818       61186 :         if (bGotInitialPoint)
     819             :         {
     820       60883 :             dfMinXOut = std::min(dfMinXOut, padfX[i]);
     821       60883 :             dfMinYOut = std::min(dfMinYOut, padfY[i]);
     822       60883 :             dfMaxXOut = std::max(dfMaxXOut, padfX[i]);
     823       60883 :             dfMaxYOut = std::max(dfMaxYOut, padfY[i]);
     824             :         }
     825             :         else
     826             :         {
     827         303 :             bGotInitialPoint = true;
     828         303 :             dfMinXOut = padfX[i];
     829         303 :             dfMaxXOut = padfX[i];
     830         303 :             dfMinYOut = padfY[i];
     831         303 :             dfMaxYOut = padfY[i];
     832             :         }
     833             :     }
     834             : 
     835         322 :     if (nFailedCount > nSamplePoints - 10)
     836             :     {
     837           4 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     838             :                  "Too many points (%d out of %d) failed to transform, "
     839             :                  "unable to compute output bounds.",
     840             :                  nFailedCount, nSamplePoints);
     841             : 
     842           4 :         CPLFree(padfX);
     843           4 :         CPLFree(padfXRevert);
     844           4 :         CPLFree(pabSuccess);
     845             : 
     846           4 :         return CE_Failure;
     847             :     }
     848             : 
     849         318 :     if (nFailedCount)
     850          45 :         CPLDebug("GDAL",
     851             :                  "GDALSuggestedWarpOutput(): %d out of %d points failed to "
     852             :                  "transform.",
     853             :                  nFailedCount, nSamplePoints);
     854             : 
     855         318 :     bool bIsGeographicCoordsDeg = false;
     856         318 :     if (bIsGDALGenImgProjTransform)
     857             :     {
     858         318 :         const GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *pGIPTI =
     859             :             static_cast<const GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
     860         318 :         if (pGIPTI->sSrcParams.pTransformer == GDALGeoLocTransform &&
     861          28 :             pGIPTI->sDstParams.pTransformer == nullptr &&
     862          28 :             pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[0] == 0 &&
     863          26 :             pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[1] == 1 &&
     864          26 :             pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[2] == 0 &&
     865          26 :             pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[3] == 0 &&
     866          26 :             pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[4] == 0 &&
     867          26 :             pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[5] == 1)
     868             :         {
     869             :             /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     870             :              */
     871             :             /*      Special case for geolocation array, to quickly find the
     872             :              * bounds. */
     873             :             /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     874             :              */
     875          26 :             const GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *pGLTI =
     876             :                 static_cast<const GDALGeoLocTransformInfo *>(
     877             :                     pGIPTI->sSrcParams.pTransformArg);
     878             : 
     879          26 :             if (pGIPTI->pReproject == nullptr)
     880             :             {
     881             :                 const char *pszGLSRS =
     882          26 :                     CSLFetchNameValue(pGLTI->papszGeolocationInfo, "SRS");
     883          26 :                 if (pszGLSRS == nullptr)
     884             :                 {
     885           4 :                     bIsGeographicCoordsDeg = true;
     886             :                 }
     887             :                 else
     888             :                 {
     889          44 :                     OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
     890          22 :                     if (oSRS.SetFromUserInput(pszGLSRS) == OGRERR_NONE &&
     891          42 :                         oSRS.IsGeographic() &&
     892          20 :                         std::fabs(oSRS.GetAngularUnits() -
     893          20 :                                   CPLAtof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV)) < 1e-9)
     894             :                     {
     895          20 :                         bIsGeographicCoordsDeg = true;
     896             :                     }
     897             :                 }
     898             :             }
     899             : 
     900         208 :             for (const auto &xy :
     901          26 :                  {std::pair<double, double>(pGLTI->dfMinX, pGLTI->dfYAtMinX),
     902          26 :                   std::pair<double, double>(pGLTI->dfXAtMinY, pGLTI->dfMinY),
     903          26 :                   std::pair<double, double>(pGLTI->dfMaxX, pGLTI->dfYAtMaxX),
     904         130 :                   std::pair<double, double>(pGLTI->dfXAtMaxY, pGLTI->dfMaxY)})
     905             :             {
     906         104 :                 double x = xy.first;
     907         104 :                 double y = xy.second;
     908         104 :                 if (pGLTI->bSwapXY)
     909             :                 {
     910           4 :                     std::swap(x, y);
     911             :                 }
     912         104 :                 double xOut = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
     913         104 :                 double yOut = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
     914         104 :                 if (pGIPTI->pReproject == nullptr ||
     915           0 :                     pGIPTI->pReproject(pGIPTI->pReprojectArg, false, 1, &x, &y,
     916             :                                        nullptr, nullptr))
     917             :                 {
     918         104 :                     xOut = x;
     919         104 :                     yOut = y;
     920             :                 }
     921         104 :                 dfMinXOut = std::min(dfMinXOut, xOut);
     922         104 :                 dfMinYOut = std::min(dfMinYOut, yOut);
     923         104 :                 dfMaxXOut = std::max(dfMaxXOut, xOut);
     924         104 :                 dfMaxYOut = std::max(dfMaxYOut, yOut);
     925          26 :             }
     926             :         }
     927         292 :         else if (pGIPTI->sSrcParams.pTransformer == nullptr &&
     928         249 :                  pGIPTI->sDstParams.pTransformer == nullptr &&
     929         249 :                  pGIPTI->pReproject == GDALReprojectionTransform &&
     930         238 :                  pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[0] == 0 &&
     931         236 :                  pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[1] == 1 &&
     932         236 :                  pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[2] == 0 &&
     933         236 :                  pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[3] == 0 &&
     934         236 :                  pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[4] == 0 &&
     935         236 :                  pGIPTI->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[5] == 1)
     936             :         {
     937             :             /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
     938             :             /* Special case for warping using source geotransform and        */
     939             :             /* reprojection to deal with the poles.                          */
     940             :             /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
     941         236 :             const GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *psRTI =
     942             :                 static_cast<const GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *>(
     943             :                     pGIPTI->pReprojectArg);
     944             :             const OGRSpatialReference *poSourceCRS =
     945         236 :                 psRTI->poForwardTransform->GetSourceCS();
     946             :             const OGRSpatialReference *poTargetCRS =
     947         236 :                 psRTI->poForwardTransform->GetTargetCS();
     948         471 :             if (poTargetCRS != nullptr &&
     949         235 :                 psRTI->poReverseTransform != nullptr &&
     950         235 :                 poTargetCRS->IsGeographic() &&
     951          90 :                 fabs(poTargetCRS->GetAngularUnits() -
     952         561 :                      CPLAtof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV)) < 1e-9 &&
     953          90 :                 (!poSourceCRS || !poSourceCRS->IsGeographic()))
     954             :             {
     955          83 :                 bIsGeographicCoordsDeg = true;
     956             : 
     957          83 :                 std::unique_ptr<CPLConfigOptionSetter> poSetter;
     958          83 :                 if (pGIPTI->bCheckWithInvertPROJ)
     959             :                 {
     960             :                     // CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=YES prevent reliable
     961             :                     // transformation of poles.
     962           4 :                     poSetter = std::make_unique<CPLConfigOptionSetter>(
     963           4 :                         "CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ", "NO", false);
     964           4 :                     GDALRefreshGenImgProjTransformer(pTransformArg);
     965             :                     // GDALRefreshGenImgProjTransformer() has invalidated psRTI
     966           4 :                     psRTI = static_cast<const GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *>(
     967             :                         pGIPTI->pReprojectArg);
     968             :                 }
     969             : 
     970         249 :                 for (const auto &sign : iSignArray)
     971             :                 {
     972         166 :                     double X = 0.0;
     973         166 :                     const double Yinit = 90.0 * sign;
     974         166 :                     double Y = Yinit;
     975         166 :                     if (psRTI->poReverseTransform->Transform(1, &X, &Y))
     976             :                     {
     977         112 :                         const auto invGT =
     978             :                             pGIPTI->sSrcParams.adfInvGeoTransform;
     979         112 :                         const double x = invGT[0] + X * invGT[1] + Y * invGT[2];
     980         112 :                         const double y = invGT[3] + X * invGT[4] + Y * invGT[5];
     981         112 :                         constexpr double EPSILON = 1e-5;
     982         112 :                         if (x >= -EPSILON && x <= nInXSize + EPSILON &&
     983          26 :                             y >= -EPSILON && y <= nInYSize + EPSILON)
     984             :                         {
     985           6 :                             if (psRTI->poForwardTransform->Transform(1, &X,
     986          12 :                                                                      &Y) &&
     987           6 :                                 fabs(Y - Yinit) <= 1e-6)
     988             :                             {
     989           6 :                                 bool bMinXMaxXSet = false;
     990           6 :                                 if (poSourceCRS)
     991             :                                 {
     992             :                                     const char *pszProjection =
     993           6 :                                         poSourceCRS->GetAttrValue("PROJECTION");
     994           6 :                                     if (pszProjection &&
     995           6 :                                         EQUAL(pszProjection,
     996             :                                               SRS_PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC))
     997             :                                     {
     998             :                                         const double dfLon0 =
     999           4 :                                             poSourceCRS->GetNormProjParm(
    1000             :                                                 SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, 0.0);
    1001           4 :                                         dfMinXOut = dfLon0 - 90;
    1002           4 :                                         dfMaxXOut = dfLon0 + 90;
    1003           4 :                                         bMinXMaxXSet = true;
    1004             :                                     }
    1005             :                                 }
    1006           6 :                                 if (!bMinXMaxXSet)
    1007             :                                 {
    1008           2 :                                     dfMinXOut = -180;
    1009           2 :                                     dfMaxXOut = 180;
    1010             :                                 }
    1011           6 :                                 if (sign < 0)
    1012           2 :                                     dfMinYOut = Yinit;
    1013             :                                 else
    1014           4 :                                     dfMaxYOut = Yinit;
    1015             :                             }
    1016             :                         }
    1017             :                     }
    1018             :                 }
    1019             : 
    1020          83 :                 if (poSetter)
    1021             :                 {
    1022           4 :                     poSetter.reset();
    1023           4 :                     GDALRefreshGenImgProjTransformer(pTransformArg);
    1024           4 :                     pGIPTI = static_cast<const GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(
    1025             :                         pTransformArg);
    1026           4 :                     psRTI = static_cast<const GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *>(
    1027             :                         pGIPTI->pReprojectArg);
    1028           4 :                     poSourceCRS = psRTI->poForwardTransform->GetSourceCS();
    1029           4 :                     poTargetCRS = psRTI->poForwardTransform->GetTargetCS();
    1030             :                 }
    1031             :             }
    1032             : 
    1033             :             // Use TransformBounds() to handle more particular cases
    1034         236 :             if (poSourceCRS != nullptr && poTargetCRS != nullptr &&
    1035         235 :                 pGIPTI->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[1] != 0 &&
    1036         235 :                 pGIPTI->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[2] == 0 &&
    1037         235 :                 pGIPTI->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[4] == 0 &&
    1038         235 :                 pGIPTI->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[5] != 0)
    1039             :             {
    1040         235 :                 const double dfULX = pGIPTI->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[0];
    1041         235 :                 const double dfULY = pGIPTI->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[3];
    1042         235 :                 const double dfLRX =
    1043         235 :                     dfULX + pGIPTI->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[1] * nInXSize;
    1044         235 :                 const double dfLRY =
    1045         235 :                     dfULY + pGIPTI->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[5] * nInYSize;
    1046         235 :                 const double dfMinSrcX = std::min(dfULX, dfLRX);
    1047         235 :                 const double dfMinSrcY = std::min(dfULY, dfLRY);
    1048         235 :                 const double dfMaxSrcX = std::max(dfULX, dfLRX);
    1049         235 :                 const double dfMaxSrcY = std::max(dfULY, dfLRY);
    1050         235 :                 double dfTmpMinXOut = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1051         235 :                 double dfTmpMinYOut = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1052         235 :                 double dfTmpMaxXOut = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
    1053         235 :                 double dfTmpMaxYOut = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
    1054         470 :                 if (psRTI->poForwardTransform->TransformBounds(
    1055             :                         dfMinSrcX, dfMinSrcY, dfMaxSrcX, dfMaxSrcY,
    1056             :                         &dfTmpMinXOut, &dfTmpMinYOut, &dfTmpMaxXOut,
    1057             :                         &dfTmpMaxYOut,
    1058         235 :                         2))  // minimum number of points as we already have a
    1059             :                              // logic above to sample
    1060             :                 {
    1061         229 :                     dfMinXOut = std::min(dfMinXOut, dfTmpMinXOut);
    1062         229 :                     dfMinYOut = std::min(dfMinYOut, dfTmpMinYOut);
    1063         229 :                     dfMaxXOut = std::max(dfMaxXOut, dfTmpMaxXOut);
    1064         229 :                     dfMaxYOut = std::max(dfMaxYOut, dfTmpMaxYOut);
    1065             :                 }
    1066             :             }
    1067             :         }
    1068             :     }
    1069             : 
    1070             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1071             :     /*      Compute the distance in "georeferenced" units from the top      */
    1072             :     /*      corner of the transformed input image to the bottom left        */
    1073             :     /*      corner of the transformed input.  Use this distance to          */
    1074             :     /*      compute an approximate pixel size in the output                 */
    1075             :     /*      georeferenced coordinates.                                      */
    1076             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1077         318 :     double dfDiagonalDist = 0.0;
    1078         318 :     double dfDeltaX = 0.0;
    1079         318 :     double dfDeltaY = 0.0;
    1080             : 
    1081         318 :     if (pabSuccess[0] && pabSuccess[nSamplePoints - 1])
    1082             :     {
    1083         276 :         dfDeltaX = padfX[nSamplePoints - 1] - padfX[0];
    1084         276 :         dfDeltaY = padfY[nSamplePoints - 1] - padfY[0];
    1085             :         // In some cases this can result in 0 values. See #5980
    1086             :         // Fallback to safer method in that case.
    1087             :     }
    1088         318 :     if (dfDeltaX == 0.0 || dfDeltaY == 0.0)
    1089             :     {
    1090          47 :         dfDeltaX = dfMaxXOut - dfMinXOut;
    1091          47 :         dfDeltaY = dfMaxYOut - dfMinYOut;
    1092             :     }
    1093             : 
    1094         318 :     dfDiagonalDist = sqrt(dfDeltaX * dfDeltaX + dfDeltaY * dfDeltaY);
    1095             : 
    1096             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1097             :     /*      Compute a pixel size from this.                                 */
    1098             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1099             :     const double dfPixelSize =
    1100         318 :         dfDiagonalDist / sqrt(static_cast<double>(nInXSize) * nInXSize +
    1101         318 :                               static_cast<double>(nInYSize) * nInYSize);
    1102             : 
    1103         318 :     const double dfPixels = (dfMaxXOut - dfMinXOut) / dfPixelSize;
    1104         318 :     const double dfLines = (dfMaxYOut - dfMinYOut) / dfPixelSize;
    1105             : 
    1106         318 :     const int knIntMaxMinusOne = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 1;
    1107         318 :     if (dfPixels > knIntMaxMinusOne || dfLines > knIntMaxMinusOne)
    1108             :     {
    1109           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1110             :                  "Computed dimensions are too big : %.0f x %.0f",
    1111             :                  dfPixels + 0.5, dfLines + 0.5);
    1112             : 
    1113           0 :         CPLFree(padfX);
    1114           0 :         CPLFree(padfXRevert);
    1115           0 :         CPLFree(pabSuccess);
    1116             : 
    1117           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1118             :     }
    1119             : 
    1120         318 :     if ((nOptions & GDAL_SWO_ROUND_UP_SIZE) != 0)
    1121             :     {
    1122           8 :         constexpr double EPS = 1e-5;
    1123           8 :         *pnPixels = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(dfPixels - EPS));
    1124           8 :         *pnLines = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(dfLines - EPS));
    1125             :     }
    1126             :     else
    1127             :     {
    1128         310 :         *pnPixels = static_cast<int>(dfPixels + 0.5);
    1129         310 :         *pnLines = static_cast<int>(dfLines + 0.5);
    1130             :     }
    1131             : 
    1132         318 :     double dfPixelSizeX = dfPixelSize;
    1133         318 :     double dfPixelSizeY = dfPixelSize;
    1134             : 
    1135         318 :     const double adfRatioArray[] = {0.000, 0.001, 0.010, 0.100, 1.000};
    1136             : 
    1137             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1138             :     /*      Check that the right border is not completely out of source     */
    1139             :     /*      image. If so, adjust the x pixel size a bit in the hope it will */
    1140             :     /*      fit.                                                            */
    1141             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1142         497 :     for (const auto &dfRatio : adfRatioArray)
    1143             :     {
    1144         489 :         const double dfTryPixelSizeX =
    1145         489 :             dfPixelSizeX - dfPixelSizeX * dfRatio / *pnPixels;
    1146         489 :         double adfExtent[4] = {dfMinXOut, dfMaxYOut - (*pnLines) * dfPixelSizeY,
    1147         489 :                                dfMinXOut + (*pnPixels) * dfTryPixelSizeX,
    1148         489 :                                dfMaxYOut};
    1149         489 :         if (!GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2_MustAdjustForRightBorder(
    1150             :                 pfnTransformer, pTransformArg, adfExtent, *pnPixels, *pnLines,
    1151             :                 dfTryPixelSizeX, dfPixelSizeY))
    1152             :         {
    1153         310 :             dfPixelSizeX = dfTryPixelSizeX;
    1154         310 :             break;
    1155             :         }
    1156             :     }
    1157             : 
    1158             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1159             :     /*      Check that the bottom border is not completely out of source    */
    1160             :     /*      image. If so, adjust the y pixel size a bit in the hope it will */
    1161             :     /*      fit.                                                            */
    1162             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1163         398 :     for (const auto &dfRatio : adfRatioArray)
    1164             :     {
    1165         388 :         const double dfTryPixelSizeY =
    1166         388 :             dfPixelSizeY - dfPixelSizeY * dfRatio / *pnLines;
    1167             :         double adfExtent[4] = {
    1168         388 :             dfMinXOut, dfMaxYOut - (*pnLines) * dfTryPixelSizeY,
    1169         388 :             dfMinXOut + (*pnPixels) * dfPixelSizeX, dfMaxYOut};
    1170         388 :         if (!GDALSuggestedWarpOutput2_MustAdjustForBottomBorder(
    1171             :                 pfnTransformer, pTransformArg, adfExtent, *pnPixels, *pnLines,
    1172             :                 dfPixelSizeX, dfTryPixelSizeY))
    1173             :         {
    1174         308 :             dfPixelSizeY = dfTryPixelSizeY;
    1175         308 :             break;
    1176             :         }
    1177             :     }
    1178             : 
    1179             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1180             :     /*      Recompute some bounds so that all return values are consistent  */
    1181             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1182         318 :     double dfMaxXOutNew = dfMinXOut + (*pnPixels) * dfPixelSizeX;
    1183         318 :     if (bIsGeographicCoordsDeg &&
    1184         107 :         ((dfMaxXOut <= 180 && dfMaxXOutNew > 180) || dfMaxXOut == 180))
    1185             :     {
    1186           3 :         dfMaxXOut = 180;
    1187           3 :         dfPixelSizeX = (dfMaxXOut - dfMinXOut) / *pnPixels;
    1188             :     }
    1189             :     else
    1190             :     {
    1191         315 :         dfMaxXOut = dfMaxXOutNew;
    1192             :     }
    1193             : 
    1194         318 :     double dfMinYOutNew = dfMaxYOut - (*pnLines) * dfPixelSizeY;
    1195         318 :     if (bIsGeographicCoordsDeg && dfMinYOut >= -90 && dfMinYOutNew < -90)
    1196             :     {
    1197           0 :         dfMinYOut = -90;
    1198           0 :         dfPixelSizeY = (dfMaxYOut - dfMinYOut) / *pnLines;
    1199             :     }
    1200             :     else
    1201             :     {
    1202         318 :         dfMinYOut = dfMinYOutNew;
    1203             :     }
    1204             : 
    1205             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1206             :     /*      Return raw extents.                                             */
    1207             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1208         318 :     padfExtent[0] = dfMinXOut;
    1209         318 :     padfExtent[1] = dfMinYOut;
    1210         318 :     padfExtent[2] = dfMaxXOut;
    1211         318 :     padfExtent[3] = dfMaxYOut;
    1212             : 
    1213             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1214             :     /*      Set the output geotransform.                                    */
    1215             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1216         318 :     padfGeoTransformOut[0] = dfMinXOut;
    1217         318 :     padfGeoTransformOut[1] = dfPixelSizeX;
    1218         318 :     padfGeoTransformOut[2] = 0.0;
    1219         318 :     padfGeoTransformOut[3] = dfMaxYOut;
    1220         318 :     padfGeoTransformOut[4] = 0.0;
    1221         318 :     padfGeoTransformOut[5] = -dfPixelSizeY;
    1222             : 
    1223         318 :     CPLFree(padfX);
    1224         318 :     CPLFree(padfXRevert);
    1225         318 :     CPLFree(pabSuccess);
    1226             : 
    1227         318 :     return CE_None;
    1228             : }
    1229             : 
    1230             : /************************************************************************/
    1231             : /*                    GetCurrentCheckWithInvertPROJ()                   */
    1232             : /************************************************************************/
    1233             : 
    1234        2671 : static bool GetCurrentCheckWithInvertPROJ()
    1235             : {
    1236        2671 :     return CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ", "NO"));
    1237             : }
    1238             : 
    1239             : /************************************************************************/
    1240             : /*               GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformerInternal()              */
    1241             : /************************************************************************/
    1242             : 
    1243             : static void *GDALCreateSimilarGenImgProjTransformer(void *hTransformArg,
    1244             :                                                     double dfRatioX,
    1245             :                                                     double dfRatioY);
    1246             : 
    1247        1670 : static GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformerInternal()
    1248             : {
    1249             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1250             :     /*      Initialize the transform info.                                  */
    1251             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1252             :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    1253             :         static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(
    1254        1670 :             CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo), 1));
    1255             : 
    1256        1670 :     memcpy(psInfo->sTI.abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    1257             :            strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE));
    1258        1670 :     psInfo->sTI.pszClassName = GDAL_GEN_IMG_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME;
    1259        1670 :     psInfo->sTI.pfnTransform = GDALGenImgProjTransform;
    1260        1670 :     psInfo->sTI.pfnCleanup = GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer;
    1261        1670 :     psInfo->sTI.pfnSerialize = GDALSerializeGenImgProjTransformer;
    1262        1670 :     psInfo->sTI.pfnCreateSimilar = GDALCreateSimilarGenImgProjTransformer;
    1263             : 
    1264        1670 :     psInfo->bCheckWithInvertPROJ = GetCurrentCheckWithInvertPROJ();
    1265        1670 :     psInfo->bHasCustomTransformationPipeline = false;
    1266             : 
    1267        1670 :     return psInfo;
    1268             : }
    1269             : 
    1270             : /************************************************************************/
    1271             : /*                GDALCreateSimilarGenImgProjTransformer()              */
    1272             : /************************************************************************/
    1273             : 
    1274          32 : static void *GDALCreateSimilarGenImgProjTransformer(void *hTransformArg,
    1275             :                                                     double dfRatioX,
    1276             :                                                     double dfRatioY)
    1277             : {
    1278          32 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransformArg, "GDALCreateSimilarGenImgProjTransformer",
    1279             :                       nullptr);
    1280             : 
    1281          32 :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    1282             :         static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(hTransformArg);
    1283             : 
    1284             :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psClonedInfo =
    1285          32 :         GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformerInternal();
    1286             : 
    1287          32 :     memcpy(psClonedInfo, psInfo, sizeof(GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo));
    1288             : 
    1289          32 :     psClonedInfo->bCheckWithInvertPROJ = GetCurrentCheckWithInvertPROJ();
    1290             : 
    1291          32 :     if (psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformArg)
    1292           7 :         psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformArg = GDALCreateSimilarTransformer(
    1293             :             psInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformArg, dfRatioX, dfRatioY);
    1294          25 :     else if (dfRatioX != 1.0 || dfRatioY != 1.0)
    1295             :     {
    1296          10 :         if (psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 &&
    1297          10 :             psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0)
    1298             :         {
    1299          10 :             psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[1] *= dfRatioX;
    1300          10 :             psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[5] *= dfRatioY;
    1301             :         }
    1302             :         else
    1303             :         {
    1304             :             // If the x and y ratios are not equal, then we cannot really
    1305             :             // compute a geotransform.
    1306           0 :             psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[1] *= dfRatioX;
    1307           0 :             psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[2] *= dfRatioX;
    1308           0 :             psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[4] *= dfRatioX;
    1309           0 :             psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[5] *= dfRatioX;
    1310             :         }
    1311          10 :         if (!GDALInvGeoTransform(psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform,
    1312          10 :                                  psClonedInfo->sSrcParams.adfInvGeoTransform))
    1313             :         {
    1314           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot invert geotransform");
    1315           0 :             GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(psClonedInfo);
    1316           0 :             return nullptr;
    1317             :         }
    1318             :     }
    1319             : 
    1320          32 :     if (psClonedInfo->pReprojectArg)
    1321          11 :         psClonedInfo->pReprojectArg =
    1322          11 :             GDALCloneTransformer(psInfo->pReprojectArg);
    1323             : 
    1324          32 :     if (psClonedInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg)
    1325           0 :         psClonedInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg =
    1326           0 :             GDALCloneTransformer(psInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg);
    1327             : 
    1328          32 :     return psClonedInfo;
    1329             : }
    1330             : 
    1331             : /************************************************************************/
    1332             : /*                  GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer()                   */
    1333             : /************************************************************************/
    1334             : 
    1335             : /**
    1336             :  * Create image to image transformer.
    1337             :  *
    1338             :  * This function creates a transformation object that maps from pixel/line
    1339             :  * coordinates on one image to pixel/line coordinates on another image.  The
    1340             :  * images may potentially be georeferenced in different coordinate systems,
    1341             :  * and may used GCPs to map between their pixel/line coordinates and
    1342             :  * georeferenced coordinates (as opposed to the default assumption that their
    1343             :  * geotransform should be used).
    1344             :  *
    1345             :  * This transformer potentially performs three concatenated transformations.
    1346             :  *
    1347             :  * The first stage is from source image pixel/line coordinates to source
    1348             :  * image georeferenced coordinates, and may be done using the geotransform,
    1349             :  * or if not defined using a polynomial model derived from GCPs.  If GCPs
    1350             :  * are used this stage is accomplished using GDALGCPTransform().
    1351             :  *
    1352             :  * The second stage is to change projections from the source coordinate system
    1353             :  * to the destination coordinate system, assuming they differ.  This is
    1354             :  * accomplished internally using GDALReprojectionTransform().
    1355             :  *
    1356             :  * The third stage is converting from destination image georeferenced
    1357             :  * coordinates to destination image coordinates.  This is done using the
    1358             :  * destination image geotransform, or if not available, using a polynomial
    1359             :  * model derived from GCPs. If GCPs are used this stage is accomplished using
    1360             :  * GDALGCPTransform().  This stage is skipped if hDstDS is NULL when the
    1361             :  * transformation is created.
    1362             :  *
    1363             :  * @param hSrcDS source dataset, or NULL.
    1364             :  * @param pszSrcWKT the coordinate system for the source dataset.  If NULL,
    1365             :  * it will be read from the dataset itself.
    1366             :  * @param hDstDS destination dataset (or NULL).
    1367             :  * @param pszDstWKT the coordinate system for the destination dataset.  If
    1368             :  * NULL, and hDstDS not NULL, it will be read from the destination dataset.
    1369             :  * @param bGCPUseOK TRUE if GCPs should be used if the geotransform is not
    1370             :  * available on the source dataset (not destination).
    1371             :  * @param dfGCPErrorThreshold ignored/deprecated.
    1372             :  * @param nOrder the maximum order to use for GCP derived polynomials if
    1373             :  * possible.  Use 0 to autoselect, or -1 for thin plate splines.
    1374             :  *
    1375             :  * @return handle suitable for use GDALGenImgProjTransform(), and to be
    1376             :  * deallocated with GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer().
    1377             :  */
    1378             : 
    1379          62 : void *GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer(GDALDatasetH hSrcDS,
    1380             :                                       const char *pszSrcWKT,
    1381             :                                       GDALDatasetH hDstDS,
    1382             :                                       const char *pszDstWKT, int bGCPUseOK,
    1383             :                                       CPL_UNUSED double dfGCPErrorThreshold,
    1384             :                                       int nOrder)
    1385             : {
    1386          62 :     char **papszOptions = nullptr;
    1387             : 
    1388          62 :     if (pszSrcWKT != nullptr)
    1389           3 :         papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "SRC_SRS", pszSrcWKT);
    1390          62 :     if (pszDstWKT != nullptr)
    1391           3 :         papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "DST_SRS", pszDstWKT);
    1392          62 :     if (!bGCPUseOK)
    1393           0 :         papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "GCPS_OK", "FALSE");
    1394          62 :     if (nOrder != 0)
    1395           0 :         papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "MAX_GCP_ORDER",
    1396           0 :                                        CPLString().Printf("%d", nOrder));
    1397             : 
    1398          62 :     void *pRet = GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2(hSrcDS, hDstDS, papszOptions);
    1399          62 :     CSLDestroy(papszOptions);
    1400             : 
    1401          62 :     return pRet;
    1402             : }
    1403             : 
    1404             : /************************************************************************/
    1405             : /*                          InsertCenterLong()                          */
    1406             : /*                                                                      */
    1407             : /*      Insert a CENTER_LONG Extension entry on a GEOGCS to indicate    */
    1408             : /*      the center longitude of the dataset for wrapping purposes.      */
    1409             : /************************************************************************/
    1410             : 
    1411         693 : static void InsertCenterLong(GDALDatasetH hDS, OGRSpatialReference *poSRS,
    1412             :                              CPLStringList &aosOptions)
    1413             : 
    1414             : {
    1415        1207 :     if (!poSRS->IsGeographic() || std::fabs(poSRS->GetAngularUnits() -
    1416         514 :                                             CPLAtof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV)) > 1e-9)
    1417             :     {
    1418         180 :         return;
    1419             :     }
    1420             : 
    1421         513 :     if (poSRS->GetExtension(nullptr, "CENTER_LONG"))
    1422           0 :         return;
    1423             : 
    1424             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1425             :     /*      For now we only do this if we have a geotransform since         */
    1426             :     /*      other forms require a bunch of extra work.                      */
    1427             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1428         513 :     double adfGeoTransform[6] = {};
    1429             : 
    1430         513 :     if (GDALGetGeoTransform(hDS, adfGeoTransform) != CE_None)
    1431           0 :         return;
    1432             : 
    1433             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1434             :     /*      Compute min/max longitude based on testing the four corners.    */
    1435             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1436         513 :     const int nXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize(hDS);
    1437         513 :     const int nYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize(hDS);
    1438             : 
    1439             :     const double dfMinLong =
    1440        1026 :         std::min(std::min(adfGeoTransform[0] + 0 * adfGeoTransform[1] +
    1441         513 :                               0 * adfGeoTransform[2],
    1442        1026 :                           adfGeoTransform[0] + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[1] +
    1443         513 :                               0 * adfGeoTransform[2]),
    1444        1026 :                  std::min(adfGeoTransform[0] + 0 * adfGeoTransform[1] +
    1445         513 :                               nYSize * adfGeoTransform[2],
    1446        1026 :                           adfGeoTransform[0] + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[1] +
    1447         513 :                               nYSize * adfGeoTransform[2]));
    1448             :     const double dfMaxLong =
    1449        1026 :         std::max(std::max(adfGeoTransform[0] + 0 * adfGeoTransform[1] +
    1450         513 :                               0 * adfGeoTransform[2],
    1451        1026 :                           adfGeoTransform[0] + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[1] +
    1452         513 :                               0 * adfGeoTransform[2]),
    1453        1026 :                  std::max(adfGeoTransform[0] + 0 * adfGeoTransform[1] +
    1454         513 :                               nYSize * adfGeoTransform[2],
    1455        1026 :                           adfGeoTransform[0] + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[1] +
    1456         513 :                               nYSize * adfGeoTransform[2]));
    1457             : 
    1458             :     const double dfEpsilon =
    1459         513 :         std::max(std::fabs(adfGeoTransform[1]), std::fabs(adfGeoTransform[2]));
    1460             :     // If the raster covers more than 360 degree (allow an extra pixel),
    1461             :     // give up
    1462         513 :     constexpr double RELATIVE_EPSILON = 0.05;  // for numeric precision issues
    1463         513 :     if (dfMaxLong - dfMinLong > 360.0 + dfEpsilon * (1 + RELATIVE_EPSILON))
    1464           0 :         return;
    1465             : 
    1466             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1467             :     /*      Insert center long.                                             */
    1468             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1469         513 :     const double dfCenterLong = (dfMaxLong + dfMinLong) / 2.0;
    1470         513 :     aosOptions.SetNameValue("CENTER_LONG", CPLSPrintf("%g", dfCenterLong));
    1471             : }
    1472             : 
    1473             : /************************************************************************/
    1474             : /*                      GDALComputeAreaOfInterest()                     */
    1475             : /************************************************************************/
    1476             : 
    1477         989 : bool GDALComputeAreaOfInterest(OGRSpatialReference *poSRS, double adfGT[6],
    1478             :                                int nXSize, int nYSize,
    1479             :                                double &dfWestLongitudeDeg,
    1480             :                                double &dfSouthLatitudeDeg,
    1481             :                                double &dfEastLongitudeDeg,
    1482             :                                double &dfNorthLatitudeDeg)
    1483             : {
    1484         989 :     bool ret = false;
    1485             : 
    1486         989 :     if (!poSRS)
    1487           0 :         return false;
    1488             : 
    1489         989 :     OGRSpatialReference oSrcSRSHoriz(*poSRS);
    1490         989 :     if (oSrcSRSHoriz.IsCompound())
    1491             :     {
    1492          17 :         oSrcSRSHoriz.StripVertical();
    1493             :     }
    1494             : 
    1495         989 :     OGRSpatialReference *poGeog = oSrcSRSHoriz.CloneGeogCS();
    1496         989 :     if (poGeog)
    1497             :     {
    1498         989 :         poGeog->SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    1499         989 :         poGeog->SetAngularUnits(SRS_UA_DEGREE, CPLAtof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV));
    1500             : 
    1501         989 :         auto poCT = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(&oSrcSRSHoriz, poGeog);
    1502         989 :         if (poCT)
    1503             :         {
    1504         989 :             poCT->SetEmitErrors(false);
    1505             : 
    1506             :             double x[4], y[4];
    1507         989 :             x[0] = adfGT[0];
    1508         989 :             y[0] = adfGT[3];
    1509         989 :             x[1] = adfGT[0] + nXSize * adfGT[1];
    1510         989 :             y[1] = adfGT[3];
    1511         989 :             x[2] = adfGT[0];
    1512         989 :             y[2] = adfGT[3] + nYSize * adfGT[5];
    1513         989 :             x[3] = x[1];
    1514         989 :             y[3] = y[2];
    1515         989 :             int validity[4] = {false, false, false, false};
    1516         989 :             poCT->Transform(4, x, y, nullptr, validity);
    1517         989 :             dfWestLongitudeDeg = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1518         989 :             dfSouthLatitudeDeg = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1519         989 :             dfEastLongitudeDeg = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1520         989 :             dfNorthLatitudeDeg = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1521        4945 :             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    1522             :             {
    1523        3956 :                 if (validity[i])
    1524             :                 {
    1525        3944 :                     ret = true;
    1526        3944 :                     dfWestLongitudeDeg = std::min(dfWestLongitudeDeg, x[i]);
    1527        3944 :                     dfSouthLatitudeDeg = std::min(dfSouthLatitudeDeg, y[i]);
    1528        3944 :                     dfEastLongitudeDeg = std::max(dfEastLongitudeDeg, x[i]);
    1529        3944 :                     dfNorthLatitudeDeg = std::max(dfNorthLatitudeDeg, y[i]);
    1530             :                 }
    1531             :             }
    1532         989 :             if (validity[0] && validity[1] && x[0] > x[1])
    1533             :             {
    1534           3 :                 dfWestLongitudeDeg = x[0];
    1535           3 :                 dfEastLongitudeDeg = x[1];
    1536             :             }
    1537         989 :             if (ret && std::fabs(dfWestLongitudeDeg) <= 180 &&
    1538         985 :                 std::fabs(dfEastLongitudeDeg) <= 180 &&
    1539         981 :                 std::fabs(dfSouthLatitudeDeg) <= 90 &&
    1540         977 :                 std::fabs(dfNorthLatitudeDeg) <= 90)
    1541             :             {
    1542         977 :                 CPLDebug("GDAL", "Computing area of interest: %g, %g, %g, %g",
    1543             :                          dfWestLongitudeDeg, dfSouthLatitudeDeg,
    1544             :                          dfEastLongitudeDeg, dfNorthLatitudeDeg);
    1545             :             }
    1546             :             else
    1547             :             {
    1548          12 :                 CPLDebug("GDAL", "Could not compute area of interest");
    1549          12 :                 dfWestLongitudeDeg = 0;
    1550          12 :                 dfSouthLatitudeDeg = 0;
    1551          12 :                 dfEastLongitudeDeg = 0;
    1552          12 :                 dfNorthLatitudeDeg = 0;
    1553             :             }
    1554         989 :             OGRCoordinateTransformation::DestroyCT(poCT);
    1555             :         }
    1556             : 
    1557         989 :         delete poGeog;
    1558             :     }
    1559             : 
    1560         989 :     return ret;
    1561             : }
    1562             : 
    1563           4 : bool GDALComputeAreaOfInterest(OGRSpatialReference *poSRS, double dfX1,
    1564             :                                double dfY1, double dfX2, double dfY2,
    1565             :                                double &dfWestLongitudeDeg,
    1566             :                                double &dfSouthLatitudeDeg,
    1567             :                                double &dfEastLongitudeDeg,
    1568             :                                double &dfNorthLatitudeDeg)
    1569             : {
    1570           4 :     bool ret = false;
    1571             : 
    1572           4 :     if (!poSRS)
    1573           0 :         return false;
    1574             : 
    1575           4 :     OGRSpatialReference oSrcSRSHoriz(*poSRS);
    1576           4 :     if (oSrcSRSHoriz.IsCompound())
    1577             :     {
    1578           0 :         oSrcSRSHoriz.StripVertical();
    1579             :     }
    1580             : 
    1581           4 :     OGRSpatialReference *poGeog = oSrcSRSHoriz.CloneGeogCS();
    1582           4 :     if (poGeog)
    1583             :     {
    1584           4 :         poGeog->SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    1585             : 
    1586           4 :         auto poCT = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(&oSrcSRSHoriz, poGeog);
    1587           4 :         if (poCT)
    1588             :         {
    1589             :             double x[4], y[4];
    1590           4 :             x[0] = dfX1;
    1591           4 :             y[0] = dfY1;
    1592           4 :             x[1] = dfX2;
    1593           4 :             y[1] = dfY1;
    1594           4 :             x[2] = dfX1;
    1595           4 :             y[2] = dfY2;
    1596           4 :             x[3] = dfX2;
    1597           4 :             y[3] = dfY2;
    1598           4 :             int validity[4] = {false, false, false, false};
    1599           4 :             poCT->Transform(4, x, y, nullptr, validity);
    1600           4 :             dfWestLongitudeDeg = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1601           4 :             dfSouthLatitudeDeg = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1602           4 :             dfEastLongitudeDeg = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1603           4 :             dfNorthLatitudeDeg = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1604          20 :             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    1605             :             {
    1606          16 :                 if (validity[i])
    1607             :                 {
    1608          16 :                     ret = true;
    1609          16 :                     dfWestLongitudeDeg = std::min(dfWestLongitudeDeg, x[i]);
    1610          16 :                     dfSouthLatitudeDeg = std::min(dfSouthLatitudeDeg, y[i]);
    1611          16 :                     dfEastLongitudeDeg = std::max(dfEastLongitudeDeg, x[i]);
    1612          16 :                     dfNorthLatitudeDeg = std::max(dfNorthLatitudeDeg, y[i]);
    1613             :                 }
    1614             :             }
    1615           4 :             if (validity[0] && validity[1] && (dfX1 - dfX2) * (x[0] - x[1]) < 0)
    1616             :             {
    1617           0 :                 dfWestLongitudeDeg = x[0];
    1618           0 :                 dfEastLongitudeDeg = x[1];
    1619             :             }
    1620           4 :             if (ret)
    1621             :             {
    1622           4 :                 CPLDebug("GDAL", "Computing area of interest: %g, %g, %g, %g",
    1623             :                          dfWestLongitudeDeg, dfSouthLatitudeDeg,
    1624             :                          dfEastLongitudeDeg, dfNorthLatitudeDeg);
    1625             :             }
    1626             :             else
    1627             :             {
    1628           0 :                 CPLDebug("GDAL", "Could not compute area of interest");
    1629           0 :                 dfWestLongitudeDeg = 0;
    1630           0 :                 dfSouthLatitudeDeg = 0;
    1631           0 :                 dfEastLongitudeDeg = 0;
    1632           0 :                 dfNorthLatitudeDeg = 0;
    1633             :             }
    1634           4 :             delete poCT;
    1635             :         }
    1636             : 
    1637           4 :         delete poGeog;
    1638             :     }
    1639             : 
    1640           4 :     return ret;
    1641             : }
    1642             : 
    1643             : /************************************************************************/
    1644             : /*                    GDALGCPAntimeridianUnwrap()                       */
    1645             : /************************************************************************/
    1646             : 
    1647             : /* Deal with discontinuties of dfGCPX longitudes around the anti-meridian.
    1648             :  * Cf
    1649             :  */
    1650          41 : static void GDALGCPAntimeridianUnwrap(int nGCPCount, GDAL_GCP *pasGCPList,
    1651             :                                       const OGRSpatialReference &oSRS,
    1652             :                                       CSLConstList papszOptions)
    1653             : {
    1654             :     const char *pszGCPAntimeridianUnwrap =
    1655          41 :         CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "GCP_ANTIMERIDIAN_UNWRAP", "AUTO");
    1656         122 :     const bool bForced = EQUAL(pszGCPAntimeridianUnwrap, "YES") ||
    1657          40 :                          EQUAL(pszGCPAntimeridianUnwrap, "ON") ||
    1658         121 :                          EQUAL(pszGCPAntimeridianUnwrap, "TRUE") ||
    1659          40 :                          EQUAL(pszGCPAntimeridianUnwrap, "1");
    1660          47 :     if (bForced || (!oSRS.IsEmpty() && oSRS.IsGeographic() &&
    1661           6 :                     fabs(oSRS.GetAngularUnits(nullptr) -
    1662           6 :                          CPLAtof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV)) < 1e-8 &&
    1663           6 :                     EQUAL(pszGCPAntimeridianUnwrap, "AUTO")))
    1664             :     {
    1665           6 :         if (!bForced)
    1666             :         {
    1667             :             // Proceed to unwrapping only if the longitudes are within
    1668             :             // [-180, -170] or [170, 180]
    1669         425 :             for (int i = 0; i < nGCPCount; ++i)
    1670             :             {
    1671         423 :                 const double dfLongAbs = fabs(pasGCPList[i].dfGCPX);
    1672         423 :                 if (dfLongAbs > 180 || dfLongAbs < 170)
    1673             :                 {
    1674           3 :                     return;
    1675             :                 }
    1676             :             }
    1677             :         }
    1678             : 
    1679           3 :         bool bDone = false;
    1680         633 :         for (int i = 0; i < nGCPCount; ++i)
    1681             :         {
    1682         630 :             if (pasGCPList[i].dfGCPX < 0)
    1683             :             {
    1684          48 :                 if (!bDone)
    1685             :                 {
    1686           3 :                     bDone = true;
    1687           3 :                     CPLDebug("WARP", "GCP longitude unwrapping");
    1688             :                 }
    1689          48 :                 pasGCPList[i].dfGCPX += 360;
    1690             :             }
    1691             :         }
    1692             :     }
    1693             : }
    1694             : 
    1695             : /************************************************************************/
    1696             : /*                  GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2()                  */
    1697             : /************************************************************************/
    1698             : 
    1699             : /* clang-format off */
    1700             : /**
    1701             :  * Create image to image transformer.
    1702             :  *
    1703             :  * This function creates a transformation object that maps from pixel/line
    1704             :  * coordinates on one image to pixel/line coordinates on another image.  The
    1705             :  * images may potentially be georeferenced in different coordinate systems,
    1706             :  * and may used GCPs to map between their pixel/line coordinates and
    1707             :  * georeferenced coordinates (as opposed to the default assumption that their
    1708             :  * geotransform should be used).
    1709             :  *
    1710             :  * This transformer potentially performs three concatenated transformations.
    1711             :  *
    1712             :  * The first stage is from source image pixel/line coordinates to source
    1713             :  * image georeferenced coordinates, and may be done using the geotransform,
    1714             :  * or if not defined using a polynomial model derived from GCPs.  If GCPs
    1715             :  * are used this stage is accomplished using GDALGCPTransform().
    1716             :  *
    1717             :  * The second stage is to change projections from the source coordinate system
    1718             :  * to the destination coordinate system, assuming they differ.  This is
    1719             :  * accomplished internally using GDALReprojectionTransform().
    1720             :  *
    1721             :  * The third stage is converting from destination image georeferenced
    1722             :  * coordinates to destination image coordinates.  This is done using the
    1723             :  * destination image geotransform, or if not available, using a polynomial
    1724             :  * model derived from GCPs. If GCPs are used this stage is accomplished using
    1725             :  * GDALGCPTransform().  This stage is skipped if hDstDS is NULL when the
    1726             :  * transformation is created.
    1727             :  *
    1728             :  * Supported Options (specified with the -to switch of gdalwarp for example):
    1729             :  * <ul>
    1730             :  * <li> SRC_SRS: WKT SRS, or any string recognized by
    1731             :  * OGRSpatialReference::SetFromUserInput(), to be used as an override for
    1732             :  * hSrcDS.</li>
    1733             :  * <li> DST_SRS: WKT SRS, or any string recognized by
    1734             :  * OGRSpatialReference::SetFromUserInput(),  to be used as an override for
    1735             :  * hDstDS.
    1736             :  * </li>
    1737             :  * <li> COORDINATE_OPERATION: (GDAL &gt;= 3.0) Coordinate operation, as
    1738             :  * a PROJ or WKT string, used as an override over the normally computed
    1739             :  * pipeline. The pipeline must take into account the axis order of the source
    1740             :  * and target SRS. <li> COORDINATE_EPOCH: (GDAL &gt;= 3.0) Coordinate epoch,
    1741             :  * expressed as a decimal year. Useful for time-dependent coordinate operations.
    1742             :  * </li>
    1743             :  * <li> SRC_COORDINATE_EPOCH: (GDAL &gt;= 3.4) Coordinate epoch of source CRS,
    1744             :  * expressed as a decimal year. Useful for time-dependent coordinate operations.
    1745             :  * </li>
    1746             :  * <li> DST_COORDINATE_EPOCH: (GDAL &gt;= 3.4) Coordinate epoch of target CRS,
    1747             :  * expressed as a decimal year. Useful for time-dependent coordinate operations.
    1748             :  * </li>
    1749             :  * <li> GCPS_OK: If false, GCPs will not be used, default is TRUE.
    1750             :  * </li>
    1751             :  * <li> REFINE_MINIMUM_GCPS: The minimum amount of GCPs that should be available
    1752             :  * after the refinement.
    1753             :  * </li>
    1754             :  * <li> REFINE_TOLERANCE: The tolerance that specifies when a GCP will be
    1755             :  * eliminated.
    1756             :  * </li>
    1757             :  * <li> MAX_GCP_ORDER: the maximum order to use for GCP derived polynomials if
    1758             :  * possible.  The default is to autoselect based on the number of GCPs.
    1759             :  * A value of -1 triggers use of Thin Plate Spline instead of polynomials.
    1760             :  * </li>
    1761             :  * <li>GCP_ANTIMERIDIAN_UNWRAP=AUTO/YES/NO. (GDAL &gt;= 3.8) Whether to
    1762             :  * "unwrap" longitudes of ground control points that span the antimeridian.
    1763             :  * For datasets with GCPs in longitude/latitude coordinate space spanning the
    1764             :  * antimeridian, longitudes will have a discontinuity on +/- 180 deg, and
    1765             :  * will result in a subset of the GCPs with longitude in the [-180,-170] range
    1766             :  * and another subset in [170, 180]. By default (AUTO), that situation will be
    1767             :  * detected and longitudes in [-180,-170] will be shifted to [180, 190] to get
    1768             :  * a continuous set. This option can be set to YES to force that behavior
    1769             :  * (useful if no SRS information is available), or to NO to disable it.
    1770             :  * </li>
    1771             :  * <li> SRC_METHOD: may have a value which is one of GEOTRANSFORM, GCP_HOMOGRAPHY,
    1772             :  * GCP_POLYNOMIAL, GCP_TPS, GEOLOC_ARRAY, RPC to force only one geolocation
    1773             :  * method to be considered on the source dataset. Will be used for pixel/line
    1774             :  * to georef transformation on the source dataset. NO_GEOTRANSFORM can be
    1775             :  * used to specify the identity geotransform (ungeoreference image)
    1776             :  * </li>
    1777             :  * <li> DST_METHOD: may have a value which is one of GEOTRANSFORM,
    1778             :  * GCP_POLYNOMIAL, GCP_HOMOGRAPHY, GCP_TPS, GEOLOC_ARRAY (added in 3.5), RPC to
    1779             :  * force only one
    1780             :  * geolocation method to be considered on the target dataset.  Will be used for
    1781             :  * pixel/line to georef transformation on the destination dataset.
    1782             :  * NO_GEOTRANSFORM can be used to specify the identity geotransform
    1783             :  * (ungeoreference image)
    1784             :  * </li>
    1785             :  * <li> RPC_HEIGHT: A fixed height to be used with RPC
    1786             :  * calculations. If RPC_HEIGHT and RPC_DEM are not specified but that the RPC
    1787             :  * metadata domain contains a HEIGHT_DEFAULT item (for example, the DIMAP driver
    1788             :  * may fill it), this value will be used as the RPC_HEIGHT. Otherwise, if none
    1789             :  * of RPC_HEIGHT and RPC_DEM are specified as transformer
    1790             :  * options and if HEIGHT_DEFAULT is no available, a height of 0 will be used.
    1791             :  * </li>
    1792             :  * <li> RPC_DEM: The name of a DEM file to be used with RPC
    1793             :  * calculations. See GDALCreateRPCTransformerV2() for more details.
    1794             :  * </li>
    1795             :  * <li> Other RPC related options. See GDALCreateRPCTransformerV2()
    1796             :  * </li>
    1797             :  * <li>
    1798             :  * INSERT_CENTER_LONG: May be set to FALSE to disable setting up a CENTER_LONG
    1799             :  * value on the coordinate system to rewrap things around the center of the
    1800             :  * image.
    1801             :  * </li>
    1802             :  * <li> SRC_APPROX_ERROR_IN_SRS_UNIT=err_threshold_in_SRS_units. (GDAL
    1803             :  * &gt;= 2.2) Use an approximate transformer for the source transformer. Must be
    1804             :  * defined together with SRC_APPROX_ERROR_IN_PIXEL to be taken into account.
    1805             :  * </li>
    1806             :  * <li> SRC_APPROX_ERROR_IN_PIXEL=err_threshold_in_pixel. (GDAL &gt;= 2.2) Use
    1807             :  * an approximate transformer for the source transformer.. Must be defined
    1808             :  * together with SRC_APPROX_ERROR_IN_SRS_UNIT to be taken into account.
    1809             :  * </li>
    1810             :  * <li>
    1811             :  * DST_APPROX_ERROR_IN_SRS_UNIT=err_threshold_in_SRS_units. (GDAL &gt;= 2.2) Use
    1812             :  * an approximate transformer for the destination transformer. Must be defined
    1813             :  * together with DST_APPROX_ERROR_IN_PIXEL to be taken into account.
    1814             :  * </li>
    1815             :  * <li>
    1816             :  * DST_APPROX_ERROR_IN_PIXEL=err_threshold_in_pixel. (GDAL &gt;= 2.2) Use an
    1817             :  * approximate transformer for the destination transformer. Must be defined
    1818             :  * together with DST_APPROX_ERROR_IN_SRS_UNIT to be taken into account.
    1819             :  * </li>
    1820             :  * <li>
    1821             :  * REPROJECTION_APPROX_ERROR_IN_SRC_SRS_UNIT=err_threshold_in_src_SRS_units.
    1822             :  * (GDAL &gt;= 2.2) Use an approximate transformer for the coordinate
    1823             :  * reprojection. Must be used together with
    1824             :  * REPROJECTION_APPROX_ERROR_IN_DST_SRS_UNIT to be taken into account.
    1825             :  * </li>
    1826             :  * <li>
    1827             :  * REPROJECTION_APPROX_ERROR_IN_DST_SRS_UNIT=err_threshold_in_dst_SRS_units.
    1828             :  * (GDAL &gt;= 2.2) Use an approximate transformer for the coordinate
    1829             :  * reprojection. Must be used together with
    1830             :  * REPROJECTION_APPROX_ERROR_IN_SRC_SRS_UNIT to be taken into account.
    1831             :  * </li>
    1832             :  * <li>
    1833             :  * AREA_OF_INTEREST=west_lon_deg,south_lat_deg,east_lon_deg,north_lat_deg. (GDAL
    1834             :  * &gt;= 3.0) Area of interest, used to compute the best coordinate operation
    1835             :  * between the source and target SRS. If not specified, the bounding box of the
    1836             :  * source raster will be used.
    1837             :  * </li>
    1838             :  * <li> GEOLOC_BACKMAP_OVERSAMPLE_FACTOR=[0.1,2]. (GDAL &gt;= 3.5) Oversample
    1839             :  * factor used to derive the size of the "backmap" used for geolocation array
    1840             :  * transformers. Default value is 1.3.
    1841             :  * </li>
    1842             :  * <li> GEOLOC_USE_TEMP_DATASETS=YES/NO.
    1843             :  * (GDAL &gt;= 3.5) Whether temporary GeoTIFF datasets should be used to store
    1844             :  * the backmap. The default is NO, that is to use in-memory arrays, unless the
    1845             :  * number of pixels of the geolocation array is greater than 16 megapixels.
    1846             :  * </li>
    1847             :  * <li>
    1848             :  * GEOLOC_ARRAY/SRC_GEOLOC_ARRAY=filename. (GDAL &gt;= 3.5.2) Name of a GDAL
    1849             :  * dataset containing a geolocation array and associated metadata. This is an
    1850             :  * alternative to having geolocation information described in the GEOLOCATION
    1851             :  * metadata domain of the source dataset. The dataset specified may have a
    1852             :  * GEOLOCATION metadata domain containing appropriate metadata, however default
    1853             :  * values are assigned for all omitted items. X_BAND defaults to 1 and Y_BAND to
    1854             :  * 2, however the dataset must contain exactly 2 bands. PIXEL_OFFSET and
    1855             :  * LINE_OFFSET default to 0. PIXEL_STEP and LINE_STEP default to the ratio of
    1856             :  * the width/height of the source dataset divided by the with/height of the
    1857             :  * geolocation array. SRS defaults to the geolocation array dataset's spatial
    1858             :  * reference system if set, otherwise WGS84 is used.
    1859             :  * GEOREFERENCING_CONVENTION is selected from the main metadata domain if it
    1860             :  * is omitted from the GEOLOCATION domain, and if not available
    1861             :  * TOP_LEFT_CORNER is assigned as a default.
    1862             :  * If GEOLOC_ARRAY is set SRC_METHOD
    1863             :  * defaults to GEOLOC_ARRAY.
    1864             :  * </li>
    1865             :  * <li>DST_GEOLOC_ARRAY=filename. (GDAL &gt;= 3.5.2) Name of a
    1866             :  * GDAL dataset that contains at least 2 bands with the X and Y geolocation
    1867             :  * bands. This is an alternative to having geolocation information described in
    1868             :  * the GEOLOCATION metadata domain of the destination dataset. See
    1869             :  * SRC_GEOLOC_ARRAY description for details, assumptions, and defaults. If this
    1870             :  * option is set, DST_METHOD=GEOLOC_ARRAY will be assumed if not set.
    1871             :  * </li>
    1872             :  * </ul>
    1873             :  *
    1874             :  * The use case for the *_APPROX_ERROR_* options is when defining an approximate
    1875             :  * transformer on top of the GenImgProjTransformer globally is not practical.
    1876             :  * Such a use case is when the source dataset has RPC with a RPC DEM. In such
    1877             :  * case we don't want to use the approximate transformer on the RPC
    1878             :  * transformation, as the RPC DEM generally involves non-linearities that the
    1879             :  * approximate transformer will not detect. In such case, we must a
    1880             :  * non-approximated GenImgProjTransformer, but it might be worthwhile to use
    1881             :  * approximate sub- transformers, for example on coordinate reprojection. For
    1882             :  * example if warping from a source dataset with RPC to a destination dataset
    1883             :  * with a UTM projection, since the inverse UTM transformation is rather costly.
    1884             :  * In which case, one can use the REPROJECTION_APPROX_ERROR_IN_SRC_SRS_UNIT and
    1885             :  * REPROJECTION_APPROX_ERROR_IN_DST_SRS_UNIT options.
    1886             :  *
    1887             :  * @param hSrcDS source dataset, or NULL.
    1888             :  * @param hDstDS destination dataset (or NULL).
    1889             :  * @param papszOptions NULL-terminated list of string options (or NULL).
    1890             :  *
    1891             :  * @return handle suitable for use GDALGenImgProjTransform(), and to be
    1892             :  * deallocated with GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer() or NULL on failure.
    1893             :  */
    1894             : /* clang-format on */
    1895             : 
    1896        1424 : void *GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2(GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, GDALDatasetH hDstDS,
    1897             :                                        CSLConstList papszOptions)
    1898             : 
    1899             : {
    1900        1424 :     double dfWestLongitudeDeg = 0.0;
    1901        1424 :     double dfSouthLatitudeDeg = 0.0;
    1902        1424 :     double dfEastLongitudeDeg = 0.0;
    1903        1424 :     double dfNorthLatitudeDeg = 0.0;
    1904        1424 :     bool bHasAreaOfInterest = false;
    1905        1424 :     if (const char *pszAreaOfInterest =
    1906        1424 :             CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "AREA_OF_INTEREST"))
    1907             :     {
    1908             :         const CPLStringList aosTokens(
    1909           0 :             CSLTokenizeString2(pszAreaOfInterest, ", ", 0));
    1910           0 :         if (aosTokens.size() == 4)
    1911             :         {
    1912           0 :             dfWestLongitudeDeg = CPLAtof(aosTokens[0]);
    1913           0 :             dfSouthLatitudeDeg = CPLAtof(aosTokens[1]);
    1914           0 :             dfEastLongitudeDeg = CPLAtof(aosTokens[2]);
    1915           0 :             dfNorthLatitudeDeg = CPLAtof(aosTokens[3]);
    1916           0 :             bHasAreaOfInterest = true;
    1917             :         }
    1918             :     }
    1919             : 
    1920        1424 :     const char *pszCO = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "COORDINATE_OPERATION");
    1921             : 
    1922             :     const auto SetAxisMapping =
    1923        3019 :         [papszOptions](OGRSpatialReference &oSRS, const char *pszPrefix)
    1924             :     {
    1925        1007 :         const char *pszMapping = CSLFetchNameValue(
    1926        2014 :             papszOptions, std::string(pszPrefix)
    1927        1007 :                               .append("_DATA_AXIS_TO_SRS_AXIS_MAPPING")
    1928             :                               .c_str());
    1929        1007 :         if (pszMapping)
    1930             :         {
    1931           4 :             CPLStringList aosTokens(CSLTokenizeString2(pszMapping, ",", 0));
    1932           4 :             std::vector<int> anMapping;
    1933           6 :             for (int i = 0; i < aosTokens.size(); ++i)
    1934           4 :                 anMapping.push_back(atoi(aosTokens[i]));
    1935           2 :             oSRS.SetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping(anMapping);
    1936             :         }
    1937             :         else
    1938             :         {
    1939        1005 :             const char *pszStrategy = CSLFetchNameValueDef(
    1940             :                 papszOptions,
    1941        2010 :                 std::string(pszPrefix).append("_AXIS_MAPPING_STRATEGY").c_str(),
    1942             :                 "TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER");
    1943        1005 :             if (EQUAL(pszStrategy, "TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER"))
    1944        1004 :                 oSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    1945           1 :             else if (EQUAL(pszStrategy, "AUTHORITY_COMPLIANT"))
    1946           1 :                 oSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_AUTHORITY_COMPLIANT);
    1947             :             else
    1948             :             {
    1949           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1950             :                          "Unrecognized value '%s' for %s", pszStrategy,
    1951           0 :                          std::string(pszPrefix)
    1952           0 :                              .append("_AXIS_MAPPING_STRATEGY")
    1953             :                              .c_str());
    1954           0 :                 return false;
    1955             :             }
    1956             :         }
    1957        1007 :         return true;
    1958        1424 :     };
    1959             : 
    1960             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1961             :     /*      Initialize the transform info.                                  */
    1962             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1963             :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    1964        1424 :         GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformerInternal();
    1965             : 
    1966             :     const auto DealWithForwardOrInverse =
    1967        2834 :         [bHasAreaOfInterest, &dfWestLongitudeDeg, &dfSouthLatitudeDeg,
    1968             :          &dfEastLongitudeDeg, &dfNorthLatitudeDeg, pszCO, papszOptions,
    1969             :          &SetAxisMapping](GDALGenImgProjTransformPart &part, GDALDatasetH hDS,
    1970             :                           const char *pszPrefix, OGRSpatialReference &oSRS,
    1971       27505 :                           bool &bCanUseGeoTransform)
    1972             :     {
    1973             :         const int nOrder =
    1974        2834 :             atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "MAX_GCP_ORDER", "0"));
    1975             : 
    1976             :         const bool bGCPUseOK =
    1977        2834 :             CPLTestBool(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "GCPS_OK", "YES"));
    1978        2834 :         const int nMinimumGcps = atoi(
    1979             :             CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "REFINE_MINIMUM_GCPS", "-1"));
    1980             : 
    1981             :         const char *pszRefineTolerance =
    1982        2834 :             CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "REFINE_TOLERANCE");
    1983        2834 :         const bool bRefine = pszRefineTolerance != nullptr;
    1984             :         const double dfTolerance =
    1985        2834 :             pszRefineTolerance ? CPLAtof(pszRefineTolerance) : 0.0;
    1986             : 
    1987             :         const std::string osSRSOptionName =
    1988        8502 :             std::string(pszPrefix).append("_SRS");
    1989             :         const char *pszSRS =
    1990        2834 :             CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, osSRSOptionName.c_str());
    1991        2834 :         if (pszSRS)
    1992             :         {
    1993        2010 :             if (pszSRS[0] != '\0' &&
    1994        1003 :                 oSRS.SetFromUserInput(pszSRS) != OGRERR_NONE)
    1995             :             {
    1996           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1997             :                          "Failed to import coordinate system `%s'.", pszSRS);
    1998           0 :                 return false;
    1999             :             }
    2000        1007 :             if (!SetAxisMapping(oSRS, osSRSOptionName.c_str()))
    2001           0 :                 return false;
    2002             :         }
    2003             : 
    2004        2834 :         CSLConstList papszMD = nullptr;
    2005             :         GDALRPCInfoV2 sRPCInfo;
    2006             : 
    2007        2834 :         bCanUseGeoTransform = false;
    2008             : 
    2009        2834 :         const char *pszMethod = CSLFetchNameValue(
    2010        5668 :             papszOptions, std::string(pszPrefix).append("_METHOD").c_str());
    2011        2834 :         if (!pszMethod && EQUAL(pszPrefix, "SRC"))
    2012        1413 :             pszMethod = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "METHOD");
    2013             : 
    2014        2834 :         const char *pszGeolocArray = CSLFetchNameValue(
    2015             :             papszOptions,
    2016        5668 :             std::string(pszPrefix).append("_GEOLOC_ARRAY").c_str());
    2017        2834 :         if (!pszGeolocArray && EQUAL(pszPrefix, "SRC"))
    2018        1423 :             pszGeolocArray = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "GEOLOC_ARRAY");
    2019        2834 :         if (!pszMethod && pszGeolocArray != nullptr)
    2020           9 :             pszMethod = "GEOLOC_ARRAY";
    2021             : 
    2022             :         /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2023             :         /*      Get forward and inverse geotransform for the source image.      */
    2024             :         /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2025        2834 :         if (hDS == nullptr ||
    2026          81 :             (pszMethod != nullptr && EQUAL(pszMethod, "NO_GEOTRANSFORM")))
    2027             :         {
    2028        1178 :             part.adfGeoTransform[0] = 0.0;
    2029        1178 :             part.adfGeoTransform[1] = 1.0;
    2030        1178 :             part.adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
    2031        1178 :             part.adfGeoTransform[3] = 0.0;
    2032        1178 :             part.adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
    2033        1178 :             part.adfGeoTransform[5] = 1.0;
    2034        1178 :             memcpy(part.adfInvGeoTransform, part.adfGeoTransform,
    2035             :                    sizeof(double) * 6);
    2036             :         }
    2037        3245 :         else if ((pszMethod == nullptr || EQUAL(pszMethod, "GEOTRANSFORM")) &&
    2038        1589 :                  GDALGetGeoTransform(hDS, part.adfGeoTransform) == CE_None)
    2039             :         {
    2040        1510 :             if (!GDALInvGeoTransform(part.adfGeoTransform,
    2041        1510 :                                      part.adfInvGeoTransform))
    2042             :             {
    2043           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2044             :                          "Cannot invert geotransform");
    2045           0 :                 return false;
    2046             :             }
    2047        1510 :             if (pszSRS == nullptr)
    2048             :             {
    2049        1410 :                 auto hSRS = GDALGetSpatialRef(hDS);
    2050        1410 :                 if (hSRS)
    2051        1108 :                     oSRS = *(OGRSpatialReference::FromHandle(hSRS));
    2052             :             }
    2053        1510 :             if (EQUAL(pszPrefix, "SRC"))
    2054             :             {
    2055        1179 :                 if (!bHasAreaOfInterest && pszCO == nullptr && !oSRS.IsEmpty())
    2056             :                 {
    2057         973 :                     GDALComputeAreaOfInterest(
    2058         973 :                         &oSRS, part.adfGeoTransform, GDALGetRasterXSize(hDS),
    2059             :                         GDALGetRasterYSize(hDS), dfWestLongitudeDeg,
    2060             :                         dfSouthLatitudeDeg, dfEastLongitudeDeg,
    2061             :                         dfNorthLatitudeDeg);
    2062             :                 }
    2063        1179 :                 bCanUseGeoTransform = true;
    2064             :             }
    2065             :         }
    2066         146 :         else if (bGCPUseOK &&
    2067          79 :                  ((pszMethod == nullptr && GDALGetGCPCount(hDS) >= 4 &&
    2068         146 :                    GDALGetGCPCount(hDS) < 6) ||
    2069          67 :                   (pszMethod != nullptr &&
    2070         293 :                    EQUAL(pszMethod, "GCP_HOMOGRAPHY"))) &&
    2071          22 :                  GDALGetGCPCount(hDS) > 0)
    2072             :         {
    2073          22 :             if (pszSRS == nullptr)
    2074             :             {
    2075          21 :                 auto hSRS = GDALGetGCPSpatialRef(hDS);
    2076          21 :                 if (hSRS)
    2077          21 :                     oSRS = *(OGRSpatialReference::FromHandle(hSRS));
    2078             :             }
    2079             : 
    2080          22 :             const auto nGCPCount = GDALGetGCPCount(hDS);
    2081          22 :             auto pasGCPList = GDALDuplicateGCPs(nGCPCount, GDALGetGCPs(hDS));
    2082          22 :             GDALGCPAntimeridianUnwrap(nGCPCount, pasGCPList, oSRS,
    2083             :                                       papszOptions);
    2084             : 
    2085          22 :             part.pTransformArg =
    2086          22 :                 GDALCreateHomographyTransformerFromGCPs(nGCPCount, pasGCPList);
    2087             : 
    2088          22 :             GDALDeinitGCPs(nGCPCount, pasGCPList);
    2089          22 :             CPLFree(pasGCPList);
    2090             : 
    2091          22 :             if (part.pTransformArg == nullptr)
    2092             :             {
    2093           0 :                 return false;
    2094             :             }
    2095          22 :             part.pTransformer = GDALHomographyTransform;
    2096             :         }
    2097         124 :         else if (bGCPUseOK &&
    2098          66 :                  (pszMethod == nullptr || EQUAL(pszMethod, "GCP_POLYNOMIAL")) &&
    2099         248 :                  GDALGetGCPCount(hDS) > 0 && nOrder >= 0)
    2100             :         {
    2101           8 :             if (pszSRS == nullptr)
    2102             :             {
    2103           8 :                 auto hSRS = GDALGetGCPSpatialRef(hDS);
    2104           8 :                 if (hSRS)
    2105           8 :                     oSRS = *(OGRSpatialReference::FromHandle(hSRS));
    2106             :             }
    2107             : 
    2108           8 :             const auto nGCPCount = GDALGetGCPCount(hDS);
    2109           8 :             auto pasGCPList = GDALDuplicateGCPs(nGCPCount, GDALGetGCPs(hDS));
    2110           8 :             GDALGCPAntimeridianUnwrap(nGCPCount, pasGCPList, oSRS,
    2111             :                                       papszOptions);
    2112             : 
    2113           8 :             if (bRefine)
    2114             :             {
    2115           0 :                 part.pTransformArg = GDALCreateGCPRefineTransformer(
    2116             :                     nGCPCount, pasGCPList, nOrder, FALSE, dfTolerance,
    2117             :                     nMinimumGcps);
    2118             :             }
    2119             :             else
    2120             :             {
    2121           8 :                 part.pTransformArg = GDALCreateGCPTransformer(
    2122             :                     nGCPCount, pasGCPList, nOrder, FALSE);
    2123             :             }
    2124             : 
    2125           8 :             GDALDeinitGCPs(nGCPCount, pasGCPList);
    2126           8 :             CPLFree(pasGCPList);
    2127             : 
    2128           8 :             if (part.pTransformArg == nullptr)
    2129             :             {
    2130           0 :                 return false;
    2131             :             }
    2132           8 :             part.pTransformer = GDALGCPTransform;
    2133             :         }
    2134             : 
    2135         127 :         else if (bGCPUseOK && GDALGetGCPCount(hDS) > 0 && nOrder <= 0 &&
    2136          11 :                  (pszMethod == nullptr || EQUAL(pszMethod, "GCP_TPS")))
    2137             :         {
    2138          11 :             if (pszSRS == nullptr)
    2139             :             {
    2140          11 :                 auto hSRS = GDALGetGCPSpatialRef(hDS);
    2141          11 :                 if (hSRS)
    2142          10 :                     oSRS = *(OGRSpatialReference::FromHandle(hSRS));
    2143             :             }
    2144             : 
    2145          11 :             const auto nGCPCount = GDALGetGCPCount(hDS);
    2146          11 :             auto pasGCPList = GDALDuplicateGCPs(nGCPCount, GDALGetGCPs(hDS));
    2147          11 :             GDALGCPAntimeridianUnwrap(nGCPCount, pasGCPList, oSRS,
    2148             :                                       papszOptions);
    2149             : 
    2150          11 :             part.pTransformArg = GDALCreateTPSTransformerInt(
    2151             :                 nGCPCount, pasGCPList, FALSE, papszOptions);
    2152             : 
    2153          11 :             GDALDeinitGCPs(nGCPCount, pasGCPList);
    2154          11 :             CPLFree(pasGCPList);
    2155             : 
    2156          11 :             if (part.pTransformArg == nullptr)
    2157             :             {
    2158           2 :                 return false;
    2159             :             }
    2160           9 :             part.pTransformer = GDALTPSTransform;
    2161             :         }
    2162             : 
    2163          52 :         else if ((pszMethod == nullptr || EQUAL(pszMethod, "RPC")) &&
    2164         203 :                  (papszMD = GDALGetMetadata(hDS, "RPC")) != nullptr &&
    2165          46 :                  GDALExtractRPCInfoV2(papszMD, &sRPCInfo))
    2166             :         {
    2167          46 :             CPLStringList aosOptions(papszOptions);
    2168          87 :             if (!CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "RPC_HEIGHT") &&
    2169          41 :                 !CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "RPC_DEM"))
    2170             :             {
    2171           8 :                 if (const char *pszHEIGHT_DEFAULT =
    2172           8 :                         CSLFetchNameValue(papszMD, "HEIGHT_DEFAULT"))
    2173             :                 {
    2174           1 :                     CPLDebug("GDAL",
    2175             :                              "For %s, using RPC_HEIGHT = HEIGHT_DEFAULT = %s",
    2176             :                              pszPrefix, pszHEIGHT_DEFAULT);
    2177           1 :                     aosOptions.SetNameValue("RPC_HEIGHT", pszHEIGHT_DEFAULT);
    2178             :                 }
    2179             :             }
    2180          46 :             part.pTransformArg = GDALCreateRPCTransformerV2(&sRPCInfo, FALSE, 0,
    2181          46 :                                                             aosOptions.List());
    2182          46 :             if (part.pTransformArg == nullptr)
    2183             :             {
    2184           1 :                 return false;
    2185             :             }
    2186          45 :             part.pTransformer = GDALRPCTransform;
    2187          45 :             if (pszSRS == nullptr)
    2188             :             {
    2189          45 :                 oSRS.SetFromUserInput(SRS_WKT_WGS84_LAT_LONG);
    2190          45 :                 oSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    2191             :             }
    2192             :         }
    2193             : 
    2194         117 :         else if ((pszMethod == nullptr || EQUAL(pszMethod, "GEOLOC_ARRAY")) &&
    2195          58 :                  ((papszMD = GDALGetMetadata(hDS, "GEOLOCATION")) != nullptr ||
    2196             :                   pszGeolocArray != nullptr))
    2197             :         {
    2198          51 :             CPLStringList aosGeolocMD;  // keep in this scope
    2199          51 :             if (pszGeolocArray != nullptr)
    2200             :             {
    2201           9 :                 if (papszMD != nullptr)
    2202             :                 {
    2203           0 :                     CPLError(
    2204             :                         CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2205             :                         "Both GEOLOCATION metadata domain on the source "
    2206             :                         "dataset "
    2207             :                         "and [%s_]GEOLOC_ARRAY transformer option are set. "
    2208             :                         "Only using the later.",
    2209             :                         pszPrefix);
    2210             :                 }
    2211           9 :                 aosGeolocMD = GDALCreateGeolocationMetadata(
    2212             :                     hDS, pszGeolocArray,
    2213           9 :                     /* bIsSource= */ EQUAL(pszPrefix, "SRC"));
    2214           9 :                 if (aosGeolocMD.empty())
    2215             :                 {
    2216           3 :                     return false;
    2217             :                 }
    2218           6 :                 papszMD = aosGeolocMD.List();
    2219             :             }
    2220             : 
    2221          48 :             part.pTransformArg = GDALCreateGeoLocTransformerEx(
    2222             :                 hDS, papszMD, FALSE, nullptr, papszOptions);
    2223          48 :             if (part.pTransformArg == nullptr)
    2224             :             {
    2225           2 :                 return false;
    2226             :             }
    2227          46 :             part.pTransformer = GDALGeoLocTransform;
    2228          46 :             if (pszSRS == nullptr)
    2229             :             {
    2230          46 :                 pszSRS = CSLFetchNameValue(papszMD, "SRS");
    2231          46 :                 if (pszSRS)
    2232             :                 {
    2233          44 :                     oSRS.SetFromUserInput(pszSRS);
    2234          44 :                     oSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    2235             :                 }
    2236             :             }
    2237             :         }
    2238             : 
    2239           8 :         else if (pszMethod != nullptr && EQUAL(pszPrefix, "SRC"))
    2240             :         {
    2241           1 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2242             :                      "Unable to compute a %s based transformation between "
    2243             :                      "pixel/line and georeferenced coordinates for %s.",
    2244             :                      pszMethod, GDALGetDescription(hDS));
    2245             : 
    2246           1 :             return false;
    2247             :         }
    2248             : 
    2249             :         else
    2250             :         {
    2251           7 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2252             :                      "Unable to compute a transformation between pixel/line "
    2253             :                      "and georeferenced coordinates for %s. "
    2254             :                      "There is no affine transformation and no GCPs. "
    2255             :                      "Specify transformation option %s_METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM "
    2256             :                      "to bypass this check.",
    2257             :                      GDALGetDescription(hDS), pszPrefix);
    2258             : 
    2259           7 :             return false;
    2260             :         }
    2261             : 
    2262             :         /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2263             :         /*      Handle optional source approximation transformer.           */
    2264             :         /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2265        2818 :         if (part.pTransformer)
    2266             :         {
    2267         130 :             const char *pszApproxErrorFwd = CSLFetchNameValue(
    2268         260 :                 papszOptions, std::string(pszPrefix)
    2269         130 :                                   .append("_APPROX_ERROR_IN_SRS_UNIT")
    2270             :                                   .c_str());
    2271         130 :             const char *pszApproxErrorReverse = CSLFetchNameValue(
    2272         260 :                 papszOptions, std::string(pszPrefix)
    2273         130 :                                   .append("_APPROX_ERROR_IN_PIXEL")
    2274             :                                   .c_str());
    2275         130 :             if (pszApproxErrorFwd && pszApproxErrorReverse)
    2276             :             {
    2277           1 :                 void *pArg = GDALCreateApproxTransformer2(
    2278             :                     part.pTransformer, part.pTransformArg,
    2279             :                     CPLAtof(pszApproxErrorFwd), CPLAtof(pszApproxErrorReverse));
    2280           1 :                 if (pArg == nullptr)
    2281             :                 {
    2282           0 :                     return false;
    2283             :                 }
    2284           1 :                 part.pTransformArg = pArg;
    2285           1 :                 part.pTransformer = GDALApproxTransform;
    2286           1 :                 GDALApproxTransformerOwnsSubtransformer(part.pTransformArg,
    2287             :                                                         TRUE);
    2288             :             }
    2289             :         }
    2290             : 
    2291        2818 :         return true;
    2292        1424 :     };
    2293             : 
    2294             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2295             :     /*      Get forward and inverse geotransform for the source image.      */
    2296             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2297        1424 :     bool bCanUseSrcGeoTransform = false;
    2298        2848 :     OGRSpatialReference oSrcSRS;
    2299        1424 :     if (!DealWithForwardOrInverse(psInfo->sSrcParams, hSrcDS, "SRC", oSrcSRS,
    2300             :                                   bCanUseSrcGeoTransform))
    2301             :     {
    2302          14 :         GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(psInfo);
    2303          14 :         return nullptr;
    2304             :     }
    2305             : 
    2306             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2307             :     /*      Get forward and inverse geotransform for destination image.     */
    2308             :     /*      If we have no destination use a unit transform.                 */
    2309             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2310        1410 :     bool bIgnored = false;
    2311        2820 :     OGRSpatialReference oDstSRS;
    2312        1410 :     if (!DealWithForwardOrInverse(psInfo->sDstParams, hDstDS, "DST", oDstSRS,
    2313             :                                   bIgnored))
    2314             :     {
    2315           2 :         GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(psInfo);
    2316           2 :         return nullptr;
    2317             :     }
    2318             : 
    2319             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2320             :     /*      Setup reprojection.                                             */
    2321             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2322             : 
    2323        1408 :     if (CPLFetchBool(papszOptions, "STRIP_VERT_CS", false))
    2324             :     {
    2325           0 :         if (oSrcSRS.IsCompound())
    2326             :         {
    2327           0 :             oSrcSRS.StripVertical();
    2328             :         }
    2329           0 :         if (oDstSRS.IsCompound())
    2330             :         {
    2331           0 :             oDstSRS.StripVertical();
    2332             :         }
    2333             :     }
    2334             : 
    2335             :     const bool bMayInsertCenterLong =
    2336        2383 :         (bCanUseSrcGeoTransform && !oSrcSRS.IsEmpty() && hSrcDS &&
    2337         975 :          CPLFetchBool(papszOptions, "INSERT_CENTER_LONG", true));
    2338             :     const char *pszSrcCoordEpoch =
    2339        1408 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "SRC_COORDINATE_EPOCH");
    2340             :     const char *pszDstCoordEpoch =
    2341        1408 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "DST_COORDINATE_EPOCH");
    2342        2546 :     if ((!oSrcSRS.IsEmpty() && !oDstSRS.IsEmpty() &&
    2343        1035 :          (pszSrcCoordEpoch || pszDstCoordEpoch || !oSrcSRS.IsSame(&oDstSRS) ||
    2344        2546 :           (oSrcSRS.IsGeographic() && bMayInsertCenterLong))) ||
    2345             :         pszCO)
    2346             :     {
    2347         710 :         CPLStringList aosOptions;
    2348             : 
    2349         710 :         if (bMayInsertCenterLong)
    2350             :         {
    2351         693 :             InsertCenterLong(hSrcDS, &oSrcSRS, aosOptions);
    2352             :         }
    2353             : 
    2354         710 :         if (CPLFetchBool(papszOptions, "PROMOTE_TO_3D", false))
    2355             :         {
    2356          19 :             oSrcSRS.PromoteTo3D(nullptr);
    2357          19 :             oDstSRS.PromoteTo3D(nullptr);
    2358             :         }
    2359             : 
    2360         710 :         if (!(dfWestLongitudeDeg == 0.0 && dfSouthLatitudeDeg == 0.0 &&
    2361          29 :               dfEastLongitudeDeg == 0.0 && dfNorthLatitudeDeg == 0.0))
    2362             :         {
    2363             :             aosOptions.SetNameValue(
    2364             :                 "AREA_OF_INTEREST",
    2365             :                 CPLSPrintf("%.16g,%.16g,%.16g,%.16g", dfWestLongitudeDeg,
    2366             :                            dfSouthLatitudeDeg, dfEastLongitudeDeg,
    2367         681 :                            dfNorthLatitudeDeg));
    2368             :         }
    2369         710 :         if (pszCO)
    2370             :         {
    2371           7 :             aosOptions.SetNameValue("COORDINATE_OPERATION", pszCO);
    2372             :         }
    2373             : 
    2374             :         const char *pszCoordEpoch =
    2375         710 :             CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "COORDINATE_EPOCH");
    2376         710 :         if (pszCoordEpoch)
    2377             :         {
    2378           1 :             aosOptions.SetNameValue("COORDINATE_EPOCH", pszCoordEpoch);
    2379             :         }
    2380             : 
    2381         710 :         if (pszSrcCoordEpoch)
    2382             :         {
    2383           0 :             aosOptions.SetNameValue("SRC_COORDINATE_EPOCH", pszSrcCoordEpoch);
    2384           0 :             oSrcSRS.SetCoordinateEpoch(CPLAtof(pszSrcCoordEpoch));
    2385             :         }
    2386             : 
    2387         710 :         if (pszDstCoordEpoch)
    2388             :         {
    2389           0 :             aosOptions.SetNameValue("DST_COORDINATE_EPOCH", pszDstCoordEpoch);
    2390           0 :             oDstSRS.SetCoordinateEpoch(CPLAtof(pszDstCoordEpoch));
    2391             :         }
    2392             : 
    2393         714 :         psInfo->pReprojectArg = GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx(
    2394         710 :             !oSrcSRS.IsEmpty() ? OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(&oSrcSRS)
    2395             :                                : nullptr,
    2396         710 :             !oDstSRS.IsEmpty() ? OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(&oDstSRS)
    2397             :                                : nullptr,
    2398         710 :             aosOptions.List());
    2399             : 
    2400         710 :         if (pszCO)
    2401             :         {
    2402           7 :             psInfo->bHasCustomTransformationPipeline = true;
    2403             :         }
    2404             : 
    2405         710 :         if (psInfo->pReprojectArg == nullptr)
    2406             :         {
    2407           1 :             GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(psInfo);
    2408           1 :             return nullptr;
    2409             :         }
    2410         709 :         psInfo->pReproject = GDALReprojectionTransform;
    2411             : 
    2412             :         /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
    2413             :          */
    2414             :         /*      Handle optional reprojection approximation transformer. */
    2415             :         /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
    2416             :          */
    2417         709 :         const char *psApproxErrorFwd = CSLFetchNameValue(
    2418             :             papszOptions, "REPROJECTION_APPROX_ERROR_IN_DST_SRS_UNIT");
    2419         709 :         const char *psApproxErrorReverse = CSLFetchNameValue(
    2420             :             papszOptions, "REPROJECTION_APPROX_ERROR_IN_SRC_SRS_UNIT");
    2421         709 :         if (psApproxErrorFwd && psApproxErrorReverse)
    2422             :         {
    2423           1 :             void *pArg = GDALCreateApproxTransformer2(
    2424             :                 psInfo->pReproject, psInfo->pReprojectArg,
    2425             :                 CPLAtof(psApproxErrorFwd), CPLAtof(psApproxErrorReverse));
    2426           1 :             if (pArg == nullptr)
    2427             :             {
    2428           0 :                 GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(psInfo);
    2429           0 :                 return nullptr;
    2430             :             }
    2431           1 :             psInfo->pReprojectArg = pArg;
    2432           1 :             psInfo->pReproject = GDALApproxTransform;
    2433           1 :             GDALApproxTransformerOwnsSubtransformer(psInfo->pReprojectArg,
    2434             :                                                     TRUE);
    2435             :         }
    2436             :     }
    2437             : 
    2438        1407 :     return psInfo;
    2439             : }
    2440             : 
    2441             : /************************************************************************/
    2442             : /*                  GDALRefreshGenImgProjTransformer()                  */
    2443             : /************************************************************************/
    2444             : 
    2445         984 : void GDALRefreshGenImgProjTransformer(void *hTransformArg)
    2446             : {
    2447         984 :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    2448             :         static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(hTransformArg);
    2449             : 
    2450        1629 :     if (psInfo->pReprojectArg &&
    2451         645 :         psInfo->bCheckWithInvertPROJ != GetCurrentCheckWithInvertPROJ())
    2452             :     {
    2453          66 :         psInfo->bCheckWithInvertPROJ = !psInfo->bCheckWithInvertPROJ;
    2454             : 
    2455             :         CPLXMLNode *psXML =
    2456          66 :             GDALSerializeTransformer(psInfo->pReproject, psInfo->pReprojectArg);
    2457          66 :         GDALDestroyTransformer(psInfo->pReprojectArg);
    2458          66 :         GDALDeserializeTransformer(psXML, &psInfo->pReproject,
    2459             :                                    &psInfo->pReprojectArg);
    2460          66 :         CPLDestroyXMLNode(psXML);
    2461             :     }
    2462         984 : }
    2463             : 
    2464             : /************************************************************************/
    2465             : /*                  GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer3()                  */
    2466             : /************************************************************************/
    2467             : 
    2468             : /**
    2469             :  * Create image to image transformer.
    2470             :  *
    2471             :  * This function creates a transformation object that maps from pixel/line
    2472             :  * coordinates on one image to pixel/line coordinates on another image.  The
    2473             :  * images may potentially be georeferenced in different coordinate systems,
    2474             :  * and may used GCPs to map between their pixel/line coordinates and
    2475             :  * georeferenced coordinates (as opposed to the default assumption that their
    2476             :  * geotransform should be used).
    2477             :  *
    2478             :  * This transformer potentially performs three concatenated transformations.
    2479             :  *
    2480             :  * The first stage is from source image pixel/line coordinates to source
    2481             :  * image georeferenced coordinates, and may be done using the geotransform,
    2482             :  * or if not defined using a polynomial model derived from GCPs.  If GCPs
    2483             :  * are used this stage is accomplished using GDALGCPTransform().
    2484             :  *
    2485             :  * The second stage is to change projections from the source coordinate system
    2486             :  * to the destination coordinate system, assuming they differ.  This is
    2487             :  * accomplished internally using GDALReprojectionTransform().
    2488             :  *
    2489             :  * The third stage is converting from destination image georeferenced
    2490             :  * coordinates to destination image coordinates.  This is done using the
    2491             :  * destination image geotransform, or if not available, using a polynomial
    2492             :  * model derived from GCPs. If GCPs are used this stage is accomplished using
    2493             :  * GDALGCPTransform().  This stage is skipped if hDstDS is NULL when the
    2494             :  * transformation is created.
    2495             :  *
    2496             :  * @param pszSrcWKT source WKT (or NULL).
    2497             :  * @param padfSrcGeoTransform source geotransform (or NULL).
    2498             :  * @param pszDstWKT destination WKT (or NULL).
    2499             :  * @param padfDstGeoTransform destination geotransform (or NULL).
    2500             :  *
    2501             :  * @return handle suitable for use GDALGenImgProjTransform(), and to be
    2502             :  * deallocated with GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer() or NULL on failure.
    2503             :  */
    2504             : 
    2505           0 : void *GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer3(const char *pszSrcWKT,
    2506             :                                        const double *padfSrcGeoTransform,
    2507             :                                        const char *pszDstWKT,
    2508             :                                        const double *padfDstGeoTransform)
    2509             : 
    2510             : {
    2511           0 :     OGRSpatialReference oSrcSRS;
    2512           0 :     if (pszSrcWKT)
    2513             :     {
    2514           0 :         oSrcSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    2515           0 :         if (pszSrcWKT[0] != '\0' &&
    2516           0 :             oSrcSRS.importFromWkt(pszSrcWKT) != OGRERR_NONE)
    2517             :         {
    2518           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2519             :                      "Failed to import coordinate system `%s'.", pszSrcWKT);
    2520           0 :             return nullptr;
    2521             :         }
    2522             :     }
    2523             : 
    2524           0 :     OGRSpatialReference oDstSRS;
    2525           0 :     if (pszDstWKT)
    2526             :     {
    2527           0 :         oDstSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    2528           0 :         if (pszDstWKT[0] != '\0' &&
    2529           0 :             oDstSRS.importFromWkt(pszDstWKT) != OGRERR_NONE)
    2530             :         {
    2531           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2532             :                      "Failed to import coordinate system `%s'.", pszDstWKT);
    2533           0 :             return nullptr;
    2534             :         }
    2535             :     }
    2536           0 :     return GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer4(
    2537             :         OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(&oSrcSRS), padfSrcGeoTransform,
    2538           0 :         OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(&oDstSRS), padfDstGeoTransform, nullptr);
    2539             : }
    2540             : 
    2541             : /************************************************************************/
    2542             : /*                  GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer4()                  */
    2543             : /************************************************************************/
    2544             : 
    2545             : /**
    2546             :  * Create image to image transformer.
    2547             :  *
    2548             :  * Similar to GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer3(), except that it takes
    2549             :  * OGRSpatialReferenceH objects and options.
    2550             :  * The options are the ones supported by GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx()
    2551             :  *
    2552             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
    2553             :  */
    2554          16 : void *GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer4(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSrcSRS,
    2555             :                                        const double *padfSrcGeoTransform,
    2556             :                                        OGRSpatialReferenceH hDstSRS,
    2557             :                                        const double *padfDstGeoTransform,
    2558             :                                        const char *const *papszOptions)
    2559             : {
    2560             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2561             :     /*      Initialize the transform info.                                  */
    2562             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2563             :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    2564          16 :         GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformerInternal();
    2565             : 
    2566             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2567             :     /*      Get forward and inverse geotransform for the source image.      */
    2568             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2569             : 
    2570             :     const auto SetParams =
    2571          30 :         [](GDALGenImgProjTransformPart &part, const double *padfGT)
    2572             :     {
    2573          30 :         if (padfGT)
    2574             :         {
    2575          30 :             memcpy(part.adfGeoTransform, padfGT, sizeof(part.adfGeoTransform));
    2576          30 :             if (!GDALInvGeoTransform(part.adfGeoTransform,
    2577          30 :                                      part.adfInvGeoTransform))
    2578             :             {
    2579           2 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2580             :                          "Cannot invert geotransform");
    2581           2 :                 return false;
    2582             :             }
    2583             :         }
    2584             :         else
    2585             :         {
    2586           0 :             part.adfGeoTransform[0] = 0.0;
    2587           0 :             part.adfGeoTransform[1] = 1.0;
    2588           0 :             part.adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
    2589           0 :             part.adfGeoTransform[3] = 0.0;
    2590           0 :             part.adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
    2591           0 :             part.adfGeoTransform[5] = 1.0;
    2592           0 :             memcpy(part.adfInvGeoTransform, part.adfGeoTransform,
    2593             :                    sizeof(double) * 6);
    2594             :         }
    2595          28 :         return true;
    2596             :     };
    2597             : 
    2598          16 :     if (!SetParams(psInfo->sSrcParams, padfSrcGeoTransform))
    2599             :     {
    2600           1 :         GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(psInfo);
    2601           1 :         return nullptr;
    2602             :     }
    2603             : 
    2604             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2605             :     /*      Setup reprojection.                                             */
    2606             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2607          15 :     OGRSpatialReference *poSrcSRS = OGRSpatialReference::FromHandle(hSrcSRS);
    2608          15 :     OGRSpatialReference *poDstSRS = OGRSpatialReference::FromHandle(hDstSRS);
    2609          30 :     if (!poSrcSRS->IsEmpty() && !poDstSRS->IsEmpty() &&
    2610          15 :         !poSrcSRS->IsSame(poDstSRS))
    2611             :     {
    2612           4 :         psInfo->pReprojectArg =
    2613           4 :             GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx(hSrcSRS, hDstSRS, papszOptions);
    2614           4 :         if (psInfo->pReprojectArg == nullptr)
    2615             :         {
    2616           1 :             GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(psInfo);
    2617           1 :             return nullptr;
    2618             :         }
    2619           3 :         psInfo->pReproject = GDALReprojectionTransform;
    2620             :     }
    2621             : 
    2622             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2623             :     /*      Get forward and inverse geotransform for destination image.     */
    2624             :     /*      If we have no destination matrix use a unit transform.          */
    2625             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2626          14 :     if (!SetParams(psInfo->sDstParams, padfDstGeoTransform))
    2627             :     {
    2628           1 :         GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(psInfo);
    2629           1 :         return nullptr;
    2630             :     }
    2631             : 
    2632          13 :     return psInfo;
    2633             : }
    2634             : 
    2635             : /************************************************************************/
    2636             : /*            GDALSetGenImgProjTransformerDstGeoTransform()             */
    2637             : /************************************************************************/
    2638             : 
    2639             : /**
    2640             :  * Set GenImgProj output geotransform.
    2641             :  *
    2642             :  * Normally the "destination geotransform", or transformation between
    2643             :  * georeferenced output coordinates and pixel/line coordinates on the
    2644             :  * destination file is extracted from the destination file by
    2645             :  * GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer() and stored in the GenImgProj private
    2646             :  * info.  However, sometimes it is inconvenient to have an output file
    2647             :  * handle with appropriate geotransform information when creating the
    2648             :  * transformation.  For these cases, this function can be used to apply
    2649             :  * the destination geotransform.
    2650             :  *
    2651             :  * @param hTransformArg the handle to update.
    2652             :  * @param padfGeoTransform the destination geotransform to apply (six doubles).
    2653             :  */
    2654             : 
    2655         844 : void GDALSetGenImgProjTransformerDstGeoTransform(void *hTransformArg,
    2656             :                                                  const double *padfGeoTransform)
    2657             : 
    2658             : {
    2659         844 :     VALIDATE_POINTER0(hTransformArg,
    2660             :                       "GDALSetGenImgProjTransformerDstGeoTransform");
    2661             : 
    2662         844 :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    2663             :         static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(hTransformArg);
    2664             : 
    2665         844 :     memcpy(psInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform, padfGeoTransform,
    2666             :            sizeof(double) * 6);
    2667         844 :     if (!GDALInvGeoTransform(psInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform,
    2668         844 :                              psInfo->sDstParams.adfInvGeoTransform))
    2669             :     {
    2670           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot invert geotransform");
    2671             :     }
    2672             : }
    2673             : 
    2674             : /************************************************************************/
    2675             : /*                  GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer()                  */
    2676             : /************************************************************************/
    2677             : 
    2678             : /**
    2679             :  * GenImgProjTransformer deallocator.
    2680             :  *
    2681             :  * This function is used to deallocate the handle created with
    2682             :  * GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer().
    2683             :  *
    2684             :  * @param hTransformArg the handle to deallocate.
    2685             :  */
    2686             : 
    2687        1670 : void GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer(void *hTransformArg)
    2688             : 
    2689             : {
    2690        1670 :     if (hTransformArg == nullptr)
    2691           0 :         return;
    2692             : 
    2693        1670 :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    2694             :         static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(hTransformArg);
    2695             : 
    2696        1670 :     if (psInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformArg != nullptr)
    2697         146 :         GDALDestroyTransformer(psInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformArg);
    2698             : 
    2699        1670 :     if (psInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg != nullptr)
    2700           7 :         GDALDestroyTransformer(psInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg);
    2701             : 
    2702        1670 :     if (psInfo->pReprojectArg != nullptr)
    2703         820 :         GDALDestroyTransformer(psInfo->pReprojectArg);
    2704             : 
    2705        1670 :     CPLFree(psInfo);
    2706             : }
    2707             : 
    2708             : /************************************************************************/
    2709             : /*                      GDALGenImgProjTransform()                       */
    2710             : /************************************************************************/
    2711             : 
    2712             : /**
    2713             :  * Perform general image reprojection transformation.
    2714             :  *
    2715             :  * Actually performs the transformation setup in
    2716             :  * GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer().  This function matches the signature
    2717             :  * required by the GDALTransformerFunc(), and more details on the arguments
    2718             :  * can be found in that topic.
    2719             :  */
    2720             : 
    2721             : #ifdef DEBUG_APPROX_TRANSFORMER
    2722             : int countGDALGenImgProjTransform = 0;
    2723             : #endif
    2724             : 
    2725     1965400 : int GDALGenImgProjTransform(void *pTransformArgIn, int bDstToSrc,
    2726             :                             int nPointCount, double *padfX, double *padfY,
    2727             :                             double *padfZ, int *panSuccess)
    2728             : {
    2729     1965400 :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    2730             :         static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(pTransformArgIn);
    2731             : 
    2732             : #ifdef DEBUG_APPROX_TRANSFORMER
    2733             :     CPLAssert(nPointCount > 0);
    2734             :     countGDALGenImgProjTransform += nPointCount;
    2735             : #endif
    2736             : 
    2737    18744000 :     for (int i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++)
    2738             :     {
    2739    16778600 :         panSuccess[i] = (padfX[i] != HUGE_VAL && padfY[i] != HUGE_VAL);
    2740             :     }
    2741             : 
    2742     1965400 :     int ret = TRUE;
    2743             : 
    2744             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2745             :     /*      Convert from src (dst) pixel/line to src (dst)                  */
    2746             :     /*      georeferenced coordinates.                                      */
    2747             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2748             :     {
    2749     1965400 :         const auto params = bDstToSrc ? psInfo->sDstParams : psInfo->sSrcParams;
    2750     1965400 :         const double *padfGeoTransform = params.adfGeoTransform;
    2751     1965400 :         void *pTransformArg = params.pTransformArg;
    2752     1965400 :         GDALTransformerFunc pTransformer = params.pTransformer;
    2753             : 
    2754     1965400 :         if (pTransformArg != nullptr)
    2755             :         {
    2756       41609 :             if (!pTransformer(pTransformArg, FALSE, nPointCount, padfX, padfY,
    2757             :                               padfZ, panSuccess))
    2758        1772 :                 ret = FALSE;
    2759             :         }
    2760             :         else
    2761             :         {
    2762    18623800 :             for (int i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++)
    2763             :             {
    2764    16700000 :                 if (!panSuccess[i])
    2765        1758 :                     continue;
    2766             : 
    2767    16698200 :                 const double dfNewX = padfGeoTransform[0] +
    2768    16698200 :                                       padfX[i] * padfGeoTransform[1] +
    2769    16698200 :                                       padfY[i] * padfGeoTransform[2];
    2770    16698200 :                 const double dfNewY = padfGeoTransform[3] +
    2771    16698200 :                                       padfX[i] * padfGeoTransform[4] +
    2772    16698200 :                                       padfY[i] * padfGeoTransform[5];
    2773             : 
    2774    16698200 :                 padfX[i] = dfNewX;
    2775    16698200 :                 padfY[i] = dfNewY;
    2776             :             }
    2777             :         }
    2778             :     }
    2779             : 
    2780             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2781             :     /*      Reproject if needed.                                            */
    2782             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2783     1965400 :     if (psInfo->pReprojectArg)
    2784             :     {
    2785     1625160 :         if (!psInfo->pReproject(psInfo->pReprojectArg, bDstToSrc, nPointCount,
    2786             :                                 padfX, padfY, padfZ, panSuccess))
    2787       18081 :             ret = FALSE;
    2788             :     }
    2789             : 
    2790             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2791             :     /*      Convert dst (src) georef coordinates back to pixel/line.        */
    2792             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2793             :     {
    2794     1965400 :         const auto params = bDstToSrc ? psInfo->sSrcParams : psInfo->sDstParams;
    2795     1965400 :         const double *padfInvGeoTransform = params.adfInvGeoTransform;
    2796     1965400 :         void *pTransformArg = params.pTransformArg;
    2797     1965400 :         GDALTransformerFunc pTransformer = params.pTransformer;
    2798             : 
    2799     1965400 :         if (pTransformArg != nullptr)
    2800             :         {
    2801       51474 :             if (!pTransformer(pTransformArg, TRUE, nPointCount, padfX, padfY,
    2802             :                               padfZ, panSuccess))
    2803        1640 :                 ret = FALSE;
    2804             :         }
    2805             :         else
    2806             :         {
    2807    17839700 :             for (int i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++)
    2808             :             {
    2809    15925700 :                 if (!panSuccess[i])
    2810     3524150 :                     continue;
    2811             : 
    2812    12401600 :                 const double dfNewX = padfInvGeoTransform[0] +
    2813    12401600 :                                       padfX[i] * padfInvGeoTransform[1] +
    2814    12401600 :                                       padfY[i] * padfInvGeoTransform[2];
    2815    12401600 :                 const double dfNewY = padfInvGeoTransform[3] +
    2816    12401600 :                                       padfX[i] * padfInvGeoTransform[4] +
    2817    12401600 :                                       padfY[i] * padfInvGeoTransform[5];
    2818             : 
    2819    12401600 :                 padfX[i] = dfNewX;
    2820    12401600 :                 padfY[i] = dfNewY;
    2821             :             }
    2822             :         }
    2823             :     }
    2824             : 
    2825     1965400 :     return ret;
    2826             : }
    2827             : 
    2828             : /************************************************************************/
    2829             : /*              GDALTransformLonLatToDestGenImgProjTransformer()        */
    2830             : /************************************************************************/
    2831             : 
    2832        2512 : int GDALTransformLonLatToDestGenImgProjTransformer(void *hTransformArg,
    2833             :                                                    double *pdfX, double *pdfY)
    2834             : {
    2835        2512 :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    2836             :         static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(hTransformArg);
    2837             : 
    2838        2512 :     if (psInfo->pReprojectArg == nullptr ||
    2839        1374 :         psInfo->pReproject != GDALReprojectionTransform)
    2840        1142 :         return false;
    2841             : 
    2842        1370 :     GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *psReprojInfo =
    2843             :         static_cast<GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *>(psInfo->pReprojectArg);
    2844        2740 :     if (psReprojInfo->poForwardTransform == nullptr ||
    2845        1370 :         psReprojInfo->poForwardTransform->GetSourceCS() == nullptr)
    2846           2 :         return false;
    2847             : 
    2848        1368 :     double z = 0;
    2849        1368 :     int success = true;
    2850        1368 :     auto poSourceCRS = psReprojInfo->poForwardTransform->GetSourceCS();
    2851        2414 :     if (poSourceCRS->IsGeographic() &&
    2852        1046 :         std::fabs(poSourceCRS->GetAngularUnits() -
    2853        1046 :                   CPLAtof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV)) < 1e-9)
    2854             :     {
    2855             :         // Optimization to avoid creating a OGRCoordinateTransformation
    2856        1044 :         OGRAxisOrientation eSourceFirstAxisOrient = OAO_Other;
    2857        1044 :         poSourceCRS->GetAxis(nullptr, 0, &eSourceFirstAxisOrient);
    2858        1044 :         const auto &mapping = poSourceCRS->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
    2859        2088 :         if ((mapping[0] == 2 && eSourceFirstAxisOrient == OAO_East) ||
    2860        1044 :             (mapping[0] == 1 && eSourceFirstAxisOrient != OAO_East))
    2861             :         {
    2862           6 :             std::swap(*pdfX, *pdfY);
    2863             :         }
    2864             :     }
    2865             :     else
    2866             :     {
    2867             :         auto poLongLat =
    2868         324 :             std::unique_ptr<OGRSpatialReference>(poSourceCRS->CloneGeogCS());
    2869         324 :         if (poLongLat == nullptr)
    2870           0 :             return false;
    2871         324 :         poLongLat->SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    2872             : 
    2873             :         const bool bCurrentCheckWithInvertProj =
    2874         324 :             GetCurrentCheckWithInvertPROJ();
    2875         324 :         if (!bCurrentCheckWithInvertProj)
    2876         324 :             CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ", "YES");
    2877             :         auto poCT = std::unique_ptr<OGRCoordinateTransformation>(
    2878         324 :             OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(poLongLat.get(), poSourceCRS));
    2879         324 :         if (!bCurrentCheckWithInvertProj)
    2880         324 :             CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ", nullptr);
    2881         324 :         if (poCT == nullptr)
    2882           0 :             return false;
    2883             : 
    2884         324 :         poCT->SetEmitErrors(false);
    2885         324 :         if (!poCT->Transform(1, pdfX, pdfY))
    2886           2 :             return false;
    2887             : 
    2888         322 :         if (!psInfo->pReproject(psInfo->pReprojectArg, false, 1, pdfX, pdfY, &z,
    2889         506 :                                 &success) ||
    2890         184 :             !success)
    2891             :         {
    2892         138 :             return false;
    2893             :         }
    2894             :     }
    2895             : 
    2896        1228 :     double *padfGeoTransform = psInfo->sDstParams.adfInvGeoTransform;
    2897        1228 :     void *pTransformArg = psInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg;
    2898        1228 :     GDALTransformerFunc pTransformer = psInfo->sDstParams.pTransformer;
    2899        1228 :     if (pTransformArg != nullptr)
    2900             :     {
    2901           4 :         if (!pTransformer(pTransformArg, TRUE, 1, pdfX, pdfY, &z, &success) ||
    2902           0 :             !success)
    2903             :         {
    2904           4 :             return false;
    2905             :         }
    2906             :     }
    2907             :     else
    2908             :     {
    2909        1224 :         const double dfNewX = padfGeoTransform[0] +
    2910        1224 :                               pdfX[0] * padfGeoTransform[1] +
    2911        1224 :                               pdfY[0] * padfGeoTransform[2];
    2912        1224 :         const double dfNewY = padfGeoTransform[3] +
    2913        1224 :                               pdfX[0] * padfGeoTransform[4] +
    2914        1224 :                               pdfY[0] * padfGeoTransform[5];
    2915             : 
    2916        1224 :         pdfX[0] = dfNewX;
    2917        1224 :         pdfY[0] = dfNewY;
    2918             :     }
    2919             : 
    2920        1224 :     return true;
    2921             : }
    2922             : 
    2923             : /************************************************************************/
    2924             : /*                 GDALSerializeGenImgProjTransformer()                 */
    2925             : /************************************************************************/
    2926             : 
    2927          77 : static CPLXMLNode *GDALSerializeGenImgProjTransformer(void *pTransformArg)
    2928             : 
    2929             : {
    2930          77 :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    2931             :         static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    2932             : 
    2933             :     CPLXMLNode *psTree =
    2934          77 :         CPLCreateXMLNode(nullptr, CXT_Element, "GenImgProjTransformer");
    2935             : 
    2936             :     const auto SerializePart =
    2937         449 :         [psTree](const char *pszPrefix, const GDALGenImgProjTransformPart &part)
    2938             :     {
    2939         154 :         char szWork[200] = {};
    2940             : 
    2941             :         /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2942             :         /*      Handle transformation.                                   */
    2943             :         /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2944         154 :         if (part.pTransformArg != nullptr)
    2945             :         {
    2946             :             CPLXMLNode *psTransformer =
    2947          13 :                 GDALSerializeTransformer(part.pTransformer, part.pTransformArg);
    2948          13 :             if (psTransformer != nullptr)
    2949             :             {
    2950          13 :                 CPLXMLNode *psTransformerContainer = CPLCreateXMLNode(
    2951             :                     psTree, CXT_Element,
    2952             :                     CPLSPrintf("%s%s", pszPrefix, psTransformer->pszValue));
    2953             : 
    2954          13 :                 CPLAddXMLChild(psTransformerContainer, psTransformer);
    2955             :             }
    2956             :         }
    2957             : 
    2958             :         /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2959             :         /*      Handle geotransforms.                                    */
    2960             :         /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2961             :         else
    2962             :         {
    2963         141 :             CPLsnprintf(szWork, sizeof(szWork),
    2964             :                         "%.17g,%.17g,%.17g,%.17g,%.17g,%.17g",
    2965         141 :                         part.adfGeoTransform[0], part.adfGeoTransform[1],
    2966         141 :                         part.adfGeoTransform[2], part.adfGeoTransform[3],
    2967         141 :                         part.adfGeoTransform[4], part.adfGeoTransform[5]);
    2968         141 :             CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(
    2969             :                 psTree, CPLSPrintf("%sGeoTransform", pszPrefix), szWork);
    2970             : 
    2971         141 :             CPLsnprintf(szWork, sizeof(szWork),
    2972             :                         "%.17g,%.17g,%.17g,%.17g,%.17g,%.17g",
    2973         141 :                         part.adfInvGeoTransform[0], part.adfInvGeoTransform[1],
    2974         141 :                         part.adfInvGeoTransform[2], part.adfInvGeoTransform[3],
    2975         141 :                         part.adfInvGeoTransform[4], part.adfInvGeoTransform[5]);
    2976         141 :             CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(
    2977             :                 psTree, CPLSPrintf("%sInvGeoTransform", pszPrefix), szWork);
    2978             :         }
    2979         154 :     };
    2980             : 
    2981          77 :     SerializePart("Src", psInfo->sSrcParams);
    2982          77 :     SerializePart("Dst", psInfo->sDstParams);
    2983             : 
    2984             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2985             :     /*      Do we have a reprojection transformer?                          */
    2986             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2987          77 :     if (psInfo->pReprojectArg != nullptr)
    2988             :     {
    2989             : 
    2990             :         CPLXMLNode *psTransformerContainer =
    2991          50 :             CPLCreateXMLNode(psTree, CXT_Element, "ReprojectTransformer");
    2992             : 
    2993             :         CPLXMLNode *psTransformer =
    2994          50 :             GDALSerializeTransformer(psInfo->pReproject, psInfo->pReprojectArg);
    2995          50 :         if (psTransformer != nullptr)
    2996          50 :             CPLAddXMLChild(psTransformerContainer, psTransformer);
    2997             :     }
    2998             : 
    2999          77 :     return psTree;
    3000             : }
    3001             : 
    3002             : /************************************************************************/
    3003             : /*                    GDALDeserializeGeoTransform()                     */
    3004             : /************************************************************************/
    3005             : 
    3006         735 : static void GDALDeserializeGeoTransform(const char *pszGT,
    3007             :                                         double adfGeoTransform[6])
    3008             : {
    3009         735 :     CPLsscanf(pszGT, "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", adfGeoTransform + 0,
    3010             :               adfGeoTransform + 1, adfGeoTransform + 2, adfGeoTransform + 3,
    3011             :               adfGeoTransform + 4, adfGeoTransform + 5);
    3012         735 : }
    3013             : 
    3014             : /************************************************************************/
    3015             : /*                GDALDeserializeGenImgProjTransformer()                */
    3016             : /************************************************************************/
    3017             : 
    3018         198 : void *GDALDeserializeGenImgProjTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree)
    3019             : 
    3020             : {
    3021             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3022             :     /*      Initialize the transform info.                                  */
    3023             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3024             :     GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psInfo =
    3025         198 :         GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformerInternal();
    3026             : 
    3027             :     const auto DeserializePart =
    3028        1188 :         [psTree](const char *pszPrefix, GDALGenImgProjTransformPart &part)
    3029             :     {
    3030             :         /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3031             :         /*      Geotransform                                                 */
    3032             :         /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3033         396 :         if (const auto psGTNode =
    3034         396 :                 CPLGetXMLNode(psTree, CPLSPrintf("%sGeoTransform", pszPrefix)))
    3035             :         {
    3036         380 :             GDALDeserializeGeoTransform(CPLGetXMLValue(psGTNode, "", ""),
    3037         380 :                                         part.adfGeoTransform);
    3038             : 
    3039         380 :             if (const auto psInvGTNode = CPLGetXMLNode(
    3040             :                     psTree, CPLSPrintf("%sInvGeoTransform", pszPrefix)))
    3041             :             {
    3042         355 :                 GDALDeserializeGeoTransform(CPLGetXMLValue(psInvGTNode, "", ""),
    3043         355 :                                             part.adfInvGeoTransform);
    3044             :             }
    3045             :             else
    3046             :             {
    3047          25 :                 if (!GDALInvGeoTransform(part.adfGeoTransform,
    3048          25 :                                          part.adfInvGeoTransform))
    3049             :                 {
    3050           0 :                     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    3051             :                              "Cannot invert geotransform");
    3052             :                 }
    3053             :             }
    3054             :         }
    3055             : 
    3056             :         /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3057             :         /*      Transform                                                   */
    3058             :         /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3059             :         else
    3060             :         {
    3061          16 :             for (CPLXMLNode *psIter = psTree->psChild; psIter != nullptr;
    3062           0 :                  psIter = psIter->psNext)
    3063             :             {
    3064          16 :                 if (psIter->eType == CXT_Element &&
    3065          16 :                     STARTS_WITH_CI(psIter->pszValue, pszPrefix))
    3066             :                 {
    3067          16 :                     GDALDeserializeTransformer(psIter->psChild,
    3068             :                                                &part.pTransformer,
    3069             :                                                &part.pTransformArg);
    3070          16 :                     break;
    3071             :                 }
    3072             :             }
    3073             :         }
    3074         594 :     };
    3075             : 
    3076         198 :     DeserializePart("Src", psInfo->sSrcParams);
    3077         198 :     DeserializePart("Dst", psInfo->sDstParams);
    3078             : 
    3079             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3080             :     /*      Reproject transformer                                           */
    3081             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3082         198 :     CPLXMLNode *psSubtree = CPLGetXMLNode(psTree, "ReprojectTransformer");
    3083         198 :     if (psSubtree != nullptr && psSubtree->psChild != nullptr)
    3084             :     {
    3085          97 :         GDALDeserializeTransformer(psSubtree->psChild, &psInfo->pReproject,
    3086             :                                    &psInfo->pReprojectArg);
    3087             :     }
    3088             : 
    3089         198 :     return psInfo;
    3090             : }
    3091             : 
    3092             : /************************************************************************/
    3093             : /*                 GDALCreateReprojectionTransformer()                  */
    3094             : /************************************************************************/
    3095             : 
    3096             : /**
    3097             :  * Create reprojection transformer.
    3098             :  *
    3099             :  * Creates a callback data structure suitable for use with
    3100             :  * GDALReprojectionTransformation() to represent a transformation from
    3101             :  * one geographic or projected coordinate system to another.  On input
    3102             :  * the coordinate systems are described in OpenGIS WKT format.
    3103             :  *
    3104             :  * Internally the OGRCoordinateTransformation object is used to implement
    3105             :  * the reprojection.
    3106             :  *
    3107             :  * @param pszSrcWKT the coordinate system for the source coordinate system.
    3108             :  * @param pszDstWKT the coordinate system for the destination coordinate
    3109             :  * system.
    3110             :  *
    3111             :  * @return Handle for use with GDALReprojectionTransform(), or NULL if the
    3112             :  * system fails to initialize the reprojection.
    3113             :  **/
    3114             : 
    3115           0 : void *GDALCreateReprojectionTransformer(const char *pszSrcWKT,
    3116             :                                         const char *pszDstWKT)
    3117             : 
    3118             : {
    3119             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3120             :     /*      Ingest the SRS definitions.                                     */
    3121             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3122           0 :     OGRSpatialReference oSrcSRS;
    3123           0 :     oSrcSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    3124           0 :     if (oSrcSRS.importFromWkt(pszSrcWKT) != OGRERR_NONE)
    3125             :     {
    3126           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    3127             :                  "Failed to import coordinate system `%s'.", pszSrcWKT);
    3128           0 :         return nullptr;
    3129             :     }
    3130             : 
    3131           0 :     OGRSpatialReference oDstSRS;
    3132           0 :     oDstSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    3133           0 :     if (oDstSRS.importFromWkt(pszDstWKT) != OGRERR_NONE)
    3134             :     {
    3135           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    3136             :                  "Failed to import coordinate system `%s'.", pszSrcWKT);
    3137           0 :         return nullptr;
    3138             :     }
    3139             : 
    3140           0 :     return GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx(
    3141             :         OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(&oSrcSRS),
    3142           0 :         OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(&oDstSRS), nullptr);
    3143             : }
    3144             : 
    3145             : /************************************************************************/
    3146             : /*                 GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx()                */
    3147             : /************************************************************************/
    3148             : 
    3149             : /**
    3150             :  * Create reprojection transformer.
    3151             :  *
    3152             :  * Creates a callback data structure suitable for use with
    3153             :  * GDALReprojectionTransformation() to represent a transformation from
    3154             :  * one geographic or projected coordinate system to another.
    3155             :  *
    3156             :  * Internally the OGRCoordinateTransformation object is used to implement
    3157             :  * the reprojection.
    3158             :  *
    3159             :  * @param hSrcSRS the coordinate system for the source coordinate system.
    3160             :  * @param hDstSRS the coordinate system for the destination coordinate
    3161             :  * system.
    3162             :  * @param papszOptions NULL-terminated list of options, or NULL. Currently
    3163             :  * supported options are:
    3164             :  * <ul>
    3165             :  * <li>AREA_OF_INTEREST=west_long,south_lat,east_long,north_lat: Values in
    3166             :  * degrees. longitudes in [-180,180], latitudes in [-90,90].</li>
    3167             :  * <li>COORDINATE_OPERATION=string: PROJ or WKT string representing a
    3168             :  * coordinate operation, overriding the default computed transformation.</li>
    3169             :  * <li>COORDINATE_EPOCH=decimal_year: Coordinate epoch, expressed as a
    3170             :  * decimal year. Useful for time-dependent coordinate operations.</li>
    3171             :  * <li> SRC_COORDINATE_EPOCH: (GDAL &gt;= 3.4) Coordinate epoch of source CRS,
    3172             :  * expressed as a decimal year. Useful for time-dependent coordinate
    3173             :  *operations.</li> <li> DST_COORDINATE_EPOCH: (GDAL &gt;= 3.4) Coordinate epoch
    3174             :  *of target CRS, expressed as a decimal year. Useful for time-dependent
    3175             :  *coordinate operations.</li>
    3176             :  * </ul>
    3177             :  *
    3178             :  * @return Handle for use with GDALReprojectionTransform(), or NULL if the
    3179             :  * system fails to initialize the reprojection.
    3180             :  *
    3181             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
    3182             :  **/
    3183             : 
    3184         888 : void *GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSrcSRS,
    3185             :                                           OGRSpatialReferenceH hDstSRS,
    3186             :                                           const char *const *papszOptions)
    3187             : {
    3188         888 :     OGRSpatialReference *poSrcSRS = OGRSpatialReference::FromHandle(hSrcSRS);
    3189         888 :     OGRSpatialReference *poDstSRS = OGRSpatialReference::FromHandle(hDstSRS);
    3190             : 
    3191             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3192             :     /*      Build the forward coordinate transformation.                    */
    3193             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3194         888 :     double dfWestLongitudeDeg = 0.0;
    3195         888 :     double dfSouthLatitudeDeg = 0.0;
    3196         888 :     double dfEastLongitudeDeg = 0.0;
    3197         888 :     double dfNorthLatitudeDeg = 0.0;
    3198         888 :     const char *pszBBOX = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "AREA_OF_INTEREST");
    3199         888 :     if (pszBBOX)
    3200             :     {
    3201         822 :         char **papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString2(pszBBOX, ",", 0);
    3202         822 :         if (CSLCount(papszTokens) == 4)
    3203             :         {
    3204         822 :             dfWestLongitudeDeg = CPLAtof(papszTokens[0]);
    3205         822 :             dfSouthLatitudeDeg = CPLAtof(papszTokens[1]);
    3206         822 :             dfEastLongitudeDeg = CPLAtof(papszTokens[2]);
    3207         822 :             dfNorthLatitudeDeg = CPLAtof(papszTokens[3]);
    3208             :         }
    3209         822 :         CSLDestroy(papszTokens);
    3210             :     }
    3211         888 :     const char *pszCO = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "COORDINATE_OPERATION");
    3212             : 
    3213        1776 :     OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions optionsFwd;
    3214         888 :     if (!(dfWestLongitudeDeg == 0.0 && dfSouthLatitudeDeg == 0.0 &&
    3215             :           dfEastLongitudeDeg == 0.0 && dfNorthLatitudeDeg == 0.0))
    3216             :     {
    3217         822 :         optionsFwd.SetAreaOfInterest(dfWestLongitudeDeg, dfSouthLatitudeDeg,
    3218             :                                      dfEastLongitudeDeg, dfNorthLatitudeDeg);
    3219             :     }
    3220         888 :     if (pszCO)
    3221             :     {
    3222           7 :         optionsFwd.SetCoordinateOperation(pszCO, false);
    3223             :     }
    3224             : 
    3225         888 :     const char *pszCENTER_LONG = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "CENTER_LONG");
    3226         888 :     if (pszCENTER_LONG)
    3227             :     {
    3228         582 :         optionsFwd.SetSourceCenterLong(CPLAtof(pszCENTER_LONG));
    3229             :     }
    3230             : 
    3231             :     OGRCoordinateTransformation *poForwardTransform =
    3232         888 :         OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(poSrcSRS, poDstSRS, optionsFwd);
    3233             : 
    3234         888 :     if (poForwardTransform == nullptr)
    3235             :         // OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation() will report errors on its own.
    3236           2 :         return nullptr;
    3237             : 
    3238         886 :     poForwardTransform->SetEmitErrors(false);
    3239             : 
    3240             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3241             :     /*      Create a structure to hold the transform info, and also         */
    3242             :     /*      build reverse transform.  We assume that if the forward         */
    3243             :     /*      transform can be created, then so can the reverse one.          */
    3244             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3245         886 :     GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *psInfo = new GDALReprojectionTransformInfo();
    3246             : 
    3247         886 :     psInfo->papszOptions = CSLDuplicate(papszOptions);
    3248         886 :     psInfo->poForwardTransform = poForwardTransform;
    3249         886 :     psInfo->dfTime = CPLAtof(CSLFetchNameValueDef(
    3250             :         papszOptions, "COORDINATE_EPOCH",
    3251             :         CSLFetchNameValueDef(
    3252             :             papszOptions, "DST_COORDINATE_EPOCH",
    3253             :             CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "SRC_COORDINATE_EPOCH", "0"))));
    3254         886 :     psInfo->poReverseTransform = poForwardTransform->GetInverse();
    3255             : 
    3256         886 :     if (psInfo->poReverseTransform)
    3257         886 :         psInfo->poReverseTransform->SetEmitErrors(false);
    3258             : 
    3259         886 :     memcpy(psInfo->sTI.abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    3260             :            strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE));
    3261         886 :     psInfo->sTI.pszClassName = "GDALReprojectionTransformer";
    3262         886 :     psInfo->sTI.pfnTransform = GDALReprojectionTransform;
    3263         886 :     psInfo->sTI.pfnCleanup = GDALDestroyReprojectionTransformer;
    3264         886 :     psInfo->sTI.pfnSerialize = GDALSerializeReprojectionTransformer;
    3265             : 
    3266         886 :     return psInfo;
    3267             : }
    3268             : 
    3269             : /************************************************************************/
    3270             : /*                 GDALDestroyReprojectionTransformer()                 */
    3271             : /************************************************************************/
    3272             : 
    3273             : /**
    3274             :  * Destroy reprojection transformation.
    3275             :  *
    3276             :  * @param pTransformArg the transformation handle returned by
    3277             :  * GDALCreateReprojectionTransformer().
    3278             :  */
    3279             : 
    3280         886 : void GDALDestroyReprojectionTransformer(void *pTransformArg)
    3281             : 
    3282             : {
    3283         886 :     if (pTransformArg == nullptr)
    3284           0 :         return;
    3285             : 
    3286         886 :     GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *psInfo =
    3287             :         static_cast<GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    3288             : 
    3289         886 :     if (psInfo->poForwardTransform)
    3290         886 :         OGRCoordinateTransformation::DestroyCT(psInfo->poForwardTransform);
    3291             : 
    3292         886 :     if (psInfo->poReverseTransform)
    3293         886 :         OGRCoordinateTransformation::DestroyCT(psInfo->poReverseTransform);
    3294             : 
    3295         886 :     CSLDestroy(psInfo->papszOptions);
    3296             : 
    3297         886 :     delete psInfo;
    3298             : }
    3299             : 
    3300             : /************************************************************************/
    3301             : /*                     GDALReprojectionTransform()                      */
    3302             : /************************************************************************/
    3303             : 
    3304             : /**
    3305             :  * Perform reprojection transformation.
    3306             :  *
    3307             :  * Actually performs the reprojection transformation described in
    3308             :  * GDALCreateReprojectionTransformer().  This function matches the
    3309             :  * GDALTransformerFunc() signature.  Details of the arguments are described
    3310             :  * there.
    3311             :  */
    3312             : 
    3313     1625480 : int GDALReprojectionTransform(void *pTransformArg, int bDstToSrc,
    3314             :                               int nPointCount, double *padfX, double *padfY,
    3315             :                               double *padfZ, int *panSuccess)
    3316             : 
    3317             : {
    3318     1625480 :     GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *psInfo =
    3319             :         static_cast<GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    3320             :     int bSuccess;
    3321             : 
    3322     1625480 :     std::vector<double> adfTime;
    3323     1625480 :     double *padfT = nullptr;
    3324     1625480 :     if (psInfo->dfTime != 0.0 && nPointCount > 0)
    3325             :     {
    3326           1 :         adfTime.resize(nPointCount, psInfo->dfTime);
    3327           1 :         padfT = &adfTime[0];
    3328             :     }
    3329             : 
    3330     1625480 :     if (bDstToSrc)
    3331             :     {
    3332     1385450 :         if (psInfo->poReverseTransform == nullptr)
    3333             :         {
    3334           0 :             CPLError(
    3335             :                 CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    3336             :                 "Inverse coordinate transformation cannot be instantiated");
    3337           0 :             if (panSuccess)
    3338             :             {
    3339           0 :                 for (int i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++)
    3340           0 :                     panSuccess[i] = FALSE;
    3341             :             }
    3342           0 :             bSuccess = false;
    3343             :         }
    3344             :         else
    3345             :         {
    3346     1385450 :             bSuccess = psInfo->poReverseTransform->Transform(
    3347     1385450 :                 nPointCount, padfX, padfY, padfZ, padfT, panSuccess);
    3348             :         }
    3349             :     }
    3350             :     else
    3351      240028 :         bSuccess = psInfo->poForwardTransform->Transform(
    3352      240028 :             nPointCount, padfX, padfY, padfZ, padfT, panSuccess);
    3353             : 
    3354     3250960 :     return bSuccess;
    3355             : }
    3356             : 
    3357             : /************************************************************************/
    3358             : /*                GDALSerializeReprojectionTransformer()                */
    3359             : /************************************************************************/
    3360             : 
    3361         127 : static CPLXMLNode *GDALSerializeReprojectionTransformer(void *pTransformArg)
    3362             : 
    3363             : {
    3364             :     CPLXMLNode *psTree;
    3365         127 :     GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *psInfo =
    3366             :         static_cast<GDALReprojectionTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    3367             : 
    3368         127 :     psTree = CPLCreateXMLNode(nullptr, CXT_Element, "ReprojectionTransformer");
    3369             : 
    3370             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3371             :     /*      Handle SourceCS.                                                */
    3372             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3373         254 :     const auto ExportToWkt = [](const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS)
    3374             :     {
    3375             :         // Try first in WKT1 for backward compat
    3376             :         {
    3377         254 :             char *pszWKT = nullptr;
    3378         254 :             const char *const apszOptions[] = {"FORMAT=WKT1", nullptr};
    3379         254 :             CPLErrorHandlerPusher oHandler(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
    3380         254 :             CPLErrorStateBackuper oBackuper;
    3381         254 :             if (poSRS->exportToWkt(&pszWKT, apszOptions) == OGRERR_NONE)
    3382             :             {
    3383         506 :                 std::string osRet(pszWKT);
    3384         253 :                 CPLFree(pszWKT);
    3385         253 :                 return osRet;
    3386             :             }
    3387           1 :             CPLFree(pszWKT);
    3388             :         }
    3389             : 
    3390           1 :         char *pszWKT = nullptr;
    3391           1 :         const char *const apszOptions[] = {"FORMAT=WKT2_2019", nullptr};
    3392           1 :         if (poSRS->exportToWkt(&pszWKT, apszOptions) == OGRERR_NONE)
    3393             :         {
    3394           2 :             std::string osRet(pszWKT);
    3395           1 :             CPLFree(pszWKT);
    3396           1 :             return osRet;
    3397             :         }
    3398           0 :         CPLFree(pszWKT);
    3399           0 :         return std::string();
    3400             :     };
    3401             : 
    3402         126 :     auto poSRS = psInfo->poForwardTransform->GetSourceCS();
    3403         127 :     if (poSRS)
    3404             :     {
    3405         254 :         const auto osWKT = ExportToWkt(poSRS);
    3406         127 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(psTree, "SourceSRS", osWKT.c_str());
    3407             :     }
    3408             : 
    3409             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3410             :     /*      Handle DestinationCS.                                           */
    3411             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3412         127 :     poSRS = psInfo->poForwardTransform->GetTargetCS();
    3413         127 :     if (poSRS)
    3414             :     {
    3415         254 :         const auto osWKT = ExportToWkt(poSRS);
    3416         127 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(psTree, "TargetSRS", osWKT.c_str());
    3417             :     }
    3418             : 
    3419             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3420             :     /*      Serialize options.                                              */
    3421             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3422         127 :     if (psInfo->papszOptions)
    3423             :     {
    3424             :         CPLXMLNode *psOptions =
    3425         114 :             CPLCreateXMLNode(psTree, CXT_Element, "Options");
    3426         276 :         for (auto iter = psInfo->papszOptions; *iter != nullptr; ++iter)
    3427             :         {
    3428         162 :             char *pszKey = nullptr;
    3429         162 :             const char *pszValue = CPLParseNameValue(*iter, &pszKey);
    3430         162 :             if (pszKey && pszValue)
    3431             :             {
    3432             :                 auto elt =
    3433         162 :                     CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(psOptions, "Option", pszValue);
    3434         162 :                 CPLAddXMLAttributeAndValue(elt, "key", pszKey);
    3435             :             }
    3436         162 :             CPLFree(pszKey);
    3437             :         }
    3438             :     }
    3439             : 
    3440         127 :     return psTree;
    3441             : }
    3442             : 
    3443             : /************************************************************************/
    3444             : /*               GDALDeserializeReprojectionTransformer()               */
    3445             : /************************************************************************/
    3446             : 
    3447         174 : static void *GDALDeserializeReprojectionTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree)
    3448             : 
    3449             : {
    3450         174 :     const char *pszSourceSRS = CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "SourceSRS", nullptr);
    3451         174 :     const char *pszTargetSRS = CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "TargetSRS", nullptr);
    3452         174 :     char *pszSourceWKT = nullptr, *pszTargetWKT = nullptr;
    3453         174 :     void *pResult = nullptr;
    3454             : 
    3455         348 :     OGRSpatialReference oSrcSRS;
    3456         348 :     OGRSpatialReference oDstSRS;
    3457             : 
    3458         174 :     oSrcSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    3459         174 :     oDstSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    3460         174 :     if (pszSourceSRS != nullptr)
    3461             :     {
    3462         174 :         oSrcSRS.SetFromUserInput(pszSourceSRS);
    3463             :     }
    3464             : 
    3465         174 :     if (pszTargetSRS != nullptr)
    3466             :     {
    3467         174 :         oDstSRS.SetFromUserInput(pszTargetSRS);
    3468             :     }
    3469             : 
    3470         174 :     CPLStringList aosList;
    3471         174 :     const CPLXMLNode *psOptions = CPLGetXMLNode(psTree, "Options");
    3472         174 :     if (psOptions)
    3473             :     {
    3474         344 :         for (auto iter = psOptions->psChild; iter; iter = iter->psNext)
    3475             :         {
    3476         206 :             if (iter->eType == CXT_Element &&
    3477         206 :                 strcmp(iter->pszValue, "Option") == 0)
    3478             :             {
    3479         206 :                 const char *pszKey = CPLGetXMLValue(iter, "key", nullptr);
    3480         206 :                 const char *pszValue = CPLGetXMLValue(iter, nullptr, nullptr);
    3481         206 :                 if (pszKey && pszValue)
    3482             :                 {
    3483         206 :                     aosList.SetNameValue(pszKey, pszValue);
    3484             :                 }
    3485             :             }
    3486             :         }
    3487             :     }
    3488             : 
    3489         174 :     pResult = GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx(
    3490         174 :         !oSrcSRS.IsEmpty() ? OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(&oSrcSRS) : nullptr,
    3491         174 :         !oDstSRS.IsEmpty() ? OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(&oDstSRS) : nullptr,
    3492         174 :         aosList.List());
    3493             : 
    3494         174 :     CPLFree(pszSourceWKT);
    3495         174 :     CPLFree(pszTargetWKT);
    3496             : 
    3497         348 :     return pResult;
    3498             : }
    3499             : 
    3500             : /************************************************************************/
    3501             : /* ==================================================================== */
    3502             : /*      Approximate transformer.                                        */
    3503             : /* ==================================================================== */
    3504             : /************************************************************************/
    3505             : 
    3506             : typedef struct
    3507             : {
    3508             :     GDALTransformerInfo sTI;
    3509             : 
    3510             :     GDALTransformerFunc pfnBaseTransformer;
    3511             :     void *pBaseCBData;
    3512             :     double dfMaxErrorForward;
    3513             :     double dfMaxErrorReverse;
    3514             : 
    3515             :     int bOwnSubtransformer;
    3516             : } ApproxTransformInfo;
    3517             : 
    3518             : /************************************************************************/
    3519             : /*                  GDALCreateSimilarApproxTransformer()                */
    3520             : /************************************************************************/
    3521             : 
    3522          17 : static void *GDALCreateSimilarApproxTransformer(void *hTransformArg,
    3523             :                                                 double dfSrcRatioX,
    3524             :                                                 double dfSrcRatioY)
    3525             : {
    3526          17 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransformArg, "GDALCreateSimilarApproxTransformer",
    3527             :                       nullptr);
    3528             : 
    3529          17 :     ApproxTransformInfo *psInfo =
    3530             :         static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(hTransformArg);
    3531             : 
    3532             :     ApproxTransformInfo *psClonedInfo = static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(
    3533          17 :         CPLMalloc(sizeof(ApproxTransformInfo)));
    3534             : 
    3535          17 :     memcpy(psClonedInfo, psInfo, sizeof(ApproxTransformInfo));
    3536          17 :     if (psClonedInfo->pBaseCBData)
    3537             :     {
    3538          17 :         psClonedInfo->pBaseCBData = GDALCreateSimilarTransformer(
    3539             :             psInfo->pBaseCBData, dfSrcRatioX, dfSrcRatioY);
    3540          17 :         if (psClonedInfo->pBaseCBData == nullptr)
    3541             :         {
    3542           0 :             CPLFree(psClonedInfo);
    3543           0 :             return nullptr;
    3544             :         }
    3545             :     }
    3546          17 :     psClonedInfo->bOwnSubtransformer = TRUE;
    3547             : 
    3548          17 :     return psClonedInfo;
    3549             : }
    3550             : 
    3551             : /************************************************************************/
    3552             : /*                   GDALSerializeApproxTransformer()                   */
    3553             : /************************************************************************/
    3554             : 
    3555          57 : static CPLXMLNode *GDALSerializeApproxTransformer(void *pTransformArg)
    3556             : 
    3557             : {
    3558             :     CPLXMLNode *psTree;
    3559          57 :     ApproxTransformInfo *psInfo =
    3560             :         static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    3561             : 
    3562          57 :     psTree = CPLCreateXMLNode(nullptr, CXT_Element, "ApproxTransformer");
    3563             : 
    3564             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3565             :     /*      Attach max error.                                               */
    3566             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3567          57 :     if (psInfo->dfMaxErrorForward == psInfo->dfMaxErrorReverse)
    3568             :     {
    3569          55 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(
    3570             :             psTree, "MaxError",
    3571         110 :             CPLString().Printf("%g", psInfo->dfMaxErrorForward));
    3572             :     }
    3573             :     else
    3574             :     {
    3575           2 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(
    3576             :             psTree, "MaxErrorForward",
    3577           4 :             CPLString().Printf("%g", psInfo->dfMaxErrorForward));
    3578           2 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(
    3579             :             psTree, "MaxErrorReverse",
    3580           4 :             CPLString().Printf("%g", psInfo->dfMaxErrorReverse));
    3581             :     }
    3582             : 
    3583             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3584             :     /*      Capture underlying transformer.                                 */
    3585             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3586             :     CPLXMLNode *psTransformerContainer =
    3587          57 :         CPLCreateXMLNode(psTree, CXT_Element, "BaseTransformer");
    3588             : 
    3589          57 :     CPLXMLNode *psTransformer = GDALSerializeTransformer(
    3590             :         psInfo->pfnBaseTransformer, psInfo->pBaseCBData);
    3591          57 :     if (psTransformer != nullptr)
    3592          57 :         CPLAddXMLChild(psTransformerContainer, psTransformer);
    3593             : 
    3594          57 :     return psTree;
    3595             : }
    3596             : 
    3597             : /************************************************************************/
    3598             : /*                    GDALCreateApproxTransformer()                     */
    3599             : /************************************************************************/
    3600             : 
    3601             : /**
    3602             :  * Create an approximating transformer.
    3603             :  *
    3604             :  * This function creates a context for an approximated transformer.  Basically
    3605             :  * a high precision transformer is supplied as input and internally linear
    3606             :  * approximations are computed to generate results to within a defined
    3607             :  * precision.
    3608             :  *
    3609             :  * The approximation is actually done at the point where GDALApproxTransform()
    3610             :  * calls are made, and depend on the assumption that they are roughly linear.
    3611             :  * The first and last point passed in must be the extreme values and the
    3612             :  * intermediate values should describe a curve between the end points.  The
    3613             :  * approximator transforms and centers using the approximate transformer, and
    3614             :  * then compares the true middle transformed value to a linear approximation
    3615             :  * based on the end points.  If the error is within the supplied threshold then
    3616             :  * the end points are used to linearly approximate all the values otherwise the
    3617             :  * input points are split into two smaller sets, and the function is recursively
    3618             :  * called until a sufficiently small set of points is found that the linear
    3619             :  * approximation is OK, or that all the points are exactly computed.
    3620             :  *
    3621             :  * This function is very suitable for approximating transformation results
    3622             :  * from output pixel/line space to input coordinates for warpers that operate
    3623             :  * on one input scanline at a time.  Care should be taken using it in other
    3624             :  * circumstances as little internal validation is done in order to keep things
    3625             :  * fast.
    3626             :  *
    3627             :  * @param pfnBaseTransformer the high precision transformer which should be
    3628             :  * approximated.
    3629             :  * @param pBaseTransformArg the callback argument for the high precision
    3630             :  * transformer.
    3631             :  * @param dfMaxError the maximum cartesian error in the "output" space that
    3632             :  * is to be accepted in the linear approximation, evaluated as a Manhattan
    3633             :  * distance.
    3634             :  *
    3635             :  * @return callback pointer suitable for use with GDALApproxTransform().  It
    3636             :  * should be deallocated with GDALDestroyApproxTransformer().
    3637             :  */
    3638             : 
    3639         929 : void *GDALCreateApproxTransformer(GDALTransformerFunc pfnBaseTransformer,
    3640             :                                   void *pBaseTransformArg, double dfMaxError)
    3641             : 
    3642             : {
    3643         929 :     return GDALCreateApproxTransformer2(pfnBaseTransformer, pBaseTransformArg,
    3644         929 :                                         dfMaxError, dfMaxError);
    3645             : }
    3646             : 
    3647             : static void *
    3648        1081 : GDALCreateApproxTransformer2(GDALTransformerFunc pfnBaseTransformer,
    3649             :                              void *pBaseTransformArg, double dfMaxErrorForward,
    3650             :                              double dfMaxErrorReverse)
    3651             : 
    3652             : {
    3653             :     ApproxTransformInfo *psATInfo = static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(
    3654        1081 :         CPLMalloc(sizeof(ApproxTransformInfo)));
    3655        1081 :     psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer = pfnBaseTransformer;
    3656        1081 :     psATInfo->pBaseCBData = pBaseTransformArg;
    3657        1081 :     psATInfo->dfMaxErrorForward = dfMaxErrorForward;
    3658        1081 :     psATInfo->dfMaxErrorReverse = dfMaxErrorReverse;
    3659        1081 :     psATInfo->bOwnSubtransformer = FALSE;
    3660             : 
    3661        1081 :     memcpy(psATInfo->sTI.abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    3662             :            strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE));
    3663        1081 :     psATInfo->sTI.pszClassName = GDAL_APPROX_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME;
    3664        1081 :     psATInfo->sTI.pfnTransform = GDALApproxTransform;
    3665        1081 :     psATInfo->sTI.pfnCleanup = GDALDestroyApproxTransformer;
    3666        1081 :     psATInfo->sTI.pfnSerialize = GDALSerializeApproxTransformer;
    3667        1081 :     psATInfo->sTI.pfnCreateSimilar = GDALCreateSimilarApproxTransformer;
    3668             : 
    3669        1081 :     return psATInfo;
    3670             : }
    3671             : 
    3672             : /************************************************************************/
    3673             : /*              GDALApproxTransformerOwnsSubtransformer()               */
    3674             : /************************************************************************/
    3675             : 
    3676             : /** Set bOwnSubtransformer flag */
    3677        1078 : void GDALApproxTransformerOwnsSubtransformer(void *pCBData, int bOwnFlag)
    3678             : 
    3679             : {
    3680        1078 :     ApproxTransformInfo *psATInfo = static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(pCBData);
    3681             : 
    3682        1078 :     psATInfo->bOwnSubtransformer = bOwnFlag;
    3683        1078 : }
    3684             : 
    3685             : /************************************************************************/
    3686             : /*                    GDALDestroyApproxTransformer()                    */
    3687             : /************************************************************************/
    3688             : 
    3689             : /**
    3690             :  * Cleanup approximate transformer.
    3691             :  *
    3692             :  * Deallocates the resources allocated by GDALCreateApproxTransformer().
    3693             :  *
    3694             :  * @param pCBData callback data originally returned by
    3695             :  * GDALCreateApproxTransformer().
    3696             :  */
    3697             : 
    3698        1098 : void GDALDestroyApproxTransformer(void *pCBData)
    3699             : 
    3700             : {
    3701        1098 :     if (pCBData == nullptr)
    3702           0 :         return;
    3703             : 
    3704        1098 :     ApproxTransformInfo *psATInfo = static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(pCBData);
    3705             : 
    3706        1098 :     if (psATInfo->bOwnSubtransformer)
    3707        1095 :         GDALDestroyTransformer(psATInfo->pBaseCBData);
    3708             : 
    3709        1098 :     CPLFree(pCBData);
    3710             : }
    3711             : 
    3712             : /************************************************************************/
    3713             : /*                  GDALRefreshApproxTransformer()                      */
    3714             : /************************************************************************/
    3715             : 
    3716          44 : void GDALRefreshApproxTransformer(void *hTransformArg)
    3717             : {
    3718          44 :     ApproxTransformInfo *psInfo =
    3719             :         static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(hTransformArg);
    3720             : 
    3721          44 :     if (GDALIsTransformer(psInfo->pBaseCBData,
    3722             :                           GDAL_GEN_IMG_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    3723             :     {
    3724          44 :         GDALRefreshGenImgProjTransformer(psInfo->pBaseCBData);
    3725             :     }
    3726          44 : }
    3727             : 
    3728             : /************************************************************************/
    3729             : /*                      GDALApproxTransformInternal()                   */
    3730             : /************************************************************************/
    3731             : 
    3732     1120650 : static int GDALApproxTransformInternal(void *pCBData, int bDstToSrc,
    3733             :                                        int nPoints, double *x, double *y,
    3734             :                                        double *z, int *panSuccess,
    3735             :                                        // SME = Start, Middle, End.
    3736             :                                        const double xSMETransformed[3],
    3737             :                                        const double ySMETransformed[3],
    3738             :                                        const double zSMETransformed[3])
    3739             : {
    3740     1120650 :     ApproxTransformInfo *psATInfo = static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(pCBData);
    3741     1120650 :     const int nMiddle = (nPoints - 1) / 2;
    3742             : 
    3743             : #ifdef notdef_sanify_check
    3744             :     {
    3745             :         double x2[3] = {x[0], x[nMiddle], x[nPoints - 1]};
    3746             :         double y2[3] = {y[0], y[nMiddle], y[nPoints - 1]};
    3747             :         double z2[3] = {z[0], z[nMiddle], z[nPoints - 1]};
    3748             :         int anSuccess2[3] = {};
    3749             : 
    3750             :         const int bSuccess = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(
    3751             :             psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, 3, x2, y2, z2, anSuccess2);
    3752             :         CPLAssert(bSuccess);
    3753             :         CPLAssert(anSuccess2[0]);
    3754             :         CPLAssert(anSuccess2[1]);
    3755             :         CPLAssert(anSuccess2[2]);
    3756             :         CPLAssert(x2[0] == xSMETransformed[0]);
    3757             :         CPLAssert(y2[0] == ySMETransformed[0]);
    3758             :         CPLAssert(z2[0] == zSMETransformed[0]);
    3759             :         CPLAssert(x2[1] == xSMETransformed[1]);
    3760             :         CPLAssert(y2[1] == ySMETransformed[1]);
    3761             :         CPLAssert(z2[1] == zSMETransformed[1]);
    3762             :         CPLAssert(x2[2] == xSMETransformed[2]);
    3763             :         CPLAssert(y2[2] == ySMETransformed[2]);
    3764             :         CPLAssert(z2[2] == zSMETransformed[2]);
    3765             :     }
    3766             : #endif
    3767             : 
    3768             : #ifdef DEBUG_APPROX_TRANSFORMER
    3769             :     fprintf(stderr, "start (%.3f,%.3f) -> (%.3f,%.3f)\n", /*ok*/
    3770             :             x[0], y[0], xSMETransformed[0], ySMETransformed[0]);
    3771             :     fprintf(stderr, "middle (%.3f,%.3f) -> (%.3f,%.3f)\n", /*ok*/
    3772             :             x[nMiddle], y[nMiddle], xSMETransformed[1], ySMETransformed[1]);
    3773             :     fprintf(stderr, "end (%.3f,%.3f) -> (%.3f,%.3f)\n", /*ok*/
    3774             :             x[nPoints - 1], y[nPoints - 1], xSMETransformed[2],
    3775             :             ySMETransformed[2]);
    3776             : #endif
    3777             : 
    3778             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3779             :     /*      Is the error at the middle acceptable relative to an            */
    3780             :     /*      interpolation of the middle position?                           */
    3781             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3782     1120650 :     const double dfDeltaX =
    3783     1120650 :         (xSMETransformed[2] - xSMETransformed[0]) / (x[nPoints - 1] - x[0]);
    3784     1120650 :     const double dfDeltaY =
    3785     1120650 :         (ySMETransformed[2] - ySMETransformed[0]) / (x[nPoints - 1] - x[0]);
    3786     1120650 :     const double dfDeltaZ =
    3787     1120650 :         (zSMETransformed[2] - zSMETransformed[0]) / (x[nPoints - 1] - x[0]);
    3788             : 
    3789     1120650 :     const double dfError =
    3790     1120650 :         fabs((xSMETransformed[0] + dfDeltaX * (x[nMiddle] - x[0])) -
    3791     1120650 :              xSMETransformed[1]) +
    3792     1120650 :         fabs((ySMETransformed[0] + dfDeltaY * (x[nMiddle] - x[0])) -
    3793     1120650 :              ySMETransformed[1]);
    3794             : 
    3795     1120650 :     const double dfMaxError =
    3796     1120650 :         (bDstToSrc) ? psATInfo->dfMaxErrorReverse : psATInfo->dfMaxErrorForward;
    3797     1120650 :     if (dfError > dfMaxError)
    3798             :     {
    3799             : #if DEBUG_VERBOSE
    3800             :         CPLDebug("GDAL",
    3801             :                  "ApproxTransformer - "
    3802             :                  "error %g over threshold %g, subdivide %d points.",
    3803             :                  dfError, dfMaxError, nPoints);
    3804             : #endif
    3805             : 
    3806      589967 :         double xMiddle[3] = {x[(nMiddle - 1) / 2], x[nMiddle - 1],
    3807      589967 :                              x[nMiddle + (nPoints - nMiddle - 1) / 2]};
    3808      589967 :         double yMiddle[3] = {y[(nMiddle - 1) / 2], y[nMiddle - 1],
    3809      589967 :                              y[nMiddle + (nPoints - nMiddle - 1) / 2]};
    3810      589967 :         double zMiddle[3] = {z[(nMiddle - 1) / 2], z[nMiddle - 1],
    3811      589967 :                              z[nMiddle + (nPoints - nMiddle - 1) / 2]};
    3812             : 
    3813      589967 :         const bool bUseBaseTransformForHalf1 =
    3814      462084 :             nMiddle <= 5 || y[0] != y[nMiddle - 1] ||
    3815     1514140 :             y[0] != y[(nMiddle - 1) / 2] || x[0] == x[nMiddle - 1] ||
    3816      462084 :             x[0] == x[(nMiddle - 1) / 2];
    3817      589967 :         const bool bUseBaseTransformForHalf2 =
    3818      476072 :             nPoints - nMiddle <= 5 || y[nMiddle] != y[nPoints - 1] ||
    3819      476072 :             y[nMiddle] != y[nMiddle + (nPoints - nMiddle - 1) / 2] ||
    3820     1542110 :             x[nMiddle] == x[nPoints - 1] ||
    3821      476072 :             x[nMiddle] == x[nMiddle + (nPoints - nMiddle - 1) / 2];
    3822             : 
    3823      589967 :         int anSuccess2[3] = {};
    3824      589967 :         int bSuccess = FALSE;
    3825      589967 :         if (!bUseBaseTransformForHalf1 && !bUseBaseTransformForHalf2)
    3826      462084 :             bSuccess = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(
    3827             :                 psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, 3, xMiddle, yMiddle, zMiddle,
    3828             :                 anSuccess2);
    3829      127883 :         else if (!bUseBaseTransformForHalf1)
    3830             :         {
    3831           0 :             bSuccess = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(
    3832             :                 psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, 2, xMiddle, yMiddle, zMiddle,
    3833             :                 anSuccess2);
    3834           0 :             anSuccess2[2] = TRUE;
    3835             :         }
    3836      127883 :         else if (!bUseBaseTransformForHalf2)
    3837             :         {
    3838       13988 :             bSuccess = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(
    3839             :                 psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, 1, xMiddle + 2, yMiddle + 2,
    3840             :                 zMiddle + 2, anSuccess2 + 2);
    3841       13988 :             anSuccess2[0] = TRUE;
    3842       13988 :             anSuccess2[1] = TRUE;
    3843             :         }
    3844             : 
    3845      589967 :         if (!bSuccess || !anSuccess2[0] || !anSuccess2[1] || !anSuccess2[2])
    3846             :         {
    3847      113911 :             bSuccess = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(
    3848             :                 psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, nMiddle - 1, x + 1, y + 1,
    3849             :                 z + 1, panSuccess + 1);
    3850      227822 :             bSuccess &= psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(
    3851      113911 :                 psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, nPoints - nMiddle - 2,
    3852      113911 :                 x + nMiddle + 1, y + nMiddle + 1, z + nMiddle + 1,
    3853      113911 :                 panSuccess + nMiddle + 1);
    3854             : 
    3855      113911 :             x[0] = xSMETransformed[0];
    3856      113911 :             y[0] = ySMETransformed[0];
    3857      113911 :             z[0] = zSMETransformed[0];
    3858      113911 :             panSuccess[0] = TRUE;
    3859      113911 :             x[nMiddle] = xSMETransformed[1];
    3860      113911 :             y[nMiddle] = ySMETransformed[1];
    3861      113911 :             z[nMiddle] = zSMETransformed[1];
    3862      113911 :             panSuccess[nMiddle] = TRUE;
    3863      113911 :             x[nPoints - 1] = xSMETransformed[2];
    3864      113911 :             y[nPoints - 1] = ySMETransformed[2];
    3865      113911 :             z[nPoints - 1] = zSMETransformed[2];
    3866      113911 :             panSuccess[nPoints - 1] = TRUE;
    3867      113911 :             return bSuccess;
    3868             :         }
    3869             : 
    3870      476056 :         double x2[3] = {};
    3871      476056 :         double y2[3] = {};
    3872      476056 :         double z2[3] = {};
    3873      476056 :         if (!bUseBaseTransformForHalf1)
    3874             :         {
    3875      462068 :             x2[0] = xSMETransformed[0];
    3876      462068 :             y2[0] = ySMETransformed[0];
    3877      462068 :             z2[0] = zSMETransformed[0];
    3878      462068 :             x2[1] = xMiddle[0];
    3879      462068 :             y2[1] = yMiddle[0];
    3880      462068 :             z2[1] = zMiddle[0];
    3881      462068 :             x2[2] = xMiddle[1];
    3882      462068 :             y2[2] = yMiddle[1];
    3883      462068 :             z2[2] = zMiddle[1];
    3884             : 
    3885      462068 :             bSuccess = GDALApproxTransformInternal(
    3886             :                 psATInfo, bDstToSrc, nMiddle, x, y, z, panSuccess, x2, y2, z2);
    3887             :         }
    3888             :         else
    3889             :         {
    3890       13988 :             bSuccess = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(
    3891             :                 psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, nMiddle - 1, x + 1, y + 1,
    3892             :                 z + 1, panSuccess + 1);
    3893       13988 :             x[0] = xSMETransformed[0];
    3894       13988 :             y[0] = ySMETransformed[0];
    3895       13988 :             z[0] = zSMETransformed[0];
    3896       13988 :             panSuccess[0] = TRUE;
    3897             :         }
    3898             : 
    3899      476056 :         if (!bSuccess)
    3900          24 :             return FALSE;
    3901             : 
    3902      476032 :         if (!bUseBaseTransformForHalf2)
    3903             :         {
    3904      476032 :             x2[0] = xSMETransformed[1];
    3905      476032 :             y2[0] = ySMETransformed[1];
    3906      476032 :             z2[0] = zSMETransformed[1];
    3907      476032 :             x2[1] = xMiddle[2];
    3908      476032 :             y2[1] = yMiddle[2];
    3909      476032 :             z2[1] = zMiddle[2];
    3910      476032 :             x2[2] = xSMETransformed[2];
    3911      476032 :             y2[2] = ySMETransformed[2];
    3912      476032 :             z2[2] = zSMETransformed[2];
    3913             : 
    3914      476032 :             bSuccess = GDALApproxTransformInternal(
    3915      476032 :                 psATInfo, bDstToSrc, nPoints - nMiddle, x + nMiddle,
    3916      476032 :                 y + nMiddle, z + nMiddle, panSuccess + nMiddle, x2, y2, z2);
    3917             :         }
    3918             :         else
    3919             :         {
    3920           0 :             bSuccess = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(
    3921           0 :                 psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, nPoints - nMiddle - 2,
    3922           0 :                 x + nMiddle + 1, y + nMiddle + 1, z + nMiddle + 1,
    3923           0 :                 panSuccess + nMiddle + 1);
    3924             : 
    3925           0 :             x[nMiddle] = xSMETransformed[1];
    3926           0 :             y[nMiddle] = ySMETransformed[1];
    3927           0 :             z[nMiddle] = zSMETransformed[1];
    3928           0 :             panSuccess[nMiddle] = TRUE;
    3929           0 :             x[nPoints - 1] = xSMETransformed[2];
    3930           0 :             y[nPoints - 1] = ySMETransformed[2];
    3931           0 :             z[nPoints - 1] = zSMETransformed[2];
    3932           0 :             panSuccess[nPoints - 1] = TRUE;
    3933             :         }
    3934             : 
    3935      476032 :         if (!bSuccess)
    3936           2 :             return FALSE;
    3937             : 
    3938      476030 :         return TRUE;
    3939             :     }
    3940             : 
    3941             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3942             :     /*      Error is OK since this is just used to compute output bounds    */
    3943             :     /*      of newly created file for gdalwarper.  So just use affine       */
    3944             :     /*      approximation of the reverse transform.  Eventually we          */
    3945             :     /*      should implement iterative searching to find a result within    */
    3946             :     /*      our error threshold.                                            */
    3947             :     /*      NOTE: the above comment is not true: gdalwarp uses approximator */
    3948             :     /*      also to compute the source pixel of each target pixel.          */
    3949             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    3950    99103200 :     for (int i = nPoints - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    3951             :     {
    3952             : #ifdef check_error
    3953             :         double xtemp = x[i];
    3954             :         double ytemp = y[i];
    3955             :         double ztemp = z[i];
    3956             :         double x_ori = xtemp;
    3957             :         double y_ori = ytemp;
    3958             :         int btemp = FALSE;
    3959             :         psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, 1,
    3960             :                                      &xtemp, &ytemp, &ztemp, &btemp);
    3961             : #endif
    3962    98572500 :         const double dfDist = (x[i] - x[0]);
    3963    98572500 :         x[i] = xSMETransformed[0] + dfDeltaX * dfDist;
    3964    98572500 :         y[i] = ySMETransformed[0] + dfDeltaY * dfDist;
    3965    98572500 :         z[i] = zSMETransformed[0] + dfDeltaZ * dfDist;
    3966             : #ifdef check_error
    3967             :         const double dfError2 = fabs(x[i] - xtemp) + fabs(y[i] - ytemp);
    3968             :         if (dfError2 > 4 /*10 * dfMaxError*/)
    3969             :         {
    3970             :             /*ok*/ printf("Error = %f on (%f, %f)\n", dfError2, x_ori, y_ori);
    3971             :         }
    3972             : #endif
    3973    98572500 :         panSuccess[i] = TRUE;
    3974             :     }
    3975             : 
    3976      530679 :     return TRUE;
    3977             : }
    3978             : 
    3979             : /************************************************************************/
    3980             : /*                        GDALApproxTransform()                         */
    3981             : /************************************************************************/
    3982             : 
    3983             : /**
    3984             :  * Perform approximate transformation.
    3985             :  *
    3986             :  * Actually performs the approximate transformation described in
    3987             :  * GDALCreateApproxTransformer().  This function matches the
    3988             :  * GDALTransformerFunc() signature.  Details of the arguments are described
    3989             :  * there.
    3990             :  */
    3991             : 
    3992      531204 : int GDALApproxTransform(void *pCBData, int bDstToSrc, int nPoints, double *x,
    3993             :                         double *y, double *z, int *panSuccess)
    3994             : 
    3995             : {
    3996      531204 :     ApproxTransformInfo *psATInfo = static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(pCBData);
    3997      531204 :     double x2[3] = {};
    3998      531204 :     double y2[3] = {};
    3999      531204 :     double z2[3] = {};
    4000      531204 :     int anSuccess2[3] = {};
    4001             :     int bSuccess;
    4002             : 
    4003      531204 :     const int nMiddle = (nPoints - 1) / 2;
    4004             : 
    4005             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    4006             :     /*      Bail if our preconditions are not met, or if error is not       */
    4007             :     /*      acceptable.                                                     */
    4008             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    4009      531204 :     int bRet = FALSE;
    4010      531204 :     if (y[0] != y[nPoints - 1] || y[0] != y[nMiddle] ||
    4011      522683 :         x[0] == x[nPoints - 1] || x[0] == x[nMiddle] ||
    4012      188083 :         (psATInfo->dfMaxErrorForward == 0.0 &&
    4013      188083 :          psATInfo->dfMaxErrorReverse == 0.0) ||
    4014             :         nPoints <= 5)
    4015             :     {
    4016      343535 :         bRet = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc,
    4017             :                                             nPoints, x, y, z, panSuccess);
    4018      343535 :         goto end;
    4019             :     }
    4020             : 
    4021             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    4022             :     /*      Transform first, last and middle point.                         */
    4023             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    4024      187669 :     x2[0] = x[0];
    4025      187669 :     y2[0] = y[0];
    4026      187669 :     z2[0] = z[0];
    4027      187669 :     x2[1] = x[nMiddle];
    4028      187669 :     y2[1] = y[nMiddle];
    4029      187669 :     z2[1] = z[nMiddle];
    4030      187669 :     x2[2] = x[nPoints - 1];
    4031      187669 :     y2[2] = y[nPoints - 1];
    4032      187669 :     z2[2] = z[nPoints - 1];
    4033             : 
    4034      187669 :     bSuccess = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc, 3,
    4035             :                                             x2, y2, z2, anSuccess2);
    4036      187669 :     if (!bSuccess || !anSuccess2[0] || !anSuccess2[1] || !anSuccess2[2])
    4037             :     {
    4038        5123 :         bRet = psATInfo->pfnBaseTransformer(psATInfo->pBaseCBData, bDstToSrc,
    4039             :                                             nPoints, x, y, z, panSuccess);
    4040        5123 :         goto end;
    4041             :     }
    4042             : 
    4043      182546 :     bRet = GDALApproxTransformInternal(pCBData, bDstToSrc, nPoints, x, y, z,
    4044             :                                        panSuccess, x2, y2, z2);
    4045             : 
    4046      531204 : end:
    4047             : #ifdef DEBUG_APPROX_TRANSFORMER
    4048             :     for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
    4049             :         fprintf(stderr, "[%d] (%.10f,%.10f) %d\n", /*ok*/
    4050             :                 i, x[i], y[i], panSuccess[i]);
    4051             : #endif
    4052             : 
    4053      531204 :     return bRet;
    4054             : }
    4055             : 
    4056             : /************************************************************************/
    4057             : /*                  GDALDeserializeApproxTransformer()                  */
    4058             : /************************************************************************/
    4059             : 
    4060         150 : static void *GDALDeserializeApproxTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree)
    4061             : 
    4062             : {
    4063         150 :     double dfMaxErrorForward = 0.25;
    4064         150 :     double dfMaxErrorReverse = 0.25;
    4065         150 :     const char *pszMaxError = CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "MaxError", nullptr);
    4066         150 :     if (pszMaxError != nullptr)
    4067             :     {
    4068         148 :         dfMaxErrorForward = CPLAtof(pszMaxError);
    4069         148 :         dfMaxErrorReverse = dfMaxErrorForward;
    4070             :     }
    4071             :     const char *pszMaxErrorForward =
    4072         150 :         CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "MaxErrorForward", nullptr);
    4073         150 :     if (pszMaxErrorForward != nullptr)
    4074             :     {
    4075           2 :         dfMaxErrorForward = CPLAtof(pszMaxErrorForward);
    4076             :     }
    4077             :     const char *pszMaxErrorReverse =
    4078         150 :         CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "MaxErrorReverse", nullptr);
    4079         150 :     if (pszMaxErrorReverse != nullptr)
    4080             :     {
    4081           2 :         dfMaxErrorReverse = CPLAtof(pszMaxErrorReverse);
    4082             :     }
    4083             : 
    4084         150 :     GDALTransformerFunc pfnBaseTransform = nullptr;
    4085         150 :     void *pBaseCBData = nullptr;
    4086             : 
    4087         150 :     CPLXMLNode *psContainer = CPLGetXMLNode(psTree, "BaseTransformer");
    4088             : 
    4089         150 :     if (psContainer != nullptr && psContainer->psChild != nullptr)
    4090             :     {
    4091         150 :         GDALDeserializeTransformer(psContainer->psChild, &pfnBaseTransform,
    4092             :                                    &pBaseCBData);
    4093             :     }
    4094             : 
    4095         150 :     if (pfnBaseTransform == nullptr)
    4096             :     {
    4097           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4098             :                  "Cannot get base transform for approx transformer.");
    4099           0 :         return nullptr;
    4100             :     }
    4101             : 
    4102         150 :     void *pApproxCBData = GDALCreateApproxTransformer2(
    4103             :         pfnBaseTransform, pBaseCBData, dfMaxErrorForward, dfMaxErrorReverse);
    4104         150 :     GDALApproxTransformerOwnsSubtransformer(pApproxCBData, TRUE);
    4105             : 
    4106         150 :     return pApproxCBData;
    4107             : }
    4108             : 
    4109             : /************************************************************************/
    4110             : /*                 GDALTransformLonLatToDestApproxTransformer()         */
    4111             : /************************************************************************/
    4112             : 
    4113        2160 : int GDALTransformLonLatToDestApproxTransformer(void *hTransformArg,
    4114             :                                                double *pdfX, double *pdfY)
    4115             : {
    4116        2160 :     ApproxTransformInfo *psInfo =
    4117             :         static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(hTransformArg);
    4118             : 
    4119        2160 :     if (GDALIsTransformer(psInfo->pBaseCBData,
    4120             :                           GDAL_GEN_IMG_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4121             :     {
    4122        2160 :         return GDALTransformLonLatToDestGenImgProjTransformer(
    4123        2160 :             psInfo->pBaseCBData, pdfX, pdfY);
    4124             :     }
    4125           0 :     return false;
    4126             : }
    4127             : 
    4128             : /************************************************************************/
    4129             : /*                       GDALApplyGeoTransform()                        */
    4130             : /************************************************************************/
    4131             : 
    4132             : /**
    4133             :  * Apply GeoTransform to x/y coordinate.
    4134             :  *
    4135             :  * Applies the following computation, converting a (pixel, line) coordinate
    4136             :  * into a georeferenced (geo_x, geo_y) location.
    4137             :  * \code{.c}
    4138             :  *  *pdfGeoX = padfGeoTransform[0] + dfPixel * padfGeoTransform[1]
    4139             :  *                                 + dfLine  * padfGeoTransform[2];
    4140             :  *  *pdfGeoY = padfGeoTransform[3] + dfPixel * padfGeoTransform[4]
    4141             :  *                                 + dfLine  * padfGeoTransform[5];
    4142             :  * \endcode
    4143             :  *
    4144             :  * @param padfGeoTransform Six coefficient GeoTransform to apply.
    4145             :  * @param dfPixel Input pixel position.
    4146             :  * @param dfLine Input line position.
    4147             :  * @param pdfGeoX output location where geo_x (easting/longitude)
    4148             :  * location is placed.
    4149             :  * @param pdfGeoY output location where geo_y (northing/latitude)
    4150             :  * location is placed.
    4151             :  */
    4152             : 
    4153      304734 : void CPL_STDCALL GDALApplyGeoTransform(const double *padfGeoTransform,
    4154             :                                        double dfPixel, double dfLine,
    4155             :                                        double *pdfGeoX, double *pdfGeoY)
    4156             : {
    4157      304734 :     *pdfGeoX = padfGeoTransform[0] + dfPixel * padfGeoTransform[1] +
    4158      304734 :                dfLine * padfGeoTransform[2];
    4159      304734 :     *pdfGeoY = padfGeoTransform[3] + dfPixel * padfGeoTransform[4] +
    4160      304734 :                dfLine * padfGeoTransform[5];
    4161      304734 : }
    4162             : 
    4163             : /************************************************************************/
    4164             : /*                        GDALInvGeoTransform()                         */
    4165             : /************************************************************************/
    4166             : 
    4167             : /**
    4168             :  * Invert Geotransform.
    4169             :  *
    4170             :  * This function will invert a standard 3x2 set of GeoTransform coefficients.
    4171             :  * This converts the equation from being pixel to geo to being geo to pixel.
    4172             :  *
    4173             :  * @param gt_in Input geotransform (six doubles - unaltered).
    4174             :  * @param gt_out Output geotransform (six doubles - updated).
    4175             :  *
    4176             :  * @return TRUE on success or FALSE if the equation is uninvertable.
    4177             :  */
    4178             : 
    4179        2983 : int CPL_STDCALL GDALInvGeoTransform(const double *gt_in, double *gt_out)
    4180             : 
    4181             : {
    4182             :     // Special case - no rotation - to avoid computing determinate
    4183             :     // and potential precision issues.
    4184        2983 :     if (gt_in[2] == 0.0 && gt_in[4] == 0.0 && gt_in[1] != 0.0 &&
    4185        2929 :         gt_in[5] != 0.0)
    4186             :     {
    4187             :         /*X = gt_in[0] + x * gt_in[1]
    4188             :           Y = gt_in[3] + y * gt_in[5]
    4189             :           -->
    4190             :           x = -gt_in[0] / gt_in[1] + (1 / gt_in[1]) * X
    4191             :           y = -gt_in[3] / gt_in[5] + (1 / gt_in[5]) * Y
    4192             :         */
    4193        2929 :         gt_out[0] = -gt_in[0] / gt_in[1];
    4194        2929 :         gt_out[1] = 1.0 / gt_in[1];
    4195        2929 :         gt_out[2] = 0.0;
    4196        2929 :         gt_out[3] = -gt_in[3] / gt_in[5];
    4197        2929 :         gt_out[4] = 0.0;
    4198        2929 :         gt_out[5] = 1.0 / gt_in[5];
    4199        2929 :         return 1;
    4200             :     }
    4201             : 
    4202             :     // Assume a 3rd row that is [1 0 0].
    4203             : 
    4204             :     // Compute determinate.
    4205             : 
    4206          54 :     const double det = gt_in[1] * gt_in[5] - gt_in[2] * gt_in[4];
    4207         108 :     const double magnitude = std::max(std::max(fabs(gt_in[1]), fabs(gt_in[2])),
    4208          54 :                                       std::max(fabs(gt_in[4]), fabs(gt_in[5])));
    4209             : 
    4210          54 :     if (fabs(det) <= 1e-10 * magnitude * magnitude)
    4211           5 :         return 0;
    4212             : 
    4213          49 :     const double inv_det = 1.0 / det;
    4214             : 
    4215             :     // Compute adjoint, and divide by determinate.
    4216             : 
    4217          49 :     gt_out[1] = gt_in[5] * inv_det;
    4218          49 :     gt_out[4] = -gt_in[4] * inv_det;
    4219             : 
    4220          49 :     gt_out[2] = -gt_in[2] * inv_det;
    4221          49 :     gt_out[5] = gt_in[1] * inv_det;
    4222             : 
    4223          49 :     gt_out[0] = (gt_in[2] * gt_in[3] - gt_in[0] * gt_in[5]) * inv_det;
    4224          49 :     gt_out[3] = (-gt_in[1] * gt_in[3] + gt_in[0] * gt_in[4]) * inv_det;
    4225             : 
    4226          49 :     return 1;
    4227             : }
    4228             : 
    4229             : /************************************************************************/
    4230             : /*                      GDALSerializeTransformer()                      */
    4231             : /************************************************************************/
    4232             : 
    4233         263 : CPLXMLNode *GDALSerializeTransformer(GDALTransformerFunc /* pfnFunc */,
    4234             :                                      void *pTransformArg)
    4235             : {
    4236         263 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(pTransformArg, "GDALSerializeTransformer", nullptr);
    4237             : 
    4238         263 :     GDALTransformerInfo *psInfo =
    4239             :         static_cast<GDALTransformerInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    4240             : 
    4241         263 :     if (psInfo == nullptr || memcmp(psInfo->abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    4242             :                                     strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE)) != 0)
    4243             :     {
    4244           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4245             :                  "Attempt to serialize non-GTI2 transformer.");
    4246           0 :         return nullptr;
    4247             :     }
    4248         263 :     else if (psInfo->pfnSerialize == nullptr)
    4249             :     {
    4250           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4251             :                  "No serialization function available for this transformer.");
    4252           0 :         return nullptr;
    4253             :     }
    4254             : 
    4255         263 :     return psInfo->pfnSerialize(pTransformArg);
    4256             : }
    4257             : 
    4258             : /************************************************************************/
    4259             : /*                  GDALRegisterTransformDeserializer()                 */
    4260             : /************************************************************************/
    4261             : 
    4262             : static CPLList *psListDeserializer = nullptr;
    4263             : static CPLMutex *hDeserializerMutex = nullptr;
    4264             : 
    4265             : typedef struct
    4266             : {
    4267             :     char *pszTransformName;
    4268             :     GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformerFunc;
    4269             :     GDALTransformDeserializeFunc pfnDeserializeFunc;
    4270             : } TransformDeserializerInfo;
    4271             : 
    4272           0 : void *GDALRegisterTransformDeserializer(
    4273             :     const char *pszTransformName, GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformerFunc,
    4274             :     GDALTransformDeserializeFunc pfnDeserializeFunc)
    4275             : {
    4276             :     TransformDeserializerInfo *psInfo =
    4277             :         static_cast<TransformDeserializerInfo *>(
    4278           0 :             CPLMalloc(sizeof(TransformDeserializerInfo)));
    4279           0 :     psInfo->pszTransformName = CPLStrdup(pszTransformName);
    4280           0 :     psInfo->pfnTransformerFunc = pfnTransformerFunc;
    4281           0 :     psInfo->pfnDeserializeFunc = pfnDeserializeFunc;
    4282             : 
    4283           0 :     CPLMutexHolderD(&hDeserializerMutex);
    4284           0 :     psListDeserializer = CPLListInsert(psListDeserializer, psInfo, 0);
    4285             : 
    4286           0 :     return psInfo;
    4287             : }
    4288             : 
    4289             : /************************************************************************/
    4290             : /*                GDALUnregisterTransformDeserializer()                 */
    4291             : /************************************************************************/
    4292             : 
    4293           0 : void GDALUnregisterTransformDeserializer(void *pData)
    4294             : {
    4295           0 :     CPLMutexHolderD(&hDeserializerMutex);
    4296           0 :     CPLList *psList = psListDeserializer;
    4297           0 :     CPLList *psLast = nullptr;
    4298           0 :     while (psList)
    4299             :     {
    4300           0 :         if (psList->pData == pData)
    4301             :         {
    4302           0 :             TransformDeserializerInfo *psInfo =
    4303             :                 static_cast<TransformDeserializerInfo *>(pData);
    4304           0 :             CPLFree(psInfo->pszTransformName);
    4305           0 :             CPLFree(pData);
    4306           0 :             if (psLast)
    4307           0 :                 psLast->psNext = psList->psNext;
    4308             :             else
    4309           0 :                 psListDeserializer = nullptr;
    4310           0 :             CPLFree(psList);
    4311           0 :             break;
    4312             :         }
    4313           0 :         psLast = psList;
    4314           0 :         psList = psList->psNext;
    4315             :     }
    4316           0 : }
    4317             : 
    4318             : /************************************************************************/
    4319             : /*                GDALUnregisterTransformDeserializer()                 */
    4320             : /************************************************************************/
    4321             : 
    4322         922 : void GDALCleanupTransformDeserializerMutex()
    4323             : {
    4324         922 :     if (hDeserializerMutex != nullptr)
    4325             :     {
    4326           0 :         CPLDestroyMutex(hDeserializerMutex);
    4327           0 :         hDeserializerMutex = nullptr;
    4328             :     }
    4329         922 : }
    4330             : 
    4331             : /************************************************************************/
    4332             : /*                     GDALDeserializeTransformer()                     */
    4333             : /************************************************************************/
    4334             : 
    4335         538 : CPLErr GDALDeserializeTransformer(CPLXMLNode *psTree,
    4336             :                                   GDALTransformerFunc *ppfnFunc,
    4337             :                                   void **ppTransformArg)
    4338             : 
    4339             : {
    4340         538 :     *ppfnFunc = nullptr;
    4341         538 :     *ppTransformArg = nullptr;
    4342             : 
    4343         538 :     CPLErrorReset();
    4344             : 
    4345         538 :     if (psTree == nullptr || psTree->eType != CXT_Element)
    4346           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4347             :                  "Malformed element in GDALDeserializeTransformer");
    4348         538 :     else if (EQUAL(psTree->pszValue, "GenImgProjTransformer"))
    4349             :     {
    4350         198 :         *ppfnFunc = GDALGenImgProjTransform;
    4351         198 :         *ppTransformArg = GDALDeserializeGenImgProjTransformer(psTree);
    4352             :     }
    4353         340 :     else if (EQUAL(psTree->pszValue, "ReprojectionTransformer"))
    4354             :     {
    4355         174 :         *ppfnFunc = GDALReprojectionTransform;
    4356         174 :         *ppTransformArg = GDALDeserializeReprojectionTransformer(psTree);
    4357             :     }
    4358         166 :     else if (EQUAL(psTree->pszValue, "GCPTransformer"))
    4359             :     {
    4360           5 :         *ppfnFunc = GDALGCPTransform;
    4361           5 :         *ppTransformArg = GDALDeserializeGCPTransformer(psTree);
    4362             :     }
    4363         161 :     else if (EQUAL(psTree->pszValue, "TPSTransformer"))
    4364             :     {
    4365           3 :         *ppfnFunc = GDALTPSTransform;
    4366           3 :         *ppTransformArg = GDALDeserializeTPSTransformer(psTree);
    4367             :     }
    4368         158 :     else if (EQUAL(psTree->pszValue, "GeoLocTransformer"))
    4369             :     {
    4370           1 :         *ppfnFunc = GDALGeoLocTransform;
    4371           1 :         *ppTransformArg = GDALDeserializeGeoLocTransformer(psTree);
    4372             :     }
    4373         157 :     else if (EQUAL(psTree->pszValue, "RPCTransformer"))
    4374             :     {
    4375           0 :         *ppfnFunc = GDALRPCTransform;
    4376           0 :         *ppTransformArg = GDALDeserializeRPCTransformer(psTree);
    4377             :     }
    4378         157 :     else if (EQUAL(psTree->pszValue, "ApproxTransformer"))
    4379             :     {
    4380         150 :         *ppfnFunc = GDALApproxTransform;
    4381         150 :         *ppTransformArg = GDALDeserializeApproxTransformer(psTree);
    4382             :     }
    4383           7 :     else if (EQUAL(psTree->pszValue, "HomographyTransformer"))
    4384             :     {
    4385           7 :         *ppfnFunc = GDALHomographyTransform;
    4386           7 :         *ppTransformArg = GDALDeserializeHomographyTransformer(psTree);
    4387             :     }
    4388             :     else
    4389             :     {
    4390           0 :         GDALTransformDeserializeFunc pfnDeserializeFunc = nullptr;
    4391             :         {
    4392           0 :             CPLMutexHolderD(&hDeserializerMutex);
    4393           0 :             CPLList *psList = psListDeserializer;
    4394           0 :             while (psList)
    4395             :             {
    4396           0 :                 TransformDeserializerInfo *psInfo =
    4397             :                     static_cast<TransformDeserializerInfo *>(psList->pData);
    4398           0 :                 if (strcmp(psInfo->pszTransformName, psTree->pszValue) == 0)
    4399             :                 {
    4400           0 :                     *ppfnFunc = psInfo->pfnTransformerFunc;
    4401           0 :                     pfnDeserializeFunc = psInfo->pfnDeserializeFunc;
    4402           0 :                     break;
    4403             :                 }
    4404           0 :                 psList = psList->psNext;
    4405             :             }
    4406             :         }
    4407             : 
    4408           0 :         if (pfnDeserializeFunc != nullptr)
    4409             :         {
    4410           0 :             *ppTransformArg = pfnDeserializeFunc(psTree);
    4411             :         }
    4412             :         else
    4413             :         {
    4414           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4415             :                      "Unrecognized element '%s' GDALDeserializeTransformer",
    4416             :                      psTree->pszValue);
    4417             :         }
    4418             :     }
    4419             : 
    4420         538 :     return CPLGetLastErrorType();
    4421             : }
    4422             : 
    4423             : /************************************************************************/
    4424             : /*                       GDALDestroyTransformer()                       */
    4425             : /************************************************************************/
    4426             : 
    4427        3569 : void GDALDestroyTransformer(void *pTransformArg)
    4428             : 
    4429             : {
    4430        3569 :     if (pTransformArg == nullptr)
    4431          11 :         return;
    4432             : 
    4433        3558 :     GDALTransformerInfo *psInfo =
    4434             :         static_cast<GDALTransformerInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    4435             : 
    4436        3558 :     if (memcmp(psInfo->abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    4437             :                strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE)) != 0)
    4438             :     {
    4439           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4440             :                  "Attempt to destroy non-GTI2 transformer.");
    4441           0 :         return;
    4442             :     }
    4443             : 
    4444        3558 :     psInfo->pfnCleanup(pTransformArg);
    4445             : }
    4446             : 
    4447             : /************************************************************************/
    4448             : /*                         GDALUseTransformer()                         */
    4449             : /************************************************************************/
    4450             : 
    4451        8683 : int GDALUseTransformer(void *pTransformArg, int bDstToSrc, int nPointCount,
    4452             :                        double *x, double *y, double *z, int *panSuccess)
    4453             : {
    4454        8683 :     GDALTransformerInfo *psInfo =
    4455             :         static_cast<GDALTransformerInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    4456             : 
    4457        8683 :     if (psInfo == nullptr || memcmp(psInfo->abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    4458             :                                     strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE)) != 0)
    4459             :     {
    4460           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4461             :                  "Attempt to use non-GTI2 transformer.");
    4462           0 :         return FALSE;
    4463             :     }
    4464             : 
    4465        8683 :     return psInfo->pfnTransform(pTransformArg, bDstToSrc, nPointCount, x, y, z,
    4466        8683 :                                 panSuccess);
    4467             : }
    4468             : 
    4469             : /************************************************************************/
    4470             : /*                        GDALCloneTransformer()                        */
    4471             : /************************************************************************/
    4472             : 
    4473          23 : void *GDALCloneTransformer(void *pTransformArg)
    4474             : {
    4475          23 :     GDALTransformerInfo *psInfo =
    4476             :         static_cast<GDALTransformerInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    4477             : 
    4478          23 :     if (psInfo == nullptr || memcmp(psInfo->abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    4479             :                                     strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE)) != 0)
    4480             :     {
    4481           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4482             :                  "Attempt to clone non-GTI2 transformer.");
    4483           0 :         return nullptr;
    4484             :     }
    4485             : 
    4486          23 :     if (psInfo->pfnCreateSimilar != nullptr)
    4487             :     {
    4488          12 :         return psInfo->pfnCreateSimilar(psInfo, 1.0, 1.0);
    4489             :     }
    4490             : 
    4491          11 :     if (psInfo->pfnSerialize == nullptr)
    4492             :     {
    4493           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4494             :                  "No serialization function available for this transformer.");
    4495           0 :         return nullptr;
    4496             :     }
    4497             : 
    4498          11 :     CPLXMLNode *pSerialized = psInfo->pfnSerialize(pTransformArg);
    4499          11 :     if (pSerialized == nullptr)
    4500           0 :         return nullptr;
    4501          11 :     GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer = nullptr;
    4502          11 :     void *pClonedTransformArg = nullptr;
    4503          11 :     if (GDALDeserializeTransformer(pSerialized, &pfnTransformer,
    4504          11 :                                    &pClonedTransformArg) != CE_None)
    4505             :     {
    4506           0 :         CPLDestroyXMLNode(pSerialized);
    4507           0 :         CPLFree(pClonedTransformArg);
    4508           0 :         return nullptr;
    4509             :     }
    4510             : 
    4511          11 :     CPLDestroyXMLNode(pSerialized);
    4512          11 :     return pClonedTransformArg;
    4513             : }
    4514             : 
    4515             : /************************************************************************/
    4516             : /*                   GDALCreateSimilarTransformer()                     */
    4517             : /************************************************************************/
    4518             : 
    4519          44 : void *GDALCreateSimilarTransformer(void *pTransformArg, double dfRatioX,
    4520             :                                    double dfRatioY)
    4521             : {
    4522          44 :     GDALTransformerInfo *psInfo =
    4523             :         static_cast<GDALTransformerInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    4524             : 
    4525          44 :     if (psInfo == nullptr || memcmp(psInfo->abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    4526             :                                     strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE)) != 0)
    4527             :     {
    4528           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4529             :                  "Attempt to call CreateSimilar on a non-GTI2 transformer.");
    4530           0 :         return nullptr;
    4531             :     }
    4532             : 
    4533          44 :     if (psInfo->pfnCreateSimilar == nullptr)
    4534             :     {
    4535           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4536             :                  "No CreateSimilar function available for this transformer.");
    4537           0 :         return nullptr;
    4538             :     }
    4539             : 
    4540          44 :     return psInfo->pfnCreateSimilar(psInfo, dfRatioX, dfRatioY);
    4541             : }
    4542             : 
    4543             : /************************************************************************/
    4544             : /*                      GetGenImgProjTransformInfo()                    */
    4545             : /************************************************************************/
    4546             : 
    4547          44 : static GDALTransformerInfo *GetGenImgProjTransformInfo(const char *pszFunc,
    4548             :                                                        void *pTransformArg)
    4549             : {
    4550          44 :     GDALTransformerInfo *psInfo =
    4551             :         static_cast<GDALTransformerInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    4552             : 
    4553          44 :     if (psInfo == nullptr || memcmp(psInfo->abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    4554             :                                     strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE)) != 0)
    4555             :     {
    4556           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4557             :                  "Attempt to call %s on "
    4558             :                  "a non-GTI2 transformer.",
    4559             :                  pszFunc);
    4560           0 :         return nullptr;
    4561             :     }
    4562             : 
    4563          44 :     if (EQUAL(psInfo->pszClassName, GDAL_APPROX_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4564             :     {
    4565          14 :         ApproxTransformInfo *psATInfo =
    4566             :             static_cast<ApproxTransformInfo *>(pTransformArg);
    4567          14 :         psInfo = static_cast<GDALTransformerInfo *>(psATInfo->pBaseCBData);
    4568             : 
    4569          14 :         if (psInfo == nullptr ||
    4570          14 :             memcmp(psInfo->abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE,
    4571             :                    strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE)) != 0)
    4572             :         {
    4573           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    4574             :                      "Attempt to call %s on "
    4575             :                      "a non-GTI2 transformer.",
    4576             :                      pszFunc);
    4577           0 :             return nullptr;
    4578             :         }
    4579             :     }
    4580             : 
    4581          44 :     if (EQUAL(psInfo->pszClassName, GDAL_GEN_IMG_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4582             :     {
    4583          44 :         return psInfo;
    4584             :     }
    4585             : 
    4586           0 :     return nullptr;
    4587             : }
    4588             : 
    4589             : /************************************************************************/
    4590             : /*                 GDALSetTransformerDstGeoTransform()                  */
    4591             : /************************************************************************/
    4592             : 
    4593             : /**
    4594             :  * Set ApproxTransformer or GenImgProj output geotransform.
    4595             :  *
    4596             :  * This is a layer above GDALSetGenImgProjTransformerDstGeoTransform() that
    4597             :  * checks that the passed hTransformArg is compatible.
    4598             :  *
    4599             :  * Normally the "destination geotransform", or transformation between
    4600             :  * georeferenced output coordinates and pixel/line coordinates on the
    4601             :  * destination file is extracted from the destination file by
    4602             :  * GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer() and stored in the GenImgProj private
    4603             :  * info.  However, sometimes it is inconvenient to have an output file
    4604             :  * handle with appropriate geotransform information when creating the
    4605             :  * transformation.  For these cases, this function can be used to apply
    4606             :  * the destination geotransform.
    4607             :  *
    4608             :  * @param pTransformArg the handle to update.
    4609             :  * @param padfGeoTransform the destination geotransform to apply (six doubles).
    4610             :  */
    4611             : 
    4612          22 : void GDALSetTransformerDstGeoTransform(void *pTransformArg,
    4613             :                                        const double *padfGeoTransform)
    4614             : {
    4615          22 :     VALIDATE_POINTER0(pTransformArg, "GDALSetTransformerDstGeoTransform");
    4616             : 
    4617          22 :     GDALTransformerInfo *psInfo = GetGenImgProjTransformInfo(
    4618             :         "GDALSetTransformerDstGeoTransform", pTransformArg);
    4619          22 :     if (psInfo)
    4620             :     {
    4621          22 :         GDALSetGenImgProjTransformerDstGeoTransform(psInfo, padfGeoTransform);
    4622             :     }
    4623             : }
    4624             : 
    4625             : /************************************************************************/
    4626             : /*                 GDALGetTransformerDstGeoTransform()                  */
    4627             : /************************************************************************/
    4628             : 
    4629             : /**
    4630             :  * Get ApproxTransformer or GenImgProj output geotransform.
    4631             :  *
    4632             :  * @param pTransformArg transformer handle.
    4633             :  * @param padfGeoTransform (output) the destination geotransform to return (six
    4634             :  * doubles).
    4635             :  */
    4636             : 
    4637          22 : void GDALGetTransformerDstGeoTransform(void *pTransformArg,
    4638             :                                        double *padfGeoTransform)
    4639             : {
    4640          22 :     VALIDATE_POINTER0(pTransformArg, "GDALGetTransformerDstGeoTransform");
    4641             : 
    4642          22 :     GDALTransformerInfo *psInfo = GetGenImgProjTransformInfo(
    4643             :         "GDALGetTransformerDstGeoTransform", pTransformArg);
    4644          22 :     if (psInfo)
    4645             :     {
    4646          22 :         GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *psGenImgProjInfo =
    4647             :             reinterpret_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(psInfo);
    4648             : 
    4649          22 :         memcpy(padfGeoTransform, psGenImgProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform,
    4650             :                sizeof(double) * 6);
    4651             :     }
    4652             : }
    4653             : 
    4654             : /************************************************************************/
    4655             : /*            GDALTransformIsTranslationOnPixelBoundaries()             */
    4656             : /************************************************************************/
    4657             : 
    4658        1409 : bool GDALTransformIsTranslationOnPixelBoundaries(GDALTransformerFunc,
    4659             :                                                  void *pTransformerArg)
    4660             : {
    4661        1409 :     if (GDALIsTransformer(pTransformerArg, GDAL_APPROX_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4662             :     {
    4663        1080 :         const auto *pApproxInfo =
    4664             :             static_cast<const ApproxTransformInfo *>(pTransformerArg);
    4665        1080 :         pTransformerArg = pApproxInfo->pBaseCBData;
    4666             :     }
    4667        1409 :     if (GDALIsTransformer(pTransformerArg, GDAL_GEN_IMG_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4668             :     {
    4669        1256 :         const auto *pGenImgpProjInfo =
    4670             :             static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(pTransformerArg);
    4671         410 :         const auto IsCloseToInteger = [](double dfVal)
    4672         410 :         { return std::fabs(dfVal - std::round(dfVal)) <= 1e-6; };
    4673        2433 :         return pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformArg == nullptr &&
    4674        1177 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg == nullptr &&
    4675        1175 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->pReproject == nullptr &&
    4676         502 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[1] ==
    4677         502 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[1] &&
    4678         257 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[5] ==
    4679         257 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[5] &&
    4680         223 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[2] ==
    4681         223 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[2] &&
    4682         223 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[4] ==
    4683         446 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[4] &&
    4684             :                // Check that the georeferenced origin of the destination
    4685             :                // geotransform is close to be an integer value when transformed
    4686             :                // to source image coordinates
    4687         223 :                IsCloseToInteger(
    4688         223 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfInvGeoTransform[0] +
    4689         223 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[0] *
    4690         223 :                        pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfInvGeoTransform[1] +
    4691         223 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[3] *
    4692        2656 :                        pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfInvGeoTransform[2]) &&
    4693         187 :                IsCloseToInteger(
    4694         187 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfInvGeoTransform[3] +
    4695         187 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[0] *
    4696         187 :                        pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfInvGeoTransform[4] +
    4697         187 :                    pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[3] *
    4698        1443 :                        pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfInvGeoTransform[5]);
    4699             :     }
    4700         153 :     return false;
    4701             : }
    4702             : 
    4703             : /************************************************************************/
    4704             : /*                   GDALTransformIsAffineNoRotation()                  */
    4705             : /************************************************************************/
    4706             : 
    4707          18 : bool GDALTransformIsAffineNoRotation(GDALTransformerFunc, void *pTransformerArg)
    4708             : {
    4709          18 :     if (GDALIsTransformer(pTransformerArg, GDAL_APPROX_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4710             :     {
    4711          18 :         const auto *pApproxInfo =
    4712             :             static_cast<const ApproxTransformInfo *>(pTransformerArg);
    4713          18 :         pTransformerArg = pApproxInfo->pBaseCBData;
    4714             :     }
    4715          18 :     if (GDALIsTransformer(pTransformerArg, GDAL_GEN_IMG_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4716             :     {
    4717          18 :         const auto *pGenImgpProjInfo =
    4718             :             static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(pTransformerArg);
    4719          36 :         return pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformArg == nullptr &&
    4720          18 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg == nullptr &&
    4721          18 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->pReproject == nullptr &&
    4722           8 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[2] == 0 &&
    4723           8 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.adfGeoTransform[4] == 0 &&
    4724          44 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[2] == 0 &&
    4725          26 :                pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.adfGeoTransform[4] == 0;
    4726             :     }
    4727           0 :     return false;
    4728             : }
    4729             : 
    4730             : /************************************************************************/
    4731             : /*                        GDALTransformHasFastClone()                   */
    4732             : /************************************************************************/
    4733             : 
    4734             : /** Returns whether GDALCloneTransformer() on this transformer is
    4735             :  * "fast"
    4736             :  * Counter-examples are GCPs or TPSs transformers.
    4737             :  */
    4738           2 : bool GDALTransformHasFastClone(void *pTransformerArg)
    4739             : {
    4740           2 :     if (GDALIsTransformer(pTransformerArg, GDAL_APPROX_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4741             :     {
    4742           1 :         const auto *pApproxInfo =
    4743             :             static_cast<const ApproxTransformInfo *>(pTransformerArg);
    4744           1 :         pTransformerArg = pApproxInfo->pBaseCBData;
    4745             :         // Fallback to next lines
    4746             :     }
    4747             : 
    4748           2 :     if (GDALIsTransformer(pTransformerArg, GDAL_GEN_IMG_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4749             :     {
    4750           2 :         const auto *pGenImgpProjInfo =
    4751             :             static_cast<GDALGenImgProjTransformInfo *>(pTransformerArg);
    4752           2 :         return (pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformArg == nullptr ||
    4753           0 :                 GDALTransformHasFastClone(
    4754           4 :                     pGenImgpProjInfo->sSrcParams.pTransformArg)) &&
    4755           2 :                (pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg == nullptr ||
    4756           0 :                 GDALTransformHasFastClone(
    4757           2 :                     pGenImgpProjInfo->sDstParams.pTransformArg));
    4758             :     }
    4759           0 :     else if (GDALIsTransformer(pTransformerArg,
    4760             :                                GDAL_RPC_TRANSFORMER_CLASS_NAME))
    4761             :     {
    4762           0 :         return true;
    4763             :     }
    4764             :     else
    4765             :     {
    4766           0 :         return false;
    4767             :     }
    4768             : }

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