LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - apps - gdalalg_raster_info.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 94 94 100.0 %
Date: 2025-03-28 11:40:40 Functions: 2 2 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  *
       3             :  * Project:  GDAL
       4             :  * Purpose:  gdal "raster info" subcommand
       5             :  * Author:   Even Rouault <even dot rouault at>
       6             :  *
       7             :  ******************************************************************************
       8             :  * Copyright (c) 2024, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at>
       9             :  *
      10             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      11             :  ****************************************************************************/
      12             : 
      13             : #include "gdalalg_raster_info.h"
      14             : 
      15             : #include "cpl_conv.h"
      16             : #include "gdal_priv.h"
      17             : #include "gdal_utils.h"
      18             : 
      19             : //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
      20             : 
      21             : #ifndef _
      22             : #define _(x) (x)
      23             : #endif
      24             : 
      25             : /************************************************************************/
      26             : /*            GDALRasterInfoAlgorithm::GDALRasterInfoAlgorithm()        */
      27             : /************************************************************************/
      28             : 
      29          45 : GDALRasterInfoAlgorithm::GDALRasterInfoAlgorithm(bool openForMixedRasterVector)
      30          45 :     : GDALAlgorithm(NAME, DESCRIPTION, HELP_URL)
      31             : {
      32          45 :     AddOutputFormatArg(&m_format).SetDefault("json").SetChoices("json", "text");
      33          90 :     AddArg("min-max", 0, _("Compute minimum and maximum value"), &m_minMax)
      34          45 :         .AddAlias("mm");
      35             :     AddArg("stats", 0, _("Retrieve or compute statistics, using all pixels"),
      36          90 :            &m_stats)
      37          45 :         .SetMutualExclusionGroup("stats");
      38             :     AddArg("approx-stats", 0,
      39             :            _("Retrieve or compute statistics, using a subset of pixels"),
      40          90 :            &m_approxStats)
      41          45 :         .SetMutualExclusionGroup("stats");
      42          45 :     AddArg("hist", 0, _("Retrieve or compute histogram"), &m_hist);
      43             : 
      44          45 :     AddOpenOptionsArg(&m_openOptions);
      45          45 :     AddInputFormatsArg(&m_inputFormats)
      46          90 :         .AddMetadataItem(GAAMDI_REQUIRED_CAPABILITIES, {GDAL_DCAP_RASTER});
      47             :     AddArg("no-gcp", 0, _("Suppress ground control points list printing"),
      48          90 :            &m_noGCP)
      49          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ADVANCED);
      50          90 :     AddArg("no-md", 0, _("Suppress metadata printing"), &m_noMD)
      51          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ADVANCED);
      52          90 :     AddArg("no-ct", 0, _("Suppress color table printing"), &m_noCT)
      53          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ADVANCED);
      54          90 :     AddArg("no-fl", 0, _("Suppress file list printing"), &m_noFL)
      55          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ADVANCED);
      56          90 :     AddArg("checksum", 0, _("Compute pixel checksum"), &m_checksum)
      57          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ADVANCED);
      58             :     AddArg("list-mdd", 0,
      59          90 :            _("List all metadata domains available for the dataset"), &m_listMDD)
      60          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ADVANCED);
      61             :     AddArg("mdd", 0,
      62             :            _("Report metadata for the specified domain. 'all' can be used to "
      63             :              "report metadata in all domains"),
      64          90 :            &m_mdd)
      65          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ADVANCED);
      66             : 
      67          90 :     AddArg("no-nodata", 0, _("Suppress retrieving nodata value"), &m_noNodata)
      68          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ESOTERIC);
      69          90 :     AddArg("no-mask", 0, _("Suppress mask band information"), &m_noMask)
      70          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ESOTERIC);
      71             :     AddArg("subdataset", 0,
      72             :            _("Use subdataset of specified index (starting at 1), instead of "
      73             :              "the source dataset itself"),
      74          90 :            &m_subDS)
      75          45 :         .SetCategory(GAAC_ESOTERIC);
      76             : 
      77             :     AddInputDatasetArg(&m_dataset, openForMixedRasterVector
      78             :                                        ? GDAL_OF_RASTER | GDAL_OF_VECTOR |
      79             :                                              GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER
      80          45 :                                        : GDAL_OF_RASTER);
      81             : 
      82          45 :     AddOutputStringArg(&m_output);
      83             :     AddArg("stdout", 0,
      84             :            _("Directly output on stdout (format=text mode only). If enabled, "
      85             :              "output-string will be empty"),
      86          90 :            &m_stdout)
      87          45 :         .SetHiddenForCLI();
      88          45 : }
      89             : 
      90             : /************************************************************************/
      91             : /*                  GDALRasterInfoAlgorithm::RunImpl()                  */
      92             : /************************************************************************/
      93             : 
      94          15 : bool GDALRasterInfoAlgorithm::RunImpl(GDALProgressFunc, void *)
      95             : {
      96          15 :     CPLAssert(m_dataset.GetDatasetRef());
      97             : 
      98          30 :     CPLStringList aosOptions;
      99          15 :     if (m_format == "json")
     100          11 :         aosOptions.AddString("-json");
     101          15 :     if (m_minMax)
     102           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-mm");
     103          15 :     if (m_stats)
     104           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-stats");
     105          15 :     if (m_approxStats)
     106           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-approx_stats");
     107          15 :     if (m_hist)
     108           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-hist");
     109          15 :     if (m_noGCP)
     110           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-nogcp");
     111          15 :     if (m_noMD)
     112           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-nomd");
     113          15 :     if (m_noCT)
     114           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-noct");
     115          15 :     if (m_noFL)
     116           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-nofl");
     117          15 :     if (m_noMask)
     118           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-nomask");
     119          15 :     if (m_noNodata)
     120           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-nonodata");
     121          15 :     if (m_checksum)
     122           2 :         aosOptions.AddString("-checksum");
     123          15 :     if (m_listMDD)
     124           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-listmdd");
     125          15 :     if (!m_mdd.empty())
     126             :     {
     127           1 :         aosOptions.AddString("-mdd");
     128           1 :         aosOptions.AddString(m_mdd.c_str());
     129             :     }
     130             : 
     131          15 :     GDALDatasetH hDS = GDALDataset::ToHandle(m_dataset.GetDatasetRef());
     132          15 :     std::unique_ptr<GDALDataset> poSubDataset;
     133             : 
     134          15 :     if (m_subDS > 0)
     135             :     {
     136           3 :         char **papszSubdatasets = GDALGetMetadata(hDS, "SUBDATASETS");
     137           3 :         const int nSubdatasets = CSLCount(papszSubdatasets) / 2;
     138           3 :         if (m_subDS > nSubdatasets)
     139             :         {
     140           1 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     141             :                      "Invalid value for 'subdataset' argument. Should be "
     142             :                      "between 1 and %d",
     143             :                      nSubdatasets);
     144           2 :             return false;
     145             :         }
     146             : 
     147             :         char szKeyName[64];
     148           2 :         snprintf(szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName), "SUBDATASET_%d_NAME", m_subDS);
     149             :         const std::string osSubDSName =
     150           2 :             CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszSubdatasets, szKeyName, "");
     151             : 
     152           2 :         poSubDataset.reset(GDALDataset::Open(
     153             :             osSubDSName.c_str(), GDAL_OF_RASTER | GDAL_OF_VERBOSE_ERROR,
     154             :             nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
     155           2 :         if (!poSubDataset)
     156           1 :             return false;
     157           1 :         hDS = GDALDataset::ToHandle(poSubDataset.get());
     158             :     }
     159             : 
     160          13 :     if (m_stdout)
     161             :     {
     162           2 :         aosOptions.AddString("-stdout");
     163             :     }
     164             : 
     165          13 :     GDALInfoOptions *psOptions = GDALInfoOptionsNew(aosOptions.List(), nullptr);
     166          13 :     char *ret = GDALInfo(hDS, psOptions);
     167          13 :     GDALInfoOptionsFree(psOptions);
     168          13 :     const bool bOK = ret != nullptr;
     169          13 :     if (ret)
     170             :     {
     171          13 :         m_output = ret;
     172             :     }
     173          13 :     CPLFree(ret);
     174             : 
     175          13 :     return bOK;
     176             : }
     177             : 
     178             : //! @endcond

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14