LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - frmts/gtiff - gtiffjpegoverviewds.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 170 182 93.4 %
Date: 2025-03-28 21:34:50 Functions: 9 9 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  *
       3             :  * Project:  GeoTIFF Driver
       4             :  * Purpose:  GDAL GeoTIFF support.
       5             :  * Author:   Frank Warmerdam,
       6             :  *
       7             :  ******************************************************************************
       8             :  * Copyright (c) 1998, 2002, Frank Warmerdam <>
       9             :  * Copyright (c) 2007-2015, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at spatialys dot com>
      10             :  *
      11             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      12             :  ****************************************************************************/
      13             : 
      14             : #include "gtiffjpegoverviewds.h"
      15             : 
      16             : #include "gtiffdataset.h"
      17             : 
      18             : #include "tifvsi.h"
      19             : 
      20             : /************************************************************************/
      21             : /* ==================================================================== */
      22             : /*                     GTiffJPEGOverviewBand                            */
      23             : /* ==================================================================== */
      24             : /************************************************************************/
      25             : 
      26             : class GTiffJPEGOverviewBand final : public GDALRasterBand
      27             : {
      28             :   public:
      29             :     GTiffJPEGOverviewBand(GTiffJPEGOverviewDS *poDS, int nBand);
      30             : 
      31         288 :     virtual ~GTiffJPEGOverviewBand()
      32         144 :     {
      33         288 :     }
      34             : 
      35             :     virtual CPLErr IReadBlock(int, int, void *) override;
      36             : 
      37           9 :     GDALColorInterp GetColorInterpretation() override
      38             :     {
      39           9 :         return cpl::down_cast<GTiffJPEGOverviewDS *>(poDS)
      40           9 :             ->m_poParentDS->GetRasterBand(nBand)
      41           9 :             ->GetColorInterpretation();
      42             :     }
      43             : };
      44             : 
      45             : /************************************************************************/
      46             : /*                        GTiffJPEGOverviewDS()                         */
      47             : /************************************************************************/
      48             : 
      49          60 : GTiffJPEGOverviewDS::GTiffJPEGOverviewDS(GTiffDataset *poParentDSIn,
      50             :                                          int nOverviewLevelIn,
      51             :                                          const void *pJPEGTable,
      52          60 :                                          int nJPEGTableSizeIn)
      53             :     : m_poParentDS(poParentDSIn), m_nOverviewLevel(nOverviewLevelIn),
      54          60 :       m_nJPEGTableSize(nJPEGTableSizeIn)
      55             : {
      56          60 :     ShareLockWithParentDataset(poParentDSIn);
      57             : 
      58          60 :     m_osTmpFilenameJPEGTable = VSIMemGenerateHiddenFilename("jpegtable");
      59             : 
      60          60 :     const GByte abyAdobeAPP14RGB[] = {0xFF, 0xEE, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x41, 0x64,
      61             :                                       0x6F, 0x62, 0x65, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00,
      62             :                                       0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
      63          60 :     const bool bAddAdobe =
      64         105 :         m_poParentDS->m_nPlanarConfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG &&
      65          90 :         m_poParentDS->m_nPhotometric != PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR &&
      66          30 :         m_poParentDS->nBands == 3;
      67          60 :     m_pabyJPEGTable = static_cast<GByte *>(CPLMalloc(
      68          60 :         m_nJPEGTableSize + (bAddAdobe ? sizeof(abyAdobeAPP14RGB) : 0)));
      69          60 :     memcpy(m_pabyJPEGTable, pJPEGTable, m_nJPEGTableSize);
      70          60 :     if (bAddAdobe)
      71             :     {
      72           6 :         memcpy(m_pabyJPEGTable + m_nJPEGTableSize, abyAdobeAPP14RGB,
      73             :                sizeof(abyAdobeAPP14RGB));
      74           6 :         m_nJPEGTableSize += sizeof(abyAdobeAPP14RGB);
      75             :     }
      76          60 :     CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(VSIFileFromMemBuffer(
      77          60 :         m_osTmpFilenameJPEGTable, m_pabyJPEGTable, m_nJPEGTableSize, TRUE)));
      78             : 
      79          60 :     const int nScaleFactor = 1 << m_nOverviewLevel;
      80          60 :     nRasterXSize =
      81          60 :         (m_poParentDS->nRasterXSize + nScaleFactor - 1) / nScaleFactor;
      82          60 :     nRasterYSize =
      83          60 :         (m_poParentDS->nRasterYSize + nScaleFactor - 1) / nScaleFactor;
      84             : 
      85         204 :     for (int i = 1; i <= m_poParentDS->nBands; ++i)
      86         144 :         SetBand(i, new GTiffJPEGOverviewBand(this, i));
      87             : 
      88          60 :     SetMetadataItem("INTERLEAVE", "PIXEL", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
      89          60 :     if (m_poParentDS->m_nPhotometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR)
      90          15 :         SetMetadataItem("COMPRESSION", "YCbCr JPEG", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
      91             :     else
      92          45 :         SetMetadataItem("COMPRESSION", "JPEG", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
      93          60 : }
      94             : 
      95             : /************************************************************************/
      96             : /*                       ~GTiffJPEGOverviewDS()                         */
      97             : /************************************************************************/
      98             : 
      99         120 : GTiffJPEGOverviewDS::~GTiffJPEGOverviewDS()
     100             : {
     101          60 :     m_poJPEGDS.reset();
     102          60 :     VSIUnlink(m_osTmpFilenameJPEGTable);
     103          60 :     if (!m_osTmpFilename.empty())
     104          50 :         VSIUnlink(m_osTmpFilename);
     105         120 : }
     106             : 
     107             : /************************************************************************/
     108             : /*                            IRasterIO()                               */
     109             : /************************************************************************/
     110             : 
     111          32 : CPLErr GTiffJPEGOverviewDS::IRasterIO(
     112             :     GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize,
     113             :     void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType,
     114             :     int nBandCount, BANDMAP_TYPE panBandMap, GSpacing nPixelSpace,
     115             :     GSpacing nLineSpace, GSpacing nBandSpace, GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg)
     116             : 
     117             : {
     118             :     // For non-single strip JPEG-IN-TIFF, the block based strategy will
     119             :     // be the most efficient one, to avoid decompressing the JPEG content
     120             :     // for each requested band.
     121          32 :     if (nBandCount > 1 &&
     122          22 :         m_poParentDS->m_nPlanarConfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG &&
     123          14 :         (m_poParentDS->m_nBlockXSize < m_poParentDS->nRasterXSize ||
     124          12 :          m_poParentDS->m_nBlockYSize > 1))
     125             :     {
     126          14 :         return BlockBasedRasterIO(eRWFlag, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize, pData,
     127             :                                   nBufXSize, nBufYSize, eBufType, nBandCount,
     128             :                                   panBandMap, nPixelSpace, nLineSpace,
     129          14 :                                   nBandSpace, psExtraArg);
     130             :     }
     131             : 
     132          18 :     return GDALDataset::IRasterIO(eRWFlag, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize, pData,
     133             :                                   nBufXSize, nBufYSize, eBufType, nBandCount,
     134             :                                   panBandMap, nPixelSpace, nLineSpace,
     135          18 :                                   nBandSpace, psExtraArg);
     136             : }
     137             : 
     138             : /************************************************************************/
     139             : /*                        GTiffJPEGOverviewBand()                       */
     140             : /************************************************************************/
     141             : 
     142         144 : GTiffJPEGOverviewBand::GTiffJPEGOverviewBand(GTiffJPEGOverviewDS *poDSIn,
     143         144 :                                              int nBandIn)
     144             : {
     145         144 :     poDS = poDSIn;
     146         144 :     nBand = nBandIn;
     147         144 :     eDataType =
     148         144 :         poDSIn->m_poParentDS->GetRasterBand(nBandIn)->GetRasterDataType();
     149         144 :     poDSIn->m_poParentDS->GetRasterBand(nBandIn)->GetBlockSize(&nBlockXSize,
     150             :                                                                &nBlockYSize);
     151         144 :     const int nScaleFactor = 1 << poDSIn->m_nOverviewLevel;
     152         144 :     nBlockXSize = (nBlockXSize + nScaleFactor - 1) / nScaleFactor;
     153         144 :     nBlockYSize = (nBlockYSize + nScaleFactor - 1) / nScaleFactor;
     154         144 : }
     155             : 
     156             : /************************************************************************/
     157             : /*                          IReadBlock()                                */
     158             : /************************************************************************/
     159             : 
     160        2828 : CPLErr GTiffJPEGOverviewBand::IReadBlock(int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff,
     161             :                                          void *pImage)
     162             : {
     163        2828 :     GTiffJPEGOverviewDS *m_poGDS = cpl::down_cast<GTiffJPEGOverviewDS *>(poDS);
     164             : 
     165             :     // Compute the source block ID.
     166        2828 :     int nBlockId = 0;
     167             :     int nParentBlockXSize, nParentBlockYSize;
     168        2828 :     m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetBlockSize(&nParentBlockXSize,
     169             :                                                           &nParentBlockYSize);
     170        2828 :     const bool bIsSingleStripAsSplit =
     171        2830 :         (nParentBlockYSize == 1 &&
     172           2 :          m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nBlockYSize != nParentBlockYSize);
     173        2828 :     if (!bIsSingleStripAsSplit)
     174             :     {
     175        2826 :         nBlockId =
     176        2826 :             nBlockYOff * m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nBlocksPerRow + nBlockXOff;
     177             :     }
     178        2828 :     if (m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nPlanarConfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE)
     179             :     {
     180         688 :         nBlockId += (nBand - 1) * m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nBlocksPerBand;
     181             :     }
     182             : 
     183             :     // Make sure it is available.
     184        2828 :     const int nDataTypeSize = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eDataType);
     185        2828 :     vsi_l_offset nOffset = 0;
     186        2828 :     vsi_l_offset nByteCount = 0;
     187        2828 :     bool bErrOccurred = false;
     188        2828 :     if (!m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->IsBlockAvailable(nBlockId, &nOffset,
     189             :                                                  &nByteCount, &bErrOccurred))
     190             :     {
     191          64 :         memset(pImage, 0,
     192          64 :                static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(nBlockXSize) * nBlockYSize *
     193          64 :                    nDataTypeSize);
     194          64 :         if (bErrOccurred)
     195           0 :             return CE_Failure;
     196          64 :         return CE_None;
     197             :     }
     198             : 
     199        2764 :     const int nScaleFactor = 1 << m_poGDS->m_nOverviewLevel;
     200        2764 :     if (m_poGDS->m_poJPEGDS == nullptr || nBlockId != m_poGDS->m_nBlockId)
     201             :     {
     202        2459 :         if (nByteCount < 2)
     203           0 :             return CE_Failure;
     204        2459 :         nOffset += 2;  // Skip leading 0xFF 0xF8.
     205        2459 :         nByteCount -= 2;
     206             : 
     207        2459 :         CPLString osFileToOpen;
     208        2459 :         m_poGDS->m_osTmpFilename = VSIMemGenerateHiddenFilename("sparse");
     209        2459 :         VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL(m_poGDS->m_osTmpFilename, "wb+");
     210             : 
     211             :         // If the size of the JPEG strip/tile is small enough, we will
     212             :         // read it from the TIFF file and forge a in-memory JPEG file with
     213             :         // the JPEG table followed by the JPEG data.
     214        2459 :         const bool bInMemoryJPEGFile = nByteCount < 256 * 256;
     215        2459 :         if (bInMemoryJPEGFile)
     216             :         {
     217        2448 :             osFileToOpen = m_poGDS->m_osTmpFilename;
     218             : 
     219        2448 :             bool bError = false;
     220        2448 :             if (VSIFSeekL(fp, m_poGDS->m_nJPEGTableSize + nByteCount - 1,
     221        2448 :                           SEEK_SET) != 0)
     222           0 :                 bError = true;
     223        2448 :             char ch = 0;
     224        2448 :             if (!bError && VSIFWriteL(&ch, 1, 1, fp) != 1)
     225           0 :                 bError = true;
     226             :             GByte *pabyBuffer =
     227        2448 :                 VSIGetMemFileBuffer(m_poGDS->m_osTmpFilename, nullptr, FALSE);
     228        2448 :             memcpy(pabyBuffer, m_poGDS->m_pabyJPEGTable,
     229        2448 :                    m_poGDS->m_nJPEGTableSize);
     230        2448 :             TIFF *hTIFF = m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_hTIFF;
     231        2448 :             VSILFILE *fpTIF = VSI_TIFFGetVSILFile(TIFFClientdata(hTIFF));
     232        2448 :             if (!bError && VSIFSeekL(fpTIF, nOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
     233           0 :                 bError = true;
     234        2448 :             if (VSIFReadL(pabyBuffer + m_poGDS->m_nJPEGTableSize,
     235        2448 :                           static_cast<size_t>(nByteCount), 1, fpTIF) != 1)
     236           0 :                 bError = true;
     237        2448 :             if (bError)
     238             :             {
     239           0 :                 CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fp));
     240           0 :                 return CE_Failure;
     241             :             }
     242             :         }
     243             :         else
     244             :         {
     245             :             // If the JPEG strip/tile is too big (e.g. a single-strip
     246             :             // JPEG-in-TIFF), we will use /vsisparse mechanism to make a
     247             :             // fake JPEG file.
     248             : 
     249             :             osFileToOpen =
     250          11 :                 CPLSPrintf("/vsisparse/%s", m_poGDS->m_osTmpFilename.c_str());
     251             : 
     252          11 :             if (VSIFPrintfL(fp,
     253             :                             "<VSISparseFile><SubfileRegion>"
     254             :                             "<Filename relative='0'>%s</Filename>"
     255             :                             "<DestinationOffset>0</DestinationOffset>"
     256             :                             "<SourceOffset>0</SourceOffset>"
     257             :                             "<RegionLength>%d</RegionLength>"
     258             :                             "</SubfileRegion>"
     259             :                             "<SubfileRegion>"
     260             :                             "<Filename relative='0'>%s</Filename>"
     261             :                             "<DestinationOffset>%d</DestinationOffset>"
     262             :                             "<SourceOffset>" CPL_FRMT_GUIB "</SourceOffset>"
     263             :                             "<RegionLength>" CPL_FRMT_GUIB "</RegionLength>"
     264             :                             "</SubfileRegion></VSISparseFile>",
     265             :                             m_poGDS->m_osTmpFilenameJPEGTable.c_str(),
     266          11 :                             static_cast<int>(m_poGDS->m_nJPEGTableSize),
     267          11 :                             m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->GetDescription(),
     268          11 :                             static_cast<int>(m_poGDS->m_nJPEGTableSize),
     269          11 :                             nOffset, nByteCount) < 0)
     270             :             {
     271           0 :                 CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fp));
     272           0 :                 return CE_Failure;
     273             :             }
     274             :         }
     275        2459 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fp));
     276             : 
     277        2459 :         const char *const apszDrivers[] = {"JPEG", nullptr};
     278             : 
     279             :         CPLConfigOptionSetter oJPEGtoRGBSetter(
     280             :             "GDAL_JPEG_TO_RGB",
     281        4294 :             m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nPlanarConfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG &&
     282        1835 :                     m_poGDS->nBands == 4
     283             :                 ? "NO"
     284             :                 : "YES",
     285        6753 :             false);
     286             : 
     287        2459 :         m_poGDS->m_poJPEGDS.reset(
     288             :             GDALDataset::Open(osFileToOpen, GDAL_OF_RASTER | GDAL_OF_INTERNAL,
     289             :                               apszDrivers, nullptr, nullptr));
     290             : 
     291        2459 :         if (m_poGDS->m_poJPEGDS != nullptr)
     292             :         {
     293             :             // Force all implicit overviews to be available, even for
     294             :             // small tiles.
     295             :             CPLConfigOptionSetter oInternalOverviewsSetter(
     296        2459 :                 "JPEG_FORCE_INTERNAL_OVERVIEWS", "YES", false);
     297        2459 :             GDALGetOverviewCount(
     298        2459 :                 GDALGetRasterBand(m_poGDS->m_poJPEGDS.get(), 1));
     299             : 
     300        2459 :             m_poGDS->m_nBlockId = nBlockId;
     301             :         }
     302             :     }
     303             : 
     304        2764 :     CPLErr eErr = CE_Failure;
     305        2764 :     if (m_poGDS->m_poJPEGDS)
     306             :     {
     307        2764 :         GDALDataset *l_poDS = m_poGDS->m_poJPEGDS.get();
     308             : 
     309        2764 :         int nReqXOff = 0;
     310        2764 :         int nReqYOff = 0;
     311        2764 :         int nReqXSize = 0;
     312        2764 :         int nReqYSize = 0;
     313        2764 :         if (bIsSingleStripAsSplit)
     314             :         {
     315           2 :             nReqYOff = nBlockYOff * nScaleFactor;
     316           2 :             nReqXSize = l_poDS->GetRasterXSize();
     317           2 :             nReqYSize = nScaleFactor;
     318             :         }
     319             :         else
     320             :         {
     321        2762 :             if (nBlockXSize == m_poGDS->GetRasterXSize())
     322             :             {
     323        2340 :                 nReqXSize = l_poDS->GetRasterXSize();
     324             :             }
     325             :             else
     326             :             {
     327         422 :                 nReqXSize = nBlockXSize * nScaleFactor;
     328             :             }
     329        2762 :             nReqYSize = nBlockYSize * nScaleFactor;
     330             :         }
     331        2764 :         int nBufXSize = nBlockXSize;
     332        2764 :         int nBufYSize = nBlockYSize;
     333        2764 :         if (nBlockXOff == m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nBlocksPerRow - 1)
     334             :         {
     335        2403 :             nReqXSize = m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->nRasterXSize -
     336        2403 :                         nBlockXOff * m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nBlockXSize;
     337             :         }
     338        2764 :         if (nReqXOff + nReqXSize > l_poDS->GetRasterXSize())
     339             :         {
     340           0 :             nReqXSize = l_poDS->GetRasterXSize() - nReqXOff;
     341             :         }
     342        2764 :         if (!bIsSingleStripAsSplit &&
     343        2762 :             nBlockYOff == m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nBlocksPerColumn - 1)
     344             :         {
     345         170 :             nReqYSize = m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->nRasterYSize -
     346         170 :                         nBlockYOff * m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nBlockYSize;
     347             :         }
     348        2764 :         if (nReqYOff + nReqYSize > l_poDS->GetRasterYSize())
     349             :         {
     350           0 :             nReqYSize = l_poDS->GetRasterYSize() - nReqYOff;
     351             :         }
     352        2764 :         if (nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize > m_poGDS->GetRasterXSize() - nBufXSize)
     353             :         {
     354          60 :             memset(pImage, 0,
     355          60 :                    static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(nBlockXSize) * nBlockYSize *
     356          60 :                        nDataTypeSize);
     357          60 :             nBufXSize = m_poGDS->GetRasterXSize() - nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize;
     358             :         }
     359        2764 :         if (nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize > m_poGDS->GetRasterYSize() - nBufYSize)
     360             :         {
     361         111 :             memset(pImage, 0,
     362         111 :                    static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(nBlockXSize) * nBlockYSize *
     363         111 :                        nDataTypeSize);
     364         111 :             nBufYSize = m_poGDS->GetRasterYSize() - nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize;
     365             :         }
     366             : 
     367        2764 :         const int nSrcBand =
     368        2764 :             m_poGDS->m_poParentDS->m_nPlanarConfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE
     369        2764 :                 ? 1
     370             :                 : nBand;
     371        2764 :         if (nSrcBand <= l_poDS->GetRasterCount())
     372             :         {
     373        5528 :             eErr = l_poDS->GetRasterBand(nSrcBand)->RasterIO(
     374             :                 GF_Read, nReqXOff, nReqYOff, nReqXSize, nReqYSize, pImage,
     375             :                 nBufXSize, nBufYSize, eDataType, 0,
     376        2764 :                 static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(nBlockXSize) * nDataTypeSize, nullptr);
     377             :         }
     378             :     }
     379             : 
     380        2764 :     return eErr;
     381             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14