LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - frmts/hfa - hfaopen.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1796 2182 82.3 %
Date: 2025-03-28 11:40:40 Functions: 55 64 85.9 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  *
       3             :  * Project:  Erdas Imagine (.img) Translator
       4             :  * Purpose:  Supporting functions for HFA (.img) ... main (C callable) API
       5             :  *           that is not dependent on GDAL (just CPL).
       6             :  * Author:   Frank Warmerdam,
       7             :  *
       8             :  ******************************************************************************
       9             :  * Copyright (c) 1999, Intergraph Corporation
      10             :  * Copyright (c) 2007-2011, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at>
      11             :  *
      12             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      13             :  ******************************************************************************
      14             :  *
      15             :  * hfaopen.cpp
      16             :  *
      17             :  * Supporting routines for reading Erdas Imagine (.imf) Hierarchical
      18             :  * File Architecture files.  This is intended to be a library independent
      19             :  * of the GDAL core, but dependent on the Common Portability Library.
      20             :  *
      21             :  */
      22             : 
      23             : #include "cpl_port.h"
      24             : #include "hfa_p.h"
      25             : 
      26             : #include <cerrno>
      27             : #include <climits>
      28             : #include <cmath>
      29             : #include <cstddef>
      30             : #include <cstdio>
      31             : #include <cstdlib>
      32             : #include <cstring>
      33             : #if HAVE_FCNTL_H
      34             : #include <fcntl.h>
      35             : #endif
      36             : #include <algorithm>
      37             : #include <memory>
      38             : #include <string>
      39             : #include <vector>
      40             : 
      41             : #include "cpl_conv.h"
      42             : #include "cpl_error.h"
      43             : #include "cpl_string.h"
      44             : #include "cpl_vsi.h"
      45             : #include "gdal_priv.h"
      46             : #include "hfa.h"
      47             : #include "ogr_proj_p.h"
      48             : #include "proj.h"
      49             : 
      50             : constexpr double R2D = 180.0 / M_PI;
      51             : 
      52             : constexpr double RAD2ARCSEC = 648000.0 / M_PI;
      53             : 
      54             : static const char *const apszAuxMetadataItems[] = {
      55             :     // node/entry            field_name                  metadata_key       type
      56             :     "Statistics",
      57             :     "dminimum",
      58             :     "STATISTICS_MINIMUM",
      59             :     "Esta_Statistics",
      60             :     "Statistics",
      61             :     "dmaximum",
      62             :     "STATISTICS_MAXIMUM",
      63             :     "Esta_Statistics",
      64             :     "Statistics",
      65             :     "dmean",
      66             :     "STATISTICS_MEAN",
      67             :     "Esta_Statistics",
      68             :     "Statistics",
      69             :     "dmedian",
      70             :     "STATISTICS_MEDIAN",
      71             :     "Esta_Statistics",
      72             :     "Statistics",
      73             :     "dmode",
      74             :     "STATISTICS_MODE",
      75             :     "Esta_Statistics",
      76             :     "Statistics",
      77             :     "dstddev",
      78             :     "STATISTICS_STDDEV",
      79             :     "Esta_Statistics",
      80             :     "HistogramParameters",
      81             :     "lBinFunction.numBins",
      82             :     "STATISTICS_HISTONUMBINS",
      83             :     "Eimg_StatisticsParameters830",
      84             :     "HistogramParameters",
      85             :     "dBinFunction.minLimit",
      86             :     "STATISTICS_HISTOMIN",
      87             :     "Eimg_StatisticsParameters830",
      88             :     "HistogramParameters",
      89             :     "dBinFunction.maxLimit",
      90             :     "STATISTICS_HISTOMAX",
      91             :     "Eimg_StatisticsParameters830",
      92             :     "StatisticsParameters",
      93             :     "lSkipFactorX",
      94             :     "STATISTICS_SKIPFACTORX",
      95             :     "",
      96             :     "StatisticsParameters",
      97             :     "lSkipFactorY",
      98             :     "STATISTICS_SKIPFACTORY",
      99             :     "",
     100             :     "StatisticsParameters",
     101             :     "dExcludedValues",
     102             :     "STATISTICS_EXCLUDEDVALUES",
     103             :     "",
     104             :     "",
     105             :     "elayerType",
     106             :     "LAYER_TYPE",
     107             :     "",
     108             :     "RRDInfoList",
     109             :     "salgorithm.string",
     110             :     "OVERVIEWS_ALGORITHM",
     111             :     "Emif_String",
     112             :     nullptr};
     113             : 
     114         672 : const char *const *GetHFAAuxMetaDataList()
     115             : {
     116         672 :     return apszAuxMetadataItems;
     117             : }
     118             : 
     119             : /************************************************************************/
     120             : /*                          HFAGetDictionary()                          */
     121             : /************************************************************************/
     122             : 
     123         553 : static char *HFAGetDictionary(HFAHandle hHFA)
     124             : 
     125             : {
     126         553 :     int nDictMax = 100;
     127         553 :     char *pszDictionary = static_cast<char *>(CPLMalloc(nDictMax));
     128         553 :     int nDictSize = 0;
     129             : 
     130         553 :     if (VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, hHFA->nDictionaryPos, SEEK_SET) < 0)
     131             :     {
     132           0 :         pszDictionary[nDictSize] = '\0';
     133           0 :         return pszDictionary;
     134             :     }
     135             : 
     136             :     while (true)
     137             :     {
     138     2041340 :         if (nDictSize >= nDictMax - 1)
     139             :         {
     140        2746 :             nDictMax = nDictSize * 2 + 100;
     141             :             pszDictionary =
     142        2746 :                 static_cast<char *>(CPLRealloc(pszDictionary, nDictMax));
     143             :         }
     144             : 
     145     2041340 :         if (VSIFReadL(pszDictionary + nDictSize, 1, 1, hHFA->fp) < 1 ||
     146     4080470 :             pszDictionary[nDictSize] == '\0' ||
     147     2039130 :             (nDictSize > 2 && pszDictionary[nDictSize - 2] == ',' &&
     148      159352 :              pszDictionary[nDictSize - 1] == '.'))
     149         553 :             break;
     150             : 
     151     2040790 :         nDictSize++;
     152             :     }
     153             : 
     154         553 :     pszDictionary[nDictSize] = '\0';
     155             : 
     156         553 :     return pszDictionary;
     157             : }
     158             : 
     159             : /************************************************************************/
     160             : /*                              HFAOpen()                               */
     161             : /************************************************************************/
     162             : 
     163         553 : HFAHandle HFAOpen(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszAccess)
     164             : 
     165             : {
     166         553 :     VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL(
     167             :         pszFilename,
     168         553 :         (EQUAL(pszAccess, "r") || EQUAL(pszAccess, "rb")) ? "rb" : "r+b");
     169             : 
     170             :     // Should this be changed to use some sort of CPLFOpen() which will
     171             :     // set the error?
     172         553 :     if (fp == nullptr)
     173             :     {
     174           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "File open of %s failed.",
     175             :                  pszFilename);
     176             : 
     177           0 :         return nullptr;
     178             :     }
     179             : 
     180             :     // Read and verify the header.
     181         553 :     char szHeader[16] = {};
     182         553 :     if (VSIFReadL(szHeader, 16, 1, fp) < 1)
     183             :     {
     184           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     185             :                  "Attempt to read 16 byte header failed for\n%s.", pszFilename);
     186           0 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fp));
     187           0 :         return nullptr;
     188             :     }
     189             : 
     190         553 :     if (!STARTS_WITH_CI(szHeader, "EHFA_HEADER_TAG"))
     191             :     {
     192           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     193             :                  "File %s is not an Imagine HFA file ... header wrong.",
     194             :                  pszFilename);
     195           0 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fp));
     196           0 :         return nullptr;
     197             :     }
     198             : 
     199             :     // Create the HFAInfo_t.
     200             :     HFAInfo_t *psInfo =
     201         553 :         static_cast<HFAInfo_t *>(CPLCalloc(sizeof(HFAInfo_t), 1));
     202             : 
     203         553 :     psInfo->pszFilename = CPLStrdup(CPLGetFilename(pszFilename));
     204         553 :     psInfo->pszPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPathSafe(pszFilename).c_str());
     205         553 :     psInfo->fp = fp;
     206         553 :     if (EQUAL(pszAccess, "r") || EQUAL(pszAccess, "rb"))
     207         347 :         psInfo->eAccess = HFA_ReadOnly;
     208             :     else
     209         206 :         psInfo->eAccess = HFA_Update;
     210         553 :     psInfo->bTreeDirty = false;
     211             : 
     212             :     // Where is the header?
     213         553 :     GUInt32 nHeaderPos = 0;
     214         553 :     bool bRet = VSIFReadL(&nHeaderPos, sizeof(GInt32), 1, fp) > 0;
     215             :     HFAStandard(4, &nHeaderPos);
     216             : 
     217             :     // Read the header.
     218         553 :     bRet &= VSIFSeekL(fp, nHeaderPos, SEEK_SET) >= 0;
     219             : 
     220         553 :     bRet &= VSIFReadL(&(psInfo->nVersion), sizeof(GInt32), 1, fp) > 0;
     221             :     HFAStandard(4, &(psInfo->nVersion));
     222             : 
     223         553 :     bRet &= VSIFReadL(szHeader, 4, 1, fp) > 0;  // Skip freeList.
     224             : 
     225         553 :     bRet &= VSIFReadL(&(psInfo->nRootPos), sizeof(GInt32), 1, fp) > 0;
     226             :     HFAStandard(4, &(psInfo->nRootPos));
     227             : 
     228         553 :     bRet &= VSIFReadL(&(psInfo->nEntryHeaderLength), sizeof(GInt16), 1, fp) > 0;
     229             :     HFAStandard(2, &(psInfo->nEntryHeaderLength));
     230             : 
     231         553 :     bRet &= VSIFReadL(&(psInfo->nDictionaryPos), sizeof(GInt32), 1, fp) > 0;
     232             :     HFAStandard(4, &(psInfo->nDictionaryPos));
     233             : 
     234             :     // Collect file size.
     235         553 :     bRet &= VSIFSeekL(fp, 0, SEEK_END) >= 0;
     236         553 :     if (!bRet)
     237             :     {
     238           0 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fp));
     239           0 :         CPLFree(psInfo->pszFilename);
     240           0 :         CPLFree(psInfo->pszPath);
     241           0 :         CPLFree(psInfo);
     242           0 :         return nullptr;
     243             :     }
     244         553 :     psInfo->nEndOfFile = static_cast<GUInt32>(VSIFTellL(fp));
     245             : 
     246             :     // Instantiate the root entry.
     247         553 :     psInfo->poRoot = HFAEntry::New(psInfo, psInfo->nRootPos, nullptr, nullptr);
     248         553 :     if (psInfo->poRoot == nullptr)
     249             :     {
     250           0 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fp));
     251           0 :         CPLFree(psInfo->pszFilename);
     252           0 :         CPLFree(psInfo->pszPath);
     253           0 :         CPLFree(psInfo);
     254           0 :         return nullptr;
     255             :     }
     256             : 
     257             :     // Read the dictionary.
     258         553 :     psInfo->pszDictionary = HFAGetDictionary(psInfo);
     259         553 :     psInfo->poDictionary = new HFADictionary(psInfo->pszDictionary);
     260             : 
     261             :     // Collect band definitions.
     262         553 :     HFAParseBandInfo(psInfo);
     263             : 
     264         553 :     return psInfo;
     265             : }
     266             : 
     267             : /************************************************************************/
     268             : /*                         HFACreateDependent()                         */
     269             : /*                                                                      */
     270             : /*      Create a .rrd file for the named file if it does not exist,     */
     271             : /*      or return the existing dependent if it already exists.          */
     272             : /************************************************************************/
     273             : 
     274           2 : HFAInfo_t *HFACreateDependent(HFAInfo_t *psBase)
     275             : 
     276             : {
     277           2 :     if (psBase->psDependent != nullptr)
     278           1 :         return psBase->psDependent;
     279             : 
     280             :     // Create desired RRD filename.
     281           2 :     const CPLString oBasename = CPLGetBasenameSafe(psBase->pszFilename);
     282             :     const CPLString oRRDFilename =
     283           2 :         CPLFormFilenameSafe(psBase->pszPath, oBasename, "rrd");
     284             : 
     285             :     // Does this file already exist?  If so, re-use it.
     286           1 :     VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL(oRRDFilename, "rb");
     287           1 :     if (fp != nullptr)
     288             :     {
     289           0 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fp));
     290           0 :         psBase->psDependent = HFAOpen(oRRDFilename, "rb");
     291             :         // FIXME? this is not going to be reused but recreated...
     292             :     }
     293             : 
     294             :     // Otherwise create it now.
     295           1 :     HFAInfo_t *psDep = HFACreateLL(oRRDFilename);
     296           1 :     psBase->psDependent = psDep;
     297           1 :     if (psDep == nullptr)
     298           0 :         return nullptr;
     299             : 
     300             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     301             :     /*      Add the DependentFile node with the pointer back to the         */
     302             :     /*      parent.  When working from an .aux file we really want the      */
     303             :     /*      .rrd to point back to the original file, not the .aux file.     */
     304             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     305           1 :     HFAEntry *poEntry = psBase->poRoot->GetNamedChild("DependentFile");
     306           1 :     const char *pszDependentFile = nullptr;
     307           1 :     if (poEntry != nullptr)
     308           0 :         pszDependentFile = poEntry->GetStringField("dependent.string");
     309           1 :     if (pszDependentFile == nullptr)
     310           1 :         pszDependentFile = psBase->pszFilename;
     311             : 
     312           1 :     HFAEntry *poDF = HFAEntry::New(psDep, "DependentFile", "Eimg_DependentFile",
     313             :                                    psDep->poRoot);
     314             : 
     315           1 :     poDF->MakeData(static_cast<int>(strlen(pszDependentFile) + 50));
     316           1 :     poDF->SetPosition();
     317           1 :     poDF->SetStringField("dependent.string", pszDependentFile);
     318             : 
     319           1 :     return psDep;
     320             : }
     321             : 
     322             : /************************************************************************/
     323             : /*                          HFAGetDependent()                           */
     324             : /************************************************************************/
     325             : 
     326          54 : HFAInfo_t *HFAGetDependent(HFAInfo_t *psBase, const char *pszFilename)
     327             : 
     328             : {
     329          54 :     if (EQUAL(pszFilename, psBase->pszFilename))
     330          33 :         return psBase;
     331             : 
     332          21 :     if (psBase->psDependent != nullptr)
     333             :     {
     334           3 :         if (EQUAL(pszFilename, psBase->psDependent->pszFilename))
     335           3 :             return psBase->psDependent;
     336             :         else
     337           0 :             return nullptr;
     338             :     }
     339             : 
     340             :     // Try to open the dependent file.
     341          18 :     const char *pszMode = psBase->eAccess == HFA_Update ? "r+b" : "rb";
     342             : 
     343          18 :     char *pszDependent = CPLStrdup(
     344          36 :         CPLFormFilenameSafe(psBase->pszPath, pszFilename, nullptr).c_str());
     345             : 
     346          18 :     VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL(pszDependent, pszMode);
     347          18 :     if (fp != nullptr)
     348             :     {
     349          14 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fp));
     350          14 :         psBase->psDependent = HFAOpen(pszDependent, pszMode);
     351             :     }
     352             : 
     353          18 :     CPLFree(pszDependent);
     354             : 
     355          18 :     return psBase->psDependent;
     356             : }
     357             : 
     358             : /************************************************************************/
     359             : /*                          HFAParseBandInfo()                          */
     360             : /*                                                                      */
     361             : /*      This is used by HFAOpen() and HFACreate() to initialize the     */
     362             : /*      band structures.                                                */
     363             : /************************************************************************/
     364             : 
     365         735 : CPLErr HFAParseBandInfo(HFAInfo_t *psInfo)
     366             : 
     367             : {
     368             :     // Find the first band node.
     369         735 :     psInfo->nBands = 0;
     370         735 :     HFAEntry *poNode = psInfo->poRoot->GetChild();
     371        2407 :     while (poNode != nullptr)
     372             :     {
     373        1672 :         if (EQUAL(poNode->GetType(), "Eimg_Layer") &&
     374        2506 :             poNode->GetIntField("width") > 0 &&
     375         834 :             poNode->GetIntField("height") > 0)
     376             :         {
     377         834 :             if (psInfo->nBands == 0)
     378             :             {
     379         716 :                 psInfo->nXSize = poNode->GetIntField("width");
     380         716 :                 psInfo->nYSize = poNode->GetIntField("height");
     381             :             }
     382         236 :             else if (poNode->GetIntField("width") != psInfo->nXSize ||
     383         118 :                      poNode->GetIntField("height") != psInfo->nYSize)
     384             :             {
     385           0 :                 return CE_Failure;
     386             :             }
     387             : 
     388        1668 :             psInfo->papoBand = static_cast<HFABand **>(CPLRealloc(
     389         834 :                 psInfo->papoBand, sizeof(HFABand *) * (psInfo->nBands + 1)));
     390         834 :             psInfo->papoBand[psInfo->nBands] = new HFABand(psInfo, poNode);
     391         834 :             if (psInfo->papoBand[psInfo->nBands]->nWidth == 0)
     392             :             {
     393           0 :                 delete psInfo->papoBand[psInfo->nBands];
     394           0 :                 return CE_Failure;
     395             :             }
     396         834 :             psInfo->nBands++;
     397             :         }
     398             : 
     399        1672 :         poNode = poNode->GetNext();
     400             :     }
     401             : 
     402         735 :     return CE_None;
     403             : }
     404             : 
     405             : /************************************************************************/
     406             : /*                              HFAClose()                              */
     407             : /************************************************************************/
     408             : 
     409         744 : int HFAClose(HFAHandle hHFA)
     410             : 
     411             : {
     412         744 :     if (hHFA->eAccess == HFA_Update &&
     413         397 :         (hHFA->bTreeDirty || (hHFA->poDictionary != nullptr &&
     414          13 :                               hHFA->poDictionary->bDictionaryTextDirty)))
     415         380 :         HFAFlush(hHFA);
     416             : 
     417         744 :     int nRet = 0;
     418         744 :     if (hHFA->psDependent != nullptr)
     419             :     {
     420          14 :         if (HFAClose(hHFA->psDependent) != 0)
     421           0 :             nRet = -1;
     422             :     }
     423             : 
     424         744 :     delete hHFA->poRoot;
     425             : 
     426         744 :     if (VSIFCloseL(hHFA->fp) != 0)
     427           0 :         nRet = -1;
     428             : 
     429         744 :     if (hHFA->poDictionary != nullptr)
     430         740 :         delete hHFA->poDictionary;
     431             : 
     432         744 :     CPLFree(hHFA->pszDictionary);
     433         744 :     CPLFree(hHFA->pszFilename);
     434         744 :     CPLFree(hHFA->pszIGEFilename);
     435         744 :     CPLFree(hHFA->pszPath);
     436             : 
     437        1578 :     for (int i = 0; i < hHFA->nBands; i++)
     438             :     {
     439         834 :         delete hHFA->papoBand[i];
     440             :     }
     441             : 
     442         744 :     CPLFree(hHFA->papoBand);
     443             : 
     444         744 :     if (hHFA->pProParameters != nullptr)
     445             :     {
     446         203 :         Eprj_ProParameters *psProParams =
     447             :             (Eprj_ProParameters *)hHFA->pProParameters;
     448             : 
     449         203 :         CPLFree(psProParams->proExeName);
     450         203 :         CPLFree(psProParams->proName);
     451         203 :         CPLFree(psProParams->proSpheroid.sphereName);
     452             : 
     453         203 :         CPLFree(psProParams);
     454             :     }
     455             : 
     456         744 :     if (hHFA->pDatum != nullptr)
     457             :     {
     458         203 :         CPLFree(((Eprj_Datum *)hHFA->pDatum)->datumname);
     459         203 :         CPLFree(((Eprj_Datum *)hHFA->pDatum)->gridname);
     460         203 :         CPLFree(hHFA->pDatum);
     461             :     }
     462             : 
     463         744 :     if (hHFA->pMapInfo != nullptr)
     464             :     {
     465         246 :         CPLFree(((Eprj_MapInfo *)hHFA->pMapInfo)->proName);
     466         246 :         CPLFree(((Eprj_MapInfo *)hHFA->pMapInfo)->units);
     467         246 :         CPLFree(hHFA->pMapInfo);
     468             :     }
     469             : 
     470         744 :     CPLFree(hHFA);
     471         744 :     return nRet;
     472             : }
     473             : 
     474             : /************************************************************************/
     475             : /*                              HFARemove()                             */
     476             : /*  Used from HFADelete() function.                                     */
     477             : /************************************************************************/
     478             : 
     479           0 : static CPLErr HFARemove(const char *pszFilename)
     480             : 
     481             : {
     482             :     VSIStatBufL sStat;
     483             : 
     484           0 :     if (VSIStatL(pszFilename, &sStat) == 0 && VSI_ISREG(sStat.st_mode))
     485             :     {
     486           0 :         if (VSIUnlink(pszFilename) == 0)
     487           0 :             return CE_None;
     488             :         else
     489             :         {
     490           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     491             :                      "Attempt to unlink %s failed.", pszFilename);
     492           0 :             return CE_Failure;
     493             :         }
     494             :     }
     495             : 
     496           0 :     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unable to delete %s, not a file.",
     497             :              pszFilename);
     498           0 :     return CE_Failure;
     499             : }
     500             : 
     501             : /************************************************************************/
     502             : /*                              HFADelete()                             */
     503             : /************************************************************************/
     504             : 
     505           0 : CPLErr HFADelete(const char *pszFilename)
     506             : 
     507             : {
     508           0 :     HFAInfo_t *psInfo = HFAOpen(pszFilename, "rb");
     509           0 :     HFAEntry *poDMS = nullptr;
     510           0 :     HFAEntry *poLayer = nullptr;
     511           0 :     HFAEntry *poNode = nullptr;
     512             : 
     513           0 :     if (psInfo != nullptr)
     514             :     {
     515           0 :         poNode = psInfo->poRoot->GetChild();
     516           0 :         while ((poNode != nullptr) && (poLayer == nullptr))
     517             :         {
     518           0 :             if (EQUAL(poNode->GetType(), "Eimg_Layer"))
     519             :             {
     520           0 :                 poLayer = poNode;
     521             :             }
     522           0 :             poNode = poNode->GetNext();
     523             :         }
     524             : 
     525           0 :         if (poLayer != nullptr)
     526           0 :             poDMS = poLayer->GetNamedChild("ExternalRasterDMS");
     527             : 
     528           0 :         if (poDMS)
     529             :         {
     530             :             const char *pszRawFilename =
     531           0 :                 poDMS->GetStringField("fileName.string");
     532             : 
     533           0 :             if (pszRawFilename != nullptr)
     534           0 :                 HFARemove(CPLFormFilenameSafe(psInfo->pszPath, pszRawFilename,
     535             :                                               nullptr)
     536             :                               .c_str());
     537             :         }
     538             : 
     539           0 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(HFAClose(psInfo));
     540             :     }
     541           0 :     return HFARemove(pszFilename);
     542             : }
     543             : 
     544             : /************************************************************************/
     545             : /*                          HFAGetRasterInfo()                          */
     546             : /************************************************************************/
     547             : 
     548         537 : CPLErr HFAGetRasterInfo(HFAHandle hHFA, int *pnXSize, int *pnYSize,
     549             :                         int *pnBands)
     550             : 
     551             : {
     552         537 :     if (pnXSize != nullptr)
     553         537 :         *pnXSize = hHFA->nXSize;
     554         537 :     if (pnYSize != nullptr)
     555         537 :         *pnYSize = hHFA->nYSize;
     556         537 :     if (pnBands != nullptr)
     557         537 :         *pnBands = hHFA->nBands;
     558         537 :     return CE_None;
     559             : }
     560             : 
     561             : /************************************************************************/
     562             : /*                           HFAGetBandInfo()                           */
     563             : /************************************************************************/
     564             : 
     565         672 : CPLErr HFAGetBandInfo(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, EPTType *peDataType,
     566             :                       int *pnBlockXSize, int *pnBlockYSize,
     567             :                       int *pnCompressionType)
     568             : 
     569             : {
     570         672 :     if (nBand < 0 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     571             :     {
     572           0 :         CPLAssert(false);
     573             :         return CE_Failure;
     574             :     }
     575             : 
     576         672 :     HFABand *poBand = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1];
     577             : 
     578         672 :     if (peDataType != nullptr)
     579         672 :         *peDataType = poBand->eDataType;
     580             : 
     581         672 :     if (pnBlockXSize != nullptr)
     582         672 :         *pnBlockXSize = poBand->nBlockXSize;
     583             : 
     584         672 :     if (pnBlockYSize != nullptr)
     585         672 :         *pnBlockYSize = poBand->nBlockYSize;
     586             : 
     587             :     // Get compression code from RasterDMS.
     588         672 :     if (pnCompressionType != nullptr)
     589             :     {
     590         672 :         *pnCompressionType = 0;
     591             : 
     592         672 :         HFAEntry *poDMS = poBand->poNode->GetNamedChild("RasterDMS");
     593             : 
     594         672 :         if (poDMS != nullptr)
     595         577 :             *pnCompressionType = poDMS->GetIntField("compressionType");
     596             :     }
     597             : 
     598         672 :     return CE_None;
     599             : }
     600             : 
     601             : /************************************************************************/
     602             : /*                          HFAGetBandNoData()                          */
     603             : /*                                                                      */
     604             : /*      returns TRUE if value is set, otherwise FALSE.                  */
     605             : /************************************************************************/
     606             : 
     607         190 : int HFAGetBandNoData(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, double *pdfNoData)
     608             : 
     609             : {
     610         190 :     if (nBand < 0 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     611             :     {
     612           0 :         CPLAssert(false);
     613             :         return CE_Failure;
     614             :     }
     615             : 
     616         190 :     HFABand *poBand = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1];
     617             : 
     618         190 :     if (!poBand->bNoDataSet && poBand->nOverviews > 0)
     619             :     {
     620          13 :         poBand = poBand->papoOverviews[0];
     621          13 :         if (poBand == nullptr)
     622           0 :             return FALSE;
     623             :     }
     624             : 
     625         190 :     *pdfNoData = poBand->dfNoData;
     626         190 :     return poBand->bNoDataSet;
     627             : }
     628             : 
     629             : /************************************************************************/
     630             : /*                          HFASetBandNoData()                          */
     631             : /*                                                                      */
     632             : /*      attempts to set a no-data value on the given band               */
     633             : /************************************************************************/
     634             : 
     635           8 : CPLErr HFASetBandNoData(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, double dfValue)
     636             : 
     637             : {
     638           8 :     if (nBand < 0 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     639             :     {
     640           0 :         CPLAssert(false);
     641             :         return CE_Failure;
     642             :     }
     643             : 
     644           8 :     HFABand *poBand = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1];
     645             : 
     646           8 :     return poBand->SetNoDataValue(dfValue);
     647             : }
     648             : 
     649             : /************************************************************************/
     650             : /*                        HFAGetOverviewCount()                         */
     651             : /************************************************************************/
     652             : 
     653         132 : int HFAGetOverviewCount(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand)
     654             : 
     655             : {
     656         132 :     if (nBand < 0 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     657             :     {
     658           0 :         CPLAssert(false);
     659             :         return CE_Failure;
     660             :     }
     661             : 
     662         132 :     HFABand *poBand = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1];
     663         132 :     poBand->LoadOverviews();
     664             : 
     665         132 :     return poBand->nOverviews;
     666             : }
     667             : 
     668             : /************************************************************************/
     669             : /*                         HFAGetOverviewInfo()                         */
     670             : /************************************************************************/
     671             : 
     672          59 : CPLErr HFAGetOverviewInfo(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int iOverview,
     673             :                           int *pnXSize, int *pnYSize, int *pnBlockXSize,
     674             :                           int *pnBlockYSize, EPTType *peHFADataType)
     675             : 
     676             : {
     677          59 :     if (nBand < 0 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     678             :     {
     679           0 :         CPLAssert(false);
     680             :         return CE_Failure;
     681             :     }
     682             : 
     683          59 :     HFABand *poBand = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1];
     684          59 :     poBand->LoadOverviews();
     685             : 
     686          59 :     if (iOverview < 0 || iOverview >= poBand->nOverviews)
     687             :     {
     688           0 :         CPLAssert(false);
     689             :         return CE_Failure;
     690             :     }
     691          59 :     poBand = poBand->papoOverviews[iOverview];
     692          59 :     if (poBand == nullptr)
     693             :     {
     694           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     695             :     }
     696             : 
     697          59 :     if (pnXSize != nullptr)
     698          59 :         *pnXSize = poBand->nWidth;
     699             : 
     700          59 :     if (pnYSize != nullptr)
     701          59 :         *pnYSize = poBand->nHeight;
     702             : 
     703          59 :     if (pnBlockXSize != nullptr)
     704          59 :         *pnBlockXSize = poBand->nBlockXSize;
     705             : 
     706          59 :     if (pnBlockYSize != nullptr)
     707          59 :         *pnBlockYSize = poBand->nBlockYSize;
     708             : 
     709          59 :     if (peHFADataType != nullptr)
     710          59 :         *peHFADataType = poBand->eDataType;
     711             : 
     712          59 :     return CE_None;
     713             : }
     714             : 
     715             : /************************************************************************/
     716             : /*                         HFAGetRasterBlock()                          */
     717             : /************************************************************************/
     718             : 
     719           0 : CPLErr HFAGetRasterBlock(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int nXBlock, int nYBlock,
     720             :                          void *pData)
     721             : 
     722             : {
     723           0 :     return HFAGetRasterBlockEx(hHFA, nBand, nXBlock, nYBlock, pData, -1);
     724             : }
     725             : 
     726             : /************************************************************************/
     727             : /*                        HFAGetRasterBlockEx()                         */
     728             : /************************************************************************/
     729             : 
     730        1326 : CPLErr HFAGetRasterBlockEx(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int nXBlock, int nYBlock,
     731             :                            void *pData, int nDataSize)
     732             : 
     733             : {
     734        1326 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     735           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     736             : 
     737        1326 :     return hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->GetRasterBlock(nXBlock, nYBlock, pData,
     738        1326 :                                                      nDataSize);
     739             : }
     740             : 
     741             : /************************************************************************/
     742             : /*                     HFAGetOverviewRasterBlock()                      */
     743             : /************************************************************************/
     744             : 
     745           0 : CPLErr HFAGetOverviewRasterBlock(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int iOverview,
     746             :                                  int nXBlock, int nYBlock, void *pData)
     747             : 
     748             : {
     749           0 :     return HFAGetOverviewRasterBlockEx(hHFA, nBand, iOverview, nXBlock, nYBlock,
     750           0 :                                        pData, -1);
     751             : }
     752             : 
     753             : /************************************************************************/
     754             : /*                   HFAGetOverviewRasterBlockEx()                      */
     755             : /************************************************************************/
     756             : 
     757          24 : CPLErr HFAGetOverviewRasterBlockEx(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int iOverview,
     758             :                                    int nXBlock, int nYBlock, void *pData,
     759             :                                    int nDataSize)
     760             : 
     761             : {
     762          24 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     763           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     764             : 
     765          24 :     if (iOverview < 0 || iOverview >= hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->nOverviews)
     766           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     767             : 
     768          24 :     return hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->papoOverviews[iOverview]->GetRasterBlock(
     769          24 :         nXBlock, nYBlock, pData, nDataSize);
     770             : }
     771             : 
     772             : /************************************************************************/
     773             : /*                         HFASetRasterBlock()                          */
     774             : /************************************************************************/
     775             : 
     776          97 : CPLErr HFASetRasterBlock(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int nXBlock, int nYBlock,
     777             :                          void *pData)
     778             : 
     779             : {
     780          97 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     781           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     782             : 
     783          97 :     return hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->SetRasterBlock(nXBlock, nYBlock, pData);
     784             : }
     785             : 
     786             : /************************************************************************/
     787             : /*                         HFASetRasterBlock()                          */
     788             : /************************************************************************/
     789             : 
     790          28 : CPLErr HFASetOverviewRasterBlock(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int iOverview,
     791             :                                  int nXBlock, int nYBlock, void *pData)
     792             : 
     793             : {
     794          28 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     795           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     796             : 
     797          28 :     if (iOverview < 0 || iOverview >= hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->nOverviews)
     798           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     799             : 
     800          28 :     return hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->papoOverviews[iOverview]->SetRasterBlock(
     801          28 :         nXBlock, nYBlock, pData);
     802             : }
     803             : 
     804             : /************************************************************************/
     805             : /*                         HFAGetBandName()                             */
     806             : /************************************************************************/
     807             : 
     808         204 : const char *HFAGetBandName(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand)
     809             : {
     810         204 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     811           0 :         return "";
     812             : 
     813         204 :     return hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->GetBandName();
     814             : }
     815             : 
     816             : /************************************************************************/
     817             : /*                         HFASetBandName()                             */
     818             : /************************************************************************/
     819             : 
     820           7 : void HFASetBandName(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, const char *pszName)
     821             : {
     822           7 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
     823           0 :         return;
     824             : 
     825           7 :     hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->SetBandName(pszName);
     826             : }
     827             : 
     828             : /************************************************************************/
     829             : /*                         HFAGetDataTypeBits()                         */
     830             : /************************************************************************/
     831             : 
     832        4682 : int HFAGetDataTypeBits(EPTType eDataType)
     833             : 
     834             : {
     835        4682 :     switch (eDataType)
     836             :     {
     837          80 :         case EPT_u1:
     838          80 :             return 1;
     839             : 
     840          24 :         case EPT_u2:
     841          24 :             return 2;
     842             : 
     843           0 :         case EPT_u4:
     844           0 :             return 4;
     845             : 
     846        1334 :         case EPT_u8:
     847             :         case EPT_s8:
     848        1334 :             return 8;
     849             : 
     850        1149 :         case EPT_u16:
     851             :         case EPT_s16:
     852        1149 :             return 16;
     853             : 
     854         264 :         case EPT_u32:
     855             :         case EPT_s32:
     856             :         case EPT_f32:
     857         264 :             return 32;
     858             : 
     859        1792 :         case EPT_f64:
     860             :         case EPT_c64:
     861        1792 :             return 64;
     862             : 
     863          39 :         case EPT_c128:
     864          39 :             return 128;
     865             :     }
     866             : 
     867           0 :     CPLAssert(false);
     868             :     return 1;
     869             : }
     870             : 
     871             : /************************************************************************/
     872             : /*                         HFAGetDataTypeName()                         */
     873             : /************************************************************************/
     874             : 
     875           0 : const char *HFAGetDataTypeName(EPTType eDataType)
     876             : 
     877             : {
     878           0 :     switch (eDataType)
     879             :     {
     880           0 :         case EPT_u1:
     881           0 :             return "u1";
     882             : 
     883           0 :         case EPT_u2:
     884           0 :             return "u2";
     885             : 
     886           0 :         case EPT_u4:
     887           0 :             return "u4";
     888             : 
     889           0 :         case EPT_u8:
     890           0 :             return "u8";
     891             : 
     892           0 :         case EPT_s8:
     893           0 :             return "s8";
     894             : 
     895           0 :         case EPT_u16:
     896           0 :             return "u16";
     897             : 
     898           0 :         case EPT_s16:
     899           0 :             return "s16";
     900             : 
     901           0 :         case EPT_u32:
     902           0 :             return "u32";
     903             : 
     904           0 :         case EPT_s32:
     905           0 :             return "s32";
     906             : 
     907           0 :         case EPT_f32:
     908           0 :             return "f32";
     909             : 
     910           0 :         case EPT_f64:
     911           0 :             return "f64";
     912             : 
     913           0 :         case EPT_c64:
     914           0 :             return "c64";
     915             : 
     916           0 :         case EPT_c128:
     917           0 :             return "c128";
     918             : 
     919           0 :         default:
     920           0 :             CPLAssert(false);
     921             :             return "unknown";
     922             :     }
     923             : }
     924             : 
     925             : /************************************************************************/
     926             : /*                           HFAGetMapInfo()                            */
     927             : /************************************************************************/
     928             : 
     929        1066 : const Eprj_MapInfo *HFAGetMapInfo(HFAHandle hHFA)
     930             : 
     931             : {
     932        1066 :     if (hHFA->nBands < 1)
     933           0 :         return nullptr;
     934             : 
     935             :     // Do we already have it?
     936        1066 :     if (hHFA->pMapInfo != nullptr)
     937         246 :         return (Eprj_MapInfo *)hHFA->pMapInfo;
     938             : 
     939             :     // Get the HFA node.  If we don't find it under the usual name
     940             :     // we search for any node of the right type (#3338).
     941         820 :     HFAEntry *poMIEntry = hHFA->papoBand[0]->poNode->GetNamedChild("Map_Info");
     942         820 :     if (poMIEntry == nullptr)
     943             :     {
     944         574 :         for (HFAEntry *poChild = hHFA->papoBand[0]->poNode->GetChild();
     945        2006 :              poChild != nullptr && poMIEntry == nullptr;
     946        1432 :              poChild = poChild->GetNext())
     947             :         {
     948        1432 :             if (EQUAL(poChild->GetType(), "Eprj_MapInfo"))
     949           0 :                 poMIEntry = poChild;
     950             :         }
     951             :     }
     952             : 
     953         820 :     if (poMIEntry == nullptr)
     954             :     {
     955         574 :         return nullptr;
     956             :     }
     957             : 
     958             :     // Allocate the structure.
     959             :     Eprj_MapInfo *psMapInfo =
     960         246 :         static_cast<Eprj_MapInfo *>(CPLCalloc(sizeof(Eprj_MapInfo), 1));
     961             : 
     962             :     // Fetch the fields.
     963         246 :     psMapInfo->proName = CPLStrdup(poMIEntry->GetStringField("proName"));
     964             : 
     965         246 :     psMapInfo->upperLeftCenter.x =
     966         246 :         poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("upperLeftCenter.x");
     967         246 :     psMapInfo->upperLeftCenter.y =
     968         246 :         poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("upperLeftCenter.y");
     969             : 
     970         246 :     psMapInfo->lowerRightCenter.x =
     971         246 :         poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("lowerRightCenter.x");
     972         246 :     psMapInfo->lowerRightCenter.y =
     973         246 :         poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("lowerRightCenter.y");
     974             : 
     975         246 :     CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
     976         246 :     psMapInfo->pixelSize.width =
     977         246 :         poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("pixelSize.width", &eErr);
     978         246 :     psMapInfo->pixelSize.height =
     979         246 :         poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("pixelSize.height", &eErr);
     980             : 
     981             :     // The following is basically a hack to get files with
     982             :     // non-standard MapInfo's that misname the pixelSize fields. (#3338)
     983         246 :     if (eErr != CE_None)
     984             :     {
     985           0 :         psMapInfo->pixelSize.width = poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("pixelSize.x");
     986           0 :         psMapInfo->pixelSize.height = poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("pixelSize.y");
     987             :     }
     988             : 
     989         246 :     psMapInfo->units = CPLStrdup(poMIEntry->GetStringField("units"));
     990             : 
     991         246 :     hHFA->pMapInfo = (void *)psMapInfo;
     992             : 
     993         246 :     return psMapInfo;
     994             : }
     995             : 
     996             : /************************************************************************/
     997             : /*                        HFAInvGeoTransform()                          */
     998             : /************************************************************************/
     999             : 
    1000           6 : static bool HFAInvGeoTransform(const double *gt_in, double *gt_out)
    1001             : 
    1002             : {
    1003             :     // Assume a 3rd row that is [1 0 0].
    1004             :     // Compute determinate.
    1005           6 :     const double det = gt_in[1] * gt_in[5] - gt_in[2] * gt_in[4];
    1006             : 
    1007           6 :     if (fabs(det) < 1.0e-15)
    1008           0 :         return false;
    1009             : 
    1010           6 :     const double inv_det = 1.0 / det;
    1011             : 
    1012             :     // Compute adjoint, and divide by determinate.
    1013           6 :     gt_out[1] = gt_in[5] * inv_det;
    1014           6 :     gt_out[4] = -gt_in[4] * inv_det;
    1015             : 
    1016           6 :     gt_out[2] = -gt_in[2] * inv_det;
    1017           6 :     gt_out[5] = gt_in[1] * inv_det;
    1018             : 
    1019           6 :     gt_out[0] = (gt_in[2] * gt_in[3] - gt_in[0] * gt_in[5]) * inv_det;
    1020           6 :     gt_out[3] = (-gt_in[1] * gt_in[3] + gt_in[0] * gt_in[4]) * inv_det;
    1021             : 
    1022           6 :     return true;
    1023             : }
    1024             : 
    1025             : /************************************************************************/
    1026             : /*                         HFAGetGeoTransform()                         */
    1027             : /************************************************************************/
    1028             : 
    1029         533 : int HFAGetGeoTransform(HFAHandle hHFA, double *padfGeoTransform)
    1030             : 
    1031             : {
    1032         533 :     const Eprj_MapInfo *psMapInfo = HFAGetMapInfo(hHFA);
    1033             : 
    1034         533 :     padfGeoTransform[0] = 0.0;
    1035         533 :     padfGeoTransform[1] = 1.0;
    1036         533 :     padfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
    1037         533 :     padfGeoTransform[3] = 0.0;
    1038         533 :     padfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
    1039         533 :     padfGeoTransform[5] = 1.0;
    1040             : 
    1041             :     // Simple (north up) MapInfo approach.
    1042         533 :     if (psMapInfo != nullptr)
    1043             :     {
    1044         246 :         padfGeoTransform[0] =
    1045         246 :             psMapInfo->upperLeftCenter.x - psMapInfo->pixelSize.width * 0.5;
    1046         246 :         padfGeoTransform[1] = psMapInfo->pixelSize.width;
    1047         246 :         if (padfGeoTransform[1] == 0.0)
    1048           0 :             padfGeoTransform[1] = 1.0;
    1049         246 :         padfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
    1050         246 :         if (psMapInfo->upperLeftCenter.y >= psMapInfo->lowerRightCenter.y)
    1051         246 :             padfGeoTransform[5] = -psMapInfo->pixelSize.height;
    1052             :         else
    1053           0 :             padfGeoTransform[5] = psMapInfo->pixelSize.height;
    1054         246 :         if (padfGeoTransform[5] == 0.0)
    1055           0 :             padfGeoTransform[5] = 1.0;
    1056             : 
    1057         246 :         padfGeoTransform[3] =
    1058         246 :             psMapInfo->upperLeftCenter.y - padfGeoTransform[5] * 0.5;
    1059         246 :         padfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
    1060             : 
    1061             :         // Special logic to fixup odd angular units.
    1062         246 :         if (EQUAL(psMapInfo->units, "ds"))
    1063             :         {
    1064           0 :             padfGeoTransform[0] /= 3600.0;
    1065           0 :             padfGeoTransform[1] /= 3600.0;
    1066           0 :             padfGeoTransform[2] /= 3600.0;
    1067           0 :             padfGeoTransform[3] /= 3600.0;
    1068           0 :             padfGeoTransform[4] /= 3600.0;
    1069           0 :             padfGeoTransform[5] /= 3600.0;
    1070             :         }
    1071             : 
    1072         246 :         return TRUE;
    1073             :     }
    1074             : 
    1075             :     // Try for a MapToPixelXForm affine polynomial supporting
    1076             :     // rotated and sheared affine transformations.
    1077         287 :     if (hHFA->nBands == 0)
    1078           0 :         return FALSE;
    1079             : 
    1080             :     HFAEntry *poXForm0 =
    1081         287 :         hHFA->papoBand[0]->poNode->GetNamedChild("MapToPixelXForm.XForm0");
    1082             : 
    1083         287 :     if (poXForm0 == nullptr)
    1084         281 :         return FALSE;
    1085             : 
    1086           6 :     if (poXForm0->GetIntField("order") != 1 ||
    1087           5 :         poXForm0->GetIntField("numdimtransform") != 2 ||
    1088          16 :         poXForm0->GetIntField("numdimpolynomial") != 2 ||
    1089           5 :         poXForm0->GetIntField("termcount") != 3)
    1090           1 :         return FALSE;
    1091             : 
    1092             :     // Verify that there aren't any further xform steps.
    1093           5 :     if (hHFA->papoBand[0]->poNode->GetNamedChild("MapToPixelXForm.XForm1") !=
    1094             :         nullptr)
    1095           1 :         return FALSE;
    1096             : 
    1097             :     // We should check that the exponent list is 0 0 1 0 0 1, but
    1098             :     // we don't because we are lazy.
    1099             : 
    1100             :     // Fetch geotransform values.
    1101           4 :     double adfXForm[6] = {poXForm0->GetDoubleField("polycoefvector[0]"),
    1102           8 :                           poXForm0->GetDoubleField("polycoefmtx[0]"),
    1103           8 :                           poXForm0->GetDoubleField("polycoefmtx[2]"),
    1104           8 :                           poXForm0->GetDoubleField("polycoefvector[1]"),
    1105           8 :                           poXForm0->GetDoubleField("polycoefmtx[1]"),
    1106           4 :                           poXForm0->GetDoubleField("polycoefmtx[3]")};
    1107             : 
    1108             :     // Invert.
    1109             : 
    1110           4 :     if (!HFAInvGeoTransform(adfXForm, padfGeoTransform))
    1111           0 :         memset(padfGeoTransform, 0, 6 * sizeof(double));
    1112             : 
    1113             :     // Adjust origin from center of top left pixel to top left corner
    1114             :     // of top left pixel.
    1115           4 :     padfGeoTransform[0] -= padfGeoTransform[1] * 0.5;
    1116           4 :     padfGeoTransform[0] -= padfGeoTransform[2] * 0.5;
    1117           4 :     padfGeoTransform[3] -= padfGeoTransform[4] * 0.5;
    1118           4 :     padfGeoTransform[3] -= padfGeoTransform[5] * 0.5;
    1119             : 
    1120           4 :     return TRUE;
    1121             : }
    1122             : 
    1123             : /************************************************************************/
    1124             : /*                           HFASetMapInfo()                            */
    1125             : /************************************************************************/
    1126             : 
    1127         140 : CPLErr HFASetMapInfo(HFAHandle hHFA, const Eprj_MapInfo *poMapInfo)
    1128             : 
    1129             : {
    1130             :     // Loop over bands, setting information on each one.
    1131         318 :     for (int iBand = 0; iBand < hHFA->nBands; iBand++)
    1132             :     {
    1133             :         // Create a new Map_Info if there isn't one present already.
    1134             :         HFAEntry *poMIEntry =
    1135         178 :             hHFA->papoBand[iBand]->poNode->GetNamedChild("Map_Info");
    1136         178 :         if (poMIEntry == nullptr)
    1137             :         {
    1138         177 :             poMIEntry = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "Map_Info", "Eprj_MapInfo",
    1139         177 :                                       hHFA->papoBand[iBand]->poNode);
    1140             :         }
    1141             : 
    1142         178 :         poMIEntry->MarkDirty();
    1143             : 
    1144             :         // Ensure we have enough space for all the data.
    1145             :         // TODO(schwehr): Explain 48 and 40 constants.
    1146         178 :         const int nSize =
    1147         178 :             static_cast<int>(48 + 40 + strlen(poMapInfo->proName) + 1 +
    1148         178 :                              strlen(poMapInfo->units) + 1);
    1149             : 
    1150         178 :         GByte *pabyData = poMIEntry->MakeData(nSize);
    1151         178 :         memset(pabyData, 0, nSize);
    1152             : 
    1153         178 :         poMIEntry->SetPosition();
    1154             : 
    1155             :         // Write the various fields.
    1156         178 :         poMIEntry->SetStringField("proName", poMapInfo->proName);
    1157             : 
    1158         178 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("upperLeftCenter.x",
    1159         178 :                                   poMapInfo->upperLeftCenter.x);
    1160         178 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("upperLeftCenter.y",
    1161         178 :                                   poMapInfo->upperLeftCenter.y);
    1162             : 
    1163         178 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("lowerRightCenter.x",
    1164         178 :                                   poMapInfo->lowerRightCenter.x);
    1165         178 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("lowerRightCenter.y",
    1166         178 :                                   poMapInfo->lowerRightCenter.y);
    1167             : 
    1168         178 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("pixelSize.width",
    1169         178 :                                   poMapInfo->pixelSize.width);
    1170         178 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("pixelSize.height",
    1171         178 :                                   poMapInfo->pixelSize.height);
    1172             : 
    1173         178 :         poMIEntry->SetStringField("units", poMapInfo->units);
    1174             :     }
    1175             : 
    1176         140 :     return CE_None;
    1177             : }
    1178             : 
    1179             : /************************************************************************/
    1180             : /*                           HFAGetPEString()                           */
    1181             : /*                                                                      */
    1182             : /*      Some files have a ProjectionX node containing the ESRI style    */
    1183             : /*      PE_STRING.  This function allows fetching from it.              */
    1184             : /************************************************************************/
    1185             : 
    1186          81 : char *HFAGetPEString(HFAHandle hHFA)
    1187             : 
    1188             : {
    1189          81 :     if (hHFA->nBands == 0)
    1190           0 :         return nullptr;
    1191             : 
    1192             :     // Get the HFA node.
    1193          81 :     HFAEntry *poProX = hHFA->papoBand[0]->poNode->GetNamedChild("ProjectionX");
    1194          81 :     if (poProX == nullptr)
    1195          62 :         return nullptr;
    1196             : 
    1197          19 :     const char *pszType = poProX->GetStringField("projection.type.string");
    1198          19 :     if (pszType == nullptr || !EQUAL(pszType, "PE_COORDSYS"))
    1199           0 :         return nullptr;
    1200             : 
    1201             :     // Use a gross hack to scan ahead to the actual projection
    1202             :     // string. We do it this way because we don't have general
    1203             :     // handling for MIFObjects.
    1204          19 :     GByte *pabyData = poProX->GetData();
    1205          19 :     int nDataSize = poProX->GetDataSize();
    1206             : 
    1207        1767 :     while (nDataSize > 10 &&
    1208        1767 :            !STARTS_WITH_CI((const char *)pabyData, "PE_COORDSYS,."))
    1209             :     {
    1210        1748 :         pabyData++;
    1211        1748 :         nDataSize--;
    1212             :     }
    1213             : 
    1214          19 :     if (nDataSize < 31)
    1215           0 :         return nullptr;
    1216             : 
    1217             :     // Skip ahead to the actual string.
    1218          19 :     pabyData += 30;
    1219             :     // nDataSize -= 30;
    1220             : 
    1221          19 :     return CPLStrdup((const char *)pabyData);
    1222             : }
    1223             : 
    1224             : /************************************************************************/
    1225             : /*                           HFASetPEString()                           */
    1226             : /************************************************************************/
    1227             : 
    1228         128 : CPLErr HFASetPEString(HFAHandle hHFA, const char *pszPEString)
    1229             : 
    1230             : {
    1231         128 :     if (!CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("HFA_WRITE_PE_STRING", "YES")))
    1232           0 :         return CE_None;
    1233             : 
    1234             :     // Loop over bands, setting information on each one.
    1235         294 :     for (int iBand = 0; iBand < hHFA->nBands; iBand++)
    1236             :     {
    1237             :         // Verify we don't already have the node, since update-in-place
    1238             :         // is likely to be more complicated.
    1239             :         HFAEntry *poProX =
    1240         166 :             hHFA->papoBand[iBand]->poNode->GetNamedChild("ProjectionX");
    1241             : 
    1242             :         // If we are setting an empty string then a missing entry is equivalent.
    1243         166 :         if (strlen(pszPEString) == 0 && poProX == nullptr)
    1244           1 :             continue;
    1245             : 
    1246             :         // Create the node.
    1247         165 :         if (poProX == nullptr)
    1248             :         {
    1249         328 :             poProX = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "ProjectionX", "Eprj_MapProjection842",
    1250         164 :                                    hHFA->papoBand[iBand]->poNode);
    1251         164 :             if (poProX->GetTypeObject() == nullptr)
    1252           0 :                 return CE_Failure;
    1253             :         }
    1254             : 
    1255             :         // Prepare the data area with some extra space just in case.
    1256             :         GByte *pabyData =
    1257         165 :             poProX->MakeData(static_cast<int>(700 + strlen(pszPEString)));
    1258         165 :         if (!pabyData)
    1259           0 :             return CE_Failure;
    1260             : 
    1261         165 :         memset(pabyData, 0, 250 + strlen(pszPEString));
    1262             : 
    1263         165 :         poProX->SetPosition();
    1264             : 
    1265         165 :         poProX->SetStringField("projection.type.string", "PE_COORDSYS");
    1266         165 :         poProX->SetStringField("projection.MIFDictionary.string",
    1267             :                                "{0:pcstring,}Emif_String,{1:x{0:pcstring,}"
    1268             :                                "Emif_String,coordSys,}PE_COORDSYS,.");
    1269             : 
    1270             :         // Use a gross hack to scan ahead to the actual projection
    1271             :         // string. We do it this way because we don't have general
    1272             :         // handling for MIFObjects
    1273         165 :         pabyData = poProX->GetData();
    1274         165 :         int nDataSize = poProX->GetDataSize();
    1275         165 :         GUInt32 iOffset = poProX->GetDataPos();
    1276             : 
    1277       15345 :         while (nDataSize > 10 &&
    1278       15345 :                !STARTS_WITH_CI((const char *)pabyData, "PE_COORDSYS,."))
    1279             :         {
    1280       15180 :             pabyData++;
    1281       15180 :             nDataSize--;
    1282       15180 :             iOffset++;
    1283             :         }
    1284             : 
    1285         165 :         CPLAssert(nDataSize > static_cast<int>(strlen(pszPEString)) + 10);
    1286             : 
    1287         165 :         pabyData += 14;
    1288         165 :         iOffset += 14;
    1289             : 
    1290             :         // Set the size and offset of the mifobject.
    1291         165 :         iOffset += 8;
    1292             : 
    1293         165 :         GUInt32 nSize = static_cast<GUInt32>(strlen(pszPEString) + 9);
    1294             : 
    1295             :         HFAStandard(4, &nSize);
    1296         165 :         memcpy(pabyData, &nSize, 4);
    1297         165 :         pabyData += 4;
    1298             : 
    1299             :         HFAStandard(4, &iOffset);
    1300         165 :         memcpy(pabyData, &iOffset, 4);
    1301         165 :         pabyData += 4;
    1302             : 
    1303             :         // Set the size and offset of the string value.
    1304         165 :         nSize = static_cast<GUInt32>(strlen(pszPEString) + 1);
    1305             : 
    1306             :         HFAStandard(4, &nSize);
    1307         165 :         memcpy(pabyData, &nSize, 4);
    1308         165 :         pabyData += 4;
    1309             : 
    1310         165 :         iOffset = 8;
    1311             :         HFAStandard(4, &iOffset);
    1312         165 :         memcpy(pabyData, &iOffset, 4);
    1313         165 :         pabyData += 4;
    1314             : 
    1315             :         // Place the string itself.
    1316         165 :         memcpy(pabyData, pszPEString, strlen(pszPEString) + 1);
    1317             : 
    1318         165 :         poProX->SetStringField("title.string", "PE");
    1319             :     }
    1320             : 
    1321         128 :     return CE_None;
    1322             : }
    1323             : 
    1324             : /************************************************************************/
    1325             : /*                        HFAGetProParameters()                         */
    1326             : /************************************************************************/
    1327             : 
    1328         533 : const Eprj_ProParameters *HFAGetProParameters(HFAHandle hHFA)
    1329             : 
    1330             : {
    1331         533 :     if (hHFA->nBands < 1)
    1332           0 :         return nullptr;
    1333             : 
    1334             :     // Do we already have it?
    1335         533 :     if (hHFA->pProParameters != nullptr)
    1336           0 :         return (Eprj_ProParameters *)hHFA->pProParameters;
    1337             : 
    1338             :     // Get the HFA node.
    1339             :     HFAEntry *poMIEntry =
    1340         533 :         hHFA->papoBand[0]->poNode->GetNamedChild("Projection");
    1341         533 :     if (poMIEntry == nullptr)
    1342         330 :         return nullptr;
    1343             : 
    1344             :     // Allocate the structure.
    1345             :     Eprj_ProParameters *psProParams = static_cast<Eprj_ProParameters *>(
    1346         203 :         CPLCalloc(sizeof(Eprj_ProParameters), 1));
    1347             : 
    1348             :     // Fetch the fields.
    1349         203 :     const int proType = poMIEntry->GetIntField("proType");
    1350         203 :     if (proType != EPRJ_INTERNAL && proType != EPRJ_EXTERNAL)
    1351             :     {
    1352           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Wrong value for proType");
    1353           0 :         CPLFree(psProParams);
    1354           0 :         return nullptr;
    1355             :     }
    1356         203 :     psProParams->proType = static_cast<Eprj_ProType>(proType);
    1357         203 :     psProParams->proNumber = poMIEntry->GetIntField("proNumber");
    1358         203 :     psProParams->proExeName =
    1359         203 :         CPLStrdup(poMIEntry->GetStringField("proExeName"));
    1360         203 :     psProParams->proName = CPLStrdup(poMIEntry->GetStringField("proName"));
    1361         203 :     psProParams->proZone = poMIEntry->GetIntField("proZone");
    1362             : 
    1363        3248 :     for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
    1364             :     {
    1365        3045 :         char szFieldName[40] = {};
    1366             : 
    1367        3045 :         snprintf(szFieldName, sizeof(szFieldName), "proParams[%d]", i);
    1368        3045 :         psProParams->proParams[i] = poMIEntry->GetDoubleField(szFieldName);
    1369             :     }
    1370             : 
    1371         203 :     psProParams->proSpheroid.sphereName =
    1372         203 :         CPLStrdup(poMIEntry->GetStringField("proSpheroid.sphereName"));
    1373         203 :     psProParams->proSpheroid.a = poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("proSpheroid.a");
    1374         203 :     psProParams->proSpheroid.b = poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("proSpheroid.b");
    1375         203 :     psProParams->proSpheroid.eSquared =
    1376         203 :         poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("proSpheroid.eSquared");
    1377         203 :     psProParams->proSpheroid.radius =
    1378         203 :         poMIEntry->GetDoubleField("proSpheroid.radius");
    1379             : 
    1380         203 :     hHFA->pProParameters = (void *)psProParams;
    1381             : 
    1382         203 :     return psProParams;
    1383             : }
    1384             : 
    1385             : /************************************************************************/
    1386             : /*                        HFASetProParameters()                         */
    1387             : /************************************************************************/
    1388             : 
    1389         126 : CPLErr HFASetProParameters(HFAHandle hHFA, const Eprj_ProParameters *poPro)
    1390             : 
    1391             : {
    1392             :     // Loop over bands, setting information on each one.
    1393         290 :     for (int iBand = 0; iBand < hHFA->nBands; iBand++)
    1394             :     {
    1395             :         // Create a new Projection if there isn't one present already.
    1396             :         HFAEntry *poMIEntry =
    1397         164 :             hHFA->papoBand[iBand]->poNode->GetNamedChild("Projection");
    1398         164 :         if (poMIEntry == nullptr)
    1399             :         {
    1400         163 :             poMIEntry = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "Projection", "Eprj_ProParameters",
    1401         163 :                                       hHFA->papoBand[iBand]->poNode);
    1402             :         }
    1403             : 
    1404         164 :         poMIEntry->MarkDirty();
    1405             : 
    1406             :         // Ensure we have enough space for all the data.
    1407             :         // TODO(schwehr): Explain all these constants.
    1408         164 :         int nSize =
    1409         164 :             static_cast<int>(34 + 15 * 8 + 8 + strlen(poPro->proName) + 1 + 32 +
    1410         164 :                              8 + strlen(poPro->proSpheroid.sphereName) + 1);
    1411             : 
    1412         164 :         if (poPro->proExeName != nullptr)
    1413           1 :             nSize += static_cast<int>(strlen(poPro->proExeName) + 1);
    1414             : 
    1415         164 :         GByte *pabyData = poMIEntry->MakeData(nSize);
    1416         164 :         if (!pabyData)
    1417           0 :             return CE_Failure;
    1418             : 
    1419         164 :         poMIEntry->SetPosition();
    1420             : 
    1421             :         // Initialize the whole thing to zeros for a clean start.
    1422         164 :         memset(poMIEntry->GetData(), 0, poMIEntry->GetDataSize());
    1423             : 
    1424             :         // Write the various fields.
    1425         164 :         poMIEntry->SetIntField("proType", poPro->proType);
    1426             : 
    1427         164 :         poMIEntry->SetIntField("proNumber", poPro->proNumber);
    1428             : 
    1429         164 :         poMIEntry->SetStringField("proExeName", poPro->proExeName);
    1430         164 :         poMIEntry->SetStringField("proName", poPro->proName);
    1431         164 :         poMIEntry->SetIntField("proZone", poPro->proZone);
    1432         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[0]", poPro->proParams[0]);
    1433         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[1]", poPro->proParams[1]);
    1434         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[2]", poPro->proParams[2]);
    1435         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[3]", poPro->proParams[3]);
    1436         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[4]", poPro->proParams[4]);
    1437         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[5]", poPro->proParams[5]);
    1438         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[6]", poPro->proParams[6]);
    1439         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[7]", poPro->proParams[7]);
    1440         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[8]", poPro->proParams[8]);
    1441         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[9]", poPro->proParams[9]);
    1442         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[10]", poPro->proParams[10]);
    1443         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[11]", poPro->proParams[11]);
    1444         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[12]", poPro->proParams[12]);
    1445         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[13]", poPro->proParams[13]);
    1446         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proParams[14]", poPro->proParams[14]);
    1447         164 :         poMIEntry->SetStringField("proSpheroid.sphereName",
    1448         164 :                                   poPro->proSpheroid.sphereName);
    1449         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proSpheroid.a", poPro->proSpheroid.a);
    1450         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proSpheroid.b", poPro->proSpheroid.b);
    1451         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proSpheroid.eSquared",
    1452         164 :                                   poPro->proSpheroid.eSquared);
    1453         164 :         poMIEntry->SetDoubleField("proSpheroid.radius",
    1454         164 :                                   poPro->proSpheroid.radius);
    1455             :     }
    1456             : 
    1457         126 :     return CE_None;
    1458             : }
    1459             : 
    1460             : /************************************************************************/
    1461             : /*                            HFAGetDatum()                             */
    1462             : /************************************************************************/
    1463             : 
    1464         533 : const Eprj_Datum *HFAGetDatum(HFAHandle hHFA)
    1465             : 
    1466             : {
    1467         533 :     if (hHFA->nBands < 1)
    1468           0 :         return nullptr;
    1469             : 
    1470             :     // Do we already have it?
    1471         533 :     if (hHFA->pDatum != nullptr)
    1472           0 :         return (Eprj_Datum *)hHFA->pDatum;
    1473             : 
    1474             :     // Get the HFA node.
    1475             :     HFAEntry *poMIEntry =
    1476         533 :         hHFA->papoBand[0]->poNode->GetNamedChild("Projection.Datum");
    1477         533 :     if (poMIEntry == nullptr)
    1478         330 :         return nullptr;
    1479             : 
    1480             :     // Allocate the structure.
    1481             :     Eprj_Datum *psDatum =
    1482         203 :         static_cast<Eprj_Datum *>(CPLCalloc(sizeof(Eprj_Datum), 1));
    1483             : 
    1484             :     // Fetch the fields.
    1485         203 :     psDatum->datumname = CPLStrdup(poMIEntry->GetStringField("datumname"));
    1486         203 :     const int nDatumType = poMIEntry->GetIntField("type");
    1487         203 :     if (nDatumType < 0 || nDatumType > EPRJ_DATUM_NONE)
    1488             :     {
    1489           1 :         CPLDebug("HFA", "Invalid value for datum type: %d", nDatumType);
    1490           1 :         psDatum->type = EPRJ_DATUM_NONE;
    1491             :     }
    1492             :     else
    1493         202 :         psDatum->type = static_cast<Eprj_DatumType>(nDatumType);
    1494             : 
    1495        1624 :     for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    1496             :     {
    1497        1421 :         char szFieldName[30] = {};
    1498        1421 :         snprintf(szFieldName, sizeof(szFieldName), "params[%d]", i);
    1499        1421 :         psDatum->params[i] = poMIEntry->GetDoubleField(szFieldName);
    1500             :     }
    1501             : 
    1502         203 :     psDatum->gridname = CPLStrdup(poMIEntry->GetStringField("gridname"));
    1503             : 
    1504         203 :     hHFA->pDatum = (void *)psDatum;
    1505             : 
    1506         203 :     return psDatum;
    1507             : }
    1508             : 
    1509             : /************************************************************************/
    1510             : /*                            HFASetDatum()                             */
    1511             : /************************************************************************/
    1512             : 
    1513         126 : CPLErr HFASetDatum(HFAHandle hHFA, const Eprj_Datum *poDatum)
    1514             : 
    1515             : {
    1516             :     // Loop over bands, setting information on each one.
    1517         290 :     for (int iBand = 0; iBand < hHFA->nBands; iBand++)
    1518             :     {
    1519             :         // Create a new Projection if there isn't one present already.
    1520             :         HFAEntry *poProParams =
    1521         164 :             hHFA->papoBand[iBand]->poNode->GetNamedChild("Projection");
    1522         164 :         if (poProParams == nullptr)
    1523             :         {
    1524           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1525             :                      "Can't add Eprj_Datum with no Eprj_ProjParameters.");
    1526           0 :             return CE_Failure;
    1527             :         }
    1528             : 
    1529         164 :         HFAEntry *poDatumEntry = poProParams->GetNamedChild("Datum");
    1530         164 :         if (poDatumEntry == nullptr)
    1531             :         {
    1532             :             poDatumEntry =
    1533         163 :                 HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "Datum", "Eprj_Datum", poProParams);
    1534             :         }
    1535             : 
    1536         164 :         poDatumEntry->MarkDirty();
    1537             : 
    1538             :         // Ensure we have enough space for all the data.
    1539             :         // TODO(schwehr): Explain constants.
    1540         164 :         int nSize =
    1541         164 :             static_cast<int>(26 + strlen(poDatum->datumname) + 1 + 7 * 8);
    1542             : 
    1543         164 :         if (poDatum->gridname != nullptr)
    1544          25 :             nSize += static_cast<int>(strlen(poDatum->gridname) + 1);
    1545             : 
    1546         164 :         GByte *pabyData = poDatumEntry->MakeData(nSize);
    1547         164 :         if (!pabyData)
    1548           0 :             return CE_Failure;
    1549             : 
    1550         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetPosition();
    1551             : 
    1552             :         // Initialize the whole thing to zeros for a clean start.
    1553         164 :         memset(poDatumEntry->GetData(), 0, poDatumEntry->GetDataSize());
    1554             : 
    1555             :         // Write the various fields.
    1556         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetStringField("datumname", poDatum->datumname);
    1557         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetIntField("type", poDatum->type);
    1558             : 
    1559         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetDoubleField("params[0]", poDatum->params[0]);
    1560         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetDoubleField("params[1]", poDatum->params[1]);
    1561         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetDoubleField("params[2]", poDatum->params[2]);
    1562         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetDoubleField("params[3]", poDatum->params[3]);
    1563         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetDoubleField("params[4]", poDatum->params[4]);
    1564         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetDoubleField("params[5]", poDatum->params[5]);
    1565         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetDoubleField("params[6]", poDatum->params[6]);
    1566             : 
    1567         164 :         poDatumEntry->SetStringField("gridname", poDatum->gridname);
    1568             :     }
    1569             : 
    1570         126 :     return CE_None;
    1571             : }
    1572             : 
    1573             : /************************************************************************/
    1574             : /*                             HFAGetPCT()                              */
    1575             : /*                                                                      */
    1576             : /*      Read the PCT from a band, if it has one.                        */
    1577             : /************************************************************************/
    1578             : 
    1579         613 : CPLErr HFAGetPCT(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int *pnColors, double **ppadfRed,
    1580             :                  double **ppadfGreen, double **ppadfBlue, double **ppadfAlpha,
    1581             :                  double **ppadfBins)
    1582             : 
    1583             : {
    1584         613 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
    1585           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1586             : 
    1587         613 :     return hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->GetPCT(pnColors, ppadfRed, ppadfGreen,
    1588         613 :                                              ppadfBlue, ppadfAlpha, ppadfBins);
    1589             : }
    1590             : 
    1591             : /************************************************************************/
    1592             : /*                             HFASetPCT()                              */
    1593             : /*                                                                      */
    1594             : /*      Set the PCT on a band.                                          */
    1595             : /************************************************************************/
    1596             : 
    1597           3 : CPLErr HFASetPCT(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int nColors, double *padfRed,
    1598             :                  double *padfGreen, double *padfBlue, double *padfAlpha)
    1599             : 
    1600             : {
    1601           3 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
    1602           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1603             : 
    1604           3 :     return hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->SetPCT(nColors, padfRed, padfGreen,
    1605           3 :                                              padfBlue, padfAlpha);
    1606             : }
    1607             : 
    1608             : /************************************************************************/
    1609             : /*                          HFAGetDataRange()                           */
    1610             : /************************************************************************/
    1611             : 
    1612           0 : CPLErr HFAGetDataRange(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, double *pdfMin,
    1613             :                        double *pdfMax)
    1614             : 
    1615             : {
    1616           0 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
    1617           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1618             : 
    1619             :     HFAEntry *poBinInfo =
    1620           0 :         hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->poNode->GetNamedChild("Statistics");
    1621             : 
    1622           0 :     if (poBinInfo == nullptr)
    1623           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1624             : 
    1625           0 :     *pdfMin = poBinInfo->GetDoubleField("minimum");
    1626           0 :     *pdfMax = poBinInfo->GetDoubleField("maximum");
    1627             : 
    1628           0 :     if (*pdfMax > *pdfMin)
    1629           0 :         return CE_None;
    1630             :     else
    1631           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1632             : }
    1633             : 
    1634             : /************************************************************************/
    1635             : /*                            HFADumpNode()                             */
    1636             : /************************************************************************/
    1637             : 
    1638           0 : static void HFADumpNode(HFAEntry *poEntry, int nIndent, bool bVerbose, FILE *fp)
    1639             : 
    1640             : {
    1641           0 :     std::string osSpaces(nIndent * 2, ' ');
    1642             : 
    1643           0 :     fprintf(fp, "%s%s(%s) @ %u + %u @ %u\n", osSpaces.c_str(),
    1644             :             poEntry->GetName(), poEntry->GetType(), poEntry->GetFilePos(),
    1645             :             poEntry->GetDataSize(), poEntry->GetDataPos());
    1646             : 
    1647           0 :     if (bVerbose)
    1648             :     {
    1649           0 :         osSpaces += "+ ";
    1650           0 :         poEntry->DumpFieldValues(fp, osSpaces.c_str());
    1651           0 :         fprintf(fp, "\n");
    1652             :     }
    1653             : 
    1654           0 :     if (poEntry->GetChild() != nullptr)
    1655           0 :         HFADumpNode(poEntry->GetChild(), nIndent + 1, bVerbose, fp);
    1656             : 
    1657           0 :     if (poEntry->GetNext() != nullptr)
    1658           0 :         HFADumpNode(poEntry->GetNext(), nIndent, bVerbose, fp);
    1659           0 : }
    1660             : 
    1661             : /************************************************************************/
    1662             : /*                            HFADumpTree()                             */
    1663             : /*                                                                      */
    1664             : /*      Dump the tree of information in a HFA file.                     */
    1665             : /************************************************************************/
    1666             : 
    1667           0 : void HFADumpTree(HFAHandle hHFA, FILE *fpOut)
    1668             : 
    1669             : {
    1670           0 :     HFADumpNode(hHFA->poRoot, 0, true, fpOut);
    1671           0 : }
    1672             : 
    1673             : /************************************************************************/
    1674             : /*                         HFADumpDictionary()                          */
    1675             : /*                                                                      */
    1676             : /*      Dump the dictionary (in raw, and parsed form) to the named      */
    1677             : /*      device.                                                         */
    1678             : /************************************************************************/
    1679             : 
    1680           0 : void HFADumpDictionary(HFAHandle hHFA, FILE *fpOut)
    1681             : 
    1682             : {
    1683           0 :     fprintf(fpOut, "%s\n", hHFA->pszDictionary);
    1684             : 
    1685           0 :     hHFA->poDictionary->Dump(fpOut);
    1686           0 : }
    1687             : 
    1688             : /************************************************************************/
    1689             : /*                            HFAStandard()                             */
    1690             : /*                                                                      */
    1691             : /*      Swap byte order on MSB systems.                                 */
    1692             : /************************************************************************/
    1693             : 
    1694             : #ifdef CPL_MSB
    1695             : void HFAStandard(int nBytes, void *pData)
    1696             : 
    1697             : {
    1698             :     GByte *pabyData = static_cast<GByte *>(pData);
    1699             : 
    1700             :     for (int i = nBytes / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    1701             :     {
    1702             :         GByte byTemp = pabyData[i];
    1703             :         pabyData[i] = pabyData[nBytes - i - 1];
    1704             :         pabyData[nBytes - i - 1] = byTemp;
    1705             :     }
    1706             : }
    1707             : #endif
    1708             : 
    1709             : /* ==================================================================== */
    1710             : /*      Default data dictionary.  Emitted verbatim into the imagine     */
    1711             : /*      file.                                                           */
    1712             : /* ==================================================================== */
    1713             : 
    1714             : static const char *const aszDefaultDD[] = {
    1715             :     "{1:lversion,1:LfreeList,1:LrootEntryPtr,1:sentryHeaderLength,1:"
    1716             :     "LdictionaryPtr,}Ehfa_File,{1:Lnext,1:Lprev,1:Lparent,1:Lchild,1:Ldata,1:"
    1717             :     "ldataSize,64:cname,32:ctype,1:tmodTime,}Ehfa_Entry,{16:clabel,1:"
    1718             :     "LheaderPtr,}Ehfa_HeaderTag,{1:LfreeList,1:lfreeSize,}Ehfa_FreeListNode,{1:"
    1719             :     "lsize,1:Lptr,}Ehfa_Data,{1:lwidth,1:lheight,1:e3:thematic,athematic,fft "
    1720             :     "of real-valued data,layerType,",
    1721             :     "1:e13:u1,u2,u4,u8,s8,u16,s16,u32,s32,f32,f64,c64,c128,pixelType,1:"
    1722             :     "lblockWidth,1:lblockHeight,}Eimg_Layer,{1:lwidth,1:lheight,1:e3:thematic,"
    1723             :     "athematic,fft of real-valued "
    1724             :     "data,layerType,1:e13:u1,u2,u4,u8,s8,u16,s16,u32,s32,f32,f64,c64,c128,"
    1725             :     "pixelType,1:lblockWidth,1:lblockHeight,}Eimg_Layer_SubSample,{1:e2:raster,"
    1726             :     "vector,type,1:LdictionaryPtr,}Ehfa_Layer,{1:LspaceUsedForRasterData,}"
    1727             :     "ImgFormatInfo831,{1:sfileCode,1:Loffset,1:lsize,1:e2:false,true,logvalid,",
    1728             :     "1:e2:no compression,ESRI GRID "
    1729             :     "compression,compressionType,}Edms_VirtualBlockInfo,{1:lmin,1:lmax,}Edms_"
    1730             :     "FreeIDList,{1:lnumvirtualblocks,1:lnumobjectsperblock,1:lnextobjectnum,1:"
    1731             :     "e2:no compression,RLC "
    1732             :     "compression,compressionType,0:poEdms_VirtualBlockInfo,blockinfo,0:poEdms_"
    1733             :     "FreeIDList,freelist,1:tmodTime,}Edms_State,{0:pcstring,}Emif_String,{1:"
    1734             :     "oEmif_String,fileName,2:LlayerStackValidFlagsOffset,2:"
    1735             :     "LlayerStackDataOffset,1:LlayerStackCount,1:LlayerStackIndex,}"
    1736             :     "ImgExternalRaster,{1:oEmif_String,algorithm,0:poEmif_String,nameList,}"
    1737             :     "Eimg_RRDNamesList,{1:oEmif_String,projection,1:oEmif_String,units,}Eimg_"
    1738             :     "MapInformation,",
    1739             :     "{1:oEmif_String,dependent,}Eimg_DependentFile,{1:oEmif_String,"
    1740             :     "ImageLayerName,}Eimg_DependentLayerName,{1:lnumrows,1:lnumcolumns,1:e13:"
    1741             :     "EGDA_TYPE_U1,EGDA_TYPE_U2,EGDA_TYPE_U4,EGDA_TYPE_U8,EGDA_TYPE_S8,EGDA_"
    1742             :     "TYPE_U16,EGDA_TYPE_S16,EGDA_TYPE_U32,EGDA_TYPE_S32,EGDA_TYPE_F32,EGDA_"
    1743             :     "TYPE_F64,EGDA_TYPE_C64,EGDA_TYPE_C128,datatype,1:e4:EGDA_SCALAR_OBJECT,"
    1744             :     "EGDA_TABLE_OBJECT,EGDA_MATRIX_OBJECT,EGDA_RASTER_OBJECT,objecttype,}Egda_"
    1745             :     "BaseData,{1:*bvalueBD,}Eimg_NonInitializedValue,{1:dx,1:dy,}Eprj_"
    1746             :     "Coordinate,{1:dwidth,1:dheight,}Eprj_Size,{0:pcproName,1:*oEprj_"
    1747             :     "Coordinate,upperLeftCenter,",
    1748             :     "1:*oEprj_Coordinate,lowerRightCenter,1:*oEprj_Size,pixelSize,0:pcunits,}"
    1749             :     "Eprj_MapInfo,{0:pcdatumname,1:e3:EPRJ_DATUM_PARAMETRIC,EPRJ_DATUM_GRID,"
    1750             :     "EPRJ_DATUM_REGRESSION,type,0:pdparams,0:pcgridname,}Eprj_Datum,{0:"
    1751             :     "pcsphereName,1:da,1:db,1:deSquared,1:dradius,}Eprj_Spheroid,{1:e2:EPRJ_"
    1752             :     "INTERNAL,EPRJ_EXTERNAL,proType,1:lproNumber,0:pcproExeName,0:pcproName,1:"
    1753             :     "lproZone,0:pdproParams,1:*oEprj_Spheroid,proSpheroid,}Eprj_ProParameters,{"
    1754             :     "1:dminimum,1:dmaximum,1:dmean,1:dmedian,1:dmode,1:dstddev,}Esta_"
    1755             :     "Statistics,{1:lnumBins,1:e4:direct,linear,logarithmic,explicit,"
    1756             :     "binFunctionType,1:dminLimit,1:dmaxLimit,1:*bbinLimits,}Edsc_BinFunction,{"
    1757             :     "0:poEmif_String,LayerNames,1:*bExcludedValues,1:oEmif_String,AOIname,",
    1758             :     "1:lSkipFactorX,1:lSkipFactorY,1:*oEdsc_BinFunction,BinFunction,}Eimg_"
    1759             :     "StatisticsParameters830,{1:lnumrows,}Edsc_Table,{1:lnumRows,1:"
    1760             :     "LcolumnDataPtr,1:e4:integer,real,complex,string,dataType,1:lmaxNumChars,}"
    1761             :     "Edsc_Column,{1:lposition,0:pcname,1:e2:EMSC_FALSE,EMSC_TRUE,editable,1:e3:"
    1762             :     "LEFT,CENTER,RIGHT,alignment,0:pcformat,1:e3:DEFAULT,APPLY,AUTO-APPLY,"
    1763             :     "formulamode,0:pcformula,1:dcolumnwidth,0:pcunits,1:e5:NO_COLOR,RED,GREEN,"
    1764             :     "BLUE,COLOR,colorflag,0:pcgreenname,0:pcbluename,}Eded_ColumnAttributes_1,{"
    1765             :     "1:lversion,1:lnumobjects,1:e2:EAOI_UNION,EAOI_INTERSECTION,operation,}"
    1766             :     "Eaoi_AreaOfInterest,",
    1767             :     "{1:x{0:pcstring,}Emif_String,type,1:x{0:pcstring,}Emif_String,"
    1768             :     "MIFDictionary,0:pCMIFObject,}Emif_MIFObject,",
    1769             :     "{1:x{1:x{0:pcstring,}Emif_String,type,1:x{0:pcstring,}Emif_String,"
    1770             :     "MIFDictionary,0:pCMIFObject,}Emif_MIFObject,projection,1:x{0:pcstring,}"
    1771             :     "Emif_String,title,}Eprj_MapProjection842,",
    1772             :     "{0:poEmif_String,titleList,}Exfr_GenericXFormHeader,{1:lorder,1:"
    1773             :     "lnumdimtransform,1:lnumdimpolynomial,1:ltermcount,0:plexponentlist,1:*"
    1774             :     "bpolycoefmtx,1:*bpolycoefvector,}Efga_Polynomial,",
    1775             :     ".",
    1776             :     nullptr};
    1777             : 
    1778             : /************************************************************************/
    1779             : /*                            HFACreateLL()                             */
    1780             : /*                                                                      */
    1781             : /*      Low level creation of an Imagine file.  Writes out the          */
    1782             : /*      Ehfa_HeaderTag, dictionary and Ehfa_File.                       */
    1783             : /************************************************************************/
    1784             : 
    1785         194 : HFAHandle HFACreateLL(const char *pszFilename)
    1786             : 
    1787             : {
    1788             :     // Create the file in the file system.
    1789         194 :     VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "w+b");
    1790         194 :     if (fp == nullptr)
    1791             :     {
    1792           3 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Creation of file %s failed.",
    1793             :                  pszFilename);
    1794           3 :         return nullptr;
    1795             :     }
    1796             : 
    1797             :     // Create the HFAInfo_t.
    1798             :     HFAInfo_t *psInfo =
    1799         191 :         static_cast<HFAInfo_t *>(CPLCalloc(sizeof(HFAInfo_t), 1));
    1800             : 
    1801         191 :     psInfo->fp = fp;
    1802         191 :     psInfo->eAccess = HFA_Update;
    1803         191 :     psInfo->nXSize = 0;
    1804         191 :     psInfo->nYSize = 0;
    1805         191 :     psInfo->nBands = 0;
    1806         191 :     psInfo->papoBand = nullptr;
    1807         191 :     psInfo->pMapInfo = nullptr;
    1808         191 :     psInfo->pDatum = nullptr;
    1809         191 :     psInfo->pProParameters = nullptr;
    1810         191 :     psInfo->bTreeDirty = false;
    1811         191 :     psInfo->pszFilename = CPLStrdup(CPLGetFilename(pszFilename));
    1812         191 :     psInfo->pszPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPathSafe(pszFilename).c_str());
    1813             : 
    1814             :     // Write out the Ehfa_HeaderTag.
    1815         191 :     bool bRet = VSIFWriteL((void *)"EHFA_HEADER_TAG", 1, 16, fp) > 0;
    1816             : 
    1817         191 :     GInt32 nHeaderPos = 20;
    1818             :     HFAStandard(4, &nHeaderPos);
    1819         191 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nHeaderPos, 4, 1, fp) > 0;
    1820             : 
    1821             :     // Write the Ehfa_File node, locked in at offset 20.
    1822         191 :     GInt32 nVersion = 1;
    1823         191 :     GInt32 nFreeList = 0;
    1824         191 :     GInt32 nRootEntry = 0;
    1825         191 :     GInt16 nEntryHeaderLength = 128;
    1826         191 :     GInt32 nDictionaryPtr = 38;
    1827             : 
    1828         191 :     psInfo->nEntryHeaderLength = nEntryHeaderLength;
    1829         191 :     psInfo->nRootPos = 0;
    1830         191 :     psInfo->nDictionaryPos = nDictionaryPtr;
    1831         191 :     psInfo->nVersion = nVersion;
    1832             : 
    1833             :     HFAStandard(4, &nVersion);
    1834             :     HFAStandard(4, &nFreeList);
    1835             :     HFAStandard(4, &nRootEntry);
    1836             :     HFAStandard(2, &nEntryHeaderLength);
    1837             :     HFAStandard(4, &nDictionaryPtr);
    1838             : 
    1839         191 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nVersion, 4, 1, fp) > 0;
    1840         191 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nFreeList, 4, 1, fp) > 0;
    1841         191 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nRootEntry, 4, 1, fp) > 0;
    1842         191 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nEntryHeaderLength, 2, 1, fp) > 0;
    1843         191 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nDictionaryPtr, 4, 1, fp) > 0;
    1844             : 
    1845             :     // Write the dictionary, locked in at location 38.  Note that
    1846             :     // we jump through a bunch of hoops to operate on the
    1847             :     // dictionary in chunks because some compiles (such as VC++)
    1848             :     // don't allow particularly large static strings.
    1849         191 :     int nDictLen = 0;
    1850             : 
    1851        2101 :     for (int iChunk = 0; aszDefaultDD[iChunk] != nullptr; iChunk++)
    1852        1910 :         nDictLen += static_cast<int>(strlen(aszDefaultDD[iChunk]));
    1853             : 
    1854         191 :     psInfo->pszDictionary = static_cast<char *>(CPLMalloc(nDictLen + 1));
    1855         191 :     psInfo->pszDictionary[0] = '\0';
    1856             : 
    1857        2101 :     for (int iChunk = 0; aszDefaultDD[iChunk] != nullptr; iChunk++)
    1858        1910 :         strcat(psInfo->pszDictionary, aszDefaultDD[iChunk]);
    1859             : 
    1860         382 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL((void *)psInfo->pszDictionary,
    1861         191 :                        strlen(psInfo->pszDictionary) + 1, 1, fp) > 0;
    1862         191 :     if (!bRet)
    1863             :     {
    1864           4 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(HFAClose(psInfo));
    1865           4 :         return nullptr;
    1866             :     }
    1867             : 
    1868         187 :     psInfo->poDictionary = new HFADictionary(psInfo->pszDictionary);
    1869             : 
    1870         187 :     psInfo->nEndOfFile = static_cast<GUInt32>(VSIFTellL(fp));
    1871             : 
    1872             :     // Create a root entry.
    1873         187 :     psInfo->poRoot = new HFAEntry(psInfo, "root", "root", nullptr);
    1874             : 
    1875             :     // If an .ige or .rrd file exists with the same base name,
    1876             :     // delete them.  (#1784)
    1877         187 :     CPLString osExtension = CPLGetExtensionSafe(pszFilename);
    1878         187 :     if (!EQUAL(osExtension, "rrd") && !EQUAL(osExtension, "aux"))
    1879             :     {
    1880         364 :         CPLString osPath = CPLGetPathSafe(pszFilename);
    1881         364 :         CPLString osBasename = CPLGetBasenameSafe(pszFilename);
    1882             :         VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;
    1883         364 :         CPLString osSupFile = CPLFormCIFilenameSafe(osPath, osBasename, "rrd");
    1884             : 
    1885         182 :         if (VSIStatL(osSupFile, &sStatBuf) == 0)
    1886           0 :             VSIUnlink(osSupFile);
    1887             : 
    1888         182 :         osSupFile = CPLFormCIFilenameSafe(osPath, osBasename, "ige");
    1889             : 
    1890         182 :         if (VSIStatL(osSupFile, &sStatBuf) == 0)
    1891           0 :             VSIUnlink(osSupFile);
    1892             :     }
    1893             : 
    1894         187 :     return psInfo;
    1895             : }
    1896             : 
    1897             : /************************************************************************/
    1898             : /*                          HFAAllocateSpace()                          */
    1899             : /*                                                                      */
    1900             : /*      Return an area in the file to the caller to write the           */
    1901             : /*      requested number of bytes.  Currently this is always at the     */
    1902             : /*      end of the file, but eventually we might actually keep track    */
    1903             : /*      of free space.  The HFAInfo_t's concept of file size is         */
    1904             : /*      updated, even if nothing ever gets written to this region.      */
    1905             : /*                                                                      */
    1906             : /*      Returns the offset to the requested space, or zero one          */
    1907             : /*      failure.                                                        */
    1908             : /************************************************************************/
    1909             : 
    1910        2744 : GUInt32 HFAAllocateSpace(HFAInfo_t *psInfo, GUInt32 nBytes)
    1911             : 
    1912             : {
    1913             :     // TODO(schwehr): Check if this will wrap over 2GB limit.
    1914             : 
    1915        2744 :     psInfo->nEndOfFile += nBytes;
    1916        2744 :     return psInfo->nEndOfFile - nBytes;
    1917             : }
    1918             : 
    1919             : /************************************************************************/
    1920             : /*                              HFAFlush()                              */
    1921             : /*                                                                      */
    1922             : /*      Write out any dirty tree information to disk, putting the       */
    1923             : /*      disk file in a consistent state.                                */
    1924             : /************************************************************************/
    1925             : 
    1926         380 : CPLErr HFAFlush(HFAHandle hHFA)
    1927             : 
    1928             : {
    1929         380 :     if (!hHFA->bTreeDirty && !hHFA->poDictionary->bDictionaryTextDirty)
    1930           0 :         return CE_None;
    1931             : 
    1932         380 :     CPLAssert(hHFA->poRoot != nullptr);
    1933             : 
    1934             :     // Flush HFAEntry tree to disk.
    1935         380 :     if (hHFA->bTreeDirty)
    1936             :     {
    1937         380 :         const CPLErr eErr = hHFA->poRoot->FlushToDisk();
    1938         380 :         if (eErr != CE_None)
    1939           6 :             return eErr;
    1940             : 
    1941         374 :         hHFA->bTreeDirty = false;
    1942             :     }
    1943             : 
    1944             :     // Flush Dictionary to disk.
    1945         374 :     GUInt32 nNewDictionaryPos = hHFA->nDictionaryPos;
    1946         374 :     bool bRet = true;
    1947         374 :     if (hHFA->poDictionary->bDictionaryTextDirty)
    1948             :     {
    1949           0 :         bRet &= VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, 0, SEEK_END) >= 0;
    1950           0 :         nNewDictionaryPos = static_cast<GUInt32>(VSIFTellL(hHFA->fp));
    1951           0 :         bRet &=
    1952           0 :             VSIFWriteL(hHFA->poDictionary->osDictionaryText.c_str(),
    1953           0 :                        strlen(hHFA->poDictionary->osDictionaryText.c_str()) + 1,
    1954           0 :                        1, hHFA->fp) > 0;
    1955           0 :         hHFA->poDictionary->bDictionaryTextDirty = false;
    1956             :     }
    1957             : 
    1958             :     // Do we need to update the Ehfa_File pointer to the root node?
    1959         566 :     if (hHFA->nRootPos != hHFA->poRoot->GetFilePos() ||
    1960         192 :         nNewDictionaryPos != hHFA->nDictionaryPos)
    1961             :     {
    1962         182 :         GUInt32 nHeaderPos = 0;
    1963             : 
    1964         182 :         bRet &= VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, 16, SEEK_SET) >= 0;
    1965         182 :         bRet &= VSIFReadL(&nHeaderPos, sizeof(GInt32), 1, hHFA->fp) > 0;
    1966             :         HFAStandard(4, &nHeaderPos);
    1967             : 
    1968         182 :         GUInt32 nOffset = hHFA->poRoot->GetFilePos();
    1969         182 :         hHFA->nRootPos = nOffset;
    1970             :         HFAStandard(4, &nOffset);
    1971         182 :         bRet &= VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, nHeaderPos + 8, SEEK_SET) >= 0;
    1972         182 :         bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nOffset, 4, 1, hHFA->fp) > 0;
    1973             : 
    1974         182 :         nOffset = nNewDictionaryPos;
    1975         182 :         hHFA->nDictionaryPos = nNewDictionaryPos;
    1976             :         HFAStandard(4, &nOffset);
    1977         182 :         bRet &= VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, nHeaderPos + 14, SEEK_SET) >= 0;
    1978         182 :         bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nOffset, 4, 1, hHFA->fp) > 0;
    1979             :     }
    1980             : 
    1981         374 :     return bRet ? CE_None : CE_Failure;
    1982             : }
    1983             : 
    1984             : /************************************************************************/
    1985             : /*                           HFACreateLayer()                           */
    1986             : /*                                                                      */
    1987             : /*      Create a layer object, and corresponding RasterDMS.             */
    1988             : /*      Suitable for use with primary layers, and overviews.            */
    1989             : /************************************************************************/
    1990             : 
    1991         234 : int HFACreateLayer(HFAHandle psInfo, HFAEntry *poParent,
    1992             :                    const char *pszLayerName, int bOverview, int nBlockSize,
    1993             :                    int bCreateCompressed, int bCreateLargeRaster,
    1994             :                    int bDependentLayer, int nXSize, int nYSize,
    1995             :                    EPTType eDataType, char ** /* papszOptions */,
    1996             :                    // These are only related to external (large) files.
    1997             :                    GIntBig nStackValidFlagsOffset, GIntBig nStackDataOffset,
    1998             :                    int nStackCount, int nStackIndex)
    1999             : 
    2000             : {
    2001         234 :     const char *pszLayerType =
    2002         234 :         bOverview ? "Eimg_Layer_SubSample" : "Eimg_Layer";
    2003             : 
    2004         234 :     if (nBlockSize <= 0)
    2005             :     {
    2006           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
    2007             :                  "HFACreateLayer: nBlockXSize < 0");
    2008           0 :         return FALSE;
    2009             :     }
    2010             : 
    2011             :     // Work out some details about the tiling scheme.
    2012         234 :     const int nBlocksPerRow = (nXSize + nBlockSize - 1) / nBlockSize;
    2013         234 :     const int nBlocksPerColumn = (nYSize + nBlockSize - 1) / nBlockSize;
    2014         234 :     const int nBlocks = nBlocksPerRow * nBlocksPerColumn;
    2015             :     const int nBytesPerBlock =
    2016         234 :         (nBlockSize * nBlockSize * HFAGetDataTypeBits(eDataType) + 7) / 8;
    2017             : 
    2018             :     // Create the Eimg_Layer for the band.
    2019             :     HFAEntry *poEimg_Layer =
    2020         234 :         HFAEntry::New(psInfo, pszLayerName, pszLayerType, poParent);
    2021             : 
    2022         234 :     poEimg_Layer->SetIntField("width", nXSize);
    2023         234 :     poEimg_Layer->SetIntField("height", nYSize);
    2024         234 :     poEimg_Layer->SetStringField("layerType", "athematic");
    2025         234 :     poEimg_Layer->SetIntField("pixelType", eDataType);
    2026         234 :     poEimg_Layer->SetIntField("blockWidth", nBlockSize);
    2027         234 :     poEimg_Layer->SetIntField("blockHeight", nBlockSize);
    2028             : 
    2029             :     // Create the RasterDMS (block list).  This is a complex type
    2030             :     // with pointers, and variable size.  We set the superstructure
    2031             :     // ourselves rather than trying to have the HFA type management
    2032             :     // system do it for us (since this would be hard to implement).
    2033         234 :     if (!bCreateLargeRaster && !bDependentLayer)
    2034             :     {
    2035             :         HFAEntry *poEdms_State =
    2036         223 :             HFAEntry::New(psInfo, "RasterDMS", "Edms_State", poEimg_Layer);
    2037             : 
    2038             :         // TODO(schwehr): Explain constants.
    2039         223 :         const int nDmsSize = 14 * nBlocks + 38;
    2040         223 :         GByte *pabyData = poEdms_State->MakeData(nDmsSize);
    2041             : 
    2042             :         // Set some simple values.
    2043         223 :         poEdms_State->SetIntField("numvirtualblocks", nBlocks);
    2044         223 :         poEdms_State->SetIntField("numobjectsperblock",
    2045             :                                   nBlockSize * nBlockSize);
    2046         223 :         poEdms_State->SetIntField("nextobjectnum",
    2047         223 :                                   nBlockSize * nBlockSize * nBlocks);
    2048             : 
    2049             :         // Is file compressed or not?
    2050         223 :         if (bCreateCompressed)
    2051             :         {
    2052           8 :             poEdms_State->SetStringField("compressionType", "RLC compression");
    2053             :         }
    2054             :         else
    2055             :         {
    2056         215 :             poEdms_State->SetStringField("compressionType", "no compression");
    2057             :         }
    2058             : 
    2059             :         // We need to hardcode file offset into the data, so locate it now.
    2060         223 :         poEdms_State->SetPosition();
    2061             : 
    2062             :         // Set block info headers.
    2063             : 
    2064             :         // Blockinfo count.
    2065         223 :         GUInt32 nValue = nBlocks;
    2066             :         HFAStandard(4, &nValue);
    2067         223 :         memcpy(pabyData + 14, &nValue, 4);
    2068             : 
    2069             :         // Blockinfo position.
    2070         223 :         nValue = poEdms_State->GetDataPos() + 22;
    2071             :         HFAStandard(4, &nValue);
    2072         223 :         memcpy(pabyData + 18, &nValue, 4);
    2073             : 
    2074             :         // Set each blockinfo.
    2075         711 :         for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < nBlocks; iBlock++)
    2076             :         {
    2077         488 :             int nOffset = 22 + 14 * iBlock;
    2078             : 
    2079             :             // fileCode.
    2080         488 :             GInt16 nValue16 = 0;
    2081             :             HFAStandard(2, &nValue16);
    2082         488 :             memcpy(pabyData + nOffset, &nValue16, 2);
    2083             : 
    2084             :             // Offset.
    2085         488 :             if (bCreateCompressed)
    2086             :             {
    2087             :                 // Flag it with zero offset. Allocate space when we compress it.
    2088          16 :                 nValue = 0;
    2089             :             }
    2090             :             else
    2091             :             {
    2092         472 :                 nValue = HFAAllocateSpace(psInfo, nBytesPerBlock);
    2093             :             }
    2094             :             HFAStandard(4, &nValue);
    2095         488 :             memcpy(pabyData + nOffset + 2, &nValue, 4);
    2096             : 
    2097             :             // Size.
    2098         488 :             if (bCreateCompressed)
    2099             :             {
    2100             :                 // Flag with zero size. Don't know until we compress it.
    2101          16 :                 nValue = 0;
    2102             :             }
    2103             :             else
    2104             :             {
    2105         472 :                 nValue = nBytesPerBlock;
    2106             :             }
    2107             :             HFAStandard(4, &nValue);
    2108         488 :             memcpy(pabyData + nOffset + 6, &nValue, 4);
    2109             : 
    2110             :             // logValid (false).
    2111         488 :             nValue16 = 0;
    2112             :             HFAStandard(2, &nValue16);
    2113         488 :             memcpy(pabyData + nOffset + 10, &nValue16, 2);
    2114             : 
    2115             :             // compressionType.
    2116         488 :             if (bCreateCompressed)
    2117          16 :                 nValue16 = 1;
    2118             :             else
    2119         472 :                 nValue16 = 0;
    2120             : 
    2121             :             HFAStandard(2, &nValue16);
    2122         488 :             memcpy(pabyData + nOffset + 12, &nValue16, 2);
    2123         223 :         }
    2124             :     }
    2125             : 
    2126             :     // Create ExternalRasterDMS object.
    2127          11 :     else if (bCreateLargeRaster)
    2128             :     {
    2129           7 :         HFAEntry *poEdms_State = HFAEntry::New(
    2130             :             psInfo, "ExternalRasterDMS", "ImgExternalRaster", poEimg_Layer);
    2131           7 :         poEdms_State->MakeData(
    2132           7 :             static_cast<int>(8 + strlen(psInfo->pszIGEFilename) + 1 + 6 * 4));
    2133             : 
    2134           7 :         poEdms_State->SetStringField("fileName.string", psInfo->pszIGEFilename);
    2135             : 
    2136           7 :         poEdms_State->SetIntField(
    2137             :             "layerStackValidFlagsOffset[0]",
    2138             :             static_cast<int>(nStackValidFlagsOffset & 0xFFFFFFFF));
    2139           7 :         poEdms_State->SetIntField(
    2140             :             "layerStackValidFlagsOffset[1]",
    2141           7 :             static_cast<int>(nStackValidFlagsOffset >> 32));
    2142             : 
    2143           7 :         poEdms_State->SetIntField(
    2144             :             "layerStackDataOffset[0]",
    2145             :             static_cast<int>(nStackDataOffset & 0xFFFFFFFF));
    2146           7 :         poEdms_State->SetIntField("layerStackDataOffset[1]",
    2147           7 :                                   static_cast<int>(nStackDataOffset >> 32));
    2148           7 :         poEdms_State->SetIntField("layerStackCount", nStackCount);
    2149           7 :         poEdms_State->SetIntField("layerStackIndex", nStackIndex);
    2150             :     }
    2151             :     // Dependent...
    2152           4 :     else if (bDependentLayer)
    2153             :     {
    2154             :         HFAEntry *poDepLayerName =
    2155           4 :             HFAEntry::New(psInfo, "DependentLayerName",
    2156             :                           "Eimg_DependentLayerName", poEimg_Layer);
    2157           4 :         poDepLayerName->MakeData(
    2158           4 :             static_cast<int>(8 + strlen(pszLayerName) + 2));
    2159             : 
    2160           4 :         poDepLayerName->SetStringField("ImageLayerName.string", pszLayerName);
    2161             :     }
    2162             : 
    2163             :     // Create the Ehfa_Layer.
    2164         234 :     char chBandType = '\0';
    2165             : 
    2166         234 :     if (eDataType == EPT_u1)
    2167           2 :         chBandType = '1';
    2168         232 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_u2)
    2169           0 :         chBandType = '2';
    2170         232 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_u4)
    2171           0 :         chBandType = '4';
    2172         232 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_u8)
    2173         145 :         chBandType = 'c';
    2174          87 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_s8)
    2175           4 :         chBandType = 'C';
    2176          83 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_u16)
    2177          13 :         chBandType = 's';
    2178          70 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_s16)
    2179           9 :         chBandType = 'S';
    2180          61 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_u32)
    2181             :         // For some reason erdas imagine expects an L for unsigned 32 bit ints
    2182             :         // otherwise it gives strange "out of memory errors".
    2183          10 :         chBandType = 'L';
    2184          51 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_s32)
    2185          11 :         chBandType = 'L';
    2186          40 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_f32)
    2187          10 :         chBandType = 'f';
    2188          30 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_f64)
    2189          12 :         chBandType = 'd';
    2190          18 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_c64)
    2191           9 :         chBandType = 'm';
    2192           9 :     else if (eDataType == EPT_c128)
    2193           9 :         chBandType = 'M';
    2194             :     else
    2195             :     {
    2196           0 :         CPLAssert(false);
    2197             :         chBandType = 'c';
    2198             :     }
    2199             : 
    2200             :     // The first value in the entry below gives the number of pixels
    2201             :     // within a block.
    2202         234 :     char szLDict[128] = {};
    2203         234 :     snprintf(szLDict, sizeof(szLDict), "{%d:%cdata,}RasterDMS,.",
    2204             :              nBlockSize * nBlockSize, chBandType);
    2205             : 
    2206             :     HFAEntry *poEhfa_Layer =
    2207         234 :         HFAEntry::New(psInfo, "Ehfa_Layer", "Ehfa_Layer", poEimg_Layer);
    2208         234 :     poEhfa_Layer->MakeData();
    2209         234 :     poEhfa_Layer->SetPosition();
    2210             :     const GUInt32 nLDict =
    2211         234 :         HFAAllocateSpace(psInfo, static_cast<GUInt32>(strlen(szLDict) + 1));
    2212             : 
    2213         234 :     poEhfa_Layer->SetStringField("type", "raster");
    2214         234 :     poEhfa_Layer->SetIntField("dictionaryPtr", nLDict);
    2215             : 
    2216         234 :     bool bRet = VSIFSeekL(psInfo->fp, nLDict, SEEK_SET) >= 0;
    2217         234 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL((void *)szLDict, strlen(szLDict) + 1, 1, psInfo->fp) > 0;
    2218             : 
    2219         234 :     return bRet;
    2220             : }
    2221             : 
    2222             : /************************************************************************/
    2223             : /*                             HFACreate()                              */
    2224             : /************************************************************************/
    2225             : 
    2226         193 : HFAHandle HFACreate(const char *pszFilename, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBands,
    2227             :                     EPTType eDataType, char **papszOptions)
    2228             : 
    2229             : {
    2230         193 :     int nBlockSize = 64;
    2231         193 :     const char *pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "BLOCKSIZE");
    2232             : 
    2233         193 :     if (pszValue != nullptr)
    2234             :     {
    2235           1 :         nBlockSize = atoi(pszValue);
    2236             :         // Check for sane values.
    2237           2 :         if (nBlockSize == 0 ||
    2238           1 :             (((nBlockSize < 32) || (nBlockSize > 2048)) &&
    2239           0 :              !CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("FORCE_BLOCKSIZE", "NO"))))
    2240             :         {
    2241           0 :             if (nBlockSize != 0)
    2242           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Forcing BLOCKSIZE to %d",
    2243             :                          64);
    2244           0 :             nBlockSize = 64;
    2245             :         }
    2246             :     }
    2247         193 :     bool bCreateLargeRaster = CPLFetchBool(papszOptions, "USE_SPILL", false);
    2248         382 :     bool bCreateCompressed = CPLFetchBool(papszOptions, "COMPRESS", false) ||
    2249         189 :                              CPLFetchBool(papszOptions, "COMPRESSED", false);
    2250         193 :     const bool bCreateAux = CPLFetchBool(papszOptions, "AUX", false);
    2251             : 
    2252         193 :     char *pszFullFilename = nullptr;
    2253         193 :     char *pszRawFilename = nullptr;
    2254             : 
    2255             :     // Work out some details about the tiling scheme.
    2256         193 :     const int nBlocksPerRow = DIV_ROUND_UP(nXSize, nBlockSize);
    2257         193 :     const int nBlocksPerColumn = DIV_ROUND_UP(nYSize, nBlockSize);
    2258         193 :     if (nBlocksPerRow > INT_MAX / nBlocksPerColumn)
    2259             :     {
    2260           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Too many blocks");
    2261           0 :         return nullptr;
    2262             :     }
    2263         193 :     const int nBlocks = nBlocksPerRow * nBlocksPerColumn;
    2264             :     const GInt64 nBytesPerBlock64 =
    2265         386 :         (static_cast<GInt64>(nBlockSize) * nBlockSize *
    2266         193 :              HFAGetDataTypeBits(eDataType) +
    2267             :          7) /
    2268         193 :         8;
    2269         193 :     if (nBytesPerBlock64 > INT_MAX)
    2270             :     {
    2271           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Too large block");
    2272           0 :         return nullptr;
    2273             :     }
    2274         193 :     const int nBytesPerBlock = static_cast<int>(nBytesPerBlock64);
    2275             : 
    2276             :     // Create the low level structure.
    2277         193 :     HFAHandle psInfo = HFACreateLL(pszFilename);
    2278         193 :     if (psInfo == nullptr)
    2279           7 :         return nullptr;
    2280             : 
    2281             :     // Create the DependentFile node if requested.
    2282             :     const char *pszDependentFile =
    2283         186 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "DEPENDENT_FILE");
    2284             : 
    2285         186 :     if (pszDependentFile != nullptr)
    2286             :     {
    2287           4 :         HFAEntry *poDF = HFAEntry::New(psInfo, "DependentFile",
    2288             :                                        "Eimg_DependentFile", psInfo->poRoot);
    2289             : 
    2290           4 :         poDF->MakeData(static_cast<int>(strlen(pszDependentFile) + 50));
    2291           4 :         poDF->SetPosition();
    2292           4 :         poDF->SetStringField("dependent.string", pszDependentFile);
    2293             :     }
    2294             : 
    2295         186 :     CPLDebug("HFACreate",
    2296             :              "Blocks per row %d, blocks per column %d, "
    2297             :              "total number of blocks %d, bytes per block %d.",
    2298             :              nBlocksPerRow, nBlocksPerColumn, nBlocks, nBytesPerBlock);
    2299             : 
    2300             :     // Check whether we should create external large file with
    2301             :     // image.  We create a spill file if the amount of imagery is
    2302             :     // close to 2GB.  We don't check the amount of auxiliary
    2303             :     // information, so in theory if there were an awful lot of
    2304             :     // non-imagery data our approximate size could be smaller than
    2305             :     // the file will actually we be.  We leave room for 10MB of
    2306             :     // auxiliary data.
    2307             :     // We can also force spill file creation using option
    2308             :     // SPILL_FILE=YES.
    2309         186 :     const double dfApproxSize = static_cast<double>(nBytesPerBlock) *
    2310         186 :                                     static_cast<double>(nBlocks) *
    2311         186 :                                     static_cast<double>(nBands) +
    2312             :                                 10000000.0;
    2313             : 
    2314         186 :     if (dfApproxSize > 2147483648.0 && !bCreateAux)
    2315           0 :         bCreateLargeRaster = true;
    2316             : 
    2317             :     // Erdas Imagine creates this entry even if an external spill file is used.
    2318         186 :     if (!bCreateAux)
    2319             :     {
    2320         182 :         HFAEntry *poImgFormat = HFAEntry::New(
    2321             :             psInfo, "IMGFormatInfo", "ImgFormatInfo831", psInfo->poRoot);
    2322         182 :         poImgFormat->MakeData();
    2323         182 :         if (bCreateLargeRaster)
    2324             :         {
    2325           7 :             poImgFormat->SetIntField("spaceUsedForRasterData", 0);
    2326             :             // Can't be compressed if we are creating a spillfile.
    2327           7 :             bCreateCompressed = false;
    2328             :         }
    2329             :         else
    2330             :         {
    2331         175 :             poImgFormat->SetIntField("spaceUsedForRasterData",
    2332         175 :                                      nBytesPerBlock * nBlocks * nBands);
    2333             :         }
    2334             :     }
    2335             : 
    2336             :     // Create external file and write its header.
    2337         186 :     GIntBig nValidFlagsOffset = 0;
    2338         186 :     GIntBig nDataOffset = 0;
    2339             : 
    2340         186 :     if (bCreateLargeRaster)
    2341             :     {
    2342           7 :         if (!HFACreateSpillStack(psInfo, nXSize, nYSize, nBands, nBlockSize,
    2343             :                                  eDataType, &nValidFlagsOffset, &nDataOffset))
    2344             :         {
    2345           0 :             CPLFree(pszRawFilename);
    2346           0 :             CPLFree(pszFullFilename);
    2347           0 :             return nullptr;
    2348             :         }
    2349             :     }
    2350             : 
    2351             :     // Create each band (layer).
    2352         405 :     for (int iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand++)
    2353             :     {
    2354         223 :         char szName[128] = {};
    2355             : 
    2356         223 :         snprintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "Layer_%d", iBand + 1);
    2357             : 
    2358         223 :         if (!HFACreateLayer(psInfo, psInfo->poRoot, szName, FALSE, nBlockSize,
    2359             :                             bCreateCompressed, bCreateLargeRaster, bCreateAux,
    2360             :                             nXSize, nYSize, eDataType, papszOptions,
    2361             :                             nValidFlagsOffset, nDataOffset, nBands, iBand))
    2362             :         {
    2363           4 :             CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(HFAClose(psInfo));
    2364           4 :             return nullptr;
    2365             :         }
    2366             :     }
    2367             : 
    2368             :     // Initialize the band information.
    2369         182 :     HFAParseBandInfo(psInfo);
    2370             : 
    2371         182 :     return psInfo;
    2372             : }
    2373             : 
    2374             : /************************************************************************/
    2375             : /*                         HFACreateOverview()                          */
    2376             : /*                                                                      */
    2377             : /*      Create an overview layer object for a band.                     */
    2378             : /************************************************************************/
    2379             : 
    2380          11 : int HFACreateOverview(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int nOverviewLevel,
    2381             :                       const char *pszResampling)
    2382             : 
    2383             : {
    2384          11 :     if (nBand < 1 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
    2385           0 :         return -1;
    2386             : 
    2387          11 :     HFABand *poBand = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1];
    2388          11 :     return poBand->CreateOverview(nOverviewLevel, pszResampling);
    2389             : }
    2390             : 
    2391             : /************************************************************************/
    2392             : /*                           HFAGetMetadata()                           */
    2393             : /*                                                                      */
    2394             : /*      Read metadata structured in a table called GDAL_MetaData.       */
    2395             : /************************************************************************/
    2396             : 
    2397        1146 : char **HFAGetMetadata(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand)
    2398             : 
    2399             : {
    2400        1146 :     HFAEntry *poTable = nullptr;
    2401             : 
    2402        1146 :     if (nBand > 0 && nBand <= hHFA->nBands)
    2403         613 :         poTable = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->poNode->GetChild();
    2404         533 :     else if (nBand == 0)
    2405         533 :         poTable = hHFA->poRoot->GetChild();
    2406             :     else
    2407           0 :         return nullptr;
    2408             : 
    2409        4719 :     for (; poTable != nullptr && !EQUAL(poTable->GetName(), "GDAL_MetaData");
    2410        3573 :          poTable = poTable->GetNext())
    2411             :     {
    2412             :     }
    2413             : 
    2414        1146 :     if (poTable == nullptr || !EQUAL(poTable->GetType(), "Edsc_Table"))
    2415        1050 :         return nullptr;
    2416             : 
    2417          96 :     if (poTable->GetIntField("numRows") != 1)
    2418             :     {
    2419           0 :         CPLDebug("HFADataset", "GDAL_MetaData.numRows = %d, expected 1!",
    2420             :                  poTable->GetIntField("numRows"));
    2421           0 :         return nullptr;
    2422             :     }
    2423             : 
    2424             :     // Loop over each column.  Each column will be one metadata
    2425             :     // entry, with the title being the key, and the row value being
    2426             :     // the value.  There is only ever one row in GDAL_MetaData tables.
    2427          96 :     char **papszMD = nullptr;
    2428             : 
    2429         289 :     for (HFAEntry *poColumn = poTable->GetChild(); poColumn != nullptr;
    2430         193 :          poColumn = poColumn->GetNext())
    2431             :     {
    2432             :         // Skip the #Bin_Function# entry.
    2433         193 :         if (STARTS_WITH_CI(poColumn->GetName(), "#"))
    2434          96 :             continue;
    2435             : 
    2436          97 :         const char *pszValue = poColumn->GetStringField("dataType");
    2437          97 :         if (pszValue == nullptr || !EQUAL(pszValue, "string"))
    2438           0 :             continue;
    2439             : 
    2440          97 :         const int columnDataPtr = poColumn->GetIntField("columnDataPtr");
    2441          97 :         if (columnDataPtr <= 0)
    2442           0 :             continue;
    2443             : 
    2444             :         // Read up to nMaxNumChars bytes from the indicated location.
    2445             :         // allocate required space temporarily nMaxNumChars should have been
    2446             :         // set by GDAL originally so we should trust it, but who knows.
    2447          97 :         const int nMaxNumChars = poColumn->GetIntField("maxNumChars");
    2448             : 
    2449          97 :         if (nMaxNumChars <= 0)
    2450             :         {
    2451           0 :             papszMD = CSLSetNameValue(papszMD, poColumn->GetName(), "");
    2452             :         }
    2453             :         else
    2454             :         {
    2455             :             char *pszMDValue =
    2456          97 :                 static_cast<char *>(VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE(nMaxNumChars));
    2457          97 :             if (pszMDValue == nullptr)
    2458             :             {
    2459           0 :                 continue;
    2460             :             }
    2461             : 
    2462          97 :             if (VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, columnDataPtr, SEEK_SET) != 0)
    2463             :             {
    2464           0 :                 CPLFree(pszMDValue);
    2465           0 :                 continue;
    2466             :             }
    2467             : 
    2468             :             const int nMDBytes = static_cast<int>(
    2469          97 :                 VSIFReadL(pszMDValue, 1, nMaxNumChars, hHFA->fp));
    2470          97 :             if (nMDBytes == 0)
    2471             :             {
    2472           0 :                 CPLFree(pszMDValue);
    2473           0 :                 continue;
    2474             :             }
    2475             : 
    2476          97 :             pszMDValue[nMaxNumChars - 1] = '\0';
    2477             : 
    2478          97 :             papszMD = CSLSetNameValue(papszMD, poColumn->GetName(), pszMDValue);
    2479          97 :             CPLFree(pszMDValue);
    2480             :         }
    2481             :     }
    2482             : 
    2483          96 :     return papszMD;
    2484             : }
    2485             : 
    2486             : /************************************************************************/
    2487             : /*                         HFASetGDALMetadata()                         */
    2488             : /*                                                                      */
    2489             : /*      This function is used to set metadata in a table called         */
    2490             : /*      GDAL_MetaData.  It is called by HFASetMetadata() for all        */
    2491             : /*      metadata items that aren't some specific supported              */
    2492             : /*      information (like histogram or stats info).                     */
    2493             : /************************************************************************/
    2494             : 
    2495          36 : static CPLErr HFASetGDALMetadata(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, char **papszMD)
    2496             : 
    2497             : {
    2498          36 :     if (papszMD == nullptr)
    2499           0 :         return CE_None;
    2500             : 
    2501          36 :     HFAEntry *poNode = nullptr;
    2502             : 
    2503          36 :     if (nBand > 0 && nBand <= hHFA->nBands)
    2504           5 :         poNode = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->poNode;
    2505          31 :     else if (nBand == 0)
    2506          31 :         poNode = hHFA->poRoot;
    2507             :     else
    2508           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    2509             : 
    2510             :     // Create the Descriptor table.
    2511             :     // Check we have no table with this name already.
    2512          36 :     HFAEntry *poEdsc_Table = poNode->GetNamedChild("GDAL_MetaData");
    2513             : 
    2514          37 :     if (poEdsc_Table == nullptr ||
    2515           1 :         !EQUAL(poEdsc_Table->GetType(), "Edsc_Table"))
    2516             :         poEdsc_Table =
    2517          35 :             HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "GDAL_MetaData", "Edsc_Table", poNode);
    2518             : 
    2519          36 :     poEdsc_Table->SetIntField("numrows", 1);
    2520             : 
    2521             :     // Create the Binning function node.  Do we really need this though?
    2522             :     // Check it doesn't exist already.
    2523             :     HFAEntry *poEdsc_BinFunction =
    2524          36 :         poEdsc_Table->GetNamedChild("#Bin_Function#");
    2525             : 
    2526          37 :     if (poEdsc_BinFunction == nullptr ||
    2527           1 :         !EQUAL(poEdsc_BinFunction->GetType(), "Edsc_BinFunction"))
    2528          35 :         poEdsc_BinFunction = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "#Bin_Function#",
    2529             :                                            "Edsc_BinFunction", poEdsc_Table);
    2530             : 
    2531             :     // Because of the BaseData we have to hardcode the size.
    2532          36 :     poEdsc_BinFunction->MakeData(30);
    2533             : 
    2534          36 :     poEdsc_BinFunction->SetIntField("numBins", 1);
    2535          36 :     poEdsc_BinFunction->SetStringField("binFunction", "direct");
    2536          36 :     poEdsc_BinFunction->SetDoubleField("minLimit", 0.0);
    2537          36 :     poEdsc_BinFunction->SetDoubleField("maxLimit", 0.0);
    2538             : 
    2539             :     // Process each metadata item as a separate column.
    2540          36 :     bool bRet = true;
    2541          73 :     for (int iColumn = 0; papszMD[iColumn] != nullptr; iColumn++)
    2542             :     {
    2543          37 :         char *pszKey = nullptr;
    2544          37 :         const char *pszValue = CPLParseNameValue(papszMD[iColumn], &pszKey);
    2545          37 :         if (pszValue == nullptr)
    2546           0 :             continue;
    2547             : 
    2548             :         // Create the Edsc_Column.
    2549             :         // Check it doesn't exist already.
    2550          37 :         HFAEntry *poEdsc_Column = poEdsc_Table->GetNamedChild(pszKey);
    2551             : 
    2552          38 :         if (poEdsc_Column == nullptr ||
    2553           1 :             !EQUAL(poEdsc_Column->GetType(), "Edsc_Column"))
    2554             :             poEdsc_Column =
    2555          36 :                 HFAEntry::New(hHFA, pszKey, "Edsc_Column", poEdsc_Table);
    2556             : 
    2557          37 :         poEdsc_Column->SetIntField("numRows", 1);
    2558          37 :         poEdsc_Column->SetStringField("dataType", "string");
    2559          37 :         poEdsc_Column->SetIntField("maxNumChars",
    2560          37 :                                    static_cast<GUInt32>(strlen(pszValue) + 1));
    2561             : 
    2562             :         // Write the data out.
    2563             :         const int nOffset =
    2564          37 :             HFAAllocateSpace(hHFA, static_cast<GUInt32>(strlen(pszValue) + 1));
    2565             : 
    2566          37 :         poEdsc_Column->SetIntField("columnDataPtr", nOffset);
    2567             : 
    2568          37 :         bRet &= VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, nOffset, SEEK_SET) >= 0;
    2569          37 :         bRet &=
    2570          37 :             VSIFWriteL((void *)pszValue, strlen(pszValue) + 1, 1, hHFA->fp) > 0;
    2571             : 
    2572          37 :         CPLFree(pszKey);
    2573             :     }
    2574             : 
    2575          36 :     return bRet ? CE_None : CE_Failure;
    2576             : }
    2577             : 
    2578             : /************************************************************************/
    2579             : /*                           HFASetMetadata()                           */
    2580             : /************************************************************************/
    2581             : 
    2582          59 : CPLErr HFASetMetadata(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, char **papszMD)
    2583             : 
    2584             : {
    2585          59 :     char **papszGDALMD = nullptr;
    2586             : 
    2587          59 :     if (CSLCount(papszMD) == 0)
    2588           0 :         return CE_None;
    2589             : 
    2590          59 :     HFAEntry *poNode = nullptr;
    2591             : 
    2592          59 :     if (nBand > 0 && nBand <= hHFA->nBands)
    2593          14 :         poNode = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->poNode;
    2594          45 :     else if (nBand == 0)
    2595          45 :         poNode = hHFA->poRoot;
    2596             :     else
    2597           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    2598             : #ifdef DEBUG
    2599             :     // To please Clang Static Analyzer (CSA).
    2600          59 :     if (poNode == nullptr)
    2601             :     {
    2602           0 :         CPLAssert(false);
    2603             :         return CE_Failure;
    2604             :     }
    2605             : #endif
    2606             : 
    2607             :     // Check if the Metadata is an "known" entity which should be
    2608             :     // stored in a better place.
    2609          59 :     char *pszBinValues = nullptr;
    2610          59 :     bool bCreatedHistogramParameters = false;
    2611          59 :     bool bCreatedStatistics = false;
    2612          59 :     const char *const *pszAuxMetaData = GetHFAAuxMetaDataList();
    2613             :     // Check each metadata item.
    2614         213 :     for (int iColumn = 0; papszMD[iColumn] != nullptr; iColumn++)
    2615             :     {
    2616         154 :         char *pszKey = nullptr;
    2617         154 :         const char *pszValue = CPLParseNameValue(papszMD[iColumn], &pszKey);
    2618         154 :         if (pszValue == nullptr)
    2619          28 :             continue;
    2620             : 
    2621             :         // Know look if its known.
    2622         140 :         int i = 0;  // Used after for.
    2623        1306 :         for (; pszAuxMetaData[i] != nullptr; i += 4)
    2624             :         {
    2625        1262 :             if (EQUALN(pszAuxMetaData[i + 2], pszKey, strlen(pszKey)))
    2626          96 :                 break;
    2627             :         }
    2628         140 :         if (pszAuxMetaData[i] != nullptr)
    2629             :         {
    2630             :             // Found one, get the right entry.
    2631          96 :             HFAEntry *poEntry = nullptr;
    2632             : 
    2633          96 :             if (strlen(pszAuxMetaData[i]) > 0)
    2634          86 :                 poEntry = poNode->GetNamedChild(pszAuxMetaData[i]);
    2635             :             else
    2636          10 :                 poEntry = poNode;
    2637             : 
    2638          96 :             if (poEntry == nullptr && strlen(pszAuxMetaData[i + 3]) > 0)
    2639             :             {
    2640             :                 // Child does not yet exist --> create it,
    2641          26 :                 poEntry = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, pszAuxMetaData[i],
    2642          13 :                                         pszAuxMetaData[i + 3], poNode);
    2643             : 
    2644          13 :                 if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszAuxMetaData[i], "Statistics"))
    2645           7 :                     bCreatedStatistics = true;
    2646             : 
    2647          13 :                 if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszAuxMetaData[i], "HistogramParameters"))
    2648             :                 {
    2649             :                     // A bit nasty.  Need to set the string field for the object
    2650             :                     // first because the SetStringField sets the count for the
    2651             :                     // object BinFunction to the length of the string.
    2652           6 :                     poEntry->MakeData(70);
    2653           6 :                     poEntry->SetStringField("BinFunction.binFunctionType",
    2654             :                                             "direct");
    2655             : 
    2656           6 :                     bCreatedHistogramParameters = true;
    2657             :                 }
    2658             :             }
    2659          96 :             if (poEntry == nullptr)
    2660             :             {
    2661          14 :                 CPLFree(pszKey);
    2662          14 :                 continue;
    2663             :             }
    2664             : 
    2665          82 :             const char *pszFieldName = pszAuxMetaData[i + 1] + 1;
    2666          82 :             switch (pszAuxMetaData[i + 1][0])
    2667             :             {
    2668          63 :                 case 'd':
    2669             :                 {
    2670          63 :                     double dfValue = CPLAtof(pszValue);
    2671          63 :                     poEntry->SetDoubleField(pszFieldName, dfValue);
    2672             :                 }
    2673          63 :                 break;
    2674           9 :                 case 'i':
    2675             :                 case 'l':
    2676             :                 {
    2677           9 :                     int nValue = atoi(pszValue);
    2678           9 :                     poEntry->SetIntField(pszFieldName, nValue);
    2679             :                 }
    2680           9 :                 break;
    2681          10 :                 case 's':
    2682             :                 case 'e':
    2683             :                 {
    2684          10 :                     poEntry->SetStringField(pszFieldName, pszValue);
    2685             :                 }
    2686          10 :                 break;
    2687           0 :                 default:
    2688           0 :                     CPLAssert(false);
    2689             :             }
    2690             :         }
    2691          44 :         else if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszKey, "STATISTICS_HISTOBINVALUES"))
    2692             :         {
    2693           7 :             CPLFree(pszBinValues);
    2694           7 :             pszBinValues = CPLStrdup(pszValue);
    2695             :         }
    2696             :         else
    2697             :         {
    2698          37 :             papszGDALMD = CSLAddString(papszGDALMD, papszMD[iColumn]);
    2699             :         }
    2700             : 
    2701         126 :         CPLFree(pszKey);
    2702             :     }
    2703             : 
    2704             :     // Special case to write out the histogram.
    2705          59 :     bool bRet = true;
    2706          59 :     if (pszBinValues != nullptr)
    2707             :     {
    2708           7 :         HFAEntry *poEntry = poNode->GetNamedChild("HistogramParameters");
    2709           7 :         if (poEntry != nullptr && bCreatedHistogramParameters)
    2710             :         {
    2711             :             // If this node exists we have added Histogram data -- complete with
    2712             :             // some defaults.
    2713           6 :             poEntry->SetIntField("SkipFactorX", 1);
    2714           6 :             poEntry->SetIntField("SkipFactorY", 1);
    2715             : 
    2716           6 :             const int nNumBins = poEntry->GetIntField("BinFunction.numBins");
    2717             :             const double dMinLimit =
    2718           6 :                 poEntry->GetDoubleField("BinFunction.minLimit");
    2719             :             const double dMaxLimit =
    2720           6 :                 poEntry->GetDoubleField("BinFunction.maxLimit");
    2721             : 
    2722             :             // Fill the descriptor table - check it isn't there already.
    2723           6 :             poEntry = poNode->GetNamedChild("Descriptor_Table");
    2724           6 :             if (poEntry == nullptr || !EQUAL(poEntry->GetType(), "Edsc_Table"))
    2725           1 :                 poEntry = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "Descriptor_Table", "Edsc_Table",
    2726             :                                         poNode);
    2727             : 
    2728           6 :             poEntry->SetIntField("numRows", nNumBins);
    2729             : 
    2730             :             // Bin function.
    2731           6 :             HFAEntry *poBinFunc = poEntry->GetNamedChild("#Bin_Function#");
    2732          10 :             if (poBinFunc == nullptr ||
    2733           4 :                 !EQUAL(poBinFunc->GetType(), "Edsc_BinFunction"))
    2734           2 :                 poBinFunc = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "#Bin_Function#",
    2735             :                                           "Edsc_BinFunction", poEntry);
    2736             : 
    2737           6 :             poBinFunc->MakeData(30);
    2738           6 :             poBinFunc->SetIntField("numBins", nNumBins);
    2739           6 :             poBinFunc->SetDoubleField("minLimit", dMinLimit);
    2740           6 :             poBinFunc->SetDoubleField("maxLimit", dMaxLimit);
    2741             :             // Direct for thematic layers, linear otherwise.
    2742           6 :             if (STARTS_WITH_CI(poNode->GetStringField("layerType"), "thematic"))
    2743           1 :                 poBinFunc->SetStringField("binFunctionType", "direct");
    2744             :             else
    2745           5 :                 poBinFunc->SetStringField("binFunctionType", "linear");
    2746             : 
    2747             :             // We need a child named histogram.
    2748           6 :             HFAEntry *poHisto = poEntry->GetNamedChild("Histogram");
    2749           6 :             if (poHisto == nullptr || !EQUAL(poHisto->GetType(), "Edsc_Column"))
    2750             :                 poHisto =
    2751           1 :                     HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "Histogram", "Edsc_Column", poEntry);
    2752             : 
    2753           6 :             poHisto->SetIntField("numRows", nNumBins);
    2754             :             // Allocate space for the bin values.
    2755           6 :             GUInt32 nOffset = HFAAllocateSpace(hHFA, nNumBins * 8);
    2756           6 :             poHisto->SetIntField("columnDataPtr", nOffset);
    2757           6 :             poHisto->SetStringField("dataType", "real");
    2758           6 :             poHisto->SetIntField("maxNumChars", 0);
    2759             :             // Write out histogram data.
    2760           6 :             char *pszWork = pszBinValues;
    2761        1531 :             for (int nBin = 0; nBin < nNumBins; ++nBin)
    2762             :             {
    2763        1525 :                 char *pszEnd = strchr(pszWork, '|');
    2764        1525 :                 if (pszEnd != nullptr)
    2765             :                 {
    2766        1525 :                     *pszEnd = 0;
    2767        1525 :                     bRet &=
    2768        1525 :                         VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, nOffset + 8 * nBin, SEEK_SET) >= 0;
    2769        1525 :                     double nValue = CPLAtof(pszWork);
    2770             :                     HFAStandard(8, &nValue);
    2771             : 
    2772        1525 :                     bRet &= VSIFWriteL((void *)&nValue, 8, 1, hHFA->fp) > 0;
    2773        1525 :                     pszWork = pszEnd + 1;
    2774             :                 }
    2775           6 :             }
    2776             :         }
    2777           1 :         else if (poEntry != nullptr)
    2778             :         {
    2779             :             // In this case, there are HistogramParameters present, but we did
    2780             :             // not create them. However, we might be modifying them, in the case
    2781             :             // where the data has changed and the histogram counts need to be
    2782             :             // updated. It could be worse than that, but that is all we are
    2783             :             // going to cope with for now.  We are assuming that we did not
    2784             :             // change any of the other stuff, like skip factors and so
    2785             :             // forth. The main need for this case is for programs (such as
    2786             :             // Imagine itself) which will happily modify the pixel values
    2787             :             // without re-calculating the histogram counts.
    2788           1 :             int nNumBins = poEntry->GetIntField("BinFunction.numBins");
    2789             :             HFAEntry *poEntryDescrTbl =
    2790           1 :                 poNode->GetNamedChild("Descriptor_Table");
    2791           1 :             HFAEntry *poHisto = nullptr;
    2792           1 :             if (poEntryDescrTbl != nullptr)
    2793             :             {
    2794           1 :                 poHisto = poEntryDescrTbl->GetNamedChild("Histogram");
    2795             :             }
    2796           1 :             if (poHisto != nullptr)
    2797             :             {
    2798           1 :                 int nOffset = poHisto->GetIntField("columnDataPtr");
    2799             :                 // Write out histogram data.
    2800           1 :                 char *pszWork = pszBinValues;
    2801             : 
    2802             :                 // Check whether histogram counts were written as int or double
    2803           1 :                 bool bCountIsInt = true;
    2804           1 :                 const char *pszDataType = poHisto->GetStringField("dataType");
    2805           1 :                 if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszDataType, "real"))
    2806             :                 {
    2807           1 :                     bCountIsInt = false;
    2808             :                 }
    2809         257 :                 for (int nBin = 0; nBin < nNumBins; ++nBin)
    2810             :                 {
    2811         256 :                     char *pszEnd = strchr(pszWork, '|');
    2812         256 :                     if (pszEnd != nullptr)
    2813             :                     {
    2814         256 :                         *pszEnd = 0;
    2815         256 :                         if (bCountIsInt)
    2816             :                         {
    2817             :                             // Histogram counts were written as ints, so
    2818             :                             // re-write them the same way.
    2819           0 :                             bRet &= VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, nOffset + 4 * nBin,
    2820           0 :                                               SEEK_SET) >= 0;
    2821           0 :                             int nValue = atoi(pszWork);
    2822             :                             HFAStandard(4, &nValue);
    2823           0 :                             bRet &=
    2824           0 :                                 VSIFWriteL((void *)&nValue, 4, 1, hHFA->fp) > 0;
    2825             :                         }
    2826             :                         else
    2827             :                         {
    2828             :                             // Histogram were written as doubles, as is now the
    2829             :                             // default behavior.
    2830         256 :                             bRet &= VSIFSeekL(hHFA->fp, nOffset + 8 * nBin,
    2831         256 :                                               SEEK_SET) >= 0;
    2832         256 :                             double nValue = CPLAtof(pszWork);
    2833             :                             HFAStandard(8, &nValue);
    2834         256 :                             bRet &=
    2835         256 :                                 VSIFWriteL((void *)&nValue, 8, 1, hHFA->fp) > 0;
    2836             :                         }
    2837         256 :                         pszWork = pszEnd + 1;
    2838             :                     }
    2839             :                 }
    2840             :             }
    2841             :         }
    2842           7 :         CPLFree(pszBinValues);
    2843             :     }
    2844             : 
    2845             :     // If we created a statistics node then try to create a
    2846             :     // StatisticsParameters node too.
    2847          59 :     if (bCreatedStatistics)
    2848             :     {
    2849             :         HFAEntry *poEntry =
    2850           7 :             HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "StatisticsParameters",
    2851             :                           "Eimg_StatisticsParameters830", poNode);
    2852             : 
    2853           7 :         poEntry->MakeData(70);
    2854             :         // poEntry->SetStringField( "BinFunction.binFunctionType", "linear" );
    2855             : 
    2856           7 :         poEntry->SetIntField("SkipFactorX", 1);
    2857           7 :         poEntry->SetIntField("SkipFactorY", 1);
    2858             :     }
    2859             : 
    2860             :     // Write out metadata items without a special place.
    2861          59 :     if (bRet && CSLCount(papszGDALMD) != 0)
    2862             :     {
    2863          36 :         CPLErr eErr = HFASetGDALMetadata(hHFA, nBand, papszGDALMD);
    2864             : 
    2865          36 :         CSLDestroy(papszGDALMD);
    2866          36 :         return eErr;
    2867             :     }
    2868             :     else
    2869             :     {
    2870          23 :         CSLDestroy(papszGDALMD);
    2871          23 :         return CE_Failure;
    2872             :     }
    2873             : }
    2874             : 
    2875             : /************************************************************************/
    2876             : /*                         HFAGetIGEFilename()                          */
    2877             : /*                                                                      */
    2878             : /*      Returns the .ige filename if one is associated with this        */
    2879             : /*      object.  For files not newly created we need to scan the        */
    2880             : /*      bands for spill files.  Presumably there will only be one.      */
    2881             : /*                                                                      */
    2882             : /*      NOTE: Returns full path, not just the filename portion.         */
    2883             : /************************************************************************/
    2884             : 
    2885         123 : std::string HFAGetIGEFilename(HFAHandle hHFA)
    2886             : 
    2887             : {
    2888         123 :     if (hHFA->pszIGEFilename == nullptr)
    2889             :     {
    2890             :         std::vector<HFAEntry *> apoDMSList =
    2891         240 :             hHFA->poRoot->FindChildren(nullptr, "ImgExternalRaster");
    2892             : 
    2893         120 :         HFAEntry *poDMS = apoDMSList.empty() ? nullptr : apoDMSList[0];
    2894             : 
    2895             :         // Get the IGE filename from if we have an ExternalRasterDMS.
    2896         120 :         if (poDMS)
    2897             :         {
    2898             :             const char *pszRawFilename =
    2899          32 :                 poDMS->GetStringField("fileName.string");
    2900             : 
    2901          32 :             if (pszRawFilename != nullptr)
    2902             :             {
    2903             :                 VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;
    2904             :                 std::string osFullFilename =
    2905          64 :                     CPLFormFilenameSafe(hHFA->pszPath, pszRawFilename, nullptr);
    2906             : 
    2907          32 :                 if (VSIStatL(osFullFilename.c_str(), &sStatBuf) != 0)
    2908             :                 {
    2909             :                     const CPLString osExtension =
    2910           0 :                         CPLGetExtensionSafe(pszRawFilename);
    2911             :                     const CPLString osBasename =
    2912           0 :                         CPLGetBasenameSafe(hHFA->pszFilename);
    2913           0 :                     osFullFilename = CPLFormFilenameSafe(
    2914           0 :                         hHFA->pszPath, osBasename, osExtension);
    2915             : 
    2916           0 :                     if (VSIStatL(osFullFilename.c_str(), &sStatBuf) == 0)
    2917           0 :                         hHFA->pszIGEFilename =
    2918           0 :                             CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilenameSafe(nullptr, osBasename,
    2919             :                                                           osExtension)
    2920             :                                           .c_str());
    2921             :                     else
    2922           0 :                         hHFA->pszIGEFilename = CPLStrdup(pszRawFilename);
    2923             :                 }
    2924             :                 else
    2925             :                 {
    2926          32 :                     hHFA->pszIGEFilename = CPLStrdup(pszRawFilename);
    2927             :                 }
    2928             :             }
    2929             :         }
    2930             :     }
    2931             : 
    2932             :     // Return the full filename.
    2933         123 :     if (hHFA->pszIGEFilename)
    2934          35 :         return CPLFormFilenameSafe(hHFA->pszPath, hHFA->pszIGEFilename,
    2935          35 :                                    nullptr);
    2936             : 
    2937          88 :     return std::string();
    2938             : }
    2939             : 
    2940             : /************************************************************************/
    2941             : /*                        HFACreateSpillStack()                         */
    2942             : /*                                                                      */
    2943             : /*      Create a new stack of raster layers in the spill (.ige)         */
    2944             : /*      file.  Create the spill file if it didn't exist before.         */
    2945             : /************************************************************************/
    2946             : 
    2947           7 : bool HFACreateSpillStack(HFAInfo_t *psInfo, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nLayers,
    2948             :                          int nBlockSize, EPTType eDataType,
    2949             :                          GIntBig *pnValidFlagsOffset, GIntBig *pnDataOffset)
    2950             : 
    2951             : {
    2952             :     // Form .ige filename.
    2953           7 :     if (nBlockSize <= 0)
    2954             :     {
    2955           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
    2956             :                  "HFACreateSpillStack: nBlockXSize < 0");
    2957           0 :         return false;
    2958             :     }
    2959             : 
    2960           7 :     if (psInfo->pszIGEFilename == nullptr)
    2961             :     {
    2962          14 :         const auto osExt = CPLGetExtensionSafe(psInfo->pszFilename);
    2963           7 :         if (EQUAL(osExt.c_str(), "rrd"))
    2964           0 :             psInfo->pszIGEFilename = CPLStrdup(
    2965           0 :                 CPLResetExtensionSafe(psInfo->pszFilename, "rde").c_str());
    2966           7 :         else if (EQUAL(osExt.c_str(), "aux"))
    2967           0 :             psInfo->pszIGEFilename = CPLStrdup(
    2968           0 :                 CPLResetExtensionSafe(psInfo->pszFilename, "axe").c_str());
    2969             :         else
    2970           7 :             psInfo->pszIGEFilename = CPLStrdup(
    2971          14 :                 CPLResetExtensionSafe(psInfo->pszFilename, "ige").c_str());
    2972             :     }
    2973             : 
    2974           7 :     char *pszFullFilename = CPLStrdup(
    2975          14 :         CPLFormFilenameSafe(psInfo->pszPath, psInfo->pszIGEFilename, nullptr)
    2976             :             .c_str());
    2977             : 
    2978             :     // Try and open it.  If we fail, create it and write the magic header.
    2979             :     static const char *const pszMagick = "ERDAS_IMG_EXTERNAL_RASTER";
    2980             : 
    2981           7 :     bool bRet = true;
    2982           7 :     VSILFILE *fpVSIL = VSIFOpenL(pszFullFilename, "r+b");
    2983           7 :     if (fpVSIL == nullptr)
    2984             :     {
    2985           7 :         fpVSIL = VSIFOpenL(pszFullFilename, "w+");
    2986           7 :         if (fpVSIL == nullptr)
    2987             :         {
    2988           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
    2989             :                      "Failed to create spill file %s.\n%s",
    2990           0 :                      psInfo->pszIGEFilename, VSIStrerror(errno));
    2991           0 :             return false;
    2992             :         }
    2993             : 
    2994           7 :         bRet &=
    2995           7 :             VSIFWriteL((void *)pszMagick, strlen(pszMagick) + 1, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    2996             :     }
    2997             : 
    2998           7 :     CPLFree(pszFullFilename);
    2999             : 
    3000             :     // Work out some details about the tiling scheme.
    3001           7 :     const int nBlocksPerRow = (nXSize + nBlockSize - 1) / nBlockSize;
    3002           7 :     const int nBlocksPerColumn = (nYSize + nBlockSize - 1) / nBlockSize;
    3003             :     // const int nBlocks = nBlocksPerRow * nBlocksPerColumn;
    3004             :     const int nBytesPerBlock =
    3005           7 :         (nBlockSize * nBlockSize * HFAGetDataTypeBits(eDataType) + 7) / 8;
    3006             : 
    3007           7 :     const int nBytesPerRow = (nBlocksPerRow + 7) / 8;
    3008           7 :     const int nBlockMapSize = nBytesPerRow * nBlocksPerColumn;
    3009             :     // const int iFlagsSize = nBlockMapSize + 20;
    3010             : 
    3011             :     // Write stack prefix information.
    3012           7 :     bRet &= VSIFSeekL(fpVSIL, 0, SEEK_END) >= 0;
    3013             : 
    3014           7 :     GByte bUnknown = 1;
    3015           7 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&bUnknown, 1, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3016             : 
    3017           7 :     GInt32 nValue32 = nLayers;
    3018             :     HFAStandard(4, &nValue32);
    3019           7 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3020           7 :     nValue32 = nXSize;
    3021             :     HFAStandard(4, &nValue32);
    3022           7 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3023           7 :     nValue32 = nYSize;
    3024             :     HFAStandard(4, &nValue32);
    3025           7 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3026           7 :     nValue32 = nBlockSize;
    3027             :     HFAStandard(4, &nValue32);
    3028           7 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3029           7 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3030           7 :     bUnknown = 3;
    3031           7 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&bUnknown, 1, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3032           7 :     bUnknown = 0;
    3033           7 :     bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&bUnknown, 1, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3034             : 
    3035             :     // Write out ValidFlags section(s).
    3036           7 :     *pnValidFlagsOffset = VSIFTellL(fpVSIL);
    3037             : 
    3038             :     unsigned char *pabyBlockMap =
    3039           7 :         static_cast<unsigned char *>(VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE(nBlockMapSize));
    3040           7 :     if (pabyBlockMap == nullptr)
    3041             :     {
    3042           0 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fpVSIL));
    3043           0 :         return false;
    3044             :     }
    3045             : 
    3046           7 :     memset(pabyBlockMap, 0xff, nBlockMapSize);
    3047          14 :     for (int iBand = 0; iBand < nLayers; iBand++)
    3048             :     {
    3049           7 :         nValue32 = 1;  // Unknown
    3050             :         HFAStandard(4, &nValue32);
    3051           7 :         bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3052           7 :         nValue32 = 0;  // Unknown
    3053           7 :         bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3054           7 :         nValue32 = nBlocksPerColumn;
    3055             :         HFAStandard(4, &nValue32);
    3056           7 :         bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3057           7 :         nValue32 = nBlocksPerRow;
    3058             :         HFAStandard(4, &nValue32);
    3059           7 :         bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3060           7 :         nValue32 = 0x30000;  // Unknown
    3061             :         HFAStandard(4, &nValue32);
    3062           7 :         bRet &= VSIFWriteL(&nValue32, 4, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3063             : 
    3064           7 :         const int iRemainder = nBlocksPerRow % 8;
    3065           7 :         CPLDebug("HFACreate",
    3066             :                  "Block map size %d, bytes per row %d, remainder %d.",
    3067             :                  nBlockMapSize, nBytesPerRow, iRemainder);
    3068           7 :         if (iRemainder)
    3069             :         {
    3070          14 :             for (int i = nBytesPerRow - 1; i < nBlockMapSize; i += nBytesPerRow)
    3071           7 :                 pabyBlockMap[i] = static_cast<GByte>((1 << iRemainder) - 1);
    3072             :         }
    3073             : 
    3074           7 :         bRet &= VSIFWriteL(pabyBlockMap, nBlockMapSize, 1, fpVSIL) > 0;
    3075             :     }
    3076           7 :     CPLFree(pabyBlockMap);
    3077           7 :     pabyBlockMap = nullptr;
    3078             : 
    3079             :     // Extend the file to account for all the imagery space.
    3080           7 :     const GIntBig nTileDataSize = static_cast<GIntBig>(nBytesPerBlock) *
    3081           7 :                                   nBlocksPerRow * nBlocksPerColumn * nLayers;
    3082             : 
    3083           7 :     *pnDataOffset = VSIFTellL(fpVSIL);
    3084             : 
    3085           7 :     if (!bRet || VSIFTruncateL(fpVSIL, nTileDataSize + *pnDataOffset) != 0)
    3086             :     {
    3087           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
    3088             :                  "Failed to extend %s to full size (" CPL_FRMT_GIB " bytes), "
    3089             :                  "likely out of disk space.\n%s",
    3090           0 :                  psInfo->pszIGEFilename, nTileDataSize + *pnDataOffset,
    3091           0 :                  VSIStrerror(errno));
    3092             : 
    3093           0 :         CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(VSIFCloseL(fpVSIL));
    3094           0 :         return false;
    3095             :     }
    3096             : 
    3097           7 :     if (VSIFCloseL(fpVSIL) != 0)
    3098           0 :         return false;
    3099             : 
    3100           7 :     return true;
    3101             : }
    3102             : 
    3103             : /************************************************************************/
    3104             : /*                       HFAReadAndValidatePoly()                       */
    3105             : /************************************************************************/
    3106             : 
    3107           3 : static bool HFAReadAndValidatePoly(HFAEntry *poTarget, const char *pszName,
    3108             :                                    Efga_Polynomial *psRetPoly)
    3109             : 
    3110             : {
    3111           3 :     memset(psRetPoly, 0, sizeof(Efga_Polynomial));
    3112             : 
    3113           6 :     CPLString osFldName;
    3114           3 :     osFldName.Printf("%sorder", pszName);
    3115           3 :     psRetPoly->order = poTarget->GetIntField(osFldName);
    3116             : 
    3117           3 :     if (psRetPoly->order < 1 || psRetPoly->order > 3)
    3118           0 :         return false;
    3119             : 
    3120             :     // Validate that things are in a "well known" form.
    3121           3 :     osFldName.Printf("%snumdimtransform", pszName);
    3122           3 :     const int numdimtransform = poTarget->GetIntField(osFldName);
    3123             : 
    3124           3 :     osFldName.Printf("%snumdimpolynomial", pszName);
    3125           3 :     const int numdimpolynomial = poTarget->GetIntField(osFldName);
    3126             : 
    3127           3 :     osFldName.Printf("%stermcount", pszName);
    3128           3 :     const int termcount = poTarget->GetIntField(osFldName);
    3129             : 
    3130           3 :     if (numdimtransform != 2 || numdimpolynomial != 2)
    3131           0 :         return false;
    3132             : 
    3133           3 :     if ((psRetPoly->order == 1 && termcount != 3) ||
    3134           3 :         (psRetPoly->order == 2 && termcount != 6) ||
    3135           3 :         (psRetPoly->order == 3 && termcount != 10))
    3136           0 :         return false;
    3137             : 
    3138             :     // We don't check the exponent organization for now.  Hopefully
    3139             :     // it is always standard.
    3140             : 
    3141             :     // Get coefficients.
    3142          43 :     for (int i = 0; i < termcount * 2 - 2; i++)
    3143             :     {
    3144          40 :         osFldName.Printf("%spolycoefmtx[%d]", pszName, i);
    3145          40 :         psRetPoly->polycoefmtx[i] = poTarget->GetDoubleField(osFldName);
    3146             :     }
    3147             : 
    3148           9 :     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    3149             :     {
    3150           6 :         osFldName.Printf("%spolycoefvector[%d]", pszName, i);
    3151           6 :         psRetPoly->polycoefvector[i] = poTarget->GetDoubleField(osFldName);
    3152             :     }
    3153             : 
    3154           3 :     return true;
    3155             : }
    3156             : 
    3157             : /************************************************************************/
    3158             : /*                         HFAReadXFormStack()                          */
    3159             : /************************************************************************/
    3160             : 
    3161         283 : int HFAReadXFormStack(HFAHandle hHFA, Efga_Polynomial **ppasPolyListForward,
    3162             :                       Efga_Polynomial **ppasPolyListReverse)
    3163             : 
    3164             : {
    3165         283 :     if (hHFA->nBands == 0)
    3166           0 :         return 0;
    3167             : 
    3168             :     // Get the HFA node.
    3169             :     HFAEntry *poXFormHeader =
    3170         283 :         hHFA->papoBand[0]->poNode->GetNamedChild("MapToPixelXForm");
    3171         283 :     if (poXFormHeader == nullptr)
    3172         281 :         return 0;
    3173             : 
    3174             :     // Loop over children, collecting XForms.
    3175           2 :     int nStepCount = 0;
    3176           2 :     *ppasPolyListForward = nullptr;
    3177           2 :     *ppasPolyListReverse = nullptr;
    3178             : 
    3179           5 :     for (HFAEntry *poXForm = poXFormHeader->GetChild(); poXForm != nullptr;
    3180           3 :          poXForm = poXForm->GetNext())
    3181             :     {
    3182           3 :         bool bSuccess = false;
    3183             :         Efga_Polynomial sForward;
    3184             :         Efga_Polynomial sReverse;
    3185           3 :         memset(&sForward, 0, sizeof(sForward));
    3186           3 :         memset(&sReverse, 0, sizeof(sReverse));
    3187             : 
    3188           3 :         if (EQUAL(poXForm->GetType(), "Efga_Polynomial"))
    3189             :         {
    3190           1 :             bSuccess = HFAReadAndValidatePoly(poXForm, "", &sForward);
    3191             : 
    3192           1 :             if (bSuccess)
    3193             :             {
    3194             :                 double adfGT[6] = {
    3195           1 :                     sForward.polycoefvector[0], sForward.polycoefmtx[0],
    3196           1 :                     sForward.polycoefmtx[2],    sForward.polycoefvector[1],
    3197           1 :                     sForward.polycoefmtx[1],    sForward.polycoefmtx[3]};
    3198             : 
    3199           1 :                 double adfInvGT[6] = {};
    3200           1 :                 bSuccess = HFAInvGeoTransform(adfGT, adfInvGT);
    3201           1 :                 if (!bSuccess)
    3202           0 :                     memset(adfInvGT, 0, sizeof(adfInvGT));
    3203             : 
    3204           1 :                 sReverse.order = sForward.order;
    3205           1 :                 sReverse.polycoefvector[0] = adfInvGT[0];
    3206           1 :                 sReverse.polycoefmtx[0] = adfInvGT[1];
    3207           1 :                 sReverse.polycoefmtx[2] = adfInvGT[2];
    3208           1 :                 sReverse.polycoefvector[1] = adfInvGT[3];
    3209           1 :                 sReverse.polycoefmtx[1] = adfInvGT[4];
    3210           1 :                 sReverse.polycoefmtx[3] = adfInvGT[5];
    3211             :             }
    3212             :         }
    3213           2 :         else if (EQUAL(poXForm->GetType(), "GM_PolyPair"))
    3214             :         {
    3215           2 :             bSuccess = HFAReadAndValidatePoly(poXForm, "forward.", &sForward) &&
    3216           1 :                        HFAReadAndValidatePoly(poXForm, "reverse.", &sReverse);
    3217             :         }
    3218             : 
    3219           3 :         if (bSuccess)
    3220             :         {
    3221           2 :             nStepCount++;
    3222           4 :             *ppasPolyListForward = static_cast<Efga_Polynomial *>(CPLRealloc(
    3223           2 :                 *ppasPolyListForward, sizeof(Efga_Polynomial) * nStepCount));
    3224           2 :             memcpy(*ppasPolyListForward + nStepCount - 1, &sForward,
    3225             :                    sizeof(sForward));
    3226             : 
    3227           4 :             *ppasPolyListReverse = static_cast<Efga_Polynomial *>(CPLRealloc(
    3228           2 :                 *ppasPolyListReverse, sizeof(Efga_Polynomial) * nStepCount));
    3229           2 :             memcpy(*ppasPolyListReverse + nStepCount - 1, &sReverse,
    3230             :                    sizeof(sReverse));
    3231             :         }
    3232             :     }
    3233             : 
    3234           2 :     return nStepCount;
    3235             : }
    3236             : 
    3237             : /************************************************************************/
    3238             : /*                       HFAEvaluateXFormStack()                        */
    3239             : /************************************************************************/
    3240             : 
    3241          36 : int HFAEvaluateXFormStack(int nStepCount, int bForward,
    3242             :                           Efga_Polynomial *pasPolyList, double *pdfX,
    3243             :                           double *pdfY)
    3244             : 
    3245             : {
    3246         108 :     for (int iStep = 0; iStep < nStepCount; iStep++)
    3247             :     {
    3248          72 :         const Efga_Polynomial *psStep =
    3249           0 :             bForward ? pasPolyList + iStep
    3250          72 :                      : pasPolyList + nStepCount - iStep - 1;
    3251             : 
    3252          72 :         if (psStep->order == 1)
    3253             :         {
    3254          36 :             const double dfXOut = psStep->polycoefvector[0] +
    3255          36 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[0] * *pdfX +
    3256          36 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[2] * *pdfY;
    3257             : 
    3258          36 :             const double dfYOut = psStep->polycoefvector[1] +
    3259          36 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[1] * *pdfX +
    3260          36 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[3] * *pdfY;
    3261             : 
    3262          36 :             *pdfX = dfXOut;
    3263          36 :             *pdfY = dfYOut;
    3264             :         }
    3265          36 :         else if (psStep->order == 2)
    3266             :         {
    3267           0 :             const double dfXOut = psStep->polycoefvector[0] +
    3268           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[0] * *pdfX +
    3269           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[2] * *pdfY +
    3270           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[4] * *pdfX * *pdfX +
    3271           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[6] * *pdfX * *pdfY +
    3272           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[8] * *pdfY * *pdfY;
    3273           0 :             const double dfYOut = psStep->polycoefvector[1] +
    3274           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[1] * *pdfX +
    3275           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[3] * *pdfY +
    3276           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[5] * *pdfX * *pdfX +
    3277           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[7] * *pdfX * *pdfY +
    3278           0 :                                   psStep->polycoefmtx[9] * *pdfY * *pdfY;
    3279             : 
    3280           0 :             *pdfX = dfXOut;
    3281           0 :             *pdfY = dfYOut;
    3282             :         }
    3283          36 :         else if (psStep->order == 3)
    3284             :         {
    3285          36 :             const double dfXOut =
    3286          36 :                 psStep->polycoefvector[0] + psStep->polycoefmtx[0] * *pdfX +
    3287          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[2] * *pdfY +
    3288          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[4] * *pdfX * *pdfX +
    3289          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[6] * *pdfX * *pdfY +
    3290          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[8] * *pdfY * *pdfY +
    3291          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[10] * *pdfX * *pdfX * *pdfX +
    3292          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[12] * *pdfX * *pdfX * *pdfY +
    3293          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[14] * *pdfX * *pdfY * *pdfY +
    3294          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[16] * *pdfY * *pdfY * *pdfY;
    3295          36 :             const double dfYOut =
    3296          36 :                 psStep->polycoefvector[1] + psStep->polycoefmtx[1] * *pdfX +
    3297          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[3] * *pdfY +
    3298          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[5] * *pdfX * *pdfX +
    3299          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[7] * *pdfX * *pdfY +
    3300          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[9] * *pdfY * *pdfY +
    3301          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[11] * *pdfX * *pdfX * *pdfX +
    3302          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[13] * *pdfX * *pdfX * *pdfY +
    3303          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[15] * *pdfX * *pdfY * *pdfY +
    3304          36 :                 psStep->polycoefmtx[17] * *pdfY * *pdfY * *pdfY;
    3305             : 
    3306          36 :             *pdfX = dfXOut;
    3307          36 :             *pdfY = dfYOut;
    3308             :         }
    3309             :         else
    3310           0 :             return FALSE;
    3311             :     }
    3312             : 
    3313          36 :     return TRUE;
    3314             : }
    3315             : 
    3316             : /************************************************************************/
    3317             : /*                         HFAWriteXFormStack()                         */
    3318             : /************************************************************************/
    3319             : 
    3320           2 : CPLErr HFAWriteXFormStack(HFAHandle hHFA, int nBand, int nXFormCount,
    3321             :                           Efga_Polynomial **ppasPolyListForward,
    3322             :                           Efga_Polynomial **ppasPolyListReverse)
    3323             : 
    3324             : {
    3325           2 :     if (nXFormCount == 0)
    3326           0 :         return CE_None;
    3327             : 
    3328           2 :     if (ppasPolyListForward[0]->order != 1)
    3329             :     {
    3330           0 :         CPLError(
    3331             :             CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    3332             :             "For now HFAWriteXFormStack() only supports order 1 polynomials");
    3333           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    3334             :     }
    3335             : 
    3336           2 :     if (nBand < 0 || nBand > hHFA->nBands)
    3337           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    3338             : 
    3339             :     // If no band number is provided, operate on all bands.
    3340           2 :     if (nBand == 0)
    3341             :     {
    3342           2 :         for (nBand = 1; nBand <= hHFA->nBands; nBand++)
    3343             :         {
    3344             :             CPLErr eErr =
    3345           1 :                 HFAWriteXFormStack(hHFA, nBand, nXFormCount,
    3346             :                                    ppasPolyListForward, ppasPolyListReverse);
    3347           1 :             if (eErr != CE_None)
    3348           0 :                 return eErr;
    3349             :         }
    3350             : 
    3351           1 :         return CE_None;
    3352             :     }
    3353             : 
    3354             :     // Fetch our band node.
    3355           1 :     HFAEntry *poBandNode = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->poNode;
    3356           1 :     HFAEntry *poXFormHeader = poBandNode->GetNamedChild("MapToPixelXForm");
    3357           1 :     if (poXFormHeader == nullptr)
    3358             :     {
    3359           1 :         poXFormHeader = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "MapToPixelXForm",
    3360             :                                       "Exfr_GenericXFormHeader", poBandNode);
    3361           1 :         poXFormHeader->MakeData(23);
    3362           1 :         poXFormHeader->SetPosition();
    3363           1 :         poXFormHeader->SetStringField("titleList.string", "Affine");
    3364             :     }
    3365             : 
    3366             :     // Loop over XForms.
    3367           2 :     for (int iXForm = 0; iXForm < nXFormCount; iXForm++)
    3368             :     {
    3369           1 :         Efga_Polynomial *psForward = *ppasPolyListForward + iXForm;
    3370           2 :         CPLString osXFormName;
    3371           1 :         osXFormName.Printf("XForm%d", iXForm);
    3372             : 
    3373           1 :         HFAEntry *poXForm = poXFormHeader->GetNamedChild(osXFormName);
    3374             : 
    3375           1 :         if (poXForm == nullptr)
    3376             :         {
    3377           1 :             poXForm = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, osXFormName, "Efga_Polynomial",
    3378             :                                     poXFormHeader);
    3379           1 :             poXForm->MakeData(136);
    3380           1 :             poXForm->SetPosition();
    3381             :         }
    3382             : 
    3383           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("order", 1);
    3384           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("numdimtransform", 2);
    3385           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("numdimpolynomial", 2);
    3386           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("termcount", 3);
    3387           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("exponentlist[0]", 0);
    3388           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("exponentlist[1]", 0);
    3389           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("exponentlist[2]", 1);
    3390           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("exponentlist[3]", 0);
    3391           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("exponentlist[4]", 0);
    3392           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("exponentlist[5]", 1);
    3393             : 
    3394           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("polycoefmtx[-3]", EPT_f64);
    3395           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("polycoefmtx[-2]", 2);
    3396           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("polycoefmtx[-1]", 2);
    3397           1 :         poXForm->SetDoubleField("polycoefmtx[0]", psForward->polycoefmtx[0]);
    3398           1 :         poXForm->SetDoubleField("polycoefmtx[1]", psForward->polycoefmtx[1]);
    3399           1 :         poXForm->SetDoubleField("polycoefmtx[2]", psForward->polycoefmtx[2]);
    3400           1 :         poXForm->SetDoubleField("polycoefmtx[3]", psForward->polycoefmtx[3]);
    3401             : 
    3402           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("polycoefvector[-3]", EPT_f64);
    3403           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("polycoefvector[-2]", 1);
    3404           1 :         poXForm->SetIntField("polycoefvector[-1]", 2);
    3405           1 :         poXForm->SetDoubleField("polycoefvector[0]",
    3406             :                                 psForward->polycoefvector[0]);
    3407           1 :         poXForm->SetDoubleField("polycoefvector[1]",
    3408             :                                 psForward->polycoefvector[1]);
    3409             :     }
    3410             : 
    3411           1 :     return CE_None;
    3412             : }
    3413             : 
    3414             : /************************************************************************/
    3415             : /*                         HFAReadCameraModel()                         */
    3416             : /************************************************************************/
    3417             : 
    3418         533 : char **HFAReadCameraModel(HFAHandle hHFA)
    3419             : 
    3420             : {
    3421         533 :     if (hHFA->nBands == 0)
    3422           0 :         return nullptr;
    3423             : 
    3424             :     // Get the camera model node, and confirm its type.
    3425             :     HFAEntry *poXForm =
    3426         533 :         hHFA->papoBand[0]->poNode->GetNamedChild("MapToPixelXForm.XForm0");
    3427         533 :     if (poXForm == nullptr)
    3428         527 :         return nullptr;
    3429             : 
    3430           6 :     if (!EQUAL(poXForm->GetType(), "Camera_ModelX"))
    3431           5 :         return nullptr;
    3432             : 
    3433             :     // Convert the values to metadata.
    3434           1 :     char **papszMD = nullptr;
    3435             :     static const char *const apszFields[] = {"direction",
    3436             :                                              "refType",
    3437             :                                              "demsource",
    3438             :                                              "PhotoDirection",
    3439             :                                              "RotationSystem",
    3440             :                                              "demfilename",
    3441             :                                              "demzunits",
    3442             :                                              "forSrcAffine[0]",
    3443             :                                              "forSrcAffine[1]",
    3444             :                                              "forSrcAffine[2]",
    3445             :                                              "forSrcAffine[3]",
    3446             :                                              "forSrcAffine[4]",
    3447             :                                              "forSrcAffine[5]",
    3448             :                                              "forDstAffine[0]",
    3449             :                                              "forDstAffine[1]",
    3450             :                                              "forDstAffine[2]",
    3451             :                                              "forDstAffine[3]",
    3452             :                                              "forDstAffine[4]",
    3453             :                                              "forDstAffine[5]",
    3454             :                                              "invSrcAffine[0]",
    3455             :                                              "invSrcAffine[1]",
    3456             :                                              "invSrcAffine[2]",
    3457             :                                              "invSrcAffine[3]",
    3458             :                                              "invSrcAffine[4]",
    3459             :                                              "invSrcAffine[5]",
    3460             :                                              "invDstAffine[0]",
    3461             :                                              "invDstAffine[1]",
    3462             :                                              "invDstAffine[2]",
    3463             :                                              "invDstAffine[3]",
    3464             :                                              "invDstAffine[4]",
    3465             :                                              "invDstAffine[5]",
    3466             :                                              "z_mean",
    3467             :                                              "lat0",
    3468             :                                              "lon0",
    3469             :                                              "coeffs[0]",
    3470             :                                              "coeffs[1]",
    3471             :                                              "coeffs[2]",
    3472             :                                              "coeffs[3]",
    3473             :                                              "coeffs[4]",
    3474             :                                              "coeffs[5]",
    3475             :                                              "coeffs[6]",
    3476             :                                              "coeffs[7]",
    3477             :                                              "coeffs[8]",
    3478             :                                              "LensDistortion[0]",
    3479             :                                              "LensDistortion[1]",
    3480             :                                              "LensDistortion[2]",
    3481             :                                              nullptr};
    3482             : 
    3483           1 :     const char *pszValue = nullptr;
    3484          47 :     for (int i = 0; apszFields[i] != nullptr; i++)
    3485             :     {
    3486          46 :         pszValue = poXForm->GetStringField(apszFields[i]);
    3487          46 :         if (pszValue == nullptr)
    3488           1 :             pszValue = "";
    3489             : 
    3490          46 :         papszMD = CSLSetNameValue(papszMD, apszFields[i], pszValue);
    3491             :     }
    3492             : 
    3493             :     // Create a pseudo-entry for the MIFObject with the outputProjection.
    3494             :     HFAEntry *poProjInfo =
    3495           1 :         HFAEntry::BuildEntryFromMIFObject(poXForm, "outputProjection");
    3496           1 :     if (poProjInfo)
    3497             :     {
    3498             :         // Fetch the datum.
    3499             :         Eprj_Datum sDatum;
    3500             : 
    3501           1 :         memset(&sDatum, 0, sizeof(sDatum));
    3502             : 
    3503           1 :         sDatum.datumname =
    3504           1 :             (char *)poProjInfo->GetStringField("earthModel.datum.datumname");
    3505             : 
    3506           1 :         const int nDatumType = poProjInfo->GetIntField("earthModel.datum.type");
    3507           1 :         if (nDatumType < 0 || nDatumType > EPRJ_DATUM_NONE)
    3508             :         {
    3509           0 :             CPLDebug("HFA", "Invalid value for datum type: %d", nDatumType);
    3510           0 :             sDatum.type = EPRJ_DATUM_NONE;
    3511             :         }
    3512             :         else
    3513             :         {
    3514           1 :             sDatum.type = static_cast<Eprj_DatumType>(nDatumType);
    3515             :         }
    3516             : 
    3517           8 :         for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    3518             :         {
    3519           7 :             char szFieldName[60] = {};
    3520             : 
    3521           7 :             snprintf(szFieldName, sizeof(szFieldName),
    3522             :                      "earthModel.datum.params[%d]", i);
    3523           7 :             sDatum.params[i] = poProjInfo->GetDoubleField(szFieldName);
    3524             :         }
    3525             : 
    3526           1 :         sDatum.gridname =
    3527           1 :             (char *)poProjInfo->GetStringField("earthModel.datum.gridname");
    3528             : 
    3529             :         // Fetch the projection parameters.
    3530             :         Eprj_ProParameters sPro;
    3531             : 
    3532           1 :         memset(&sPro, 0, sizeof(sPro));
    3533             : 
    3534           1 :         sPro.proType =
    3535           1 :             (Eprj_ProType)poProjInfo->GetIntField("projectionObject.proType");
    3536           1 :         sPro.proNumber = poProjInfo->GetIntField("projectionObject.proNumber");
    3537           1 :         sPro.proExeName =
    3538           1 :             (char *)poProjInfo->GetStringField("projectionObject.proExeName");
    3539           1 :         sPro.proName =
    3540           1 :             (char *)poProjInfo->GetStringField("projectionObject.proName");
    3541           1 :         sPro.proZone = poProjInfo->GetIntField("projectionObject.proZone");
    3542             : 
    3543          16 :         for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
    3544             :         {
    3545          15 :             char szFieldName[40] = {};
    3546             : 
    3547          15 :             snprintf(szFieldName, sizeof(szFieldName),
    3548             :                      "projectionObject.proParams[%d]", i);
    3549          15 :             sPro.proParams[i] = poProjInfo->GetDoubleField(szFieldName);
    3550             :         }
    3551             : 
    3552             :         // Fetch the spheroid.
    3553           1 :         sPro.proSpheroid.sphereName = (char *)poProjInfo->GetStringField(
    3554             :             "earthModel.proSpheroid.sphereName");
    3555           1 :         sPro.proSpheroid.a =
    3556           1 :             poProjInfo->GetDoubleField("earthModel.proSpheroid.a");
    3557           1 :         sPro.proSpheroid.b =
    3558           1 :             poProjInfo->GetDoubleField("earthModel.proSpheroid.b");
    3559           1 :         sPro.proSpheroid.eSquared =
    3560           1 :             poProjInfo->GetDoubleField("earthModel.proSpheroid.eSquared");
    3561           1 :         sPro.proSpheroid.radius =
    3562           1 :             poProjInfo->GetDoubleField("earthModel.proSpheroid.radius");
    3563             : 
    3564             :         // Fetch the projection info.
    3565             :         // poProjInfo->DumpFieldValues( stdout, "" );
    3566             : 
    3567           2 :         auto poSRS = HFAPCSStructToOSR(&sDatum, &sPro, nullptr, nullptr);
    3568             : 
    3569           1 :         if (poSRS)
    3570             :         {
    3571           1 :             char *pszProjection = nullptr;
    3572           1 :             if (poSRS->exportToWkt(&pszProjection) == OGRERR_NONE)
    3573             :             {
    3574             :                 papszMD =
    3575           1 :                     CSLSetNameValue(papszMD, "outputProjection", pszProjection);
    3576             :             }
    3577           1 :             CPLFree(pszProjection);
    3578             :         }
    3579             : 
    3580           1 :         delete poProjInfo;
    3581             :     }
    3582             : 
    3583             :     // Fetch the horizontal units.
    3584           1 :     pszValue = poXForm->GetStringField("outputHorizontalUnits.string");
    3585           1 :     if (pszValue == nullptr)
    3586           0 :         pszValue = "";
    3587             : 
    3588           1 :     papszMD = CSLSetNameValue(papszMD, "outputHorizontalUnits", pszValue);
    3589             : 
    3590             :     // Fetch the elevationinfo.
    3591             :     HFAEntry *poElevInfo =
    3592           1 :         HFAEntry::BuildEntryFromMIFObject(poXForm, "outputElevationInfo");
    3593           1 :     if (poElevInfo)
    3594             :     {
    3595             :         // poElevInfo->DumpFieldValues( stdout, "" );
    3596             : 
    3597           1 :         if (poElevInfo->GetDataSize() != 0)
    3598             :         {
    3599             :             static const char *const apszEFields[] = {
    3600             :                 "verticalDatum.datumname", "verticalDatum.type",
    3601             :                 "elevationUnit", "elevationType", nullptr};
    3602             : 
    3603           5 :             for (int i = 0; apszEFields[i] != nullptr; i++)
    3604             :             {
    3605           4 :                 pszValue = poElevInfo->GetStringField(apszEFields[i]);
    3606           4 :                 if (pszValue == nullptr)
    3607           0 :                     pszValue = "";
    3608             : 
    3609           4 :                 papszMD = CSLSetNameValue(papszMD, apszEFields[i], pszValue);
    3610             :             }
    3611             :         }
    3612             : 
    3613           1 :         delete poElevInfo;
    3614             :     }
    3615             : 
    3616           1 :     return papszMD;
    3617             : }
    3618             : 
    3619             : /************************************************************************/
    3620             : /*                         HFAReadElevationUnit()                       */
    3621             : /************************************************************************/
    3622             : 
    3623         613 : const char *HFAReadElevationUnit(HFAHandle hHFA, int iBand)
    3624             : {
    3625         613 :     if (hHFA->nBands <= iBand)
    3626           0 :         return nullptr;
    3627             : 
    3628         613 :     HFABand *poBand(hHFA->papoBand[iBand]);
    3629         613 :     if (poBand == nullptr || poBand->poNode == nullptr)
    3630             :     {
    3631           0 :         return nullptr;
    3632             :     }
    3633         613 :     HFAEntry *poElevInfo = poBand->poNode->GetNamedChild("Elevation_Info");
    3634         613 :     if (poElevInfo == nullptr)
    3635             :     {
    3636         610 :         return nullptr;
    3637             :     }
    3638           3 :     return poElevInfo->GetStringField("elevationUnit");
    3639             : }
    3640             : 
    3641             : /************************************************************************/
    3642             : /*                         HFASetGeoTransform()                         */
    3643             : /*                                                                      */
    3644             : /*      Set a MapInformation and XForm block.  Allows for rotated       */
    3645             : /*      and shared geotransforms.                                       */
    3646             : /************************************************************************/
    3647             : 
    3648           1 : CPLErr HFASetGeoTransform(HFAHandle hHFA, const char *pszProName,
    3649             :                           const char *pszUnits, double *padfGeoTransform)
    3650             : 
    3651             : {
    3652             :     // Write MapInformation.
    3653           2 :     for (int nBand = 1; nBand <= hHFA->nBands; nBand++)
    3654             :     {
    3655           1 :         HFAEntry *poBandNode = hHFA->papoBand[nBand - 1]->poNode;
    3656             : 
    3657           1 :         HFAEntry *poMI = poBandNode->GetNamedChild("MapInformation");
    3658           1 :         if (poMI == nullptr)
    3659             :         {
    3660           1 :             poMI = HFAEntry::New(hHFA, "MapInformation", "Eimg_MapInformation",
    3661             :                                  poBandNode);
    3662           1 :             poMI->MakeData(
    3663           1 :                 static_cast<int>(18 + strlen(pszProName) + strlen(pszUnits)));
    3664           1 :             poMI->SetPosition();
    3665             :         }
    3666             : 
    3667           1 :         poMI->SetStringField("projection.string", pszProName);
    3668           1 :         poMI->SetStringField("units.string", pszUnits);
    3669             :     }
    3670             : 
    3671             :     // Write XForm.
    3672           1 :     double adfAdjTransform[6] = {};
    3673             : 
    3674             :     // Offset by half pixel.
    3675             : 
    3676           1 :     memcpy(adfAdjTransform, padfGeoTransform, sizeof(double) * 6);
    3677           1 :     adfAdjTransform[0] += adfAdjTransform[1] * 0.5;
    3678           1 :     adfAdjTransform[0] += adfAdjTransform[2] * 0.5;
    3679           1 :     adfAdjTransform[3] += adfAdjTransform[4] * 0.5;
    3680           1 :     adfAdjTransform[3] += adfAdjTransform[5] * 0.5;
    3681             : 
    3682             :     // Invert.
    3683           1 :     double adfRevTransform[6] = {};
    3684           1 :     if (!HFAInvGeoTransform(adfAdjTransform, adfRevTransform))
    3685           0 :         memset(adfRevTransform, 0, sizeof(adfRevTransform));
    3686             : 
    3687             :     // Assign to polynomial object.
    3688             : 
    3689             :     Efga_Polynomial sForward;
    3690           1 :     memset(&sForward, 0, sizeof(sForward));
    3691           1 :     Efga_Polynomial *psForward = &sForward;
    3692           1 :     sForward.order = 1;
    3693           1 :     sForward.polycoefvector[0] = adfRevTransform[0];
    3694           1 :     sForward.polycoefmtx[0] = adfRevTransform[1];
    3695           1 :     sForward.polycoefmtx[1] = adfRevTransform[4];
    3696           1 :     sForward.polycoefvector[1] = adfRevTransform[3];
    3697           1 :     sForward.polycoefmtx[2] = adfRevTransform[2];
    3698           1 :     sForward.polycoefmtx[3] = adfRevTransform[5];
    3699             : 
    3700           1 :     Efga_Polynomial sReverse = sForward;
    3701           1 :     Efga_Polynomial *psReverse = &sReverse;
    3702             : 
    3703           2 :     return HFAWriteXFormStack(hHFA, 0, 1, &psForward, &psReverse);
    3704             : }
    3705             : 
    3706             : /************************************************************************/
    3707             : /*                        HFARenameReferences()                         */
    3708             : /*                                                                      */
    3709             : /*      Rename references in this .img file from the old basename to    */
    3710             : /*      a new basename.  This should be passed on to .aux and .rrd      */
    3711             : /*      files and should include references to .aux, .rrd and .ige.     */
    3712             : /************************************************************************/
    3713             : 
    3714           4 : CPLErr HFARenameReferences(HFAHandle hHFA, const char *pszNewBase,
    3715             :                            const char *pszOldBase)
    3716             : 
    3717             : {
    3718             :     // Handle RRDNamesList updates.
    3719             :     std::vector<HFAEntry *> apoNodeList =
    3720           4 :         hHFA->poRoot->FindChildren("RRDNamesList", nullptr);
    3721             : 
    3722           6 :     for (size_t iNode = 0; iNode < apoNodeList.size(); iNode++)
    3723             :     {
    3724           2 :         HFAEntry *poRRDNL = apoNodeList[iNode];
    3725           4 :         std::vector<CPLString> aosNL;
    3726             : 
    3727             :         // Collect all the existing names.
    3728           2 :         const int nNameCount = poRRDNL->GetFieldCount("nameList");
    3729             : 
    3730           4 :         CPLString osAlgorithm = poRRDNL->GetStringField("algorithm.string");
    3731           4 :         for (int i = 0; i < nNameCount; i++)
    3732             :         {
    3733           2 :             CPLString osFN;
    3734           2 :             osFN.Printf("nameList[%d].string", i);
    3735           2 :             aosNL.push_back(poRRDNL->GetStringField(osFN));
    3736             :         }
    3737             : 
    3738             :         // Adjust the names to the new form.
    3739           4 :         for (int i = 0; i < nNameCount; i++)
    3740             :         {
    3741           2 :             if (strncmp(aosNL[i], pszOldBase, strlen(pszOldBase)) == 0)
    3742             :             {
    3743           2 :                 std::string osNew = pszNewBase;
    3744           2 :                 osNew += aosNL[i].c_str() + strlen(pszOldBase);
    3745           2 :                 aosNL[i] = std::move(osNew);
    3746             :             }
    3747             :         }
    3748             : 
    3749             :         // Try to make sure the RRDNamesList is big enough to hold the
    3750             :         // adjusted name list.
    3751           2 :         if (strlen(pszNewBase) > strlen(pszOldBase))
    3752             :         {
    3753           1 :             CPLDebug("HFA", "Growing RRDNamesList to hold new names");
    3754           1 :             poRRDNL->MakeData(static_cast<int>(
    3755           1 :                 poRRDNL->GetDataSize() +
    3756           1 :                 nNameCount * (strlen(pszNewBase) - strlen(pszOldBase))));
    3757             :         }
    3758             : 
    3759             :         // Initialize the whole thing to zeros for a clean start.
    3760           2 :         memset(poRRDNL->GetData(), 0, poRRDNL->GetDataSize());
    3761             : 
    3762             :         // Write the updates back to the file.
    3763           2 :         poRRDNL->SetStringField("algorithm.string", osAlgorithm);
    3764           4 :         for (int i = 0; i < nNameCount; i++)
    3765             :         {
    3766           4 :             CPLString osFN;
    3767           2 :             osFN.Printf("nameList[%d].string", i);
    3768           2 :             poRRDNL->SetStringField(osFN, aosNL[i]);
    3769             :         }
    3770             :     }
    3771             : 
    3772             :     // Spill file references.
    3773             :     apoNodeList =
    3774           4 :         hHFA->poRoot->FindChildren("ExternalRasterDMS", "ImgExternalRaster");
    3775             : 
    3776           8 :     for (size_t iNode = 0; iNode < apoNodeList.size(); iNode++)
    3777             :     {
    3778           4 :         HFAEntry *poERDMS = apoNodeList[iNode];
    3779             : 
    3780           4 :         if (poERDMS == nullptr)
    3781           0 :             continue;
    3782             : 
    3783             :         // Fetch all existing values.
    3784           8 :         CPLString osFileName = poERDMS->GetStringField("fileName.string");
    3785             : 
    3786             :         GInt32 anValidFlagsOffset[2] = {
    3787           4 :             poERDMS->GetIntField("layerStackValidFlagsOffset[0]"),
    3788           4 :             poERDMS->GetIntField("layerStackValidFlagsOffset[1]")};
    3789             : 
    3790             :         GInt32 anStackDataOffset[2] = {
    3791           4 :             poERDMS->GetIntField("layerStackDataOffset[0]"),
    3792           4 :             poERDMS->GetIntField("layerStackDataOffset[1]")};
    3793             : 
    3794           4 :         const GInt32 nStackCount = poERDMS->GetIntField("layerStackCount");
    3795           4 :         const GInt32 nStackIndex = poERDMS->GetIntField("layerStackIndex");
    3796             : 
    3797             :         // Update the filename.
    3798           4 :         if (strncmp(osFileName, pszOldBase, strlen(pszOldBase)) == 0)
    3799             :         {
    3800           4 :             std::string osNew = pszNewBase;
    3801           4 :             osNew += osFileName.c_str() + strlen(pszOldBase);
    3802           4 :             osFileName = std::move(osNew);
    3803             :         }
    3804             : 
    3805             :         // Grow the node if needed.
    3806           4 :         if (strlen(pszNewBase) > strlen(pszOldBase))
    3807             :         {
    3808           2 :             CPLDebug("HFA", "Growing ExternalRasterDMS to hold new names");
    3809           2 :             poERDMS->MakeData(
    3810           2 :                 static_cast<int>(poERDMS->GetDataSize() +
    3811           2 :                                  (strlen(pszNewBase) - strlen(pszOldBase))));
    3812             :         }
    3813             : 
    3814             :         // Initialize the whole thing to zeros for a clean start.
    3815           4 :         memset(poERDMS->GetData(), 0, poERDMS->GetDataSize());
    3816             : 
    3817             :         // Write it all out again, this may change the size of the node.
    3818           4 :         poERDMS->SetStringField("fileName.string", osFileName);
    3819           4 :         poERDMS->SetIntField("layerStackValidFlagsOffset[0]",
    3820             :                              anValidFlagsOffset[0]);
    3821           4 :         poERDMS->SetIntField("layerStackValidFlagsOffset[1]",
    3822             :                              anValidFlagsOffset[1]);
    3823             : 
    3824           4 :         poERDMS->SetIntField("layerStackDataOffset[0]", anStackDataOffset[0]);
    3825           4 :         poERDMS->SetIntField("layerStackDataOffset[1]", anStackDataOffset[1]);
    3826             : 
    3827           4 :         poERDMS->SetIntField("layerStackCount", nStackCount);
    3828           4 :         poERDMS->SetIntField("layerStackIndex", nStackIndex);
    3829             :     }
    3830             : 
    3831             :     // DependentFile.
    3832             :     apoNodeList =
    3833           4 :         hHFA->poRoot->FindChildren("DependentFile", "Eimg_DependentFile");
    3834             : 
    3835           6 :     for (size_t iNode = 0; iNode < apoNodeList.size(); iNode++)
    3836             :     {
    3837             :         CPLString osFileName =
    3838           4 :             apoNodeList[iNode]->GetStringField("dependent.string");
    3839             : 
    3840             :         // Grow the node if needed.
    3841           2 :         if (strlen(pszNewBase) > strlen(pszOldBase))
    3842             :         {
    3843           1 :             CPLDebug("HFA", "Growing DependentFile to hold new names");
    3844           1 :             apoNodeList[iNode]->MakeData(
    3845           1 :                 static_cast<int>(apoNodeList[iNode]->GetDataSize() +
    3846           1 :                                  (strlen(pszNewBase) - strlen(pszOldBase))));
    3847             :         }
    3848             : 
    3849             :         // Update the filename.
    3850           2 :         if (strncmp(osFileName, pszOldBase, strlen(pszOldBase)) == 0)
    3851             :         {
    3852           2 :             std::string osNew = pszNewBase;
    3853           2 :             osNew += (osFileName.c_str() + strlen(pszOldBase));
    3854           2 :             osFileName = std::move(osNew);
    3855             :         }
    3856             : 
    3857           2 :         apoNodeList[iNode]->SetStringField("dependent.string", osFileName);
    3858             :     }
    3859             : 
    3860           8 :     return CE_None;
    3861             : }
    3862             : 
    3863             : /* ==================================================================== */
    3864             : /*      Table relating USGS and ESRI state plane zones.                 */
    3865             : /* ==================================================================== */
    3866             : constexpr int anUsgsEsriZones[] = {
    3867             :     101,  3101, 102,  3126, 201,  3151, 202,  3176, 203,  3201, 301,  3226,
    3868             :     302,  3251, 401,  3276, 402,  3301, 403,  3326, 404,  3351, 405,  3376,
    3869             :     406,  3401, 407,  3426, 501,  3451, 502,  3476, 503,  3501, 600,  3526,
    3870             :     700,  3551, 901,  3601, 902,  3626, 903,  3576, 1001, 3651, 1002, 3676,
    3871             :     1101, 3701, 1102, 3726, 1103, 3751, 1201, 3776, 1202, 3801, 1301, 3826,
    3872             :     1302, 3851, 1401, 3876, 1402, 3901, 1501, 3926, 1502, 3951, 1601, 3976,
    3873             :     1602, 4001, 1701, 4026, 1702, 4051, 1703, 6426, 1801, 4076, 1802, 4101,
    3874             :     1900, 4126, 2001, 4151, 2002, 4176, 2101, 4201, 2102, 4226, 2103, 4251,
    3875             :     2111, 6351, 2112, 6376, 2113, 6401, 2201, 4276, 2202, 4301, 2203, 4326,
    3876             :     2301, 4351, 2302, 4376, 2401, 4401, 2402, 4426, 2403, 4451, 2500, 0,
    3877             :     2501, 4476, 2502, 4501, 2503, 4526, 2600, 0,    2601, 4551, 2602, 4576,
    3878             :     2701, 4601, 2702, 4626, 2703, 4651, 2800, 4676, 2900, 4701, 3001, 4726,
    3879             :     3002, 4751, 3003, 4776, 3101, 4801, 3102, 4826, 3103, 4851, 3104, 4876,
    3880             :     3200, 4901, 3301, 4926, 3302, 4951, 3401, 4976, 3402, 5001, 3501, 5026,
    3881             :     3502, 5051, 3601, 5076, 3602, 5101, 3701, 5126, 3702, 5151, 3800, 5176,
    3882             :     3900, 0,    3901, 5201, 3902, 5226, 4001, 5251, 4002, 5276, 4100, 5301,
    3883             :     4201, 5326, 4202, 5351, 4203, 5376, 4204, 5401, 4205, 5426, 4301, 5451,
    3884             :     4302, 5476, 4303, 5501, 4400, 5526, 4501, 5551, 4502, 5576, 4601, 5601,
    3885             :     4602, 5626, 4701, 5651, 4702, 5676, 4801, 5701, 4802, 5726, 4803, 5751,
    3886             :     4901, 5776, 4902, 5801, 4903, 5826, 4904, 5851, 5001, 6101, 5002, 6126,
    3887             :     5003, 6151, 5004, 6176, 5005, 6201, 5006, 6226, 5007, 6251, 5008, 6276,
    3888             :     5009, 6301, 5010, 6326, 5101, 5876, 5102, 5901, 5103, 5926, 5104, 5951,
    3889             :     5105, 5976, 5201, 6001, 5200, 6026, 5200, 6076, 5201, 6051, 5202, 6051,
    3890             :     5300, 0,    5400, 0};
    3891             : 
    3892             : /************************************************************************/
    3893             : /*                           ESRIToUSGSZone()                           */
    3894             : /*                                                                      */
    3895             : /*      Convert ESRI style state plane zones to USGS style state        */
    3896             : /*      plane zones.                                                    */
    3897             : /************************************************************************/
    3898             : 
    3899           3 : static int ESRIToUSGSZone(int nESRIZone)
    3900             : 
    3901             : {
    3902           3 :     if (nESRIZone == INT_MIN)
    3903           0 :         return 0;
    3904           3 :     if (nESRIZone < 0)
    3905           1 :         return std::abs(nESRIZone);
    3906             : 
    3907           2 :     const int nPairs = sizeof(anUsgsEsriZones) / (2 * sizeof(int));
    3908         212 :     for (int i = 0; i < nPairs; i++)
    3909             :     {
    3910         212 :         if (anUsgsEsriZones[i * 2 + 1] == nESRIZone)
    3911           2 :             return anUsgsEsriZones[i * 2];
    3912             :     }
    3913             : 
    3914           0 :     return 0;
    3915             : }
    3916             : 
    3917             : static const char *const apszDatumMap[] = {
    3918             :     // Imagine name, WKT name.
    3919             :     "NAD27",
    3920             :     "North_American_Datum_1927",
    3921             :     "NAD83",
    3922             :     "North_American_Datum_1983",
    3923             :     "WGS 84",
    3924             :     "WGS_1984",
    3925             :     "WGS 1972",
    3926             :     "WGS_1972",
    3927             :     "GDA94",
    3928             :     "Geocentric_Datum_of_Australia_1994",
    3929             :     "Pulkovo 1942",
    3930             :     "Pulkovo_1942",
    3931             :     "Geodetic Datum 1949",
    3932             :     "New_Zealand_Geodetic_Datum_1949",
    3933             :     nullptr,
    3934             :     nullptr};
    3935             : 
    3936         332 : const char *const *HFAGetDatumMap()
    3937             : {
    3938         332 :     return apszDatumMap;
    3939             : }
    3940             : 
    3941             : static const char *const apszUnitMap[] = {"meters",
    3942             :                                           "1.0",
    3943             :                                           "meter",
    3944             :                                           "1.0",
    3945             :                                           "m",
    3946             :                                           "1.0",
    3947             :                                           "centimeters",
    3948             :                                           "0.01",
    3949             :                                           "centimeter",
    3950             :                                           "0.01",
    3951             :                                           "cm",
    3952             :                                           "0.01",
    3953             :                                           "millimeters",
    3954             :                                           "0.001",
    3955             :                                           "millimeter",
    3956             :                                           "0.001",
    3957             :                                           "mm",
    3958             :                                           "0.001",
    3959             :                                           "kilometers",
    3960             :                                           "1000.0",
    3961             :                                           "kilometer",
    3962             :                                           "1000.0",
    3963             :                                           "km",
    3964             :                                           "1000.0",
    3965             :                                           "us_survey_feet",
    3966             :                                           "0.3048006096012192",
    3967             :                                           "us_survey_foot",
    3968             :                                           "0.3048006096012192",
    3969             :                                           "feet",
    3970             :                                           "0.3048006096012192",
    3971             :                                           "foot",
    3972             :                                           "0.3048006096012192",
    3973             :                                           "ft",
    3974             :                                           "0.3048006096012192",
    3975             :                                           "international_feet",
    3976             :                                           "0.3048",
    3977             :                                           "international_foot",
    3978             :                                           "0.3048",
    3979             :                                           "inches",
    3980             :                                           "0.0254000508001",
    3981             :                                           "inch",
    3982             :                                           "0.0254000508001",
    3983             :                                           "in",
    3984             :                                           "0.0254000508001",
    3985             :                                           "yards",
    3986             :                                           "0.9144",
    3987             :                                           "yard",
    3988             :                                           "0.9144",
    3989             :                                           "yd",
    3990             :                                           "0.9144",
    3991             :                                           "clarke_yard",
    3992             :                                           "0.9143917962",
    3993             :                                           "miles",
    3994             :                                           "1304.544",
    3995             :                                           "mile",
    3996             :                                           "1304.544",
    3997             :                                           "mi",
    3998             :                                           "1304.544",
    3999             :                                           "modified_american_feet",
    4000             :                                           "0.3048122530",
    4001             :                                           "modified_american_foot",
    4002             :                                           "0.3048122530",
    4003             :                                           "clarke_feet",
    4004             :                                           "0.3047972651",
    4005             :                                           "clarke_foot",
    4006             :                                           "0.3047972651",
    4007             :                                           "indian_feet",
    4008             :                                           "0.3047995142",
    4009             :                                           "indian_foot",
    4010             :                                           "0.3047995142",
    4011             :                                           nullptr,
    4012             :                                           nullptr};
    4013             : 
    4014         197 : const char *const *HFAGetUnitMap()
    4015             : {
    4016         197 :     return apszUnitMap;
    4017             : }
    4018             : 
    4019             : /************************************************************************/
    4020             : /*                          HFAPCSStructToOSR()                         */
    4021             : /*                                                                      */
    4022             : /*      Convert the datum, proparameters and mapinfo structures into    */
    4023             : /*      WKT format.                                                     */
    4024             : /************************************************************************/
    4025             : 
    4026             : std::unique_ptr<OGRSpatialReference>
    4027         210 : HFAPCSStructToOSR(const Eprj_Datum *psDatum, const Eprj_ProParameters *psPro,
    4028             :                   const Eprj_MapInfo *psMapInfo, HFAEntry *poMapInformation)
    4029             : 
    4030             : {
    4031             :     // General case for Erdas style projections.
    4032             : 
    4033             :     // We make a particular effort to adapt the mapinfo->proname as
    4034             :     // the PROJCS[] name per #2422.
    4035         420 :     auto poSRS = std::make_unique<OGRSpatialReference>();
    4036         210 :     poSRS->SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    4037             : 
    4038         210 :     if (psPro == nullptr && psMapInfo != nullptr)
    4039             :     {
    4040           6 :         poSRS->SetLocalCS(psMapInfo->proName);
    4041             :     }
    4042         204 :     else if (psPro == nullptr)
    4043             :     {
    4044           0 :         return nullptr;
    4045             :     }
    4046         204 :     else if (psPro->proType == EPRJ_EXTERNAL)
    4047             :     {
    4048           3 :         if (EQUALN(psPro->proExeName, EPRJ_EXTERNAL_NZMG, 4))
    4049             :         {
    4050             :             // Handle New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG) external projection.  See:
    4051             :             //
    4052             :             //
    4053             :             // Is there a better way that doesn't require hardcoding
    4054             :             // of these numbers?
    4055           3 :             poSRS->SetNZMG(-41.0, 173.0, 2510000, 6023150);
    4056             :         }
    4057             :         else
    4058             :         {
    4059           0 :             poSRS->SetLocalCS(psPro->proName);
    4060             :         }
    4061             :     }
    4062         201 :     else if (psPro->proNumber != EPRJ_LATLONG && psMapInfo != nullptr)
    4063             :     {
    4064         168 :         poSRS->SetProjCS(psMapInfo->proName);
    4065             :     }
    4066          33 :     else if (psPro->proNumber != EPRJ_LATLONG)
    4067             :     {
    4068           7 :         poSRS->SetProjCS(psPro->proName);
    4069             :     }
    4070             : 
    4071             :     // Handle units.  It is important to deal with this first so
    4072             :     // that the projection Set methods will automatically do
    4073             :     // translation of linear values (like false easting) to PROJCS
    4074             :     // units from meters.  Erdas linear projection values are
    4075             :     // always in meters.
    4076         210 :     if (poSRS->IsProjected() || poSRS->IsLocal())
    4077             :     {
    4078         184 :         const char *pszUnits = nullptr;
    4079             : 
    4080         184 :         if (psMapInfo)
    4081         177 :             pszUnits = psMapInfo->units;
    4082           7 :         else if (poMapInformation != nullptr)
    4083           6 :             pszUnits = poMapInformation->GetStringField("units.string");
    4084             : 
    4085         184 :         if (pszUnits != nullptr)
    4086             :         {
    4087         183 :             const char *const *papszUnitMap = HFAGetUnitMap();
    4088         183 :             int iUnitIndex = 0;  // Used after for.
    4089         304 :             for (; papszUnitMap[iUnitIndex] != nullptr; iUnitIndex += 2)
    4090             :             {
    4091         304 :                 if (EQUAL(papszUnitMap[iUnitIndex], pszUnits))
    4092         183 :                     break;
    4093             :             }
    4094             : 
    4095         183 :             if (papszUnitMap[iUnitIndex] == nullptr)
    4096           0 :                 iUnitIndex = 0;
    4097             : 
    4098         366 :             poSRS->SetLinearUnits(pszUnits,
    4099         183 :                                   CPLAtof(papszUnitMap[iUnitIndex + 1]));
    4100             :         }
    4101             :         else
    4102             :         {
    4103           1 :             poSRS->SetLinearUnits(SRS_UL_METER, 1.0);
    4104             :         }
    4105             :     }
    4106             : 
    4107         210 :     if (psPro == nullptr)
    4108             :     {
    4109           6 :         if (poSRS->IsLocal())
    4110             :         {
    4111           6 :             return poSRS;
    4112             :         }
    4113             :         else
    4114           0 :             return nullptr;
    4115             :     }
    4116             : 
    4117             :     // Try to work out ellipsoid and datum information.
    4118         204 :     const char *pszDatumName = psPro->proSpheroid.sphereName;
    4119         204 :     const char *pszEllipsoidName = psPro->proSpheroid.sphereName;
    4120             : 
    4121         204 :     if (psDatum != nullptr)
    4122             :     {
    4123         204 :         pszDatumName = psDatum->datumname;
    4124             : 
    4125             :         // Imagine to WKT translation.
    4126         204 :         const char *const *papszDatumMap = HFAGetDatumMap();
    4127         735 :         for (int i = 0; papszDatumMap[i] != nullptr; i += 2)
    4128             :         {
    4129         683 :             if (EQUAL(pszDatumName, papszDatumMap[i]))
    4130             :             {
    4131         152 :                 pszDatumName = papszDatumMap[i + 1];
    4132         152 :                 break;
    4133             :             }
    4134             :         }
    4135             :     }
    4136             : 
    4137         204 :     if (psPro->proSpheroid.a == 0.0)
    4138           0 :         ((Eprj_ProParameters *)psPro)->proSpheroid.a = 6378137.0;
    4139         204 :     if (psPro->proSpheroid.b == 0.0)
    4140           0 :         ((Eprj_ProParameters *)psPro)->proSpheroid.b = 6356752.3;
    4141             : 
    4142             :     const double dfInvFlattening =
    4143         204 :         OSRCalcInvFlattening(psPro->proSpheroid.a, psPro->proSpheroid.b);
    4144             : 
    4145             :     // Handle different projection methods.
    4146         204 :     switch (psPro->proNumber)
    4147             :     {
    4148          29 :         case EPRJ_LATLONG:
    4149          29 :             break;
    4150             : 
    4151          91 :         case EPRJ_UTM:
    4152             :             // We change this to unnamed so that SetUTM will set the long
    4153             :             // UTM description.
    4154          91 :             poSRS->SetProjCS("unnamed");
    4155          91 :             poSRS->SetUTM(psPro->proZone, psPro->proParams[3] >= 0.0);
    4156             : 
    4157             :             // The PCS name from the above function may be different with the
    4158             :             // input name.  If there is a PCS name in psMapInfo that is
    4159             :             // different with the one in psPro, just use it as the PCS name.
    4160             :             // This case happens if the dataset's SR was written by the new
    4161             :             // GDAL.
    4162          91 :             if (psMapInfo && strlen(psMapInfo->proName) > 0 &&
    4163          89 :                 strlen(psPro->proName) > 0 &&
    4164          89 :                 !EQUAL(psMapInfo->proName, psPro->proName))
    4165          64 :                 poSRS->SetProjCS(psMapInfo->proName);
    4166          91 :             break;
    4167             : 
    4168           3 :         case EPRJ_STATE_PLANE:
    4169             :         {
    4170           3 :             CPLString osUnitsName;
    4171             :             double dfLinearUnits;
    4172             :             {
    4173           3 :                 const char *pszUnitsName = nullptr;
    4174           3 :                 dfLinearUnits = poSRS->GetLinearUnits(&pszUnitsName);
    4175           3 :                 if (pszUnitsName)
    4176           3 :                     osUnitsName = pszUnitsName;
    4177             :             }
    4178             : 
    4179             :             // Historically, hfa used esri state plane zone code. Try esri pe
    4180             :             // string first.
    4181           3 :             const int zoneCode = ESRIToUSGSZone(psPro->proZone);
    4182             :             const char *pszDatum;
    4183           3 :             if (psDatum)
    4184           3 :                 pszDatum = psDatum->datumname;
    4185             :             else
    4186           0 :                 pszDatum = "HARN";
    4187             :             const char *pszUnits;
    4188           3 :             if (psMapInfo)
    4189           0 :                 pszUnits = psMapInfo->units;
    4190           3 :             else if (!osUnitsName.empty())
    4191           3 :                 pszUnits = osUnitsName;
    4192             :             else
    4193           0 :                 pszUnits = "meters";
    4194           3 :             const int proNu = psPro->proNumber;
    4195           3 :             if (poSRS->ImportFromESRIStatePlaneWKT(zoneCode, pszDatum, pszUnits,
    4196           3 :                                                    proNu) == OGRERR_NONE)
    4197             :             {
    4198           3 :                 poSRS->AutoIdentifyEPSG();
    4199             : 
    4200           3 :                 return poSRS;
    4201             :             }
    4202             : 
    4203             :             // Set state plane zone.  Set NAD83/27 on basis of spheroid.
    4204           0 :             poSRS->SetStatePlane(ESRIToUSGSZone(psPro->proZone),
    4205           0 :                                  fabs(psPro->proSpheroid.a - 6378137.0) < 1.0,
    4206           0 :                                  osUnitsName.empty() ? nullptr
    4207           0 :                                                      : osUnitsName.c_str(),
    4208             :                                  dfLinearUnits);
    4209             : 
    4210             :             // Same as the UTM, The following is needed.
    4211           0 :             if (psMapInfo && strlen(psMapInfo->proName) > 0 &&
    4212           0 :                 strlen(psPro->proName) > 0 &&
    4213           0 :                 !EQUAL(psMapInfo->proName, psPro->proName))
    4214           0 :                 poSRS->SetProjCS(psMapInfo->proName);
    4215             :         }
    4216           0 :         break;
    4217             : 
    4218           1 :         case EPRJ_ALBERS_CONIC_EQUAL_AREA:
    4219           1 :             poSRS->SetACEA(psPro->proParams[2] * R2D, psPro->proParams[3] * R2D,
    4220           1 :                            psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4221           1 :                            psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4222           1 :             break;
    4223             : 
    4224           6 :         case EPRJ_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC:
    4225             :             // Check the possible Wisconsin first.
    4226           6 :             if (psDatum && psMapInfo && EQUAL(psDatum->datumname, "HARN"))
    4227             :             {
    4228             :                 // ERO: I doubt this works. Wisconsin LCC is LCC_1SP whereas
    4229             :                 // we are here in the LCC_2SP case...
    4230           0 :                 if (poSRS->ImportFromESRIWisconsinWKT(
    4231           0 :                         "Lambert_Conformal_Conic", psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4232           0 :                         psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4233           0 :                         psMapInfo->units) == OGRERR_NONE)
    4234             :                 {
    4235           0 :                     return poSRS;
    4236             :                 }
    4237             :             }
    4238           6 :             poSRS->SetLCC(psPro->proParams[2] * R2D, psPro->proParams[3] * R2D,
    4239           6 :                           psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4240           6 :                           psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4241           6 :             break;
    4242             : 
    4243           1 :         case EPRJ_MERCATOR:
    4244           1 :             poSRS->SetMercator(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4245           1 :                                psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, 1.0,
    4246           1 :                                psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4247           1 :             break;
    4248             : 
    4249           2 :         case EPRJ_POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC:
    4250           2 :             poSRS->SetPS(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4251           2 :                          1.0, psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4252           2 :             break;
    4253             : 
    4254           2 :         case EPRJ_POLYCONIC:
    4255           2 :             poSRS->SetPolyconic(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4256           2 :                                 psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4257           2 :                                 psPro->proParams[7]);
    4258           2 :             break;
    4259             : 
    4260           1 :         case EPRJ_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC:
    4261             :         {
    4262           2 :             const double dfStdParallel2 = psPro->proParams[8] != 0.0
    4263           1 :                                               ? psPro->proParams[3] * R2D
    4264           0 :                                               : psPro->proParams[2] * R2D;
    4265           1 :             poSRS->SetEC(psPro->proParams[2] * R2D, dfStdParallel2,
    4266           1 :                          psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4267           1 :                          psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4268           1 :             break;
    4269             :         }
    4270          18 :         case EPRJ_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR:
    4271             :         case EPRJ_GAUSS_KRUGER:
    4272             :             // Check the possible Wisconsin first.
    4273          18 :             if (psDatum && psMapInfo && EQUAL(psDatum->datumname, "HARN"))
    4274             :             {
    4275           1 :                 if (poSRS->ImportFromESRIWisconsinWKT(
    4276           1 :                         "Transverse_Mercator", psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4277           1 :                         psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4278           1 :                         psMapInfo->units) == OGRERR_NONE)
    4279             :                 {
    4280           1 :                     return poSRS;
    4281             :                 }
    4282             :             }
    4283          17 :             poSRS->SetTM(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4284          17 :                          psPro->proParams[2], psPro->proParams[6],
    4285          17 :                          psPro->proParams[7]);
    4286          17 :             break;
    4287             : 
    4288           0 :         case EPRJ_STEREOGRAPHIC:
    4289           0 :             poSRS->SetStereographic(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4290           0 :                                     psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, 1.0,
    4291           0 :                                     psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4292           0 :             break;
    4293             : 
    4294           1 :         case EPRJ_LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA:
    4295           1 :             poSRS->SetLAEA(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4296           1 :                            psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4297           1 :             break;
    4298             : 
    4299           1 :         case EPRJ_AZIMUTHAL_EQUIDISTANT:
    4300           1 :             poSRS->SetAE(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4301           1 :                          psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4302           1 :             break;
    4303             : 
    4304           1 :         case EPRJ_GNOMONIC:
    4305           1 :             poSRS->SetGnomonic(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4306           1 :                                psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4307           1 :                                psPro->proParams[7]);
    4308           1 :             break;
    4309             : 
    4310           2 :         case EPRJ_ORTHOGRAPHIC:
    4311           2 :             poSRS->SetOrthographic(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4312           2 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4313           2 :                                    psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4314           2 :             break;
    4315             : 
    4316           1 :         case EPRJ_SINUSOIDAL:
    4317           1 :             poSRS->SetSinusoidal(psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4318           1 :                                  psPro->proParams[7]);
    4319           1 :             break;
    4320             : 
    4321           3 :         case EPRJ_PLATE_CARREE:
    4322             :         case EPRJ_EQUIRECTANGULAR:
    4323           3 :             poSRS->SetEquirectangular2(
    4324           3 :                 0.0, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4325           3 :                 psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4326           3 :             break;
    4327             : 
    4328           0 :         case EPRJ_EQUIDISTANT_CYLINDRICAL:
    4329           0 :             poSRS->SetEquirectangular2(
    4330           0 :                 0.0, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[2] * R2D,
    4331           0 :                 psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4332           0 :             break;
    4333             : 
    4334           1 :         case EPRJ_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL:
    4335           1 :             poSRS->SetMC(0.0, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4336           1 :                          psPro->proParams[7]);
    4337           1 :             break;
    4338             : 
    4339           1 :         case EPRJ_VANDERGRINTEN:
    4340           1 :             poSRS->SetVDG(psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4341           1 :                           psPro->proParams[7]);
    4342           1 :             break;
    4343             : 
    4344           0 :         case EPRJ_HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR:
    4345           0 :             if (psPro->proParams[12] > 0.0)
    4346           0 :                 poSRS->SetHOM(
    4347           0 :                     psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4348           0 :                     psPro->proParams[3] * R2D, 0.0, psPro->proParams[2],
    4349           0 :                     psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4350           0 :             break;
    4351             : 
    4352           2 :         case EPRJ_HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR_AZIMUTH_CENTER:
    4353           2 :             poSRS->SetHOMAC(
    4354           2 :                 psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4355           2 :                 psPro->proParams[3] * R2D,
    4356           2 :                 psPro->proParams[3] *
    4357             :                     R2D,  // We reuse azimuth as rectified_grid_angle
    4358           2 :                 psPro->proParams[2], psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4359           2 :             break;
    4360             : 
    4361           1 :         case EPRJ_ROBINSON:
    4362           1 :             poSRS->SetRobinson(psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4363           1 :                                psPro->proParams[7]);
    4364           1 :             break;
    4365             : 
    4366           1 :         case EPRJ_MOLLWEIDE:
    4367           1 :             poSRS->SetMollweide(psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4368           1 :                                 psPro->proParams[7]);
    4369           1 :             break;
    4370             : 
    4371           1 :         case EPRJ_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC:
    4372           1 :             poSRS->SetGS(psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4373           1 :                          psPro->proParams[7]);
    4374           1 :             break;
    4375             : 
    4376           1 :         case EPRJ_ECKERT_I:
    4377           1 :             poSRS->SetEckert(1, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4378           1 :                              psPro->proParams[7]);
    4379           1 :             break;
    4380             : 
    4381           1 :         case EPRJ_ECKERT_II:
    4382           1 :             poSRS->SetEckert(2, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4383           1 :                              psPro->proParams[7]);
    4384           1 :             break;
    4385             : 
    4386           1 :         case EPRJ_ECKERT_III:
    4387           1 :             poSRS->SetEckert(3, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4388           1 :                              psPro->proParams[7]);
    4389           1 :             break;
    4390             : 
    4391           1 :         case EPRJ_ECKERT_IV:
    4392           1 :             poSRS->SetEckert(4, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4393           1 :                              psPro->proParams[7]);
    4394           1 :             break;
    4395             : 
    4396           1 :         case EPRJ_ECKERT_V:
    4397           1 :             poSRS->SetEckert(5, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4398           1 :                              psPro->proParams[7]);
    4399           1 :             break;
    4400             : 
    4401           1 :         case EPRJ_ECKERT_VI:
    4402           1 :             poSRS->SetEckert(6, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4403           1 :                              psPro->proParams[7]);
    4404           1 :             break;
    4405             : 
    4406           2 :         case EPRJ_CASSINI:
    4407           2 :             poSRS->SetCS(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4408           2 :                          psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4409           2 :             break;
    4410             : 
    4411           1 :         case EPRJ_TWO_POINT_EQUIDISTANT:
    4412           1 :             poSRS->SetTPED(psPro->proParams[9] * R2D, psPro->proParams[8] * R2D,
    4413           1 :                            psPro->proParams[11] * R2D,
    4414           1 :                            psPro->proParams[10] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4415           1 :                            psPro->proParams[7]);
    4416           1 :             break;
    4417             : 
    4418           0 :         case EPRJ_STEREOGRAPHIC_EXTENDED:
    4419           0 :             poSRS->SetStereographic(
    4420           0 :                 psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4421           0 :                 psPro->proParams[2], psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4422           0 :             break;
    4423             : 
    4424           1 :         case EPRJ_BONNE:
    4425           1 :             poSRS->SetBonne(psPro->proParams[2] * R2D,
    4426           1 :                             psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[6],
    4427           1 :                             psPro->proParams[7]);
    4428           1 :             break;
    4429             : 
    4430           1 :         case EPRJ_LOXIMUTHAL:
    4431             :         {
    4432           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Loximuthal");
    4433           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4434           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4435           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm("central_parallel",
    4436           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[5] * R2D);
    4437           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4438           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4439             :         }
    4440           1 :         break;
    4441             : 
    4442           1 :         case EPRJ_QUARTIC_AUTHALIC:
    4443             :         {
    4444           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Quartic_Authalic");
    4445           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4446           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4447           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4448           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4449             :         }
    4450           1 :         break;
    4451             : 
    4452           1 :         case EPRJ_WINKEL_I:
    4453             :         {
    4454           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Winkel_I");
    4455           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4456           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4457           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,
    4458           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[2] * R2D);
    4459           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4460           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4461             :         }
    4462           1 :         break;
    4463             : 
    4464           1 :         case EPRJ_WINKEL_II:
    4465             :         {
    4466           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Winkel_II");
    4467           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4468           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4469           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,
    4470           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[2] * R2D);
    4471           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4472           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4473             :         }
    4474           1 :         break;
    4475             : 
    4476           0 :         case EPRJ_BEHRMANN:
    4477             :         {
    4478           0 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Behrmann");
    4479           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4480           0 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4481           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4482           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4483             :         }
    4484           0 :         break;
    4485             : 
    4486           1 :         case EPRJ_KROVAK:
    4487           1 :             poSRS->SetKrovak(
    4488           1 :                 psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4489           1 :                 psPro->proParams[3] * R2D, psPro->proParams[9] * R2D,
    4490           1 :                 psPro->proParams[2], psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4491           1 :             break;
    4492             : 
    4493           0 :         case EPRJ_DOUBLE_STEREOGRAPHIC:
    4494             :         {
    4495           0 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Double_Stereographic");
    4496           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,
    4497           0 :                                    psPro->proParams[5] * R2D);
    4498           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4499           0 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4500           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, psPro->proParams[2]);
    4501           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4502           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4503             :         }
    4504           0 :         break;
    4505             : 
    4506           1 :         case EPRJ_AITOFF:
    4507             :         {
    4508           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Aitoff");
    4509           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4510           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4511           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4512           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4513             :         }
    4514           1 :         break;
    4515             : 
    4516           1 :         case EPRJ_CRASTER_PARABOLIC:
    4517             :         {
    4518           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Craster_Parabolic");
    4519           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4520           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4521           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4522           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4523             :         }
    4524           1 :         break;
    4525             : 
    4526           1 :         case EPRJ_CYLINDRICAL_EQUAL_AREA:
    4527           1 :             poSRS->SetCEA(psPro->proParams[2] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4528           1 :                           psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4529           1 :             break;
    4530             : 
    4531           1 :         case EPRJ_FLAT_POLAR_QUARTIC:
    4532             :         {
    4533           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Flat_Polar_Quartic");
    4534           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4535           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4536           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4537           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4538             :         }
    4539           1 :         break;
    4540             : 
    4541           1 :         case EPRJ_TIMES:
    4542             :         {
    4543           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Times");
    4544           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4545           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4546           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4547           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4548             :         }
    4549           1 :         break;
    4550             : 
    4551           1 :         case EPRJ_WINKEL_TRIPEL:
    4552             :         {
    4553           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Winkel_Tripel");
    4554           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,
    4555           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[2] * R2D);
    4556           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4557           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4558           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4559           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4560             :         }
    4561           1 :         break;
    4562             : 
    4563           1 :         case EPRJ_HAMMER_AITOFF:
    4564             :         {
    4565           1 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Hammer_Aitoff");
    4566           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,
    4567           1 :                                    psPro->proParams[4] * R2D);
    4568           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4569           1 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4570             :         }
    4571           1 :         break;
    4572             : 
    4573           1 :         case EPRJ_VERTICAL_NEAR_SIDE_PERSPECTIVE:
    4574             :         {
    4575           1 :             poSRS->SetVerticalPerspective(
    4576           1 :                 psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,  // dfTopoOriginLat
    4577           1 :                 psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,  // dfTopoOriginLon
    4578             :                 0,                          // dfTopoOriginHeight
    4579           1 :                 psPro->proParams[2],        // dfViewPointHeight
    4580           1 :                 psPro->proParams[6],        // dfFalseEasting
    4581           1 :                 psPro->proParams[7]);       // dfFalseNorthing
    4582             :         }
    4583           1 :         break;
    4584             : 
    4585           0 :         case EPRJ_HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR_TWO_POINT_CENTER:
    4586             :         {
    4587           0 :             poSRS->SetProjection("Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Twp_Point_Center");
    4588           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER,
    4589           0 :                                    psPro->proParams[5] * R2D);
    4590           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT,
    4591           0 :                                    psPro->proParams[9] * R2D);
    4592           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT,
    4593           0 :                                    psPro->proParams[8] * R2D);
    4594           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT,
    4595           0 :                                    psPro->proParams[11] * R2D);
    4596           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT,
    4597           0 :                                    psPro->proParams[10] * R2D);
    4598           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, psPro->proParams[2]);
    4599           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, psPro->proParams[6]);
    4600           0 :             poSRS->SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, psPro->proParams[7]);
    4601             :         }
    4602           0 :         break;
    4603             : 
    4605           1 :             poSRS->SetHOM2PNO(
    4606           1 :                 psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[8] * R2D,
    4607           1 :                 psPro->proParams[9] * R2D, psPro->proParams[10] * R2D,
    4608           1 :                 psPro->proParams[11] * R2D, psPro->proParams[2],
    4609           1 :                 psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4610           1 :             break;
    4611             : 
    4612           0 :         case EPRJ_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_1SP:
    4613           0 :             poSRS->SetLCC1SP(psPro->proParams[3] * R2D,
    4614           0 :                              psPro->proParams[2] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4],
    4615           0 :                              psPro->proParams[5], psPro->proParams[6]);
    4616           0 :             break;
    4617             : 
    4618           2 :         case EPRJ_MERCATOR_VARIANT_A:
    4619           2 :             poSRS->SetMercator(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4620           2 :                                psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, psPro->proParams[2],
    4621           2 :                                psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4622           2 :             break;
    4623             : 
    4624           0 :         case EPRJ_PSEUDO_MERCATOR:  // Likely this is google mercator?
    4625           0 :             poSRS->SetMercator(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D,
    4626           0 :                                psPro->proParams[4] * R2D, 1.0,
    4627           0 :                                psPro->proParams[6], psPro->proParams[7]);
    4628           0 :             break;
    4629             : 
    4630           5 :         case EPRJ_HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR_VARIANT_A:
    4631           5 :             poSRS->SetHOM(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4632           5 :                           psPro->proParams[3] * R2D, psPro->proParams[8] * R2D,
    4633           5 :                           psPro->proParams[2], psPro->proParams[6],
    4634           5 :                           psPro->proParams[7]);
    4635           5 :             break;
    4636             : 
    4637           3 :         case EPRJ_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_SOUTH_ORIENTATED:
    4638           3 :             poSRS->SetTMSO(psPro->proParams[5] * R2D, psPro->proParams[4] * R2D,
    4639           3 :                            psPro->proParams[2], psPro->proParams[6],
    4640           3 :                            psPro->proParams[7]);
    4641           3 :             break;
    4642             : 
    4643           0 :         default:
    4644           0 :             if (poSRS->IsProjected())
    4645           0 :                 poSRS->GetRoot()->SetValue("LOCAL_CS");
    4646             :             else
    4647           0 :                 poSRS->SetLocalCS(psPro->proName);
    4648           0 :             break;
    4649             :     }
    4650             : 
    4651             :     // Try and set the GeogCS information.
    4652         200 :     if (!poSRS->IsLocal())
    4653             :     {
    4654         200 :         bool bWellKnownDatum = false;
    4655         200 :         if (pszDatumName == nullptr)
    4656           0 :             poSRS->SetGeogCS(pszDatumName, pszDatumName, pszEllipsoidName,
    4657           0 :                              psPro->proSpheroid.a, dfInvFlattening);
    4658         200 :         else if (EQUAL(pszDatumName, "WGS 84") ||
    4659         200 :                  EQUAL(pszDatumName, "WGS_1984"))
    4660             :         {
    4661          36 :             bWellKnownDatum = true;
    4662          36 :             poSRS->SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84");
    4663             :         }
    4664         164 :         else if (strstr(pszDatumName, "NAD27") != nullptr ||
    4665         162 :                  EQUAL(pszDatumName, "North_American_Datum_1927"))
    4666             :         {
    4667          89 :             bWellKnownDatum = true;
    4668          89 :             poSRS->SetWellKnownGeogCS("NAD27");
    4669             :         }
    4670          75 :         else if (EQUAL(pszDatumName, "NAD83") ||
    4671          75 :                  EQUAL(pszDatumName, "North_American_Datum_1983"))
    4672             :         {
    4673           7 :             bWellKnownDatum = true;
    4674           7 :             poSRS->SetWellKnownGeogCS("NAD83");
    4675             :         }
    4676             :         else
    4677             :         {
    4678         136 :             CPLString osGeogCRSName(pszDatumName);
    4679             : 
    4680          68 :             if (poSRS->IsProjected())
    4681             :             {
    4682          67 :                 PJ_CONTEXT *ctxt = OSRGetProjTLSContext();
    4683          67 :                 const PJ_TYPE type = PJ_TYPE_PROJECTED_CRS;
    4684             :                 PJ_OBJ_LIST *list =
    4685          67 :                     proj_create_from_name(ctxt, nullptr, poSRS->GetName(),
    4686             :                                           &type, 1, false, 1, nullptr);
    4687          67 :                 if (list)
    4688             :                 {
    4689          67 :                     const auto listSize = proj_list_get_count(list);
    4690          67 :                     if (listSize == 1)
    4691             :                     {
    4692          43 :                         auto crs = proj_list_get(ctxt, list, 0);
    4693          43 :                         if (crs)
    4694             :                         {
    4695          43 :                             auto geogCRS = proj_crs_get_geodetic_crs(ctxt, crs);
    4696          43 :                             if (geogCRS)
    4697             :                             {
    4698          43 :                                 const char *pszName = proj_get_name(geogCRS);
    4699          43 :                                 if (pszName)
    4700          43 :                                     osGeogCRSName = pszName;
    4701          43 :                                 proj_destroy(geogCRS);
    4702             :                             }
    4703          43 :                             proj_destroy(crs);
    4704             :                         }
    4705             :                     }
    4706          67 :                     proj_list_destroy(list);
    4707             :                 }
    4708             :             }
    4709             : 
    4710         136 :             poSRS->SetGeogCS(osGeogCRSName, pszDatumName, pszEllipsoidName,
    4711          68 :                              psPro->proSpheroid.a, dfInvFlattening);
    4712             :         }
    4713             : 
    4714         200 :         if (psDatum != nullptr && psDatum->type == EPRJ_DATUM_PARAMETRIC)
    4715             :         {
    4716         158 :             if (bWellKnownDatum &&
    4717          45 :                 CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("OSR_STRIP_TOWGS84", "YES")))
    4718             :             {
    4719          45 :                 CPLDebug("OSR",
    4720             :                          "TOWGS84 information has been removed. "
    4721             :                          "It can be kept by setting the OSR_STRIP_TOWGS84 "
    4722             :                          "configuration option to NO");
    4723             :             }
    4724             :             else
    4725             :             {
    4726          68 :                 poSRS->SetTOWGS84(psDatum->params[0], psDatum->params[1],
    4727          68 :                                   psDatum->params[2],
    4728          68 :                                   -psDatum->params[3] * RAD2ARCSEC,
    4729          68 :                                   -psDatum->params[4] * RAD2ARCSEC,
    4730          68 :                                   -psDatum->params[5] * RAD2ARCSEC,
    4731          68 :                                   psDatum->params[6] * 1e+6);
    4732          68 :                 poSRS->StripTOWGS84IfKnownDatumAndAllowed();
    4733             :             }
    4734             :         }
    4735             :     }
    4736             : 
    4737             :     // Try to insert authority information if possible.
    4738         200 :     poSRS->AutoIdentifyEPSG();
    4739             : 
    4740         200 :     auto poSRSBestMatch = poSRS->FindBestMatch(90, nullptr, nullptr);
    4741         200 :     if (poSRSBestMatch)
    4742             :     {
    4743         137 :         poSRS.reset(poSRSBestMatch);
    4744             :     }
    4745             : 
    4746         200 :     return poSRS;
    4747             : }

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