LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - frmts/mrf - marfa_dataset.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1000 1274 78.5 %
Date: 2025-03-28 21:34:50 Functions: 45 47 95.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * Copyright (c) 2002-2012, California Institute of Technology.
       3             :  * All rights reserved.  Based on Government Sponsored Research under contracts
       4             :  * NAS7-1407 and/or NAS7-03001.
       5             :  *
       6             :  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
       7             :  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
       8             :  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
       9             :  * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
      10             :  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
      11             :  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
      12             :  * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
      13             :  *   3. Neither the name of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech),
      14             :  * its operating division the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the National
      15             :  * Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), nor the names of its
      16             :  * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
      17             :  * software without specific prior written permission.
      18             :  *
      29             :  * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      30             :  *
      31             :  * Portions copyright 2014-2021 Esri
      32             :  *
      33             :  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      34             :  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      35             :  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      36             :  *
      37             :  *
      38             :  *
      39             :  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      40             :  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      41             :  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      42             :  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      43             :  * limitations under the License.
      44             :  */
      45             : 
      46             : /******************************************************************************
      47             :  *
      48             :  * Project:  Meta Raster File Format Driver Implementation, Dataset
      49             :  * Purpose:  Implementation of GDAL dataset
      50             :  *
      51             :  * Author:   Lucian Plesea, Lucian.Plesea, lplesea
      52             :  *
      53             :  ******************************************************************************
      54             :  *
      55             :  *   The MRF dataset and the band are closely tied together, they should be
      56             :  *   considered a single class, or a class (dataset) with extensions (bands).
      57             :  *
      58             :  *
      59             :  ****************************************************************************/
      60             : 
      61             : #include "marfa.h"
      62             : #include "mrfdrivercore.h"
      63             : #include "cpl_multiproc.h" /* for CPLSleep() */
      64             : #include "gdal_priv.h"
      65             : #include <assert.h>
      66             : 
      67             : #include <algorithm>
      68             : #include <vector>
      69             : #if defined(ZSTD_SUPPORT)
      70             : #include <zstd.h>
      71             : #endif
      72             : using std::string;
      73             : using std::vector;
      74             : 
      75             : NAMESPACE_MRF_START
      76             : 
      77             : // Initialize as invalid
      78         368 : MRFDataset::MRFDataset()
      79             :     : zslice(0), idxSize(0), clonedSource(FALSE), nocopy(FALSE),
      80             :       bypass_cache(
      81         368 :           CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("MRF_BYPASSCACHING", "FALSE"))),
      82             :       mp_safe(FALSE), hasVersions(FALSE), verCount(0),
      83             :       bCrystalized(TRUE),  // Assume not in create mode
      84             :       spacing(0), no_errors(0), missing(0), poSrcDS(nullptr), level(-1),
      85             :       cds(nullptr), scale(0.0), pbuffer(nullptr), pbsize(0), tile(ILSize()),
      86             :       bdirty(0), bGeoTransformValid(TRUE), poColorTable(nullptr), Quality(0),
      87         736 :       pzscctx(nullptr), pzsdctx(nullptr), read_timer(), write_timer(0)
      88             : {
      89         368 :     m_oSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
      90             :     //               X0   Xx   Xy  Y0    Yx   Yy
      91         368 :     double gt[6] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
      92             : 
      93         368 :     memcpy(GeoTransform, gt, sizeof(gt));
      94         368 :     ifp.FP = dfp.FP = nullptr;
      95         368 :     dfp.acc = GF_Read;
      96         368 :     ifp.acc = GF_Read;
      97         368 : }
      98             : 
      99         180 : bool MRFDataset::SetPBuffer(unsigned int sz)
     100             : {
     101         180 :     if (sz == 0)
     102             :     {
     103           0 :         CPLFree(pbuffer);
     104           0 :         pbuffer = nullptr;
     105             :     }
     106         180 :     void *pbufferNew = VSIRealloc(pbuffer, sz);
     107         180 :     if (pbufferNew == nullptr)
     108             :     {
     109           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory, "Cannot allocate %u bytes", sz);
     110           0 :         return false;
     111             :     }
     112         180 :     pbuffer = pbufferNew;
     113         180 :     pbsize = sz;
     114         180 :     return true;
     115             : }
     116             : 
     117         256 : static GDALColorEntry GetXMLColorEntry(CPLXMLNode *p)
     118             : {
     119             :     GDALColorEntry ce;
     120         256 :     ce.c1 = static_cast<short>(getXMLNum(p, "c1", 0));
     121         256 :     ce.c2 = static_cast<short>(getXMLNum(p, "c2", 0));
     122         256 :     ce.c3 = static_cast<short>(getXMLNum(p, "c3", 0));
     123         256 :     ce.c4 = static_cast<short>(getXMLNum(p, "c4", 255));
     124         256 :     return ce;
     125             : }
     126             : 
     127             : //
     128             : // Called by dataset destructor or at GDAL termination, to avoid
     129             : // closing datasets whose drivers have already been unloaded
     130             : //
     131         368 : int MRFDataset::CloseDependentDatasets()
     132             : {
     133         368 :     int bHasDroppedRef = GDALPamDataset::CloseDependentDatasets();
     134             : 
     135         368 :     if (poSrcDS)
     136             :     {
     137           3 :         bHasDroppedRef = TRUE;
     138           3 :         GDALClose(GDALDataset::ToHandle(poSrcDS));
     139           3 :         poSrcDS = nullptr;
     140             :     }
     141             : 
     142         368 :     if (cds)
     143             :     {
     144           2 :         bHasDroppedRef = TRUE;
     145           2 :         GDALClose(GDALDataset::ToHandle(cds));
     146           2 :         cds = nullptr;
     147             :     }
     148             : 
     149         368 :     return bHasDroppedRef;
     150             : }
     151             : 
     152         736 : MRFDataset::~MRFDataset()
     153             : {  // Make sure everything gets written
     154         368 :     if (0 != write_timer.count())
     155          41 :         CPLDebug("MRF_Timing", "Compression took %fms",
     156          41 :                  1e-6 * write_timer.count());
     157             : 
     158         368 :     if (0 != read_timer.count())
     159         141 :         CPLDebug("MRF_Timing", "Decompression took %fms",
     160         141 :                  1e-6 * read_timer.count());
     161             : 
     162         368 :     if (eAccess != GA_ReadOnly && !bCrystalized)
     163          50 :         if (!MRFDataset::Crystalize())
     164             :         {
     165             :             // Can't return error code from a destructor, just emit the error
     166          10 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Error creating files");
     167             :         }
     168             : 
     169         368 :     MRFDataset::FlushCache(true);
     170         368 :     MRFDataset::CloseDependentDatasets();
     171             : 
     172         368 :     if (ifp.FP)
     173         261 :         VSIFCloseL(ifp.FP);
     174         368 :     if (dfp.FP)
     175         264 :         VSIFCloseL(dfp.FP);
     176             : 
     177         368 :     delete poColorTable;
     178             : 
     179             :     // CPLFree ignores being called with NULL
     180         368 :     CPLFree(pbuffer);
     181         368 :     pbsize = 0;
     182             : #if defined(ZSTD_SUPPORT)
     183         368 :     ZSTD_freeCCtx(static_cast<ZSTD_CCtx *>(pzscctx));
     184         368 :     ZSTD_freeDCtx(static_cast<ZSTD_DCtx *>(pzsdctx));
     185             : #endif
     186         736 : }
     187             : 
     188             : /*
     189             :  *\brief Format specific RasterIO, may be bypassed by BlockBasedRasterIO by
     190             :  *setting GDAL_FORCE_CACHING to Yes, in which case the band ReadBlock and
     191             :  *WriteBLock are called directly
     192             :  */
     193         139 : CPLErr MRFDataset::IRasterIO(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff,
     194             :                              int nXSize, int nYSize, void *pData, int nBufXSize,
     195             :                              int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType,
     196             :                              int nBandCount, BANDMAP_TYPE panBandMap,
     197             :                              GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace,
     198             :                              GSpacing nBandSpace,
     199             :                              GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArgs)
     200             : {
     201         139 :     CPLDebug("MRF_IO",
     202             :              "IRasterIO %s, %d, %d, %d, %d, bufsz %d,%d,%d strides P %d, L %d, "
     203             :              "B %d \n",
     204             :              eRWFlag == GF_Write ? "Write" : "Read", nXOff, nYOff, nXSize,
     205             :              nYSize, nBufXSize, nBufYSize, nBandCount,
     206             :              static_cast<int>(nPixelSpace), static_cast<int>(nLineSpace),
     207             :              static_cast<int>(nBandSpace));
     208             : 
     209         139 :     if (eRWFlag == GF_Write && !bCrystalized && !Crystalize())
     210             :     {
     211           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "MRF: Error creating files");
     212           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     213             :     }
     214             : 
     215             :     //
     216             :     // Call the parent implementation, which splits it into bands and calls
     217             :     // their IRasterIO
     218             :     //
     219         139 :     return GDALPamDataset::IRasterIO(eRWFlag, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
     220             :                                      pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize, eBufType,
     221             :                                      nBandCount, panBandMap, nPixelSpace,
     222         139 :                                      nLineSpace, nBandSpace, psExtraArgs);
     223             : }
     224             : 
     225             : /**
     226             :  *\brief Build some overviews
     227             :  *
     228             :  *  if nOverviews is 0, erase the overviews (reduce to base image only)
     229             :  */
     230             : 
     231          31 : CPLErr MRFDataset::IBuildOverviews(const char *pszResampling, int nOverviews,
     232             :                                    const int *panOverviewList, int nBandsIn,
     233             :                                    const int *panBandList,
     234             :                                    GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
     235             :                                    void *pProgressData,
     236             :                                    CSLConstList papszOptions)
     237             : 
     238             : {
     239          31 :     CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
     240          31 :     CPLDebug("MRF_OVERLAY", "IBuildOverviews %d, bands %d\n", nOverviews,
     241             :              nBandsIn);
     242             : 
     243          31 :     if (nBands != nBandsIn)
     244             :     {
     245           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "nBands = %d not supported",
     246             :                  nBandsIn);
     247           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     248             :     }
     249             : 
     250             :     //      If we don't have write access, then create external overviews
     251          31 :     if (GetAccess() != GA_Update)
     252             :     {
     253           1 :         CPLDebug("MRF", "File open read-only, creating overviews externally.");
     254           1 :         return GDALDataset::IBuildOverviews(
     255             :             pszResampling, nOverviews, panOverviewList, nBands, panBandList,
     256           1 :             pfnProgress, pProgressData, papszOptions);
     257             :     }
     258             : 
     259          30 :     if (nOverviews == 0)
     260             :     {
     261             :         // If there are none, nothing to do
     262           0 :         if (GetRasterBand(1)->GetOverviewCount() == 0)
     263           0 :             return CE_None;
     264             : 
     265           0 :         auto *b = static_cast<MRFRasterBand *>(GetRasterBand(1));
     266             :         // If the first band internal overviews don't exist, they are external
     267           0 :         if (b->overviews.empty())
     268           0 :             return GDALDataset::IBuildOverviews(
     269             :                 pszResampling, nOverviews, panOverviewList, nBands, panBandList,
     270           0 :                 pfnProgress, pProgressData, papszOptions);
     271             : 
     272             :         // We should clean overviews, but this is not allowed in an MRF
     273           0 :         CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
     274             :                  "MRF: Internal overviews cannot be removed, "
     275             :                  "but they can be rebuilt");
     276           0 :         return CE_None;
     277             :     }
     278             : 
     279             :     // Array of source bands
     280             :     GDALRasterBand **papoBandList =
     281          30 :         static_cast<GDALRasterBand **>(CPLCalloc(sizeof(void *), nBands));
     282             :     // Array of destination bands
     283             :     GDALRasterBand **papoOverviewBandList =
     284          30 :         static_cast<GDALRasterBand **>(CPLCalloc(sizeof(void *), nBands));
     285             :     // Triple level pointer, that's what GDAL ROMB wants
     286             :     GDALRasterBand ***papapoOverviewBands =
     287          30 :         static_cast<GDALRasterBand ***>(CPLCalloc(sizeof(void *), nBands));
     288             : 
     289             :     int *panOverviewListNew =
     290          30 :         static_cast<int *>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * nOverviews));
     291          30 :     memcpy(panOverviewListNew, panOverviewList, sizeof(int) * nOverviews);
     292             : 
     293             :     try
     294             :     {  // Throw an error code, to make sure memory gets freed properly
     295             :         // Modify the metadata file if it doesn't already have the Rset model
     296             :         // set
     297          30 :         if (0.0 == scale)
     298             :         {
     299          30 :             CPLXMLNode *config = ReadConfig();
     300             :             try
     301             :             {
     302             :                 const char *model =
     303          30 :                     CPLGetXMLValue(config, "Rsets.model", "uniform");
     304          30 :                 if (!EQUAL(model, "uniform"))
     305             :                 {
     306           0 :                     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     307             :                              "MRF:IBuildOverviews, Overviews not implemented "
     308             :                              "for model %s",
     309             :                              model);
     310           0 :                     throw CE_Failure;
     311             :                 }
     312             : 
     313             :                 // The scale value is the same as first overview
     314          30 :                 scale =
     315          30 :                     strtod(CPLGetXMLValue(
     316             :                                config, "Rsets.scale",
     317          60 :                                CPLOPrintf("%d", panOverviewList[0]).c_str()),
     318             :                            nullptr);
     319          30 :                 if (scale == 0.0)
     320             :                 {
     321           0 :                     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
     322             :                              "Invalid Rsets.scale value");
     323           0 :                     throw CE_Failure;
     324             :                 }
     325             : 
     326          30 :                 if (static_cast<int>(scale) != 2 &&
     327           0 :                     (EQUALN("Avg", pszResampling, 3) ||
     328           0 :                      EQUALN("Nnb", pszResampling, 3)))
     329             :                 {
     330           0 :                     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
     331             :                              "MRF internal resampling only works for a scale "
     332             :                              "factor of two");
     333           0 :                     throw CE_Failure;
     334             :                 }
     335             : 
     336             :                 // Initialize the empty overlays, all of them for a given scale
     337             :                 // They could already exist, in which case they are not erased
     338          30 :                 idxSize = AddOverviews(int(scale));
     339             : 
     340             :                 // If we don't have overviews, don't try to generate them
     341          30 :                 if (GetRasterBand(1)->GetOverviewCount() == 0)
     342           0 :                     throw CE_None;
     343             : 
     344          30 :                 if (!CheckFileSize(current.idxfname, idxSize, GA_Update))
     345             :                 {
     346           0 :                     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     347             :                              "MRF: Can't extend index file");
     348           0 :                     throw CE_Failure;
     349             :                 }
     350             : 
     351             :                 //  Set the uniform node, in case it was not set before, and
     352             :                 //  save the new configuration
     353          30 :                 CPLSetXMLValue(config, "Rsets.#model", "uniform");
     354          30 :                 CPLSetXMLValue(config, "Rsets.#scale", PrintDouble(scale));
     355             : 
     356          30 :                 if (!WriteConfig(config))
     357             :                 {
     358           0 :                     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     359             :                              "MRF: Can't rewrite the metadata file");
     360           0 :                     throw CE_Failure;
     361             :                 }
     362          30 :                 CPLDestroyXMLNode(config);
     363          30 :                 config = nullptr;
     364             :             }
     365           0 :             catch (const CPLErr &)
     366             :             {
     367           0 :                 CPLDestroyXMLNode(config);
     368           0 :                 throw;  // Rethrow
     369             :             }
     370             : 
     371             :             // To avoid issues with blacks overviews, generate all of them
     372             :             // if the user asked for a couple of overviews in the correct
     373             :             // sequence and starting with the lowest one
     374          90 :             if (!EQUAL(pszResampling, "NONE") &&
     375          32 :                 nOverviews != GetRasterBand(1)->GetOverviewCount() &&
     376           2 :                 CPLTestBool(
     377             :                     CPLGetConfigOption("MRF_ALL_OVERVIEW_LEVELS", "YES")))
     378             :             {
     379           2 :                 bool bIncreasingPowers =
     380           2 :                     (panOverviewList[0] == static_cast<int>(scale));
     381           3 :                 for (int i = 1; i < nOverviews; i++)
     382           1 :                     bIncreasingPowers =
     383           2 :                         bIncreasingPowers &&
     384           1 :                         (panOverviewList[i] ==
     385           1 :                          static_cast<int>(scale * panOverviewList[i - 1]));
     386             : 
     387           2 :                 int ovrcount = GetRasterBand(1)->GetOverviewCount();
     388           2 :                 if (bIncreasingPowers && nOverviews != ovrcount)
     389             :                 {
     390           2 :                     CPLDebug("MRF",
     391             :                              "Generating %d levels instead of the %d requested",
     392             :                              ovrcount, nOverviews);
     393           2 :                     nOverviews = ovrcount;
     394           4 :                     panOverviewListNew = reinterpret_cast<int *>(CPLRealloc(
     395           2 :                         panOverviewListNew, sizeof(int) * nOverviews));
     396           2 :                     panOverviewListNew[0] = static_cast<int>(scale);
     397           5 :                     for (int i = 1; i < nOverviews; i++)
     398           3 :                         panOverviewListNew[i] =
     399           3 :                             static_cast<int>(scale * panOverviewListNew[i - 1]);
     400             :                 }
     401             :             }
     402             :         }
     403             : 
     404          30 :         if (static_cast<int>(scale) != 2 && (EQUALN("Avg", pszResampling, 3) ||
     405           0 :                                              EQUALN("Nnb", pszResampling, 3)))
     406             :         {
     407           0 :             CPLError(
     408             :                 CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
     409             :                 "MRF internal resampling only works for a scale factor of two");
     410           0 :             throw CE_Failure;
     411             :         }
     412             : 
     413          63 :         for (int i = 0; i < nOverviews; i++)
     414             :         {
     415             :             // Verify that scales are reasonable, val/scale has to be an integer
     416          33 :             if (!IsPower(panOverviewListNew[i], scale))
     417             :             {
     418           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
     419             :                          "MRF:IBuildOverviews, overview factor %d is not a "
     420             :                          "power of %f",
     421           0 :                          panOverviewListNew[i], scale);
     422           0 :                 continue;
     423             :             };
     424             : 
     425          33 :             int srclevel = int(logbase(panOverviewListNew[i], scale) - 0.5);
     426          33 :             MRFRasterBand *b = static_cast<MRFRasterBand *>(GetRasterBand(1));
     427             : 
     428             :             // Warn for requests for invalid levels
     429          33 :             if (srclevel >= b->GetOverviewCount())
     430             :             {
     431           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
     432             :                          "MRF:IBuildOverviews, overview factor %d is not valid "
     433             :                          "for this dataset",
     434           0 :                          panOverviewListNew[i]);
     435           0 :                 continue;
     436             :             }
     437             : 
     438             :             // Generate the overview using the previous level as the source
     439             : 
     440             :             // Use "avg" flag to trigger the internal average sampling
     441          33 :             if (EQUALN("Avg", pszResampling, 3) ||
     442          19 :                 EQUALN("Nnb", pszResampling, 3))
     443             :             {
     444          26 :                 int sampling = EQUALN("Avg", pszResampling, 3) ? SAMPLING_Avg
     445             :                                                                : SAMPLING_Near;
     446             :                 // Internal, using PatchOverview
     447          26 :                 if (srclevel > 0)
     448             :                     b = static_cast<MRFRasterBand *>(
     449           3 :                         b->GetOverview(srclevel - 1));
     450             : 
     451             :                 eErr =
     452          26 :                     PatchOverview(0, 0, b->nBlocksPerRow, b->nBlocksPerColumn,
     453             :                                   srclevel, 0, sampling);
     454          26 :                 if (eErr == CE_Failure)
     455          26 :                     throw eErr;
     456             :             }
     457             :             else
     458             :             {
     459             :                 //
     460             :                 // Use the GDAL method, which is slightly different for bilinear
     461             :                 // interpolation and also handles nearest mode
     462             :                 //
     463             :                 //
     464          14 :                 for (int iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand++)
     465             :                 {
     466             :                     // This is the base level
     467           7 :                     papoBandList[iBand] = GetRasterBand(panBandList[iBand]);
     468             :                     // Set up the destination
     469          14 :                     papoOverviewBandList[iBand] =
     470           7 :                         papoBandList[iBand]->GetOverview(srclevel);
     471             : 
     472             :                     // Use the previous level as the source, the overviews are 0
     473             :                     // based thus an extra -1
     474           7 :                     if (srclevel > 0)
     475           0 :                         papoBandList[iBand] =
     476           0 :                             papoBandList[iBand]->GetOverview(srclevel - 1);
     477             : 
     478             :                     // Hook it up, via triple pointer level
     479           7 :                     papapoOverviewBands[iBand] = &(papoOverviewBandList[iBand]);
     480             :                 }
     481             : 
     482             :                 //
     483             :                 // Ready, generate this overview
     484             :                 // Note that this function has a bug in GDAL, the block stepping
     485             :                 // is incorrect It can generate multiple overview in one call,
     486             :                 // Could rewrite this loop so this function only gets called
     487             :                 // once
     488             :                 //
     489           7 :                 GDALRegenerateOverviewsMultiBand(
     490             :                     nBands, papoBandList, 1, papapoOverviewBands, pszResampling,
     491             :                     pfnProgress, pProgressData, papszOptions);
     492             :             }
     493             :         }
     494             :     }
     495           0 :     catch (const CPLErr &e)
     496             :     {
     497           0 :         eErr = e;
     498             :     }
     499             : 
     500          30 :     CPLFree(panOverviewListNew);
     501          30 :     CPLFree(papapoOverviewBands);
     502          30 :     CPLFree(papoOverviewBandList);
     503          30 :     CPLFree(papoBandList);
     504          30 :     return eErr;
     505             : }
     506             : 
     507             : /*
     508             :  *\brief blank separated list to vector of doubles
     509             :  */
     510          34 : static void list2vec(std::vector<double> &v, const char *pszList)
     511             : {
     512          34 :     if ((pszList == nullptr) || (pszList[0] == 0))
     513           0 :         return;
     514          34 :     char **papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString2(
     515             :         pszList, " \t\n\r", CSLT_STRIPLEADSPACES | CSLT_STRIPENDSPACES);
     516          34 :     v.clear();
     517          69 :     for (int i = 0; i < CSLCount(papszTokens); i++)
     518          35 :         v.push_back(CPLStrtod(papszTokens[i], nullptr));
     519          34 :     CSLDestroy(papszTokens);
     520             : }
     521             : 
     522          20 : void MRFDataset::SetNoDataValue(const char *pszVal)
     523             : {
     524          20 :     list2vec(vNoData, pszVal);
     525          20 : }
     526             : 
     527           7 : void MRFDataset::SetMinValue(const char *pszVal)
     528             : {
     529           7 :     list2vec(vMin, pszVal);
     530           7 : }
     531             : 
     532           7 : void MRFDataset::SetMaxValue(const char *pszVal)
     533             : {
     534           7 :     list2vec(vMax, pszVal);
     535           7 : }
     536             : 
     537             : /**
     538             :  *
     539             :  *\brief Read the XML config tree, from file
     540             :  *  Caller is responsible for freeing the memory
     541             :  *
     542             :  * @return NULL on failure, or the document tree on success.
     543             :  *
     544             :  */
     545          30 : CPLXMLNode *MRFDataset::ReadConfig() const
     546             : {
     547          30 :     if (fname[0] == '<')
     548           0 :         return CPLParseXMLString(fname);
     549          30 :     return CPLParseXMLFile(fname);
     550             : }
     551             : 
     552             : /**
     553             :  *\brief Write the XML config tree
     554             :  * Caller is responsible for correctness of data
     555             :  * and for freeing the memory
     556             :  *
     557             :  * @param config The document tree to write
     558             :  * @return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
     559             :  */
     560         201 : int MRFDataset::WriteConfig(CPLXMLNode *config)
     561             : {
     562         201 :     if (fname[0] == '<')
     563           0 :         return FALSE;
     564         201 :     return CPLSerializeXMLTreeToFile(config, fname);
     565             : }
     566             : 
     567             : static void
     568           5 : stringSplit(vector<string> &theStringVector,  // Altered/returned value
     569             :             const string &theString, size_t start = 0,
     570             :             const char theDelimiter = ' ')
     571             : {
     572             :     while (true)
     573             :     {
     574           5 :         size_t end = theString.find(theDelimiter, start);
     575           5 :         if (string::npos == end)
     576             :         {
     577           5 :             theStringVector.push_back(theString.substr(start));
     578           5 :             return;
     579             :         }
     580           0 :         theStringVector.push_back(theString.substr(start, end - start));
     581           0 :         start = end + 1;
     582           0 :     }
     583             : }
     584             : 
     585             : // Returns the number following the prefix if it exists in one of the vector
     586             : // strings Otherwise it returns the default
     587          15 : static int getnum(const vector<string> &theStringVector, const char prefix,
     588             :                   int def)
     589             : {
     590          25 :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theStringVector.size(); i++)
     591          15 :         if (theStringVector[i][0] == prefix)
     592           5 :             return atoi(theStringVector[i].c_str() + 1);
     593          10 :     return def;
     594             : }
     595             : 
     596             : /**
     597             :  *\brief Open a MRF file
     598             :  *
     599             :  */
     600         202 : GDALDataset *MRFDataset::Open(GDALOpenInfo *poOpenInfo)
     601             : {
     602         202 :     if (!MRFDriverIdentify(poOpenInfo))
     603           0 :         return nullptr;
     604             : 
     605         202 :     CPLXMLNode *config = nullptr;
     606         202 :     CPLErr ret = CE_None;
     607         202 :     const char *pszFileName = poOpenInfo->pszFilename;
     608             : 
     609         202 :     int level = -1;   // All levels
     610         202 :     int version = 0;  // Current
     611         202 :     int zslice = 0;
     612         404 :     string fn;        // Used to parse and adjust the file name
     613         404 :     string insidefn;  // inside tar file name
     614             : 
     615             :     // Different ways to open an MRF
     616         202 :     if (poOpenInfo->nHeaderBytes >= 10)
     617             :     {
     618         197 :         const char *pszHeader =
     619             :             reinterpret_cast<char *>(poOpenInfo->pabyHeader);
     620         197 :         fn.assign(pszHeader, poOpenInfo->nHeaderBytes);
     621         197 :         if (STARTS_WITH(pszHeader, "<MRF_META>"))  // Regular file name
     622         190 :             config = CPLParseXMLFile(pszFileName);
     623           7 :         else if (poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_ReadOnly && fn.size() > 600 &&
     624           7 :                  (fn[262] == 0 || fn[262] == 32) &&
     625           1 :                  STARTS_WITH(fn.c_str() + 257, "ustar") &&
     626          15 :                  strlen(CPLGetPathSafe(fn.c_str()).c_str()) == 0 &&
     627           1 :                  STARTS_WITH(fn.c_str() + 512, "<MRF_META>"))
     628             :         {  // An MRF inside a tar
     629           1 :             insidefn = string("/vsitar/") + pszFileName + "/" + pszHeader;
     630           1 :             config = CPLParseXMLFile(insidefn.c_str());
     631             :         }
     632             : #if defined(LERC)
     633             :         else
     634           6 :             config = LERC_Band::GetMRFConfig(poOpenInfo);
     635             : #endif
     636             :     }
     637             :     else
     638             :     {
     639           5 :         if (EQUALN(pszFileName, "<MRF_META>", 10))  // Content as file name
     640           0 :             config = CPLParseXMLString(pszFileName);
     641             :         else
     642             :         {  // Try Ornate file name
     643           5 :             fn = pszFileName;
     644           5 :             size_t pos = fn.find(":MRF:");
     645           5 :             if (string::npos != pos)
     646             :             {  // Tokenize and pick known options
     647           5 :                 vector<string> tokens;
     648           5 :                 stringSplit(tokens, fn, pos + 5, ':');
     649           5 :                 level = getnum(tokens, 'L', -1);
     650           5 :                 version = getnum(tokens, 'V', 0);
     651           5 :                 zslice = getnum(tokens, 'Z', 0);
     652           5 :                 fn.resize(pos);  // Cut the ornamentations
     653           5 :                 pszFileName = fn.c_str();
     654           5 :                 config = CPLParseXMLFile(pszFileName);
     655             :             }
     656             :         }
     657             :     }
     658             : 
     659         202 :     if (!config)
     660           0 :         return nullptr;
     661             : 
     662         202 :     MRFDataset *ds = new MRFDataset();
     663         202 :     ds->fname = pszFileName;
     664         202 :     if (!insidefn.empty())
     665             :     {
     666           1 :         ds->publicname = pszFileName;
     667           1 :         ds->fname = insidefn;
     668             :     }
     669         202 :     ds->eAccess = poOpenInfo->eAccess;
     670         202 :     ds->level = level;
     671         202 :     ds->zslice = zslice;
     672             : 
     673             :     // OpenOptions can override file name arguments
     674         202 :     ds->ProcessOpenOptions(poOpenInfo->papszOpenOptions);
     675             : 
     676         202 :     if (level == -1)
     677         200 :         ret = ds->Initialize(config);
     678             :     else
     679             :     {
     680             :         // Open the whole dataset, then pick one level
     681           2 :         ds->cds = new MRFDataset();
     682           2 :         ds->cds->fname = ds->fname;
     683           2 :         ds->cds->eAccess = ds->eAccess;
     684           2 :         ds->zslice = zslice;
     685           2 :         ret = ds->cds->Initialize(config);
     686           2 :         if (ret == CE_None)
     687           2 :             ret = ds->LevelInit(level);
     688             :     }
     689         202 :     CPLDestroyXMLNode(config);
     690             : 
     691         202 :     if (ret != CE_None)
     692             :     {
     693          23 :         delete ds;
     694          23 :         return nullptr;
     695             :     }
     696             : 
     697             :     // Open a single version
     698         179 :     if (version != 0)
     699           2 :         ret = ds->SetVersion(version);
     700             : 
     701         179 :     if (ret != CE_None)
     702             :     {
     703           1 :         delete ds;
     704           1 :         return nullptr;
     705             :     }
     706             : 
     707             :     // Tell PAM what our real file name is, to help it find the aux.xml
     708         178 :     ds->SetPhysicalFilename(ds->fname);
     709             :     // Don't mess with metadata after this, otherwise PAM will re-write the
     710             :     // aux.xml
     711         178 :     ds->TryLoadXML();
     712             : 
     713             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     714             :     /*      Open external overviews.                                        */
     715             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     716         178 :     ds->oOvManager.Initialize(ds, ds->fname);
     717             : 
     718         178 :     return ds;
     719             : }
     720             : 
     721             : // Adjust the band images with the right offset, then adjust the sizes
     722           2 : CPLErr MRFDataset::SetVersion(int version)
     723             : {
     724           2 :     if (!hasVersions || version > verCount)
     725             :     {
     726           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     727             :                  "GDAL MRF: Version number error!");
     728           1 :         return CE_Failure;
     729             :     }
     730             :     // Size of one version index
     731           2 :     for (int bcount = 1; bcount <= nBands; bcount++)
     732             :     {
     733             :         MRFRasterBand *srcband =
     734           1 :             reinterpret_cast<MRFRasterBand *>(GetRasterBand(bcount));
     735           1 :         srcband->img.idxoffset += idxSize * verCount;
     736           1 :         for (int l = 0; l < srcband->GetOverviewCount(); l++)
     737             :         {
     738             :             MRFRasterBand *band =
     739           0 :                 reinterpret_cast<MRFRasterBand *>(srcband->GetOverview(l));
     740           0 :             if (band != nullptr)
     741           0 :                 band->img.idxoffset += idxSize * verCount;
     742             :         }
     743             :     }
     744           1 :     hasVersions = 0;
     745           1 :     return CE_None;
     746             : }
     747             : 
     748           2 : CPLErr MRFDataset::LevelInit(const int l)
     749             : {
     750             :     // Test that this level does exist
     751           2 :     if (l < 0 || l >= cds->GetRasterBand(1)->GetOverviewCount())
     752             :     {
     753           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     754             :                  "GDAL MRF: Overview not present!");
     755           1 :         return CE_Failure;
     756             :     }
     757             : 
     758             :     MRFRasterBand *srcband = reinterpret_cast<MRFRasterBand *>(
     759           1 :         cds->GetRasterBand(1)->GetOverview(l));
     760             : 
     761             :     // Copy the sizes from this level
     762           1 :     full = srcband->img;
     763           1 :     current = srcband->img;
     764           1 :     current.size.c = cds->current.size.c;
     765           1 :     scale = cds->scale;
     766           1 :     const auto poSRS = cds->GetSpatialRef();
     767           1 :     if (poSRS)
     768           1 :         m_oSRS = *poSRS;
     769             : 
     770           1 :     SetMetadataItem("INTERLEAVE", OrderName(current.order), "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
     771           1 :     SetMetadataItem("COMPRESSION", CompName(current.comp), "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
     772             : 
     773           1 :     bGeoTransformValid = (CE_None == cds->GetGeoTransform(GeoTransform));
     774           4 :     for (int i = 0; i < l + 1; i++)
     775             :     {
     776           3 :         GeoTransform[1] *= scale;
     777           3 :         GeoTransform[5] *= scale;
     778             :     }
     779             : 
     780           1 :     nRasterXSize = current.size.x;
     781           1 :     nRasterYSize = current.size.y;
     782           1 :     nBands = current.size.c;
     783             : 
     784             :     // Add the bands, copy constructor so they can be closed independently
     785           2 :     for (int i = 1; i <= nBands; i++)
     786           1 :         SetBand(i, new MRFLRasterBand(reinterpret_cast<MRFRasterBand *>(
     787           1 :                        cds->GetRasterBand(i)->GetOverview(l))));
     788           1 :     return CE_None;
     789             : }
     790             : 
     791             : // Is the string positive or not
     792        1269 : inline bool on(const char *pszValue)
     793             : {
     794        1269 :     if (!pszValue || pszValue[0] == 0)
     795         109 :         return false;
     796        2308 :     return EQUAL(pszValue, "ON") || EQUAL(pszValue, "TRUE") ||
     797        2308 :            EQUAL(pszValue, "YES");
     798             : }
     799             : 
     800             : /**
     801             :  *\brief Initialize the image structure and the dataset from the XML Raster node
     802             :  *
     803             :  * @param image the structure to be initialized
     804             :  * @param ds the parent dataset, some things get inherited
     805             :  * @param defimage defimage
     806             :  *
     807             :  * The structure should be initialized with the default values as much as
     808             :  *possible
     809             :  *
     810             :  */
     811             : 
     812         363 : static CPLErr Init_Raster(ILImage &image, MRFDataset *ds, CPLXMLNode *defimage)
     813             : {
     814             :     CPLXMLNode *node;  // temporary
     815         363 :     if (!defimage)
     816             :     {
     817           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     818             :                  "GDAL MRF: Can't find raster info");
     819           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     820             :     }
     821             : 
     822             :     // Size is mandatory
     823         363 :     node = CPLGetXMLNode(defimage, "Size");
     824             : 
     825         363 :     if (node)
     826             :     {
     827         363 :         image.size = ILSize(static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(node, "x", -1)),
     828         363 :                             static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(node, "y", -1)),
     829         363 :                             static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(node, "z", 1)),
     830         363 :                             static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(node, "c", 1)), 0);
     831             :     }
     832             : 
     833             :     // Basic checks
     834         363 :     if (!node || image.size.x < 1 || image.size.y < 1 || image.size.z < 0 ||
     835         726 :         image.size.c < 0 || !GDALCheckBandCount(image.size.c, FALSE))
     836             :     {
     837           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Raster size missing or invalid");
     838           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     839             :     }
     840             : 
     841             :     //  Pagesize, defaults to 512,512,1,c
     842         363 :     image.pagesize = ILSize(std::min(512, image.size.x),
     843         363 :                             std::min(512, image.size.y), 1, image.size.c);
     844             : 
     845         363 :     node = CPLGetXMLNode(defimage, "PageSize");
     846         363 :     if (node)
     847             :     {
     848         363 :         image.pagesize =
     849         363 :             ILSize(static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(node, "x", image.pagesize.x)),
     850         363 :                    static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(node, "y", image.pagesize.y)),
     851             :                    1,  // One slice at a time, forced
     852         363 :                    static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(node, "c", image.pagesize.c)));
     853         363 :         if (image.pagesize.x < 1 || image.pagesize.y < 1 ||
     854         363 :             image.pagesize.c <= 0)
     855             :         {
     856           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "Invalid PageSize");
     857           0 :             return CE_Failure;
     858             :         }
     859             :     }
     860             : 
     861             :     // Page Encoding, defaults to PNG
     862         363 :     const char *pszCompression = CPLGetXMLValue(defimage, "Compression", "PNG");
     863         363 :     image.comp = CompToken(pszCompression);
     864         363 :     if (image.comp == IL_ERR_COMP)
     865             :     {
     866           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
     867             :                  "GDAL MRF: Compression %s is unknown", pszCompression);
     868           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     869             :     }
     870             : 
     871             :     // Is there a palette?
     872             :     //
     873             :     // GDAL only supports RGB+A palette, the other modes don't work
     874             :     //
     875             : 
     876         673 :     if ((image.pagesize.c == 1) &&
     877         310 :         (nullptr != (node = CPLGetXMLNode(defimage, "Palette"))))
     878             :     {
     879           1 :         int entries = static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(node, "Size", 255));
     880           1 :         GDALPaletteInterp eInterp = GPI_RGB;
     881           1 :         if ((entries > 0) && (entries < 257))
     882             :         {
     883           1 :             GDALColorEntry ce_start = {0, 0, 0, 255}, ce_end = {0, 0, 0, 255};
     884             : 
     885             :             // Create it and initialize it to black opaque
     886           1 :             GDALColorTable *poColorTable = new GDALColorTable(eInterp);
     887           1 :             poColorTable->CreateColorRamp(0, &ce_start, entries - 1, &ce_end);
     888             :             // Read the values
     889           1 :             CPLXMLNode *p = CPLGetXMLNode(node, "Entry");
     890           1 :             if (p)
     891             :             {
     892             :                 // Initialize the first entry
     893           1 :                 ce_start = GetXMLColorEntry(p);
     894           1 :                 int start_idx = static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(p, "idx", 0));
     895           1 :                 if (start_idx < 0)
     896             :                 {
     897           0 :                     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
     898             :                              "GDAL MRF: Palette index %d not allowed",
     899             :                              start_idx);
     900           0 :                     delete poColorTable;
     901           0 :                     return CE_Failure;
     902             :                 }
     903           1 :                 poColorTable->SetColorEntry(start_idx, &ce_start);
     904         256 :                 while (nullptr != (p = SearchXMLSiblings(p, "Entry")))
     905             :                 {
     906             :                     // For every entry, create a ramp
     907         255 :                     ce_end = GetXMLColorEntry(p);
     908             :                     int end_idx =
     909         255 :                         static_cast<int>(getXMLNum(p, "idx", start_idx + 1));
     910         255 :                     if ((end_idx <= start_idx) || (start_idx >= entries))
     911             :                     {
     912           0 :                         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
     913             :                                  "GDAL MRF: Index Error at index %d", end_idx);
     914           0 :                         delete poColorTable;
     915           0 :                         return CE_Failure;
     916             :                     }
     917         255 :                     poColorTable->CreateColorRamp(start_idx, &ce_start, end_idx,
     918             :                                                   &ce_end);
     919         255 :                     ce_start = ce_end;
     920         255 :                     start_idx = end_idx;
     921             :                 }
     922             :             }
     923             : 
     924           1 :             ds->SetColorTable(poColorTable);
     925             :         }
     926             :         else
     927             :         {
     928           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
     929             :                      "GDAL MRF: Palette definition error");
     930           0 :             return CE_Failure;
     931             :         }
     932             :     }
     933             : 
     934             :     // Order of increment
     935         363 :     if (image.pagesize.c != image.size.c && image.pagesize.c != 1)
     936             :     {
     937             :         // Fixes heap buffer overflow in
     938             :         // GDALMRFRasterBand::ReadInterleavedBlock() See
     939             :         //
     940           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
     941             :                  "GDAL MRF: image.pagesize.c = %d and image.size.c = %d",
     942             :                  image.pagesize.c, image.size.c);
     943           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     944             :     }
     945             : 
     946         363 :     image.order = OrderToken(
     947             :         CPLGetXMLValue(defimage, "Order",
     948         363 :                        (image.pagesize.c != image.size.c) ? "BAND" : "PIXEL"));
     949         363 :     if (image.order == IL_ERR_ORD)
     950             :     {
     951           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDAL MRF: Order %s is unknown",
     952             :                  CPLGetXMLValue(defimage, "Order", nullptr));
     953           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     954             :     }
     955             : 
     956         363 :     const char *photo_val = CPLGetXMLValue(defimage, "Photometric", nullptr);
     957         363 :     if (photo_val)
     958           5 :         ds->SetPhotometricInterpretation(photo_val);
     959             : 
     960         363 :     image.quality = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(defimage, "Quality", "85"));
     961         363 :     if (image.quality < 0 || image.quality > 99)
     962             :     {
     963           0 :         CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
     964             :                  "GDAL MRF: Quality setting error, using default of 85");
     965           0 :         image.quality = 85;
     966             :     }
     967             : 
     968             :     // Data Type, use GDAL Names
     969         363 :     image.dt = GDALGetDataTypeByName(
     970             :         CPLGetXMLValue(defimage, "DataType", GDALGetDataTypeName(image.dt)));
     971         363 :     if (image.dt == GDT_Unknown || GDALGetDataTypeSize(image.dt) == 0)
     972             :     {
     973           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDAL MRF: Unsupported type");
     974           0 :         return CE_Failure;
     975             :     }
     976             : 
     977             :     // Check the endianness if needed, assume host order
     978         363 :     if (is_Endianness_Dependent(image.dt, image.comp))
     979          69 :         image.nbo = on(CPLGetXMLValue(defimage, "NetByteOrder", "No"));
     980             : 
     981         363 :     CPLXMLNode *DataValues = CPLGetXMLNode(defimage, "DataValues");
     982         363 :     if (nullptr != DataValues)
     983             :     {
     984          27 :         const char *pszValue = CPLGetXMLValue(DataValues, "NoData", nullptr);
     985          27 :         if (pszValue)
     986          20 :             ds->SetNoDataValue(pszValue);
     987          27 :         pszValue = CPLGetXMLValue(DataValues, "min", nullptr);
     988          27 :         if (pszValue)
     989           7 :             ds->SetMinValue(pszValue);
     990          27 :         pszValue = CPLGetXMLValue(DataValues, "max", nullptr);
     991          27 :         if (pszValue)
     992           7 :             ds->SetMaxValue(pszValue);
     993             :     }
     994             : 
     995             :     // Calculate the page size in bytes
     996         363 :     const int nDTSize = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(image.dt);
     997         363 :     if (nDTSize <= 0 || image.pagesize.z <= 0 ||
     998         363 :         image.pagesize.x > INT_MAX / image.pagesize.y ||
     999         363 :         image.pagesize.x * image.pagesize.y > INT_MAX / image.pagesize.z ||
    1000         363 :         image.pagesize.x * image.pagesize.y * image.pagesize.z >
    1001         363 :             INT_MAX / image.pagesize.c ||
    1002         363 :         image.pagesize.x * image.pagesize.y * image.pagesize.z *
    1003         363 :                 image.pagesize.c >
    1004         363 :             INT_MAX / nDTSize)
    1005             :     {
    1006           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "MRF page size too big");
    1007           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1008             :     }
    1009         363 :     image.pageSizeBytes = nDTSize * image.pagesize.x * image.pagesize.y *
    1010         363 :                           image.pagesize.z * image.pagesize.c;
    1011             : 
    1012             :     // Calculate the page count, including the total for the level
    1013         363 :     image.pagecount = pcount(image.size, image.pagesize);
    1014         363 :     if (image.pagecount.l < 0)
    1015             :     {
    1016           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1017             :     }
    1018             : 
    1019             :     // Data File Name and base offset
    1020             :     image.datfname =
    1021         363 :         getFname(defimage, "DataFile", ds->GetFname(), ILComp_Ext[image.comp]);
    1022         363 :     image.dataoffset = static_cast<int>(
    1023         363 :         getXMLNum(CPLGetXMLNode(defimage, "DataFile"), "offset", 0.0));
    1024             : 
    1025             :     // Index File Name and base offset
    1026         363 :     image.idxfname = getFname(defimage, "IndexFile", ds->GetFname(), ".idx");
    1027         363 :     image.idxoffset = static_cast<int>(
    1028         363 :         getXMLNum(CPLGetXMLNode(defimage, "IndexFile"), "offset", 0.0));
    1029             : 
    1030         363 :     return CE_None;
    1031             : }
    1032             : 
    1033         160 : char **MRFDataset::GetFileList()
    1034             : {
    1035         160 :     char **papszFileList = nullptr;
    1036             : 
    1037         160 :     string usename = fname;
    1038         160 :     if (!publicname.empty())
    1039           0 :         usename = publicname;
    1040             :     // Add the header file name if it is real
    1041             :     VSIStatBufL sStat;
    1042         160 :     if (VSIStatExL(usename.c_str(), &sStat, VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG) == 0)
    1043         160 :         papszFileList = CSLAddString(papszFileList, usename.c_str());
    1044             : 
    1045             :     // These two should be real
    1046             :     // We don't really want to add these files, since they will be erased when
    1047             :     // an mrf is overwritten This collides with the concept that the data file
    1048             :     // never shrinks.  Same goes with the index, in case we just want to add
    1049             :     // things to it.
    1050             :     //    papszFileList = CSLAddString( papszFileList, full.datfname);
    1051             :     //    papszFileList = CSLAddString( papszFileList, full.idxfname);
    1052             :     //    if (!source.empty())
    1053             :     // papszFileList = CSLAddString( papszFileList, source);
    1054             : 
    1055         320 :     return papszFileList;
    1056             : }
    1057             : 
    1058             : // Try to create all the folders in the path in sequence, ignore errors
    1059           4 : static void mkdir_r(string const &fname)
    1060             : {
    1061           4 :     size_t loc = fname.find_first_of("\\/");
    1062           4 :     if (loc == string::npos)
    1063           0 :         return;
    1064             :     while (true)
    1065             :     {
    1066           5 :         ++loc;
    1067           5 :         loc = fname.find_first_of("\\/", loc);
    1068           5 :         if (loc == string::npos)
    1069           4 :             break;
    1070           1 :         VSIMkdir(fname.substr(0, loc).c_str(), 0);
    1071             :     }
    1072             : }
    1073             : 
    1074             : // Returns the dataset index file or null
    1075        7265 : VSILFILE *MRFDataset::IdxFP()
    1076             : {
    1077        7265 :     if (ifp.FP != nullptr)
    1078        6998 :         return ifp.FP;
    1079             : 
    1080             :     // If missing is set, we already checked, there is no index
    1081         267 :     if (missing)
    1082           0 :         return nullptr;
    1083             : 
    1084             :     // If name starts with '(' it is not a real file name
    1085         267 :     if (current.idxfname[0] == '(')
    1086           0 :         return nullptr;
    1087             : 
    1088         267 :     const char *mode = "rb";
    1089         267 :     ifp.acc = GF_Read;
    1090             : 
    1091         267 :     if (eAccess == GA_Update || !source.empty())
    1092             :     {
    1093         158 :         mode = "r+b";
    1094         158 :         ifp.acc = GF_Write;
    1095             :     }
    1096             : 
    1097         267 :     ifp.FP = VSIFOpenL(current.idxfname, mode);
    1098             : 
    1099             :     // If file didn't open for reading and no_errors is set, just return null
    1100             :     // and make a note
    1101         267 :     if (ifp.FP == nullptr && eAccess == GA_ReadOnly && no_errors)
    1102             :     {
    1103           0 :         missing = 1;
    1104           0 :         return nullptr;
    1105             :     }
    1106             : 
    1107             :     // need to create the index file
    1108         367 :     if (ifp.FP == nullptr && !bCrystalized &&
    1109         100 :         (eAccess == GA_Update || !source.empty()))
    1110             :     {
    1111         100 :         mode = "w+b";
    1112         100 :         ifp.FP = VSIFOpenL(current.idxfname, mode);
    1113             :     }
    1114             : 
    1115         267 :     if (nullptr == ifp.FP && !source.empty())
    1116             :     {
    1117             :         // caching and cloning, try making the folder and attempt again
    1118           4 :         mkdir_r(current.idxfname);
    1119           4 :         ifp.FP = VSIFOpenL(current.idxfname, mode);
    1120             :     }
    1121             : 
    1122         267 :     GIntBig expected_size = idxSize;
    1123         267 :     if (clonedSource)
    1124           2 :         expected_size *= 2;
    1125             : 
    1126         267 :     if (nullptr != ifp.FP)
    1127             :     {
    1128         406 :         if (!bCrystalized &&
    1129         149 :             !CheckFileSize(current.idxfname, expected_size, GA_Update))
    1130             :         {
    1131           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
    1132             :                      "MRF: Can't extend the cache index file %s",
    1133             :                      current.idxfname.c_str());
    1134           0 :             return nullptr;
    1135             :         }
    1136             : 
    1137         257 :         if (source.empty())
    1138         253 :             return ifp.FP;
    1139             : 
    1140             :         // Make sure the index is large enough before proceeding
    1141             :         // Timeout in .1 seconds, can't really guarantee the accuracy
    1142             :         // So this is about half second, should be sufficient
    1143           4 :         int timeout = 5;
    1144           0 :         do
    1145             :         {
    1146           4 :             if (CheckFileSize(current.idxfname, expected_size, GA_ReadOnly))
    1147           4 :                 return ifp.FP;
    1148           0 :             CPLSleep(0.100); /* 100 ms */
    1149           0 :         } while (--timeout);
    1150             : 
    1151             :         // If we get here it is a time-out
    1152           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1153             :                  "GDAL MRF: Timeout on fetching cloned index file %s\n",
    1154             :                  current.idxfname.c_str());
    1155           0 :         return nullptr;
    1156             :     }
    1157             : 
    1158             :     // If single tile, and no index file, let the caller figure it out
    1159          10 :     if (IsSingleTile())
    1160           6 :         return nullptr;
    1161             : 
    1162             :     // Error if this is not a caching MRF
    1163           4 :     if (source.empty())
    1164             :     {
    1165           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1166             :                  "GDAL MRF: Can't open index file %s\n",
    1167             :                  current.idxfname.c_str());
    1168           0 :         return nullptr;
    1169             :     }
    1170             : 
    1171             :     // Caching/Cloning MRF and index could be read only
    1172             :     // Is this actually works, we should try again, maybe somebody else just
    1173             :     // created the file?
    1174           4 :     mode = "rb";
    1175           4 :     ifp.acc = GF_Read;
    1176           4 :     ifp.FP = VSIFOpenL(current.idxfname, mode);
    1177           4 :     if (nullptr != ifp.FP)
    1178           0 :         return ifp.FP;
    1179             : 
    1180             :     // Caching and index file absent, create it
    1181             :     // Due to a race, multiple processes might do this at the same time, but
    1182             :     // that is fine
    1183           4 :     ifp.FP = VSIFOpenL(current.idxfname, "wb");
    1184           4 :     if (nullptr == ifp.FP)
    1185             :     {
    1186           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1187             :                  "Can't create the MRF cache index file %s",
    1188             :                  current.idxfname.c_str());
    1189           0 :         return nullptr;
    1190             :     }
    1191           4 :     VSIFCloseL(ifp.FP);
    1192           4 :     ifp.FP = nullptr;
    1193             : 
    1194             :     // Make it large enough for caching and for cloning
    1195           4 :     if (!CheckFileSize(current.idxfname, expected_size, GA_Update))
    1196             :     {
    1197           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1198             :                  "Can't extend the cache index file %s",
    1199             :                  current.idxfname.c_str());
    1200           0 :         return nullptr;
    1201             :     }
    1202             : 
    1203             :     // Try opening it again in rw mode so we can read and write
    1204           4 :     mode = "r+b";
    1205           4 :     ifp.acc = GF_Write;
    1206           4 :     ifp.FP = VSIFOpenL(current.idxfname.c_str(), mode);
    1207             : 
    1208           4 :     if (nullptr == ifp.FP)
    1209             :     {
    1210           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1211             :                  "GDAL MRF: Can't reopen cache index file %s\n",
    1212             :                  full.idxfname.c_str());
    1213           0 :         return nullptr;
    1214             :     }
    1215           4 :     return ifp.FP;
    1216             : }
    1217             : 
    1218             : //
    1219             : // Returns the dataset data file or null
    1220             : // Data file is opened either in Read or Append mode, never in straight write
    1221             : //
    1222        7140 : VSILFILE *MRFDataset::DataFP()
    1223             : {
    1224        7140 :     if (dfp.FP != nullptr)
    1225        6876 :         return dfp.FP;
    1226         264 :     const char *mode = "rb";
    1227         264 :     dfp.acc = GF_Read;
    1228             : 
    1229             :     // Open it for writing if updating or if caching
    1230         264 :     if (eAccess == GA_Update || !source.empty())
    1231             :     {
    1232         157 :         mode = "a+b";
    1233         157 :         dfp.acc = GF_Write;
    1234             :     }
    1235             : 
    1236         264 :     dfp.FP = VSIFOpenL(current.datfname, mode);
    1237         264 :     if (dfp.FP)
    1238         264 :         return dfp.FP;
    1239             : 
    1240             :     // It could be a caching MRF
    1241           0 :     if (source.empty())
    1242           0 :         goto io_error;
    1243             : 
    1244             :     // May be there but read only, remember that it was open that way
    1245           0 :     mode = "rb";
    1246           0 :     dfp.acc = GF_Read;
    1247           0 :     dfp.FP = VSIFOpenL(current.datfname, mode);
    1248           0 :     if (nullptr != dfp.FP)
    1249             :     {
    1250           0 :         CPLDebug("MRF_IO", "Opened %s RO mode %s\n", current.datfname.c_str(),
    1251             :                  mode);
    1252           0 :         return dfp.FP;
    1253             :     }
    1254             : 
    1255           0 :     if (source.empty())
    1256           0 :         goto io_error;
    1257             : 
    1258             :     // caching, maybe the folder didn't exist
    1259           0 :     mkdir_r(current.datfname);
    1260           0 :     mode = "a+b";
    1261           0 :     dfp.acc = GF_Write;
    1262           0 :     dfp.FP = VSIFOpenL(current.datfname, mode);
    1263           0 :     if (dfp.FP)
    1264           0 :         return dfp.FP;
    1265             : 
    1266           0 : io_error:
    1267           0 :     dfp.FP = nullptr;
    1268           0 :     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "GDAL MRF: %s : %s", strerror(errno),
    1269             :              current.datfname.c_str());
    1270           0 :     return nullptr;
    1271             : }
    1272             : 
    1273             : // Builds an XML tree from the current MRF.  If written to a file it becomes an
    1274             : // MRF
    1275         332 : CPLXMLNode *MRFDataset::BuildConfig()
    1276             : {
    1277         332 :     CPLXMLNode *config = CPLCreateXMLNode(nullptr, CXT_Element, "MRF_META");
    1278             : 
    1279         332 :     if (!source.empty())
    1280             :     {
    1281             :         CPLXMLNode *psCachedSource =
    1282           4 :             CPLCreateXMLNode(config, CXT_Element, "CachedSource");
    1283             :         // Should wrap the string in CDATA, in case it is XML
    1284             :         CPLXMLNode *psSource =
    1285           4 :             CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(psCachedSource, "Source", source);
    1286           4 :         if (clonedSource)
    1287           0 :             CPLSetXMLValue(psSource, "#clone", "true");
    1288             :     }
    1289             : 
    1290             :     // Use the full size
    1291         332 :     CPLXMLNode *raster = CPLCreateXMLNode(config, CXT_Element, "Raster");
    1292             : 
    1293             :     // Preserve the file names if not the default ones
    1294         332 :     if (full.datfname != getFname(GetFname(), ILComp_Ext[full.comp]))
    1295           0 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(raster, "DataFile", full.datfname.c_str());
    1296         332 :     if (full.idxfname != getFname(GetFname(), ".idx"))
    1297           0 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(raster, "IndexFile", full.idxfname.c_str());
    1298         332 :     if (spacing != 0)
    1299           0 :         XMLSetAttributeVal(raster, "Spacing", static_cast<double>(spacing),
    1300             :                            "%.0f");
    1301             : 
    1302         332 :     XMLSetAttributeVal(raster, "Size", full.size, "%.0f");
    1303         332 :     XMLSetAttributeVal(raster, "PageSize", full.pagesize, "%.0f");
    1304             : 
    1305             : #ifdef HAVE_PNG
    1306         332 :     if (full.comp != IL_PNG)
    1307             : #endif
    1308             :     {
    1309         192 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(raster, "Compression", CompName(full.comp));
    1310             :     }
    1311             : 
    1312         332 :     if (full.dt != GDT_Byte)
    1313         202 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(raster, "DataType",
    1314             :                                     GDALGetDataTypeName(full.dt));
    1315             : 
    1316             :     // special photometric interpretation
    1317         332 :     if (!photometric.empty())
    1318           4 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(raster, "Photometric", photometric);
    1319             : 
    1320         332 :     if (!vNoData.empty() || !vMin.empty() || !vMax.empty())
    1321             :     {
    1322             :         CPLXMLNode *values =
    1323          43 :             CPLCreateXMLNode(raster, CXT_Element, "DataValues");
    1324          43 :         XMLSetAttributeVal(values, "NoData", vNoData);
    1325          43 :         XMLSetAttributeVal(values, "min", vMin);
    1326          43 :         XMLSetAttributeVal(values, "max", vMax);
    1327             :     }
    1328             : 
    1329             :     // palette, if we have one
    1330         332 :     if (poColorTable != nullptr)
    1331             :     {
    1332           1 :         const char *pfrmt = "%.0f";
    1333           1 :         CPLXMLNode *pal = CPLCreateXMLNode(raster, CXT_Element, "Palette");
    1334           1 :         int sz = poColorTable->GetColorEntryCount();
    1335           1 :         if (sz != 256)
    1336           0 :             XMLSetAttributeVal(pal, "Size", poColorTable->GetColorEntryCount());
    1337             :         // RGB or RGBA for now
    1338         257 :         for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
    1339             :         {
    1340         256 :             CPLXMLNode *entry = CPLCreateXMLNode(pal, CXT_Element, "Entry");
    1341         256 :             const GDALColorEntry *ent = poColorTable->GetColorEntry(i);
    1342             :             // No need to set the index, it is always from 0 no size-1
    1343         256 :             XMLSetAttributeVal(entry, "c1", ent->c1, pfrmt);
    1344         256 :             XMLSetAttributeVal(entry, "c2", ent->c2, pfrmt);
    1345         256 :             XMLSetAttributeVal(entry, "c3", ent->c3, pfrmt);
    1346         256 :             if (ent->c4 != 255)
    1347           0 :                 XMLSetAttributeVal(entry, "c4", ent->c4, pfrmt);
    1348             :         }
    1349             :     }
    1350             : 
    1351         332 :     if (is_Endianness_Dependent(full.dt, full.comp))  // Need to set the order
    1352          62 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(raster, "NetByteOrder",
    1353          62 :                                     (full.nbo || NET_ORDER) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
    1354             : 
    1355         332 :     if (full.quality > 0 && full.quality != 85)
    1356          12 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(raster, "Quality",
    1357          24 :                                     CPLOPrintf("%d", full.quality));
    1358             : 
    1359             :     // Done with the raster node
    1360             : 
    1361         332 :     if (scale != 0.0)
    1362             :     {
    1363           0 :         CPLCreateXMLNode(config, CXT_Element, "Rsets");
    1364           0 :         CPLSetXMLValue(config, "Rsets.#model", "uniform");
    1365           0 :         CPLSetXMLValue(config, "Rsets.#scale", PrintDouble(scale));
    1366             :     }
    1367         332 :     CPLXMLNode *gtags = CPLCreateXMLNode(config, CXT_Element, "GeoTags");
    1368             : 
    1369             :     // Do we have an affine transform different from identity?
    1370             :     double gt[6];
    1371         664 :     if ((MRFDataset::GetGeoTransform(gt) == CE_None) &&
    1372         332 :         (gt[0] != 0 || gt[1] != 1 || gt[2] != 0 || gt[3] != 0 || gt[4] != 0 ||
    1373         196 :          gt[5] != 1))
    1374             :     {
    1375         136 :         double minx = gt[0];
    1376         136 :         double maxx = gt[1] * full.size.x + minx;
    1377         136 :         double maxy = gt[3];
    1378         136 :         double miny = gt[5] * full.size.y + maxy;
    1379         136 :         CPLXMLNode *bbox = CPLCreateXMLNode(gtags, CXT_Element, "BoundingBox");
    1380         136 :         XMLSetAttributeVal(bbox, "minx", minx);
    1381         136 :         XMLSetAttributeVal(bbox, "miny", miny);
    1382         136 :         XMLSetAttributeVal(bbox, "maxx", maxx);
    1383         136 :         XMLSetAttributeVal(bbox, "maxy", maxy);
    1384             :     }
    1385             : 
    1386         332 :     const char *pszProj = GetProjectionRef();
    1387         332 :     if (pszProj && (!EQUAL(pszProj, "")))
    1388         137 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(gtags, "Projection", pszProj);
    1389             : 
    1390         332 :     if (optlist.Count() != 0)
    1391             :     {
    1392          48 :         CPLString options;
    1393          50 :         for (int i = 0; i < optlist.size(); i++)
    1394             :         {
    1395          26 :             options += optlist[i];
    1396          26 :             options += ' ';
    1397             :         }
    1398          24 :         options.pop_back();
    1399          24 :         CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(config, "Options", options);
    1400             :     }
    1401             : 
    1402         332 :     return config;
    1403             : }
    1404             : 
    1405             : /**
    1406             :  * \brief Populates the dataset variables from the XML definition
    1407             :  *
    1408             :  *
    1409             :  */
    1410         363 : CPLErr MRFDataset::Initialize(CPLXMLNode *config)
    1411             : {
    1412             :     // We only need a basic initialization here, usually gets overwritten by the
    1413             :     // image params
    1414         363 :     full.dt = GDT_Byte;
    1415         363 :     full.hasNoData = false;
    1416         363 :     full.NoDataValue = 0;
    1417         363 :     Quality = 85;
    1418             : 
    1419         363 :     CPLErr ret = Init_Raster(full, this, CPLGetXMLNode(config, "Raster"));
    1420         363 :     if (CE_None != ret)
    1421           0 :         return ret;
    1422             : 
    1423         363 :     hasVersions = on(CPLGetXMLValue(config, "Raster.versioned", "no"));
    1424         363 :     mp_safe = on(CPLGetXMLValue(config, "Raster.mp_safe", "no"));
    1425         363 :     spacing = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(config, "Raster.Spacing", "0"));
    1426             : 
    1427             :     // The zslice defined in the file wins over the oo or the file argument
    1428         363 :     if (CPLGetXMLNode(config, "Raster.zslice"))
    1429           0 :         zslice = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(config, "Raster.zslice", "0"));
    1430             : 
    1431         363 :     Quality = full.quality;
    1432             : 
    1433             :     // Bounding box
    1434         363 :     CPLXMLNode *bbox = CPLGetXMLNode(config, "GeoTags.BoundingBox");
    1435         363 :     if (nullptr != bbox)
    1436             :     {
    1437             :         double x0, x1, y0, y1;
    1438             : 
    1439         159 :         x0 = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(bbox, "minx", "0"));
    1440         159 :         x1 = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(bbox, "maxx", "1"));
    1441         159 :         y1 = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(bbox, "maxy", "1"));
    1442         159 :         y0 = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(bbox, "miny", "0"));
    1443             : 
    1444         159 :         GeoTransform[0] = x0;
    1445         159 :         GeoTransform[1] = (x1 - x0) / full.size.x;
    1446         159 :         GeoTransform[2] = 0;
    1447         159 :         GeoTransform[3] = y1;
    1448         159 :         GeoTransform[4] = 0;
    1449         159 :         GeoTransform[5] = (y0 - y1) / full.size.y;
    1450         159 :         bGeoTransformValid = TRUE;
    1451             :     }
    1452             : 
    1453             :     const char *pszRawProjFromXML =
    1454         363 :         CPLGetXMLValue(config, "GeoTags.Projection", "");
    1455         363 :     if (strlen(pszRawProjFromXML) != 0)
    1456         160 :         m_oSRS.SetFromUserInput(
    1457             :             pszRawProjFromXML,
    1458             :             OGRSpatialReference::SET_FROM_USER_INPUT_LIMITATIONS_get());
    1459             : 
    1460             :     // Copy the full size to current, data and index are not yet open
    1461         363 :     current = full;
    1462         363 :     if (current.size.z != 1)
    1463             :     {
    1464           0 :         SetMetadataItem("ZSIZE", CPLOPrintf("%d", current.size.z),
    1465           0 :                         "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
    1466           0 :         SetMetadataItem("ZSLICE", CPLOPrintf("%d", zslice), "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
    1467             :         // Capture the zslice in pagesize.l
    1468           0 :         current.pagesize.l = zslice;
    1469             :         // Adjust offset for base image
    1470           0 :         if (full.size.z <= 0)
    1471             :         {
    1472           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1473             :                      "GDAL MRF: Invalid Raster.z value");
    1474           0 :             return CE_Failure;
    1475             :         }
    1476           0 :         if (zslice >= full.size.z)
    1477             :         {
    1478           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDAL MRF: Invalid slice");
    1479           0 :             return CE_Failure;
    1480             :         }
    1481             : 
    1482           0 :         current.idxoffset +=
    1483           0 :             (current.pagecount.l / full.size.z) * zslice * sizeof(ILIdx);
    1484             :     }
    1485             : 
    1486             :     // Dataset metadata setup
    1487         363 :     SetMetadataItem("INTERLEAVE", OrderName(current.order), "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
    1488         363 :     SetMetadataItem("COMPRESSION", CompName(current.comp), "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
    1489             : 
    1490         363 :     if (is_Endianness_Dependent(current.dt, current.comp))
    1491          69 :         SetMetadataItem("NETBYTEORDER", current.nbo ? "TRUE" : "FALSE",
    1492          69 :                         "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
    1493             : 
    1494             :     // Open the files for the current image, either RW or RO
    1495         363 :     nRasterXSize = current.size.x;
    1496         363 :     nRasterYSize = current.size.y;
    1497         363 :     nBands = current.size.c;
    1498             : 
    1499         363 :     if (!nBands || !nRasterXSize || !nRasterYSize)
    1500             :     {
    1501           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GDAL MRF: Image size missing");
    1502           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1503             :     }
    1504             : 
    1505             :     // Pick up the source data image, if there is one
    1506         363 :     source = CPLGetXMLValue(config, "CachedSource.Source", "");
    1507             :     // Is it a clone?
    1508         363 :     clonedSource =
    1509         363 :         on(CPLGetXMLValue(config, "CachedSource.Source.clone", "no"));
    1510             :     // Pick up the options, if any
    1511             :     optlist.Assign(CSLTokenizeString2(
    1512             :         CPLGetXMLValue(config, "Options", nullptr), " \t\n\r",
    1513         363 :         CSLT_STRIPLEADSPACES | CSLT_STRIPENDSPACES));
    1514             : 
    1515             :     // Load all the options in the IMAGE_STRUCTURE metadata
    1516         391 :     for (int i = 0; i < optlist.Count(); i++)
    1517             :     {
    1518          56 :         CPLString s(optlist[i]);
    1519          28 :         size_t nSepPos = s.find_first_of(":=");
    1520          28 :         if (std::string::npos != nSepPos)
    1521             :         {
    1522          28 :             s.resize(nSepPos);
    1523          28 :             SetMetadataItem(s, optlist.FetchNameValue(s), "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
    1524             :         }
    1525             :     }
    1526             : 
    1527             :     // We have the options, so we can call rasterband
    1528         786 :     for (int i = 1; i <= nBands; i++)
    1529             :     {
    1530             :         // The overviews are low resolution copies of the current one.
    1531         475 :         MRFRasterBand *band = newMRFRasterBand(this, current, i);
    1532         475 :         if (!band)
    1533          52 :             return CE_Failure;
    1534             : 
    1535         423 :         GDALColorInterp ci = GCI_Undefined;
    1536             : 
    1537             :         // Default color interpretation
    1538         423 :         switch (nBands)
    1539             :         {
    1540         264 :             case 1:
    1541             :             case 2:
    1542         264 :                 ci = (i == 1) ? GCI_GrayIndex : GCI_AlphaBand;
    1543         264 :                 break;
    1544         144 :             case 3:
    1545             :             case 4:
    1546         144 :                 if (i < 3)
    1547          94 :                     ci = (i == 1) ? GCI_RedBand : GCI_GreenBand;
    1548             :                 else
    1549          50 :                     ci = (i == 3) ? GCI_BlueBand : GCI_AlphaBand;
    1550             :         }
    1551             : 
    1552         423 :         if (GetColorTable())
    1553           1 :             ci = GCI_PaletteIndex;
    1554             : 
    1555             :         // Legacy, deprecated
    1556         423 :         if (optlist.FetchBoolean("MULTISPECTRAL", FALSE))
    1557           0 :             ci = GCI_Undefined;
    1558             : 
    1559             :         // New style
    1560         423 :         if (!photometric.empty())
    1561             :         {
    1562          15 :             if ("MULTISPECTRAL" == photometric)
    1563           0 :                 ci = GCI_Undefined;
    1564             :         }
    1565             : 
    1566         423 :         band->SetColorInterpretation(ci);
    1567         423 :         SetBand(i, band);
    1568             :     }
    1569             : 
    1570         311 :     CPLXMLNode *rsets = CPLGetXMLNode(config, "Rsets");
    1571         311 :     if (nullptr != rsets && nullptr != rsets->psChild)
    1572             :     {
    1573             :         // We have rsets
    1574             : 
    1575             :         // Regular spaced overlays, until everything fits in a single tile
    1576          32 :         if (EQUAL("uniform", CPLGetXMLValue(rsets, "model", "uniform")))
    1577             :         {
    1578          32 :             scale = getXMLNum(rsets, "scale", 2.0);
    1579          32 :             if (scale <= 1)
    1580             :             {
    1581           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1582             :                          "MRF: zoom factor less than unit not allowed");
    1583           0 :                 return CE_Failure;
    1584             :             }
    1585             :             // Looks like there are overlays
    1586          32 :             AddOverviews(int(scale));
    1587             :         }
    1588             :         else
    1589             :         {
    1590           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unknown Rset definition");
    1591           0 :             return CE_Failure;
    1592             :         }
    1593             :     }
    1594             : 
    1595         311 :     idxSize = IdxSize(full, int(scale));
    1596         311 :     if (idxSize == 0)
    1597           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1598             : 
    1599             :     // If not set by the bands, get a pageSizeBytes buffer
    1600         311 :     if (GetPBufferSize() == 0 && !SetPBuffer(current.pageSizeBytes))
    1601           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1602             : 
    1603         311 :     if (hasVersions)
    1604             :     {                  // It has versions, but how many?
    1605           5 :         verCount = 0;  // Assume it only has one
    1606             :         VSIStatBufL statb;
    1607             :         //  If the file exists, compute the last version number
    1608           5 :         if (0 == VSIStatL(full.idxfname, &statb))
    1609           5 :             verCount = int(statb.st_size / idxSize - 1);
    1610             :     }
    1611             : 
    1612         311 :     return CE_None;
    1613             : }
    1614             : 
    1615           0 : static inline bool has_path(const CPLString &name)
    1616             : {
    1617           0 :     return name.find_first_of("/\\") != string::npos;
    1618             : }
    1619             : 
    1620             : // Does name look like an absolute gdal file name?
    1621           4 : static inline bool is_absolute(const CPLString &name)
    1622             : {
    1623           4 :     return (name.find_first_of("/\\") == 0)  // Starts with root
    1624           4 :            || (name.size() > 1 && name[1] == ':' &&
    1625           0 :                isalpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(
    1626           0 :                    name[0])))    // Starts with drive letter
    1627           8 :            || (name[0] == '<');  // Maybe it is XML
    1628             : }
    1629             : 
    1630             : // Add the dirname of path to the beginning of name, if it is relative
    1631             : // returns true if name was modified
    1632           4 : static inline bool make_absolute(CPLString &name, const CPLString &path)
    1633             : {
    1634           4 :     if (!is_absolute(name) && (path.find_first_of("/\\") != string::npos))
    1635             :     {
    1636           4 :         name = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of("/\\") + 1) + name;
    1637           4 :         return true;
    1638             :     }
    1639           0 :     return false;
    1640             : }
    1641             : 
    1642             : /**
    1643             :  *\brief Get the source dataset, open it if necessary
    1644             :  */
    1645           5 : GDALDataset *MRFDataset::GetSrcDS()
    1646             : {
    1647           5 :     if (poSrcDS)
    1648           1 :         return poSrcDS;
    1649           4 :     if (source.empty())
    1650           0 :         return nullptr;
    1651             : 
    1652             :     // Stub out the error handler
    1653           4 :     CPLPushErrorHandler(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
    1654             :     // Try open the source dataset as is
    1655           4 :     poSrcDS =
    1656           4 :         GDALDataset::FromHandle(GDALOpenShared(source.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly));
    1657           4 :     CPLPopErrorHandler();
    1658             : 
    1659             :     // It the open fails, try again with the current dataset path prepended
    1660           4 :     if (!poSrcDS && make_absolute(source, fname))
    1661           4 :         poSrcDS = GDALDataset::FromHandle(
    1662             :             GDALOpenShared(source.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly));
    1663             : 
    1664           4 :     if (0 == source.find("<MRF_META>") && has_path(fname))
    1665             :     {
    1666             :         // MRF XML source, might need to patch the file names with the current
    1667             :         // one
    1668           0 :         MRFDataset *poMRFDS = dynamic_cast<MRFDataset *>(poSrcDS);
    1669           0 :         if (!poMRFDS)
    1670             :         {
    1671           0 :             delete poSrcDS;
    1672           0 :             poSrcDS = nullptr;
    1673           0 :             return nullptr;
    1674             :         }
    1675           0 :         make_absolute(poMRFDS->current.datfname, fname);
    1676           0 :         make_absolute(poMRFDS->current.idxfname, fname);
    1677             :     }
    1678           4 :     mp_safe = true;  // Turn on MP safety
    1679           4 :     return poSrcDS;
    1680             : }
    1681             : 
    1682             : /**
    1683             :  *\brief Add or verify that all overlays exits
    1684             :  *
    1685             :  * @return size of the index file
    1686             :  */
    1687             : 
    1688          62 : GIntBig MRFDataset::AddOverviews(int scaleIn)
    1689             : {
    1690             :     // Fit the overlays
    1691          62 :     ILImage img = current;
    1692         134 :     while (1 != img.pagecount.x * img.pagecount.y)
    1693             :     {
    1694             :         // Adjust raster data for next level
    1695             :         // Adjust the offsets for indices left at this level
    1696          72 :         img.idxoffset += sizeof(ILIdx) * img.pagecount.l / img.size.z *
    1697          72 :                          (img.size.z - zslice);
    1698             : 
    1699             :         // Next overview size
    1700          72 :         img.size.x = pcount(img.size.x, scaleIn);
    1701          72 :         img.size.y = pcount(img.size.y, scaleIn);
    1702          72 :         img.size.l++;  // Increment the level
    1703          72 :         img.pagecount = pcount(img.size, img.pagesize);
    1704             : 
    1705             :         // And adjust the offset again, within next level
    1706          72 :         img.idxoffset += sizeof(ILIdx) * img.pagecount.l / img.size.z * zslice;
    1707          72 :         int l = static_cast<int>(img.size.l);
    1708             :         // Create and register the overviews for each band
    1709         144 :         for (int i = 1; i <= nBands; i++)
    1710             :         {
    1711             :             MRFRasterBand *b =
    1712          72 :                 reinterpret_cast<MRFRasterBand *>(GetRasterBand(i));
    1713          72 :             if (!(b->GetOverview(l - 1)))
    1714          72 :                 b->AddOverview(newMRFRasterBand(this, img, i, l));
    1715             :         }
    1716             :     }
    1717             : 
    1718             :     // Last adjustment, should be a single set of c and leftover z tiles
    1719          62 :     return img.idxoffset +
    1720         124 :            sizeof(ILIdx) * img.pagecount.l / img.size.z * (img.size.z - zslice);
    1721             : }
    1722             : 
    1723             : //
    1724             : // set an entry if it doesn't already exist
    1725             : //
    1726         134 : static char **CSLAddIfMissing(char **papszList, const char *pszName,
    1727             :                               const char *pszValue)
    1728             : {
    1729         134 :     if (CSLFetchNameValue(papszList, pszName))
    1730          13 :         return papszList;
    1731         121 :     return CSLSetNameValue(papszList, pszName, pszValue);
    1732             : }
    1733             : 
    1734             : // CreateCopy implemented based on Create
    1735         133 : GDALDataset *MRFDataset::CreateCopy(const char *pszFilename,
    1736             :                                     GDALDataset *poSrcDS, int /*bStrict*/,
    1737             :                                     char **papszOptions,
    1738             :                                     GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
    1739             :                                     void *pProgressData)
    1740             : {
    1741         266 :     ILImage img;
    1742             : 
    1743         133 :     int x = poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize();
    1744         133 :     int y = poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize();
    1745         133 :     int nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    1746         133 :     if (nBands == 0)
    1747             :     {
    1748           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "nBands == 0 not supported");
    1749           1 :         return nullptr;
    1750             :     }
    1751         132 :     GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand1 = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1);
    1752             : 
    1753         132 :     GDALDataType dt = poSrcBand1->GetRasterDataType();
    1754             :     // Have our own options, to modify as we want
    1755         132 :     char **options = CSLDuplicate(papszOptions);
    1756             : 
    1757             :     const char *pszValue =
    1758         132 :         poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem("INTERLEAVE", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
    1759             :     options =
    1760         132 :         CSLAddIfMissing(options, "INTERLEAVE", pszValue ? pszValue : "PIXEL");
    1761             :     int xb, yb;
    1762         132 :     poSrcBand1->GetBlockSize(&xb, &yb);
    1763             : 
    1764             :     // Keep input block size if it exists and not explicitly set
    1765         133 :     if (CSLFetchNameValue(options, "BLOCKSIZE") == nullptr && xb != x &&
    1766           1 :         yb != y)
    1767             :     {
    1768           1 :         options = CSLAddIfMissing(options, "BLOCKXSIZE",
    1769           2 :                                   PrintDouble(xb, "%d").c_str());
    1770           1 :         options = CSLAddIfMissing(options, "BLOCKYSIZE",
    1771           2 :                                   PrintDouble(yb, "%d").c_str());
    1772             :     }
    1773             : 
    1774         132 :     MRFDataset *poDS = nullptr;
    1775             :     try
    1776             :     {
    1777             :         poDS = reinterpret_cast<MRFDataset *>(
    1778         132 :             Create(pszFilename, x, y, nBands, dt, options));
    1779             : 
    1780         132 :         if (poDS == nullptr || poDS->bCrystalized)
    1781          11 :             throw CPLOPrintf("MRF: Can't create %s", pszFilename);
    1782             : 
    1783         121 :         img = poDS->current;  // Deal with the current one here
    1784             : 
    1785             :         // Copy data values from source
    1786         280 :         for (int i = 0; i < poDS->nBands; i++)
    1787             :         {
    1788             :             int bHas;
    1789             :             double dfData;
    1790         159 :             GDALRasterBand *srcBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(i + 1);
    1791         159 :             GDALRasterBand *mBand = poDS->GetRasterBand(i + 1);
    1792         159 :             dfData = srcBand->GetNoDataValue(&bHas);
    1793         159 :             if (bHas)
    1794             :             {
    1795          16 :                 poDS->vNoData.push_back(dfData);
    1796          16 :                 mBand->SetNoDataValue(dfData);
    1797             :             }
    1798         159 :             dfData = srcBand->GetMinimum(&bHas);
    1799         159 :             if (bHas)
    1800          17 :                 poDS->vMin.push_back(dfData);
    1801         159 :             dfData = srcBand->GetMaximum(&bHas);
    1802         159 :             if (bHas)
    1803          17 :                 poDS->vMax.push_back(dfData);
    1804             : 
    1805             :             // Copy the band metadata, PAM will handle it
    1806         159 :             char **meta = srcBand->GetMetadata("IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
    1807         159 :             if (CSLCount(meta))
    1808           7 :                 mBand->SetMetadata(meta, "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
    1809             : 
    1810         159 :             meta = srcBand->GetMetadata();
    1811         159 :             if (CSLCount(meta))
    1812          18 :                 mBand->SetMetadata(meta);
    1813             :         }
    1814             : 
    1815             :         // Geotags
    1816             :         double gt[6];
    1817         121 :         if (CE_None == poSrcDS->GetGeoTransform(gt))
    1818         118 :             poDS->SetGeoTransform(gt);
    1819             : 
    1820         121 :         const auto poSRS = poSrcDS->GetSpatialRef();
    1821         121 :         if (poSRS)
    1822         117 :             poDS->m_oSRS = *poSRS;
    1823             : 
    1824             :         // Color palette if we only have one band
    1825         224 :         if (1 == nBands &&
    1826         103 :             GCI_PaletteIndex == poSrcBand1->GetColorInterpretation())
    1827           1 :             poDS->SetColorTable(poSrcBand1->GetColorTable()->Clone());
    1828             : 
    1829             :         // Finally write the XML in the right file name
    1830         121 :         if (!poDS->Crystalize())
    1831          10 :             throw CPLString("MRF: Error creating files");
    1832             :     }
    1833          21 :     catch (const CPLString &e)
    1834             :     {
    1835          21 :         if (nullptr != poDS)
    1836          10 :             delete poDS;
    1837          21 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_ObjectNull, "%s", e.c_str());
    1838          21 :         poDS = nullptr;
    1839             :     }
    1840             : 
    1841         132 :     CSLDestroy(options);
    1842         132 :     if (nullptr == poDS)
    1843          21 :         return nullptr;
    1844             : 
    1845         111 :     char **papszFileList = poDS->GetFileList();
    1846         111 :     poDS->oOvManager.Initialize(poDS, poDS->GetPhysicalFilename(),
    1847             :                                 papszFileList);
    1848         111 :     CSLDestroy(papszFileList);
    1849             : 
    1850         111 :     CPLErr err = CE_None;
    1851             :     // Have PAM copy all, but skip the mask
    1852         111 :     int nCloneFlags = GCIF_PAM_DEFAULT & ~GCIF_MASK;
    1853             : 
    1854             :     // If copy is disabled, we're done, we just created an empty MRF
    1855         111 :     if (!on(CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "NOCOPY")))
    1856             :     {
    1857             :         // Use the GDAL copy call
    1858             :         // Need to flag the dataset as compressed (COMPRESSED=TRUE) to force
    1859             :         // block writes This might not be what we want, if the input and out
    1860             :         // order is truly separate
    1861         109 :         nCloneFlags |= GCIF_MASK;  // We do copy the data, so copy the mask too
    1862             :                                    // if necessary
    1863         109 :         char **papszCWROptions = nullptr;
    1864             :         papszCWROptions =
    1865         109 :             CSLAddNameValue(papszCWROptions, "COMPRESSED", "TRUE");
    1866             : 
    1867             : #ifdef HAVE_JPEG
    1868             :         // Use the Zen version of the CopyWholeRaster if input has a dataset
    1869             :         // mask and JPEGs are generated
    1870         111 :         if (GMF_PER_DATASET == poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetMaskFlags() &&
    1871           2 :             (poDS->current.comp == IL_JPEG
    1872             : #ifdef HAVE_PNG
    1873           0 :              || poDS->current.comp == IL_JPNG
    1874             : #endif
    1875             :              ))
    1876             :         {
    1877           2 :             err = poDS->ZenCopy(poSrcDS, pfnProgress, pProgressData);
    1878           2 :             nCloneFlags ^= GCIF_MASK;  // Turn the external mask off
    1879             :         }
    1880             :         else
    1881             : #endif
    1882             :         {
    1883         107 :             err = GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster(
    1884             :                 (GDALDatasetH)poSrcDS, (GDALDatasetH)poDS, papszCWROptions,
    1885             :                 pfnProgress, pProgressData);
    1886             :         }
    1887             : 
    1888         109 :         CSLDestroy(papszCWROptions);
    1889             :     }
    1890             : 
    1891         111 :     if (CE_None == err)
    1892         111 :         err = poDS->CloneInfo(poSrcDS, nCloneFlags);
    1893             : 
    1894         111 :     if (CE_Failure == err)
    1895             :     {
    1896           0 :         delete poDS;
    1897           0 :         return nullptr;
    1898             :     }
    1899             : 
    1900         111 :     return poDS;
    1901             : }
    1902             : 
    1903             : // Prepares the data so it is suitable for Zen JPEG encoding, based on input
    1904             : // mask If bFBO is set, only the values of the first band are set non-zero when
    1905             : // needed
    1906             : template <typename T>
    1907           2 : static void ZenFilter(T *buffer, GByte *mask, int nPixels, int nBands,
    1908             :                       bool bFBO)
    1909             : {
    1910      524290 :     for (int i = 0; i < nPixels; i++)
    1911             :     {
    1912      524288 :         if (mask[i] == 0)
    1913             :         {  // enforce zero values
    1914      516096 :             for (int b = 0; b < nBands; b++)
    1915      387072 :                 buffer[nBands * i + b] = 0;
    1916             :         }
    1917             :         else
    1918             :         {  // enforce non-zero
    1919      395264 :             if (bFBO)
    1920             :             {  // First band only
    1921      197632 :                 bool f = true;
    1922      790528 :                 for (int b = 0; b < nBands; b++)
    1923             :                 {
    1924      592896 :                     if (0 == buffer[nBands * i + b])
    1925             :                     {
    1926           0 :                         f = false;
    1927           0 :                         break;
    1928             :                     }
    1929             :                 }
    1930      197632 :                 if (f)
    1931      197632 :                     buffer[nBands * i] = 1;
    1932             :             }
    1933             :             else
    1934             :             {  // Every band
    1935      790528 :                 for (int b = 0; b < nBands; b++)
    1936      592896 :                     if (0 == buffer[nBands * i + b])
    1937           0 :                         buffer[nBands * i + b] = 1;
    1938             :             }
    1939             :         }
    1940             :     }
    1941           2 : }
    1942             : 
    1943             : // Custom CopyWholeRaster for Zen JPEG, called when the input has a PER_DATASET
    1944             : // mask Works like GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster, but it does filter the input data
    1945             : // based on the mask
    1946             : //
    1947           2 : CPLErr MRFDataset::ZenCopy(GDALDataset *poSrc, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
    1948             :                            void *pProgressData)
    1949             : {
    1950           2 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(poSrc, "MRF:ZenCopy", CE_Failure);
    1951             : 
    1952           2 :     if (!pfnProgress)
    1953           0 :         pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;
    1954             : 
    1955             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1956             :     /*      Confirm the datasets match in size and band counts.             */
    1957             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1958           2 :     const int nXSize = GetRasterXSize();
    1959           2 :     const int nYSize = GetRasterYSize();
    1960           2 :     const int nBandCount = GetRasterCount();
    1961             : 
    1962           2 :     if (poSrc->GetRasterXSize() != nXSize ||
    1963           4 :         poSrc->GetRasterYSize() != nYSize ||
    1964           2 :         poSrc->GetRasterCount() != nBandCount)
    1965             :     {
    1966           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1967             :                  "Input and output dataset sizes or band counts do not\n"
    1968             :                  "match in GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster()");
    1969           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1970             :     }
    1971             : 
    1972             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1973             :     /*      Get our prototype band, and assume the others are similarly     */
    1974             :     /*      configured. Also get the per_dataset mask                       */
    1975             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1976           2 :     GDALRasterBand *poSrcPrototypeBand = poSrc->GetRasterBand(1);
    1977           2 :     GDALRasterBand *poDstPrototypeBand = GetRasterBand(1);
    1978           2 :     GDALRasterBand *poSrcMask = poSrcPrototypeBand->GetMaskBand();
    1979             : 
    1980           2 :     const int nPageXSize = current.pagesize.x;
    1981           2 :     const int nPageYSize = current.pagesize.y;
    1982           2 :     const double nTotalBlocks =
    1983           2 :         static_cast<double>(DIV_ROUND_UP(nYSize, nPageYSize)) *
    1984           2 :         static_cast<double>(DIV_ROUND_UP(nXSize, nPageXSize));
    1985           2 :     const GDALDataType eDT = poDstPrototypeBand->GetRasterDataType();
    1986             : 
    1987             :     // All the bands are done per block
    1988             :     // this flag tells us to apply the Zen filter to the first band only
    1989           2 :     const bool bFirstBandOnly = (current.order == IL_Interleaved);
    1990             : 
    1991           2 :     if (!pfnProgress(0.0, nullptr, pProgressData))
    1992             :     {
    1993           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
    1994             :                  "User terminated CreateCopy()");
    1995           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    1996             :     }
    1997             : 
    1998           2 :     const int nPixelCount = nPageXSize * nPageYSize;
    1999           2 :     const int dts = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eDT);
    2000           2 :     void *buffer = VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE(nPixelCount, nBandCount, dts);
    2001           2 :     GByte *buffer_mask = nullptr;
    2002           2 :     if (buffer)
    2003             :         buffer_mask =
    2004           2 :             reinterpret_cast<GByte *>(VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE(nPixelCount));
    2005             : 
    2006           2 :     if (!buffer || !buffer_mask)
    2007             :     {
    2008             :         // Just in case buffers did get allocated
    2009           0 :         CPLFree(buffer);
    2010           0 :         CPLFree(buffer_mask);
    2011           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory, "Can't allocate copy buffer");
    2012           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    2013             :     }
    2014             : 
    2015           2 :     int nBlocksDone = 0;
    2016           2 :     CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
    2017             :     // Advise the source that a complete read will be done
    2018           2 :     poSrc->AdviseRead(0, 0, nXSize, nYSize, nXSize, nYSize, eDT, nBandCount,
    2019           2 :                       nullptr, nullptr);
    2020             : 
    2021             :     // For every block, break on error
    2022           4 :     for (int row = 0; row < nYSize && eErr == CE_None; row += nPageYSize)
    2023             :     {
    2024           2 :         int nRows = std::min(nPageYSize, nYSize - row);
    2025           4 :         for (int col = 0; col < nXSize && eErr == CE_None; col += nPageXSize)
    2026             :         {
    2027           2 :             int nCols = std::min(nPageXSize, nXSize - col);
    2028             : 
    2029             :             // Report
    2030           2 :             if (eErr == CE_None && !pfnProgress(nBlocksDone++ / nTotalBlocks,
    2031             :                                                 nullptr, pProgressData))
    2032             :             {
    2033           0 :                 eErr = CE_Failure;
    2034           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
    2035             :                          "User terminated CreateCopy()");
    2036           0 :                 break;
    2037             :             }
    2038             : 
    2039             :             // Get the data mask as byte
    2040           2 :             eErr = poSrcMask->RasterIO(GF_Read, col, row, nCols, nRows,
    2041             :                                        buffer_mask, nCols, nRows, GDT_Byte, 0,
    2042             :                                        0, nullptr);
    2043             : 
    2044           2 :             if (eErr != CE_None)
    2045           0 :                 break;
    2046             : 
    2047             :             // If there is no data at all, skip this block
    2048           2 :             if (MatchCount(buffer_mask, nPixelCount, static_cast<GByte>(0)) ==
    2049             :                 nPixelCount)
    2050           0 :                 continue;
    2051             : 
    2052             :             // get the data in the buffer, interleaved
    2053           4 :             eErr = poSrc->RasterIO(
    2054             :                 GF_Read, col, row, nCols, nRows, buffer, nCols, nRows, eDT,
    2055           2 :                 nBandCount, nullptr, static_cast<GSpacing>(nBands) * dts,
    2056           2 :                 static_cast<GSpacing>(nBands) * dts * nCols, dts, nullptr);
    2057             : 
    2058           2 :             if (eErr != CE_None)
    2059           0 :                 break;
    2060             : 
    2061             :             // This is JPEG, only 8 and 12(16) bits unsigned integer types are
    2062             :             // valid
    2063           2 :             switch (eDT)
    2064             :             {
    2065           2 :                 case GDT_Byte:
    2066           2 :                     ZenFilter(reinterpret_cast<GByte *>(buffer), buffer_mask,
    2067             :                               nPixelCount, nBandCount, bFirstBandOnly);
    2068           2 :                     break;
    2069           0 :                 case GDT_UInt16:
    2070           0 :                     ZenFilter(reinterpret_cast<GUInt16 *>(buffer), buffer_mask,
    2071             :                               nPixelCount, nBandCount, bFirstBandOnly);
    2072           0 :                     break;
    2073           0 :                 default:
    2074           0 :                     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2075             :                              "Unsupported data type for Zen filter");
    2076           0 :                     eErr = CE_Failure;
    2077           0 :                     break;
    2078             :             }
    2079             : 
    2080             :             // Write
    2081           2 :             if (eErr == CE_None)
    2082           2 :                 eErr = RasterIO(
    2083             :                     GF_Write, col, row, nCols, nRows, buffer, nCols, nRows, eDT,
    2084           2 :                     nBandCount, nullptr, static_cast<GSpacing>(nBands) * dts,
    2085           2 :                     static_cast<GSpacing>(nBands) * dts * nCols, dts, nullptr);
    2086             : 
    2087             :         }  // Columns
    2088           2 :         if (eErr != CE_None)
    2089           0 :             break;
    2090             : 
    2091             :     }  // Rows
    2092             : 
    2093             :     // Cleanup
    2094           2 :     CPLFree(buffer);
    2095           2 :     CPLFree(buffer_mask);
    2096             : 
    2097             :     // Final report
    2098           2 :     if (eErr == CE_None && !pfnProgress(1.0, nullptr, pProgressData))
    2099             :     {
    2100           0 :         eErr = CE_Failure;
    2101           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
    2102             :                  "User terminated CreateCopy()");
    2103             :     }
    2104             : 
    2105           2 :     return eErr;
    2106             : }
    2107             : 
    2108             : // Apply open options to the current dataset
    2109             : // Called before the configuration is read
    2110         202 : void MRFDataset::ProcessOpenOptions(char **papszOptions)
    2111             : {
    2112         404 :     CPLStringList opt(papszOptions, FALSE);
    2113         202 :     no_errors = opt.FetchBoolean("NOERRORS", FALSE);
    2114         202 :     const char *val = opt.FetchNameValue("ZSLICE");
    2115         202 :     if (val)
    2116           0 :         zslice = atoi(val);
    2117         202 : }
    2118             : 
    2119             : // Apply create options to the current dataset, only valid during creation
    2120         161 : void MRFDataset::ProcessCreateOptions(char **papszOptions)
    2121             : {
    2122         161 :     assert(!bCrystalized);
    2123         322 :     CPLStringList opt(papszOptions, FALSE);
    2124         161 :     ILImage &img(full);
    2125             : 
    2126         161 :     const char *val = opt.FetchNameValue("COMPRESS");
    2127         161 :     if (val && IL_ERR_COMP == (img.comp = CompToken(val)))
    2128           0 :         throw CPLString("GDAL MRF: Error setting compression");
    2129             : 
    2130         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("INTERLEAVE");
    2131         161 :     if (val && IL_ERR_ORD == (img.order = OrderToken(val)))
    2132           0 :         throw CPLString("GDAL MRF: Error setting interleave");
    2133             : 
    2134         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("QUALITY");
    2135         161 :     if (val)
    2136           6 :         img.quality = atoi(val);
    2137             : 
    2138         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("ZSIZE");
    2139         161 :     if (val)
    2140           0 :         img.size.z = atoi(val);
    2141             : 
    2142         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("BLOCKXSIZE");
    2143         161 :     if (val)
    2144           1 :         img.pagesize.x = atoi(val);
    2145             : 
    2146         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("BLOCKYSIZE");
    2147         161 :     if (val)
    2148           1 :         img.pagesize.y = atoi(val);
    2149             : 
    2150         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("BLOCKSIZE");
    2151         161 :     if (val)
    2152          30 :         img.pagesize.x = img.pagesize.y = atoi(val);
    2153             : 
    2154         161 :     img.nbo = opt.FetchBoolean("NETBYTEORDER", FALSE) != FALSE;
    2155             : 
    2156         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("CACHEDSOURCE");
    2157         161 :     if (val)
    2158             :     {
    2159           2 :         source = val;
    2160           2 :         nocopy = opt.FetchBoolean("NOCOPY", FALSE);
    2161             :     }
    2162             : 
    2163         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("UNIFORM_SCALE");
    2164         161 :     if (val)
    2165           0 :         scale = atoi(val);
    2166             : 
    2167         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("PHOTOMETRIC");
    2168         161 :     if (val)
    2169           2 :         photometric = val;
    2170             : 
    2171         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("DATANAME");
    2172         161 :     if (val)
    2173           0 :         img.datfname = val;
    2174             : 
    2175         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("INDEXNAME");
    2176         161 :     if (val)
    2177           0 :         img.idxfname = val;
    2178             : 
    2179         161 :     val = opt.FetchNameValue("SPACING");
    2180         161 :     if (val)
    2181           0 :         spacing = atoi(val);
    2182             : 
    2183             :     optlist.Assign(
    2184             :         CSLTokenizeString2(opt.FetchNameValue("OPTIONS"), " \t\n\r",
    2185         161 :                            CSLT_STRIPLEADSPACES | CSLT_STRIPENDSPACES));
    2186             : 
    2187             :     // General Fixups
    2188         161 :     if (img.order == IL_Interleaved)
    2189          40 :         img.pagesize.c = img.size.c;
    2190             : 
    2191             :     // Compression dependent fixups
    2192         161 : }
    2193             : 
    2194             : /**
    2195             :  *\brief Create an MRF dataset, some settings can be changed later
    2196             :  * papszOptions might be anything that an MRF might take
    2197             :  * Still missing are the georeference ...
    2198             :  *
    2199             :  */
    2200             : 
    2201         165 : GDALDataset *MRFDataset::Create(const char *pszName, int nXSize, int nYSize,
    2202             :                                 int nBandsIn, GDALDataType eType,
    2203             :                                 char **papszOptions)
    2204             : {
    2205         165 :     if (nBandsIn == 0)
    2206             :     {
    2207           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "No bands defined");
    2208           1 :         return nullptr;
    2209             :     }
    2210             : 
    2211         164 :     MRFDataset *poDS = new MRFDataset();
    2212         164 :     CPLErr err = CE_None;
    2213         164 :     poDS->fname = pszName;
    2214         164 :     poDS->nBands = nBandsIn;
    2215             : 
    2216             :     // Don't know what to do with these in this call
    2217             :     // int level = -1;
    2218             :     // int version = 0;
    2219             : 
    2220         164 :     size_t pos = poDS->fname.find(":MRF:");
    2221         164 :     if (string::npos != pos)
    2222             :     {  // Tokenize and pick known options
    2223           0 :         vector<string> tokens;
    2224           0 :         stringSplit(tokens, poDS->fname, pos + 5, ':');
    2225             :         // level = getnum(tokens, 'L', -1);
    2226             :         // version = getnum(tokens, 'V', 0);
    2227           0 :         poDS->zslice = getnum(tokens, 'Z', 0);
    2228           0 :         poDS->fname.resize(pos);  // Cut the ornamentations
    2229             :     }
    2230             : 
    2231             :     // Try creating the mrf file early, to avoid failing on Crystalize later
    2232         164 :     if (!STARTS_WITH(poDS->fname.c_str(), "<MRF_META>"))
    2233             :     {
    2234             :         // Try opening it first, even though we still clobber it later
    2235         164 :         VSILFILE *mainfile = VSIFOpenL(poDS->fname.c_str(), "r+b");
    2236         164 :         if (!mainfile)
    2237             :         {  // Then try creating it
    2238         115 :             mainfile = VSIFOpenL(poDS->fname.c_str(), "w+b");
    2239         115 :             if (!mainfile)
    2240             :             {
    2241           3 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
    2242             :                          "MRF: Can't open %s for writing", poDS->fname.c_str());
    2243           3 :                 delete poDS;
    2244           3 :                 return nullptr;
    2245             :             }
    2246             :         }
    2247         161 :         VSIFCloseL(mainfile);
    2248             :     }
    2249             : 
    2250             :     // Use the full, set some initial parameters
    2251         161 :     ILImage &img = poDS->full;
    2252         161 :     img.size = ILSize(nXSize, nYSize, 1, nBandsIn);
    2253             : #ifdef HAVE_PNG
    2254         161 :     img.comp = IL_PNG;
    2255             : #else
    2256             :     img.comp = IL_NONE;
    2257             : #endif
    2258         161 :     img.order = (nBandsIn < 5) ? IL_Interleaved : IL_Separate;
    2259         161 :     img.pagesize = ILSize(512, 512, 1, 1);
    2260         161 :     img.quality = 85;
    2261         161 :     img.dt = eType;
    2262         161 :     img.dataoffset = 0;
    2263         161 :     img.idxoffset = 0;
    2264         161 :     img.hasNoData = false;
    2265         161 :     img.nbo = false;
    2266             : 
    2267             :     // Set the guard that tells us it needs saving before IO can take place
    2268         161 :     poDS->bCrystalized = FALSE;
    2269             : 
    2270             :     // Process the options, anything that an MRF might take
    2271             : 
    2272             :     try
    2273             :     {
    2274             :         // Adjust the dataset and the full image
    2275         161 :         poDS->ProcessCreateOptions(papszOptions);
    2276             : 
    2277             :         // Set default file names
    2278         161 :         if (img.datfname.empty())
    2279         161 :             img.datfname = getFname(poDS->GetFname(), ILComp_Ext[img.comp]);
    2280         161 :         if (img.idxfname.empty())
    2281         161 :             img.idxfname = getFname(poDS->GetFname(), ".idx");
    2282             : 
    2283         161 :         poDS->eAccess = GA_Update;
    2284             :     }
    2285             : 
    2286           0 :     catch (const CPLString &e)
    2287             :     {
    2288           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "%s", e.c_str());
    2289           0 :         delete poDS;
    2290           0 :         return nullptr;
    2291             :     }
    2292             : 
    2293         161 :     poDS->current = poDS->full;
    2294         161 :     poDS->SetDescription(poDS->GetFname());
    2295             : 
    2296             :     // Build a MRF XML and initialize from it, this creates the bands
    2297         161 :     CPLXMLNode *config = poDS->BuildConfig();
    2298         161 :     err = poDS->Initialize(config);
    2299         161 :     CPLDestroyXMLNode(config);
    2300             : 
    2301         161 :     if (CPLE_None != err)
    2302             :     {
    2303          30 :         delete poDS;
    2304          30 :         return nullptr;
    2305             :     }
    2306             : 
    2307             :     // If not set by the band, get a pageSizeBytes buffer
    2308         131 :     if (poDS->GetPBufferSize() == 0 &&
    2309           0 :         !poDS->SetPBuffer(poDS->current.pageSizeBytes))
    2310             :     {
    2311           0 :         delete poDS;
    2312           0 :         return nullptr;
    2313             :     }
    2314             : 
    2315             :     // Tell PAM what our real file name is, to help it find the aux.xml
    2316         131 :     poDS->SetPhysicalFilename(poDS->GetFname());
    2317         131 :     return poDS;
    2318             : }
    2319             : 
    2320         171 : int MRFDataset::Crystalize()
    2321             : {
    2322         171 :     if (bCrystalized || eAccess != GA_Update)
    2323             :     {
    2324           0 :         bCrystalized = TRUE;
    2325           0 :         return TRUE;
    2326             :     }
    2327             : 
    2328             :     // No need to write to disk if there is no filename.  This is a
    2329             :     // memory only dataset.
    2330         342 :     if (strlen(GetDescription()) == 0 ||
    2331         171 :         EQUALN(GetDescription(), "<MRF_META>", 10))
    2332             :     {
    2333           0 :         bCrystalized = TRUE;
    2334           0 :         return TRUE;
    2335             :     }
    2336             : 
    2337         171 :     CPLXMLNode *config = BuildConfig();
    2338         171 :     if (!WriteConfig(config))
    2339          20 :         return FALSE;
    2340         151 :     CPLDestroyXMLNode(config);
    2341         151 :     if (!nocopy && (!IdxFP() || !DataFP()))
    2342           0 :         return FALSE;
    2343         151 :     bCrystalized = TRUE;
    2344         151 :     return TRUE;
    2345             : }
    2346             : 
    2347             : // Copy the first index at the end of the file and bump the version count
    2348           1 : CPLErr MRFDataset::AddVersion()
    2349             : {
    2350           1 :     VSILFILE *l_ifp = IdxFP();
    2351           1 :     void *tbuff = CPLMalloc(static_cast<size_t>(idxSize));
    2352           1 :     VSIFSeekL(l_ifp, 0, SEEK_SET);
    2353           1 :     VSIFReadL(tbuff, 1, static_cast<size_t>(idxSize), l_ifp);
    2354           1 :     verCount++;  // The one we write
    2355           1 :     VSIFSeekL(l_ifp, idxSize * verCount,
    2356             :               SEEK_SET);  // At the end, this can mess things up royally
    2357           1 :     VSIFWriteL(tbuff, 1, static_cast<size_t>(idxSize), l_ifp);
    2358           1 :     CPLFree(tbuff);
    2359           1 :     return CE_None;
    2360             : }
    2361             : 
    2362             : //
    2363             : // Write a tile at the end of the data file
    2364             : // If buff and size are zero, it is equivalent to erasing the tile
    2365             : // If only size is zero, it is a special empty tile,
    2366             : // when used for caching, offset should be 1
    2367             : //
    2368             : // To make it multi-processor safe, open the file in append mode
    2369             : // and verify after write
    2370             : //
    2371        5095 : CPLErr MRFDataset::WriteTile(void *buff, GUIntBig infooffset, GUIntBig size)
    2372             : {
    2373        5095 :     CPLErr ret = CE_None;
    2374        5095 :     ILIdx tinfo = {0, 0};
    2375             : 
    2376        5095 :     VSILFILE *l_dfp = DataFP();
    2377        5095 :     VSILFILE *l_ifp = IdxFP();
    2378             : 
    2379             :     // Verify buffer
    2380       10190 :     std::vector<GByte> tbuff;
    2381             : 
    2382        5095 :     if (l_ifp == nullptr || l_dfp == nullptr)
    2383           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    2384             : 
    2385             :     // Flag that versioned access requires a write even if empty
    2386        5095 :     int new_tile = false;
    2387             :     // If it has versions, might need to start a new one
    2388        5095 :     if (hasVersions)
    2389             :     {
    2390           1 :         int new_version = false;  // Assume no need to build new version
    2391             : 
    2392             :         // Read the current tile info
    2393           1 :         VSIFSeekL(l_ifp, infooffset, SEEK_SET);
    2394           1 :         VSIFReadL(&tinfo, 1, sizeof(ILIdx), l_ifp);
    2395             : 
    2396           1 :         if (verCount == 0)
    2397           1 :             new_version = true;  // No previous yet, might create a new version
    2398             :         else
    2399             :         {  // We need at least two versions before we can test for changes
    2400           0 :             ILIdx prevtinfo = {0, 0};
    2401             : 
    2402             :             // Read the previous one
    2403           0 :             VSIFSeekL(l_ifp, infooffset + verCount * idxSize, SEEK_SET);
    2404           0 :             VSIFReadL(&prevtinfo, 1, sizeof(ILIdx), l_ifp);
    2405             : 
    2406             :             // current and previous tiles are different, might create version
    2407           0 :             if (tinfo.size != prevtinfo.size ||
    2408           0 :                 tinfo.offset != prevtinfo.offset)
    2409           0 :                 new_version = true;
    2410             :         }
    2411             : 
    2412             :         // tinfo contains the current info or 0,0
    2413           1 :         if (tinfo.size == GIntBig(net64(size)))
    2414             :         {  // Might be identical
    2415           0 :             if (size != 0)
    2416             :             {
    2417             :                 // Use the temporary buffer
    2418           0 :                 tbuff.resize(static_cast<size_t>(size));
    2419           0 :                 VSIFSeekL(l_dfp, infooffset, SEEK_SET);
    2420           0 :                 VSIFReadL(, 1, tbuff.size(), l_dfp);
    2421             :                 // Need to write it if not the same
    2422           0 :                 new_tile = !std::equal(tbuff.begin(), tbuff.end(),
    2423             :                                        static_cast<GByte *>(buff));
    2424           0 :                 tbuff.clear();
    2425             :             }
    2426             :             else
    2427             :             {
    2428             :                 // Writing a null tile on top of a null tile, does it count?
    2429           0 :                 if (tinfo.offset != GIntBig(net64(GUIntBig(buff))))
    2430           0 :                     new_tile = true;
    2431             :             }
    2432             :         }
    2433             :         else
    2434             :         {
    2435           1 :             new_tile = true;  // Need to write it because it is different
    2436           1 :             if (verCount == 0 && tinfo.size == 0)
    2437           0 :                 new_version = false;  // Don't create a version if current is
    2438             :                                       // empty and there is no previous
    2439             :         }
    2440             : 
    2441           1 :         if (!new_tile)
    2442           0 :             return CE_None;  // No reason to write
    2443             : 
    2444             :         // Do we need to start a new version before writing the tile?
    2445           1 :         if (new_version)
    2446           1 :             AddVersion();
    2447             :     }
    2448             : 
    2449        5095 :     bool same = true;
    2450        5095 :     if (size)
    2451           0 :         do
    2452             :         {
    2453             :             // start of critical MP section
    2454        5084 :             VSIFSeekL(l_dfp, 0, SEEK_END);
    2455        5084 :             GUIntBig offset = VSIFTellL(l_dfp) + spacing;
    2456             : 
    2457             :             // Spacing should be 0 in MP safe mode, this doesn't have much of
    2458             :             // effect Use the existing data, spacing content is not guaranteed
    2459        5084 :             for (GUIntBig pending = spacing; pending != 0;
    2460           0 :                  pending -= std::min(pending, size))
    2461           0 :                 VSIFWriteL(buff, 1,
    2462           0 :                            static_cast<size_t>(std::min(pending, size)),
    2463             :                            l_dfp);  // Usually only once
    2464             : 
    2465        5084 :             if (static_cast<size_t>(size) !=
    2466        5084 :                 VSIFWriteL(buff, 1, static_cast<size_t>(size), l_dfp))
    2467           0 :                 ret = CE_Failure;
    2468             :             // End of critical section
    2469             : 
    2470        5084 :             tinfo.offset = net64(offset);
    2471             :             //
    2472             :             // For MP ops, check that we can read the same content, otherwise
    2473             :             // try again This makes the caching MRF MP safe on file systems that
    2474             :             // implement append mode fully, without using explicit locks
    2475             :             //
    2476        5084 :             if (CE_None == ret && mp_safe)
    2477             :             {  // readback and check
    2478           3 :                 if (tbuff.size() < size)
    2479           3 :                     tbuff.resize(static_cast<size_t>(size));
    2480           3 :                 VSIFSeekL(l_dfp, offset, SEEK_SET);
    2481           3 :                 VSIFReadL(, 1, tbuff.size(), l_dfp);
    2482           3 :                 same = std::equal(tbuff.begin(), tbuff.end(),
    2483             :                                   static_cast<GByte *>(buff));
    2484             :             }
    2485        5084 :         } while (CE_None == ret && mp_safe && !same);
    2486             : 
    2487        5095 :     if (CE_None != ret)
    2488             :     {
    2489           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "MRF: Tile write failed");
    2490           0 :         return ret;
    2491             :     }
    2492             : 
    2493             :     // Convert index to net format, offset is set already
    2494        5095 :     tinfo.size = net64(size);
    2495             :     // Do nothing if the tile is empty and the file record is also empty
    2496        5095 :     if (!new_tile && 0 == size && nullptr == buff)
    2497             :     {
    2498          10 :         VSIFSeekL(l_ifp, infooffset, SEEK_SET);
    2499          10 :         VSIFReadL(&tinfo, 1, sizeof(ILIdx), l_ifp);
    2500          10 :         if (0 == tinfo.offset && 0 == tinfo.size)
    2501          10 :             return ret;
    2502             :     }
    2503             : 
    2504             :     // Special case, any non-zero offset will do
    2505        5085 :     if (nullptr != buff && 0 == size)
    2506           0 :         tinfo.offset = ~GUIntBig(0);
    2507             : 
    2508        5085 :     VSIFSeekL(l_ifp, infooffset, SEEK_SET);
    2509        5085 :     if (sizeof(tinfo) != VSIFWriteL(&tinfo, 1, sizeof(tinfo), l_ifp))
    2510             :     {
    2511           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "MRF: Index write failed");
    2512           0 :         ret = CE_Failure;
    2513             :     }
    2514             : 
    2515        5085 :     return ret;
    2516             : }
    2517             : 
    2518         127 : CPLErr MRFDataset::SetGeoTransform(double *gt)
    2519             : {
    2520         127 :     if (GetAccess() != GA_Update || bCrystalized)
    2521             :     {
    2522           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
    2523             :                  "SetGeoTransform only works during Create call");
    2524           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    2525             :     }
    2526         127 :     memcpy(GeoTransform, gt, 6 * sizeof(double));
    2527         127 :     bGeoTransformValid = TRUE;
    2528         127 :     return CE_None;
    2529             : }
    2530             : 
    2531          16 : bool MRFDataset::IsSingleTile()
    2532             : {
    2533          16 :     if (current.pagecount.l != 1 || !source.empty() || nullptr == DataFP())
    2534           4 :         return FALSE;
    2535          12 :     return 0 == reinterpret_cast<MRFRasterBand *>(GetRasterBand(1))
    2536          12 :                     ->GetOverviewCount();
    2537             : }
    2538             : 
    2539             : /*
    2540             :  *  Returns 0,1,0,0,0,1 even if it was not set
    2541             :  */
    2542         452 : CPLErr MRFDataset::GetGeoTransform(double *gt)
    2543             : {
    2544         452 :     memcpy(gt, GeoTransform, 6 * sizeof(double));
    2545         452 :     if (GetMetadata("RPC") || GetGCPCount())
    2546           0 :         bGeoTransformValid = FALSE;
    2547         452 :     if (!bGeoTransformValid)
    2548           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    2549         452 :     return CE_None;
    2550             : }
    2551             : 
    2552             : /**
    2553             :  *\brief Read a tile index
    2554             :  *
    2555             :  * It handles the non-existent index case, for no compression
    2556             :  * The bias is non-zero only when the cloned index is read
    2557             :  */
    2558             : 
    2559        2019 : CPLErr MRFDataset::ReadTileIdx(ILIdx &tinfo, const ILSize &pos,
    2560             :                                const ILImage &img, const GIntBig bias)
    2561             : {
    2562        2019 :     VSILFILE *l_ifp = IdxFP();
    2563             : 
    2564             :     // Initialize the tinfo structure, in case the files are missing
    2565        2019 :     if (missing)
    2566           0 :         return CE_None;
    2567             : 
    2568        2019 :     GIntBig offset = bias + IdxOffset(pos, img);
    2569        2019 :     if (l_ifp == nullptr && img.comp == IL_NONE)
    2570             :     {
    2571           0 :         tinfo.size = current.pageSizeBytes;
    2572           0 :         tinfo.offset = offset * tinfo.size;
    2573           0 :         return CE_None;
    2574             :     }
    2575             : 
    2576        2019 :     if (l_ifp == nullptr && IsSingleTile())
    2577             :     {
    2578           6 :         tinfo.offset = 0;
    2579           6 :         VSILFILE *l_dfp = DataFP();  // IsSingleTile() checks that fp is valid
    2580           6 :         VSIFSeekL(l_dfp, 0, SEEK_END);
    2581           6 :         tinfo.size = VSIFTellL(l_dfp);
    2582             : 
    2583             :         // It should be less than the pagebuffer
    2584           6 :         tinfo.size = std::min(tinfo.size, static_cast<GIntBig>(pbsize));
    2585           6 :         return CE_None;
    2586             :     }
    2587             : 
    2588        2013 :     if (l_ifp == nullptr)
    2589             :     {
    2590           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Can't open index file");
    2591           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    2592             :     }
    2593             : 
    2594        2013 :     VSIFSeekL(l_ifp, offset, SEEK_SET);
    2595        2013 :     if (1 != VSIFReadL(&tinfo, sizeof(ILIdx), 1, l_ifp))
    2596           0 :         return CE_Failure;
    2597             :     // Convert them to native form
    2598        2013 :     tinfo.offset = net64(tinfo.offset);
    2599        2013 :     tinfo.size = net64(tinfo.size);
    2600             : 
    2601        2013 :     if (0 == bias || 0 != tinfo.size || 0 != tinfo.offset)
    2602        2012 :         return CE_None;
    2603             : 
    2604             :     // zero size and zero offset in sourced index means that this portion is
    2605             :     // un-initialized
    2606             : 
    2607             :     // Should be cloned and the offset within the cloned index
    2608           1 :     offset -= bias;
    2609           1 :     assert(offset < bias);
    2610           1 :     assert(clonedSource);
    2611             : 
    2612             :     // Read this block from the remote index, prepare it and store it in the
    2613             :     // right place The block size in bytes, should be a multiple of 16, to have
    2614             :     // full index entries
    2615           1 :     const int CPYSZ = 32768;
    2616             :     // Adjust offset to the start of the block
    2617           1 :     offset = (offset / CPYSZ) * CPYSZ;
    2618           1 :     GIntBig size = std::min(size_t(CPYSZ), size_t(bias - offset));
    2619           1 :     size /= sizeof(ILIdx);  // In records
    2620           2 :     vector<ILIdx> buf(static_cast<size_t>(size));
    2621           1 :     ILIdx *buffer = &buf[0];  // Buffer to copy the source to the clone index
    2622             : 
    2623             :     // Fetch the data from the cloned index
    2624           1 :     MRFDataset *pSrc = static_cast<MRFDataset *>(GetSrcDS());
    2625           1 :     if (nullptr == pSrc)
    2626             :     {
    2627           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Can't open cloned source index");
    2628           0 :         return CE_Failure;  // Source reported the error
    2629             :     }
    2630             : 
    2631           1 :     VSILFILE *srcidx = pSrc->IdxFP();
    2632           1 :     if (nullptr == srcidx)
    2633             :     {
    2634           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Can't open cloned source index");
    2635           0 :         return CE_Failure;  // Source reported the error
    2636             :     }
    2637             : 
    2638           1 :     VSIFSeekL(srcidx, offset, SEEK_SET);
    2639           1 :     size = VSIFReadL(buffer, sizeof(ILIdx), static_cast<size_t>(size), srcidx);
    2640           1 :     if (size != GIntBig(buf.size()))
    2641             :     {
    2642           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Can't read cloned source index");
    2643           0 :         return CE_Failure;  // Source reported the error
    2644             :     }
    2645             : 
    2646             :     // Mark the empty records as checked, by making the offset non-zero
    2647           2 :     for (vector<ILIdx>::iterator it = buf.begin(); it != buf.end(); ++it)
    2648             :     {
    2649           1 :         if (it->offset == 0 && it->size == 0)
    2650           0 :             it->offset = net64(1);
    2651             :     }
    2652             : 
    2653             :     // Write it in the right place in the local index file
    2654           1 :     VSIFSeekL(l_ifp, bias + offset, SEEK_SET);
    2655           1 :     size = VSIFWriteL(&buf[0], sizeof(ILIdx), static_cast<size_t>(size), l_ifp);
    2656           1 :     if (size != GIntBig(buf.size()))
    2657             :     {
    2658           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, "Can't write to cloning MRF index");
    2659           0 :         return CE_Failure;  // Source reported the error
    2660             :     }
    2661             : 
    2662             :     // Cloned index updated, restart this function, it will work now
    2663           1 :     return ReadTileIdx(tinfo, pos, img, bias);
    2664             : }
    2665             : 
    2666             : NAMESPACE_MRF_END

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