LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - frmts/postgisraster - postgisrasterdriver.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 31 39 79.5 %
Date: 2025-03-28 11:40:40 Functions: 4 4 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  * File :    PostGISRasterDriver.cpp
       3             :  * Project:  PostGIS Raster driver
       4             :  * Purpose:  Implements PostGIS Raster driver class methods
       5             :  * Author:   Jorge Arevalo,
       6             :  *
       7             :  *
       8             :  ******************************************************************************
       9             :  * Copyright (c) 2010, Jorge Arevalo,
      10             :  * Copyright (c) 2013, Even Rouault
      11             :  *
      12             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      13             :  ******************************************************************************/
      14             : #include "postgisraster.h"
      15             : #include "cpl_multiproc.h"
      16             : 
      17             : PostGISRasterDriver *PostGISRasterDriver::gpoPostGISRasterDriver = nullptr;
      18             : 
      19             : /************************
      20             :  * \brief Constructor
      21             :  ************************/
      22           9 : PostGISRasterDriver::PostGISRasterDriver()
      23             : {
      24           9 :     gpoPostGISRasterDriver = this;
      25           9 : }
      26             : 
      27             : /************************
      28             :  * \brief Destructor
      29             :  ************************/
      30          10 : PostGISRasterDriver::~PostGISRasterDriver()
      31             : {
      32           5 :     gpoPostGISRasterDriver = nullptr;
      33           5 :     if (hMutex != nullptr)
      34           0 :         CPLDestroyMutex(hMutex);
      35           5 :     std::map<CPLString, PGconn *>::iterator oIter = oMapConnection.begin();
      36           5 :     for (; oIter != oMapConnection.end(); ++oIter)
      37           0 :         PQfinish(oIter->second);
      38          10 : }
      39             : 
      40             : /***************************************************************************
      41             :  * \brief Create a PQconn object and store it in a list
      42             :  *
      43             :  * The PostGIS Raster driver keeps the connection with the PostgreSQL database
      44             :  * server for as long it leaves. Following PostGISRasterDataset instance
      45             :  * can re-use the existing connection as long it used the same database,
      46             :  * same host, port and user name.
      47             :  *
      48             :  * The PostGIS Raster driver will keep a list of all the successful
      49             :  * connections so, when connection is requested and it does not exist
      50             :  * on the list a new one will be instantiated, added to the list and
      51             :  * returned to the caller.
      52             :  *
      53             :  * All connection will be destroyed when the PostGISRasterDriver is destroyed.
      54             :  *
      55             :  ***************************************************************************/
      56           2 : PGconn *PostGISRasterDriver::GetConnection(const char *pszConnectionString,
      57             :                                            const char *pszServiceIn,
      58             :                                            const char *pszDbnameIn,
      59             :                                            const char *pszHostIn,
      60             :                                            const char *pszPortIn,
      61             :                                            const char *pszUserIn)
      62             : {
      63           2 :     PGconn *poConn = nullptr;
      64             : 
      65           2 :     if (pszHostIn == nullptr)
      66           0 :         pszHostIn = "(null)";
      67           2 :     if (pszPortIn == nullptr)
      68           0 :         pszPortIn = "(null)";
      69           2 :     if (pszUserIn == nullptr)
      70           0 :         pszUserIn = "(null)";
      71           4 :     CPLString osKey = (pszServiceIn == nullptr) ? pszDbnameIn : pszServiceIn;
      72           2 :     osKey += "-";
      73           2 :     osKey += pszHostIn;
      74           2 :     osKey += "-";
      75           2 :     osKey += pszPortIn;
      76           2 :     osKey += "-";
      77           2 :     osKey += pszUserIn;
      78           2 :     osKey += "-";
      79           2 :     osKey += CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GIB, CPLGetPID());
      80             : 
      81             :     /**
      82             :      * Look for an existing connection in the map
      83             :      **/
      84           4 :     CPLMutexHolderD(&hMutex);
      85           2 :     std::map<CPLString, PGconn *>::iterator oIter = oMapConnection.find(osKey);
      86           2 :     if (oIter != oMapConnection.end())
      87           1 :         return oIter->second;
      88             : 
      89             :     /**
      90             :      * There's no existing connection. Create a new one.
      91             :      **/
      92           1 :     poConn = PQconnectdb(pszConnectionString);
      93           1 :     if (poConn == nullptr || PQstatus(poConn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
      94             :     {
      95           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "PQconnectdb failed: %s\n",
      96             :                  PQerrorMessage(poConn));
      97           0 :         PQfinish(poConn);
      98           0 :         return nullptr;
      99             :     }
     100             : 
     101             :     /**
     102             :      * Save connection in the connection map.
     103             :      **/
     104           1 :     oMapConnection[osKey] = poConn;
     105           1 :     return poConn;
     106             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14