Line data Source code
1 : /******************************************************************************
2 : *
3 : * Project: DRDC Ottawa GEOINT
4 : * Purpose: Radarsat Constellation Mission - XML Products (product.xml) driver
5 : * Author: Roberto Caron, MDA
6 : * on behalf of DRDC Ottawa
7 : *
8 : ******************************************************************************
9 : * Copyright (c) 2020, DRDC Ottawa
10 : *
11 : * Based on the RS2 Dataset Class
12 : *
13 : * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
14 : ****************************************************************************/
15 :
16 : #include <time.h>
17 : #include <stdio.h>
18 : #include <sstream>
19 :
20 : #include "cpl_minixml.h"
21 : #include "gdal_frmts.h"
22 : #include "gdal_pam.h"
23 : #include "ogr_spatialref.h"
24 : #include "rcmdataset.h"
25 : #include "rcmdrivercore.h"
26 :
27 : #include <limits>
28 :
29 : constexpr int max_space_for_string = 32;
30 :
31 : /* RCM has a special folder that contains all LUT, Incidence Angle and Noise
32 : * Level files */
33 : constexpr const char *CALIBRATION_FOLDER = "calibration";
34 :
35 : /*** Function to format calibration for unique identification for Layer Name
36 : * ***/
37 : /*
38 : * RCM_CALIB : { SIGMA0 | GAMMA0 | BETA0 | UNCALIB } : product.xml full path
39 : */
40 56 : inline CPLString FormatCalibration(const char *pszCalibName,
41 : const char *pszFilename)
42 : {
43 56 : CPLString ptr;
44 :
45 : // Always begin by the layer calibration name
46 56 : ptr.append(szLayerCalibration);
47 :
48 : // A separator is needed before concat calibration name
49 56 : ptr += chLayerSeparator;
50 : // Add calibration name
51 56 : ptr.append(pszCalibName);
52 :
53 : // A separator is needed before concat full filename name
54 56 : ptr += chLayerSeparator;
55 : // Add full filename name
56 56 : ptr.append(pszFilename);
57 :
58 : /* return calibration format */
59 56 : return ptr;
60 : }
61 :
62 : /*** Function to test for valid LUT files ***/
63 72 : static bool IsValidXMLFile(const char *pszPath)
64 : {
65 : /* Return true for valid xml file, false otherwise */
66 72 : CPLXMLTreeCloser psLut(CPLParseXMLFile(pszPath));
67 :
68 72 : if (psLut.get() == nullptr)
69 : {
70 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
71 : "ERROR: Failed to open the LUT file %s", pszPath);
72 : }
73 :
74 144 : return psLut.get() != nullptr;
75 : }
76 :
77 14 : static double *InterpolateValues(CSLConstList papszList, int tableSize,
78 : int stepSize, int numberOfValues,
79 : int pixelFirstLutValue)
80 : {
81 : /* Allocate the right LUT size according to the product range pixel */
82 : double *table =
83 14 : static_cast<double *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(sizeof(double), tableSize));
84 14 : if (!table)
85 0 : return nullptr;
86 :
87 14 : if (stepSize <= 0)
88 : {
89 : /* When negative, the range of pixel is calculated from the opposite
90 : * starting from the end of gains array */
91 : /* Just step the range with positive value */
92 14 : const int positiveStepSize = abs(stepSize);
93 :
94 14 : int k = 0;
95 :
96 14 : if (positiveStepSize == 1)
97 : {
98 : // Be fast and just copy the values because all gain values
99 : // represent all image wide pixel
100 : /* Start at the end position and store in the opposite */
101 0 : for (int i = pixelFirstLutValue; i >= 0; i--)
102 : {
103 0 : const double value = CPLAtof(papszList[i]);
104 0 : table[k++] = value;
105 : }
106 : }
107 : else
108 : {
109 :
110 : /* Interpolation between 2 numbers */
111 422 : for (int i = numberOfValues - 1; i >= 0; i--)
112 : {
113 : // We will consider the same value to cover the case that we
114 : // will hit the last pixel
115 408 : double valueFrom = CPLAtof(papszList[i]);
116 408 : double valueTo = valueFrom;
117 :
118 408 : if (i > 0)
119 : {
120 : // We have room to pick the previous number to interpolate
121 : // with
122 394 : valueTo = CPLAtof(papszList[i - 1]);
123 : }
124 :
125 : // If the valueFrom minus ValueTo equal 0, it means to finish
126 : // off with the same number until the end of the table size
127 408 : double interp = (valueTo - valueFrom) / positiveStepSize;
128 :
129 : // Always begin with the value FROM found
130 408 : table[k++] = valueFrom;
131 :
132 : // Then add interpolation, don't forget. The stepSize is
133 : // actually counting our valueFrom number thus we add
134 : // interpolation until the last step - 1
135 116341 : for (int j = 0; j < positiveStepSize - 1; j++)
136 : {
137 115933 : valueFrom += interp;
138 115933 : table[k++] = valueFrom;
139 : }
140 : }
141 : }
142 : }
143 : else
144 : {
145 : /* When positive, the range of pixel is calculated from the beginning of
146 : * gains array */
147 0 : if (stepSize == 1)
148 : {
149 : // Be fast and just copy the values because all gain values
150 : // represent all image wide pixel
151 0 : for (int i = 0; i < numberOfValues; i++)
152 : {
153 0 : const double value = CPLAtof(papszList[i]);
154 0 : table[i] = value;
155 : }
156 : }
157 : else
158 : {
159 : /* Interpolation between 2 numbers */
160 0 : int k = 0;
161 0 : for (int i = 0; i < numberOfValues; i++)
162 : {
163 : // We will consider the same value to cover the case that we
164 : // will hit the last pixel
165 0 : double valueFrom = CPLAtof(papszList[i]);
166 0 : double valueTo = valueFrom;
167 :
168 0 : if (i < (numberOfValues)-1)
169 : {
170 : // We have room to pick the next number to interpolate with
171 0 : valueTo = CPLAtof(papszList[i + 1]);
172 : }
173 :
174 : // If the valueFrom minus ValueTo equal 0, it means to finish
175 : // off with the same number until the end of the table size
176 0 : double interp = (valueTo - valueFrom) / stepSize;
177 :
178 : // Always begin with the value FROM found
179 0 : table[k++] = valueFrom;
180 :
181 : // Then add interpolation, don't forget. The stepSize is
182 : // actually counting our valueFrom number thus we add
183 : // interpolation until the last step - 1
184 0 : for (int j = 0; j < stepSize - 1; j++)
185 : {
186 0 : valueFrom += interp;
187 0 : table[k++] = valueFrom;
188 : }
189 : }
190 : }
191 : }
192 :
193 14 : return table;
194 : }
195 :
196 : /*** check that the referenced dataset for each band has the
197 : correct data type and returns whether a 2 band I+Q dataset should
198 : be mapped onto a single complex band.
199 : Returns BANDERROR for error, STRAIGHT for 1:1 mapping, TWOBANDCOMPLEX for 2
200 : bands -> 1 complex band
201 : */
202 : typedef enum
203 : {
207 : } BandMappingRCM;
208 :
209 16 : static BandMappingRCM checkBandFileMappingRCM(GDALDataType dataType,
210 : GDALDataset *poBandFile,
211 : bool isNITF)
212 : {
213 :
214 16 : GDALRasterBand *band1 = poBandFile->GetRasterBand(1);
215 16 : GDALDataType bandfileType = band1->GetRasterDataType();
216 : // if there is one band and it has the same datatype, the band file gets
217 : // passed straight through
218 16 : if ((poBandFile->GetRasterCount() == 1 ||
219 16 : poBandFile->GetRasterCount() == 4) &&
220 : dataType == bandfileType)
221 16 : return STRAIGHT;
222 :
223 : // if the band file has 2 bands, they should represent I+Q
224 : // and be a compatible data type
225 0 : if (poBandFile->GetRasterCount() == 2 && GDALDataTypeIsComplex(dataType))
226 : {
227 0 : GDALRasterBand *band2 = poBandFile->GetRasterBand(2);
228 :
229 0 : if (bandfileType != band2->GetRasterDataType())
230 0 : return BANDERROR; // both bands must be same datatype
231 :
232 : // check compatible types - there are 4 complex types in GDAL
233 0 : if ((dataType == GDT_CInt16 && bandfileType == GDT_Int16) ||
234 0 : (dataType == GDT_CInt32 && bandfileType == GDT_Int32) ||
235 0 : (dataType == GDT_CFloat32 && bandfileType == GDT_Float32) ||
236 0 : (dataType == GDT_CFloat64 && bandfileType == GDT_Float64))
237 0 : return TWOBANDCOMPLEX;
238 :
239 0 : if ((dataType == GDT_CInt16 && bandfileType == GDT_CInt16) ||
240 0 : (dataType == GDT_CInt32 && bandfileType == GDT_CInt32) ||
241 0 : (dataType == GDT_CFloat32 && bandfileType == GDT_CFloat32) ||
242 0 : (dataType == GDT_CFloat64 && bandfileType == GDT_CFloat64))
243 0 : return TWOBANDCOMPLEX;
244 : }
245 :
246 0 : if (isNITF)
247 : {
248 0 : return STRAIGHT;
249 : }
250 :
251 0 : return BANDERROR; // don't accept any other combinations
252 : }
253 :
254 : /************************************************************************/
255 : /* RCMRasterBand */
256 : /************************************************************************/
257 :
258 10 : RCMRasterBand::RCMRasterBand(RCMDataset *poDSIn, int nBandIn,
259 : GDALDataType eDataTypeIn, const char *pszPole,
260 : GDALDataset *poBandFileIn, bool bTwoBandComplex,
261 10 : bool isOneFilePerPolIn, bool isNITFIn)
262 : : poBandFile(poBandFileIn), poRCMDataset(poDSIn),
263 : twoBandComplex(bTwoBandComplex), isOneFilePerPol(isOneFilePerPolIn),
264 10 : isNITF(isNITFIn)
265 : {
266 10 : poDS = poDSIn;
267 10 : this->nBand = nBandIn;
268 10 : eDataType = eDataTypeIn;
269 :
270 : /*Check image type, whether there is one file per polarization or
271 : *one file containing all polarizations*/
272 10 : if (this->isOneFilePerPol)
273 : {
274 10 : poBand = poBandFile->GetRasterBand(1);
275 : }
276 : else
277 : {
278 0 : poBand = poBandFile->GetRasterBand(this->nBand);
279 : }
280 :
281 10 : poBand->GetBlockSize(&nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize);
282 :
283 10 : if (pszPole != nullptr && strlen(pszPole) != 0)
284 : {
285 10 : SetMetadataItem("POLARIMETRIC_INTERP", pszPole);
286 : }
287 10 : }
288 :
289 : /************************************************************************/
290 : /* RCMRasterBand() */
291 : /************************************************************************/
292 :
293 20 : RCMRasterBand::~RCMRasterBand()
294 :
295 : {
296 10 : if (poBandFile != nullptr)
297 10 : GDALClose(reinterpret_cast<GDALRasterBandH>(poBandFile));
298 20 : }
299 :
300 : /************************************************************************/
301 : /* IReadBlock() */
302 : /************************************************************************/
303 :
304 13 : CPLErr RCMRasterBand::IReadBlock(int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff, void *pImage)
305 :
306 : {
307 13 : int nRequestXSize = 0;
308 13 : int nRequestYSize = 0;
309 13 : GetActualBlockSize(nBlockXOff, nBlockYOff, &nRequestXSize, &nRequestYSize);
310 :
311 : // Zero initial partial right-most and bottom-most blocks
312 13 : if (nRequestXSize < nBlockXSize || nRequestYSize < nBlockYSize)
313 : {
314 1 : memset(pImage, 0,
315 1 : static_cast<size_t>(GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eDataType)) *
316 1 : nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize);
317 : }
318 :
319 13 : int dataTypeSize = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eDataType);
320 : GDALDataType bandFileType =
321 13 : poBandFile->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();
322 13 : int bandFileSize = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(bandFileType);
323 :
324 : // case: 2 bands representing I+Q -> one complex band
325 13 : if (twoBandComplex && !this->isNITF)
326 : {
327 : // int bandFileSize = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(bandFileType);
328 : // this data type is the complex version of the band file
329 : // Roberto: don't check that for the moment: CPLAssert(dataTypeSize ==
330 : // bandFileSize * 2);
331 :
332 : return
333 : // I and Q from each band are pixel-interleaved into this complex
334 : // band
335 0 : poBandFile->RasterIO(
336 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
337 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, pImage, nRequestXSize,
338 : nRequestYSize, bandFileType, 2, nullptr, dataTypeSize,
339 0 : static_cast<GSpacing>(dataTypeSize) * nBlockXSize, bandFileSize,
340 0 : nullptr);
341 : }
342 13 : else if (twoBandComplex && this->isNITF)
343 : {
344 0 : return poBand->RasterIO(
345 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
346 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, pImage, nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize,
347 0 : eDataType, 0, static_cast<GSpacing>(dataTypeSize) * nBlockXSize,
348 0 : nullptr);
349 : }
350 :
351 13 : if (poRCMDataset->IsComplexData())
352 : {
353 : // this data type is the complex version of the band file
354 : // Roberto: don't check that for the moment: CPLAssert(dataTypeSize ==
355 : // bandFileSize * 2);
356 : return
357 : // I and Q from each band are pixel-interleaved into this complex
358 : // band
359 0 : poBandFile->RasterIO(
360 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
361 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, pImage, nRequestXSize,
362 : nRequestYSize, bandFileType, 2, nullptr, dataTypeSize,
363 0 : static_cast<GSpacing>(dataTypeSize) * nBlockXSize, bandFileSize,
364 0 : nullptr);
365 : }
366 :
367 : // case: band file == this band
368 : // NOTE: if the underlying band is opened with the NITF driver, it may
369 : // combine 2 band I+Q -> complex band
370 13 : else if (poBandFile->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType() == eDataType)
371 : {
372 26 : return poBand->RasterIO(
373 13 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
374 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, pImage, nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize,
375 13 : eDataType, 0, static_cast<GSpacing>(dataTypeSize) * nBlockXSize,
376 13 : nullptr);
377 : }
378 : else
379 : {
380 0 : CPLAssert(FALSE);
381 : return CE_Failure;
382 : }
383 : }
384 :
385 : /************************************************************************/
386 : /* ReadLUT() */
387 : /************************************************************************/
388 : /* Read the provided LUT in to m_ndTable */
389 : /* 1. The gains list spans the range extent covered by all */
390 : /* beams(if applicable). */
391 : /* 2. The mapping between the entry of gains */
392 : /* list and the range sample index is : the range sample */
393 : /* index = gains entry index * stepSize + pixelFirstLutValue, */
394 : /* where the gains entry index starts with ‘0’.For ScanSAR SLC, */
395 : /* the range sample index refers to the index on the COPG */
396 : /************************************************************************/
397 6 : void RCMCalibRasterBand::ReadLUT()
398 : {
399 :
400 : char bandNumber[12];
401 6 : snprintf(bandNumber, sizeof(bandNumber), "%d", poDS->GetRasterCount() + 1);
402 :
403 6 : CPLXMLTreeCloser psLUT(CPLParseXMLFile(m_pszLUTFile));
404 6 : if (!psLUT)
405 0 : return;
406 :
407 6 : this->m_nfOffset =
408 6 : CPLAtof(CPLGetXMLValue(psLUT.get(), "=lut.offset", "0.0"));
409 :
410 6 : this->pixelFirstLutValue =
411 6 : atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psLUT.get(), "=lut.pixelFirstLutValue", "0"));
412 :
413 6 : this->stepSize = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psLUT.get(), "=lut.stepSize", "0"));
414 :
415 6 : this->numberOfValues =
416 6 : atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psLUT.get(), "=lut.numberOfValues", "0"));
417 :
418 6 : if (this->numberOfValues <= 0)
419 : {
420 0 : CPLError(
421 : CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
422 : "ERROR: The RCM driver does not support the LUT Number Of Values "
423 : "equal or lower than zero.");
424 0 : return;
425 : }
426 :
427 : const CPLStringList aosLUTList(
428 6 : CSLTokenizeString2(CPLGetXMLValue(psLUT.get(), "=lut.gains", ""), " ",
430 :
431 6 : if (this->stepSize <= 0)
432 : {
433 6 : if (this->pixelFirstLutValue <= 0)
434 : {
435 0 : CPLError(
436 : CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
437 : "ERROR: The RCM driver does not support LUT Pixel First Lut "
438 : "Value equal or lower than zero when the product is "
439 : "descending.");
440 0 : return;
441 : }
442 : }
443 :
444 : /* Get the Pixel Per range */
445 6 : if (this->stepSize == 0 || this->stepSize == INT_MIN ||
446 6 : this->numberOfValues == INT_MIN ||
447 6 : abs(this->stepSize) > INT_MAX / abs(this->numberOfValues))
448 : {
449 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
450 : "Bad values of stepSize / numberOfValues");
451 0 : return;
452 : }
453 :
454 6 : this->m_nTableSize = abs(this->stepSize) * abs(this->numberOfValues);
455 :
456 6 : if (this->m_nTableSize < this->m_poBandDataset->GetRasterXSize())
457 : {
458 0 : CPLError(
459 : CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
460 : "ERROR: The RCM driver does not support range of LUT gain values "
461 : "lower than the full image pixel range.");
462 0 : return;
463 : }
464 :
465 : // Avoid excessive memory allocation
466 6 : if (this->m_nTableSize > 1000 * 1000)
467 : {
468 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Too many elements in LUT: %d",
469 : this->m_nTableSize);
470 0 : return;
471 : }
472 :
473 : /* Allocate the right LUT size according to the product range pixel */
474 6 : this->m_nfTable =
475 6 : InterpolateValues(aosLUTList.List(), this->m_nTableSize, this->stepSize,
476 : this->numberOfValues, this->pixelFirstLutValue);
477 6 : if (!this->m_nfTable)
478 0 : return;
479 :
480 : // 32 max + space
481 : char *lut_gains = static_cast<char *>(
482 6 : VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(this->m_nTableSize, max_space_for_string));
483 6 : if (!lut_gains)
484 0 : return;
485 :
486 107496 : for (int i = 0; i < this->m_nTableSize; i++)
487 : {
488 : char lut[max_space_for_string];
489 : // 6.123004711900930e+04 %e Scientific annotation
490 107490 : snprintf(lut, sizeof(lut), "%e ", this->m_nfTable[i]);
491 107490 : strcat(lut_gains, lut);
492 : }
493 :
494 6 : poDS->SetMetadataItem(CPLString("LUT_GAINS_").append(bandNumber).c_str(),
495 6 : lut_gains);
496 : // Can free this because the function SetMetadataItem takes a copy
497 6 : CPLFree(lut_gains);
498 :
499 : char snum[256];
500 6 : if (this->m_eCalib == eCalibration::Sigma0)
501 : {
502 2 : poDS->SetMetadataItem(CPLString("LUT_TYPE_").append(bandNumber).c_str(),
503 2 : "SIGMA0");
504 : }
505 4 : else if (this->m_eCalib == eCalibration::Beta0)
506 : {
507 2 : poDS->SetMetadataItem(CPLString("LUT_TYPE_").append(bandNumber).c_str(),
508 2 : "BETA0");
509 : }
510 2 : else if (this->m_eCalib == eCalibration::Gamma)
511 : {
512 2 : poDS->SetMetadataItem(CPLString("LUT_TYPE_").append(bandNumber).c_str(),
513 2 : "GAMMA");
514 : }
515 6 : snprintf(snum, sizeof(snum), "%d", this->m_nTableSize);
516 6 : poDS->SetMetadataItem(CPLString("LUT_SIZE_").append(bandNumber).c_str(),
517 6 : snum);
518 6 : snprintf(snum, sizeof(snum), "%f", this->m_nfOffset);
519 6 : poDS->SetMetadataItem(CPLString("LUT_OFFSET_").append(bandNumber).c_str(),
520 6 : snum);
521 : }
522 :
523 : /************************************************************************/
524 : /* ReadNoiseLevels() */
525 : /************************************************************************/
526 : /* Read the provided LUT in to m_nfTableNoiseLevels */
527 : /* 1. The gains list spans the range extent covered by all */
528 : /* beams(if applicable). */
529 : /* 2. The mapping between the entry of gains */
530 : /* list and the range sample index is : the range sample */
531 : /* index = gains entry index * stepSize + pixelFirstLutValue, */
532 : /* where the gains entry index starts with ‘0’.For ScanSAR SLC, */
533 : /* the range sample index refers to the index on the COPG */
534 : /************************************************************************/
535 6 : void RCMCalibRasterBand::ReadNoiseLevels()
536 : {
537 :
538 6 : this->m_nfTableNoiseLevels = nullptr;
539 :
540 6 : if (this->m_pszNoiseLevelsFile == nullptr)
541 : {
542 0 : return;
543 : }
544 :
545 : char bandNumber[12];
546 6 : snprintf(bandNumber, sizeof(bandNumber), "%d", poDS->GetRasterCount() + 1);
547 :
548 6 : CPLXMLTreeCloser psNoiseLevels(CPLParseXMLFile(this->m_pszNoiseLevelsFile));
549 6 : if (!psNoiseLevels)
550 0 : return;
551 :
552 : // Load Beta Nought, Sigma Nought, Gamma noise levels
553 : // Loop through all nodes with spaces
554 : CPLXMLNode *psReferenceNoiseLevelNode =
555 6 : CPLGetXMLNode(psNoiseLevels.get(), "=noiseLevels");
556 6 : if (!psReferenceNoiseLevelNode)
557 0 : return;
558 :
559 : CPLXMLNode *psNodeInc;
560 234 : for (psNodeInc = psReferenceNoiseLevelNode->psChild; psNodeInc != nullptr;
561 228 : psNodeInc = psNodeInc->psNext)
562 : {
563 228 : if (EQUAL(psNodeInc->pszValue, "referenceNoiseLevel"))
564 : {
565 : CPLXMLNode *psCalibType =
566 18 : CPLGetXMLNode(psNodeInc, "sarCalibrationType");
567 : CPLXMLNode *psPixelFirstNoiseValue =
568 18 : CPLGetXMLNode(psNodeInc, "pixelFirstNoiseValue");
569 18 : CPLXMLNode *psStepSize = CPLGetXMLNode(psNodeInc, "stepSize");
570 : CPLXMLNode *psNumberOfValues =
571 18 : CPLGetXMLNode(psNodeInc, "numberOfValues");
572 : CPLXMLNode *psNoiseLevelValues =
573 18 : CPLGetXMLNode(psNodeInc, "noiseLevelValues");
574 :
575 18 : if (psCalibType != nullptr && psPixelFirstNoiseValue != nullptr &&
576 18 : psStepSize != nullptr && psNumberOfValues != nullptr &&
577 : psNoiseLevelValues != nullptr)
578 : {
579 18 : const char *calibType = CPLGetXMLValue(psCalibType, "", "");
580 18 : this->pixelFirstLutValueNoiseLevels =
581 18 : atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psPixelFirstNoiseValue, "", "0"));
582 18 : this->stepSizeNoiseLevels =
583 18 : atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psStepSize, "", "0"));
584 18 : this->numberOfValuesNoiseLevels =
585 18 : atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psNumberOfValues, "", "0"));
586 : const char *noiseLevelValues =
587 18 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNoiseLevelValues, "", "");
588 18 : if (this->stepSizeNoiseLevels > 0 &&
589 0 : this->numberOfValuesNoiseLevels != INT_MIN &&
590 0 : abs(this->numberOfValuesNoiseLevels) <
591 0 : INT_MAX / this->stepSizeNoiseLevels)
592 : {
593 0 : char **papszNoiseLevelList = CSLTokenizeString2(
594 : noiseLevelValues, " ", CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS);
595 : /* Get the Pixel Per range */
596 0 : this->m_nTableNoiseLevelsSize =
597 0 : abs(this->stepSizeNoiseLevels) *
598 0 : abs(this->numberOfValuesNoiseLevels);
599 :
600 0 : if ((EQUAL(calibType, "Beta Nought") &&
601 0 : this->m_eCalib == Beta0) ||
602 0 : (EQUAL(calibType, "Sigma Nought") &&
603 0 : this->m_eCalib == Sigma0) ||
604 0 : (EQUAL(calibType, "Gamma") && this->m_eCalib == Gamma))
605 : {
606 : /* Allocate the right Noise Levels size according to the
607 : * product range pixel */
608 0 : this->m_nfTableNoiseLevels = InterpolateValues(
609 : papszNoiseLevelList, this->m_nTableNoiseLevelsSize,
610 : this->stepSizeNoiseLevels,
611 : this->numberOfValuesNoiseLevels,
612 : this->pixelFirstLutValueNoiseLevels);
613 : }
614 :
615 0 : CSLDestroy(papszNoiseLevelList);
616 : }
617 :
618 18 : if (this->m_nfTableNoiseLevels != nullptr)
619 : {
620 0 : break; // We are done
621 : }
622 : }
623 : }
624 : }
625 : }
626 :
627 : /************************************************************************/
628 : /* RCMCalibRasterBand() */
629 : /************************************************************************/
630 :
631 6 : RCMCalibRasterBand::RCMCalibRasterBand(
632 : RCMDataset *poDataset, const char *pszPolarization, GDALDataType eType,
633 : GDALDataset *poBandDataset, eCalibration eCalib, const char *pszLUT,
634 6 : const char *pszNoiseLevels, GDALDataType eOriginalType)
635 : : m_eCalib(eCalib), m_poBandDataset(poBandDataset),
636 12 : m_eOriginalType(eOriginalType), m_pszLUTFile(VSIStrdup(pszLUT)),
637 6 : m_pszNoiseLevelsFile(VSIStrdup(pszNoiseLevels))
638 : {
639 6 : this->poDS = poDataset;
640 :
641 6 : if (pszPolarization != nullptr && strlen(pszPolarization) != 0)
642 : {
643 6 : SetMetadataItem("POLARIMETRIC_INTERP", pszPolarization);
644 : }
645 :
646 6 : if ((eType == GDT_CInt16) || (eType == GDT_CFloat32))
647 0 : this->eDataType = GDT_CFloat32;
648 : else
649 6 : this->eDataType = GDT_Float32;
650 :
651 6 : GDALRasterBand *poRasterBand = poBandDataset->GetRasterBand(1);
652 6 : poRasterBand->GetBlockSize(&nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize);
653 :
654 6 : ReadLUT();
655 6 : ReadNoiseLevels();
656 6 : }
657 :
658 : /************************************************************************/
659 : /* ~RCMCalibRasterBand() */
660 : /************************************************************************/
661 :
662 12 : RCMCalibRasterBand::~RCMCalibRasterBand()
663 : {
664 6 : CPLFree(m_nfTable);
665 6 : CPLFree(m_nfTableNoiseLevels);
666 6 : CPLFree(m_pszLUTFile);
667 6 : CPLFree(m_pszNoiseLevelsFile);
668 6 : GDALClose(m_poBandDataset);
669 12 : }
670 :
671 : /************************************************************************/
672 : /* IReadBlock() */
673 : /************************************************************************/
674 :
675 0 : CPLErr RCMCalibRasterBand::IReadBlock(int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff,
676 : void *pImage)
677 : {
678 : CPLErr eErr;
679 0 : int nRequestXSize = 0;
680 0 : int nRequestYSize = 0;
681 0 : GetActualBlockSize(nBlockXOff, nBlockYOff, &nRequestXSize, &nRequestYSize);
682 :
683 : // Zero initial partial right-most and bottom-most blocks
684 0 : if (nRequestXSize < nBlockXSize || nRequestYSize < nBlockYSize)
685 : {
686 0 : memset(pImage, 0,
687 0 : static_cast<size_t>(GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eDataType)) *
688 0 : nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize);
689 : }
690 :
691 0 : if (this->m_eOriginalType == GDT_CInt16)
692 : {
693 : /* read in complex values */
694 : GInt16 *panImageTmp = static_cast<GInt16 *>(
695 0 : VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE(nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
696 : GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(m_eOriginalType)));
697 0 : if (!panImageTmp)
698 0 : return CE_Failure;
699 :
700 0 : if (m_poBandDataset->GetRasterCount() == 2)
701 : {
702 0 : eErr = m_poBandDataset->RasterIO(
703 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
704 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, panImageTmp, nRequestXSize,
705 : nRequestYSize, this->m_eOriginalType, 2, nullptr, 4,
706 0 : nBlockXSize * 4, 4, nullptr);
707 :
708 : /*
709 : eErr = m_poBandDataset->RasterIO(GF_Read,
710 : nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize,
711 : nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
712 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize,
713 : panImageTmp, nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize,
714 : GDT_Int32,
715 : 2, nullptr, 4, nBlockXSize * 4, 2, nullptr);
716 : */
717 : }
718 : else
719 : {
720 0 : eErr = m_poBandDataset->RasterIO(
721 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
722 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, panImageTmp, nRequestXSize,
723 : nRequestYSize, this->m_eOriginalType, 1, nullptr, 4,
724 0 : nBlockXSize * 4, 0, nullptr);
725 :
726 : /*
727 : eErr =
728 : m_poBandDataset->RasterIO(GF_Read,
729 : nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize,
730 : nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
731 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize,
732 : panImageTmp, nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize,
733 : GDT_UInt32,
734 : 1, nullptr, 4, nBlockXSize * 4, 0, nullptr);
735 : */
736 :
737 : #ifdef CPL_LSB
738 : /* First, undo the 32bit swap. */
739 0 : GDALSwapWords(pImage, 4, nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize, 4);
740 :
741 : /* Then apply 16 bit swap. */
742 0 : GDALSwapWords(pImage, 2, nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize * 2, 2);
743 : #endif
744 : }
745 :
746 : /* calibrate the complex values */
747 0 : for (int i = 0; i < nRequestYSize; i++)
748 : {
749 0 : for (int j = 0; j < nRequestXSize; j++)
750 : {
751 : /* calculate pixel offset in memory*/
752 0 : const int nPixOff = 2 * (i * nBlockXSize + j);
753 0 : const int nTruePixOff = (i * nBlockXSize) + j;
754 :
755 : // Formula for Complex Q+J
756 0 : const float real = static_cast<float>(panImageTmp[nPixOff]);
757 0 : const float img = static_cast<float>(panImageTmp[nPixOff + 1]);
758 0 : const float digitalValue = (real * real) + (img * img);
759 0 : const float lutValue =
760 0 : static_cast<float>(m_nfTable[nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize + j]);
761 0 : const float calibValue = digitalValue / (lutValue * lutValue);
762 :
763 0 : reinterpret_cast<float *>(pImage)[nTruePixOff] = calibValue;
764 : }
765 : }
766 :
767 0 : CPLFree(panImageTmp);
768 : }
769 :
770 : // If the underlying file is NITF CFloat32
771 0 : else if (this->m_eOriginalType == GDT_CFloat32 ||
772 0 : this->m_eOriginalType == GDT_CFloat64)
773 : {
774 : /* read in complex values */
775 : const int dataTypeSize =
776 0 : GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(this->m_eOriginalType);
777 0 : const GDALDataType bandFileType = this->m_eOriginalType;
778 0 : const int bandFileDataTypeSize = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(bandFileType);
779 :
780 : /* read the original image complex values in a temporary image space */
781 0 : float *pafImageTmp = static_cast<float *>(VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE(
782 : nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, 2 * bandFileDataTypeSize));
783 0 : if (!pafImageTmp)
784 0 : return CE_Failure;
785 :
786 : eErr =
787 : // I and Q from each band are pixel-interleaved into this complex
788 : // band
789 0 : m_poBandDataset->RasterIO(
790 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
791 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, pafImageTmp, nRequestXSize,
792 : nRequestYSize, bandFileType, 2, nullptr, dataTypeSize,
793 0 : static_cast<GSpacing>(dataTypeSize) * nBlockXSize,
794 : bandFileDataTypeSize, nullptr);
795 :
796 : /* calibrate the complex values */
797 0 : for (int i = 0; i < nRequestYSize; i++)
798 : {
799 0 : for (int j = 0; j < nRequestXSize; j++)
800 : {
801 : /* calculate pixel offset in memory*/
802 0 : const int nPixOff = 2 * (i * nBlockXSize + j);
803 0 : const int nTruePixOff = (i * nBlockXSize) + j;
804 :
805 : // Formula for Complex Q+J
806 0 : const float real = pafImageTmp[nPixOff];
807 0 : const float img = pafImageTmp[nPixOff + 1];
808 0 : const float digitalValue = (real * real) + (img * img);
809 0 : const float lutValue =
810 0 : static_cast<float>(m_nfTable[nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize + j]);
811 0 : const float calibValue = digitalValue / (lutValue * lutValue);
812 :
813 0 : reinterpret_cast<float *>(pImage)[nTruePixOff] = calibValue;
814 : }
815 : }
816 :
817 0 : CPLFree(pafImageTmp);
818 : }
819 :
820 0 : else if (this->m_eOriginalType == GDT_Float32)
821 : {
822 : /* A Float32 is actual 4 bytes */
823 0 : eErr = m_poBandDataset->RasterIO(
824 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
825 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, pImage, nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize,
826 0 : GDT_Float32, 1, nullptr, 4, nBlockXSize * 4, 0, nullptr);
827 :
828 : /* iterate over detected values */
829 0 : for (int i = 0; i < nRequestYSize; i++)
830 : {
831 0 : for (int j = 0; j < nRequestXSize; j++)
832 : {
833 0 : int nPixOff = (i * nBlockXSize) + j;
834 :
835 : /* For detected products, in order to convert the digital number
836 : of a given range sample to a calibrated value, the digital value
837 : is first squared, then the offset(B) is added and the result is
838 : divided by the gains value(A) corresponding to the range sample.
839 : RCM-SP-53-0419 Issue 2/5: January 2, 2018 Page 7-56 */
840 0 : const float digitalValue =
841 0 : reinterpret_cast<float *>(pImage)[nPixOff];
842 0 : const float A =
843 0 : static_cast<float>(m_nfTable[nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize + j]);
844 0 : reinterpret_cast<float *>(pImage)[nPixOff] =
845 0 : ((digitalValue * digitalValue) +
846 0 : static_cast<float>(this->m_nfOffset)) /
847 : A;
848 : }
849 : }
850 : }
851 :
852 0 : else if (this->m_eOriginalType == GDT_Float64)
853 : {
854 : /* A Float64 is actual 8 bytes */
855 0 : eErr = m_poBandDataset->RasterIO(
856 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
857 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, pImage, nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize,
858 0 : GDT_Float64, 1, nullptr, 8, nBlockXSize * 8, 0, nullptr);
859 :
860 : /* iterate over detected values */
861 0 : for (int i = 0; i < nRequestYSize; i++)
862 : {
863 0 : for (int j = 0; j < nRequestXSize; j++)
864 : {
865 0 : int nPixOff = (i * nBlockXSize) + j;
866 :
867 : /* For detected products, in order to convert the digital number
868 : of a given range sample to a calibrated value, the digital value
869 : is first squared, then the offset(B) is added and the result is
870 : divided by the gains value(A) corresponding to the range sample.
871 : RCM-SP-53-0419 Issue 2/5: January 2, 2018 Page 7-56 */
872 0 : const float digitalValue =
873 0 : reinterpret_cast<float *>(pImage)[nPixOff];
874 0 : const float A =
875 0 : static_cast<float>(m_nfTable[nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize + j]);
876 0 : reinterpret_cast<float *>(pImage)[nPixOff] =
877 0 : ((digitalValue * digitalValue) +
878 0 : static_cast<float>(this->m_nfOffset)) /
879 : A;
880 : }
881 : }
882 : }
883 :
884 0 : else if (this->m_eOriginalType == GDT_UInt16)
885 : {
886 : /* read in detected values */
887 0 : GUInt16 *panImageTmp = static_cast<GUInt16 *>(VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE(
888 : nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(GDT_UInt16)));
889 0 : if (!panImageTmp)
890 0 : return CE_Failure;
891 0 : eErr = m_poBandDataset->RasterIO(
892 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
893 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, panImageTmp, nRequestXSize,
894 0 : nRequestYSize, GDT_UInt16, 1, nullptr, 2, nBlockXSize * 2, 0,
895 : nullptr);
896 :
897 : /* iterate over detected values */
898 0 : for (int i = 0; i < nRequestYSize; i++)
899 : {
900 0 : for (int j = 0; j < nRequestXSize; j++)
901 : {
902 0 : const int nPixOff = (i * nBlockXSize) + j;
903 :
904 0 : const float digitalValue =
905 0 : static_cast<float>(panImageTmp[nPixOff]);
906 0 : const float A =
907 0 : static_cast<float>(m_nfTable[nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize + j]);
908 0 : reinterpret_cast<float *>(pImage)[nPixOff] =
909 0 : ((digitalValue * digitalValue) +
910 0 : static_cast<float>(this->m_nfOffset)) /
911 : A;
912 : }
913 : }
914 0 : CPLFree(panImageTmp);
915 : } /* Ticket #2104: Support for ScanSAR products */
916 :
917 0 : else if (this->m_eOriginalType == GDT_Byte)
918 : {
919 : GByte *pabyImageTmp =
920 0 : static_cast<GByte *>(VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize));
921 0 : if (!pabyImageTmp)
922 0 : return CE_Failure;
923 0 : eErr = m_poBandDataset->RasterIO(
924 0 : GF_Read, nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize, nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize,
925 : nRequestXSize, nRequestYSize, pabyImageTmp, nRequestXSize,
926 0 : nRequestYSize, GDT_Byte, 1, nullptr, 1, nBlockXSize, 0, nullptr);
927 :
928 : /* iterate over detected values */
929 0 : for (int i = 0; i < nRequestYSize; i++)
930 : {
931 0 : for (int j = 0; j < nRequestXSize; j++)
932 : {
933 0 : const int nPixOff = (i * nBlockXSize) + j;
934 :
935 0 : const float digitalValue =
936 0 : static_cast<float>(pabyImageTmp[nPixOff]);
937 0 : const float A =
938 0 : static_cast<float>(m_nfTable[nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize + j]);
939 0 : reinterpret_cast<float *>(pImage)[nPixOff] =
940 0 : ((digitalValue * digitalValue) +
941 0 : static_cast<float>(this->m_nfOffset)) /
942 : A;
943 : }
944 : }
945 0 : CPLFree(pabyImageTmp);
946 : }
947 : else
948 : {
949 0 : CPLAssert(FALSE);
950 : return CE_Failure;
951 : }
952 0 : return eErr;
953 : }
954 :
955 : /************************************************************************/
956 : /* ==================================================================== */
957 : /* RCMDataset */
958 : /* ==================================================================== */
959 : /************************************************************************/
960 :
961 : /************************************************************************/
962 : /* RCMDataset() */
963 : /************************************************************************/
964 :
965 8 : RCMDataset::RCMDataset()
966 : {
967 8 : adfGeoTransform[0] = 0.0;
968 8 : adfGeoTransform[1] = 1.0;
969 8 : adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
970 8 : adfGeoTransform[3] = 0.0;
971 8 : adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
972 8 : adfGeoTransform[5] = 1.0;
973 8 : }
974 :
975 : /************************************************************************/
976 : /* ~RCMDataset() */
977 : /************************************************************************/
978 :
979 16 : RCMDataset::~RCMDataset()
980 :
981 : {
982 8 : RCMDataset::FlushCache(true);
983 :
984 8 : if (nGCPCount > 0)
985 : {
986 8 : GDALDeinitGCPs(nGCPCount, pasGCPList);
987 8 : CPLFree(pasGCPList);
988 : }
989 :
990 8 : RCMDataset::CloseDependentDatasets();
991 :
992 8 : if (papszSubDatasets != nullptr)
993 4 : CSLDestroy(papszSubDatasets);
994 :
995 8 : if (papszExtraFiles != nullptr)
996 8 : CSLDestroy(papszExtraFiles);
997 :
998 8 : if (m_nfIncidenceAngleTable != nullptr)
999 8 : CPLFree(m_nfIncidenceAngleTable);
1000 16 : }
1001 :
1002 : /************************************************************************/
1003 : /* CloseDependentDatasets() */
1004 : /************************************************************************/
1005 :
1006 8 : int RCMDataset::CloseDependentDatasets()
1007 : {
1008 8 : int bHasDroppedRef = GDALPamDataset::CloseDependentDatasets();
1009 :
1010 8 : if (nBands != 0)
1011 8 : bHasDroppedRef = TRUE;
1012 :
1013 24 : for (int iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand++)
1014 : {
1015 16 : delete papoBands[iBand];
1016 : }
1017 8 : nBands = 0;
1018 :
1019 8 : return bHasDroppedRef;
1020 : }
1021 :
1022 : /************************************************************************/
1023 : /* GetFileList() */
1024 : /************************************************************************/
1025 :
1026 0 : char **RCMDataset::GetFileList()
1027 :
1028 : {
1029 0 : char **papszFileList = GDALPamDataset::GetFileList();
1030 :
1031 0 : papszFileList = CSLInsertStrings(papszFileList, -1, papszExtraFiles);
1032 :
1033 0 : return papszFileList;
1034 : }
1035 :
1036 : /************************************************************************/
1037 : /* Open() */
1038 : /************************************************************************/
1039 :
1040 10 : GDALDataset *RCMDataset::Open(GDALOpenInfo *poOpenInfo)
1041 :
1042 : {
1043 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1044 : /* Is this a RCM Product.xml definition? */
1045 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1046 10 : if (!RCMDatasetIdentify(poOpenInfo))
1047 : {
1048 0 : return nullptr;
1049 : }
1050 :
1051 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1052 : /* Get subdataset information, if relevant */
1053 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1054 10 : const char *pszFilename = poOpenInfo->pszFilename;
1055 10 : eCalibration eCalib = None;
1056 :
1057 10 : if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszFilename, szLayerCalibration) &&
1058 6 : pszFilename[strlen(szLayerCalibration)] == chLayerSeparator)
1059 : {
1060 : // The calibration name and filename begins after the hard coded layer
1061 : // name
1062 6 : pszFilename += strlen(szLayerCalibration) + 1;
1063 :
1064 6 : if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszFilename, szBETA0))
1065 : {
1066 1 : eCalib = Beta0;
1067 : }
1068 5 : else if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszFilename, szSIGMA0))
1069 : {
1070 1 : eCalib = Sigma0;
1071 : }
1072 4 : else if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszFilename, szGAMMA) ||
1073 3 : STARTS_WITH_CI(pszFilename, "GAMMA0")) // Cover both situation
1074 : {
1075 1 : eCalib = Gamma;
1076 : }
1077 3 : else if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszFilename, szUNCALIB))
1078 : {
1079 2 : eCalib = Uncalib;
1080 : }
1081 : else
1082 : {
1083 1 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
1084 : "Unsupported calibration type");
1085 1 : return nullptr;
1086 : }
1087 :
1088 : /* advance the pointer to the actual filename */
1089 35 : while (*pszFilename != '\0' && *pszFilename != ':')
1090 30 : pszFilename++;
1091 :
1092 5 : if (*pszFilename == ':')
1093 5 : pszFilename++;
1094 :
1095 : // need to redo the directory check:
1096 : // the GDALOpenInfo check would have failed because of the calibration
1097 : // string on the filename
1098 : VSIStatBufL sStat;
1099 5 : if (VSIStatL(pszFilename, &sStat) == 0)
1100 4 : poOpenInfo->bIsDirectory = VSI_ISDIR(sStat.st_mode);
1101 : }
1102 :
1103 18 : CPLString osMDFilename;
1104 9 : if (poOpenInfo->bIsDirectory)
1105 : {
1106 : /* Check for directory access when there is a product.xml file in the
1107 : directory. */
1108 : osMDFilename =
1109 2 : CPLFormCIFilenameSafe(pszFilename, "product.xml", nullptr);
1110 :
1111 : VSIStatBufL sStat;
1112 2 : if (VSIStatL(osMDFilename, &sStat) != 0)
1113 : {
1114 : /* If not, check for directory extra 'metadata' access when there is
1115 : a product.xml file in the directory. */
1116 1 : osMDFilename = CPLFormCIFilenameSafe(pszFilename,
1117 2 : GetMetadataProduct(), nullptr);
1118 : }
1119 : }
1120 : else
1121 7 : osMDFilename = pszFilename;
1122 :
1123 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1124 : /* Ingest the Product.xml file. */
1125 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1126 18 : CPLXMLTreeCloser psProduct(CPLParseXMLFile(osMDFilename));
1127 9 : if (!psProduct)
1128 1 : return nullptr;
1129 :
1130 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1131 : /* Confirm the requested access is supported. */
1132 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1133 8 : if (poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update)
1134 : {
1135 0 : ReportUpdateNotSupportedByDriver("RCM");
1136 0 : return nullptr;
1137 : }
1138 :
1139 : CPLXMLNode *psSceneAttributes =
1140 8 : CPLGetXMLNode(psProduct.get(), "=product.sceneAttributes");
1141 8 : if (psSceneAttributes == nullptr)
1142 : {
1143 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
1144 : "ERROR: Failed to find <sceneAttributes> in document.");
1145 0 : return nullptr;
1146 : }
1147 :
1148 8 : CPLXMLNode *psImageAttributes = CPLGetXMLNode(
1149 : psProduct.get(), "=product.sceneAttributes.imageAttributes");
1150 8 : if (psImageAttributes == nullptr)
1151 : {
1152 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
1153 : "ERROR: Failed to find <sceneAttributes.imageAttributes> in "
1154 : "document.");
1155 0 : return nullptr;
1156 : }
1157 :
1158 : int numberOfEntries =
1159 8 : atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psSceneAttributes, "numberOfEntries", "0"));
1160 8 : if (numberOfEntries != 1)
1161 : {
1162 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
1163 : "ERROR: Only RCM with Complex Single-beam is supported.");
1164 0 : return nullptr;
1165 : }
1166 :
1167 : CPLXMLNode *psImageReferenceAttributes =
1168 8 : CPLGetXMLNode(psProduct.get(), "=product.imageReferenceAttributes");
1169 8 : if (psImageReferenceAttributes == nullptr)
1170 : {
1171 0 : CPLError(
1172 : CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
1173 : "ERROR: Failed to find <imageReferenceAttributes> in document.");
1174 0 : return nullptr;
1175 : }
1176 :
1177 : CPLXMLNode *psImageGenerationParameters =
1178 8 : CPLGetXMLNode(psProduct.get(), "=product.imageGenerationParameters");
1179 8 : if (psImageGenerationParameters == nullptr)
1180 : {
1181 0 : CPLError(
1182 : CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
1183 : "ERROR: Failed to find <imageGenerationParameters> in document.");
1184 0 : return nullptr;
1185 : }
1186 :
1187 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1188 : /* Create the dataset. */
1189 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1190 16 : auto poDS = std::make_unique<RCMDataset>();
1191 :
1192 8 : poDS->psProduct = std::move(psProduct);
1193 :
1194 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1195 : /* Get overall image information. */
1196 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1197 8 : poDS->nRasterXSize = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(
1198 : psSceneAttributes, "imageAttributes.samplesPerLine", "-1"));
1199 8 : poDS->nRasterYSize = atoi(
1200 : CPLGetXMLValue(psSceneAttributes, "imageAttributes.numLines", "-1"));
1201 8 : if (!GDALCheckDatasetDimensions(poDS->nRasterXSize, poDS->nRasterYSize))
1202 : {
1203 0 : return nullptr;
1204 : }
1205 :
1206 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1207 : /* Check product type, as to determine if there are LUTs for */
1208 : /* calibration purposes. */
1209 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1210 :
1211 : const char *pszItem =
1212 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psImageGenerationParameters,
1213 : "generalProcessingInformation.productType", "UNK");
1214 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("PRODUCT_TYPE", pszItem);
1215 8 : const char *pszProductType = pszItem;
1216 :
1217 : pszItem =
1218 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(poDS->psProduct.get(), "=product.productId", "UNK");
1219 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("PRODUCT_ID", pszItem);
1220 :
1221 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(
1222 8 : poDS->psProduct.get(),
1223 : "=product.securityAttributes.securityClassification", "UNK");
1224 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SECURITY_CLASSIFICATION", pszItem);
1225 :
1226 : pszItem =
1227 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(poDS->psProduct.get(),
1228 : "=product.sourceAttributes.polarizationDataMode", "UNK");
1229 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("POLARIZATION_DATA_MODE", pszItem);
1230 :
1231 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psImageGenerationParameters,
1232 : "generalProcessingInformation.processingFacility",
1233 : "UNK");
1234 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("PROCESSING_FACILITY", pszItem);
1235 :
1236 : pszItem =
1237 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psImageGenerationParameters,
1238 : "generalProcessingInformation.processingTime", "UNK");
1239 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("PROCESSING_TIME", pszItem);
1240 :
1241 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psImageGenerationParameters,
1242 : "sarProcessingInformation.satelliteHeight", "UNK");
1243 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SATELLITE_HEIGHT", pszItem);
1244 :
1245 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(
1246 : psImageGenerationParameters,
1247 : "sarProcessingInformation.zeroDopplerTimeFirstLine", "UNK");
1248 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("FIRST_LINE_TIME", pszItem);
1249 :
1250 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psImageGenerationParameters,
1251 : "sarProcessingInformation.zeroDopplerTimeLastLine",
1252 : "UNK");
1253 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("LAST_LINE_TIME", pszItem);
1254 :
1255 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psImageGenerationParameters,
1256 : "sarProcessingInformation.lutApplied", "");
1257 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("LUT_APPLIED", pszItem);
1258 :
1259 : /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
1260 : If true, a polarization dependent application LUT has been applied
1261 : for each polarization channel. Otherwise the same application LUT
1262 : has been applied for all polarization channels. Not applicable to
1263 : lookupTable = "Unity*" or if dataType = "Floating-Point".
1264 : --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1265 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psImageGenerationParameters,
1266 : "sarProcessingInformation.perPolarizationScaling",
1267 : "false");
1268 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("PER_POLARIZATION_SCALING", pszItem);
1269 8 : if (EQUAL(pszItem, "true") || EQUAL(pszItem, "TRUE"))
1270 : {
1271 8 : poDS->bPerPolarizationScaling = TRUE;
1272 : }
1273 :
1274 : /* the following cases can be assumed to have no LUTs, as per
1275 : * RN-RP-51-2713, but also common sense
1276 : * SLC represents a SLant range georeferenced Complex product
1277 : * (i.e., equivalent to a Single-Look Complex product for RADARSAT-1 or
1278 : * RADARSAT-2). • GRD or GRC represent GRound range georeferenced Detected
1279 : * or Complex products (GRD is equivalent to an SGX, SCN or SCW product for
1280 : * RADARSAT1 or RADARSAT-2). • GCD or GCC represent GeoCoded Detected or
1281 : * Complex products (GCD is equivalent to an SSG or SPG product for
1282 : * RADARSAT-1 or RADARSAT-2).
1283 : */
1284 8 : bool bCanCalib = false;
1285 8 : if (!(STARTS_WITH_CI(pszProductType, "UNK") ||
1286 8 : STARTS_WITH_CI(pszProductType, "GCD") ||
1287 8 : STARTS_WITH_CI(pszProductType, "GCC")))
1288 : {
1289 8 : bCanCalib = true;
1290 : }
1291 :
1292 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1293 : /* Get dataType (so we can recognise complex data), and the */
1294 : /* bitsPerSample. */
1295 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1296 8 : const char *pszSampleDataType = CPLGetXMLValue(
1297 : psImageReferenceAttributes, "rasterAttributes.sampleType", "");
1298 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SAMPLE_TYPE", pszSampleDataType);
1299 :
1300 : /* Either Integer (16 bits) or Floating-Point (32 bits) */
1301 8 : const char *pszDataType = CPLGetXMLValue(psImageReferenceAttributes,
1302 : "rasterAttributes.dataType", "");
1303 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("DATA_TYPE", pszDataType);
1304 :
1305 : /* 2 entries for complex data 1 entry for magnitude detected data */
1306 8 : const char *pszBitsPerSample = CPLGetXMLValue(
1307 : psImageReferenceAttributes, "rasterAttributes.bitsPerSample", "");
1308 8 : const int nBitsPerSample = atoi(pszBitsPerSample);
1309 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("BITS_PER_SAMPLE", pszBitsPerSample);
1310 :
1311 : const char *pszSampledPixelSpacingTime =
1312 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psImageReferenceAttributes,
1313 : "rasterAttributes.sampledPixelSpacingTime", "UNK");
1314 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SAMPLED_PIXEL_SPACING_TIME",
1315 8 : pszSampledPixelSpacingTime);
1316 :
1317 : const char *pszSampledLineSpacingTime =
1318 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psImageReferenceAttributes,
1319 : "rasterAttributes.sampledLineSpacingTime", "UNK");
1320 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SAMPLED_LINE_SPACING_TIME",
1321 8 : pszSampledLineSpacingTime);
1322 :
1323 : GDALDataType eDataType;
1324 :
1325 8 : if (EQUAL(pszSampleDataType, "Mixed")) /* RCM MLC has Mixed sampleType */
1326 : {
1327 1 : poDS->isComplexData = false; /* RCM MLC is detected, non-complex */
1328 1 : if (nBitsPerSample == 32)
1329 : {
1330 1 : eDataType = GDT_Float32; /* 32 bits, check read block */
1331 1 : poDS->magnitudeBits = 32;
1332 : }
1333 : else
1334 : {
1335 0 : eDataType = GDT_UInt16; /* 16 bits, check read block */
1336 0 : poDS->magnitudeBits = 16;
1337 : }
1338 : }
1339 7 : else if (EQUAL(pszSampleDataType, "Complex"))
1340 : {
1341 0 : poDS->isComplexData = true;
1342 : /* Usually this is the same bits for both */
1343 0 : poDS->realBitsComplexData = nBitsPerSample;
1344 0 : poDS->imaginaryBitsComplexData = nBitsPerSample;
1345 :
1346 0 : if (nBitsPerSample == 32)
1347 : {
1348 0 : eDataType = GDT_CFloat32; /* 32 bits, check read block */
1349 : }
1350 : else
1351 : {
1352 0 : eDataType = GDT_CInt16; /* 16 bits, check read block */
1353 : }
1354 : }
1355 7 : else if (nBitsPerSample == 32 &&
1356 0 : EQUAL(pszSampleDataType, "Magnitude Detected"))
1357 : {
1358 : /* Actually, I don't need to test the 'dataType'=' Floating-Point', we
1359 : * know that a 32 bits per sample */
1360 0 : eDataType = GDT_Float32;
1361 0 : poDS->isComplexData = false;
1362 0 : poDS->magnitudeBits = 32;
1363 : }
1364 7 : else if (nBitsPerSample == 16 &&
1365 7 : EQUAL(pszSampleDataType, "Magnitude Detected"))
1366 : {
1367 : /* Actually, I don't need to test the 'dataType'=' Integer', we know
1368 : * that a 16 bits per sample */
1369 7 : eDataType = GDT_UInt16;
1370 7 : poDS->isComplexData = false;
1371 7 : poDS->magnitudeBits = 16;
1372 : }
1373 : else
1374 : {
1375 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
1376 : "ERROR: dataType=%s and bitsPerSample=%d are not a supported "
1377 : "configuration.",
1378 : pszDataType, nBitsPerSample);
1379 0 : return nullptr;
1380 : }
1381 :
1382 : /* Indicates whether pixel number (i.e., range) increases or decreases with
1383 : range time. For GCD and GCC products, this applies to intermediate ground
1384 : range image data prior to geocoding. */
1385 : const char *pszPixelTimeOrdering =
1386 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psImageReferenceAttributes,
1387 : "rasterAttributes.pixelTimeOrdering", "UNK");
1388 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("PIXEL_TIME_ORDERING", pszPixelTimeOrdering);
1389 :
1390 : /* Indicates whether line numbers (i.e., azimuth) increase or decrease with
1391 : azimuth time. For GCD and GCC products, this applies to intermediate ground
1392 : range image data prior to geocoding. */
1393 8 : const char *pszLineTimeOrdering = CPLGetXMLValue(
1394 : psImageReferenceAttributes, "rasterAttributes.lineTimeOrdering", "UNK");
1395 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("LINE_TIME_ORDERING", pszLineTimeOrdering);
1396 :
1397 : /* while we're at it, extract the pixel spacing information */
1398 : const char *pszPixelSpacing =
1399 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psImageReferenceAttributes,
1400 : "rasterAttributes.sampledPixelSpacing", "UNK");
1401 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("PIXEL_SPACING", pszPixelSpacing);
1402 :
1403 : const char *pszLineSpacing =
1404 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psImageReferenceAttributes,
1405 : "rasterAttributes.sampledLineSpacing", "UNK");
1406 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("LINE_SPACING", pszLineSpacing);
1407 :
1408 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1409 : /* Open each of the data files as a complex band. */
1410 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1411 8 : char *pszBeta0LUT = nullptr;
1412 8 : char *pszGammaLUT = nullptr;
1413 8 : char *pszSigma0LUT = nullptr;
1414 : // Same file for all calibrations except the calibration is plit inside the
1415 : // XML
1416 16 : std::string osNoiseLevelsValues;
1417 :
1418 16 : const CPLString osPath = CPLGetPathSafe(osMDFilename);
1419 :
1420 : /* Get a list of all polarizations */
1421 : CPLXMLNode *psSourceAttrs =
1422 8 : CPLGetXMLNode(poDS->psProduct.get(), "=product.sourceAttributes");
1423 8 : if (psSourceAttrs == nullptr)
1424 : {
1425 0 : CPLError(
1426 : CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
1427 : "ERROR: RCM source attributes is missing. Please contact your data "
1428 : "provider for a corrected dataset.");
1429 0 : return nullptr;
1430 : }
1431 :
1432 8 : CPLXMLNode *psRadarParameters = CPLGetXMLNode(
1433 8 : poDS->psProduct.get(), "=product.sourceAttributes.radarParameters");
1434 8 : if (psRadarParameters == nullptr)
1435 : {
1436 0 : CPLError(
1437 : CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
1438 : "ERROR: RCM radar parameters is missing. Please contact your data "
1439 : "provider for a corrected dataset.");
1440 0 : return nullptr;
1441 : }
1442 :
1443 : const char *pszPolarizations =
1444 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psRadarParameters, "polarizations", "");
1445 8 : if (pszPolarizations == nullptr || strlen(pszPolarizations) == 0)
1446 : {
1447 0 : CPLError(
1448 : CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
1449 : "ERROR: RCM polarizations list is missing. Please contact your "
1450 : "data provider for a corrected dataset.");
1451 0 : return nullptr;
1452 : }
1453 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("POLARIZATIONS", pszPolarizations);
1454 :
1455 : const char *psAcquisitionType =
1456 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psRadarParameters, "acquisitionType", "UNK");
1457 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("ACQUISITION_TYPE", psAcquisitionType);
1458 :
1459 8 : const char *psBeams = CPLGetXMLValue(psRadarParameters, "beams", "UNK");
1460 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("BEAMS", psBeams);
1461 :
1462 : const CPLStringList aosPolarizationsGrids(
1463 16 : CSLTokenizeString2(pszPolarizations, " ", 0));
1464 16 : CPLStringList imageBandList;
1465 16 : CPLStringList imageBandFileList;
1466 8 : const int nPolarizationsGridCount = aosPolarizationsGrids.size();
1467 :
1468 : /* File names for full resolution IPDFs. For GeoTIFF format, one entry per
1469 : pole; For NITF 2.1 format, only one entry. */
1470 8 : bool bIsNITF = false;
1471 8 : const char *pszNITF_Filename = nullptr;
1472 8 : int imageBandFileCount = 0;
1473 8 : int imageBandCount = 0;
1474 :
1475 : /* Split the polarization string*/
1476 24 : auto iss = std::istringstream((CPLString(pszPolarizations)).c_str());
1477 16 : auto pol = std::string{};
1478 : /* Count number of polarizations*/
1479 24 : while (iss >> pol)
1480 16 : imageBandCount++;
1481 :
1482 8 : CPLXMLNode *psNode = psImageAttributes->psChild;
1483 131 : for (; psNode != nullptr; psNode = psNode->psNext)
1484 : {
1485 : /* Find the tif or ntf filename */
1486 123 : if (psNode->eType != CXT_Element || !(EQUAL(psNode->pszValue, "ipdf")))
1487 107 : continue;
1488 :
1489 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1490 : */
1491 : /* Fetch ipdf image. Could be either tif or ntf. */
1492 : /* Replace / by \\ */
1493 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1494 : */
1495 17 : const char *pszBasedFilename = CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "", "");
1496 17 : if (*pszBasedFilename == '\0')
1497 0 : continue;
1498 :
1499 : /* Count number of image names within ipdf tag*/
1500 17 : imageBandFileCount++;
1501 :
1502 17 : CPLString pszUpperBasedFilename(CPLString(pszBasedFilename).toupper());
1503 :
1504 : const bool bEndsWithNTF =
1505 34 : strlen(pszUpperBasedFilename.c_str()) > 4 &&
1506 17 : EQUAL(pszUpperBasedFilename.c_str() +
1507 : strlen(pszUpperBasedFilename.c_str()) - 4,
1508 : ".NTF");
1509 :
1510 17 : if (bEndsWithNTF)
1511 : {
1512 : /* Found it! It would not exist one more */
1513 0 : bIsNITF = true;
1514 0 : pszNITF_Filename = pszBasedFilename;
1515 0 : break;
1516 : }
1517 : else
1518 : {
1519 : /* Keep adding polarizations filename according to the pole */
1520 17 : const char *pszPole = CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "pole", "");
1521 17 : if (*pszPole == '\0')
1522 : {
1523 : /* Guard against case when pole is a null string, skip it */
1524 0 : imageBandFileCount--;
1525 0 : continue;
1526 : }
1527 :
1528 17 : if (EQUAL(pszPole, "XC"))
1529 : {
1530 : /* Skip RCM MLC's 3rd band file ##XC.tif */
1531 1 : imageBandFileCount--;
1532 1 : continue;
1533 : }
1534 :
1535 16 : imageBandList.AddString(CPLString(pszPole).toupper());
1536 16 : imageBandFileList.AddString(pszBasedFilename);
1537 : }
1538 : }
1539 :
1540 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1541 : /* Incidence Angle in a sub-folder */
1542 : /* called 'calibration' from the 'metadata' folder */
1543 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1544 :
1545 8 : const char *pszIncidenceAngleFileName = CPLGetXMLValue(
1546 : psImageReferenceAttributes, "incidenceAngleFileName", "");
1547 :
1548 8 : if (pszIncidenceAngleFileName != nullptr)
1549 : {
1550 16 : CPLString osIncidenceAngleFilePath = CPLFormFilenameSafe(
1551 8 : CPLFormFilenameSafe(osPath, CALIBRATION_FOLDER, nullptr).c_str(),
1552 16 : pszIncidenceAngleFileName, nullptr);
1553 :
1554 : /* Check if the file exist */
1555 8 : if (IsValidXMLFile(osIncidenceAngleFilePath))
1556 : {
1557 : CPLXMLTreeCloser psIncidenceAngle(
1558 16 : CPLParseXMLFile(osIncidenceAngleFilePath));
1559 :
1560 8 : int pixelFirstLutValue = atoi(
1561 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psIncidenceAngle.get(),
1562 : "=incidenceAngles.pixelFirstAnglesValue", "0"));
1563 :
1564 8 : const int stepSize = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(
1565 8 : psIncidenceAngle.get(), "=incidenceAngles.stepSize", "0"));
1566 : const int numberOfValues =
1567 8 : atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psIncidenceAngle.get(),
1568 : "=incidenceAngles.numberOfValues", "0"));
1569 :
1570 8 : if (!(stepSize == 0 || stepSize == INT_MIN ||
1571 : numberOfValues == INT_MIN ||
1572 8 : abs(numberOfValues) > INT_MAX / abs(stepSize)))
1573 : {
1574 : /* Get the Pixel Per range */
1575 8 : const int tableSize = abs(stepSize) * abs(numberOfValues);
1576 :
1577 16 : CPLString angles;
1578 : // Loop through all nodes with spaces
1579 : CPLXMLNode *psNextNode =
1580 8 : CPLGetXMLNode(psIncidenceAngle.get(), "=incidenceAngles");
1581 :
1582 : CPLXMLNode *psNodeInc;
1583 458 : for (psNodeInc = psNextNode->psChild; psNodeInc != nullptr;
1584 450 : psNodeInc = psNodeInc->psNext)
1585 : {
1586 450 : if (EQUAL(psNodeInc->pszValue, "angles"))
1587 : {
1588 402 : if (angles.length() > 0)
1589 : {
1590 394 : angles.append(" "); /* separator */
1591 : }
1592 : const char *valAngle =
1593 402 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNodeInc, "", "");
1594 402 : angles.append(valAngle);
1595 : }
1596 : }
1597 :
1598 : char **papszAngleList =
1599 8 : CSLTokenizeString2(angles, " ", CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS);
1600 :
1601 : /* Allocate the right LUT size according to the product range pixel
1602 : */
1603 8 : poDS->m_IncidenceAngleTableSize = tableSize;
1604 16 : poDS->m_nfIncidenceAngleTable =
1605 8 : InterpolateValues(papszAngleList, tableSize, stepSize,
1606 : numberOfValues, pixelFirstLutValue);
1607 :
1608 8 : CSLDestroy(papszAngleList);
1609 : }
1610 : }
1611 : }
1612 :
1613 24 : for (int iPoleInx = 0; iPoleInx < nPolarizationsGridCount; iPoleInx++)
1614 : {
1615 : // Search for a specific band name
1616 : const CPLString pszPole =
1617 16 : CPLString(aosPolarizationsGrids[iPoleInx]).toupper();
1618 :
1619 : // Look if the NoiseLevel file xml exist for the
1620 16 : CPLXMLNode *psRefNode = psImageReferenceAttributes->psChild;
1621 232 : for (; psRefNode != nullptr; psRefNode = psRefNode->psNext)
1622 : {
1623 216 : if (EQUAL(psRefNode->pszValue, "noiseLevelFileName") && bCanCalib)
1624 : {
1625 : /* Determine which incidence angle correction this is */
1626 : const char *pszPoleToMatch =
1627 32 : CPLGetXMLValue(psRefNode, "pole", "");
1628 : const char *pszNoiseLevelFile =
1629 32 : CPLGetXMLValue(psRefNode, "", "");
1630 :
1631 32 : if (*pszPoleToMatch == '\0')
1632 16 : continue;
1633 :
1634 32 : if (EQUAL(pszPoleToMatch, "XC"))
1635 : /* Skip noise for RCM MLC's 3rd band XC */
1636 0 : continue;
1637 :
1638 32 : if (EQUAL(pszNoiseLevelFile, ""))
1639 0 : continue;
1640 :
1641 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1642 : */
1643 : /* With RCM, LUT file is different per polarizarion (pole)
1644 : */
1645 : /* The following code make sure to loop through all
1646 : * possible */
1647 : /* 'noiseLevelFileName' and match the <ipdf 'pole' name */
1648 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1649 : */
1650 32 : if ( != 0)
1651 : {
1652 16 : continue;
1653 : }
1654 :
1655 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1656 : */
1657 : /* LUT calibration is unique per pole in a sub-folder */
1658 : /* called 'calibration' from the 'metadata' folder */
1659 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1660 : */
1661 :
1662 32 : const CPLString oNoiseLevelPath = CPLFormFilenameSafe(
1663 16 : CPLFormFilenameSafe(osPath, CALIBRATION_FOLDER, nullptr)
1664 : .c_str(),
1665 32 : pszNoiseLevelFile, nullptr);
1666 16 : if (IsValidXMLFile(oNoiseLevelPath))
1667 : {
1668 16 : osNoiseLevelsValues = oNoiseLevelPath;
1669 : }
1670 : }
1671 : }
1672 :
1673 : // Search again with different file
1674 16 : psRefNode = psImageReferenceAttributes->psChild;
1675 232 : for (; psRefNode != nullptr; psRefNode = psRefNode->psNext)
1676 : {
1677 216 : if (EQUAL(psRefNode->pszValue, "lookupTableFileName") && bCanCalib)
1678 : {
1679 : /* Determine which incidence angle correction this is */
1680 : const char *pszLUTType =
1681 102 : CPLGetXMLValue(psRefNode, "sarCalibrationType", "");
1682 : const char *pszPoleToMatch =
1683 102 : CPLGetXMLValue(psRefNode, "pole", "");
1684 102 : const char *pszLUTFile = CPLGetXMLValue(psRefNode, "", "");
1685 :
1686 102 : if (*pszPoleToMatch == '\0')
1687 54 : continue;
1688 :
1689 102 : if (EQUAL(pszPoleToMatch, "XC"))
1690 : /* Skip Calib for RCM MLC's 3rd band XC */
1691 6 : continue;
1692 :
1693 96 : if (*pszLUTType == '\0')
1694 0 : continue;
1695 :
1696 96 : if (EQUAL(pszLUTType, ""))
1697 0 : continue;
1698 :
1699 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1700 : */
1701 : /* With RCM, LUT file is different per polarizarion (pole)
1702 : */
1703 : /* The following code make sure to loop through all
1704 : * possible */
1705 : /* 'lookupTableFileName' and match the <ipdf 'pole' name */
1706 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1707 : */
1708 96 : if ( != 0)
1709 : {
1710 48 : continue;
1711 : }
1712 :
1713 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1714 : */
1715 : /* LUT calibration is unique per pole in a sub-folder */
1716 : /* called 'calibration' from the 'metadata' folder */
1717 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1718 : */
1719 96 : const CPLString osLUTFilePath = CPLFormFilenameSafe(
1720 48 : CPLFormFilenameSafe(osPath, CALIBRATION_FOLDER, nullptr)
1721 : .c_str(),
1722 96 : pszLUTFile, nullptr);
1723 :
1724 64 : if (EQUAL(pszLUTType, "Beta Nought") &&
1725 16 : IsValidXMLFile(osLUTFilePath))
1726 : {
1727 32 : poDS->papszExtraFiles =
1728 16 : CSLAddString(poDS->papszExtraFiles, osLUTFilePath);
1729 :
1730 : CPLString pszBuf(
1731 16 : FormatCalibration(szBETA0, osMDFilename.c_str()));
1732 16 : CPLFree(pszBeta0LUT);
1733 16 : pszBeta0LUT = VSIStrdup(osLUTFilePath);
1734 :
1735 : const char *oldLut =
1736 16 : poDS->GetMetadataItem("BETA_NOUGHT_LUT");
1737 16 : if (oldLut == nullptr)
1738 : {
1739 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("BETA_NOUGHT_LUT", osLUTFilePath);
1740 : }
1741 : else
1742 : {
1743 : /* Keep adding LUT file for all bands, should be planty
1744 : * of space */
1745 : char *ptrConcatLut =
1746 8 : static_cast<char *>(CPLMalloc(2048));
1747 8 : ptrConcatLut[0] =
1748 : '\0'; /* Just initialize the first byte */
1749 8 : strcat(ptrConcatLut, oldLut);
1750 8 : strcat(ptrConcatLut, ",");
1751 8 : strcat(ptrConcatLut, osLUTFilePath);
1752 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("BETA_NOUGHT_LUT", ptrConcatLut);
1753 8 : CPLFree(ptrConcatLut);
1754 : }
1755 :
1756 32 : poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(
1757 16 : poDS->papszSubDatasets, "SUBDATASET_3_NAME", pszBuf);
1758 16 : poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(
1759 16 : poDS->papszSubDatasets, "SUBDATASET_3_DESC",
1760 : "Beta Nought calibrated");
1761 : }
1762 48 : else if (EQUAL(pszLUTType, "Sigma Nought") &&
1763 16 : IsValidXMLFile(osLUTFilePath))
1764 : {
1765 32 : poDS->papszExtraFiles =
1766 16 : CSLAddString(poDS->papszExtraFiles, osLUTFilePath);
1767 :
1768 : CPLString pszBuf(
1769 16 : FormatCalibration(szSIGMA0, osMDFilename.c_str()));
1770 16 : CPLFree(pszSigma0LUT);
1771 16 : pszSigma0LUT = VSIStrdup(osLUTFilePath);
1772 :
1773 : const char *oldLut =
1774 16 : poDS->GetMetadataItem("SIGMA_NOUGHT_LUT");
1775 16 : if (oldLut == nullptr)
1776 : {
1777 16 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SIGMA_NOUGHT_LUT",
1778 8 : osLUTFilePath);
1779 : }
1780 : else
1781 : {
1782 : /* Keep adding LUT file for all bands, should be planty
1783 : * of space */
1784 : char *ptrConcatLut =
1785 8 : static_cast<char *>(CPLMalloc(2048));
1786 8 : ptrConcatLut[0] =
1787 : '\0'; /* Just initialize the first byte */
1788 8 : strcat(ptrConcatLut, oldLut);
1789 8 : strcat(ptrConcatLut, ",");
1790 8 : strcat(ptrConcatLut, osLUTFilePath);
1791 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SIGMA_NOUGHT_LUT", ptrConcatLut);
1792 8 : CPLFree(ptrConcatLut);
1793 : }
1794 :
1795 32 : poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(
1796 16 : poDS->papszSubDatasets, "SUBDATASET_2_NAME", pszBuf);
1797 16 : poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(
1798 16 : poDS->papszSubDatasets, "SUBDATASET_2_DESC",
1799 : "Sigma Nought calibrated");
1800 : }
1801 32 : else if (EQUAL(pszLUTType, "Gamma") &&
1802 16 : IsValidXMLFile(osLUTFilePath))
1803 : {
1804 32 : poDS->papszExtraFiles =
1805 16 : CSLAddString(poDS->papszExtraFiles, osLUTFilePath);
1806 :
1807 : CPLString pszBuf(
1808 16 : FormatCalibration(szGAMMA, osMDFilename.c_str()));
1809 16 : CPLFree(pszGammaLUT);
1810 16 : pszGammaLUT = VSIStrdup(osLUTFilePath);
1811 :
1812 16 : const char *oldLut = poDS->GetMetadataItem("GAMMA_LUT");
1813 16 : if (oldLut == nullptr)
1814 : {
1815 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("GAMMA_LUT", osLUTFilePath);
1816 : }
1817 : else
1818 : {
1819 : /* Keep adding LUT file for all bands, should be planty
1820 : * of space */
1821 : char *ptrConcatLut =
1822 8 : static_cast<char *>(CPLMalloc(2048));
1823 8 : ptrConcatLut[0] =
1824 : '\0'; /* Just initialize the first byte */
1825 8 : strcat(ptrConcatLut, oldLut);
1826 8 : strcat(ptrConcatLut, ",");
1827 8 : strcat(ptrConcatLut, osLUTFilePath);
1828 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("GAMMA_LUT", ptrConcatLut);
1829 8 : CPLFree(ptrConcatLut);
1830 : }
1831 :
1832 32 : poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(
1833 16 : poDS->papszSubDatasets, "SUBDATASET_4_NAME", pszBuf);
1834 16 : poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(
1835 16 : poDS->papszSubDatasets, "SUBDATASET_4_DESC",
1836 : "Gamma calibrated");
1837 : }
1838 : }
1839 : }
1840 :
1841 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1842 : */
1843 : /* Fetch ipdf image. Could be either tif or ntf. */
1844 : /* Replace / by \\ */
1845 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1846 : */
1847 : const char *pszBasedFilename;
1848 16 : if (bIsNITF)
1849 : {
1850 0 : pszBasedFilename = pszNITF_Filename;
1851 : }
1852 : else
1853 : {
1854 16 : const int bandPositionIndex = imageBandList.FindString(pszPole);
1855 16 : if (bandPositionIndex < 0)
1856 : {
1857 0 : CPLFree(imageBandList);
1858 0 : CPLFree(imageBandFileList);
1859 :
1860 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
1861 : "ERROR: RCM cannot find the polarization %s. Please "
1862 : "contact your data provider for a corrected dataset",
1863 : pszPole.c_str());
1864 0 : return nullptr;
1865 : }
1866 :
1867 16 : pszBasedFilename = imageBandFileList[bandPositionIndex];
1868 : }
1869 :
1870 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1871 : */
1872 : /* Form full filename (path of product.xml + basename). */
1873 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1874 : */
1875 16 : char *pszFullname = CPLStrdup(
1876 32 : CPLFormFilenameSafe(osPath, pszBasedFilename, nullptr).c_str());
1877 :
1878 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1879 : */
1880 : /* Try and open the file. */
1881 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1882 : */
1883 : auto poBandFile = std::unique_ptr<GDALDataset>(GDALDataset::Open(
1884 16 : pszFullname, GDAL_OF_RASTER | GDAL_OF_VERBOSE_ERROR));
1885 16 : if (poBandFile == nullptr)
1886 : {
1887 0 : CPLFree(pszFullname);
1888 0 : continue;
1889 : }
1890 16 : if (poBandFile->GetRasterCount() == 0)
1891 : {
1892 0 : CPLFree(pszFullname);
1893 0 : continue;
1894 : }
1895 :
1896 32 : poDS->papszExtraFiles =
1897 16 : CSLAddString(poDS->papszExtraFiles, pszFullname);
1898 :
1899 : /* Some CFloat32 NITF files have nBitsPerSample incorrectly reported */
1900 : /* as 16, and get misinterpreted as CInt16. Check the underlying NITF
1901 : */
1902 : /* and override if this is the case. */
1903 16 : if (poBandFile->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType() == GDT_CFloat32)
1904 0 : eDataType = GDT_CFloat32;
1905 :
1906 : BandMappingRCM b =
1907 16 : checkBandFileMappingRCM(eDataType, poBandFile.get(), bIsNITF);
1908 16 : if (b == BANDERROR)
1909 : {
1910 0 : CPLFree(pszFullname);
1911 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
1912 : "The underlying band files do not have an appropriate "
1913 : "data type.");
1914 0 : return nullptr;
1915 : }
1916 16 : bool twoBandComplex = b == TWOBANDCOMPLEX;
1917 16 : bool isOneFilePerPol = (imageBandCount == imageBandFileCount);
1918 :
1919 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1920 : */
1921 : /* Create the band. */
1922 : /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
1923 : */
1924 16 : int bandNum = poDS->GetRasterCount() + 1;
1925 16 : if (eCalib == None || eCalib == Uncalib)
1926 : {
1927 : RCMRasterBand *poBand = new RCMRasterBand(
1928 20 : poDS.get(), bandNum, eDataType, pszPole, poBandFile.release(),
1929 20 : twoBandComplex, isOneFilePerPol, bIsNITF);
1930 :
1931 10 : poDS->SetBand(poDS->GetRasterCount() + 1, poBand);
1932 : }
1933 : else
1934 : {
1935 6 : const char *pszLUT = nullptr;
1936 6 : switch (eCalib)
1937 : {
1938 2 : case Sigma0:
1939 2 : pszLUT = pszSigma0LUT;
1940 2 : break;
1941 2 : case Beta0:
1942 2 : pszLUT = pszBeta0LUT;
1943 2 : break;
1944 2 : case Gamma:
1945 2 : pszLUT = pszGammaLUT;
1946 2 : break;
1947 0 : default:
1948 : /* we should bomb gracefully... */
1949 0 : pszLUT = pszSigma0LUT;
1950 : }
1951 6 : if (!pszLUT)
1952 : {
1953 0 : CPLFree(pszFullname);
1954 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "LUT missing.");
1955 0 : return nullptr;
1956 : }
1957 :
1958 : // The variable 'osNoiseLevelsValues' is always the same for a ban
1959 : // name except the XML contains different calibration name
1960 6 : if (poDS->isComplexData)
1961 : {
1962 : // If Complex, always 32 bits
1963 : RCMCalibRasterBand *poBand = new RCMCalibRasterBand(
1964 0 : poDS.get(), pszPole, GDT_Float32, poBandFile.release(),
1965 0 : eCalib, pszLUT, osNoiseLevelsValues.c_str(), eDataType);
1966 0 : poDS->SetBand(poDS->GetRasterCount() + 1, poBand);
1967 : }
1968 : else
1969 : {
1970 : // Whatever the datatype was previoulsy set
1971 : RCMCalibRasterBand *poBand = new RCMCalibRasterBand(
1972 12 : poDS.get(), pszPole, eDataType, poBandFile.release(),
1973 12 : eCalib, pszLUT, osNoiseLevelsValues.c_str(), eDataType);
1974 6 : poDS->SetBand(poDS->GetRasterCount() + 1, poBand);
1975 : }
1976 : }
1977 :
1978 16 : CPLFree(pszFullname);
1979 : }
1980 :
1981 8 : if (poDS->papszSubDatasets != nullptr && eCalib == None)
1982 : {
1983 4 : CPLString pszBuf = FormatCalibration(szUNCALIB, osMDFilename.c_str());
1984 4 : poDS->papszSubDatasets = CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets,
1985 : "SUBDATASET_1_NAME", pszBuf);
1986 4 : poDS->papszSubDatasets =
1987 4 : CSLSetNameValue(poDS->papszSubDatasets, "SUBDATASET_1_DESC",
1988 : "Uncalibrated digital numbers");
1989 : }
1990 4 : else if (poDS->papszSubDatasets != nullptr)
1991 : {
1992 4 : CSLDestroy(poDS->papszSubDatasets);
1993 4 : poDS->papszSubDatasets = nullptr;
1994 : }
1995 :
1996 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1997 : /* Set the appropriate MATRIX_REPRESENTATION. */
1998 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1999 :
2000 8 : if (poDS->GetRasterCount() == 4 &&
2001 0 : (eDataType == GDT_CInt16 || eDataType == GDT_CFloat32))
2002 : {
2003 0 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("MATRIX_REPRESENTATION", "SCATTERING");
2004 : }
2005 :
2006 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2007 : /* Collect a few useful metadata items. */
2008 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2009 :
2010 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSourceAttrs, "satellite", "");
2011 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SATELLITE_IDENTIFIER", pszItem);
2012 :
2013 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSourceAttrs, "sensor", "");
2014 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SENSOR_IDENTIFIER", pszItem);
2015 :
2016 : /* Get beam mode mnemonic */
2017 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSourceAttrs, "beamMode", "UNK");
2018 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("BEAM_MODE", pszItem);
2019 :
2020 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSourceAttrs, "beamModeMnemonic", "UNK");
2021 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("BEAM_MODE_MNEMONIC", pszItem);
2022 :
2023 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSourceAttrs, "beamModeDefinitionId", "UNK");
2024 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("BEAM_MODE_DEFINITION_ID", pszItem);
2025 :
2026 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSourceAttrs, "rawDataStartTime", "UNK");
2027 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("ACQUISITION_START_TIME", pszItem);
2028 :
2029 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSourceAttrs, "inputDatasetFacilityId", "UNK");
2030 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("FACILITY_IDENTIFIER", pszItem);
2031 :
2032 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSourceAttrs,
2033 : "orbitAndAttitude.orbitInformation.passDirection",
2034 : "UNK");
2035 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("ORBIT_DIRECTION", pszItem);
2036 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(
2037 : psSourceAttrs, "orbitAndAttitude.orbitInformation.orbitDataSource",
2038 : "UNK");
2039 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("ORBIT_DATA_SOURCE", pszItem);
2040 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(
2041 : psSourceAttrs, "orbitAndAttitude.orbitInformation.orbitDataFileName",
2042 : "UNK");
2043 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("ORBIT_DATA_FILE", pszItem);
2044 :
2045 : /* Get incidence angle information. DONE */
2046 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSceneAttributes, "imageAttributes.incAngNearRng",
2047 : "UNK");
2048 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("NEAR_RANGE_INCIDENCE_ANGLE", pszItem);
2049 :
2050 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSceneAttributes, "imageAttributes.incAngFarRng",
2051 : "UNK");
2052 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("FAR_RANGE_INCIDENCE_ANGLE", pszItem);
2053 :
2054 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSceneAttributes,
2055 : "imageAttributes.slantRangeNearEdge", "UNK");
2056 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SLANT_RANGE_NEAR_EDGE", pszItem);
2057 :
2058 8 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psSceneAttributes,
2059 : "imageAttributes.slantRangeFarEdge", "UNK");
2060 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SLANT_RANGE_FAR_EDGE", pszItem);
2061 :
2062 : /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2063 : /* Collect Map projection/Geotransform information, if present.DONE */
2064 : /* In RCM, there is no file that indicates */
2065 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2066 8 : CPLXMLNode *psMapProjection = CPLGetXMLNode(
2067 : psImageReferenceAttributes, "geographicInformation.mapProjection");
2068 :
2069 8 : if (psMapProjection != nullptr)
2070 : {
2071 : CPLXMLNode *psPos =
2072 0 : CPLGetXMLNode(psMapProjection, "positioningInformation");
2073 :
2074 : pszItem =
2075 0 : CPLGetXMLValue(psMapProjection, "mapProjectionDescriptor", "UNK");
2076 0 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("MAP_PROJECTION_DESCRIPTOR", pszItem);
2077 :
2078 : pszItem =
2079 0 : CPLGetXMLValue(psMapProjection, "mapProjectionOrientation", "UNK");
2080 0 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("MAP_PROJECTION_ORIENTATION", pszItem);
2081 :
2082 0 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psMapProjection, "resamplingKernel", "UNK");
2083 0 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("RESAMPLING_KERNEL", pszItem);
2084 :
2085 0 : pszItem = CPLGetXMLValue(psMapProjection, "satelliteHeading", "UNK");
2086 0 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("SATELLITE_HEADING", pszItem);
2087 :
2088 0 : if (psPos != nullptr)
2089 : {
2090 0 : const double tl_x = CPLStrtod(
2091 : CPLGetXMLValue(psPos, "upperLeftCorner.mapCoordinate.easting",
2092 : "0.0"),
2093 : nullptr);
2094 0 : const double tl_y = CPLStrtod(
2095 : CPLGetXMLValue(psPos, "upperLeftCorner.mapCoordinate.northing",
2096 : "0.0"),
2097 : nullptr);
2098 0 : const double bl_x = CPLStrtod(
2099 : CPLGetXMLValue(psPos, "lowerLeftCorner.mapCoordinate.easting",
2100 : "0.0"),
2101 : nullptr);
2102 0 : const double bl_y = CPLStrtod(
2103 : CPLGetXMLValue(psPos, "lowerLeftCorner.mapCoordinate.northing",
2104 : "0.0"),
2105 : nullptr);
2106 0 : const double tr_x = CPLStrtod(
2107 : CPLGetXMLValue(psPos, "upperRightCorner.mapCoordinate.easting",
2108 : "0.0"),
2109 : nullptr);
2110 0 : const double tr_y = CPLStrtod(
2111 : CPLGetXMLValue(psPos, "upperRightCorner.mapCoordinate.northing",
2112 : "0.0"),
2113 : nullptr);
2114 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] = (tr_x - tl_x) / (poDS->nRasterXSize - 1);
2115 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] = (tr_y - tl_y) / (poDS->nRasterXSize - 1);
2116 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] = (bl_x - tl_x) / (poDS->nRasterYSize - 1);
2117 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] = (bl_y - tl_y) / (poDS->nRasterYSize - 1);
2118 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] = (tl_x - 0.5 * poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] -
2119 0 : 0.5 * poDS->adfGeoTransform[2]);
2120 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] = (tl_y - 0.5 * poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] -
2121 0 : 0.5 * poDS->adfGeoTransform[5]);
2122 :
2123 : /* Use bottom right pixel to test geotransform */
2124 0 : const double br_x = CPLStrtod(
2125 : CPLGetXMLValue(psPos, "lowerRightCorner.mapCoordinate.easting",
2126 : "0.0"),
2127 : nullptr);
2128 0 : const double br_y = CPLStrtod(
2129 : CPLGetXMLValue(psPos, "lowerRightCorner.mapCoordinate.northing",
2130 : "0.0"),
2131 : nullptr);
2132 : const double testx =
2133 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] +
2134 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] * (poDS->nRasterXSize - 0.5) +
2135 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] * (poDS->nRasterYSize - 0.5);
2136 : const double testy =
2137 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] +
2138 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] * (poDS->nRasterXSize - 0.5) +
2139 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] * (poDS->nRasterYSize - 0.5);
2140 :
2141 : /* Give 1/4 pixel numerical error leeway in calculating location
2142 : based on affine transform */
2143 0 : if ((fabs(testx - br_x) >
2144 0 : fabs(0.25 *
2145 0 : (poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] + poDS->adfGeoTransform[2]))) ||
2146 0 : (fabs(testy - br_y) > fabs(0.25 * (poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] +
2147 0 : poDS->adfGeoTransform[5]))))
2148 : {
2149 0 : CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
2150 : "WARNING: Unexpected error in calculating affine "
2151 : "transform: corner coordinates inconsistent.");
2152 : }
2153 : else
2154 : {
2155 0 : poDS->bHaveGeoTransform = TRUE;
2156 : }
2157 : }
2158 : }
2159 :
2160 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2161 : /* Collect Projection String Information.DONE */
2162 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2163 : CPLXMLNode *psEllipsoid =
2164 8 : CPLGetXMLNode(psImageReferenceAttributes,
2165 : "geographicInformation.ellipsoidParameters");
2166 :
2167 8 : if (psEllipsoid != nullptr)
2168 : {
2169 16 : OGRSpatialReference oLL, oPrj;
2170 :
2171 : const char *pszGeodeticTerrainHeight =
2172 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psEllipsoid, "geodeticTerrainHeight", "UNK");
2173 8 : poDS->SetMetadataItem("GEODETIC_TERRAIN_HEIGHT",
2174 8 : pszGeodeticTerrainHeight);
2175 :
2176 : const char *pszEllipsoidName =
2177 8 : CPLGetXMLValue(psEllipsoid, "ellipsoidName", "");
2178 : double minor_axis =
2179 8 : CPLAtof(CPLGetXMLValue(psEllipsoid, "semiMinorAxis", "0.0"));
2180 : double major_axis =
2181 8 : CPLAtof(CPLGetXMLValue(psEllipsoid, "semiMajorAxis", "0.0"));
2182 :
2183 8 : if (EQUAL(pszEllipsoidName, "") || (minor_axis == 0.0) ||
2184 : (major_axis == 0.0))
2185 : {
2186 0 : oLL.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84");
2187 0 : oPrj.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84");
2188 :
2189 0 : CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
2190 : "WARNING: Incomplete ellipsoid "
2191 : "information. Using wgs-84 parameters.");
2192 : }
2193 8 : else if (EQUAL(pszEllipsoidName, "WGS84") ||
2194 8 : EQUAL(pszEllipsoidName, "WGS 1984"))
2195 : {
2196 8 : oLL.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84");
2197 8 : oPrj.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84");
2198 : }
2199 : else
2200 : {
2201 0 : const double inv_flattening =
2202 0 : major_axis / (major_axis - minor_axis);
2203 0 : oLL.SetGeogCS("", "", pszEllipsoidName, major_axis, inv_flattening);
2204 0 : oPrj.SetGeogCS("", "", pszEllipsoidName, major_axis,
2205 : inv_flattening);
2206 : }
2207 :
2208 8 : if (psMapProjection != nullptr)
2209 : {
2210 : const char *pszProj =
2211 0 : CPLGetXMLValue(psMapProjection, "mapProjectionDescriptor", "");
2212 0 : bool bUseProjInfo = false;
2213 :
2214 : CPLXMLNode *psUtmParams =
2215 0 : CPLGetXMLNode(psMapProjection, "utmProjectionParameters");
2216 :
2217 : CPLXMLNode *psNspParams =
2218 0 : CPLGetXMLNode(psMapProjection, "nspProjectionParameters");
2219 :
2220 0 : if ((psUtmParams != nullptr) && poDS->bHaveGeoTransform)
2221 : {
2222 : /* double origEasting, origNorthing; */
2223 0 : bool bNorth = true;
2224 :
2225 : const int utmZone =
2226 0 : atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psUtmParams, "utmZone", ""));
2227 : const char *pszHemisphere =
2228 0 : CPLGetXMLValue(psUtmParams, "hemisphere", "");
2229 : #if 0
2230 : origEasting = CPLStrtod(CPLGetXMLValue(
2231 : psUtmParams, "mapOriginFalseEasting", "0.0"), nullptr);
2232 : origNorthing = CPLStrtod(CPLGetXMLValue(
2233 : psUtmParams, "mapOriginFalseNorthing", "0.0"), nullptr);
2234 : #endif
2235 0 : if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszHemisphere, "southern"))
2236 0 : bNorth = FALSE;
2237 :
2238 0 : if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszProj, "UTM"))
2239 : {
2240 0 : oPrj.SetUTM(utmZone, bNorth);
2241 0 : bUseProjInfo = true;
2242 : }
2243 : }
2244 0 : else if ((psNspParams != nullptr) && poDS->bHaveGeoTransform)
2245 : {
2246 0 : const double origEasting = CPLStrtod(
2247 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNspParams, "mapOriginFalseEasting", "0.0"),
2248 : nullptr);
2249 : const double origNorthing =
2250 0 : CPLStrtod(CPLGetXMLValue(psNspParams,
2251 : "mapOriginFalseNorthing", "0.0"),
2252 : nullptr);
2253 0 : const double copLong = CPLStrtod(
2254 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNspParams, "centerOfProjectionLongitude",
2255 : "0.0"),
2256 : nullptr);
2257 0 : const double copLat = CPLStrtod(
2258 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNspParams, "centerOfProjectionLatitude",
2259 : "0.0"),
2260 : nullptr);
2261 0 : const double sP1 = CPLStrtod(
2262 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNspParams, "standardParallels1", "0.0"),
2263 : nullptr);
2264 0 : const double sP2 = CPLStrtod(
2265 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNspParams, "standardParallels2", "0.0"),
2266 : nullptr);
2267 :
2268 0 : if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszProj, "ARC"))
2269 : {
2270 : /* Albers Conical Equal Area */
2271 0 : oPrj.SetACEA(sP1, sP2, copLat, copLong, origEasting,
2272 : origNorthing);
2273 0 : bUseProjInfo = true;
2274 : }
2275 0 : else if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszProj, "LCC"))
2276 : {
2277 : /* Lambert Conformal Conic */
2278 0 : oPrj.SetLCC(sP1, sP2, copLat, copLong, origEasting,
2279 : origNorthing);
2280 0 : bUseProjInfo = true;
2281 : }
2282 0 : else if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszProj, "STPL"))
2283 : {
2284 : /* State Plate
2285 : ASSUMPTIONS: "zone" in product.xml matches USGS
2286 : definition as expected by ogr spatial reference; NAD83
2287 : zones (versus NAD27) are assumed. */
2288 :
2289 : const int nSPZone =
2290 0 : atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psNspParams, "zone", "1"));
2291 :
2292 0 : oPrj.SetStatePlane(nSPZone, TRUE, nullptr, 0.0);
2293 0 : bUseProjInfo = true;
2294 : }
2295 : }
2296 :
2297 0 : if (bUseProjInfo)
2298 : {
2299 0 : poDS->m_oSRS = std::move(oPrj);
2300 : }
2301 : else
2302 : {
2303 0 : CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
2304 : "WARNING: Unable to interpret projection information; "
2305 : "check mapProjection info in product.xml!");
2306 : }
2307 : }
2308 :
2309 8 : poDS->m_oGCPSRS = std::move(oLL);
2310 : }
2311 :
2312 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2313 : /* Collect GCPs.DONE */
2314 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2315 8 : CPLXMLNode *psGeoGrid = CPLGetXMLNode(
2316 : psImageReferenceAttributes, "geographicInformation.geolocationGrid");
2317 :
2318 8 : if (psGeoGrid != nullptr)
2319 : {
2320 : /* count GCPs */
2321 8 : poDS->nGCPCount = 0;
2322 :
2323 136 : for (psNode = psGeoGrid->psChild; psNode != nullptr;
2324 128 : psNode = psNode->psNext)
2325 : {
2326 128 : if (EQUAL(psNode->pszValue, "imageTiePoint"))
2327 128 : poDS->nGCPCount++;
2328 : }
2329 :
2330 16 : poDS->pasGCPList = reinterpret_cast<GDAL_GCP *>(
2331 8 : CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDAL_GCP), poDS->nGCPCount));
2332 :
2333 8 : poDS->nGCPCount = 0;
2334 :
2335 136 : for (psNode = psGeoGrid->psChild; psNode != nullptr;
2336 128 : psNode = psNode->psNext)
2337 : {
2338 128 : GDAL_GCP *psGCP = poDS->pasGCPList + poDS->nGCPCount;
2339 :
2340 128 : if (!EQUAL(psNode->pszValue, "imageTiePoint"))
2341 0 : continue;
2342 :
2343 128 : poDS->nGCPCount++;
2344 :
2345 : char szID[32];
2346 128 : snprintf(szID, sizeof(szID), "%d", poDS->nGCPCount);
2347 128 : psGCP->pszId = CPLStrdup(szID);
2348 128 : psGCP->pszInfo = CPLStrdup("");
2349 128 : psGCP->dfGCPPixel =
2350 128 : CPLAtof(CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "imageCoordinate.pixel", "0"));
2351 128 : psGCP->dfGCPLine =
2352 128 : CPLAtof(CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "imageCoordinate.line", "0"));
2353 128 : psGCP->dfGCPX = CPLAtof(
2354 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "geodeticCoordinate.longitude", ""));
2355 128 : psGCP->dfGCPY = CPLAtof(
2356 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "geodeticCoordinate.latitude", ""));
2357 128 : psGCP->dfGCPZ = CPLAtof(
2358 : CPLGetXMLValue(psNode, "geodeticCoordinate.height", ""));
2359 : }
2360 : }
2361 :
2362 8 : if (pszBeta0LUT)
2363 8 : CPLFree(pszBeta0LUT);
2364 8 : if (pszSigma0LUT)
2365 8 : CPLFree(pszSigma0LUT);
2366 8 : if (pszGammaLUT)
2367 8 : CPLFree(pszGammaLUT);
2368 :
2369 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2370 : /* Collect RPC.DONE */
2371 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2372 8 : CPLXMLNode *psRationalFunctions = CPLGetXMLNode(
2373 : psImageReferenceAttributes, "geographicInformation.rationalFunctions");
2374 8 : if (psRationalFunctions != nullptr)
2375 : {
2376 8 : char **papszRPC = nullptr;
2377 : static const char *const apszXMLToGDALMapping[] = {
2378 : "biasError",
2379 : "ERR_BIAS",
2380 : "randomError",
2381 : "ERR_RAND",
2382 : //"lineFitQuality", "????",
2383 : //"pixelFitQuality", "????",
2384 : "lineOffset",
2385 : "LINE_OFF",
2386 : "pixelOffset",
2387 : "SAMP_OFF",
2388 : "latitudeOffset",
2389 : "LAT_OFF",
2390 : "longitudeOffset",
2391 : "LONG_OFF",
2392 : "heightOffset",
2393 : "HEIGHT_OFF",
2394 : "lineScale",
2395 : "LINE_SCALE",
2396 : "pixelScale",
2397 : "SAMP_SCALE",
2398 : "latitudeScale",
2399 : "LAT_SCALE",
2400 : "longitudeScale",
2401 : "LONG_SCALE",
2402 : "heightScale",
2403 : "HEIGHT_SCALE",
2404 : "lineNumeratorCoefficients",
2405 : "LINE_NUM_COEFF",
2406 : "lineDenominatorCoefficients",
2407 : "LINE_DEN_COEFF",
2408 : "pixelNumeratorCoefficients",
2409 : "SAMP_NUM_COEFF",
2410 : "pixelDenominatorCoefficients",
2411 : "SAMP_DEN_COEFF",
2412 : };
2413 136 : for (size_t i = 0; i < CPL_ARRAYSIZE(apszXMLToGDALMapping); i += 2)
2414 : {
2415 256 : const char *pszValue = CPLGetXMLValue(
2416 128 : psRationalFunctions, apszXMLToGDALMapping[i], nullptr);
2417 128 : if (pszValue)
2418 128 : papszRPC = CSLSetNameValue(
2419 128 : papszRPC, apszXMLToGDALMapping[i + 1], pszValue);
2420 : }
2421 8 : poDS->GDALDataset::SetMetadata(papszRPC, "RPC");
2422 8 : CSLDestroy(papszRPC);
2423 : }
2424 :
2425 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2426 : /* Initialize any PAM information. */
2427 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2428 16 : CPLString osDescription;
2429 16 : CPLString osSubdatasetName;
2430 8 : bool useSubdatasets = true;
2431 :
2432 8 : switch (eCalib)
2433 : {
2434 1 : case Sigma0:
2435 : {
2436 1 : osSubdatasetName = szSIGMA0;
2437 1 : osDescription = FormatCalibration(szSIGMA0, osMDFilename.c_str());
2438 : }
2439 1 : break;
2440 1 : case Beta0:
2441 : {
2442 1 : osSubdatasetName = szBETA0;
2443 1 : osDescription = FormatCalibration(szBETA0, osMDFilename.c_str());
2444 : }
2445 1 : break;
2446 1 : case Gamma:
2447 : {
2448 1 : osSubdatasetName = szGAMMA;
2449 1 : osDescription = FormatCalibration(szGAMMA, osMDFilename.c_str());
2450 : }
2451 1 : break;
2452 1 : case Uncalib:
2453 : {
2454 1 : osSubdatasetName = szUNCALIB;
2455 1 : osDescription = FormatCalibration(szUNCALIB, osMDFilename.c_str());
2456 : }
2457 1 : break;
2458 4 : default:
2459 4 : osSubdatasetName = szUNCALIB;
2460 4 : osDescription = osMDFilename;
2461 4 : useSubdatasets = false;
2462 : }
2463 :
2464 8 : CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(osSubdatasetName);
2465 :
2466 8 : if (eCalib != None)
2467 4 : poDS->papszExtraFiles =
2468 4 : CSLAddString(poDS->papszExtraFiles, osMDFilename);
2469 :
2470 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2471 : /* Initialize any PAM information. */
2472 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2473 8 : poDS->SetDescription(osDescription);
2474 :
2475 8 : poDS->SetPhysicalFilename(osMDFilename);
2476 8 : poDS->SetSubdatasetName(osDescription);
2477 :
2478 8 : poDS->TryLoadXML();
2479 :
2480 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2481 : /* Check for overviews. */
2482 : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2483 8 : if (useSubdatasets)
2484 4 : poDS->oOvManager.Initialize(poDS.get(), ":::VIRTUAL:::");
2485 : else
2486 4 : poDS->oOvManager.Initialize(poDS.get(), osMDFilename);
2487 :
2488 8 : return poDS.release();
2489 : }
2490 :
2491 : /************************************************************************/
2492 : /* GetGCPCount() */
2493 : /************************************************************************/
2494 :
2495 6 : int RCMDataset::GetGCPCount()
2496 :
2497 : {
2498 6 : return nGCPCount;
2499 : }
2500 :
2501 : /************************************************************************/
2502 : /* GetGCPSpatialRef() */
2503 : /************************************************************************/
2504 :
2505 1 : const OGRSpatialReference *RCMDataset::GetGCPSpatialRef() const
2506 :
2507 : {
2508 1 : return m_oGCPSRS.IsEmpty() || nGCPCount == 0 ? nullptr : &m_oGCPSRS;
2509 : }
2510 :
2511 : /************************************************************************/
2512 : /* GetGCPs() */
2513 : /************************************************************************/
2514 :
2515 5 : const GDAL_GCP *RCMDataset::GetGCPs()
2516 :
2517 : {
2518 5 : return pasGCPList;
2519 : }
2520 :
2521 : /************************************************************************/
2522 : /* GetSpatialRef() */
2523 : /************************************************************************/
2524 :
2525 0 : const OGRSpatialReference *RCMDataset::GetSpatialRef() const
2526 :
2527 : {
2528 0 : return m_oSRS.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : &m_oSRS;
2529 : }
2530 :
2531 : /************************************************************************/
2532 : /* GetGeoTransform() */
2533 : /************************************************************************/
2534 :
2535 0 : CPLErr RCMDataset::GetGeoTransform(double *padfTransform)
2536 :
2537 : {
2538 0 : memcpy(padfTransform, adfGeoTransform, sizeof(double) * 6);
2539 :
2540 0 : if (bHaveGeoTransform)
2541 : {
2542 0 : return CE_None;
2543 : }
2544 :
2545 0 : return CE_Failure;
2546 : }
2547 :
2548 : /************************************************************************/
2549 : /* GetMetadataDomainList() */
2550 : /************************************************************************/
2551 :
2552 0 : char **RCMDataset::GetMetadataDomainList()
2553 : {
2554 0 : return BuildMetadataDomainList(GDALDataset::GetMetadataDomainList(), TRUE,
2555 0 : "SUBDATASETS", nullptr);
2556 : }
2557 :
2558 : /************************************************************************/
2559 : /* GetMetadata() */
2560 : /************************************************************************/
2561 :
2562 2 : char **RCMDataset::GetMetadata(const char *pszDomain)
2563 :
2564 : {
2565 2 : if (pszDomain != nullptr && STARTS_WITH_CI(pszDomain, "SUBDATASETS") &&
2566 0 : papszSubDatasets != nullptr)
2567 0 : return papszSubDatasets;
2568 :
2569 2 : return GDALDataset::GetMetadata(pszDomain);
2570 : }
2571 :
2572 : /************************************************************************/
2573 : /* GDALRegister_RCM() */
2574 : /************************************************************************/
2575 :
2576 1667 : void GDALRegister_RCM()
2577 :
2578 : {
2579 1667 : if (GDALGetDriverByName("RCM") != nullptr)
2580 : {
2581 282 : return;
2582 : }
2583 :
2584 1385 : GDALDriver *poDriver = new GDALDriver();
2585 1385 : RCMDriverSetCommonMetadata(poDriver);
2586 :
2587 1385 : poDriver->pfnOpen = RCMDataset::Open;
2588 :
2589 1385 : GetGDALDriverManager()->RegisterDriver(poDriver);
2590 : }