Line data Source code
1 : /******************************************************************************
2 : *
3 : * Project: WMS Client Driver
4 : * Purpose: Implementation of Dataset and RasterBand classes for WMS
5 : * and other similar services.
6 : * Author: Adam Nowacki,
7 : *
8 : ******************************************************************************
9 : * Copyright (c) 2007, Adam Nowacki
10 : * Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at>
11 : * Copyright (c) 2016, Lucian Plesea
12 : *
13 : * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
14 : ****************************************************************************/
15 :
16 : #include "wmsdriver.h"
17 : #include <algorithm>
18 :
19 56 : static size_t WriteFunc(void *buffer, size_t count, size_t nmemb, void *req)
20 : {
21 56 : WMSHTTPRequest *psRequest = reinterpret_cast<WMSHTTPRequest *>(req);
22 56 : size_t size = count * nmemb;
23 :
24 56 : if (size == 0)
25 0 : return 0;
26 :
27 56 : const size_t required_size = psRequest->nDataLen + size + 1;
28 56 : if (required_size > psRequest->nDataAlloc)
29 : {
30 39 : size_t new_size = required_size * 2;
31 39 : if (new_size < 512)
32 0 : new_size = 512;
33 39 : psRequest->nDataAlloc = new_size;
34 : GByte *pabyNewData = reinterpret_cast<GByte *>(
35 39 : VSIRealloc(psRequest->pabyData, new_size));
36 39 : if (pabyNewData == nullptr)
37 : {
38 0 : VSIFree(psRequest->pabyData);
39 0 : psRequest->pabyData = nullptr;
40 : psRequest->Error.Printf(
41 : "Out of memory allocating %u bytes for HTTP data buffer.",
42 0 : static_cast<unsigned int>(new_size));
43 0 : psRequest->nDataAlloc = 0;
44 0 : psRequest->nDataLen = 0;
45 0 : return 0;
46 : }
47 39 : psRequest->pabyData = pabyNewData;
48 : }
49 56 : memcpy(psRequest->pabyData + psRequest->nDataLen, buffer, size);
50 56 : psRequest->nDataLen += size;
51 56 : psRequest->pabyData[psRequest->nDataLen] = 0;
52 56 : return nmemb;
53 : }
54 :
55 : // Process curl errors
56 33 : static void ProcessCurlErrors(CURLMsg *msg, WMSHTTPRequest *pasRequest,
57 : int nRequestCount)
58 : {
59 33 : CPLAssert(msg != nullptr);
60 33 : CPLAssert(msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE);
61 :
62 : // in case of local file error: update status code
63 33 : if (msg->data.result == CURLE_FILE_COULDNT_READ_FILE)
64 : {
65 : // identify current request
66 1 : for (int current_req_i = 0; current_req_i < nRequestCount;
67 : ++current_req_i)
68 : {
69 1 : WMSHTTPRequest *const psRequest = &pasRequest[current_req_i];
70 1 : if (psRequest->m_curl_handle != msg->easy_handle)
71 0 : continue;
72 :
73 : // sanity check for local files
74 1 : if (STARTS_WITH(psRequest->URL.c_str(), "file://"))
75 : {
76 1 : psRequest->nStatus = 404;
77 1 : break;
78 : }
79 : }
80 : }
81 33 : }
82 :
83 : // Builds a curl request
84 43 : void WMSHTTPInitializeRequest(WMSHTTPRequest *psRequest)
85 : {
86 43 : psRequest->nStatus = 0;
87 43 : psRequest->pabyData = nullptr;
88 43 : psRequest->nDataLen = 0;
89 43 : psRequest->nDataAlloc = 0;
90 :
91 43 : psRequest->m_curl_handle = curl_easy_init();
92 43 : if (psRequest->m_curl_handle == nullptr)
93 : {
94 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
95 : "CPLHTTPInitializeRequest(): Unable to create CURL handle.");
96 0 : return;
97 : }
98 :
99 43 : if (!psRequest->Range.empty())
100 : {
101 0 : CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(curl_easy_setopt(
102 : psRequest->m_curl_handle, CURLOPT_RANGE, psRequest->Range.c_str()));
103 : }
104 :
105 43 : CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(curl_easy_setopt(psRequest->m_curl_handle,
106 : CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, psRequest));
107 43 : CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(curl_easy_setopt(psRequest->m_curl_handle,
109 :
110 43 : psRequest->m_curl_error.resize(CURL_ERROR_SIZE + 1);
111 43 : CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(curl_easy_setopt(psRequest->m_curl_handle,
113 : &psRequest->m_curl_error[0]));
114 :
115 43 : psRequest->m_headers = static_cast<struct curl_slist *>(CPLHTTPSetOptions(
116 : psRequest->m_curl_handle, psRequest->URL.c_str(), psRequest->options));
117 43 : const char *pszAccept = CSLFetchNameValue(psRequest->options, "ACCEPT");
118 43 : if (pszAccept)
119 : {
120 2 : psRequest->m_headers = curl_slist_append(
121 : psRequest->m_headers, CPLSPrintf("Accept: %s", pszAccept));
122 : }
123 43 : if (psRequest->m_headers != nullptr)
124 : {
125 2 : CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(curl_easy_setopt(psRequest->m_curl_handle,
127 : psRequest->m_headers));
128 : }
129 : }
130 :
131 55 : WMSHTTPRequest::~WMSHTTPRequest()
132 : {
133 55 : if (m_curl_handle != nullptr)
134 43 : curl_easy_cleanup(m_curl_handle);
135 55 : if (m_headers != nullptr)
136 2 : curl_slist_free_all(m_headers);
137 55 : if (pabyData != nullptr)
138 37 : CPLFree(pabyData);
139 55 : }
140 :
141 : //
142 : // Like CPLHTTPFetch, but multiple requests in parallel
143 : // By default it uses 5 connections
144 : //
145 35 : CPLErr WMSHTTPFetchMulti(WMSHTTPRequest *pasRequest, int nRequestCount)
146 : {
147 35 : CPLErr ret = CE_None;
148 35 : CURLM *curl_multi = nullptr;
149 : int max_conn;
150 : int i, conn_i;
151 :
152 35 : CPLAssert(nRequestCount >= 0);
153 35 : if (nRequestCount == 0)
154 5 : return CE_None;
155 :
156 : const char *max_conn_opt =
157 30 : CSLFetchNameValue(const_cast<char **>(pasRequest->options), "MAXCONN");
158 30 : max_conn =
159 30 : (max_conn_opt == nullptr) ? 5 : MAX(1, MIN(atoi(max_conn_opt), 1000));
160 :
161 : // If the first url starts with vsimem, assume all do and defer to
162 : // CPLHTTPFetch
163 40 : if (STARTS_WITH(pasRequest[0].URL.c_str(), "/vsimem/") &&
164 : /* Disabled by default for potential security issues */
165 10 : CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("CPL_CURL_ENABLE_VSIMEM", "FALSE")))
166 : {
167 20 : for (i = 0; i < nRequestCount; i++)
168 : {
169 : CPLHTTPResult *psResult =
170 10 : CPLHTTPFetch(pasRequest[i].URL.c_str(),
171 10 : const_cast<char **>(pasRequest[i].options));
172 10 : pasRequest[i].pabyData = psResult->pabyData;
173 10 : pasRequest[i].nDataLen = psResult->nDataLen;
174 10 : pasRequest[i].Error =
175 10 : psResult->pszErrBuf ? psResult->pszErrBuf : "";
176 : // Conventions are different between this module and cpl_http...
177 10 : if (psResult->pszErrBuf != nullptr &&
178 1 : strcmp(psResult->pszErrBuf, "HTTP error code : 404") == 0)
179 1 : pasRequest[i].nStatus = 404;
180 : else
181 9 : pasRequest[i].nStatus = 200;
182 10 : pasRequest[i].ContentType =
183 10 : psResult->pszContentType ? psResult->pszContentType : "";
184 : // took ownership of content, we're done with the rest
185 10 : psResult->pabyData = nullptr;
186 10 : psResult->nDataLen = 0;
187 10 : CPLHTTPDestroyResult(psResult);
188 : }
189 10 : return CE_None;
190 : }
191 :
192 20 : curl_multi = curl_multi_init();
193 20 : if (curl_multi == nullptr)
194 : {
195 0 : CPLError(CE_Fatal, CPLE_AppDefined,
196 : "CPLHTTPFetchMulti(): Unable to create CURL multi-handle.");
197 : }
198 :
199 : // add at most max_conn requests
200 20 : int torun = std::min(nRequestCount, max_conn);
201 49 : for (conn_i = 0; conn_i < torun; ++conn_i)
202 : {
203 29 : WMSHTTPRequest *const psRequest = &pasRequest[conn_i];
204 29 : CPLDebug("HTTP", "Requesting [%d/%d] %s", conn_i + 1, nRequestCount,
205 29 : pasRequest[conn_i].URL.c_str());
206 29 : curl_multi_add_handle(curl_multi, psRequest->m_curl_handle);
207 : }
208 :
209 20 : void *old_handler = CPLHTTPIgnoreSigPipe();
210 : int still_running;
211 311 : do
212 : {
213 : CURLMcode mc;
214 0 : do
215 : {
216 331 : mc = curl_multi_perform(curl_multi, &still_running);
217 331 : } while (CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM == mc);
218 :
219 : // Pick up messages, clean up the completed ones, add more
220 331 : int msgs_in_queue = 0;
221 1 : do
222 : {
223 332 : CURLMsg *m = curl_multi_info_read(curl_multi, &msgs_in_queue);
224 332 : if (m && (m->msg == CURLMSG_DONE))
225 : {
226 33 : ProcessCurlErrors(m, pasRequest, nRequestCount);
227 :
228 33 : curl_multi_remove_handle(curl_multi, m->easy_handle);
229 33 : if (conn_i < nRequestCount)
230 : {
231 4 : auto psRequest = &pasRequest[conn_i];
232 4 : CPLDebug("HTTP", "Requesting [%d/%d] %s", conn_i + 1,
233 4 : nRequestCount, pasRequest[conn_i].URL.c_str());
234 4 : curl_multi_add_handle(curl_multi, psRequest->m_curl_handle);
235 4 : ++conn_i;
236 4 : still_running = 1; // Still have request pending
237 : }
238 : }
239 332 : } while (msgs_in_queue);
240 :
241 331 : if (CURLM_OK == mc)
242 : {
243 : int numfds;
244 331 : curl_multi_wait(curl_multi, nullptr, 0, 100, &numfds);
245 : }
246 331 : } while (still_running || conn_i != nRequestCount);
247 :
248 : // process any message still in queue
249 : CURLMsg *msg;
250 : int msgs_in_queue;
251 0 : do
252 : {
253 20 : msg = curl_multi_info_read(curl_multi, &msgs_in_queue);
254 20 : if (msg != nullptr)
255 : {
256 0 : if (msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE)
257 : {
258 0 : ProcessCurlErrors(msg, pasRequest, nRequestCount);
259 : }
260 : }
261 20 : } while (msg != nullptr);
262 :
263 20 : CPLHTTPRestoreSigPipeHandler(old_handler);
264 :
265 20 : if (conn_i != nRequestCount)
266 : { // something gone really really wrong
267 : // oddly built libcurl or perhaps absence of network interface
268 0 : CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
269 : "WMSHTTPFetchMulti(): conn_i != nRequestCount, this should "
270 : "never happen ...");
271 0 : nRequestCount = conn_i;
272 0 : ret = CE_Failure;
273 : }
274 :
275 53 : for (i = 0; i < nRequestCount; ++i)
276 : {
277 33 : WMSHTTPRequest *const psRequest = &pasRequest[i];
278 :
279 : long response_code;
280 33 : curl_easy_getinfo(psRequest->m_curl_handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE,
281 : &response_code);
282 : // for local files, don't update the status code if one is already set
283 34 : if (!(psRequest->nStatus != 0 &&
284 1 : STARTS_WITH(psRequest->URL.c_str(), "file://")))
285 32 : psRequest->nStatus = static_cast<int>(response_code);
286 :
287 33 : char *content_type = nullptr;
288 33 : curl_easy_getinfo(psRequest->m_curl_handle, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE,
289 : &content_type);
290 33 : psRequest->ContentType = content_type ? content_type : "";
291 :
292 33 : if (psRequest->Error.empty())
293 33 : psRequest->Error = &psRequest->m_curl_error[0];
294 :
295 : /* In the case of a file:// URL, curl will return a status == 0, so if
296 : * there's no */
297 : /* error returned, patch the status code to be 200, as it would be for
298 : * http:// */
299 33 : if (psRequest->nStatus == 0 && psRequest->Error.empty() &&
300 0 : STARTS_WITH(psRequest->URL.c_str(), "file://"))
301 0 : psRequest->nStatus = 200;
302 :
303 : // If there is an error with no error message, use the content if it is
304 : // text
305 64 : if (psRequest->Error.empty() && psRequest->nStatus != 0 &&
306 31 : psRequest->nStatus != 200 &&
307 64 : strstr(psRequest->ContentType, "text") &&
308 0 : psRequest->pabyData != nullptr)
309 : psRequest->Error =
310 0 : reinterpret_cast<const char *>(psRequest->pabyData);
311 :
312 64 : CPLDebug(
313 : "HTTP", "Request [%d] %s : status = %d, type = %s, error = %s", i,
314 : psRequest->URL.c_str(), psRequest->nStatus,
315 33 : !psRequest->ContentType.empty() ? psRequest->ContentType.c_str()
316 : : "(null)",
317 33 : !psRequest->Error.empty() ? psRequest->Error.c_str() : "(null)");
318 :
319 33 : curl_multi_remove_handle(curl_multi, pasRequest->m_curl_handle);
320 : }
321 :
322 20 : curl_multi_cleanup(curl_multi);
323 :
324 20 : return ret;
325 : }