LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - ogr - ogr_fromepsg.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 86 108 79.6 %
Date: 2025-03-28 11:40:40 Functions: 6 6 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  *
       3             :  * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
       4             :  * Purpose:  Generate an OGRSpatialReference object based on an EPSG
       5             :  *           PROJCS, or GEOGCS code.
       6             :  * Author:   Frank Warmerdam,
       7             :  *
       8             :  ******************************************************************************
       9             :  * Copyright (c) 2000, Frank Warmerdam
      10             :  * Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at>
      11             :  *
      12             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      13             :  ****************************************************************************/
      14             : 
      15             : #include "cpl_port.h"
      16             : #include "ogr_srs_api.h"
      17             : 
      18             : #include <cctype>
      19             : 
      20             : #include <cmath>
      21             : #include <cstddef>
      22             : #include <cstdio>
      23             : #include <cstring>
      24             : #include <cstdlib>
      25             : #include <map>
      26             : #include <memory>
      27             : #include <string>
      28             : #include <vector>
      29             : #include <limits>
      30             : 
      31             : #include "cpl_conv.h"
      32             : #include "cpl_csv.h"
      33             : #include "cpl_error.h"
      34             : #include "cpl_multiproc.h"
      35             : #include "cpl_string.h"
      36             : #include "ogr_core.h"
      37             : #include "ogr_p.h"
      38             : #include "ogr_proj_p.h"
      39             : #include "ogr_spatialref.h"
      40             : 
      41             : #include "proj.h"
      42             : 
      43             : extern void OGRsnPrintDouble(char *pszStrBuf, size_t size, double dfValue);
      44             : 
      45             : /************************************************************************/
      46             : /*                         OSRGetEllipsoidInfo()                        */
      47             : /************************************************************************/
      48             : 
      49             : /**
      50             :  * Fetch info about an ellipsoid.
      51             :  *
      52             :  * This helper function will return ellipsoid parameters corresponding to EPSG
      53             :  * code provided. Axes are always returned in meters.  Semi major computed
      54             :  * based on inverse flattening where that is provided.
      55             :  *
      56             :  * @param nCode EPSG code of the requested ellipsoid
      57             :  *
      58             :  * @param ppszName pointer to string where ellipsoid name will be returned. It
      59             :  * is caller responsibility to free this string after using with CPLFree().
      60             :  *
      61             :  * @param pdfSemiMajor pointer to variable where semi major axis will be
      62             :  * returned.
      63             :  *
      64             :  * @param pdfInvFlattening pointer to variable where inverse flattening will
      65             :  * be returned.
      66             :  *
      67             :  * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code in case of failure.
      68             :  **/
      69             : 
      70         230 : OGRErr OSRGetEllipsoidInfo(int nCode, char **ppszName, double *pdfSemiMajor,
      71             :                            double *pdfInvFlattening)
      72             : 
      73             : {
      74         460 :     CPLString osCode;
      75         230 :     osCode.Printf("%d", nCode);
      76         230 :     auto ellipsoid = proj_create_from_database(
      77             :         OSRGetProjTLSContext(), "EPSG", osCode.c_str(), PJ_CATEGORY_ELLIPSOID,
      78             :         false, nullptr);
      79         230 :     if (!ellipsoid)
      80             :     {
      81           0 :         return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS;
      82             :     }
      83             : 
      84         230 :     if (ppszName)
      85             :     {
      86          47 :         *ppszName = CPLStrdup(proj_get_name(ellipsoid));
      87             :     }
      88         230 :     proj_ellipsoid_get_parameters(OSRGetProjTLSContext(), ellipsoid,
      89             :                                   pdfSemiMajor, nullptr, nullptr,
      90             :                                   pdfInvFlattening);
      91         230 :     proj_destroy(ellipsoid);
      92             : 
      93         230 :     return OGRERR_NONE;
      94             : }
      95             : 
      96             : /************************************************************************/
      97             : /*                           SetStatePlane()                            */
      98             : /************************************************************************/
      99             : 
     100             : /**
     101             :  * \brief Set State Plane projection definition.
     102             :  *
     103             :  * This will attempt to generate a complete definition of a state plane
     104             :  * zone based on generating the entire SRS from the EPSG tables.  If the
     105             :  * EPSG tables are unavailable, it will produce a stubbed LOCAL_CS definition
     106             :  * and return OGRERR_FAILURE.
     107             :  *
     108             :  * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetStatePlaneWithUnits().
     109             :  *
     110             :  * @param nZone State plane zone number, in the USGS numbering scheme (as
     111             :  * distinct from the Arc/Info and Erdas numbering scheme.
     112             :  *
     113             :  * @param bNAD83 TRUE if the NAD83 zone definition should be used or FALSE
     114             :  * if the NAD27 zone definition should be used.
     115             :  *
     116             :  * @param pszOverrideUnitName Linear unit name to apply overriding the
     117             :  * legal definition for this zone.
     118             :  *
     119             :  * @param dfOverrideUnit Linear unit conversion factor to apply overriding
     120             :  * the legal definition for this zone.
     121             :  *
     122             :  * @return OGRERR_NONE on success, or OGRERR_FAILURE on failure, mostly likely
     123             :  * due to the EPSG tables not being accessible.
     124             :  */
     125             : 
     126          10 : OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetStatePlane(int nZone, int bNAD83,
     127             :                                           const char *pszOverrideUnitName,
     128             :                                           double dfOverrideUnit)
     129             : 
     130             : {
     131             : 
     132             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     133             :     /*      Get the index id from stateplane.csv.                           */
     134             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     135             : 
     136          10 :     if (!bNAD83 && nZone > INT_MAX - 10000)
     137           0 :         return OGRERR_FAILURE;
     138             : 
     139          10 :     const int nAdjustedId = bNAD83 ? nZone : nZone + 10000;
     140             : 
     141             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     142             :     /*      Turn this into a PCS code.  We assume there will only be one    */
     143             :     /*      PCS corresponding to each Proj_ code since the proj code        */
     144             :     /*      already effectively indicates NAD27 or NAD83.                   */
     145             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     146          10 :     char szID[32] = {};
     147          10 :     snprintf(szID, sizeof(szID), "%d", nAdjustedId);
     148          10 :     const int nPCSCode = atoi(CSVGetField(CSVFilename("stateplane.csv"), "ID",
     149             :                                           szID, CC_Integer, "EPSG_PCS_CODE"));
     150          10 :     if (nPCSCode < 1)
     151             :     {
     152             :         static bool bFailureReported = false;
     153             : 
     154           0 :         if (!bFailureReported)
     155             :         {
     156           0 :             bFailureReported = true;
     157           0 :             CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_OpenFailed,
     158             :                      "Unable to find state plane zone in stateplane.csv, "
     159             :                      "likely because the GDAL data files cannot be found.  "
     160             :                      "Using incomplete definition of state plane zone.");
     161             :         }
     162             : 
     163           0 :         Clear();
     164           0 :         if (bNAD83)
     165             :         {
     166           0 :             char szName[128] = {};
     167           0 :             snprintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "State Plane Zone %d / NAD83",
     168             :                      nZone);
     169           0 :             SetLocalCS(szName);
     170           0 :             SetLinearUnits(SRS_UL_METER, 1.0);
     171             :         }
     172             :         else
     173             :         {
     174           0 :             char szName[128] = {};
     175           0 :             snprintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "State Plane Zone %d / NAD27",
     176             :                      nZone);
     177           0 :             SetLocalCS(szName);
     178           0 :             SetLinearUnits(SRS_UL_US_FOOT, CPLAtof(SRS_UL_US_FOOT_CONV));
     179             :         }
     180             : 
     181           0 :         return OGRERR_FAILURE;
     182             :     }
     183             : 
     184             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     185             :     /*      Define based on a full EPSG definition of the zone.             */
     186             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     187          10 :     OGRErr eErr = importFromEPSG(nPCSCode);
     188             : 
     189          10 :     if (eErr != OGRERR_NONE)
     190           0 :         return eErr;
     191             : 
     192             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     193             :     /*      Apply units override if required.                               */
     194             :     /*                                                                      */
     195             :     /*      We will need to adjust the linear projection parameter to       */
     196             :     /*      match the provided units, and clear the authority code.         */
     197             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     198          14 :     if (pszOverrideUnitName != nullptr && dfOverrideUnit != 0.0 &&
     199           4 :         fabs(dfOverrideUnit - GetLinearUnits()) > 0.0000000001)
     200             :     {
     201           2 :         const double dfFalseEasting = GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING);
     202           2 :         const double dfFalseNorthing = GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING);
     203             : 
     204           2 :         SetLinearUnits(pszOverrideUnitName, dfOverrideUnit);
     205             : 
     206           2 :         SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting);
     207           2 :         SetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing);
     208             : 
     209           2 :         OGR_SRSNode *const poPROJCS = GetAttrNode("PROJCS");
     210           2 :         if (poPROJCS != nullptr && poPROJCS->FindChild("AUTHORITY") != -1)
     211             :         {
     212           0 :             poPROJCS->DestroyChild(poPROJCS->FindChild("AUTHORITY"));
     213             :         }
     214             :     }
     215             : 
     216          10 :     return OGRERR_NONE;
     217             : }
     218             : 
     219             : /************************************************************************/
     220             : /*                          OSRSetStatePlane()                          */
     221             : /************************************************************************/
     222             : 
     223             : /**
     224             :  * \brief Set State Plane projection definition.
     225             :  *
     226             :  * This function is the same as OGRSpatialReference::SetStatePlane().
     227             :  */
     228             : 
     229           1 : OGRErr OSRSetStatePlane(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int nZone, int bNAD83)
     230             : 
     231             : {
     232           1 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hSRS, "OSRSetStatePlane", OGRERR_FAILURE);
     233             : 
     234           1 :     return reinterpret_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(hSRS)->SetStatePlane(nZone,
     235           1 :                                                                         bNAD83);
     236             : }
     237             : 
     238             : /************************************************************************/
     239             : /*                     OSRSetStatePlaneWithUnits()                      */
     240             : /************************************************************************/
     241             : 
     242             : /**
     243             :  * \brief Set State Plane projection definition.
     244             :  *
     245             :  * This function is the same as OGRSpatialReference::SetStatePlane().
     246             :  */
     247             : 
     248           3 : OGRErr OSRSetStatePlaneWithUnits(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int nZone,
     249             :                                  int bNAD83, const char *pszOverrideUnitName,
     250             :                                  double dfOverrideUnit)
     251             : 
     252             : {
     253           3 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hSRS, "OSRSetStatePlaneWithUnits", OGRERR_FAILURE);
     254             : 
     255           3 :     return reinterpret_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(hSRS)->SetStatePlane(
     256           3 :         nZone, bNAD83, pszOverrideUnitName, dfOverrideUnit);
     257             : }
     258             : 
     259             : /************************************************************************/
     260             : /*                          AutoIdentifyEPSG()                          */
     261             : /************************************************************************/
     262             : 
     263             : /**
     264             :  * \brief Set EPSG authority info if possible.
     265             :  *
     266             :  * This method inspects a WKT definition, and adds EPSG authority nodes
     267             :  * where an aspect of the coordinate system can be easily and safely
     268             :  * corresponded with an EPSG identifier.  In practice, this method will
     269             :  * evolve over time.  In theory it can add authority nodes for any object
     270             :  * (i.e. spheroid, datum, GEOGCS, units, and PROJCS) that could have an
     271             :  * authority node.  Mostly this is useful to inserting appropriate
     272             :  * PROJCS codes for common formulations (like UTM n WGS84).
     273             :  *
     274             :  * If it success the OGRSpatialReference is updated in place, and the
     275             :  * method return OGRERR_NONE.  If the method fails to identify the
     276             :  * general coordinate system OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS is returned but no
     277             :  * error message is posted via CPLError().
     278             :  *
     279             :  * This method is the same as the C function OSRAutoIdentifyEPSG().
     280             :  *
     281             :  * Since GDAL 2.3, the FindMatches() method can also be used for improved
     282             :  * matching by researching the EPSG catalog.
     283             :  *
     284             :  * @return OGRERR_NONE or OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS.
     285             :  *
     286             :  * @see OGRSpatialReference::FindBestMatch()
     287             :  */
     288             : 
     289         331 : OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::AutoIdentifyEPSG()
     290             : 
     291             : {
     292             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     293             :     /*      Do we have a GEOGCS node, but no authority?  If so, try         */
     294             :     /*      guessing it.                                                    */
     295             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     296         440 :     if ((IsProjected() || IsGeographic()) &&
     297         596 :         GetAuthorityCode("GEOGCS") == nullptr &&
     298         156 :         GetAttrValue("PROJCRS|BASEGEOGCRS|ID") == nullptr)
     299             :     {
     300         154 :         const int nGCS = GetEPSGGeogCS();
     301         154 :         if (nGCS != -1)
     302          46 :             SetAuthority("GEOGCS", "EPSG", nGCS);
     303             :     }
     304             : 
     305         331 :     if (IsProjected() && GetAuthorityCode("PROJCS") == nullptr)
     306             :     {
     307         201 :         const char *pszProjection = GetAttrValue("PROJECTION");
     308             : 
     309             :         /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     310             :          */
     311             :         /*      Is this a UTM coordinate system with a common GEOGCS? */
     312             :         /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     313             :          */
     314         201 :         int nZone = 0;
     315         201 :         int bNorth = FALSE;
     316         201 :         if ((nZone = GetUTMZone(&bNorth)) != 0)
     317             :         {
     318         114 :             const char *pszAuthName = GetAuthorityName("PROJCS|GEOGCS");
     319         114 :             const char *pszAuthCode = GetAuthorityCode("PROJCS|GEOGCS");
     320             : 
     321         114 :             if (pszAuthName == nullptr || pszAuthCode == nullptr)
     322             :             {
     323             :                 // Don't exactly recognise datum.
     324             :             }
     325          99 :             else if (EQUAL(pszAuthName, "EPSG") && atoi(pszAuthCode) == 4326)
     326             :             {
     327             :                 // WGS84
     328           8 :                 if (bNorth)
     329           8 :                     SetAuthority("PROJCS", "EPSG", 32600 + nZone);
     330             :                 else
     331           0 :                     SetAuthority("PROJCS", "EPSG", 32700 + nZone);
     332             :             }
     333          91 :             else if (EQUAL(pszAuthName, "EPSG") && atoi(pszAuthCode) == 4267 &&
     334          88 :                      nZone >= 3 && nZone <= 22 && bNorth)
     335             :             {
     336          88 :                 SetAuthority("PROJCS", "EPSG", 26700 + nZone);  // NAD27
     337             :             }
     338           3 :             else if (EQUAL(pszAuthName, "EPSG") && atoi(pszAuthCode) == 4269 &&
     339           1 :                      nZone >= 3 && nZone <= 23 && bNorth)
     340             :             {
     341           1 :                 SetAuthority("PROJCS", "EPSG", 26900 + nZone);  // NAD83
     342             :             }
     343           2 :             else if (EQUAL(pszAuthName, "EPSG") && atoi(pszAuthCode) == 4322)
     344             :             {  // WGS72
     345           0 :                 if (bNorth)
     346           0 :                     SetAuthority("PROJCS", "EPSG", 32200 + nZone);
     347             :                 else
     348           0 :                     SetAuthority("PROJCS", "EPSG", 32300 + nZone);
     349             :             }
     350             :         }
     351             : 
     352             :         /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     353             :          */
     354             :         /*      Is this a Polar Stereographic system on WGS 84 ? */
     355             :         /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
     356             :          */
     357          87 :         else if (pszProjection != nullptr &&
     358          87 :                  EQUAL(pszProjection, SRS_PT_POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC))
     359             :         {
     360           4 :             const char *pszAuthName = GetAuthorityName("PROJCS|GEOGCS");
     361           4 :             const char *pszAuthCode = GetAuthorityCode("PROJCS|GEOGCS");
     362             :             const double dfLatOrigin =
     363           4 :                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 0.0);
     364             : 
     365           4 :             if (pszAuthName != nullptr && EQUAL(pszAuthName, "EPSG") &&
     366           4 :                 pszAuthCode != nullptr && atoi(pszAuthCode) == 4326 &&
     367           4 :                 fabs(fabs(dfLatOrigin) - 71.0) < 1e-15 &&
     368           3 :                 fabs(GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, 0.0)) < 1e-15 &&
     369           3 :                 fabs(GetProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, 1.0) - 1.0) < 1e-15 &&
     370           3 :                 fabs(GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 0.0)) < 1e-15 &&
     371          11 :                 fabs(GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 0.0)) < 1e-15 &&
     372           3 :                 fabs(GetLinearUnits() - 1.0) < 1e-15)
     373             :             {
     374           3 :                 if (dfLatOrigin > 0)
     375             :                     // Arctic Polar Stereographic
     376           1 :                     SetAuthority("PROJCS", "EPSG", 3995);
     377             :                 else
     378             :                     // Antarctic Polar Stereographic
     379           2 :                     SetAuthority("PROJCS", "EPSG", 3031);
     380             :             }
     381             :         }
     382             :     }
     383             : 
     384             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     385             :     /*      Return.                                                         */
     386             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     387         331 :     if (IsProjected() && GetAuthorityCode("PROJCS") != nullptr)
     388         121 :         return OGRERR_NONE;
     389             : 
     390         210 :     if (IsGeographic() && GetAuthorityCode("GEOGCS") != nullptr)
     391          33 :         return OGRERR_NONE;
     392             : 
     393         177 :     return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS;
     394             : }
     395             : 
     396             : /************************************************************************/
     397             : /*                        OSRAutoIdentifyEPSG()                         */
     398             : /************************************************************************/
     399             : 
     400             : /**
     401             :  * \brief Set EPSG authority info if possible.
     402             :  *
     403             :  * This function is the same as OGRSpatialReference::AutoIdentifyEPSG().
     404             :  *
     405             :  * Since GDAL 2.3, the OSRFindMatches() function can also be used for improved
     406             :  * matching by researching the EPSG catalog.
     407             :  *
     408             :  */
     409             : 
     410           5 : OGRErr OSRAutoIdentifyEPSG(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS)
     411             : 
     412             : {
     413           5 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hSRS, "OSRAutoIdentifyEPSG", OGRERR_FAILURE);
     414             : 
     415           5 :     return reinterpret_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(hSRS)->AutoIdentifyEPSG();
     416             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14