LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - ogr - ogrct.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1060 1407 75.3 %
Date: 2025-03-28 11:40:40 Functions: 77 85 90.6 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  *
       3             :  * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
       4             :  * Purpose:  The OGRSCoordinateTransformation class.
       5             :  * Author:   Frank Warmerdam,
       6             :  *
       7             :  ******************************************************************************
       8             :  * Copyright (c) 2000, Frank Warmerdam
       9             :  * Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at>
      10             :  *
      11             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      12             :  ****************************************************************************/
      13             : 
      14             : #include "cpl_port.h"
      15             : #include "ogr_spatialref.h"
      16             : 
      17             : #include <algorithm>
      18             : #include <cassert>
      19             : #include <cmath>
      20             : #include <cstring>
      21             : #include <limits>
      22             : #include <list>
      23             : #include <mutex>
      24             : 
      25             : #include "cpl_conv.h"
      26             : #include "cpl_error.h"
      27             : #include "cpl_mem_cache.h"
      28             : #include "cpl_string.h"
      29             : #include "ogr_core.h"
      30             : #include "ogr_srs_api.h"
      31             : #include "ogr_proj_p.h"
      32             : 
      33             : #include "proj.h"
      34             : #include "proj_experimental.h"
      35             : 
      36             : #ifdef DEBUG_PERF
      37             : static double g_dfTotalTimeCRStoCRS = 0;
      38             : static double g_dfTotalTimeReprojection = 0;
      39             : 
      40             : /************************************************************************/
      41             : /*                        CPLGettimeofday()                             */
      42             : /************************************************************************/
      43             : 
      44             : #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
      45             : #include <sys/timeb.h>
      46             : 
      47             : namespace
      48             : {
      49             : struct CPLTimeVal
      50             : {
      51             :     time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
      52             :     long tv_usec;  /* and microseconds */
      53             : };
      54             : }  // namespace
      55             : 
      56             : static void CPLGettimeofday(struct CPLTimeVal *tp, void * /* timezonep*/)
      57             : {
      58             :     struct _timeb theTime;
      59             : 
      60             :     _ftime(&theTime);
      61             :     tp->tv_sec = static_cast<time_t>(theTime.time);
      62             :     tp->tv_usec = theTime.millitm * 1000;
      63             : }
      64             : #else
      65             : #include <sys/time.h> /* for gettimeofday() */
      66             : #define CPLTimeVal timeval
      67             : #define CPLGettimeofday(t, u) gettimeofday(t, u)
      68             : #endif
      69             : 
      70             : #endif  // DEBUG_PERF
      71             : 
      72             : // Cache of OGRProjCT objects
      73             : static std::mutex g_oCTCacheMutex;
      74             : class OGRProjCT;
      75             : typedef std::string CTCacheKey;
      76             : typedef std::unique_ptr<OGRProjCT> CTCacheValue;
      77             : static lru11::Cache<CTCacheKey, CTCacheValue> *g_poCTCache = nullptr;
      78             : 
      79             : /************************************************************************/
      80             : /*             OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::Private              */
      81             : /************************************************************************/
      82             : 
      83        3242 : struct OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::Private
      84             : {
      85             :     bool bHasAreaOfInterest = false;
      86             :     double dfWestLongitudeDeg = 0.0;
      87             :     double dfSouthLatitudeDeg = 0.0;
      88             :     double dfEastLongitudeDeg = 0.0;
      89             :     double dfNorthLatitudeDeg = 0.0;
      90             : 
      91             :     CPLString osCoordOperation{};
      92             :     bool bReverseCO = false;
      93             : 
      94             :     bool bAllowBallpark = true;
      95             :     double dfAccuracy = -1;  // no constraint
      96             : 
      97             :     bool bOnlyBest = false;
      98             :     bool bOnlyBestOptionSet = false;
      99             : 
     100             :     bool bHasSourceCenterLong = false;
     101             :     double dfSourceCenterLong = 0.0;
     102             : 
     103             :     bool bHasTargetCenterLong = false;
     104             :     double dfTargetCenterLong = 0.0;
     105             : 
     106             :     bool bCheckWithInvertProj = false;
     107             : 
     108             :     Private();
     109        1163 :     Private(const Private &) = default;
     110             :     Private(Private &&) = default;
     111             :     Private &operator=(const Private &) = default;
     112             :     Private &operator=(Private &&) = default;
     113             : 
     114             :     std::string GetKey() const;
     115             :     void RefreshCheckWithInvertProj();
     116             : };
     117             : 
     118             : /************************************************************************/
     119             : /*                              Private()                               */
     120             : /************************************************************************/
     121             : 
     122        6990 : OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::Private::Private()
     123             : {
     124        6990 :     RefreshCheckWithInvertProj();
     125        6990 : }
     126             : 
     127             : /************************************************************************/
     128             : /*                              GetKey()                                */
     129             : /************************************************************************/
     130             : 
     131        6546 : std::string OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::Private::GetKey() const
     132             : {
     133        6546 :     std::string ret;
     134        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(static_cast<int>(bHasAreaOfInterest));
     135        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(dfWestLongitudeDeg);
     136        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(dfSouthLatitudeDeg);
     137        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(dfEastLongitudeDeg);
     138        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(dfNorthLatitudeDeg);
     139        6546 :     ret += osCoordOperation;
     140        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(static_cast<int>(bReverseCO));
     141        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(static_cast<int>(bAllowBallpark));
     142        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(dfAccuracy);
     143        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(static_cast<int>(bOnlyBestOptionSet));
     144        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(static_cast<int>(bOnlyBest));
     145        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(static_cast<int>(bHasSourceCenterLong));
     146        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(dfSourceCenterLong);
     147        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(static_cast<int>(bHasTargetCenterLong));
     148        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(dfTargetCenterLong);
     149        6546 :     ret += std::to_string(static_cast<int>(bCheckWithInvertProj));
     150        6546 :     return ret;
     151             : }
     152             : 
     153             : /************************************************************************/
     154             : /*                       RefreshCheckWithInvertProj()                   */
     155             : /************************************************************************/
     156             : 
     157        8118 : void OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::Private::RefreshCheckWithInvertProj()
     158             : {
     159        8118 :     bCheckWithInvertProj =
     160        8118 :         CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ", "NO"));
     161        8118 : }
     162             : 
     163             : /************************************************************************/
     164             : /*                       GetAsAProjRecognizableString()                 */
     165             : /************************************************************************/
     166             : 
     167        1985 : static char *GetAsAProjRecognizableString(const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS)
     168             : {
     169        1985 :     CPLErrorStateBackuper oErrorStateBackuper(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
     170             :     // If there's a PROJ4 EXTENSION node in WKT1, then use
     171             :     // it. For example when dealing with "+proj=longlat +lon_wrap=180"
     172        1985 :     char *pszText = nullptr;
     173        1985 :     if (poSRS->GetExtension(nullptr, "PROJ4", nullptr))
     174             :     {
     175          15 :         poSRS->exportToProj4(&pszText);
     176          15 :         if (strstr(pszText, " +type=crs") == nullptr)
     177             :         {
     178          30 :             auto tmpText = std::string(pszText) + " +type=crs";
     179          15 :             CPLFree(pszText);
     180          15 :             pszText = CPLStrdup(tmpText.c_str());
     181             :         }
     182             :     }
     183        1970 :     else if (poSRS->IsEmpty())
     184             :     {
     185           1 :         pszText = CPLStrdup("");
     186             :     }
     187             :     else
     188             :     {
     189             :         // We export to PROJJSON rather than WKT2:2019 because PROJJSON
     190             :         // is a bit more verbose, which helps in situations like
     191             :         // /
     192             :         // where we want to export
     193             :         // a DerivedProjectedCRS whose base ProjectedCRS has non-metre axis.
     194        1969 :         poSRS->exportToPROJJSON(&pszText, nullptr);
     195             :     }
     196             : 
     197        3970 :     return pszText;
     198             : }
     199             : 
     200             : /************************************************************************/
     201             : /*                        GetTextRepresentation()                       */
     202             : /************************************************************************/
     203             : 
     204        7487 : static char *GetTextRepresentation(const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS)
     205             : {
     206        5504 :     const auto CanUseAuthorityDef = [](const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS1,
     207             :                                        OGRSpatialReference *poSRSFromAuth,
     208             :                                        const char *pszAuth)
     209             :     {
     210       10984 :         if (EQUAL(pszAuth, "EPSG") &&
     211        5480 :             CPLTestBool(
     212             :                 CPLGetConfigOption("OSR_CT_USE_DEFAULT_EPSG_TOWGS84", "NO")))
     213             :         {
     214             :             // We don't want by default to honour 'default' TOWGS84 terms that
     215             :             // come with the EPSG code because there might be a better
     216             :             // transformation from that Typical case if EPSG:31468 "DHDN /
     217             :             // 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 4" where the DHDN->TOWGS84
     218             :             // transformation can use the BETA2007.gsb grid instead of
     219             :             // TOWGS84[598.1,73.7,418.2,0.202,0.045,-2.455,6.7] But if the user
     220             :             // really wants it, it can set the OSR_CT_USE_DEFAULT_EPSG_TOWGS84
     221             :             // configuration option to YES
     222             :             double adfTOWGS84_1[7];
     223             :             double adfTOWGS84_2[7];
     224             : 
     225           4 :             poSRSFromAuth->AddGuessedTOWGS84();
     226             : 
     227           4 :             if (poSRS1->GetTOWGS84(adfTOWGS84_1) == OGRERR_NONE &&
     228           6 :                 poSRSFromAuth->GetTOWGS84(adfTOWGS84_2) == OGRERR_NONE &&
     229           2 :                 memcmp(adfTOWGS84_1, adfTOWGS84_2, sizeof(adfTOWGS84_1)) == 0)
     230             :             {
     231           2 :                 return false;
     232             :             }
     233             :         }
     234        5502 :         return true;
     235             :     };
     236             : 
     237        7487 :     char *pszText = nullptr;
     238             :     // If we have a AUTH:CODE attached, use it to retrieve the full
     239             :     // definition in case a trip to WKT1 has lost the area of use.
     240             :     // unless OGR_CT_PREFER_OFFICIAL_SRS_DEF=NO (see
     241             :     //
     242        7487 :     const char *pszAuth = poSRS->GetAuthorityName(nullptr);
     243        7487 :     const char *pszCode = poSRS->GetAuthorityCode(nullptr);
     244       13028 :     if (pszAuth && pszCode &&
     245        5541 :         CPLTestBool(
     246             :             CPLGetConfigOption("OGR_CT_PREFER_OFFICIAL_SRS_DEF", "YES")))
     247             :     {
     248       11082 :         CPLString osAuthCode(pszAuth);
     249        5541 :         osAuthCode += ':';
     250        5541 :         osAuthCode += pszCode;
     251       11082 :         OGRSpatialReference oTmpSRS;
     252        5541 :         oTmpSRS.SetFromUserInput(osAuthCode);
     253        5541 :         oTmpSRS.SetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping(
     254             :             poSRS->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping());
     255        5541 :         const char *const apszOptionsIsSame[] = {"CRITERION=EQUIVALENT",
     256             :                                                  nullptr};
     257        5541 :         if (oTmpSRS.IsSame(poSRS, apszOptionsIsSame))
     258             :         {
     259        5504 :             if (CanUseAuthorityDef(poSRS, &oTmpSRS, pszAuth))
     260             :             {
     261        5502 :                 pszText = CPLStrdup(osAuthCode);
     262             :             }
     263             :         }
     264             :     }
     265        7487 :     if (pszText == nullptr)
     266             :     {
     267        1985 :         pszText = GetAsAProjRecognizableString(poSRS);
     268             :     }
     269        7487 :     return pszText;
     270             : }
     271             : 
     272             : /************************************************************************/
     273             : /*                  OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions()                */
     274             : /************************************************************************/
     275             : 
     276             : /** \brief Constructs a new OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions.
     277             :  *
     278             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
     279             :  */
     280        6990 : OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions()
     281        6990 :     : d(new Private())
     282             : {
     283        6990 : }
     284             : 
     285             : /************************************************************************/
     286             : /*                  OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions()                */
     287             : /************************************************************************/
     288             : 
     289             : /** \brief Copy constructor
     290             :  *
     291             :  * @since GDAL 3.1
     292             :  */
     293        1163 : OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions(
     294        1163 :     const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &other)
     295        1163 :     : d(new Private(*(other.d)))
     296             : {
     297        1163 : }
     298             : 
     299             : /************************************************************************/
     300             : /*                          operator =()                                */
     301             : /************************************************************************/
     302             : 
     303             : /** \brief Assignment operator
     304             :  *
     305             :  * @since GDAL 3.1
     306             :  */
     307             : OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &
     308        3242 : OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::operator=(
     309             :     const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &other)
     310             : {
     311        3242 :     if (this != &other)
     312             :     {
     313        3242 :         *d = *(other.d);
     314             :     }
     315        3242 :     return *this;
     316             : }
     317             : 
     318             : /************************************************************************/
     319             : /*                  OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions()                */
     320             : /************************************************************************/
     321             : 
     322             : /** \brief Destroys a OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions.
     323             :  *
     324             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
     325             :  */
     326        7769 : OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::~OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions()
     327             : {
     328        7769 : }
     329             : 
     330             : /************************************************************************/
     331             : /*                   OCTNewCoordinateTransformationOptions()            */
     332             : /************************************************************************/
     333             : 
     334             : /** \brief Create coordinate transformation options.
     335             :  *
     336             :  * To be freed with OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformationOptions()
     337             :  *
     338             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
     339             :  */
     340          13 : OGRCoordinateTransformationOptionsH OCTNewCoordinateTransformationOptions(void)
     341             : {
     342          13 :     return new OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions();
     343             : }
     344             : 
     345             : /************************************************************************/
     346             : /*                  OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformationOptions()         */
     347             : /************************************************************************/
     348             : 
     349             : /** \brief Destroy coordinate transformation options.
     350             :  *
     351             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
     352             :  */
     353          11 : void OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformationOptions(
     354             :     OGRCoordinateTransformationOptionsH hOptions)
     355             : {
     356          11 :     delete hOptions;
     357          11 : }
     358             : 
     359             : /************************************************************************/
     360             : /*                        SetAreaOfInterest()                           */
     361             : /************************************************************************/
     362             : 
     363             : /** \brief Sets an area of interest.
     364             :  *
     365             :  * The west longitude is generally lower than the east longitude, except for
     366             :  * areas of interest that go across the anti-meridian.
     367             :  *
     368             :  * @param dfWestLongitudeDeg West longitude (in degree). Must be in [-180,180]
     369             :  * @param dfSouthLatitudeDeg South latitude (in degree). Must be in [-90,90]
     370             :  * @param dfEastLongitudeDeg East longitude (in degree). Must be in [-180,180]
     371             :  * @param dfNorthLatitudeDeg North latitude (in degree). Must be in [-90,90]
     372             :  * @return true in case of success.
     373             :  *
     374             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
     375             :  */
     376         831 : bool OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetAreaOfInterest(
     377             :     double dfWestLongitudeDeg, double dfSouthLatitudeDeg,
     378             :     double dfEastLongitudeDeg, double dfNorthLatitudeDeg)
     379             : {
     380         831 :     if (std::fabs(dfWestLongitudeDeg) > 180)
     381             :     {
     382           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid dfWestLongitudeDeg");
     383           1 :         return false;
     384             :     }
     385         830 :     if (std::fabs(dfSouthLatitudeDeg) > 90)
     386             :     {
     387           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid dfSouthLatitudeDeg");
     388           1 :         return false;
     389             :     }
     390         829 :     if (std::fabs(dfEastLongitudeDeg) > 180)
     391             :     {
     392           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid dfEastLongitudeDeg");
     393           1 :         return false;
     394             :     }
     395         828 :     if (std::fabs(dfNorthLatitudeDeg) > 90)
     396             :     {
     397           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid dfNorthLatitudeDeg");
     398           1 :         return false;
     399             :     }
     400         827 :     if (dfSouthLatitudeDeg > dfNorthLatitudeDeg)
     401             :     {
     402           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     403             :                  "dfSouthLatitudeDeg should be lower than dfNorthLatitudeDeg");
     404           0 :         return false;
     405             :     }
     406         827 :     d->bHasAreaOfInterest = true;
     407         827 :     d->dfWestLongitudeDeg = dfWestLongitudeDeg;
     408         827 :     d->dfSouthLatitudeDeg = dfSouthLatitudeDeg;
     409         827 :     d->dfEastLongitudeDeg = dfEastLongitudeDeg;
     410         827 :     d->dfNorthLatitudeDeg = dfNorthLatitudeDeg;
     411         827 :     return true;
     412             : }
     413             : 
     414             : /************************************************************************/
     415             : /*           OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetAreaOfInterest()      */
     416             : /************************************************************************/
     417             : 
     418             : /** \brief Sets an area of interest.
     419             :  *
     420             :  * See OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetAreaOfInterest()
     421             :  *
     422             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
     423             :  */
     424           5 : int OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetAreaOfInterest(
     425             :     OGRCoordinateTransformationOptionsH hOptions, double dfWestLongitudeDeg,
     426             :     double dfSouthLatitudeDeg, double dfEastLongitudeDeg,
     427             :     double dfNorthLatitudeDeg)
     428             : {
     429           5 :     return hOptions->SetAreaOfInterest(dfWestLongitudeDeg, dfSouthLatitudeDeg,
     430           5 :                                        dfEastLongitudeDeg, dfNorthLatitudeDeg);
     431             : }
     432             : 
     433             : /************************************************************************/
     434             : /*                        SetCoordinateOperation()                      */
     435             : /************************************************************************/
     436             : 
     437             : /** \brief Sets a coordinate operation.
     438             :  *
     439             :  * This is a user override to be used instead of the normally computed pipeline.
     440             :  *
     441             :  * The pipeline must take into account the axis order of the source and target
     442             :  * SRS.
     443             :  *
     444             :  * The pipeline may be provided as a PROJ string (single step operation or
     445             :  * multiple step string starting with +proj=pipeline), a WKT2 string describing
     446             :  * a CoordinateOperation, or a "urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation:EPSG::XXXX" URN
     447             :  *
     448             :  * @param pszCO PROJ or WKT string describing a coordinate operation
     449             :  * @param bReverseCO Whether the PROJ or WKT string should be evaluated in the
     450             :  * reverse path
     451             :  * @return true in case of success.
     452             :  *
     453             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
     454             :  */
     455          22 : bool OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetCoordinateOperation(
     456             :     const char *pszCO, bool bReverseCO)
     457             : {
     458          22 :     d->osCoordOperation = pszCO ? pszCO : "";
     459          22 :     d->bReverseCO = bReverseCO;
     460          22 :     return true;
     461             : }
     462             : 
     463             : /************************************************************************/
     464             : /*                         SetSourceCenterLong()                        */
     465             : /************************************************************************/
     466             : 
     467             : /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */
     468         582 : void OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetSourceCenterLong(
     469             :     double dfCenterLong)
     470             : {
     471         582 :     d->dfSourceCenterLong = dfCenterLong;
     472         582 :     d->bHasSourceCenterLong = true;
     473         582 : }
     474             : 
     475             : /*! @endcond */
     476             : 
     477             : /************************************************************************/
     478             : /*                         SetTargetCenterLong()                        */
     479             : /************************************************************************/
     480             : 
     481             : /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */
     482           0 : void OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetTargetCenterLong(
     483             :     double dfCenterLong)
     484             : {
     485           0 :     d->dfTargetCenterLong = dfCenterLong;
     486           0 :     d->bHasTargetCenterLong = true;
     487           0 : }
     488             : 
     489             : /*! @endcond */
     490             : 
     491             : /************************************************************************/
     492             : /*            OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetOperation()          */
     493             : /************************************************************************/
     494             : 
     495             : /** \brief Sets a coordinate operation.
     496             :  *
     497             :  * See OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetCoordinateTransformation()
     498             :  *
     499             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
     500             :  */
     501           8 : int OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetOperation(
     502             :     OGRCoordinateTransformationOptionsH hOptions, const char *pszCO,
     503             :     int bReverseCO)
     504             : {
     505             :     // cppcheck-suppress knownConditionTrueFalse
     506           8 :     return hOptions->SetCoordinateOperation(pszCO, CPL_TO_BOOL(bReverseCO));
     507             : }
     508             : 
     509             : /************************************************************************/
     510             : /*                         SetDesiredAccuracy()                         */
     511             : /************************************************************************/
     512             : 
     513             : /** \brief Sets the desired accuracy for coordinate operations.
     514             :  *
     515             :  * Only coordinate operations that offer an accuracy of at least the one
     516             :  * specified will be considered.
     517             :  *
     518             :  * An accuracy of 0 is valid and means a coordinate operation made only of one
     519             :  * or several conversions (map projections, unit conversion, etc.) Operations
     520             :  * involving ballpark transformations have a unknown accuracy, and will be
     521             :  * filtered out by any dfAccuracy >= 0 value.
     522             :  *
     523             :  * If this option is specified with PROJ < 8, the OGR_CT_OP_SELECTION
     524             :  * configuration option will default to BEST_ACCURACY.
     525             :  *
     526             :  * @param dfAccuracy accuracy in meters (or a negative value to disable this
     527             :  * filter)
     528             :  *
     529             :  * @since GDAL 3.3
     530             :  */
     531           2 : bool OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetDesiredAccuracy(double dfAccuracy)
     532             : {
     533           2 :     d->dfAccuracy = dfAccuracy;
     534           2 :     return true;
     535             : }
     536             : 
     537             : /************************************************************************/
     538             : /*        OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetDesiredAccuracy()        */
     539             : /************************************************************************/
     540             : 
     541             : /** \brief Sets the desired accuracy for coordinate operations.
     542             :  *
     543             :  * See OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetDesiredAccuracy()
     544             :  *
     545             :  * @since GDAL 3.3
     546             :  */
     547           2 : int OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetDesiredAccuracy(
     548             :     OGRCoordinateTransformationOptionsH hOptions, double dfAccuracy)
     549             : {
     550             :     // cppcheck-suppress knownConditionTrueFalse
     551           2 :     return hOptions->SetDesiredAccuracy(dfAccuracy);
     552             : }
     553             : 
     554             : /************************************************************************/
     555             : /*                       SetBallparkAllowed()                           */
     556             : /************************************************************************/
     557             : 
     558             : /** \brief Sets whether ballpark transformations are allowed.
     559             :  *
     560             :  * By default, PROJ may generate "ballpark transformations" (see
     561             :  * when precise datum transformations are
     562             :  * missing. For high accuracy use cases, such transformations might not be
     563             :  * allowed.
     564             :  *
     565             :  * If this option is specified with PROJ < 8, the OGR_CT_OP_SELECTION
     566             :  * configuration option will default to BEST_ACCURACY.
     567             :  *
     568             :  * @param bAllowBallpark false to disable the user of ballpark transformations
     569             :  *
     570             :  * @since GDAL 3.3
     571             :  */
     572           2 : bool OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetBallparkAllowed(bool bAllowBallpark)
     573             : {
     574           2 :     d->bAllowBallpark = bAllowBallpark;
     575           2 :     return true;
     576             : }
     577             : 
     578             : /************************************************************************/
     579             : /*        OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetBallparkAllowed()        */
     580             : /************************************************************************/
     581             : 
     582             : /** \brief Sets whether ballpark transformations are allowed.
     583             :  *
     584             :  * See OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetDesiredAccuracy()
     585             :  *
     586             :  * @since GDAL 3.3 and PROJ 8
     587             :  */
     588           2 : int OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetBallparkAllowed(
     589             :     OGRCoordinateTransformationOptionsH hOptions, int bAllowBallpark)
     590             : {
     591             :     // cppcheck-suppress knownConditionTrueFalse
     592           2 :     return hOptions->SetBallparkAllowed(CPL_TO_BOOL(bAllowBallpark));
     593             : }
     594             : 
     595             : /************************************************************************/
     596             : /*                         SetOnlyBest()                                */
     597             : /************************************************************************/
     598             : 
     599             : /** \brief Sets whether only the "best" operation should be used.
     600             :  *
     601             :  * By default (at least in the PROJ 9.x series), PROJ may use coordinate
     602             :  * operations that are not the "best" if resources (typically grids) needed
     603             :  * to use them are missing. It will then fallback to other coordinate operations
     604             :  * that have a lesser accuracy, for example using Helmert transformations,
     605             :  * or in the absence of such operations, to ones with potential very rought
     606             :  * accuracy, using "ballpark" transformations
     607             :  * (see
     608             :  *
     609             :  * When calling this method with bOnlyBest = true, PROJ will only consider the
     610             :  * "best" operation, and error out (at Transform() time) if they cannot be
     611             :  * used.
     612             :  * This method may be used together with SetBallparkAllowed(false) to
     613             :  * only allow best operations that have a known accuracy.
     614             :  *
     615             :  * Note that this method has no effect on PROJ versions before 9.2.
     616             :  *
     617             :  * The default value for this option can be also set with the
     618             :  * PROJ_ONLY_BEST_DEFAULT environment variable, or with the "only_best_default"
     619             :  * setting of proj.ini. Calling SetOnlyBest() overrides such default value.
     620             :  *
     621             :  * @param bOnlyBest set to true to ask PROJ to use only the best operation(s)
     622             :  *
     623             :  * @since GDAL 3.8 and PROJ 9.2
     624             :  */
     625           0 : bool OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetOnlyBest(bool bOnlyBest)
     626             : {
     627           0 :     d->bOnlyBest = bOnlyBest;
     628           0 :     d->bOnlyBestOptionSet = true;
     629           0 :     return true;
     630             : }
     631             : 
     632             : /************************************************************************/
     633             : /*        OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetOnlyBest()               */
     634             : /************************************************************************/
     635             : 
     636             : /** \brief Sets whether only the "best" operation(s) should be used.
     637             :  *
     638             :  * See OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetOnlyBest()
     639             :  *
     640             :  * @since GDAL 3.8 and PROJ 9.2
     641             :  */
     642           0 : int OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetOnlyBest(
     643             :     OGRCoordinateTransformationOptionsH hOptions, bool bOnlyBest)
     644             : {
     645             :     // cppcheck-suppress knownConditionTrueFalse
     646           0 :     return hOptions->SetOnlyBest(bOnlyBest);
     647             : }
     648             : 
     649             : /************************************************************************/
     650             : /*                              OGRProjCT                               */
     651             : /************************************************************************/
     652             : 
     653             : //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
     654             : class OGRProjCT : public OGRCoordinateTransformation
     655             : {
     656             :     class PjPtr
     657             :     {
     658             :         PJ *m_pj = nullptr;
     659             : 
     660        6074 :         void reset()
     661             :         {
     662        6074 :             if (m_pj)
     663             :             {
     664        2835 :                 proj_assign_context(m_pj, OSRGetProjTLSContext());
     665        2835 :                 proj_destroy(m_pj);
     666             :             }
     667        6074 :         }
     668             : 
     669             :       public:
     670        3242 :         PjPtr() : m_pj(nullptr)
     671             :         {
     672        3242 :         }
     673             : 
     674           0 :         explicit PjPtr(PJ *pjIn) : m_pj(pjIn)
     675             :         {
     676           0 :         }
     677             : 
     678        2883 :         ~PjPtr()
     679        2883 :         {
     680        2883 :             reset();
     681        2883 :         }
     682             : 
     683          23 :         PjPtr(const PjPtr &other)
     684          23 :             : m_pj((other.m_pj != nullptr)
     685          23 :                        ? (proj_clone(OSRGetProjTLSContext(), other.m_pj))
     686          23 :                        : (nullptr))
     687             :         {
     688          23 :         }
     689             : 
     690             :         PjPtr(PjPtr &&other) : m_pj(other.m_pj)
     691             :         {
     692             :             other.m_pj = nullptr;
     693             :         }
     694             : 
     695             :         PjPtr &operator=(const PjPtr &other)
     696             :         {
     697             :             if (this != &other)
     698             :             {
     699             :                 reset();
     700             :                 m_pj = (other.m_pj != nullptr)
     701             :                            ? (proj_clone(OSRGetProjTLSContext(), other.m_pj))
     702             :                            : (nullptr);
     703             :             }
     704             :             return *this;
     705             :         }
     706             : 
     707        3194 :         PjPtr &operator=(PJ *pjIn)
     708             :         {
     709        3194 :             if (m_pj != pjIn)
     710             :             {
     711        3191 :                 reset();
     712        3191 :                 m_pj = pjIn;
     713             :             }
     714        3194 :             return *this;
     715             :         }
     716             : 
     717     1835480 :         operator PJ *()
     718             :         {
     719     1835480 :             return m_pj;
     720             :         }
     721             : 
     722        2276 :         operator const PJ *() const
     723             :         {
     724        2276 :             return m_pj;
     725             :         }
     726             :     };
     727             : 
     728             :     OGRSpatialReference *poSRSSource = nullptr;
     729             :     OGRAxisOrientation m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient = OAO_Other;
     730             :     bool bSourceLatLong = false;
     731             :     bool bSourceWrap = false;
     732             :     double dfSourceWrapLong = 0.0;
     733             :     bool bSourceIsDynamicCRS = false;
     734             :     double dfSourceCoordinateEpoch = 0.0;
     735             :     std::string m_osSrcSRS{};  // WKT, PROJ4 or AUTH:CODE
     736             : 
     737             :     OGRSpatialReference *poSRSTarget = nullptr;
     738             :     OGRAxisOrientation m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient = OAO_Other;
     739             :     bool bTargetLatLong = false;
     740             :     bool bTargetWrap = false;
     741             :     double dfTargetWrapLong = 0.0;
     742             :     bool bTargetIsDynamicCRS = false;
     743             :     double dfTargetCoordinateEpoch = 0.0;
     744             :     std::string m_osTargetSRS{};  // WKT, PROJ4 or AUTH:CODE
     745             : 
     746             :     bool bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat = false;
     747             : 
     748             :     size_t nErrorCount = 0;
     749             : 
     750             :     double dfThreshold = 0.0;
     751             : 
     752             :     PjPtr m_pj{};
     753             :     bool m_bReversePj = false;
     754             : 
     755             :     bool m_bEmitErrors = true;
     756             : 
     757             :     bool bNoTransform = false;
     758             : 
     759             :     enum class Strategy
     760             :     {
     761             :         PROJ,
     762             :         BEST_ACCURACY,
     763             :         FIRST_MATCHING
     764             :     };
     765             :     Strategy m_eStrategy = Strategy::PROJ;
     766             : 
     767             :     bool
     768             :     ListCoordinateOperations(const char *pszSrcSRS, const char *pszTargetSRS,
     769             :                              const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &options);
     770             : 
     771             :     struct Transformation
     772             :     {
     773             :         double minx = 0.0;
     774             :         double miny = 0.0;
     775             :         double maxx = 0.0;
     776             :         double maxy = 0.0;
     777             :         PjPtr pj{};
     778             :         CPLString osName{};
     779             :         CPLString osProjString{};
     780             :         double accuracy = 0.0;
     781             : 
     782           0 :         Transformation(double minxIn, double minyIn, double maxxIn,
     783             :                        double maxyIn, PJ *pjIn, const CPLString &osNameIn,
     784             :                        const CPLString &osProjStringIn, double accuracyIn)
     785           0 :             : minx(minxIn), miny(minyIn), maxx(maxxIn), maxy(maxyIn), pj(pjIn),
     786             :               osName(osNameIn), osProjString(osProjStringIn),
     787           0 :               accuracy(accuracyIn)
     788             :         {
     789           0 :         }
     790             :     };
     791             : 
     792             :     std::vector<Transformation> m_oTransformations{};
     793             :     int m_iCurTransformation = -1;
     794             :     OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions m_options{};
     795             : 
     796             :     void ComputeThreshold();
     797             :     void DetectWebMercatorToWGS84();
     798             : 
     799             :     OGRProjCT(const OGRProjCT &other);
     800             :     OGRProjCT &operator=(const OGRProjCT &) = delete;
     801             : 
     802             :     static CTCacheKey
     803             :     MakeCacheKey(const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS1, const char *pszSrcSRS,
     804             :                  const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS2, const char *pszTargetSRS,
     805             :                  const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &options);
     806             :     bool ContainsNorthPole(const double xmin, const double ymin,
     807             :                            const double xmax, const double ymax,
     808             :                            bool lon_lat_order);
     809             :     bool ContainsSouthPole(const double xmin, const double ymin,
     810             :                            const double xmax, const double ymax,
     811             :                            bool lon_lat_order);
     812             : 
     813             :   public:
     814             :     OGRProjCT();
     815             :     ~OGRProjCT() override;
     816             : 
     817             :     int Initialize(const OGRSpatialReference *poSource, const char *pszSrcSRS,
     818             :                    const OGRSpatialReference *poTarget,
     819             :                    const char *pszTargetSRS,
     820             :                    const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &options);
     821             : 
     822             :     const OGRSpatialReference *GetSourceCS() const override;
     823             :     const OGRSpatialReference *GetTargetCS() const override;
     824             : 
     825             :     int Transform(size_t nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z, double *t,
     826             :                   int *pabSuccess) override;
     827             : 
     828             :     int TransformWithErrorCodes(size_t nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z,
     829             :                                 double *t, int *panErrorCodes) override;
     830             : 
     831             :     int TransformBounds(const double xmin, const double ymin, const double xmax,
     832             :                         const double ymax, double *out_xmin, double *out_ymin,
     833             :                         double *out_xmax, double *out_ymax,
     834             :                         const int densify_pts) override;
     835             : 
     836          37 :     bool GetEmitErrors() const override
     837             :     {
     838          37 :         return m_bEmitErrors;
     839             :     }
     840             : 
     841        3196 :     void SetEmitErrors(bool bEmitErrors) override
     842             :     {
     843        3196 :         m_bEmitErrors = bEmitErrors;
     844        3196 :     }
     845             : 
     846             :     OGRCoordinateTransformation *Clone() const override;
     847             : 
     848             :     OGRCoordinateTransformation *GetInverse() const override;
     849             : 
     850             :     static void InsertIntoCache(OGRProjCT *poCT);
     851             : 
     852             :     static OGRProjCT *
     853             :     FindFromCache(const OGRSpatialReference *poSource, const char *pszSrcSRS,
     854             :                   const OGRSpatialReference *poTarget, const char *pszTargetSRS,
     855             :                   const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &options);
     856             : };
     857             : 
     858             : //! @endcond
     859             : 
     860             : /************************************************************************/
     861             : /*                 OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation()                 */
     862             : /************************************************************************/
     863             : 
     864             : /**
     865             :  * \brief OGRCoordinateTransformation destructor.
     866             :  *
     867             :  * This function is the same as OGRCoordinateTransformation::DestroyCT()
     868             :  *
     869             :  * @param hCT the object to delete
     870             :  */
     871             : 
     872             : void CPL_STDCALL
     873         375 : OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hCT)
     874             : 
     875             : {
     876         375 :     OGRCoordinateTransformation::DestroyCT(
     877             :         OGRCoordinateTransformation::FromHandle(hCT));
     878         375 : }
     879             : 
     880             : /************************************************************************/
     881             : /*                             DestroyCT()                              */
     882             : /************************************************************************/
     883             : 
     884             : /**
     885             :  * \brief OGRCoordinateTransformation destructor.
     886             :  *
     887             :  * This function is the same as
     888             :  * OGRCoordinateTransformation::~OGRCoordinateTransformation()
     889             :  * and OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation()
     890             :  *
     891             :  * This static method will destroy a OGRCoordinateTransformation.  It is
     892             :  * equivalent to calling delete on the object, but it ensures that the
     893             :  * deallocation is properly executed within the OGR libraries heap on
     894             :  * platforms where this can matter (win32).
     895             :  *
     896             :  * @param poCT the object to delete
     897             :  *
     898             :  * @since GDAL 1.7.0
     899             :  */
     900             : 
     901        3136 : void OGRCoordinateTransformation::DestroyCT(OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT)
     902             : {
     903        3136 :     auto poProjCT = dynamic_cast<OGRProjCT *>(poCT);
     904        3136 :     if (poProjCT)
     905             :     {
     906        3130 :         OGRProjCT::InsertIntoCache(poProjCT);
     907             :     }
     908             :     else
     909             :     {
     910           6 :         delete poCT;
     911             :     }
     912        3136 : }
     913             : 
     914             : /************************************************************************/
     915             : /*                 OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation()                  */
     916             : /************************************************************************/
     917             : 
     918             : /**
     919             :  * Create transformation object.
     920             :  *
     921             :  * This is the same as the C function OCTNewCoordinateTransformation().
     922             :  *
     923             :  * Input spatial reference system objects are assigned
     924             :  * by copy (calling clone() method) and no ownership transfer occurs.
     925             :  *
     926             :  * The delete operator, or OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation() should
     927             :  * be used to destroy transformation objects.
     928             :  *
     929             :  * This will honour the axis order advertized by the source and target SRS,
     930             :  * as well as their "data axis to SRS axis mapping".
     931             :  * To have a behavior similar to GDAL &lt; 3.0, the
     932             :  * OGR_CT_FORCE_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER configuration option can be set to YES.
     933             :  *
     934             :  * @param poSource source spatial reference system.
     935             :  * @param poTarget target spatial reference system.
     936             :  * @return NULL on failure or a ready to use transformation object.
     937             :  */
     938             : 
     939             : OGRCoordinateTransformation *
     940        2728 : OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(const OGRSpatialReference *poSource,
     941             :                                   const OGRSpatialReference *poTarget)
     942             : 
     943             : {
     944        2728 :     return OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(
     945        5456 :         poSource, poTarget, OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions());
     946             : }
     947             : 
     948             : /**
     949             :  * Create transformation object.
     950             :  *
     951             :  * This is the same as the C function OCTNewCoordinateTransformationEx().
     952             :  *
     953             :  * Input spatial reference system objects are assigned
     954             :  * by copy (calling clone() method) and no ownership transfer occurs.
     955             :  *
     956             :  * The delete operator, or OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation() should
     957             :  * be used to destroy transformation objects.
     958             :  *
     959             :  * This will honour the axis order advertized by the source and target SRS,
     960             :  * as well as their "data axis to SRS axis mapping".
     961             :  * To have a behavior similar to GDAL &lt; 3.0, the
     962             :  * OGR_CT_FORCE_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER configuration option can be set to YES.
     963             :  *
     964             :  * The source SRS and target SRS should generally not be NULL. This is only
     965             :  * allowed if a custom coordinate operation is set through the hOptions
     966             :  * argument.
     967             :  *
     968             :  * Starting with GDAL 3.0.3, the OGR_CT_OP_SELECTION configuration option can be
     969             :  * set to PROJ (default if PROJ >= 6.3), BEST_ACCURACY or FIRST_MATCHING to
     970             :  * decide of the strategy to select the operation to use among candidates, whose
     971             :  * area of use is compatible with the points to transform. It is only taken into
     972             :  * account if no user defined coordinate transformation pipeline has been
     973             :  * specified. <ul> <li>PROJ means the default behavior used by PROJ
     974             :  * proj_create_crs_to_crs(). In particular the operation to use among several
     975             :  * initial candidates is evaluated for each point to transform.</li>
     976             :  * <li>BEST_ACCURACY means the operation whose accuracy is best. It should be
     977             :  *     close to PROJ behavior, except that the operation to select is decided
     978             :  *     for the average point of the coordinates passed in a single Transform()
     979             :  * call. Note: if the OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetDesiredAccuracy()
     980             :  * or OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetBallparkAllowed() methods are
     981             :  * called with PROJ < 8, this strategy will be selected instead of PROJ.
     982             :  * </li>
     983             :  * <li>FIRST_MATCHING is the operation ordered first in the list of candidates:
     984             :  *     it will not necessarily have the best accuracy, but generally a larger
     985             :  * area of use.  It is evaluated for the average point of the coordinates passed
     986             :  * in a single Transform() call. This was the default behavior for GDAL 3.0.0 to
     987             :  *     3.0.2</li>
     988             :  * </ul>
     989             :  *
     990             :  * By default, if the source or target SRS definition refers to an official
     991             :  * CRS through a code, GDAL will use the official definition if the official
     992             :  * definition and the source/target SRS definition are equivalent. Note that
     993             :  * TOWGS84[] clauses are ignored when checking equivalence. Starting with
     994             :  * GDAL 3.4.1, if you set the OGR_CT_PREFER_OFFICIAL_SRS_DEF configuration
     995             :  * option to NO, the source or target SRS definition will be always used.
     996             :  *
     997             :  * If options contains a user defined coordinate transformation pipeline, it
     998             :  * will be unconditionally used.
     999             :  * If options has an area of interest defined, it will be used to research the
    1000             :  * best fitting coordinate transformation (which will be used for all coordinate
    1001             :  * transformations, even if they don't fall into the declared area of interest)
    1002             :  * If no options are set, then a list of candidate coordinate operations will be
    1003             :  * researched, and at each call to Transform(), the best of those candidate
    1004             :  * regarding the centroid of the coordinate set will be dynamically selected.
    1005             :  *
    1006             :  * @param poSource source spatial reference system.
    1007             :  * @param poTarget target spatial reference system.
    1008             :  * @param options Coordinate transformation options.
    1009             :  * @return NULL on failure or a ready to use transformation object.
    1010             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
    1011             :  */
    1012             : 
    1013        3756 : OGRCoordinateTransformation *OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(
    1014             :     const OGRSpatialReference *poSource, const OGRSpatialReference *poTarget,
    1015             :     const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &options)
    1016             : 
    1017             : {
    1018        3756 :     char *pszSrcSRS = poSource ? GetTextRepresentation(poSource) : nullptr;
    1019        3756 :     char *pszTargetSRS = poTarget ? GetTextRepresentation(poTarget) : nullptr;
    1020             :     // Try to find if we have a match in the case
    1021        3756 :     OGRProjCT *poCT = OGRProjCT::FindFromCache(poSource, pszSrcSRS, poTarget,
    1022             :                                                pszTargetSRS, options);
    1023        3756 :     if (poCT == nullptr)
    1024             :     {
    1025        2122 :         poCT = new OGRProjCT();
    1026        2122 :         if (!poCT->Initialize(poSource, pszSrcSRS, poTarget, pszTargetSRS,
    1027             :                               options))
    1028             :         {
    1029           8 :             delete poCT;
    1030           8 :             poCT = nullptr;
    1031             :         }
    1032             :     }
    1033        3756 :     CPLFree(pszSrcSRS);
    1034        3756 :     CPLFree(pszTargetSRS);
    1035             : 
    1036        3756 :     return poCT;
    1037             : }
    1038             : 
    1039             : /************************************************************************/
    1040             : /*                   OCTNewCoordinateTransformation()                   */
    1041             : /************************************************************************/
    1042             : 
    1043             : /**
    1044             :  * Create transformation object.
    1045             :  *
    1046             :  * This is the same as the C++ function OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(const
    1047             :  * OGRSpatialReference *, const OGRSpatialReference *)
    1048             :  *
    1049             :  * Input spatial reference system objects are assigned
    1050             :  * by copy (calling clone() method) and no ownership transfer occurs.
    1051             :  *
    1052             :  * OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation() should
    1053             :  * be used to destroy transformation objects.
    1054             :  *
    1055             :  * This will honour the axis order advertized by the source and target SRS,
    1056             :  * as well as their "data axis to SRS axis mapping".
    1057             :  * To have a behavior similar to GDAL &lt; 3.0, the
    1058             :  * OGR_CT_FORCE_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER configuration option can be set to YES.
    1059             :  *
    1060             :  * @param hSourceSRS source spatial reference system.
    1061             :  * @param hTargetSRS target spatial reference system.
    1062             :  * @return NULL on failure or a ready to use transformation object.
    1063             :  */
    1064             : 
    1065         348 : OGRCoordinateTransformationH CPL_STDCALL OCTNewCoordinateTransformation(
    1066             :     OGRSpatialReferenceH hSourceSRS, OGRSpatialReferenceH hTargetSRS)
    1067             : 
    1068             : {
    1069             :     return reinterpret_cast<OGRCoordinateTransformationH>(
    1070         348 :         OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(
    1071             :             reinterpret_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(hSourceSRS),
    1072         348 :             reinterpret_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(hTargetSRS)));
    1073             : }
    1074             : 
    1075             : /************************************************************************/
    1076             : /*                   OCTNewCoordinateTransformationEx()                 */
    1077             : /************************************************************************/
    1078             : 
    1079             : /**
    1080             :  * Create transformation object.
    1081             :  *
    1082             :  * This is the same as the C++ function OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(const
    1083             :  * OGRSpatialReference *, const OGRSpatialReference *, const
    1084             :  * OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions& )
    1085             :  *
    1086             :  * Input spatial reference system objects are assigned
    1087             :  * by copy (calling clone() method) and no ownership transfer occurs.
    1088             :  *
    1089             :  * OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation() should
    1090             :  * be used to destroy transformation objects.
    1091             :  *
    1092             :  * The source SRS and target SRS should generally not be NULL. This is only
    1093             :  * allowed if a custom coordinate operation is set through the hOptions
    1094             :  * argument.
    1095             :  *
    1096             :  * This will honour the axis order advertized by the source and target SRS,
    1097             :  * as well as their "data axis to SRS axis mapping".
    1098             :  * To have a behavior similar to GDAL &lt; 3.0, the
    1099             :  * OGR_CT_FORCE_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER configuration option can be set to YES.
    1100             :  *
    1101             :  * If options contains a user defined coordinate transformation pipeline, it
    1102             :  * will be unconditionally used.
    1103             :  * If options has an area of interest defined, it will be used to research the
    1104             :  * best fitting coordinate transformation (which will be used for all coordinate
    1105             :  * transformations, even if they don't fall into the declared area of interest)
    1106             :  * If no options are set, then a list of candidate coordinate operations will be
    1107             :  * researched, and at each call to Transform(), the best of those candidate
    1108             :  * regarding the centroid of the coordinate set will be dynamically selected.
    1109             :  *
    1110             :  * @param hSourceSRS source spatial reference system.
    1111             :  * @param hTargetSRS target spatial reference system.
    1112             :  * @param hOptions Coordinate transformation options.
    1113             :  * @return NULL on failure or a ready to use transformation object.
    1114             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
    1115             :  */
    1116             : 
    1117             : OGRCoordinateTransformationH
    1118          12 : OCTNewCoordinateTransformationEx(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSourceSRS,
    1119             :                                  OGRSpatialReferenceH hTargetSRS,
    1120             :                                  OGRCoordinateTransformationOptionsH hOptions)
    1121             : 
    1122             : {
    1123             :     return reinterpret_cast<OGRCoordinateTransformationH>(
    1124          12 :         OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(
    1125             :             reinterpret_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(hSourceSRS),
    1126             :             reinterpret_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(hTargetSRS),
    1127          24 :             hOptions ? *hOptions : OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions()));
    1128             : }
    1129             : 
    1130             : /************************************************************************/
    1131             : /*                              OCTClone()                              */
    1132             : /************************************************************************/
    1133             : 
    1134             : /**
    1135             :  * Clone transformation object.
    1136             :  *
    1137             :  * This is the same as the C++ function OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation::Clone
    1138             :  *
    1139             :  * @return handle to transformation's clone or NULL on error,
    1140             :  *         must be freed with OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation
    1141             :  *
    1142             :  * @since GDAL 3.4
    1143             :  */
    1144             : 
    1145           1 : OGRCoordinateTransformationH OCTClone(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform)
    1146             : 
    1147             : {
    1148           1 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransform, "OCTClone", nullptr);
    1149           1 :     return OGRCoordinateTransformation::ToHandle(
    1150           2 :         OGRCoordinateTransformation::FromHandle(hTransform)->Clone());
    1151             : }
    1152             : 
    1153             : /************************************************************************/
    1154             : /*                             OCTGetSourceCS()                         */
    1155             : /************************************************************************/
    1156             : 
    1157             : /**
    1158             :  * Transformation's source coordinate system reference.
    1159             :  *
    1160             :  * This is the same as the C++ function
    1161             :  * OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation::GetSourceCS
    1162             :  *
    1163             :  * @return handle to transformation's source coordinate system or NULL if not
    1164             :  * present.
    1165             :  *
    1166             :  * The ownership of the returned SRS belongs to the transformation object, and
    1167             :  * the returned SRS should not be modified.
    1168             :  *
    1169             :  * @since GDAL 3.4
    1170             :  */
    1171             : 
    1172           1 : OGRSpatialReferenceH OCTGetSourceCS(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform)
    1173             : 
    1174             : {
    1175           1 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransform, "OCTGetSourceCS", nullptr);
    1176           1 :     return OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(const_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(
    1177           1 :         OGRCoordinateTransformation::FromHandle(hTransform)->GetSourceCS()));
    1178             : }
    1179             : 
    1180             : /************************************************************************/
    1181             : /*                             OCTGetTargetCS()                         */
    1182             : /************************************************************************/
    1183             : 
    1184             : /**
    1185             :  * Transformation's target coordinate system reference.
    1186             :  *
    1187             :  * This is the same as the C++ function
    1188             :  * OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation::GetTargetCS
    1189             :  *
    1190             :  * @return handle to transformation's target coordinate system or NULL if not
    1191             :  * present.
    1192             :  *
    1193             :  * The ownership of the returned SRS belongs to the transformation object, and
    1194             :  * the returned SRS should not be modified.
    1195             :  *
    1196             :  * @since GDAL 3.4
    1197             :  */
    1198             : 
    1199           1 : OGRSpatialReferenceH OCTGetTargetCS(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform)
    1200             : 
    1201             : {
    1202           1 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransform, "OCTGetTargetCS", nullptr);
    1203           1 :     return OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(const_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(
    1204           1 :         OGRCoordinateTransformation::FromHandle(hTransform)->GetTargetCS()));
    1205             : }
    1206             : 
    1207             : /************************************************************************/
    1208             : /*                             OCTGetInverse()                          */
    1209             : /************************************************************************/
    1210             : 
    1211             : /**
    1212             :  * Inverse transformation object.
    1213             :  *
    1214             :  * This is the same as the C++ function
    1215             :  * OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation::GetInverse
    1216             :  *
    1217             :  * @return handle to inverse transformation or NULL on error,
    1218             :  *         must be freed with OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation
    1219             :  *
    1220             :  * @since GDAL 3.4
    1221             :  */
    1222             : 
    1223             : OGRCoordinateTransformationH CPL_DLL
    1224           2 : OCTGetInverse(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform)
    1225             : 
    1226             : {
    1227           2 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransform, "OCTGetInverse", nullptr);
    1228           2 :     return OGRCoordinateTransformation::ToHandle(
    1229           4 :         OGRCoordinateTransformation::FromHandle(hTransform)->GetInverse());
    1230             : }
    1231             : 
    1232             : /************************************************************************/
    1233             : /*                             OGRProjCT()                             */
    1234             : /************************************************************************/
    1235             : 
    1236             : //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
    1237        3242 : OGRProjCT::OGRProjCT()
    1238             : {
    1239        3242 : }
    1240             : 
    1241             : /************************************************************************/
    1242             : /*                  OGRProjCT(const OGRProjCT& other)                   */
    1243             : /************************************************************************/
    1244             : 
    1245          22 : OGRProjCT::OGRProjCT(const OGRProjCT &other)
    1246          22 :     : poSRSSource((other.poSRSSource != nullptr) ? (other.poSRSSource->Clone())
    1247             :                                                  : (nullptr)),
    1248          23 :       m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient(other.m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient),
    1249          23 :       bSourceLatLong(other.bSourceLatLong), bSourceWrap(other.bSourceWrap),
    1250          23 :       dfSourceWrapLong(other.dfSourceWrapLong),
    1251          23 :       bSourceIsDynamicCRS(other.bSourceIsDynamicCRS),
    1252          23 :       dfSourceCoordinateEpoch(other.dfSourceCoordinateEpoch),
    1253          23 :       m_osSrcSRS(other.m_osSrcSRS),
    1254          23 :       poSRSTarget((other.poSRSTarget != nullptr) ? (other.poSRSTarget->Clone())
    1255             :                                                  : (nullptr)),
    1256          23 :       m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient(other.m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient),
    1257          23 :       bTargetLatLong(other.bTargetLatLong), bTargetWrap(other.bTargetWrap),
    1258          23 :       dfTargetWrapLong(other.dfTargetWrapLong),
    1259          23 :       bTargetIsDynamicCRS(other.bTargetIsDynamicCRS),
    1260          23 :       dfTargetCoordinateEpoch(other.dfTargetCoordinateEpoch),
    1261          23 :       m_osTargetSRS(other.m_osTargetSRS),
    1262          23 :       bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat(other.bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat),
    1263          23 :       nErrorCount(other.nErrorCount), dfThreshold(other.dfThreshold),
    1264          46 :       m_pj(other.m_pj), m_bReversePj(other.m_bReversePj),
    1265          23 :       m_bEmitErrors(other.m_bEmitErrors), bNoTransform(other.bNoTransform),
    1266          23 :       m_eStrategy(other.m_eStrategy),
    1267          23 :       m_oTransformations(other.m_oTransformations),
    1268          23 :       m_iCurTransformation(other.m_iCurTransformation),
    1269          68 :       m_options(other.m_options)
    1270             : {
    1271          23 : }
    1272             : 
    1273             : /************************************************************************/
    1274             : /*                            ~OGRProjCT()                             */
    1275             : /************************************************************************/
    1276             : 
    1277        5766 : OGRProjCT::~OGRProjCT()
    1278             : 
    1279             : {
    1280        2883 :     if (poSRSSource != nullptr)
    1281             :     {
    1282        2872 :         poSRSSource->Release();
    1283             :     }
    1284             : 
    1285        2883 :     if (poSRSTarget != nullptr)
    1286             :     {
    1287        2870 :         poSRSTarget->Release();
    1288             :     }
    1289        5766 : }
    1290             : 
    1291             : /************************************************************************/
    1292             : /*                          ComputeThreshold()                          */
    1293             : /************************************************************************/
    1294             : 
    1295        3241 : void OGRProjCT::ComputeThreshold()
    1296             : {
    1297             :     // The threshold is experimental. Works well with the cases of ticket #2305.
    1298        3241 :     if (bSourceLatLong)
    1299             :     {
    1300             :         // coverity[tainted_data]
    1301        2345 :         dfThreshold = CPLAtof(CPLGetConfigOption("THRESHOLD", ".1"));
    1302             :     }
    1303             :     else
    1304             :     {
    1305             :         // 1 works well for most projections, except for +proj=aeqd that
    1306             :         // requires a tolerance of 10000.
    1307             :         // coverity[tainted_data]
    1308         896 :         dfThreshold = CPLAtof(CPLGetConfigOption("THRESHOLD", "10000"));
    1309             :     }
    1310        3241 : }
    1311             : 
    1312             : /************************************************************************/
    1313             : /*                        DetectWebMercatorToWGS84()                    */
    1314             : /************************************************************************/
    1315             : 
    1316        3241 : void OGRProjCT::DetectWebMercatorToWGS84()
    1317             : {
    1318             :     // Detect webmercator to WGS84
    1319        6446 :     if (m_options.d->osCoordOperation.empty() && poSRSSource && poSRSTarget &&
    1320       10373 :         poSRSSource->IsProjected() && poSRSTarget->IsGeographic() &&
    1321         686 :         ((m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient == OAO_North &&
    1322         579 :           poSRSTarget->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping() ==
    1323        3820 :               std::vector<int>{2, 1}) ||
    1324         128 :          (m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient == OAO_East &&
    1325         107 :           poSRSTarget->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping() ==
    1326        3348 :               std::vector<int>{1, 2})))
    1327             :     {
    1328             :         // Examine SRS ID before going to Proj4 string for faster execution
    1329             :         // This assumes that the SRS definition is "not lying", that is, it
    1330             :         // is equivalent to the resolution of the official EPSG code.
    1331         657 :         const char *pszSourceAuth = poSRSSource->GetAuthorityName(nullptr);
    1332         657 :         const char *pszSourceCode = poSRSSource->GetAuthorityCode(nullptr);
    1333         657 :         const char *pszTargetAuth = poSRSTarget->GetAuthorityName(nullptr);
    1334         657 :         const char *pszTargetCode = poSRSTarget->GetAuthorityCode(nullptr);
    1335         657 :         if (pszSourceAuth && pszSourceCode && pszTargetAuth && pszTargetCode &&
    1336         387 :             EQUAL(pszSourceAuth, "EPSG") && EQUAL(pszTargetAuth, "EPSG"))
    1337             :         {
    1338         375 :             bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat =
    1339         609 :                 (EQUAL(pszSourceCode, "3857") ||
    1340         234 :                  EQUAL(pszSourceCode, "3785") ||     // deprecated
    1341         750 :                  EQUAL(pszSourceCode, "900913")) &&  // deprecated
    1342         141 :                 EQUAL(pszTargetCode, "4326");
    1343             :         }
    1344             :         else
    1345             :         {
    1346         282 :             CPLPushErrorHandler(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
    1347         282 :             char *pszSrcProj4Defn = nullptr;
    1348         282 :             poSRSSource->exportToProj4(&pszSrcProj4Defn);
    1349             : 
    1350         282 :             char *pszDstProj4Defn = nullptr;
    1351         282 :             poSRSTarget->exportToProj4(&pszDstProj4Defn);
    1352         282 :             CPLPopErrorHandler();
    1353             : 
    1354         282 :             if (pszSrcProj4Defn && pszDstProj4Defn)
    1355             :             {
    1356         282 :                 if (pszSrcProj4Defn[0] != '\0' &&
    1357         282 :                     pszSrcProj4Defn[strlen(pszSrcProj4Defn) - 1] == ' ')
    1358           0 :                     pszSrcProj4Defn[strlen(pszSrcProj4Defn) - 1] = 0;
    1359         282 :                 if (pszDstProj4Defn[0] != '\0' &&
    1360         282 :                     pszDstProj4Defn[strlen(pszDstProj4Defn) - 1] == ' ')
    1361           0 :                     pszDstProj4Defn[strlen(pszDstProj4Defn) - 1] = 0;
    1362         282 :                 char *pszNeedle = strstr(pszSrcProj4Defn, "  ");
    1363         282 :                 if (pszNeedle)
    1364           0 :                     memmove(pszNeedle, pszNeedle + 1,
    1365           0 :                             strlen(pszNeedle + 1) + 1);
    1366         282 :                 pszNeedle = strstr(pszDstProj4Defn, "  ");
    1367         282 :                 if (pszNeedle)
    1368           0 :                     memmove(pszNeedle, pszNeedle + 1,
    1369           0 :                             strlen(pszNeedle + 1) + 1);
    1370             : 
    1371         282 :                 if ((strstr(pszDstProj4Defn, "+datum=WGS84") != nullptr ||
    1372         150 :                      strstr(pszDstProj4Defn,
    1373             :                             "+ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ") !=
    1374         132 :                          nullptr) &&
    1375         132 :                     strstr(pszSrcProj4Defn, "+nadgrids=@null ") != nullptr &&
    1376          48 :                     strstr(pszSrcProj4Defn, "+towgs84") == nullptr)
    1377             :                 {
    1378             :                     char *pszDst =
    1379          48 :                         strstr(pszDstProj4Defn, "+towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ");
    1380          48 :                     if (pszDst != nullptr)
    1381             :                     {
    1382           0 :                         char *pszSrc =
    1383             :                             pszDst + strlen("+towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ");
    1384           0 :                         memmove(pszDst, pszSrc, strlen(pszSrc) + 1);
    1385             :                     }
    1386             :                     else
    1387             :                     {
    1388          48 :                         memcpy(strstr(pszDstProj4Defn, "+datum=WGS84"),
    1389             :                                "+ellps", 6);
    1390             :                     }
    1391             : 
    1392          48 :                     pszDst = strstr(pszSrcProj4Defn, "+nadgrids=@null ");
    1393          48 :                     char *pszSrc = pszDst + strlen("+nadgrids=@null ");
    1394          48 :                     memmove(pszDst, pszSrc, strlen(pszSrc) + 1);
    1395             : 
    1396          48 :                     pszDst = strstr(pszSrcProj4Defn, "+wktext ");
    1397          48 :                     if (pszDst)
    1398             :                     {
    1399          48 :                         pszSrc = pszDst + strlen("+wktext ");
    1400          48 :                         memmove(pszDst, pszSrc, strlen(pszSrc) + 1);
    1401             :                     }
    1402          48 :                     bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat =
    1403          48 :                         strcmp(pszDstProj4Defn,
    1404          96 :                                "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs") == 0 &&
    1405          48 :                         (strcmp(pszSrcProj4Defn,
    1406             :                                 "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 "
    1407             :                                 "+lon_0=0.0 "
    1408             :                                 "+x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +no_defs") ==
    1409          48 :                              0 ||
    1410          48 :                          strcmp(pszSrcProj4Defn,
    1411             :                                 "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0 "
    1412             :                                 "+lon_0=0 "
    1413             :                                 "+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +k=1 +units=m +no_defs") == 0);
    1414             :                 }
    1415             :             }
    1416             : 
    1417         282 :             CPLFree(pszSrcProj4Defn);
    1418         282 :             CPLFree(pszDstProj4Defn);
    1419             :         }
    1420             : 
    1421         657 :         if (bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat)
    1422             :         {
    1423         189 :             CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Using WebMercator to WGS84 optimization");
    1424             :         }
    1425             :     }
    1426        3241 : }
    1427             : 
    1428             : /************************************************************************/
    1429             : /*                             Initialize()                             */
    1430             : /************************************************************************/
    1431             : 
    1432        2123 : int OGRProjCT::Initialize(const OGRSpatialReference *poSourceIn,
    1433             :                           const char *pszSrcSRS,
    1434             :                           const OGRSpatialReference *poTargetIn,
    1435             :                           const char *pszTargetSRS,
    1436             :                           const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &options)
    1437             : 
    1438             : {
    1439        2123 :     m_options = options;
    1440             : 
    1441        2123 :     if (poSourceIn == nullptr || poTargetIn == nullptr)
    1442             :     {
    1443          13 :         if (options.d->osCoordOperation.empty())
    1444             :         {
    1445           1 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1446             :                      "OGRProjCT::Initialize(): if source and/or target CRS "
    1447             :                      "are null, a coordinate operation must be specified");
    1448           1 :             return FALSE;
    1449             :         }
    1450             :     }
    1451             : 
    1452        2122 :     if (poSourceIn)
    1453             :     {
    1454        2112 :         poSRSSource = poSourceIn->Clone();
    1455        2112 :         m_osSrcSRS = pszSrcSRS;
    1456             :     }
    1457        2122 :     if (poTargetIn)
    1458             :     {
    1459        2111 :         poSRSTarget = poTargetIn->Clone();
    1460        2111 :         m_osTargetSRS = pszTargetSRS;
    1461             :     }
    1462             : 
    1463             :     // To easy quick&dirty compatibility with GDAL < 3.0
    1464        2122 :     if (CPLTestBool(
    1465             :             CPLGetConfigOption("OGR_CT_FORCE_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER", "NO")))
    1466             :     {
    1467           0 :         if (poSRSSource)
    1468           0 :             poSRSSource->SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    1469           0 :         if (poSRSTarget)
    1470           0 :             poSRSTarget->SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    1471             :     }
    1472             : 
    1473        2122 :     if (poSRSSource)
    1474             :     {
    1475        2112 :         bSourceLatLong = CPL_TO_BOOL(poSRSSource->IsGeographic());
    1476        2112 :         bSourceIsDynamicCRS = poSRSSource->IsDynamic();
    1477        2112 :         dfSourceCoordinateEpoch = poSRSSource->GetCoordinateEpoch();
    1478        2112 :         if (!bSourceIsDynamicCRS && dfSourceCoordinateEpoch > 0)
    1479             :         {
    1480           3 :             bSourceIsDynamicCRS = poSRSSource->HasPointMotionOperation();
    1481             :         }
    1482        2112 :         poSRSSource->GetAxis(nullptr, 0, &m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient);
    1483             :     }
    1484        2122 :     if (poSRSTarget)
    1485             :     {
    1486        2111 :         bTargetLatLong = CPL_TO_BOOL(poSRSTarget->IsGeographic());
    1487        2111 :         bTargetIsDynamicCRS = poSRSTarget->IsDynamic();
    1488        2111 :         dfTargetCoordinateEpoch = poSRSTarget->GetCoordinateEpoch();
    1489        2111 :         if (!bTargetIsDynamicCRS && dfTargetCoordinateEpoch > 0)
    1490             :         {
    1491           2 :             bTargetIsDynamicCRS = poSRSTarget->HasPointMotionOperation();
    1492             :         }
    1493        2111 :         poSRSTarget->GetAxis(nullptr, 0, &m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient);
    1494             :     }
    1495             : 
    1496             : #if PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR < 9 ||                                                  \
    1497             :     (PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR == 9 && PROJ_VERSION_MINOR < 4)
    1498        2122 :     if (bSourceIsDynamicCRS && bTargetIsDynamicCRS &&
    1499        1124 :         dfSourceCoordinateEpoch > 0 && dfTargetCoordinateEpoch > 0 &&
    1500           0 :         dfSourceCoordinateEpoch != dfTargetCoordinateEpoch)
    1501             :     {
    1502           0 :         CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1503             :                  "Coordinate transformation between different epochs only"
    1504             :                  "supported since PROJ 9.4");
    1505             :     }
    1506             : #endif
    1507             : 
    1508             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1509             :     /*      Setup source and target translations to radians for lat/long    */
    1510             :     /*      systems.                                                        */
    1511             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1512        2122 :     bSourceWrap = false;
    1513        2122 :     dfSourceWrapLong = 0.0;
    1514             : 
    1515        2122 :     bTargetWrap = false;
    1516        2122 :     dfTargetWrapLong = 0.0;
    1517             : 
    1518             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1519             :     /*      Preliminary logic to setup wrapping.                            */
    1520             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    1521        2122 :     if (CPLGetConfigOption("CENTER_LONG", nullptr) != nullptr)
    1522             :     {
    1523           0 :         bSourceWrap = true;
    1524           0 :         bTargetWrap = true;
    1525             :         // coverity[tainted_data]
    1526           0 :         dfSourceWrapLong = dfTargetWrapLong =
    1527           0 :             CPLAtof(CPLGetConfigOption("CENTER_LONG", ""));
    1528           0 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Wrap at %g.", dfSourceWrapLong);
    1529             :     }
    1530             : 
    1531             :     const char *pszCENTER_LONG;
    1532             :     {
    1533        2122 :         CPLErrorStateBackuper oErrorStateBackuper(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
    1534        2122 :         pszCENTER_LONG =
    1535        2122 :             poSRSSource ? poSRSSource->GetExtension("GEOGCS", "CENTER_LONG")
    1536             :                         : nullptr;
    1537             :     }
    1538        2122 :     if (pszCENTER_LONG != nullptr)
    1539             :     {
    1540           0 :         dfSourceWrapLong = CPLAtof(pszCENTER_LONG);
    1541           0 :         bSourceWrap = true;
    1542           0 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Wrap source at %g.", dfSourceWrapLong);
    1543             :     }
    1544        2122 :     else if (bSourceLatLong && options.d->bHasSourceCenterLong)
    1545             :     {
    1546         139 :         dfSourceWrapLong = options.d->dfSourceCenterLong;
    1547         139 :         bSourceWrap = true;
    1548         139 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Wrap source at %g.", dfSourceWrapLong);
    1549             :     }
    1550             : 
    1551             :     {
    1552        2122 :         CPLErrorStateBackuper oErrorStateBackuper(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
    1553        2122 :         pszCENTER_LONG =
    1554        2122 :             poSRSTarget ? poSRSTarget->GetExtension("GEOGCS", "CENTER_LONG")
    1555             :                         : nullptr;
    1556             :     }
    1557        2122 :     if (pszCENTER_LONG != nullptr)
    1558             :     {
    1559           0 :         dfTargetWrapLong = CPLAtof(pszCENTER_LONG);
    1560           0 :         bTargetWrap = true;
    1561           0 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Wrap target at %g.", dfTargetWrapLong);
    1562             :     }
    1563        2122 :     else if (bTargetLatLong && options.d->bHasTargetCenterLong)
    1564             :     {
    1565           0 :         dfTargetWrapLong = options.d->dfTargetCenterLong;
    1566           0 :         bTargetWrap = true;
    1567           0 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Wrap target at %g.", dfTargetWrapLong);
    1568             :     }
    1569             : 
    1570        2122 :     ComputeThreshold();
    1571             : 
    1572        2122 :     DetectWebMercatorToWGS84();
    1573             : 
    1574             :     const char *pszCTOpSelection =
    1575        2122 :         CPLGetConfigOption("OGR_CT_OP_SELECTION", nullptr);
    1576        2122 :     if (pszCTOpSelection)
    1577             :     {
    1578           0 :         if (EQUAL(pszCTOpSelection, "PROJ"))
    1579           0 :             m_eStrategy = Strategy::PROJ;
    1580           0 :         else if (EQUAL(pszCTOpSelection, "BEST_ACCURACY"))
    1581           0 :             m_eStrategy = Strategy::BEST_ACCURACY;
    1582           0 :         else if (EQUAL(pszCTOpSelection, "FIRST_MATCHING"))
    1583           0 :             m_eStrategy = Strategy::FIRST_MATCHING;
    1584             :         else
    1585           0 :             CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
    1586             :                      "OGR_CT_OP_SELECTION=%s not supported", pszCTOpSelection);
    1587             :     }
    1588             : #if PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR < 8
    1589             :     else
    1590             :     {
    1591        2122 :         if (options.d->dfAccuracy >= 0 || !options.d->bAllowBallpark)
    1592             :         {
    1593           4 :             m_eStrategy = Strategy::BEST_ACCURACY;
    1594             :         }
    1595             :     }
    1596             : #endif
    1597        2122 :     if (m_eStrategy == Strategy::PROJ)
    1598             :     {
    1599             :         const char *pszUseApproxTMERC =
    1600        2118 :             CPLGetConfigOption("OSR_USE_APPROX_TMERC", nullptr);
    1601        2118 :         if (pszUseApproxTMERC && CPLTestBool(pszUseApproxTMERC))
    1602             :         {
    1603           4 :             CPLDebug("OSRCT", "Using OGR_CT_OP_SELECTION=BEST_ACCURACY as "
    1604             :                               "OSR_USE_APPROX_TMERC is set");
    1605           4 :             m_eStrategy = Strategy::BEST_ACCURACY;
    1606             :         }
    1607             :     }
    1608             : 
    1609        2122 :     if (!options.d->osCoordOperation.empty())
    1610             :     {
    1611          20 :         auto ctx = OSRGetProjTLSContext();
    1612          20 :         m_pj = proj_create(ctx, options.d->osCoordOperation);
    1613          20 :         if (!m_pj)
    1614             :         {
    1615           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
    1616             :                      "Cannot instantiate pipeline %s",
    1617           0 :                      options.d->osCoordOperation.c_str());
    1618           0 :             return FALSE;
    1619             :         }
    1620          20 :         m_bReversePj = options.d->bReverseCO;
    1621             : #ifdef DEBUG
    1622          20 :         auto info = proj_pj_info(m_pj);
    1623          20 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "%s %s(user set)", info.definition,
    1624          20 :                  m_bReversePj ? "(reversed) " : "");
    1625             : #endif
    1626             :     }
    1627        2102 :     else if (!bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat && poSRSSource && poSRSTarget)
    1628             :     {
    1629             : #ifdef DEBUG_PERF
    1630             :         struct CPLTimeVal tvStart;
    1631             :         CPLGettimeofday(&tvStart, nullptr);
    1632             :         CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Before proj_create_crs_to_crs()");
    1633             : #endif
    1634             : #ifdef DEBUG
    1635        2059 :         CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Source CRS: '%s'", pszSrcSRS);
    1636        2059 :         if (dfSourceCoordinateEpoch > 0)
    1637           6 :             CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Source coordinate epoch: %.3f",
    1638             :                      dfSourceCoordinateEpoch);
    1639        2059 :         CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Target CRS: '%s'", pszTargetSRS);
    1640        2059 :         if (dfTargetCoordinateEpoch > 0)
    1641          10 :             CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Target coordinate epoch: %.3f",
    1642             :                      dfTargetCoordinateEpoch);
    1643             : #endif
    1644             : 
    1645        2059 :         if (m_eStrategy == Strategy::PROJ)
    1646             :         {
    1647        2051 :             PJ_AREA *area = nullptr;
    1648        2051 :             if (options.d->bHasAreaOfInterest)
    1649             :             {
    1650         228 :                 area = proj_area_create();
    1651         228 :                 proj_area_set_bbox(area, options.d->dfWestLongitudeDeg,
    1652         228 :                                    options.d->dfSouthLatitudeDeg,
    1653         228 :                                    options.d->dfEastLongitudeDeg,
    1654         228 :                                    options.d->dfNorthLatitudeDeg);
    1655             :             }
    1656        2051 :             auto ctx = OSRGetProjTLSContext();
    1657             : #if PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR >= 8
    1658             :             auto srcCRS = proj_create(ctx, pszSrcSRS);
    1659             :             auto targetCRS = proj_create(ctx, pszTargetSRS);
    1660             :             if (srcCRS == nullptr || targetCRS == nullptr)
    1661             :             {
    1662             :                 proj_destroy(srcCRS);
    1663             :                 proj_destroy(targetCRS);
    1664             :                 if (area)
    1665             :                     proj_area_destroy(area);
    1666             :                 return FALSE;
    1667             :             }
    1668             :             CPLStringList aosOptions;
    1669             :             if (options.d->dfAccuracy >= 0)
    1670             :                 aosOptions.SetNameValue(
    1671             :                     "ACCURACY", CPLSPrintf("%.17g", options.d->dfAccuracy));
    1672             :             if (!options.d->bAllowBallpark)
    1673             :                 aosOptions.SetNameValue("ALLOW_BALLPARK", "NO");
    1674             : #if PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR > 9 ||                                                  \
    1675             :     (PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR == 9 && PROJ_VERSION_MINOR >= 2)
    1676             :             if (options.d->bOnlyBestOptionSet)
    1677             :             {
    1678             :                 aosOptions.SetNameValue("ONLY_BEST",
    1679             :                                         options.d->bOnlyBest ? "YES" : "NO");
    1680             :             }
    1681             : #endif
    1682             : 
    1683             : #if PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR > 9 ||                                                  \
    1684             :     (PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR == 9 && PROJ_VERSION_MINOR >= 4)
    1685             :             if (bSourceIsDynamicCRS && dfSourceCoordinateEpoch > 0 &&
    1686             :                 bTargetIsDynamicCRS && dfTargetCoordinateEpoch > 0)
    1687             :             {
    1688             :                 auto srcCM = proj_coordinate_metadata_create(
    1689             :                     ctx, srcCRS, dfSourceCoordinateEpoch);
    1690             :                 proj_destroy(srcCRS);
    1691             :                 srcCRS = srcCM;
    1692             : 
    1693             :                 auto targetCM = proj_coordinate_metadata_create(
    1694             :                     ctx, targetCRS, dfTargetCoordinateEpoch);
    1695             :                 proj_destroy(targetCRS);
    1696             :                 targetCRS = targetCM;
    1697             :             }
    1698             : #endif
    1699             : 
    1700             :             m_pj = proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj(ctx, srcCRS, targetCRS, area,
    1701             :                                                   aosOptions.List());
    1702             :             proj_destroy(srcCRS);
    1703             :             proj_destroy(targetCRS);
    1704             : #else
    1705        2051 :             m_pj = proj_create_crs_to_crs(ctx, pszSrcSRS, pszTargetSRS, area);
    1706             : #endif
    1707        2051 :             if (area)
    1708         228 :                 proj_area_destroy(area);
    1709        2051 :             if (m_pj == nullptr)
    1710             :             {
    1711           3 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
    1712             :                          "Cannot find coordinate operations from `%s' to `%s'",
    1713             :                          pszSrcSRS, pszTargetSRS);
    1714           3 :                 return FALSE;
    1715             :             }
    1716             :         }
    1717           8 :         else if (!ListCoordinateOperations(pszSrcSRS, pszTargetSRS, options))
    1718             :         {
    1719           4 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
    1720             :                      "Cannot find coordinate operations from `%s' to `%s'",
    1721             :                      pszSrcSRS, pszTargetSRS);
    1722           4 :             return FALSE;
    1723             :         }
    1724             : #ifdef DEBUG_PERF
    1725             :         struct CPLTimeVal tvEnd;
    1726             :         CPLGettimeofday(&tvEnd, nullptr);
    1727             :         const double delay = (tvEnd.tv_sec + tvEnd.tv_usec * 1e-6) -
    1728             :                              (tvStart.tv_sec + tvStart.tv_usec * 1e-6);
    1729             :         g_dfTotalTimeCRStoCRS += delay;
    1730             :         CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "After proj_create_crs_to_crs(): %d ms",
    1731             :                  static_cast<int>(delay * 1000));
    1732             : #endif
    1733             :     }
    1734             : 
    1735        4210 :     if (options.d->osCoordOperation.empty() && poSRSSource && poSRSTarget &&
    1736        2095 :         (dfSourceCoordinateEpoch == 0 || dfTargetCoordinateEpoch == 0 ||
    1737           0 :          dfSourceCoordinateEpoch == dfTargetCoordinateEpoch))
    1738             :     {
    1739             :         // Determine if we can skip the transformation completely.
    1740        2095 :         const char *const apszOptionsIsSame[] = {"CRITERION=EQUIVALENT",
    1741             :                                                  nullptr};
    1742        2095 :         bNoTransform =
    1743        4051 :             !bSourceWrap && !bTargetWrap &&
    1744        1956 :             CPL_TO_BOOL(poSRSSource->IsSame(poSRSTarget, apszOptionsIsSame));
    1745             :     }
    1746             : 
    1747        2115 :     return TRUE;
    1748             : }
    1749             : 
    1750             : /************************************************************************/
    1751             : /*                               op_to_pj()                             */
    1752             : /************************************************************************/
    1753             : 
    1754           4 : static PJ *op_to_pj(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, PJ *op,
    1755             :                     CPLString *osOutProjString = nullptr)
    1756             : {
    1757             :     // OSR_USE_ETMERC is here just for legacy
    1758           4 :     bool bForceApproxTMerc = false;
    1759           4 :     const char *pszUseETMERC = CPLGetConfigOption("OSR_USE_ETMERC", nullptr);
    1760           4 :     if (pszUseETMERC && pszUseETMERC[0])
    1761             :     {
    1762           0 :         CPLErrorOnce(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1763             :                      "OSR_USE_ETMERC is a legacy configuration option, which "
    1764             :                      "now has only effect when set to NO (YES is the default). "
    1765             :                      "Use OSR_USE_APPROX_TMERC=YES instead");
    1766           0 :         bForceApproxTMerc = !CPLTestBool(pszUseETMERC);
    1767             :     }
    1768             :     else
    1769             :     {
    1770             :         const char *pszUseApproxTMERC =
    1771           4 :             CPLGetConfigOption("OSR_USE_APPROX_TMERC", nullptr);
    1772           4 :         if (pszUseApproxTMERC && pszUseApproxTMERC[0])
    1773             :         {
    1774           4 :             bForceApproxTMerc = CPLTestBool(pszUseApproxTMERC);
    1775             :         }
    1776             :     }
    1777           4 :     const char *options[] = {
    1778           4 :         bForceApproxTMerc ? "USE_APPROX_TMERC=YES" : nullptr, nullptr};
    1779           4 :     auto proj_string = proj_as_proj_string(ctx, op, PJ_PROJ_5, options);
    1780           4 :     if (!proj_string)
    1781             :     {
    1782           0 :         return nullptr;
    1783             :     }
    1784           4 :     if (osOutProjString)
    1785           0 :         *osOutProjString = proj_string;
    1786             : 
    1787           4 :     if (proj_string[0] == '\0')
    1788             :     {
    1789             :         /* Null transform ? */
    1790           0 :         return proj_create(ctx, "proj=affine");
    1791             :     }
    1792             :     else
    1793             :     {
    1794           4 :         return proj_create(ctx, proj_string);
    1795             :     }
    1796             : }
    1797             : 
    1798             : /************************************************************************/
    1799             : /*                       ListCoordinateOperations()                     */
    1800             : /************************************************************************/
    1801             : 
    1802           8 : bool OGRProjCT::ListCoordinateOperations(
    1803             :     const char *pszSrcSRS, const char *pszTargetSRS,
    1804             :     const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &options)
    1805             : {
    1806           8 :     auto ctx = OSRGetProjTLSContext();
    1807             : 
    1808           8 :     auto src = proj_create(ctx, pszSrcSRS);
    1809           8 :     if (!src)
    1810             :     {
    1811           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot instantiate source_crs");
    1812           0 :         return false;
    1813             :     }
    1814             : 
    1815           8 :     auto dst = proj_create(ctx, pszTargetSRS);
    1816           8 :     if (!dst)
    1817             :     {
    1818           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot instantiate target_crs");
    1819           0 :         proj_destroy(src);
    1820           0 :         return false;
    1821             :     }
    1822             : 
    1823           8 :     auto operation_ctx = proj_create_operation_factory_context(ctx, nullptr);
    1824           8 :     if (!operation_ctx)
    1825             :     {
    1826           0 :         proj_destroy(src);
    1827           0 :         proj_destroy(dst);
    1828           0 :         return false;
    1829             :     }
    1830             : 
    1831           8 :     proj_operation_factory_context_set_spatial_criterion(
    1832             :         ctx, operation_ctx, PROJ_SPATIAL_CRITERION_PARTIAL_INTERSECTION);
    1833           8 :     proj_operation_factory_context_set_grid_availability_use(
    1834             :         ctx, operation_ctx,
    1835             : #if PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7
    1836             :         proj_context_is_network_enabled(ctx)
    1837             :             ? PROJ_GRID_AVAILABILITY_KNOWN_AVAILABLE
    1838             :             :
    1839             : #endif
    1841             : 
    1842           8 :     if (options.d->bHasAreaOfInterest)
    1843             :     {
    1844           0 :         proj_operation_factory_context_set_area_of_interest(
    1845           0 :             ctx, operation_ctx, options.d->dfWestLongitudeDeg,
    1846           0 :             options.d->dfSouthLatitudeDeg, options.d->dfEastLongitudeDeg,
    1847           0 :             options.d->dfNorthLatitudeDeg);
    1848             :     }
    1849             : 
    1850           8 :     if (options.d->dfAccuracy >= 0)
    1851           2 :         proj_operation_factory_context_set_desired_accuracy(
    1852           2 :             ctx, operation_ctx, options.d->dfAccuracy);
    1853           8 :     if (!options.d->bAllowBallpark)
    1854             :     {
    1855             : #if PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR > 7 ||                                                  \
    1856             :     (PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR == 7 && PROJ_VERSION_MINOR >= 1)
    1857             :         proj_operation_factory_context_set_allow_ballpark_transformations(
    1858             :             ctx, operation_ctx, FALSE);
    1859             : #else
    1860           2 :         if (options.d->dfAccuracy < 0)
    1861             :         {
    1862           2 :             proj_operation_factory_context_set_desired_accuracy(
    1863             :                 ctx, operation_ctx, HUGE_VAL);
    1864             :         }
    1865             : #endif
    1866             :     }
    1867             : 
    1868           8 :     auto op_list = proj_create_operations(ctx, src, dst, operation_ctx);
    1869             : 
    1870           8 :     if (!op_list)
    1871             :     {
    1872           0 :         proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(operation_ctx);
    1873           0 :         proj_destroy(src);
    1874           0 :         proj_destroy(dst);
    1875           0 :         return false;
    1876             :     }
    1877             : 
    1878           8 :     auto op_count = proj_list_get_count(op_list);
    1879           8 :     if (op_count == 0)
    1880             :     {
    1881           4 :         proj_list_destroy(op_list);
    1882           4 :         proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(operation_ctx);
    1883           4 :         proj_destroy(src);
    1884           4 :         proj_destroy(dst);
    1885           4 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "No operation found matching criteria");
    1886           4 :         return false;
    1887             :     }
    1888             : 
    1889           0 :     if (op_count == 1 || options.d->bHasAreaOfInterest ||
    1890           4 :         proj_get_type(src) == PJ_TYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CRS ||
    1891           0 :         proj_get_type(dst) == PJ_TYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CRS)
    1892             :     {
    1893           4 :         auto op = proj_list_get(ctx, op_list, 0);
    1894           4 :         CPLAssert(op);
    1895           4 :         m_pj = op_to_pj(ctx, op);
    1896           8 :         CPLString osName;
    1897           4 :         auto name = proj_get_name(op);
    1898           4 :         if (name)
    1899           4 :             osName = name;
    1900           4 :         proj_destroy(op);
    1901           4 :         proj_list_destroy(op_list);
    1902           4 :         proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(operation_ctx);
    1903           4 :         proj_destroy(src);
    1904           4 :         proj_destroy(dst);
    1905           4 :         if (!m_pj)
    1906           0 :             return false;
    1907             : #ifdef DEBUG
    1908           4 :         auto info = proj_pj_info(m_pj);
    1909           4 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "%s (%s)", info.definition, osName.c_str());
    1910             : #endif
    1911           4 :         return true;
    1912             :     }
    1913             : 
    1914             :     // Create a geographic 2D long-lat degrees CRS that is related to the
    1915             :     // source CRS
    1916           0 :     auto geodetic_crs = proj_crs_get_geodetic_crs(ctx, src);
    1917           0 :     if (!geodetic_crs)
    1918             :     {
    1919           0 :         proj_list_destroy(op_list);
    1920           0 :         proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(operation_ctx);
    1921           0 :         proj_destroy(src);
    1922           0 :         proj_destroy(dst);
    1923           0 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Cannot find geodetic CRS matching source CRS");
    1924           0 :         return false;
    1925             :     }
    1926           0 :     auto geodetic_crs_type = proj_get_type(geodetic_crs);
    1927           0 :     if (geodetic_crs_type == PJ_TYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CRS ||
    1928           0 :         geodetic_crs_type == PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_2D_CRS ||
    1929             :         geodetic_crs_type == PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_3D_CRS)
    1930             :     {
    1931           0 :         auto datum = proj_crs_get_datum(ctx, geodetic_crs);
    1932             : #if PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR > 7 ||                                                  \
    1933             :     (PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR == 7 && PROJ_VERSION_MINOR >= 2)
    1934             :         if (datum == nullptr)
    1935             :         {
    1936             :             datum = proj_crs_get_datum_forced(ctx, geodetic_crs);
    1937             :         }
    1938             : #endif
    1939           0 :         if (datum)
    1940             :         {
    1941           0 :             auto ellps = proj_get_ellipsoid(ctx, datum);
    1942           0 :             proj_destroy(datum);
    1943           0 :             double semi_major_metre = 0;
    1944           0 :             double inv_flattening = 0;
    1945           0 :             proj_ellipsoid_get_parameters(ctx, ellps, &semi_major_metre,
    1946             :                                           nullptr, nullptr, &inv_flattening);
    1947           0 :             auto cs = proj_create_ellipsoidal_2D_cs(
    1948             :                 ctx, PJ_ELLPS2D_LONGITUDE_LATITUDE, nullptr, 0);
    1949             :             // It is critical to set the prime meridian to 0
    1950           0 :             auto temp = proj_create_geographic_crs(
    1951             :                 ctx, "unnamed crs", "unnamed datum", proj_get_name(ellps),
    1952             :                 semi_major_metre, inv_flattening, "Reference prime meridian", 0,
    1953             :                 nullptr, 0, cs);
    1954           0 :             proj_destroy(ellps);
    1955           0 :             proj_destroy(cs);
    1956           0 :             proj_destroy(geodetic_crs);
    1957           0 :             geodetic_crs = temp;
    1958           0 :             geodetic_crs_type = proj_get_type(geodetic_crs);
    1959             :         }
    1960             :     }
    1961           0 :     if (geodetic_crs_type != PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_2D_CRS)
    1962             :     {
    1963             :         // Shouldn't happen
    1964           0 :         proj_list_destroy(op_list);
    1965           0 :         proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(operation_ctx);
    1966           0 :         proj_destroy(src);
    1967           0 :         proj_destroy(dst);
    1968           0 :         proj_destroy(geodetic_crs);
    1969           0 :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Cannot find geographic CRS matching source CRS");
    1970           0 :         return false;
    1971             :     }
    1972             : 
    1973             :     // Create the transformation from this geographic 2D CRS to the source CRS
    1974             :     auto op_list_to_geodetic =
    1975           0 :         proj_create_operations(ctx, geodetic_crs, src, operation_ctx);
    1976           0 :     proj_destroy(geodetic_crs);
    1977             : 
    1978           0 :     if (op_list_to_geodetic == nullptr ||
    1979           0 :         proj_list_get_count(op_list_to_geodetic) == 0)
    1980             :     {
    1981           0 :         CPLDebug(
    1982             :             "OGRCT",
    1983             :             "Cannot compute transformation from geographic CRS to source CRS");
    1984           0 :         proj_list_destroy(op_list);
    1985           0 :         proj_list_destroy(op_list_to_geodetic);
    1986           0 :         proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(operation_ctx);
    1987           0 :         proj_destroy(src);
    1988           0 :         proj_destroy(dst);
    1989           0 :         return false;
    1990             :     }
    1991           0 :     auto opGeogToSrc = proj_list_get(ctx, op_list_to_geodetic, 0);
    1992           0 :     CPLAssert(opGeogToSrc);
    1993           0 :     proj_list_destroy(op_list_to_geodetic);
    1994           0 :     auto pjGeogToSrc = op_to_pj(ctx, opGeogToSrc);
    1995           0 :     proj_destroy(opGeogToSrc);
    1996           0 :     if (!pjGeogToSrc)
    1997             :     {
    1998           0 :         proj_list_destroy(op_list);
    1999           0 :         proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(operation_ctx);
    2000           0 :         proj_destroy(src);
    2001           0 :         proj_destroy(dst);
    2002           0 :         return false;
    2003             :     }
    2004             : 
    2005             :     const auto addTransformation =
    2006           0 :         [this, &pjGeogToSrc, &ctx](PJ *op, double west_lon, double south_lat,
    2007           0 :                                    double east_lon, double north_lat)
    2008             :     {
    2009           0 :         double minx = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    2010           0 :         double miny = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    2011           0 :         double maxx = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    2012           0 :         double maxy = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    2013             : 
    2014           0 :         if (!(west_lon == -180.0 && east_lon == 180.0 && south_lat == -90.0 &&
    2015             :               north_lat == 90.0))
    2016             :         {
    2017           0 :             minx = -minx;
    2018           0 :             miny = -miny;
    2019           0 :             maxx = -maxx;
    2020           0 :             maxy = -maxy;
    2021             : 
    2022             :             double x[21 * 4], y[21 * 4];
    2023           0 :             for (int j = 0; j <= 20; j++)
    2024             :             {
    2025           0 :                 x[j] = west_lon + j * (east_lon - west_lon) / 20;
    2026           0 :                 y[j] = south_lat;
    2027           0 :                 x[21 + j] = west_lon + j * (east_lon - west_lon) / 20;
    2028           0 :                 y[21 + j] = north_lat;
    2029           0 :                 x[21 * 2 + j] = west_lon;
    2030           0 :                 y[21 * 2 + j] = south_lat + j * (north_lat - south_lat) / 20;
    2031           0 :                 x[21 * 3 + j] = east_lon;
    2032           0 :                 y[21 * 3 + j] = south_lat + j * (north_lat - south_lat) / 20;
    2033             :             }
    2034           0 :             proj_trans_generic(pjGeogToSrc, PJ_FWD, x, sizeof(double), 21 * 4,
    2035             :                                y, sizeof(double), 21 * 4, nullptr, 0, 0,
    2036             :                                nullptr, 0, 0);
    2037           0 :             for (int j = 0; j < 21 * 4; j++)
    2038             :             {
    2039           0 :                 if (x[j] != HUGE_VAL && y[j] != HUGE_VAL)
    2040             :                 {
    2041           0 :                     minx = std::min(minx, x[j]);
    2042           0 :                     miny = std::min(miny, y[j]);
    2043           0 :                     maxx = std::max(maxx, x[j]);
    2044           0 :                     maxy = std::max(maxy, y[j]);
    2045             :                 }
    2046             :             }
    2047             :         }
    2048             : 
    2049           0 :         if (minx <= maxx)
    2050             :         {
    2051           0 :             CPLString osProjString;
    2052           0 :             const double accuracy = proj_coordoperation_get_accuracy(ctx, op);
    2053           0 :             auto pj = op_to_pj(ctx, op, &osProjString);
    2054           0 :             CPLString osName;
    2055           0 :             auto name = proj_get_name(op);
    2056           0 :             if (name)
    2057           0 :                 osName = name;
    2058           0 :             proj_destroy(op);
    2059           0 :             op = nullptr;
    2060           0 :             if (pj)
    2061             :             {
    2062             :                 m_oTransformations.emplace_back(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, pj,
    2063           0 :                                                 osName, osProjString, accuracy);
    2064             :             }
    2065             :         }
    2066           0 :         return op;
    2067           0 :     };
    2068             : 
    2069             :     // Iterate over source->target candidate transformations and reproject
    2070             :     // their long-lat bounding box into the source CRS.
    2071           0 :     bool foundWorldTransformation = false;
    2072           0 :     for (int i = 0; i < op_count; i++)
    2073             :     {
    2074           0 :         auto op = proj_list_get(ctx, op_list, i);
    2075           0 :         CPLAssert(op);
    2076           0 :         double west_lon = 0.0;
    2077           0 :         double south_lat = 0.0;
    2078           0 :         double east_lon = 0.0;
    2079           0 :         double north_lat = 0.0;
    2080           0 :         if (proj_get_area_of_use(ctx, op, &west_lon, &south_lat, &east_lon,
    2081           0 :                                  &north_lat, nullptr))
    2082             :         {
    2083           0 :             if (west_lon <= east_lon)
    2084             :             {
    2085           0 :                 if (west_lon == -180 && east_lon == 180 && south_lat == -90 &&
    2086           0 :                     north_lat == 90)
    2087             :                 {
    2088           0 :                     foundWorldTransformation = true;
    2089             :                 }
    2090           0 :                 op = addTransformation(op, west_lon, south_lat, east_lon,
    2091             :                                        north_lat);
    2092             :             }
    2093             :             else
    2094             :             {
    2095           0 :                 auto op_clone = proj_clone(ctx, op);
    2096             : 
    2097           0 :                 op = addTransformation(op, west_lon, south_lat, 180, north_lat);
    2098           0 :                 op_clone = addTransformation(op_clone, -180, south_lat,
    2099             :                                              east_lon, north_lat);
    2100           0 :                 proj_destroy(op_clone);
    2101             :             }
    2102             :         }
    2103             : 
    2104           0 :         proj_destroy(op);
    2105             :     }
    2106             : 
    2107           0 :     proj_list_destroy(op_list);
    2108             : 
    2109             :     // Sometimes the user will operate even outside the area of use of the
    2110             :     // source and target CRS, so if no global transformation has been returned
    2111             :     // previously, trigger the computation of one.
    2112           0 :     if (!foundWorldTransformation)
    2113             :     {
    2114           0 :         proj_operation_factory_context_set_area_of_interest(ctx, operation_ctx,
    2115             :                                                             -180, -90, 180, 90);
    2116           0 :         proj_operation_factory_context_set_spatial_criterion(
    2117             :             ctx, operation_ctx, PROJ_SPATIAL_CRITERION_STRICT_CONTAINMENT);
    2118           0 :         op_list = proj_create_operations(ctx, src, dst, operation_ctx);
    2119           0 :         if (op_list)
    2120             :         {
    2121           0 :             op_count = proj_list_get_count(op_list);
    2122           0 :             for (int i = 0; i < op_count; i++)
    2123             :             {
    2124           0 :                 auto op = proj_list_get(ctx, op_list, i);
    2125           0 :                 CPLAssert(op);
    2126           0 :                 double west_lon = 0.0;
    2127           0 :                 double south_lat = 0.0;
    2128           0 :                 double east_lon = 0.0;
    2129           0 :                 double north_lat = 0.0;
    2130           0 :                 if (proj_get_area_of_use(ctx, op, &west_lon, &south_lat,
    2131           0 :                                          &east_lon, &north_lat, nullptr) &&
    2132           0 :                     west_lon == -180 && east_lon == 180 && south_lat == -90 &&
    2133           0 :                     north_lat == 90)
    2134             :                 {
    2135           0 :                     op = addTransformation(op, west_lon, south_lat, east_lon,
    2136             :                                            north_lat);
    2137             :                 }
    2138           0 :                 proj_destroy(op);
    2139             :             }
    2140             :         }
    2141           0 :         proj_list_destroy(op_list);
    2142             :     }
    2143             : 
    2144           0 :     proj_operation_factory_context_destroy(operation_ctx);
    2145           0 :     proj_destroy(src);
    2146           0 :     proj_destroy(dst);
    2147           0 :     proj_destroy(pjGeogToSrc);
    2148           0 :     return !m_oTransformations.empty();
    2149             : }
    2150             : 
    2151             : /************************************************************************/
    2152             : /*                            GetSourceCS()                             */
    2153             : /************************************************************************/
    2154             : 
    2155        3908 : const OGRSpatialReference *OGRProjCT::GetSourceCS() const
    2156             : 
    2157             : {
    2158        3908 :     return poSRSSource;
    2159             : }
    2160             : 
    2161             : /************************************************************************/
    2162             : /*                            GetTargetCS()                             */
    2163             : /************************************************************************/
    2164             : 
    2165        2369 : const OGRSpatialReference *OGRProjCT::GetTargetCS() const
    2166             : 
    2167             : {
    2168        2369 :     return poSRSTarget;
    2169             : }
    2170             : 
    2171             : /************************************************************************/
    2172             : /*                             Transform()                              */
    2173             : /************************************************************************/
    2174             : 
    2175      200317 : int OGRCoordinateTransformation::Transform(size_t nCount, double *x, double *y,
    2176             :                                            double *z, int *pabSuccessIn)
    2177             : 
    2178             : {
    2179             :     int *pabSuccess =
    2180             :         pabSuccessIn
    2181      200317 :             ? pabSuccessIn
    2182      199076 :             : static_cast<int *>(VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(sizeof(int), nCount));
    2183      200317 :     if (!pabSuccess)
    2184           0 :         return FALSE;
    2185             : 
    2186      200317 :     const int bRet = Transform(nCount, x, y, z, nullptr, pabSuccess);
    2187             : 
    2188      200317 :     if (pabSuccess != pabSuccessIn)
    2189      199076 :         CPLFree(pabSuccess);
    2190             : 
    2191      200317 :     return bRet;
    2192             : }
    2193             : 
    2194             : /************************************************************************/
    2195             : /*                      TransformWithErrorCodes()                       */
    2196             : /************************************************************************/
    2197             : 
    2198        3976 : int OGRCoordinateTransformation::TransformWithErrorCodes(size_t nCount,
    2199             :                                                          double *x, double *y,
    2200             :                                                          double *z, double *t,
    2201             :                                                          int *panErrorCodes)
    2202             : 
    2203             : {
    2204        3976 :     if (nCount == 1)
    2205             :     {
    2206        3976 :         int nSuccess = 0;
    2207        3976 :         const int bRet = Transform(nCount, x, y, z, t, &nSuccess);
    2208        3976 :         if (panErrorCodes)
    2209             :         {
    2210        3976 :             panErrorCodes[0] = nSuccess ? 0 : -1;
    2211             :         }
    2212        3976 :         return bRet;
    2213             :     }
    2214             : 
    2215           0 :     std::vector<int> abSuccess;
    2216             :     try
    2217             :     {
    2218           0 :         abSuccess.resize(nCount);
    2219             :     }
    2220           0 :     catch (const std::bad_alloc &)
    2221             :     {
    2222           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
    2223             :                  "Cannot allocate abSuccess[] temporary array");
    2224           0 :         return FALSE;
    2225             :     }
    2226             : 
    2227           0 :     const int bRet = Transform(nCount, x, y, z, t,;
    2228             : 
    2229           0 :     if (panErrorCodes)
    2230             :     {
    2231           0 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2232             :         {
    2233           0 :             panErrorCodes[i] = abSuccess[i] ? 0 : -1;
    2234             :         }
    2235             :     }
    2236             : 
    2237           0 :     return bRet;
    2238             : }
    2239             : 
    2240             : /************************************************************************/
    2241             : /*                             Transform()                             */
    2242             : /************************************************************************/
    2243             : 
    2244     1822890 : int OGRProjCT::Transform(size_t nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z,
    2245             :                          double *t, int *pabSuccess)
    2246             : 
    2247             : {
    2248     1822890 :     const int bRet = TransformWithErrorCodes(nCount, x, y, z, t, pabSuccess);
    2249             : 
    2250     1822890 :     if (pabSuccess)
    2251             :     {
    2252    13371700 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2253             :         {
    2254    11548800 :             pabSuccess[i] = (pabSuccess[i] == 0);
    2255             :         }
    2256             :     }
    2257             : 
    2258     1822890 :     return bRet;
    2259             : }
    2260             : 
    2261             : /************************************************************************/
    2262             : /*                       TransformWithErrorCodes()                      */
    2263             : /************************************************************************/
    2264             : 
    2265             : #ifndef PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_INVALID_COORD
    2266             : #define PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_INVALID_COORD 2049
    2267             : #define PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_OUTSIDE_PROJECTION_DOMAIN 2050
    2268             : #define PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_NO_OPERATION 2051
    2269             : #endif
    2270             : 
    2271     1835010 : int OGRProjCT::TransformWithErrorCodes(size_t nCount, double *x, double *y,
    2272             :                                        double *z, double *t, int *panErrorCodes)
    2273             : 
    2274             : {
    2275     1835010 :     if (nCount == 0)
    2276           0 :         return TRUE;
    2277             : 
    2278             :     // Prevent any coordinate modification when possible
    2279     1835010 :     if (bNoTransform)
    2280             :     {
    2281        1655 :         if (panErrorCodes)
    2282             :         {
    2283        4531 :             for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2284             :             {
    2285        3172 :                 panErrorCodes[i] = 0;
    2286             :             }
    2287             :         }
    2288        1655 :         return TRUE;
    2289             :     }
    2290             : 
    2291             : #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE
    2292             :     bool bDebugCT = CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption("OGR_CT_DEBUG", "NO"));
    2293             :     if (bDebugCT)
    2294             :     {
    2295             :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "count = %d", nCount);
    2296             :         for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
    2297             :         {
    2298             :             CPLDebug("OGRCT", "  x[%d] = %.16g y[%d] = %.16g", int(i), x[i],
    2299             :                      int(i), y[i]);
    2300             :         }
    2301             :     }
    2302             : #endif
    2303             : #ifdef DEBUG_PERF
    2304             :     // CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Begin TransformWithErrorCodes()");
    2305             :     struct CPLTimeVal tvStart;
    2306             :     CPLGettimeofday(&tvStart, nullptr);
    2307             : #endif
    2308             : 
    2309             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2310             :     /*      Apply data axis to source CRS mapping.                          */
    2311             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2312             : 
    2313             :     // Since we may swap the x and y pointers, but cannot tell the caller about this swap,
    2314             :     // we save the original pointer. The same axis swap code is executed for poSRSTarget.
    2315             :     // If this nullifies, we save the swap of both axes
    2316     1833350 :     const auto xOriginal = x;
    2317             : 
    2318     1833350 :     if (poSRSSource)
    2319             :     {
    2320     1832450 :         const auto &mapping = poSRSSource->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
    2321     1832440 :         if (mapping.size() >= 2)
    2322             :         {
    2323     1832440 :             if (std::abs(mapping[0]) == 2 && std::abs(mapping[1]) == 1)
    2324             :             {
    2325     1564220 :                 std::swap(x, y);
    2326             :             }
    2327     1832430 :             const bool bNegateX = mapping[0] < 0;
    2328     1832430 :             if (bNegateX)
    2329             :             {
    2330           2 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2331             :                 {
    2332           1 :                     x[i] = -x[i];
    2333             :                 }
    2334             :             }
    2335     1832430 :             const bool bNegateY = mapping[1] < 0;
    2336     1832430 :             if (bNegateY)
    2337             :             {
    2338           0 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2339             :                 {
    2340           0 :                     y[i] = -y[i];
    2341             :                 }
    2342             :             }
    2343     1832430 :             if (z && mapping.size() >= 3 && mapping[2] == -3)
    2344             :             {
    2345           2 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2346             :                 {
    2347           1 :                     z[i] = -z[i];
    2348             :                 }
    2349             :             }
    2350             :         }
    2351             :     }
    2352             : 
    2353             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2354             :     /*      Potentially do longitude wrapping.                              */
    2355             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2356     1833340 :     if (bSourceLatLong && bSourceWrap)
    2357             :     {
    2358      191686 :         if (m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient == OAO_East)
    2359             :         {
    2360        7142 :             for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2361             :             {
    2362        6098 :                 if (x[i] != HUGE_VAL && y[i] != HUGE_VAL)
    2363             :                 {
    2364        6098 :                     if (x[i] < dfSourceWrapLong - 180.0)
    2365           0 :                         x[i] += 360.0;
    2366        6098 :                     else if (x[i] > dfSourceWrapLong + 180)
    2367           0 :                         x[i] -= 360.0;
    2368             :                 }
    2369             :             }
    2370             :         }
    2371             :         else
    2372             :         {
    2373      480157 :             for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2374             :             {
    2375      289515 :                 if (x[i] != HUGE_VAL && y[i] != HUGE_VAL)
    2376             :                 {
    2377      288435 :                     if (y[i] < dfSourceWrapLong - 180.0)
    2378         225 :                         y[i] += 360.0;
    2379      288210 :                     else if (y[i] > dfSourceWrapLong + 180)
    2380          71 :                         y[i] -= 360.0;
    2381             :                 }
    2382             :             }
    2383             :         }
    2384             :     }
    2385             : 
    2386             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2387             :     /*      Optimized transform from WebMercator to WGS84                   */
    2388             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2389     1833340 :     bool bTransformDone = false;
    2390     1833340 :     int bRet = TRUE;
    2391     1833340 :     if (bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat)
    2392             :     {
    2393       27500 :         constexpr double REVERSE_SPHERE_RADIUS = 1.0 / 6378137.0;
    2394             : 
    2395       27500 :         if (m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient != OAO_East)
    2396             :         {
    2397           0 :             std::swap(x, y);
    2398             :         }
    2399             : 
    2400       27500 :         double y0 = y[0];
    2401      625571 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2402             :         {
    2403      598071 :             if (x[i] == HUGE_VAL)
    2404             :             {
    2405           0 :                 bRet = FALSE;
    2406             :             }
    2407             :             else
    2408             :             {
    2409      598071 :                 x[i] = x[i] * REVERSE_SPHERE_RADIUS;
    2410      598071 :                 if (x[i] > M_PI)
    2411             :                 {
    2412         783 :                     if (x[i] < M_PI + 1e-14)
    2413             :                     {
    2414         138 :                         x[i] = M_PI;
    2415             :                     }
    2416         645 :                     else if (m_options.d->bCheckWithInvertProj)
    2417             :                     {
    2418           0 :                         x[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2419           0 :                         y[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2420           0 :                         y0 = HUGE_VAL;
    2421           0 :                         continue;
    2422             :                     }
    2423             :                     else
    2424             :                     {
    2425           2 :                         do
    2426             :                         {
    2427         647 :                             x[i] -= 2 * M_PI;
    2428         647 :                         } while (x[i] > M_PI);
    2429             :                     }
    2430             :                 }
    2431      597288 :                 else if (x[i] < -M_PI)
    2432             :                 {
    2433         697 :                     if (x[i] > -M_PI - 1e-14)
    2434             :                     {
    2435           8 :                         x[i] = -M_PI;
    2436             :                     }
    2437         689 :                     else if (m_options.d->bCheckWithInvertProj)
    2438             :                     {
    2439           0 :                         x[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2440           0 :                         y[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2441           0 :                         y0 = HUGE_VAL;
    2442           0 :                         continue;
    2443             :                     }
    2444             :                     else
    2445             :                     {
    2446           0 :                         do
    2447             :                         {
    2448         689 :                             x[i] += 2 * M_PI;
    2449         689 :                         } while (x[i] < -M_PI);
    2450             :                     }
    2451             :                 }
    2452      598071 :                 constexpr double RAD_TO_DEG = 180. / M_PI;
    2453      598071 :                 x[i] *= RAD_TO_DEG;
    2454             : 
    2455             :                 // Optimization for the case where we are provided a whole line
    2456             :                 // of same northing.
    2457      598071 :                 if (i > 0 && y[i] == y0)
    2458      400181 :                     y[i] = y[0];
    2459             :                 else
    2460             :                 {
    2461      197890 :                     y[i] = M_PI / 2.0 -
    2462      197890 :                            2.0 * atan(exp(-y[i] * REVERSE_SPHERE_RADIUS));
    2463      197890 :                     y[i] *= RAD_TO_DEG;
    2464             :                 }
    2465             :             }
    2466             :         }
    2467             : 
    2468       27500 :         if (panErrorCodes)
    2469             :         {
    2470      625565 :             for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2471             :             {
    2472      598067 :                 if (x[i] != HUGE_VAL)
    2473      598067 :                     panErrorCodes[i] = 0;
    2474             :                 else
    2475           0 :                     panErrorCodes[i] =
    2476             :                         PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_OUTSIDE_PROJECTION_DOMAIN;
    2477             :             }
    2478             :         }
    2479             : 
    2480       27500 :         if (m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient != OAO_East)
    2481             :         {
    2482       27013 :             std::swap(x, y);
    2483             :         }
    2484             : 
    2485       27500 :         bTransformDone = true;
    2486             :     }
    2487             : 
    2488             :     // Determine the default coordinate epoch, if not provided in the point to
    2489             :     // transform.
    2490             :     // For time-dependent transformations, PROJ can currently only do
    2491             :     // staticCRS -> dynamicCRS or dynamicCRS -> staticCRS transformations, and
    2492             :     // in either case, the coordinate epoch of the dynamicCRS must be provided
    2493             :     // as the input time.
    2494     1833340 :     double dfDefaultTime = HUGE_VAL;
    2495     1783970 :     if (bSourceIsDynamicCRS && dfSourceCoordinateEpoch > 0 &&
    2496     3617320 :         !bTargetIsDynamicCRS &&
    2497           4 :         CPLTestBool(
    2498             :             CPLGetConfigOption("OGR_CT_USE_SRS_COORDINATE_EPOCH", "YES")))
    2499             :     {
    2500           4 :         dfDefaultTime = dfSourceCoordinateEpoch;
    2501           4 :         CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Using coordinate epoch %f from source CRS",
    2502             :                  dfDefaultTime);
    2503             :     }
    2504     1576380 :     else if (bTargetIsDynamicCRS && dfTargetCoordinateEpoch > 0 &&
    2505     3409720 :              !bSourceIsDynamicCRS &&
    2506           2 :              CPLTestBool(
    2507             :                  CPLGetConfigOption("OGR_CT_USE_SRS_COORDINATE_EPOCH", "YES")))
    2508             :     {
    2509           2 :         dfDefaultTime = dfTargetCoordinateEpoch;
    2510           2 :         CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Using coordinate epoch %f from target CRS",
    2511             :                  dfDefaultTime);
    2512             :     }
    2513             : 
    2514             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2515             :     /*      Select dynamically the best transformation for the data, if     */
    2516             :     /*      needed.                                                         */
    2517             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2518     1833340 :     auto ctx = OSRGetProjTLSContext();
    2519             : 
    2520     1833360 :     PJ *pj = m_pj;
    2521     1833360 :     if (!bTransformDone && !pj)
    2522             :     {
    2523           0 :         double avgX = 0.0;
    2524           0 :         double avgY = 0.0;
    2525           0 :         size_t nCountValid = 0;
    2526           0 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2527             :         {
    2528           0 :             if (x[i] != HUGE_VAL && y[i] != HUGE_VAL)
    2529             :             {
    2530           0 :                 avgX += x[i];
    2531           0 :                 avgY += y[i];
    2532           0 :                 nCountValid++;
    2533             :             }
    2534             :         }
    2535           0 :         if (nCountValid != 0)
    2536             :         {
    2537           0 :             avgX /= static_cast<double>(nCountValid);
    2538           0 :             avgY /= static_cast<double>(nCountValid);
    2539             :         }
    2540             : 
    2541           0 :         constexpr int N_MAX_RETRY = 2;
    2542           0 :         int iExcluded[N_MAX_RETRY] = {-1, -1};
    2543             : 
    2544           0 :         const int nOperations = static_cast<int>(m_oTransformations.size());
    2545             :         PJ_COORD coord;
    2546           0 :         coord.xyzt.x = avgX;
    2547           0 :         coord.xyzt.y = avgY;
    2548           0 :         coord.xyzt.z = z ? z[0] : 0;
    2549           0 :         coord.xyzt.t = t ? t[0] : dfDefaultTime;
    2550             : 
    2551             :         // We may need several attempts. For example the point at
    2552             :         // lon=-111.5 lat=45.26 falls into the bounding box of the Canadian
    2553             :         // ntv2_0.gsb grid, except that it is not in any of the subgrids, being
    2554             :         // in the US. We thus need another retry that will select the conus
    2555             :         // grid.
    2556           0 :         for (int iRetry = 0; iRetry <= N_MAX_RETRY; iRetry++)
    2557             :         {
    2558           0 :             int iBestTransf = -1;
    2559             :             // Select transform whose BBOX match our data and has the best
    2560             :             // accuracy if m_eStrategy == BEST_ACCURACY. Or just the first BBOX
    2561             :             // matching one, if
    2562             :             //  m_eStrategy == FIRST_MATCHING
    2563           0 :             double dfBestAccuracy = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    2564           0 :             for (int i = 0; i < nOperations; i++)
    2565             :             {
    2566           0 :                 if (i == iExcluded[0] || i == iExcluded[1])
    2567             :                 {
    2568           0 :                     continue;
    2569             :                 }
    2570           0 :                 const auto &transf = m_oTransformations[i];
    2571           0 :                 if (avgX >= transf.minx && avgX <= transf.maxx &&
    2572           0 :                     avgY >= transf.miny && avgY <= transf.maxy &&
    2573           0 :                     (iBestTransf < 0 || (transf.accuracy >= 0 &&
    2574           0 :                                          transf.accuracy < dfBestAccuracy)))
    2575             :                 {
    2576           0 :                     iBestTransf = i;
    2577           0 :                     dfBestAccuracy = transf.accuracy;
    2578           0 :                     if (m_eStrategy == Strategy::FIRST_MATCHING)
    2579           0 :                         break;
    2580             :                 }
    2581             :             }
    2582           0 :             if (iBestTransf < 0)
    2583             :             {
    2584           0 :                 break;
    2585             :             }
    2586           0 :             auto &transf = m_oTransformations[iBestTransf];
    2587           0 :             pj = transf.pj;
    2588           0 :             proj_assign_context(pj, ctx);
    2589           0 :             if (iBestTransf != m_iCurTransformation)
    2590             :             {
    2591           0 :                 CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Selecting transformation %s (%s)",
    2592             :                          transf.osProjString.c_str(), transf.osName.c_str());
    2593           0 :                 m_iCurTransformation = iBestTransf;
    2594             :             }
    2595             : 
    2596           0 :             auto res = proj_trans(pj, m_bReversePj ? PJ_INV : PJ_FWD, coord);
    2597           0 :             if (res.xyzt.x != HUGE_VAL)
    2598             :             {
    2599           0 :                 break;
    2600             :             }
    2601           0 :             pj = nullptr;
    2602           0 :             CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Did not result in valid result. "
    2603             :                               "Attempting a retry with another operation.");
    2604           0 :             if (iRetry == N_MAX_RETRY)
    2605             :             {
    2606           0 :                 break;
    2607             :             }
    2608           0 :             iExcluded[iRetry] = iBestTransf;
    2609             :         }
    2610             : 
    2611           0 :         if (!pj)
    2612             :         {
    2613             :             // In case we did not find an operation whose area of use is
    2614             :             // compatible with the input coordinate, then goes through again the
    2615             :             // list, and use the first operation that does not require grids.
    2616           0 :             for (int i = 0; i < nOperations; i++)
    2617             :             {
    2618           0 :                 auto &transf = m_oTransformations[i];
    2619           0 :                 if (proj_coordoperation_get_grid_used_count(ctx, transf.pj) ==
    2620             :                     0)
    2621             :                 {
    2622           0 :                     pj = transf.pj;
    2623           0 :                     proj_assign_context(pj, ctx);
    2624           0 :                     if (i != m_iCurTransformation)
    2625             :                     {
    2626           0 :                         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Selecting transformation %s (%s)",
    2627             :                                  transf.osProjString.c_str(),
    2628             :                                  transf.osName.c_str());
    2629           0 :                         m_iCurTransformation = i;
    2630             :                     }
    2631           0 :                     break;
    2632             :                 }
    2633             :             }
    2634             :         }
    2635             : 
    2636           0 :         if (!pj)
    2637             :         {
    2638           0 :             if (m_bEmitErrors && ++nErrorCount < 20)
    2639             :             {
    2640           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2641             :                          "Cannot find transformation for provided coordinates");
    2642             :             }
    2643           0 :             else if (nErrorCount == 20)
    2644             :             {
    2645           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2646             :                          "Reprojection failed, further errors will be "
    2647             :                          "suppressed on the transform object.");
    2648             :             }
    2649             : 
    2650           0 :             for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2651             :             {
    2652           0 :                 x[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2653           0 :                 y[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2654           0 :                 if (panErrorCodes)
    2655           0 :                     panErrorCodes[i] = PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_NO_OPERATION;
    2656             :             }
    2657           0 :             return FALSE;
    2658             :         }
    2659             :     }
    2660     1833360 :     if (pj)
    2661             :     {
    2662     1832610 :         proj_assign_context(pj, ctx);
    2663             :     }
    2664             : 
    2665             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2666             :     /*      Do the transformation (or not...) using PROJ                    */
    2667             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2668             : 
    2669     1833360 :     if (!bTransformDone)
    2670             :     {
    2671     1805860 :         const auto nLastErrorCounter = CPLGetErrorCounter();
    2672             : 
    2673    12772800 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2674             :         {
    2675             :             PJ_COORD coord;
    2676    10967000 :             const double xIn = x[i];
    2677    10967000 :             const double yIn = y[i];
    2678    10967000 :             if (!std::isfinite(xIn))
    2679             :             {
    2680       10247 :                 bRet = FALSE;
    2681       10247 :                 x[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2682       10247 :                 y[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2683       10247 :                 if (panErrorCodes)
    2684       10247 :                     panErrorCodes[i] = PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_INVALID_COORD;
    2685       10247 :                 continue;
    2686             :             }
    2687    10956800 :             coord.xyzt.x = x[i];
    2688    10956800 :             coord.xyzt.y = y[i];
    2689    10956800 :             coord.xyzt.z = z ? z[i] : 0;
    2690    10956800 :             coord.xyzt.t = t ? t[i] : dfDefaultTime;
    2691    10956800 :             proj_errno_reset(pj);
    2692    10956800 :             coord = proj_trans(pj, m_bReversePj ? PJ_INV : PJ_FWD, coord);
    2693             : #if 0
    2694             :             CPLDebug("OGRCT",
    2695             :                      "Transforming (x=%f,y=%f,z=%f,time=%f) to "
    2696             :                      "(x=%f,y=%f,z=%f,time=%f)",
    2697             :                      x[i], y[i], z ? z[i] : 0, t ? t[i] : dfDefaultTime,
    2698             :                      coord.xyzt.x, coord.xyzt.y, coord.xyzt.z, coord.xyzt.t);
    2699             : #endif
    2700    10956800 :             x[i] = coord.xyzt.x;
    2701    10956800 :             y[i] = coord.xyzt.y;
    2702    10956800 :             if (z)
    2703    10919900 :                 z[i] = coord.xyzt.z;
    2704    10956800 :             if (t)
    2705          25 :                 t[i] = coord.xyzt.t;
    2706    10956800 :             int err = 0;
    2707    10956800 :             if (std::isnan(coord.xyzt.x))
    2708             :             {
    2709          77 :                 bRet = FALSE;
    2710             :                 // This shouldn't normally happen if PROJ projections behave
    2711             :                 // correctly, but e.g inverse laea before PROJ 8.1.1 could
    2712             :                 // do that for points out of domain.
    2713             :                 // See
    2714          77 :                 x[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2715          77 :                 y[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2716          77 :                 err = PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_OUTSIDE_PROJECTION_DOMAIN;
    2717             : 
    2718             : #ifdef DEBUG
    2719          77 :                 CPLErrorOnce(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2720             :                              "PROJ returned a NaN value. It should be fixed");
    2721             : #else
    2722             :                 CPLDebugOnce("OGR_CT",
    2723             :                              "PROJ returned a NaN value. It should be fixed");
    2724             : #endif
    2725             :             }
    2726    10956700 :             else if (coord.xyzt.x == HUGE_VAL)
    2727             :             {
    2728     3354980 :                 bRet = FALSE;
    2729     3354980 :                 err = proj_errno(pj);
    2730             :                 // PROJ should normally emit an error, but in case it does not
    2731             :                 // (e.g PROJ 6.3 with the +ortho projection), synthetize one
    2732     3354980 :                 if (err == 0)
    2733     3338870 :                     err = PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_OUTSIDE_PROJECTION_DOMAIN;
    2734             :             }
    2735     7601690 :             else if (m_options.d->bCheckWithInvertProj)
    2736             :             {
    2737             :                 // For some projections, we cannot detect if we are trying to
    2738             :                 // reproject coordinates outside the validity area of the
    2739             :                 // projection. So let's do the reverse reprojection and compare
    2740             :                 // with the source coordinates.
    2741     1754480 :                 coord = proj_trans(pj, m_bReversePj ? PJ_FWD : PJ_INV, coord);
    2742     1754480 :                 if (fabs(coord.xyzt.x - xIn) > dfThreshold ||
    2743     1602570 :                     fabs(coord.xyzt.y - yIn) > dfThreshold)
    2744             :                 {
    2745      154219 :                     bRet = FALSE;
    2746      154219 :                     err = PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_OUTSIDE_PROJECTION_DOMAIN;
    2747      154219 :                     x[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2748      154219 :                     y[i] = HUGE_VAL;
    2749             :                 }
    2750             :             }
    2751             : 
    2752    10956700 :             if (panErrorCodes)
    2753    10956000 :                 panErrorCodes[i] = err;
    2754             : 
    2755             :             /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
    2756             :              */
    2757             :             /*      Try to report an error through CPL.  Get proj error string
    2758             :              */
    2759             :             /*      if possible.  Try to avoid reporting thousands of errors. */
    2760             :             /*      Suppress further error reporting on this OGRProjCT if we */
    2761             :             /*      have already reported 20 errors. */
    2762             :             /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
    2763             :              */
    2764    10956700 :             if (err != 0)
    2765             :             {
    2766     3509270 :                 if (++nErrorCount < 20)
    2767             :                 {
    2768             : #if PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR >= 8
    2769             :                     const char *pszError = proj_context_errno_string(ctx, err);
    2770             : #else
    2771        1922 :                     const char *pszError = proj_errno_string(err);
    2772             : #endif
    2773        1922 :                     if (m_bEmitErrors
    2774             : #ifdef PROJ_ERR_OTHER_NO_INVERSE_OP
    2775             :                         || (i == 0 && err == PROJ_ERR_OTHER_NO_INVERSE_OP)
    2776             : #endif
    2777             :                     )
    2778             :                     {
    2779         345 :                         if (nLastErrorCounter != CPLGetErrorCounter() &&
    2780         607 :                             CPLGetLastErrorType() == CE_Failure &&
    2781         262 :                             strstr(CPLGetLastErrorMsg(), "PROJ:"))
    2782             :                         {
    2783             :                             // do nothing
    2784             :                         }
    2785         345 :                         else if (pszError == nullptr)
    2786           0 :                             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2787             :                                      "Reprojection failed, err = %d", err);
    2788             :                         else
    2789         345 :                             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s",
    2790             :                                      pszError);
    2791             :                     }
    2792             :                     else
    2793             :                     {
    2794        1577 :                         if (pszError == nullptr)
    2795           0 :                             CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Reprojection failed, err = %d",
    2796             :                                      err);
    2797             :                         else
    2798        1577 :                             CPLDebug("OGRCT", "%s", pszError);
    2799             :                     }
    2800             :                 }
    2801     3507350 :                 else if (nErrorCount == 20)
    2802             :                 {
    2803          87 :                     if (m_bEmitErrors)
    2804             :                     {
    2805          14 :                         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2806             :                                  "Reprojection failed, err = %d, further "
    2807             :                                  "errors will be "
    2808             :                                  "suppressed on the transform object.",
    2809             :                                  err);
    2810             :                     }
    2811             :                     else
    2812             :                     {
    2813          73 :                         CPLDebug("OGRCT",
    2814             :                                  "Reprojection failed, err = %d, further "
    2815             :                                  "errors will be "
    2816             :                                  "suppressed on the transform object.",
    2817             :                                  err);
    2818             :                     }
    2819             :                 }
    2820             :             }
    2821             :         }
    2822             :     }
    2823             : 
    2824             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2825             :     /*      Potentially do longitude wrapping.                              */
    2826             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2827     1833350 :     if (bTargetLatLong && bTargetWrap)
    2828             :     {
    2829      505049 :         if (m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient == OAO_East)
    2830             :         {
    2831       13265 :             for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2832             :             {
    2833       10684 :                 if (x[i] != HUGE_VAL && y[i] != HUGE_VAL)
    2834             :                 {
    2835       10684 :                     if (x[i] < dfTargetWrapLong - 180.0)
    2836           0 :                         x[i] += 360.0;
    2837       10684 :                     else if (x[i] > dfTargetWrapLong + 180)
    2838         154 :                         x[i] -= 360.0;
    2839             :                 }
    2840             :             }
    2841             :         }
    2842             :         else
    2843             :         {
    2844     8113080 :             for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2845             :             {
    2846     7610610 :                 if (x[i] != HUGE_VAL && y[i] != HUGE_VAL)
    2847             :                 {
    2848     4188830 :                     if (y[i] < dfTargetWrapLong - 180.0)
    2849        5823 :                         y[i] += 360.0;
    2850     4183010 :                     else if (y[i] > dfTargetWrapLong + 180)
    2851       23389 :                         y[i] -= 360.0;
    2852             :                 }
    2853             :             }
    2854             :         }
    2855             :     }
    2856             : 
    2857             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2858             :     /*      Apply data axis to target CRS mapping.                          */
    2859             :     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    2860     1833350 :     if (poSRSTarget)
    2861             :     {
    2862     1832440 :         const auto &mapping = poSRSTarget->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
    2863     1832440 :         if (mapping.size() >= 2)
    2864             :         {
    2865     1832440 :             const bool bNegateX = mapping[0] < 0;
    2866     1832440 :             if (bNegateX)
    2867             :             {
    2868           2 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2869             :                 {
    2870           1 :                     x[i] = -x[i];
    2871             :                 }
    2872             :             }
    2873     1832440 :             const bool bNegateY = mapping[1] < 0;
    2874     1832440 :             if (bNegateY)
    2875             :             {
    2876           0 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2877             :                 {
    2878           0 :                     y[i] = -y[i];
    2879             :                 }
    2880             :             }
    2881     1832440 :             if (z && mapping.size() >= 3 && mapping[2] == -3)
    2882             :             {
    2883           2 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    2884             :                 {
    2885           1 :                     z[i] = -z[i];
    2886             :                 }
    2887             :             }
    2888             : 
    2889     1832430 :             if (std::abs(mapping[0]) == 2 && std::abs(mapping[1]) == 1)
    2890             :             {
    2891      715177 :                 std::swap(x, y);
    2892             :             }
    2893             :         }
    2894             :     }
    2895             : 
    2896             :     // Check whether final "genuine" axis swap is really necessary
    2897     1833360 :     if (x != xOriginal)
    2898             :     {
    2899     1272790 :         std::swap_ranges(x, x + nCount, y);
    2900             :     }
    2901             : 
    2902             : #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE
    2903             :     if (bDebugCT)
    2904             :     {
    2905             :         CPLDebug("OGRCT", "Out:");
    2906             :         for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
    2907             :         {
    2908             :             CPLDebug("OGRCT", "  x[%d] = %.16g y[%d] = %.16g", int(i), x[i],
    2909             :                      int(i), y[i]);
    2910             :         }
    2911             :     }
    2912             : #endif
    2913             : #ifdef DEBUG_PERF
    2914             :     struct CPLTimeVal tvEnd;
    2915             :     CPLGettimeofday(&tvEnd, nullptr);
    2916             :     const double delay = (tvEnd.tv_sec + tvEnd.tv_usec * 1e-6) -
    2917             :                          (tvStart.tv_sec + tvStart.tv_usec * 1e-6);
    2918             :     g_dfTotalTimeReprojection += delay;
    2919             :     // CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "End TransformWithErrorCodes(): %d ms",
    2920             :     //          static_cast<int>(delay * 1000));
    2921             : #endif
    2922             : 
    2923     1833350 :     return bRet;
    2924             : }
    2925             : 
    2926             : /************************************************************************/
    2927             : /*                      TransformBounds()                       */
    2928             : /************************************************************************/
    2929             : 
    2930             : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2931         458 : static double simple_min(const double *data, const int *panErrorCodes,
    2932             :                          const int arr_len)
    2933             : {
    2934         458 :     double min_value = HUGE_VAL;
    2935       13450 :     for (int iii = 0; iii < arr_len; iii++)
    2936             :     {
    2937       12992 :         if ((data[iii] < min_value || min_value == HUGE_VAL) &&
    2938        2941 :             panErrorCodes[iii] == 0)
    2939        2842 :             min_value = data[iii];
    2940             :     }
    2941         458 :     return min_value;
    2942             : }
    2943             : 
    2944             : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2945         458 : static double simple_max(const double *data, const int *panErrorCodes,
    2946             :                          const int arr_len)
    2947             : {
    2948         458 :     double max_value = HUGE_VAL;
    2949       13374 :     for (int iii = 0; iii < arr_len; iii++)
    2950             :     {
    2951       12916 :         if ((data[iii] > max_value || max_value == HUGE_VAL) &&
    2952        3433 :             panErrorCodes[iii] == 0)
    2953        1986 :             max_value = data[iii];
    2954             :     }
    2955         458 :     return max_value;
    2956             : }
    2957             : 
    2958             : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2959        3858 : static int _find_previous_index(const int iii, const int *panErrorCodes,
    2960             :                                 const int arr_len)
    2961             : {
    2962             :     // find index of nearest valid previous value if exists
    2963        3858 :     int prev_iii = iii - 1;
    2964        3858 :     if (prev_iii == -1)  // handle wraparound
    2965         186 :         prev_iii = arr_len - 1;
    2966        3880 :     while (panErrorCodes[prev_iii] != 0 && prev_iii != iii)
    2967             :     {
    2968          22 :         prev_iii--;
    2969          22 :         if (prev_iii == -1)  // handle wraparound
    2970           2 :             prev_iii = arr_len - 1;
    2971             :     }
    2972        3858 :     return prev_iii;
    2973             : }
    2974             : 
    2975             : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2976             : /******************************************************************************
    2977             : Handles the case when longitude values cross the antimeridian
    2978             : when calculating the minimum.
    2979             : Note: The data array must be in a linear ring.
    2980             : Note: This requires a densified ring with at least 2 additional
    2981             :         points per edge to correctly handle global extents.
    2982             : If only 1 additional point:
    2983             :     |        |
    2984             :     |RL--x0--|RL--
    2985             :     |        |
    2986             : -180    180|-180
    2987             : If they are evenly spaced and it crosses the antimeridian:
    2988             : x0 - L = 180
    2989             : R - x0 = -180
    2990             : For example:
    2991             : Let R = -179.9, x0 = 0.1, L = -179.89
    2992             : x0 - L = 0.1 - -179.9 = 180
    2993             : R - x0 = -179.89 - 0.1 ~= -180
    2994             : This is the same in the case when it didn't cross the antimeridian.
    2995             : If you have 2 additional points:
    2996             :     |            |
    2997             :     |RL--x0--x1--|RL--
    2998             :     |            |
    2999             : -180        180|-180
    3000             : If they are evenly spaced and it crosses the antimeridian:
    3001             : x0 - L = 120
    3002             : x1 - x0 = 120
    3003             : R - x1 = -240
    3004             : For example:
    3005             : Let R = -179.9, x0 = -59.9, x1 = 60.1 L = -179.89
    3006             : x0 - L = 59.9 - -179.9 = 120
    3007             : x1 - x0 = 60.1 - 59.9 = 120
    3008             : R - x1 = -179.89 - 60.1 ~= -240
    3009             : However, if they are evenly spaced and it didn't cross the antimeridian:
    3010             : x0 - L = 120
    3011             : x1 - x0 = 120
    3012             : R - x1 = 120
    3013             : From this, we have a delta that is guaranteed to be significantly
    3014             : large enough to tell the difference reguarless of the direction
    3015             : the antimeridian was crossed.
    3016             : However, even though the spacing was even in the source projection, it isn't
    3017             : guaranteed in the target geographic projection. So, instead of 240, 200 is used
    3018             : as it significantly larger than 120 to be sure that the antimeridian was crossed
    3019             : but smalller than 240 to account for possible irregularities in distances
    3020             : when re-projecting. Also, 200 ensures latitudes are ignored for axis order
    3021             : handling.
    3022             : ******************************************************************************/
    3023          94 : static double antimeridian_min(const double *data, const int *panErrorCodes,
    3024             :                                const int arr_len)
    3025             : {
    3026          94 :     double positive_min = HUGE_VAL;
    3027          94 :     double min_value = HUGE_VAL;
    3028          94 :     int crossed_meridian_count = 0;
    3029          94 :     bool positive_meridian = false;
    3030             : 
    3031        2034 :     for (int iii = 0; iii < arr_len; iii++)
    3032             :     {
    3033        1940 :         if (panErrorCodes[iii])
    3034          11 :             continue;
    3035        1929 :         int prev_iii = _find_previous_index(iii, panErrorCodes, arr_len);
    3036             :         // check if crossed meridian
    3037        1929 :         double delta = data[prev_iii] - data[iii];
    3038             :         // 180 -> -180
    3039        1929 :         if (delta >= 200 && delta != HUGE_VAL)
    3040             :         {
    3041           9 :             if (crossed_meridian_count == 0)
    3042           2 :                 positive_min = min_value;
    3043           9 :             crossed_meridian_count++;
    3044           9 :             positive_meridian = false;
    3045             :             // -180 -> 180
    3046             :         }
    3047        1920 :         else if (delta <= -200 && delta != HUGE_VAL)
    3048             :         {
    3049           9 :             if (crossed_meridian_count == 0)
    3050           6 :                 positive_min = data[iii];
    3051           9 :             crossed_meridian_count++;
    3052           9 :             positive_meridian = true;
    3053             :         }
    3054             :         // positive meridian side min
    3055        1929 :         if (positive_meridian && data[iii] < positive_min)
    3056          38 :             positive_min = data[iii];
    3057             :         // track general min value
    3058        1929 :         if (data[iii] < min_value)
    3059         165 :             min_value = data[iii];
    3060             :     }
    3061             : 
    3062          94 :     if (crossed_meridian_count == 2)
    3063           7 :         return positive_min;
    3064          87 :     else if (crossed_meridian_count == 4)
    3065             :         // bounds extends beyond -180/180
    3066           1 :         return -180;
    3067          86 :     return min_value;
    3068             : }
    3069             : 
    3070             : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3071             : // Handles the case when longitude values cross the antimeridian
    3072             : // when calculating the minimum.
    3073             : // Note: The data array must be in a linear ring.
    3074             : // Note: This requires a densified ring with at least 2 additional
    3075             : //       points per edge to correctly handle global extents.
    3076             : // See antimeridian_min docstring for reasoning.
    3077          94 : static double antimeridian_max(const double *data, const int *panErrorCodes,
    3078             :                                const int arr_len)
    3079             : {
    3080          94 :     double negative_max = -HUGE_VAL;
    3081          94 :     double max_value = -HUGE_VAL;
    3082          94 :     bool negative_meridian = false;
    3083          94 :     int crossed_meridian_count = 0;
    3084             : 
    3085        2034 :     for (int iii = 0; iii < arr_len; iii++)
    3086             :     {
    3087        1940 :         if (panErrorCodes[iii])
    3088          11 :             continue;
    3089        1929 :         int prev_iii = _find_previous_index(iii, panErrorCodes, arr_len);
    3090             :         // check if crossed meridian
    3091        1929 :         double delta = data[prev_iii] - data[iii];
    3092             :         // 180 -> -180
    3093        1929 :         if (delta >= 200 && delta != HUGE_VAL)
    3094             :         {
    3095           9 :             if (crossed_meridian_count == 0)
    3096           2 :                 negative_max = data[iii];
    3097           9 :             crossed_meridian_count++;
    3098           9 :             negative_meridian = true;
    3099             :             // -180 -> 180
    3100             :         }
    3101        1920 :         else if (delta <= -200 && delta != HUGE_VAL)
    3102             :         {
    3103           9 :             if (crossed_meridian_count == 0)
    3104           6 :                 negative_max = max_value;
    3105           9 :             negative_meridian = false;
    3106           9 :             crossed_meridian_count++;
    3107             :         }
    3108             :         // negative meridian side max
    3109        1929 :         if (negative_meridian &&
    3110         142 :             (data[iii] > negative_max || negative_max == HUGE_VAL) &&
    3111          45 :             panErrorCodes[iii] == 0)
    3112          45 :             negative_max = data[iii];
    3113             :         // track general max value
    3114        1929 :         if ((data[iii] > max_value || max_value == HUGE_VAL) &&
    3115         764 :             panErrorCodes[iii] == 0)
    3116         764 :             max_value = data[iii];
    3117             :     }
    3118          94 :     if (crossed_meridian_count == 2)
    3119           7 :         return negative_max;
    3120          87 :     else if (crossed_meridian_count == 4)
    3121             :         // bounds extends beyond -180/180
    3122           1 :         return 180;
    3123          86 :     return max_value;
    3124             : }
    3125             : 
    3126             : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3127             : // Check if the original projected bounds contains
    3128             : // the north pole.
    3129             : // This assumes that the destination CRS is geographic.
    3130         106 : bool OGRProjCT::ContainsNorthPole(const double xmin, const double ymin,
    3131             :                                   const double xmax, const double ymax,
    3132             :                                   bool lon_lat_order)
    3133             : {
    3134         106 :     double pole_y = 90;
    3135         106 :     double pole_x = 0;
    3136         106 :     if (!lon_lat_order)
    3137             :     {
    3138           4 :         pole_y = 0;
    3139           4 :         pole_x = 90;
    3140             :     }
    3141         212 :     auto inverseCT = std::unique_ptr<OGRCoordinateTransformation>(GetInverse());
    3142         106 :     if (!inverseCT)
    3143           0 :         return false;
    3144         106 :     CPLErrorStateBackuper oBackuper(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
    3145         106 :     const bool success = inverseCT->TransformWithErrorCodes(
    3146         106 :         1, &pole_x, &pole_y, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    3147         110 :     return success && xmin < pole_x && pole_x < xmax && ymax > pole_y &&
    3148         110 :            pole_y > ymin;
    3149             : }
    3150             : 
    3151             : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3152             : // Check if the original projected bounds contains
    3153             : // the south pole.
    3154             : // This assumes that the destination CRS is geographic.
    3155         106 : bool OGRProjCT::ContainsSouthPole(const double xmin, const double ymin,
    3156             :                                   const double xmax, const double ymax,
    3157             :                                   bool lon_lat_order)
    3158             : {
    3159         106 :     double pole_y = -90;
    3160         106 :     double pole_x = 0;
    3161         106 :     if (!lon_lat_order)
    3162             :     {
    3163           4 :         pole_y = 0;
    3164           4 :         pole_x = -90;
    3165             :     }
    3166         212 :     auto inverseCT = std::unique_ptr<OGRCoordinateTransformation>(GetInverse());
    3167         106 :     if (!inverseCT)
    3168           0 :         return false;
    3169         106 :     CPLErrorStateBackuper oBackuper(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
    3170         106 :     const bool success = inverseCT->TransformWithErrorCodes(
    3171         106 :         1, &pole_x, &pole_y, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    3172         129 :     return success && xmin < pole_x && pole_x < xmax && ymax > pole_y &&
    3173         129 :            pole_y > ymin;
    3174             : }
    3175             : 
    3176         291 : int OGRProjCT::TransformBounds(const double xmin, const double ymin,
    3177             :                                const double xmax, const double ymax,
    3178             :                                double *out_xmin, double *out_ymin,
    3179             :                                double *out_xmax, double *out_ymax,
    3180             :                                const int densify_pts)
    3181             : {
    3182         291 :     if (bNoTransform)
    3183             :     {
    3184           1 :         *out_xmin = xmin;
    3185           1 :         *out_ymin = ymin;
    3186           1 :         *out_xmax = xmax;
    3187           1 :         *out_ymax = ymax;
    3188           1 :         return true;
    3189             :     }
    3190             : 
    3191         290 :     *out_xmin = HUGE_VAL;
    3192         290 :     *out_ymin = HUGE_VAL;
    3193         290 :     *out_xmax = HUGE_VAL;
    3194         290 :     *out_ymax = HUGE_VAL;
    3195             : 
    3196         290 :     if (densify_pts < 0 || densify_pts > 10000)
    3197             :     {
    3198           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    3199             :                  "densify_pts must be between 0-10000.");
    3200           1 :         return false;
    3201             :     }
    3202         289 :     if (!poSRSSource)
    3203             :     {
    3204           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "missing source SRS.");
    3205           0 :         return false;
    3206             :     }
    3207         289 :     if (!poSRSTarget)
    3208             :     {
    3209           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "missing target SRS.");
    3210           0 :         return false;
    3211             :     }
    3212             : 
    3213         289 :     bool degree_input = false;
    3214         289 :     bool degree_output = false;
    3215         289 :     bool input_lon_lat_order = false;
    3216         289 :     bool output_lon_lat_order = false;
    3217             : 
    3218         289 :     if (bSourceLatLong)
    3219             :     {
    3220         149 :         degree_input = fabs(poSRSSource->GetAngularUnits(nullptr) -
    3221         149 :                             CPLAtof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV)) < 1e-8;
    3222         149 :         const auto &mapping = poSRSSource->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
    3223         261 :         if ((mapping[0] == 1 && m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient == OAO_East) ||
    3224         112 :             (mapping[0] == 2 && m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient != OAO_East))
    3225             :         {
    3226         140 :             input_lon_lat_order = true;
    3227             :         }
    3228             :     }
    3229         289 :     if (bTargetLatLong)
    3230             :     {
    3231         107 :         degree_output = fabs(poSRSTarget->GetAngularUnits(nullptr) -
    3232         107 :                              CPLAtof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV)) < 1e-8;
    3233         107 :         const auto &mapping = poSRSTarget->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
    3234         204 :         if ((mapping[0] == 1 && m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient == OAO_East) ||
    3235          97 :             (mapping[0] == 2 && m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient != OAO_East))
    3236             :         {
    3237         102 :             output_lon_lat_order = true;
    3238             :         }
    3239             :     }
    3240             : 
    3241         289 :     if (degree_output && densify_pts < 2)
    3242             :     {
    3243           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    3244             :                  "densify_pts must be at least 2 if the output is geograpic.");
    3245           1 :         return false;
    3246             :     }
    3247             : 
    3248         288 :     int side_pts = densify_pts + 1;  // add one because we are densifying
    3249         288 :     const int boundary_len = side_pts * 4;
    3250         576 :     std::vector<double> x_boundary_array;
    3251         576 :     std::vector<double> y_boundary_array;
    3252         576 :     std::vector<int> anErrorCodes;
    3253             :     try
    3254             :     {
    3255         288 :         x_boundary_array.resize(boundary_len);
    3256         288 :         y_boundary_array.resize(boundary_len);
    3257         288 :         anErrorCodes.resize(boundary_len);
    3258             :     }
    3259           0 :     catch (const std::exception &e)  // memory allocation failure
    3260             :     {
    3261           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s", e.what());
    3262           0 :         return false;
    3263             :     }
    3264         288 :     double delta_x = 0;
    3265         288 :     double delta_y = 0;
    3266         288 :     bool north_pole_in_bounds = false;
    3267         288 :     bool south_pole_in_bounds = false;
    3268         288 :     if (degree_output)
    3269             :     {
    3270             :         north_pole_in_bounds =
    3271         106 :             ContainsNorthPole(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, output_lon_lat_order);
    3272             :         south_pole_in_bounds =
    3273         106 :             ContainsSouthPole(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, output_lon_lat_order);
    3274             :     }
    3275             : 
    3276         288 :     if (degree_input && xmax < xmin)
    3277             :     {
    3278           1 :         if (!input_lon_lat_order)
    3279             :         {
    3280           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    3281             :                      "latitude max < latitude min.");
    3282           0 :             return false;
    3283             :         }
    3284             :         // handle antimeridian
    3285           1 :         delta_x = (xmax - xmin + 360.0) / side_pts;
    3286             :     }
    3287             :     else
    3288             :     {
    3289         287 :         delta_x = (xmax - xmin) / side_pts;
    3290             :     }
    3291         288 :     if (degree_input && ymax < ymin)
    3292             :     {
    3293           1 :         if (input_lon_lat_order)
    3294             :         {
    3295           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    3296             :                      "latitude max < latitude min.");
    3297           0 :             return false;
    3298             :         }
    3299             :         // handle antimeridian
    3300           1 :         delta_y = (ymax - ymin + 360.0) / side_pts;
    3301             :     }
    3302             :     else
    3303             :     {
    3304         287 :         delta_y = (ymax - ymin) / side_pts;
    3305             :     }
    3306             : 
    3307             :     // build densified bounding box
    3308             :     // Note: must be a linear ring for antimeridian logic
    3309        2257 :     for (int iii = 0; iii < side_pts; iii++)
    3310             :     {
    3311             :         // xmin boundary
    3312        1969 :         y_boundary_array[iii] = ymax - iii * delta_y;
    3313        1969 :         x_boundary_array[iii] = xmin;
    3314             :         // ymin boundary
    3315        1969 :         y_boundary_array[iii + side_pts] = ymin;
    3316        1969 :         x_boundary_array[iii + side_pts] = xmin + iii * delta_x;
    3317             :         // xmax boundary
    3318        1969 :         y_boundary_array[iii + side_pts * 2] = ymin + iii * delta_y;
    3319        1969 :         x_boundary_array[iii + side_pts * 2] = xmax;
    3320             :         // ymax boundary
    3321        1969 :         y_boundary_array[iii + side_pts * 3] = ymax;
    3322        1969 :         x_boundary_array[iii + side_pts * 3] = xmax - iii * delta_x;
    3323             :     }
    3324             : 
    3325             :     {
    3326         288 :         CPLErrorStateBackuper oBackuper(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
    3327         288 :         bool success = TransformWithErrorCodes(
    3328         288 :             boundary_len, &x_boundary_array[0], &y_boundary_array[0], nullptr,
    3329         288 :             nullptr,;
    3330         288 :         if (!success)
    3331             :         {
    3332         176 :             for (int i = 0; i < boundary_len; ++i)
    3333             :             {
    3334         170 :                 if (anErrorCodes[i] == 0)
    3335             :                 {
    3336          46 :                     success = true;
    3337          46 :                     break;
    3338             :                 }
    3339             :             }
    3340          52 :             if (!success)
    3341           6 :                 return false;
    3342             :         }
    3343             :     }
    3344             : 
    3345         282 :     if (!degree_output)
    3346             :     {
    3347         180 :         *out_xmin =
    3348         180 :             simple_min(&x_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3349         180 :         *out_xmax =
    3350         180 :             simple_max(&x_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3351         180 :         *out_ymin =
    3352         180 :             simple_min(&y_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3353         180 :         *out_ymax =
    3354         180 :             simple_max(&y_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3355             : 
    3356         180 :         if (poSRSTarget->IsProjected())
    3357             :         {
    3358         360 :             CPLErrorStateBackuper oBackuper(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
    3359             : 
    3360             :             auto poBaseTarget = std::unique_ptr<OGRSpatialReference>(
    3361         360 :                 poSRSTarget->CloneGeogCS());
    3362         180 :             poBaseTarget->SetAxisMappingStrategy(OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER);
    3363             : 
    3364             :             auto poCTBaseTargetToSrc =
    3365             :                 std::unique_ptr<OGRCoordinateTransformation>(
    3366         180 :                     OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(poBaseTarget.get(),
    3367         360 :                                                       poSRSSource));
    3368         180 :             if (poCTBaseTargetToSrc)
    3369             :             {
    3370             :                 const double dfLon0 =
    3371         180 :                     poSRSTarget->GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, 0.0);
    3372             : 
    3373         180 :                 double dfSignedPoleLat = 0;
    3374         180 :                 double dfAbsPoleLat = 90;
    3375         180 :                 bool bIncludesPole = false;
    3376             :                 const char *pszProjection =
    3377         180 :                     poSRSTarget->GetAttrValue("PROJECTION");
    3378         180 :                 if (pszProjection &&
    3379         180 :                     EQUAL(pszProjection, SRS_PT_MERCATOR_1SP) && dfLon0 == 0)
    3380             :                 {
    3381             :                     // This MAX_LAT_MERCATOR values is equivalent to the
    3382             :                     // semi_major_axis * PI easting/northing value only
    3383             :                     // for EPSG:3857, but it is also quite
    3384             :                     // reasonable for other Mercator projections
    3385         109 :                     constexpr double MAX_LAT_MERCATOR = 85.0511287798066;
    3386         109 :                     dfAbsPoleLat = MAX_LAT_MERCATOR;
    3387             :                 }
    3388             : 
    3389             :                 // Detect if a point at long = central_meridian and
    3390             :                 // lat = +/- 90deg is included in the extent.
    3391             :                 // Helps for example for EPSG:4326 to ESRI:53037
    3392         540 :                 for (int iSign = -1; iSign <= 1; iSign += 2)
    3393             :                 {
    3394         360 :                     double dfX = dfLon0;
    3395         360 :                     constexpr double EPS = 1e-8;
    3396         360 :                     double dfY = iSign * (dfAbsPoleLat - EPS);
    3397             : 
    3398         360 :                     if (poCTBaseTargetToSrc->TransformWithErrorCodes(
    3399         360 :                             1, &dfX, &dfY, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) &&
    3400         360 :                         dfX >= xmin && dfY >= ymin && dfX <= xmax &&
    3401         844 :                         dfY <= ymax &&
    3402         124 :                         TransformWithErrorCodes(1, &dfX, &dfY, nullptr, nullptr,
    3403         124 :                                                 nullptr))
    3404             :                     {
    3405         124 :                         dfSignedPoleLat = iSign * dfAbsPoleLat;
    3406         124 :                         bIncludesPole = true;
    3407         124 :                         *out_xmin = std::min(*out_xmin, dfX);
    3408         124 :                         *out_ymin = std::min(*out_ymin, dfY);
    3409         124 :                         *out_xmax = std::max(*out_xmax, dfX);
    3410         124 :                         *out_ymax = std::max(*out_ymax, dfY);
    3411             :                     }
    3412             :                 }
    3413             : 
    3414             :                 const auto TryAtPlusMinus180 =
    3415         120 :                     [this, dfLon0, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, out_xmin, out_ymin,
    3416        1954 :                      out_xmax, out_ymax, &poCTBaseTargetToSrc](double dfLat)
    3417             :                 {
    3418         360 :                     for (int iSign = -1; iSign <= 1; iSign += 2)
    3419             :                     {
    3420         240 :                         constexpr double EPS = 1e-8;
    3421             :                         double dfX =
    3422         240 :                             fmod(dfLon0 + iSign * (180 - EPS) + 180, 360) - 180;
    3423         240 :                         double dfY = dfLat;
    3424             : 
    3425         240 :                         if (poCTBaseTargetToSrc->TransformWithErrorCodes(
    3426         240 :                                 1, &dfX, &dfY, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) &&
    3427         240 :                             dfX >= xmin && dfY >= ymin && dfX <= xmax &&
    3428         610 :                             dfY <= ymax &&
    3429         130 :                             TransformWithErrorCodes(1, &dfX, &dfY, nullptr,
    3430         130 :                                                     nullptr, nullptr))
    3431             :                         {
    3432         121 :                             *out_xmin = std::min(*out_xmin, dfX);
    3433         121 :                             *out_ymin = std::min(*out_ymin, dfY);
    3434         121 :                             *out_xmax = std::max(*out_xmax, dfX);
    3435         121 :                             *out_ymax = std::max(*out_ymax, dfY);
    3436             :                         }
    3437             :                     }
    3438         120 :                 };
    3439             : 
    3440             :                 // For a projected CRS with a central meridian != 0, try to
    3441             :                 // reproject the points with long = +/- 180deg of the central
    3442             :                 // meridian and at lat = latitude_of_origin.
    3443         180 :                 const double dfLat0 = poSRSTarget->GetNormProjParm(
    3444             :                     SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 0.0);
    3445         180 :                 if (dfLon0 != 0)
    3446             :                 {
    3447          58 :                     TryAtPlusMinus180(dfLat0);
    3448             :                 }
    3449             : 
    3450         180 :                 if (bIncludesPole && dfLat0 != dfSignedPoleLat)
    3451             :                 {
    3452          62 :                     TryAtPlusMinus180(dfSignedPoleLat);
    3453             :                 }
    3454             :             }
    3455             :         }
    3456             :     }
    3457         102 :     else if (north_pole_in_bounds && output_lon_lat_order)
    3458             :     {
    3459           3 :         *out_xmin = -180;
    3460           3 :         *out_ymin =
    3461           3 :             simple_min(&y_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3462           3 :         *out_xmax = 180;
    3463           3 :         *out_ymax = 90;
    3464             :     }
    3465          99 :     else if (north_pole_in_bounds)
    3466             :     {
    3467           1 :         *out_xmin =
    3468           1 :             simple_min(&x_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3469           1 :         *out_ymin = -180;
    3470           1 :         *out_xmax = 90;
    3471           1 :         *out_ymax = 180;
    3472             :     }
    3473          98 :     else if (south_pole_in_bounds && output_lon_lat_order)
    3474             :     {
    3475           3 :         *out_xmin = -180;
    3476           3 :         *out_ymin = -90;
    3477           3 :         *out_xmax = 180;
    3478           3 :         *out_ymax =
    3479           3 :             simple_max(&y_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3480             :     }
    3481          95 :     else if (south_pole_in_bounds)
    3482             :     {
    3483           1 :         *out_xmin = -90;
    3484           1 :         *out_ymin = -180;
    3485           1 :         *out_xmax =
    3486           1 :             simple_max(&x_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3487           1 :         *out_ymax = 180;
    3488             :     }
    3489          94 :     else if (output_lon_lat_order)
    3490             :     {
    3491          92 :         *out_xmin = antimeridian_min(&x_boundary_array[0],,
    3492             :                                      boundary_len);
    3493          92 :         *out_xmax = antimeridian_max(&x_boundary_array[0],,
    3494             :                                      boundary_len);
    3495          92 :         *out_ymin =
    3496          92 :             simple_min(&y_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3497          92 :         *out_ymax =
    3498          92 :             simple_max(&y_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3499             :     }
    3500             :     else
    3501             :     {
    3502           2 :         *out_xmin =
    3503           2 :             simple_min(&x_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3504           2 :         *out_xmax =
    3505           2 :             simple_max(&x_boundary_array[0],, boundary_len);
    3506           2 :         *out_ymin = antimeridian_min(&y_boundary_array[0],,
    3507             :                                      boundary_len);
    3508           2 :         *out_ymax = antimeridian_max(&y_boundary_array[0],,
    3509             :                                      boundary_len);
    3510             :     }
    3511             : 
    3512         282 :     return *out_xmin != HUGE_VAL && *out_ymin != HUGE_VAL &&
    3513         564 :            *out_xmax != HUGE_VAL && *out_ymax != HUGE_VAL;
    3514             : }
    3515             : 
    3516             : /************************************************************************/
    3517             : /*                               Clone()                                */
    3518             : /************************************************************************/
    3519             : 
    3520          23 : OGRCoordinateTransformation *OGRProjCT::Clone() const
    3521             : {
    3522          46 :     std::unique_ptr<OGRProjCT> poNewCT(new OGRProjCT(*this));
    3523             : #if (PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR * 10000 + PROJ_VERSION_MINOR * 100 +                   \
    3524             :      PROJ_VERSION_PATCH) < 80001
    3525             :     // See
    3526             :     // This may fail before PROJ 8.0.1 if the m_pj object is a "meta"
    3527             :     // operation being a set of real operations
    3528          23 :     bool bCloneDone = ((m_pj == nullptr) == (poNewCT->m_pj == nullptr));
    3529          23 :     if (!bCloneDone)
    3530             :     {
    3531           1 :         poNewCT.reset(new OGRProjCT());
    3532             :         auto ret =
    3533           2 :             poNewCT->Initialize(poSRSSource, m_osSrcSRS.c_str(), poSRSTarget,
    3534           1 :                                 m_osTargetSRS.c_str(), m_options);
    3535           1 :         if (!ret)
    3536             :         {
    3537           0 :             return nullptr;
    3538             :         }
    3539             :     }
    3540             : #endif  // PROJ_VERSION
    3541          23 :     return poNewCT.release();
    3542             : }
    3543             : 
    3544             : /************************************************************************/
    3545             : /*                            GetInverse()                              */
    3546             : /************************************************************************/
    3547             : 
    3548        1128 : OGRCoordinateTransformation *OGRProjCT::GetInverse() const
    3549             : {
    3550        1128 :     PJ *new_pj = nullptr;
    3551             :     // m_pj can be nullptr if using m_eStrategy != PROJ
    3552        1128 :     if (m_pj && !bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat && !bNoTransform)
    3553             :     {
    3554             :         // See
    3555             :         // This may fail before PROJ 8.0.1 if the m_pj object is a "meta"
    3556             :         // operation being a set of real operations
    3557        1125 :         new_pj = proj_clone(OSRGetProjTLSContext(), m_pj);
    3558             :     }
    3559             : 
    3560        2256 :     OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions newOptions(m_options);
    3561        1128 :     std::swap(newOptions.d->bHasSourceCenterLong,
    3562        1128 :               newOptions.d->bHasTargetCenterLong);
    3563        1128 :     std::swap(newOptions.d->dfSourceCenterLong,
    3564        1128 :               newOptions.d->dfTargetCenterLong);
    3565        1128 :     newOptions.d->bReverseCO = !newOptions.d->bReverseCO;
    3566        1128 :     newOptions.d->RefreshCheckWithInvertProj();
    3567             : 
    3568        1128 :     if (new_pj == nullptr && !bNoTransform)
    3569             :     {
    3570           9 :         return OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(poSRSTarget, poSRSSource,
    3571           9 :                                                  newOptions);
    3572             :     }
    3573             : 
    3574        1119 :     auto poNewCT = new OGRProjCT();
    3575             : 
    3576        1119 :     if (poSRSTarget)
    3577        1113 :         poNewCT->poSRSSource = poSRSTarget->Clone();
    3578        1119 :     poNewCT->m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient = m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient;
    3579        1119 :     poNewCT->bSourceLatLong = bTargetLatLong;
    3580        1119 :     poNewCT->bSourceWrap = bTargetWrap;
    3581        1119 :     poNewCT->dfSourceWrapLong = dfTargetWrapLong;
    3582        1119 :     poNewCT->bSourceIsDynamicCRS = bTargetIsDynamicCRS;
    3583        1119 :     poNewCT->dfSourceCoordinateEpoch = dfTargetCoordinateEpoch;
    3584        1119 :     poNewCT->m_osSrcSRS = m_osTargetSRS;
    3585             : 
    3586        1119 :     if (poSRSSource)
    3587        1113 :         poNewCT->poSRSTarget = poSRSSource->Clone();
    3588        1119 :     poNewCT->m_eTargetFirstAxisOrient = m_eSourceFirstAxisOrient;
    3589        1119 :     poNewCT->bTargetLatLong = bSourceLatLong;
    3590        1119 :     poNewCT->bTargetWrap = bSourceWrap;
    3591        1119 :     poNewCT->dfTargetWrapLong = dfSourceWrapLong;
    3592        1119 :     poNewCT->bTargetIsDynamicCRS = bSourceIsDynamicCRS;
    3593        1119 :     poNewCT->dfTargetCoordinateEpoch = dfSourceCoordinateEpoch;
    3594        1119 :     poNewCT->m_osTargetSRS = m_osSrcSRS;
    3595             : 
    3596        1119 :     poNewCT->ComputeThreshold();
    3597             : 
    3598        1119 :     poNewCT->m_pj = new_pj;
    3599        1119 :     poNewCT->m_bReversePj = !m_bReversePj;
    3600        1119 :     poNewCT->bNoTransform = bNoTransform;
    3601        1119 :     poNewCT->m_eStrategy = m_eStrategy;
    3602        1119 :     poNewCT->m_options = newOptions;
    3603             : 
    3604        1119 :     poNewCT->DetectWebMercatorToWGS84();
    3605             : 
    3606        1119 :     return poNewCT;
    3607             : }
    3608             : 
    3609             : /************************************************************************/
    3610             : /*                            OSRCTCleanCache()                         */
    3611             : /************************************************************************/
    3612             : 
    3613         927 : void OSRCTCleanCache()
    3614             : {
    3615         927 :     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oGuard(g_oCTCacheMutex);
    3616         927 :     delete g_poCTCache;
    3617         927 :     g_poCTCache = nullptr;
    3618         927 : }
    3619             : 
    3620             : /************************************************************************/
    3621             : /*                          MakeCacheKey()                              */
    3622             : /************************************************************************/
    3623             : 
    3624        6546 : CTCacheKey OGRProjCT::MakeCacheKey(
    3625             :     const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS1, const char *pszSrcSRS,
    3626             :     const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS2, const char *pszTargetSRS,
    3627             :     const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &options)
    3628             : {
    3629             :     const auto GetKeyForSRS =
    3630       13092 :         [](const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS, const char *pszText)
    3631             :     {
    3632       13092 :         if (poSRS)
    3633             :         {
    3634       26082 :             std::string ret(pszText);
    3635       13041 :             const auto &mapping = poSRS->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
    3636       39373 :             for (const auto &axis : mapping)
    3637             :             {
    3638       26332 :                 ret += std::to_string(axis);
    3639             :             }
    3640       13041 :             return ret;
    3641             :         }
    3642             :         else
    3643             :         {
    3644          51 :             return std::string("null");
    3645             :         }
    3646             :     };
    3647             : 
    3648        6546 :     std::string ret(GetKeyForSRS(poSRS1, pszSrcSRS));
    3649        6546 :     ret += GetKeyForSRS(poSRS2, pszTargetSRS);
    3650        6546 :     ret += options.d->GetKey();
    3651       13092 :     return ret;
    3652             : }
    3653             : 
    3654             : /************************************************************************/
    3655             : /*                           InsertIntoCache()                          */
    3656             : /************************************************************************/
    3657             : 
    3658        3130 : void OGRProjCT::InsertIntoCache(OGRProjCT *poCT)
    3659             : {
    3660             :     {
    3661        6260 :         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oGuard(g_oCTCacheMutex);
    3662        3130 :         if (g_poCTCache == nullptr)
    3663             :         {
    3664         190 :             g_poCTCache = new lru11::Cache<CTCacheKey, CTCacheValue>();
    3665             :         }
    3666             :     }
    3667        3130 :     const auto key = MakeCacheKey(poCT->poSRSSource, poCT->m_osSrcSRS.c_str(),
    3668        3130 :                                   poCT->poSRSTarget,
    3669        3130 :                                   poCT->m_osTargetSRS.c_str(), poCT->m_options);
    3670             : 
    3671        3130 :     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oGuard(g_oCTCacheMutex);
    3672        3130 :     if (g_poCTCache->contains(key))
    3673             :     {
    3674         743 :         delete poCT;
    3675         743 :         return;
    3676             :     }
    3677        2387 :     g_poCTCache->insert(key, std::unique_ptr<OGRProjCT>(poCT));
    3678             : }
    3679             : 
    3680             : /************************************************************************/
    3681             : /*                            FindFromCache()                           */
    3682             : /************************************************************************/
    3683             : 
    3684        3756 : OGRProjCT *OGRProjCT::FindFromCache(
    3685             :     const OGRSpatialReference *poSource, const char *pszSrcSRS,
    3686             :     const OGRSpatialReference *poTarget, const char *pszTargetSRS,
    3687             :     const OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions &options)
    3688             : {
    3689             :     {
    3690        3756 :         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oGuard(g_oCTCacheMutex);
    3691        3756 :         if (g_poCTCache == nullptr || g_poCTCache->empty())
    3692         340 :             return nullptr;
    3693             :     }
    3694             : 
    3695             :     const auto key =
    3696        6832 :         MakeCacheKey(poSource, pszSrcSRS, poTarget, pszTargetSRS, options);
    3697             :     // Get value from cache and remove it
    3698        6832 :     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oGuard(g_oCTCacheMutex);
    3699        3416 :     CTCacheValue *cachedValue = g_poCTCache->getPtr(key);
    3700        3416 :     if (cachedValue)
    3701             :     {
    3702        1634 :         auto poCT = cachedValue->release();
    3703        1634 :         g_poCTCache->remove(key);
    3704        1634 :         return poCT;
    3705             :     }
    3706        1782 :     return nullptr;
    3707             : }
    3708             : 
    3709             : //! @endcond
    3710             : 
    3711             : /************************************************************************/
    3712             : /*                            OCTTransform()                            */
    3713             : /************************************************************************/
    3714             : 
    3715             : /** Transform an array of points
    3716             :  *
    3717             :  * @param hTransform Transformation object
    3718             :  * @param nCount Number of points
    3719             :  * @param x Array of nCount x values.
    3720             :  * @param y Array of nCount y values.
    3721             :  * @param z Array of nCount z values.
    3722             :  * @return TRUE if a transformation could be found (but not all points may
    3723             :  * have necessarily succeed to transform), otherwise FALSE.
    3724             :  */
    3725        1061 : int CPL_STDCALL OCTTransform(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform,
    3726             :                              int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z)
    3727             : 
    3728             : {
    3729        1061 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransform, "OCTTransform", FALSE);
    3730             : 
    3731             :     return OGRCoordinateTransformation::FromHandle(hTransform)
    3732        1061 :         ->Transform(nCount, x, y, z);
    3733             : }
    3734             : 
    3735             : /************************************************************************/
    3736             : /*                           OCTTransformEx()                           */
    3737             : /************************************************************************/
    3738             : 
    3739             : /** Transform an array of points
    3740             :  *
    3741             :  * @param hTransform Transformation object
    3742             :  * @param nCount Number of points
    3743             :  * @param x Array of nCount x values.
    3744             :  * @param y Array of nCount y values.
    3745             :  * @param z Array of nCount z values.
    3746             :  * @param pabSuccess Output array of nCount value that will be set to TRUE/FALSE
    3747             :  * @return TRUE if a transformation could be found (but not all points may
    3748             :  * have necessarily succeed to transform), otherwise FALSE.
    3749             :  */
    3750           0 : int CPL_STDCALL OCTTransformEx(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform,
    3751             :                                int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z,
    3752             :                                int *pabSuccess)
    3753             : 
    3754             : {
    3755           0 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransform, "OCTTransformEx", FALSE);
    3756             : 
    3757             :     return OGRCoordinateTransformation::FromHandle(hTransform)
    3758           0 :         ->Transform(nCount, x, y, z, pabSuccess);
    3759             : }
    3760             : 
    3761             : /************************************************************************/
    3762             : /*                           OCTTransform4D()                           */
    3763             : /************************************************************************/
    3764             : 
    3765             : /** Transform an array of points
    3766             :  *
    3767             :  * @param hTransform Transformation object
    3768             :  * @param nCount Number of points
    3769             :  * @param x Array of nCount x values. Should not be NULL
    3770             :  * @param y Array of nCount y values. Should not be NULL
    3771             :  * @param z Array of nCount z values. Might be NULL
    3772             :  * @param t Array of nCount time values. Might be NULL
    3773             :  * @param pabSuccess Output array of nCount value that will be set to
    3774             :  * TRUE/FALSE. Might be NULL.
    3775             :  * @since GDAL 3.0
    3776             :  * @return TRUE if a transformation could be found (but not all points may
    3777             :  * have necessarily succeed to transform), otherwise FALSE.
    3778             :  */
    3779          15 : int OCTTransform4D(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform, int nCount,
    3780             :                    double *x, double *y, double *z, double *t, int *pabSuccess)
    3781             : 
    3782             : {
    3783          15 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransform, "OCTTransform4D", FALSE);
    3784             : 
    3785          15 :     return OGRCoordinateTransformation::FromHandle(hTransform)
    3786          15 :         ->Transform(nCount, x, y, z, t, pabSuccess);
    3787             : }
    3788             : 
    3789             : /************************************************************************/
    3790             : /*                      OCTTransform4DWithErrorCodes()                  */
    3791             : /************************************************************************/
    3792             : 
    3793             : /** Transform an array of points
    3794             :  *
    3795             :  * @param hTransform Transformation object
    3796             :  * @param nCount Number of points
    3797             :  * @param x Array of nCount x values. Should not be NULL
    3798             :  * @param y Array of nCount y values. Should not be NULL
    3799             :  * @param z Array of nCount z values. Might be NULL
    3800             :  * @param t Array of nCount time values. Might be NULL
    3801             :  * @param panErrorCodes Output array of nCount value that will be set to 0 for
    3802             :  *                      success, or a non-zero value for failure. Refer to
    3803             :  *                      PROJ 8 public error codes. Might be NULL
    3804             :  * @since GDAL 3.3, and PROJ 8 to be able to use PROJ public error codes
    3805             :  * @return TRUE if a transformation could be found (but not all points may
    3806             :  * have necessarily succeed to transform), otherwise FALSE.
    3807             :  */
    3808           0 : int OCTTransform4DWithErrorCodes(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform,
    3809             :                                  int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z,
    3810             :                                  double *t, int *panErrorCodes)
    3811             : 
    3812             : {
    3813           0 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransform, "OCTTransform4DWithErrorCodes", FALSE);
    3814             : 
    3815           0 :     return OGRCoordinateTransformation::FromHandle(hTransform)
    3816           0 :         ->TransformWithErrorCodes(nCount, x, y, z, t, panErrorCodes);
    3817             : }
    3818             : 
    3819             : /************************************************************************/
    3820             : /*                           OCTTransformBounds()                       */
    3821             : /************************************************************************/
    3822             : /** \brief Transform boundary.
    3823             :  *
    3824             :  * Transform boundary densifying the edges to account for nonlinear
    3825             :  * transformations along these edges and extracting the outermost bounds.
    3826             :  *
    3827             :  * If the destination CRS is geographic, the first axis is longitude,
    3828             :  * and xmax < xmin then the bounds crossed the antimeridian.
    3829             :  * In this scenario there are two polygons, one on each side of the
    3830             :  * antimeridian. The first polygon should be constructed with (xmin, ymin, 180,
    3831             :  * ymax) and the second with (-180, ymin, xmax, ymax).
    3832             :  *
    3833             :  * If the destination CRS is geographic, the first axis is latitude,
    3834             :  * and ymax < ymin then the bounds crossed the antimeridian.
    3835             :  * In this scenario there are two polygons, one on each side of the
    3836             :  * antimeridian. The first polygon should be constructed with (ymin, xmin, ymax,
    3837             :  * 180) and the second with (ymin, -180, ymax, xmax).
    3838             :  *
    3839             :  * @param hTransform Transformation object
    3840             :  * @param xmin Minimum bounding coordinate of the first axis in source CRS.
    3841             :  * @param ymin Minimum bounding coordinate of the second axis in source CRS.
    3842             :  * @param xmax Maximum bounding coordinate of the first axis in source CRS.
    3843             :  * @param ymax Maximum bounding coordinate of the second axis in source CRS.
    3844             :  * @param out_xmin Minimum bounding coordinate of the first axis in target CRS
    3845             :  * @param out_ymin Minimum bounding coordinate of the second axis in target CRS.
    3846             :  * @param out_xmax Maximum bounding coordinate of the first axis in target CRS.
    3847             :  * @param out_ymax Maximum bounding coordinate of the second axis in target CRS.
    3848             :  * @param densify_pts Recommended to use 21. This is the number of points
    3849             :  *     to use to densify the bounding polygon in the transformation.
    3850             :  * @return TRUE if successful. FALSE if failures encountered.
    3851             :  * @since 3.4
    3852             :  */
    3853          25 : int CPL_STDCALL OCTTransformBounds(OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform,
    3854             :                                    const double xmin, const double ymin,
    3855             :                                    const double xmax, const double ymax,
    3856             :                                    double *out_xmin, double *out_ymin,
    3857             :                                    double *out_xmax, double *out_ymax,
    3858             :                                    int densify_pts)
    3859             : 
    3860             : {
    3861          25 :     VALIDATE_POINTER1(hTransform, "TransformBounds", FALSE);
    3862             : 
    3863          25 :     return OGRProjCT::FromHandle(hTransform)
    3864          25 :         ->TransformBounds(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, out_xmin, out_ymin, out_xmax,
    3865          25 :                           out_ymax, densify_pts);
    3866             : }
    3867             : 
    3868             : /************************************************************************/
    3869             : /*                         OGRCTDumpStatistics()                        */
    3870             : /************************************************************************/
    3871             : 
    3872         927 : void OGRCTDumpStatistics()
    3873             : {
    3874             : #ifdef DEBUG_PERF
    3875             :     CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Total time in proj_create_crs_to_crs(): %d ms",
    3876             :              static_cast<int>(g_dfTotalTimeCRStoCRS * 1000));
    3877             :     CPLDebug("OGR_CT", "Total time in coordinate transformation: %d ms",
    3878             :              static_cast<int>(g_dfTotalTimeReprojection * 1000));
    3879             : #endif
    3880         927 : }

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