LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - ogr/ogrsf_frmts/arrow_common - ograrrowwriterlayer.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1306 1491 87.6 %
Date: 2025-03-28 21:34:50 Functions: 37 40 92.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  *
       3             :  * Project:  Arrow generic code
       4             :  * Purpose:  Arrow generic code
       5             :  * Author:   Even Rouault, <even.rouault at>
       6             :  *
       7             :  ******************************************************************************
       8             :  * Copyright (c) 2022, Planet Labs
       9             :  *
      10             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      11             :  ****************************************************************************/
      12             : 
      13             : #ifndef OGARROWWRITERLAYER_HPP_INCLUDED
      14             : #define OGARROWWRITERLAYER_HPP_INCLUDED
      15             : 
      16             : #include "ogr_arrow.h"
      17             : 
      18             : #include "cpl_json.h"
      19             : #include "cpl_time.h"
      20             : 
      21             : #include "ogrlayerarrow.h"
      22             : #include "ogr_wkb.h"
      23             : 
      24             : #include <array>
      25             : #include <cinttypes>
      26             : #include <limits>
      27             : 
      28             : static constexpr int TZFLAG_UNINITIALIZED = -1;
      29             : 
      30             : #define OGR_ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(status, ret_value)                             \
      31             :     do                                                                         \
      32             :     {                                                                          \
      33             :         if (!(status).ok())                                                    \
      34             :         {                                                                      \
      35             :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s failed",                 \
      36             :                      ARROW_STRINGIFY(status));                                 \
      37             :             return (ret_value);                                                \
      38             :         }                                                                      \
      39             :     } while (false)
      40             : 
      41             : #define OGR_ARROW_RETURN_FALSE_NOT_OK(status)                                  \
      42             :     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(status, false)
      43             : 
      44             : #define OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(status)                                 \
      45             :     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(status, OGRERR_FAILURE)
      46             : 
      47             : #define OGR_ARROW_PROPAGATE_OGRERR(ret_value)                                  \
      48             :     do                                                                         \
      49             :     {                                                                          \
      50             :         if ((ret_value) != OGRERR_NONE)                                        \
      51             :             return OGRERR_FAILURE;                                             \
      52             :     } while (0)
      53             : 
      54             : /************************************************************************/
      55             : /*                      OGRArrowWriterLayer()                           */
      56             : /************************************************************************/
      57             : 
      58         415 : inline OGRArrowWriterLayer::OGRArrowWriterLayer(
      59             :     arrow::MemoryPool *poMemoryPool,
      60             :     const std::shared_ptr<arrow::io::OutputStream> &poOutputStream,
      61         415 :     const char *pszLayerName)
      62         415 :     : m_poMemoryPool(poMemoryPool), m_poOutputStream(poOutputStream)
      63             : {
      64         415 :     m_poFeatureDefn = new OGRFeatureDefn(pszLayerName);
      65         415 :     m_poFeatureDefn->SetGeomType(wkbNone);
      66         415 :     m_poFeatureDefn->Reference();
      67         415 :     SetDescription(pszLayerName);
      68         415 : }
      69             : 
      70             : /************************************************************************/
      71             : /*                     ~OGRArrowWriterLayer()                           */
      72             : /************************************************************************/
      73             : 
      74         415 : inline OGRArrowWriterLayer::~OGRArrowWriterLayer()
      75             : {
      76         415 :     CPLDebug("ARROW", "Memory pool (writer layer): bytes_allocated = %" PRId64,
      77         415 :              m_poMemoryPool->bytes_allocated());
      78         415 :     CPLDebug("ARROW", "Memory pool (writer layer): max_memory = %" PRId64,
      79         415 :              m_poMemoryPool->max_memory());
      80             : 
      81         415 :     m_poFeatureDefn->Release();
      82         415 : }
      83             : 
      84             : /************************************************************************/
      85             : /*                         FinalizeWriting()                            */
      86             : /************************************************************************/
      87             : 
      88         403 : inline bool OGRArrowWriterLayer::FinalizeWriting()
      89             : {
      90         403 :     bool ret = true;
      91             : 
      92         403 :     if (!IsFileWriterCreated())
      93             :     {
      94         274 :         CreateWriter();
      95             :     }
      96         403 :     if (IsFileWriterCreated())
      97             :     {
      98         403 :         PerformStepsBeforeFinalFlushGroup();
      99             : 
     100         403 :         if (!m_apoBuilders.empty() && m_apoFieldsFromArrowSchema.empty())
     101         228 :             ret = FlushGroup();
     102             : 
     103         403 :         if (!CloseFileWriter())
     104           0 :             ret = false;
     105             :     }
     106             : 
     107         403 :     return ret;
     108             : }
     109             : 
     110             : /************************************************************************/
     111             : /*                       CreateSchemaCommon()                           */
     112             : /************************************************************************/
     113             : 
     114         403 : inline void OGRArrowWriterLayer::CreateSchemaCommon()
     115             : {
     116         403 :     CPLAssert(static_cast<int>(m_aeGeomEncoding.size()) ==
     117             :               m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount());
     118             : 
     119         806 :     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field>> fields;
     120         403 :     bool bNeedGDALSchema = false;
     121             : 
     122         403 :     m_anTZFlag.resize(m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(), TZFLAG_UNINITIALIZED);
     123             : 
     124         403 :     if (!m_osFIDColumn.empty())
     125             :     {
     126          18 :         bNeedGDALSchema = true;
     127          18 :         fields.emplace_back(arrow::field(m_osFIDColumn, arrow::int64(), false));
     128             :     }
     129             : 
     130         403 :     if (!m_apoFieldsFromArrowSchema.empty())
     131             :     {
     132         119 :         fields.insert(fields.end(), m_apoFieldsFromArrowSchema.begin(),
     133         238 :                       m_apoFieldsFromArrowSchema.end());
     134             :     }
     135             : 
     136        1031 :     for (int i = 0; i < m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); ++i)
     137             :     {
     138         628 :         const auto poFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i);
     139         628 :         std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> dt;
     140         628 :         const auto eDT = poFieldDefn->GetType();
     141         628 :         const auto eSubDT = poFieldDefn->GetSubType();
     142         628 :         const auto &osDomainName = poFieldDefn->GetDomainName();
     143         628 :         const OGRFieldDomain *poFieldDomain = nullptr;
     144         628 :         const int nWidth = poFieldDefn->GetWidth();
     145         628 :         if (!osDomainName.empty())
     146             :         {
     147           4 :             const auto oIter = m_oMapFieldDomains.find(osDomainName);
     148           4 :             if (oIter == m_oMapFieldDomains.end())
     149             :             {
     150           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
     151             :                          "Field %s references domain %s, but the later one "
     152             :                          "has not been created",
     153             :                          poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), osDomainName.c_str());
     154             :             }
     155             :             else
     156             :             {
     157           4 :                 poFieldDomain = oIter->second.get();
     158             :             }
     159             :         }
     160         628 :         switch (eDT)
     161             :         {
     162          65 :             case OFTInteger:
     163          65 :                 if (eSubDT == OFSTBoolean)
     164           4 :                     dt = arrow::boolean();
     165          61 :                 else if (eSubDT == OFSTInt16)
     166           4 :                     dt = arrow::int16();
     167             :                 else
     168          57 :                     dt = arrow::int32();
     169          65 :                 if (poFieldDomain != nullptr)
     170             :                 {
     171           4 :                     dt = arrow::dictionary(dt, arrow::utf8());
     172             :                 }
     173          65 :                 break;
     174             : 
     175          26 :             case OFTInteger64:
     176          26 :                 dt = arrow::int64();
     177          26 :                 if (poFieldDomain != nullptr)
     178             :                 {
     179           0 :                     dt = arrow::dictionary(dt, arrow::utf8());
     180             :                 }
     181          26 :                 break;
     182             : 
     183          52 :             case OFTReal:
     184             :             {
     185          52 :                 const int nPrecision = poFieldDefn->GetPrecision();
     186          52 :                 if (nWidth != 0 && nPrecision != 0)
     187             :                 {
     188             :                     // Since arrow 18.0, we could use arrow::smallest_decimal()
     189             :                     // to return the smallest representation (i.e. possibly
     190             :                     // decimal32 and decimal64). But for now keep decimal128
     191             :                     // as the minimum for backwards compatibility.
     192             :                     // GetValueDecimal() and other functions in
     193             :                     // ogrlayerarrow.cpp would have to be adapted for decimal32
     194             :                     // and decimal64 compatibility.
     195           8 :                     if (nWidth > 38)
     196           0 :                         dt = arrow::decimal256(nWidth, nPrecision);
     197             :                     else
     198           8 :                         dt = arrow::decimal128(nWidth, nPrecision);
     199             :                 }
     200          44 :                 else if (eSubDT == OFSTFloat32)
     201           7 :                     dt = arrow::float32();
     202             :                 else
     203          37 :                     dt = arrow::float64();
     204          52 :                 break;
     205             :             }
     206             : 
     207         270 :             case OFTString:
     208             :             case OFTWideString:
     209         270 :                 if ((eSubDT != OFSTNone && eSubDT != OFSTJSON) || nWidth > 0)
     210           0 :                     bNeedGDALSchema = true;
     211         270 :                 dt = arrow::utf8();
     212         270 :                 break;
     213             : 
     214          14 :             case OFTBinary:
     215          14 :                 if (nWidth != 0)
     216           4 :                     dt = arrow::fixed_size_binary(nWidth);
     217             :                 else
     218          10 :                     dt = arrow::binary();
     219          14 :                 break;
     220             : 
     221          48 :             case OFTIntegerList:
     222          48 :                 if (eSubDT == OFSTBoolean)
     223           8 :                     dt = arrow::list(arrow::boolean());
     224          40 :                 else if (eSubDT == OFSTInt16)
     225           0 :                     dt = arrow::list(arrow::int16());
     226             :                 else
     227          40 :                     dt = arrow::list(arrow::int32());
     228          48 :                 break;
     229             : 
     230          20 :             case OFTInteger64List:
     231          20 :                 dt = arrow::list(arrow::int64());
     232          20 :                 break;
     233             : 
     234          35 :             case OFTRealList:
     235          35 :                 if (eSubDT == OFSTFloat32)
     236          11 :                     dt = arrow::list(arrow::float32());
     237             :                 else
     238          24 :                     dt = arrow::list(arrow::float64());
     239          35 :                 break;
     240             : 
     241          12 :             case OFTStringList:
     242             :             case OFTWideStringList:
     243          12 :                 dt = arrow::list(arrow::utf8());
     244          12 :                 break;
     245             : 
     246          31 :             case OFTDate:
     247          31 :                 dt = arrow::date32();
     248          31 :                 break;
     249             : 
     250           8 :             case OFTTime:
     251           8 :                 dt = arrow::time32(arrow::TimeUnit::MILLI);
     252           8 :                 break;
     253             : 
     254          47 :             case OFTDateTime:
     255             :             {
     256          47 :                 const int nTZFlag = poFieldDefn->GetTZFlag();
     257          47 :                 if (nTZFlag >= OGR_TZFLAG_MIXED_TZ)
     258             :                 {
     259          12 :                     m_anTZFlag[i] = nTZFlag;
     260             :                 }
     261          47 :                 dt = arrow::timestamp(arrow::TimeUnit::MILLI);
     262          47 :                 break;
     263             :             }
     264             :         }
     265             : 
     266         628 :         auto field = arrow::field(poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), std::move(dt),
     267        1884 :                                   poFieldDefn->IsNullable());
     268         628 :         if (eDT == OFTString && eSubDT == OFSTJSON)
     269             :         {
     270          83 :             auto kvMetadata = std::make_shared<arrow::KeyValueMetadata>();
     271          83 :             kvMetadata->Append(ARROW_EXTENSION_NAME_KEY,
     272             :                                EXTENSION_NAME_ARROW_JSON);
     273          83 :             field = field->WithMetadata(kvMetadata);
     274             :         }
     275             : 
     276         628 :         fields.emplace_back(std::move(field));
     277         628 :         if (poFieldDefn->GetAlternativeNameRef()[0])
     278           2 :             bNeedGDALSchema = true;
     279         628 :         if (!poFieldDefn->GetComment().empty())
     280           3 :             bNeedGDALSchema = true;
     281             :     }
     282             : 
     283         805 :     for (int i = 0; i < m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); ++i)
     284             :     {
     285         402 :         const auto poGeomFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(i);
     286         402 :         const auto eGType = poGeomFieldDefn->GetType();
     287             :         const int nDim =
     288         402 :             2 + (OGR_GT_HasZ(eGType) ? 1 : 0) + (OGR_GT_HasM(eGType) ? 1 : 0);
     289             : 
     290         402 :         const bool pointFieldNullable = GetDriverUCName() == "PARQUET";
     291             : 
     292             :         // Fixed Size List GeoArrow encoding
     293             :         const auto getFixedSizeListOfPoint =
     294         228 :             [nDim, eGType, pointFieldNullable]()
     295             :         {
     296             :             return arrow::fixed_size_list(
     297         146 :                 arrow::field(nDim == 2   ? "xy"
     298          30 :                              : nDim == 3 ? (OGR_GT_HasZ(eGType) ? "xyz" : "xym")
     299             :                                          : "xyzm",
     300             :                              arrow::float64(), pointFieldNullable),
     301         116 :                 nDim);
     302         402 :         };
     303             : 
     304             :         // Struct GeoArrow encoding
     305        1206 :         auto xField(arrow::field("x", arrow::float64(), false));
     306        1206 :         auto yField(arrow::field("y", arrow::float64(), false));
     307             :         std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field>> pointFields{
     308             :             arrow::field("x", arrow::float64(), false),
     309        2412 :             arrow::field("y", arrow::float64(), false)};
     310         402 :         if (OGR_GT_HasZ(eGType))
     311             :             pointFields.emplace_back(
     312         121 :                 arrow::field("z", arrow::float64(), false));
     313         402 :         if (OGR_GT_HasM(eGType))
     314             :             pointFields.emplace_back(
     315          52 :                 arrow::field("m", arrow::float64(), false));
     316         804 :         auto pointStructType(arrow::struct_(std::move(pointFields)));
     317             : 
     318          40 :         const auto getListOfVertices = [&getFixedSizeListOfPoint]()
     319             :         {
     320          80 :             return arrow::list(std::make_shared<arrow::Field>(
     321         120 :                 "vertices", getFixedSizeListOfPoint()));
     322         402 :         };
     323             : 
     324          22 :         const auto getListOfRings = [&getListOfVertices]()
     325             :         {
     326             :             return arrow::list(
     327          44 :                 std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("rings", getListOfVertices()));
     328         402 :         };
     329             : 
     330         104 :         const auto getListOfVerticesStruct = [&pointStructType]()
     331             :         {
     332             :             return arrow::list(
     333         208 :                 std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("vertices", pointStructType));
     334         402 :         };
     335             : 
     336          60 :         const auto getListOfRingsStruct = [&getListOfVerticesStruct]()
     337             :         {
     338         120 :             return arrow::list(std::make_shared<arrow::Field>(
     339         180 :                 "rings", getListOfVerticesStruct()));
     340         402 :         };
     341             : 
     342         402 :         std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> dt;
     343         402 :         switch (m_aeGeomEncoding[i])
     344             :         {
     345         134 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKB:
     346         134 :                 dt = arrow::binary();
     347         134 :                 break;
     348             : 
     349          53 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKT:
     350          53 :                 dt = arrow::utf8();
     351          53 :                 break;
     352             : 
     353           0 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC:
     354             :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_GENERIC:
     355           0 :                 CPLAssert(false);
     356             :                 break;
     357             : 
     358           9 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POINT:
     359           9 :                 dt = getFixedSizeListOfPoint();
     360           9 :                 break;
     361             : 
     362           9 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_LINESTRING:
     363           9 :                 dt = getListOfVertices();
     364           9 :                 break;
     365             : 
     366          11 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POLYGON:
     367          11 :                 dt = getListOfRings();
     368          11 :                 break;
     369             : 
     370           9 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOINT:
     371          18 :                 dt = arrow::list(std::make_shared<arrow::Field>(
     372          27 :                     "points", getFixedSizeListOfPoint()));
     373           9 :                 break;
     374             : 
     375           9 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTILINESTRING:
     376          18 :                 dt = arrow::list(std::make_shared<arrow::Field>(
     377          27 :                     "linestrings", getListOfVertices()));
     378           9 :                 break;
     379             : 
     380          11 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOLYGON:
     381          22 :                 dt = arrow::list(std::make_shared<arrow::Field>(
     382          33 :                     "polygons", getListOfRings()));
     383          11 :                 break;
     384             : 
     385          31 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POINT:
     386          31 :                 dt = pointStructType;
     387          31 :                 break;
     388             : 
     389          22 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_LINESTRING:
     390          22 :                 dt = getListOfVerticesStruct();
     391          22 :                 break;
     392             : 
     393          30 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POLYGON:
     394          30 :                 dt = getListOfRingsStruct();
     395          30 :                 break;
     396             : 
     397          22 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOINT:
     398          44 :                 dt = arrow::list(
     399          66 :                     std::make_shared<arrow::Field>("points", pointStructType));
     400          22 :                 break;
     401             : 
     402          22 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTILINESTRING:
     403          44 :                 dt = arrow::list(std::make_shared<arrow::Field>(
     404          66 :                     "linestrings", getListOfVerticesStruct()));
     405          22 :                 break;
     406             : 
     407          30 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOLYGON:
     408          60 :                 dt = arrow::list(std::make_shared<arrow::Field>(
     409          90 :                     "polygons", getListOfRingsStruct()));
     410          30 :                 break;
     411             :         }
     412             : 
     413             :         std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field> field(
     414         402 :             arrow::field(poGeomFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), std::move(dt),
     415        1206 :                          poGeomFieldDefn->IsNullable()));
     416         402 :         if (m_bWriteFieldArrowExtensionName)
     417             :         {
     418         136 :             auto kvMetadata = field->metadata()
     419         136 :                                   ? field->metadata()->Copy()
     420         136 :                                   : std::make_shared<arrow::KeyValueMetadata>();
     421         272 :             kvMetadata->Append(
     422             :                 ARROW_EXTENSION_NAME_KEY,
     423         136 :                 GetGeomEncodingAsString(m_aeGeomEncoding[i], false));
     424         136 :             field = field->WithMetadata(kvMetadata);
     425             :         }
     426             : 
     427         402 :         m_apoBaseStructGeomType.emplace_back(std::move(pointStructType));
     428             : 
     429         402 :         fields.emplace_back(std::move(field));
     430             :     }
     431             : 
     432         403 :     if (m_bWriteBBoxStruct)
     433             :     {
     434         389 :         for (int i = 0; i < m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); ++i)
     435             :         {
     436         197 :             const auto poGeomFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(i);
     437         591 :             auto bbox_field_xmin(arrow::field("xmin", arrow::float32(), false));
     438         591 :             auto bbox_field_ymin(arrow::field("ymin", arrow::float32(), false));
     439         591 :             auto bbox_field_xmax(arrow::field("xmax", arrow::float32(), false));
     440         591 :             auto bbox_field_ymax(arrow::field("ymax", arrow::float32(), false));
     441             :             auto bbox_field(arrow::field(
     442             :                 CPLGetConfigOption("OGR_PARQUET_COVERING_BBOX_NAME",
     443         394 :                                    std::string(poGeomFieldDefn->GetNameRef())
     444         197 :                                        .append("_bbox")
     445             :                                        .c_str()),
     446        1182 :                 arrow::struct_(
     447         197 :                     {std::move(bbox_field_xmin), std::move(bbox_field_ymin),
     448        1182 :                      std::move(bbox_field_xmax), std::move(bbox_field_ymax)}),
     449        1182 :                 poGeomFieldDefn->IsNullable()));
     450         197 :             fields.emplace_back(bbox_field);
     451         197 :             m_apoFieldsBBOX.emplace_back(bbox_field);
     452             :         }
     453             :     }
     454             : 
     455         403 :     m_aoEnvelopes.resize(m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount());
     456         403 :     m_oSetWrittenGeometryTypes.resize(m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount());
     457             : 
     458         403 :     m_poSchema = arrow::schema(std::move(fields));
     459         403 :     CPLAssert(m_poSchema);
     460         424 :     if (bNeedGDALSchema &&
     461          21 :         CPLTestBool(CPLGetConfigOption(
     462         424 :             ("OGR_" + GetDriverUCName() + "_WRITE_GDAL_SCHEMA").c_str(),
     463             :             "YES")))
     464             :     {
     465          42 :         CPLJSONObject oRoot;
     466          42 :         CPLJSONObject oColumns;
     467             : 
     468          21 :         if (!m_osFIDColumn.empty())
     469          18 :             oRoot.Add("fid", m_osFIDColumn);
     470             : 
     471          21 :         oRoot.Add("columns", oColumns);
     472         202 :         for (int i = 0; i < m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); ++i)
     473             :         {
     474         181 :             const auto poFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i);
     475         362 :             CPLJSONObject oColumn;
     476         181 :             oColumns.Add(poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), oColumn);
     477         181 :             oColumn.Add("type", OGR_GetFieldTypeName(poFieldDefn->GetType()));
     478         181 :             const auto eSubDT = poFieldDefn->GetSubType();
     479         181 :             if (eSubDT != OFSTNone)
     480          56 :                 oColumn.Add("subtype", OGR_GetFieldSubTypeName(eSubDT));
     481         181 :             const int nWidth = poFieldDefn->GetWidth();
     482         181 :             if (nWidth > 0)
     483           6 :                 oColumn.Add("width", nWidth);
     484         181 :             const int nPrecision = poFieldDefn->GetPrecision();
     485         181 :             if (nPrecision > 0)
     486           4 :                 oColumn.Add("precision", nPrecision);
     487         181 :             if (poFieldDefn->GetAlternativeNameRef()[0])
     488           2 :                 oColumn.Add("alternative_name",
     489             :                             poFieldDefn->GetAlternativeNameRef());
     490         181 :             if (!poFieldDefn->GetComment().empty())
     491           3 :                 oColumn.Add("comment", poFieldDefn->GetComment());
     492             :         }
     493             : 
     494          21 :         auto kvMetadata = m_poSchema->metadata()
     495           0 :                               ? m_poSchema->metadata()->Copy()
     496          42 :                               : std::make_shared<arrow::KeyValueMetadata>();
     497          42 :         kvMetadata->Append("gdal:schema",
     498          42 :                            oRoot.Format(CPLJSONObject::PrettyFormat::Plain));
     499          21 :         m_poSchema = m_poSchema->WithMetadata(kvMetadata);
     500          21 :         CPLAssert(m_poSchema);
     501             :     }
     502         403 : }
     503             : 
     504             : /************************************************************************/
     505             : /*                         FinalizeSchema()                             */
     506             : /************************************************************************/
     507             : 
     508         348 : inline void OGRArrowWriterLayer::FinalizeSchema()
     509             : {
     510             :     // Final tuning of schema taking into actual timezone values
     511             :     // from features
     512         348 :     int nArrowIdxFirstField = !m_osFIDColumn.empty() ? 1 : 0;
     513         974 :     for (int i = 0; i < m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); ++i)
     514             :     {
     515         626 :         if (m_anTZFlag[i] >= OGR_TZFLAG_MIXED_TZ)
     516             :         {
     517          12 :             const int nOffset = m_anTZFlag[i] == OGR_TZFLAG_UTC
     518          12 :                                     ? 0
     519           8 :                                     : (m_anTZFlag[i] - OGR_TZFLAG_UTC) * 15;
     520          12 :             int nHours = static_cast<int>(nOffset / 60);  // Round towards zero.
     521          12 :             const int nMinutes = std::abs(nOffset - nHours * 60);
     522             : 
     523             :             const std::string osTZ =
     524             :                 CPLSPrintf("%c%02d:%02d", nOffset >= 0 ? '+' : '-',
     525          24 :                            std::abs(nHours), nMinutes);
     526          24 :             auto dt = arrow::timestamp(arrow::TimeUnit::MILLI, osTZ);
     527          12 :             const auto poFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i);
     528          12 :             auto field = arrow::field(poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), std::move(dt),
     529          36 :                                       poFieldDefn->IsNullable());
     530          24 :             auto result = m_poSchema->SetField(nArrowIdxFirstField + i, field);
     531          12 :             if (!result.ok())
     532             :             {
     533           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
     534             :                          "Schema::SetField() failed with %s",
     535           0 :                          result.status().message().c_str());
     536             :             }
     537             :             else
     538             :             {
     539          12 :                 m_poSchema = *result;
     540             :             }
     541             :         }
     542             :     }
     543         348 : }
     544             : 
     545             : /************************************************************************/
     546             : /*                         AddFieldDomain()                             */
     547             : /************************************************************************/
     548             : 
     549             : inline bool
     550          11 : OGRArrowWriterLayer::AddFieldDomain(std::unique_ptr<OGRFieldDomain> &&domain,
     551             :                                     std::string &failureReason)
     552             : {
     553          11 :     if (domain->GetDomainType() != OFDT_CODED)
     554             :     {
     555           0 :         failureReason = "Only coded field domains are supported by Arrow";
     556           0 :         return false;
     557             :     }
     558             : 
     559             :     const OGRCodedFieldDomain *poDomain =
     560          11 :         static_cast<const OGRCodedFieldDomain *>(domain.get());
     561          11 :     const OGRCodedValue *psIter = poDomain->GetEnumeration();
     562             : 
     563             :     auto poStringBuilder =
     564          22 :         std::make_shared<arrow::StringBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool);
     565             : 
     566          11 :     int nLastCode = -1;
     567          44 :     for (; psIter->pszCode; ++psIter)
     568             :     {
     569          33 :         if (CPLGetValueType(psIter->pszCode) != CPL_VALUE_INTEGER)
     570             :         {
     571           0 :             failureReason = "Non integer code in domain ";
     572           0 :             failureReason += domain->GetName();
     573           0 :             return false;
     574             :         }
     575          33 :         int nCode = atoi(psIter->pszCode);
     576          33 :         if (nCode <= nLastCode || nCode - nLastCode > 100)
     577             :         {
     578           0 :             failureReason = "Too sparse codes in domain ";
     579           0 :             failureReason += domain->GetName();
     580           0 :             return false;
     581             :         }
     582          33 :         for (int i = nLastCode + 1; i < nCode; ++i)
     583             :         {
     584           0 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_FALSE_NOT_OK(poStringBuilder->AppendNull());
     585             :         }
     586          33 :         if (psIter->pszValue)
     587          33 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_FALSE_NOT_OK(
     588             :                 poStringBuilder->Append(psIter->pszValue));
     589             :         else
     590           0 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_FALSE_NOT_OK(poStringBuilder->AppendNull());
     591          33 :         nLastCode = nCode;
     592             :     }
     593             : 
     594          11 :     std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> stringArray;
     595          22 :     auto status = poStringBuilder->Finish(&stringArray);
     596          11 :     if (!status.ok())
     597             :     {
     598           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     599             :                  "StringArray::Finish() failed with %s",
     600           0 :                  status.message().c_str());
     601           0 :         return false;
     602             :     }
     603             : 
     604          11 :     m_oMapFieldDomainToStringArray[domain->GetName()] = std::move(stringArray);
     605          11 :     m_oMapFieldDomains[domain->GetName()] = std::move(domain);
     606          11 :     return true;
     607             : }
     608             : 
     609             : /************************************************************************/
     610             : /*                          GetFieldDomainNames()                       */
     611             : /************************************************************************/
     612             : 
     613           0 : inline std::vector<std::string> OGRArrowWriterLayer::GetFieldDomainNames() const
     614             : {
     615           0 :     std::vector<std::string> names;
     616           0 :     names.reserve(m_oMapFieldDomains.size());
     617           0 :     for (const auto &it : m_oMapFieldDomains)
     618             :     {
     619           0 :         names.emplace_back(it.first);
     620             :     }
     621           0 :     return names;
     622             : }
     623             : 
     624             : /************************************************************************/
     625             : /*                          GetFieldDomain()                            */
     626             : /************************************************************************/
     627             : 
     628             : inline const OGRFieldDomain *
     629          15 : OGRArrowWriterLayer::GetFieldDomain(const std::string &name) const
     630             : {
     631          15 :     const auto iter = m_oMapFieldDomains.find(name);
     632          15 :     if (iter == m_oMapFieldDomains.end())
     633          11 :         return nullptr;
     634           4 :     return iter->second.get();
     635             : }
     636             : 
     637             : /************************************************************************/
     638             : /*                          CreateField()                               */
     639             : /************************************************************************/
     640             : 
     641         629 : inline OGRErr OGRArrowWriterLayer::CreateField(const OGRFieldDefn *poField,
     642             :                                                int /* bApproxOK */)
     643             : {
     644         629 :     if (m_poSchema)
     645             :     {
     646           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
     647             :                  "Cannot add field after a first feature has been written");
     648           1 :         return OGRERR_FAILURE;
     649             :     }
     650         628 :     if (!m_apoFieldsFromArrowSchema.empty())
     651             :     {
     652           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
     653             :                  "Cannot mix calls to CreateField() and "
     654             :                  "CreateFieldFromArrowSchema()");
     655           0 :         return OGRERR_FAILURE;
     656             :     }
     657         628 :     m_poFeatureDefn->AddFieldDefn(poField);
     658         628 :     return OGRERR_NONE;
     659             : }
     660             : 
     661             : /************************************************************************/
     662             : /*                OGRLayer::CreateFieldFromArrowSchema()                */
     663             : /************************************************************************/
     664             : 
     665         998 : inline bool OGRArrowWriterLayer::CreateFieldFromArrowSchema(
     666             :     const struct ArrowSchema *schema, CSLConstList /*papszOptions*/)
     667             : {
     668         998 :     if (m_poSchema)
     669             :     {
     670           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
     671             :                  "Cannot add field after a first feature has been written");
     672           0 :         return false;
     673             :     }
     674             : 
     675         998 :     if (m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount())
     676             :     {
     677           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
     678             :                  "Cannot mix calls to CreateField() and "
     679             :                  "CreateFieldFromArrowSchema()");
     680           0 :         return false;
     681             :     }
     682             : 
     683         998 :     if (m_osFIDColumn == schema->name)
     684             :     {
     685           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     686             :                  "FID column has the same name as this field: %s",
     687           0 :                  schema->name);
     688           0 :         return false;
     689             :     }
     690             : 
     691       35951 :     for (auto &apoField : m_apoFieldsFromArrowSchema)
     692             :     {
     693       34953 :         if (apoField->name() == schema->name)
     694             :         {
     695           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     696           0 :                      "Field of name %s already exists", schema->name);
     697           0 :             return false;
     698             :         }
     699             :     }
     700             : 
     701         998 :     if (m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldIndex(schema->name) >= 0)
     702             :     {
     703           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     704           0 :                  "Geometry field of name %s already exists", schema->name);
     705           0 :         return false;
     706             :     }
     707             : 
     708             :     // ImportField() would release the schema, but we don't want that
     709             :     // So copy the structure content into a local variable, and override its
     710             :     // release callback to a no-op. This may be a bit fragile, but it doesn't
     711             :     // look like ImportField implementation tries to access the C ArrowSchema
     712             :     // after it has been called.
     713         998 :     struct ArrowSchema lSchema = *schema;
     714         998 :     const auto DummyFreeSchema = [](struct ArrowSchema *ptrSchema)
     715         998 :     { ptrSchema->release = nullptr; };
     716         998 :     lSchema.release = DummyFreeSchema;
     717        1996 :     auto result = arrow::ImportField(&lSchema);
     718         998 :     CPLAssert(lSchema.release == nullptr);
     719         998 :     if (!result.ok())
     720             :     {
     721           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
     722             :                  "CreateFieldFromArrowSchema() failed");
     723           0 :         return false;
     724             :     }
     725         998 :     m_apoFieldsFromArrowSchema.emplace_back(std::move(*result));
     726         998 :     return true;
     727             : }
     728             : 
     729             : /************************************************************************/
     730             : /*                   GetPreciseArrowGeomEncoding()                      */
     731             : /************************************************************************/
     732             : 
     733         217 : inline OGRArrowGeomEncoding OGRArrowWriterLayer::GetPreciseArrowGeomEncoding(
     734             :     OGRArrowGeomEncoding eEncodingType, OGRwkbGeometryType eGType)
     735             : {
     736         217 :     CPLAssert(eEncodingType == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC ||
     737             :               eEncodingType == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_GENERIC);
     738         217 :     const auto eFlatType = wkbFlatten(eGType);
     739         217 :     if (eFlatType == wkbPoint)
     740             :     {
     741             :         return eEncodingType == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC
     742          40 :                    ? OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POINT
     743          40 :                    : OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POINT;
     744             :     }
     745         177 :     else if (eFlatType == wkbLineString)
     746             :     {
     747             :         return eEncodingType == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC
     748          31 :                    ? OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_LINESTRING
     749          31 :                    : OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_LINESTRING;
     750             :     }
     751         146 :     else if (eFlatType == wkbPolygon)
     752             :     {
     753             :         return eEncodingType == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC
     754          41 :                    ? OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POLYGON
     755          41 :                    : OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POLYGON;
     756             :     }
     757         105 :     else if (eFlatType == wkbMultiPoint)
     758             :     {
     759             :         return eEncodingType == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC
     760          31 :                    ? OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOINT
     761          31 :                    : OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOINT;
     762             :     }
     763          74 :     else if (eFlatType == wkbMultiLineString)
     764             :     {
     765             :         return eEncodingType == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC
     766          31 :                    ? OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTILINESTRING
     767          31 :                    : OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTILINESTRING;
     768             :     }
     769          43 :     else if (eFlatType == wkbMultiPolygon)
     770             :     {
     771             :         return eEncodingType == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC
     772          41 :                    ? OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOLYGON
     773          41 :                    : OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOLYGON;
     774             :     }
     775             :     else
     776             :     {
     777           2 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
     778             :                  "GeoArrow encoding is currently not supported for %s",
     779             :                  OGRGeometryTypeToName(eGType));
     780           2 :         return eEncodingType;
     781             :     }
     782             : }
     783             : 
     784             : /************************************************************************/
     785             : /*                        GetGeomEncodingAsString()                     */
     786             : /************************************************************************/
     787             : 
     788             : inline const char *
     789         650 : OGRArrowWriterLayer::GetGeomEncodingAsString(OGRArrowGeomEncoding eGeomEncoding,
     790             :                                              bool bForParquetGeo)
     791             : {
     792         650 :     switch (eGeomEncoding)
     793             :     {
     794         181 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKB:
     795         181 :             return bForParquetGeo ? "WKB" : "geoarrow.wkb";
     796         111 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKT:
     797         111 :             return bForParquetGeo ? "WKT" : "geoarrow.wkt";
     798           0 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC:
     799             :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_GENERIC:
     800           0 :             CPLAssert(false);
     801             :             break;
     802          19 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POINT:
     803          19 :             return "geoarrow.point";
     804          19 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_LINESTRING:
     805          19 :             return "geoarrow.linestring";
     806          21 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POLYGON:
     807          21 :             return "geoarrow.polygon";
     808          19 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOINT:
     809          19 :             return "geoarrow.multipoint";
     810          19 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTILINESTRING:
     811          19 :             return "geoarrow.multilinestring";
     812          21 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOLYGON:
     813          21 :             return "geoarrow.multipolygon";
     814          54 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POINT:
     815          54 :             return bForParquetGeo ? "point" : "geoarrow.point";
     816          34 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_LINESTRING:
     817          34 :             return bForParquetGeo ? "linestring" : "geoarrow.linestring";
     818          42 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POLYGON:
     819          42 :             return bForParquetGeo ? "polygon" : "geoarrow.polygon";
     820          34 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOINT:
     821          34 :             return bForParquetGeo ? "multipoint" : "geoarrow.multipoint";
     822          34 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTILINESTRING:
     823          34 :             return bForParquetGeo ? "multilinestring"
     824          34 :                                   : "geoarrow.multilinestring";
     825          42 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOLYGON:
     826          42 :             return bForParquetGeo ? "multipolygon" : "geoarrow.multipolygon";
     827             :     }
     828           0 :     return nullptr;
     829             : }
     830             : 
     831             : /************************************************************************/
     832             : /*                          CreateGeomField()                           */
     833             : /************************************************************************/
     834             : 
     835             : inline OGRErr
     836          27 : OGRArrowWriterLayer::CreateGeomField(const OGRGeomFieldDefn *poField,
     837             :                                      int /* bApproxOK */)
     838             : {
     839          27 :     if (m_poSchema)
     840             :     {
     841           1 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
     842             :                  "Cannot add field after a first feature has been written");
     843           1 :         return OGRERR_FAILURE;
     844             :     }
     845          26 :     const auto eGType = poField->GetType();
     846          26 :     if (!IsSupportedGeometryType(eGType))
     847             :     {
     848           0 :         return OGRERR_FAILURE;
     849             :     }
     850             : 
     851          26 :     if (IsSRSRequired() && poField->GetSpatialRef() == nullptr)
     852             :     {
     853           0 :         CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
     854             :                  "Geometry column should have an associated CRS");
     855             :     }
     856          26 :     auto eGeomEncoding = m_eGeomEncoding;
     857          26 :     if (eGeomEncoding == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC ||
     858          26 :         eGeomEncoding == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_GENERIC)
     859             :     {
     860           0 :         const auto eEncodingType = eGeomEncoding;
     861           0 :         eGeomEncoding = GetPreciseArrowGeomEncoding(eEncodingType, eGType);
     862           0 :         if (eGeomEncoding == eEncodingType)
     863           0 :             return OGRERR_FAILURE;
     864             :     }
     865          26 :     m_aeGeomEncoding.push_back(eGeomEncoding);
     866          26 :     m_poFeatureDefn->AddGeomFieldDefn(poField);
     867          26 :     return OGRERR_NONE;
     868             : }
     869             : 
     870             : /************************************************************************/
     871             : /*                        MakeGeoArrowBuilder()                         */
     872             : /************************************************************************/
     873             : 
     874             : static std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayBuilder>
     875         134 : MakeGeoArrowBuilder(arrow::MemoryPool *poMemoryPool, int nDim, int nDepth)
     876             : {
     877         134 :     if (nDepth == 0)
     878         104 :         return std::make_shared<arrow::FixedSizeListBuilder>(
     879         104 :             poMemoryPool, std::make_shared<arrow::DoubleBuilder>(poMemoryPool),
     880          52 :             nDim);
     881             :     else
     882         164 :         return std::make_shared<arrow::ListBuilder>(
     883         246 :             poMemoryPool, MakeGeoArrowBuilder(poMemoryPool, nDim, nDepth - 1));
     884             : }
     885             : 
     886             : /************************************************************************/
     887             : /*                      MakeGeoArrowStructBuilder()                     */
     888             : /************************************************************************/
     889             : 
     890             : static std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayBuilder>
     891         384 : MakeGeoArrowStructBuilder(arrow::MemoryPool *poMemoryPool, int nDim, int nDepth,
     892             :                           const std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> &eBaseType)
     893             : {
     894         384 :     if (nDepth == 0)
     895             :     {
     896         155 :         std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayBuilder>> builders;
     897         537 :         for (int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i)
     898             :             builders.emplace_back(
     899         382 :                 std::make_shared<arrow::DoubleBuilder>(poMemoryPool));
     900         310 :         return std::make_shared<arrow::StructBuilder>(eBaseType, poMemoryPool,
     901         310 :                                                       std::move(builders));
     902             :     }
     903             :     else
     904         458 :         return std::make_shared<arrow::ListBuilder>(
     905         458 :             poMemoryPool, MakeGeoArrowStructBuilder(poMemoryPool, nDim,
     906         229 :                                                     nDepth - 1, eBaseType));
     907             : }
     908             : 
     909             : /************************************************************************/
     910             : /*                         ClearArrayBuilers()                          */
     911             : /************************************************************************/
     912             : 
     913         266 : inline void OGRArrowWriterLayer::ClearArrayBuilers()
     914             : {
     915         266 :     m_apoBuilders.clear();
     916         266 :     m_apoBuildersBBOXStruct.clear();
     917         266 :     m_apoBuildersBBOXXMin.clear();
     918         266 :     m_apoBuildersBBOXYMin.clear();
     919         266 :     m_apoBuildersBBOXXMax.clear();
     920         266 :     m_apoBuildersBBOXYMax.clear();
     921         266 : }
     922             : 
     923             : /************************************************************************/
     924             : /*                        CreateArrayBuilders()                         */
     925             : /************************************************************************/
     926             : 
     927         385 : inline void OGRArrowWriterLayer::CreateArrayBuilders()
     928             : {
     929         385 :     m_apoBuilders.reserve(1 + m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount() +
     930         385 :                           m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount());
     931             : 
     932         385 :     int nArrowIdx = 0;
     933         385 :     if (!m_osFIDColumn.empty())
     934             :     {
     935          49 :         m_apoBuilders.emplace_back(std::make_shared<arrow::Int64Builder>());
     936          49 :         nArrowIdx++;
     937             :     }
     938             : 
     939        1727 :     for (int i = 0; i < m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); ++i, ++nArrowIdx)
     940             :     {
     941        1342 :         const auto poFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i);
     942        1342 :         std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayBuilder> builder;
     943        1342 :         const auto eSubDT = poFieldDefn->GetSubType();
     944        1342 :         switch (poFieldDefn->GetType())
     945             :         {
     946         145 :             case OFTInteger:
     947         145 :                 if (eSubDT == OFSTBoolean)
     948             :                     builder =
     949          12 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::BooleanBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool);
     950         133 :                 else if (eSubDT == OFSTInt16)
     951             :                     builder =
     952          12 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::Int16Builder>(m_poMemoryPool);
     953             :                 else
     954             :                     builder =
     955         121 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::Int32Builder>(m_poMemoryPool);
     956         145 :                 break;
     957             : 
     958          74 :             case OFTInteger64:
     959          74 :                 builder = std::make_shared<arrow::Int64Builder>(m_poMemoryPool);
     960          74 :                 break;
     961             : 
     962         106 :             case OFTReal:
     963             :             {
     964         212 :                 const auto arrowType = m_poSchema->fields()[nArrowIdx]->type();
     965         106 :                 if (arrowType->id() == arrow::Type::DECIMAL128)
     966          24 :                     builder = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal128Builder>(
     967          24 :                         arrowType, m_poMemoryPool);
     968          82 :                 else if (arrowType->id() == arrow::Type::DECIMAL256)
     969           0 :                     builder = std::make_shared<arrow::Decimal256Builder>(
     970           0 :                         arrowType, m_poMemoryPool);
     971          82 :                 else if (eSubDT == OFSTFloat32)
     972             :                     builder =
     973          21 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::FloatBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool);
     974             :                 else
     975             :                     builder =
     976          61 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::DoubleBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool);
     977         106 :                 break;
     978             :             }
     979             : 
     980         468 :             case OFTString:
     981             :             case OFTWideString:
     982             :                 builder =
     983         468 :                     std::make_shared<arrow::StringBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool);
     984         468 :                 break;
     985             : 
     986          38 :             case OFTBinary:
     987          38 :                 if (poFieldDefn->GetWidth() != 0)
     988          24 :                     builder = std::make_shared<arrow::FixedSizeBinaryBuilder>(
     989          24 :                         arrow::fixed_size_binary(poFieldDefn->GetWidth()),
     990          24 :                         m_poMemoryPool);
     991             :                 else
     992             :                     builder =
     993          26 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::BinaryBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool);
     994          38 :                 break;
     995             : 
     996         144 :             case OFTIntegerList:
     997             :             {
     998         144 :                 std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayBuilder> poBaseBuilder;
     999         144 :                 if (eSubDT == OFSTBoolean)
    1000             :                     poBaseBuilder =
    1001          24 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::BooleanBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool);
    1002         120 :                 else if (eSubDT == OFSTInt16)
    1003             :                     poBaseBuilder =
    1004           0 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::Int16Builder>(m_poMemoryPool);
    1005             :                 else
    1006             :                     poBaseBuilder =
    1007         120 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::Int32Builder>(m_poMemoryPool);
    1008         288 :                 builder = std::make_shared<arrow::ListBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool,
    1009         144 :                                                                poBaseBuilder);
    1010         144 :                 break;
    1011             :             }
    1012             : 
    1013          60 :             case OFTInteger64List:
    1014          60 :                 builder = std::make_shared<arrow::ListBuilder>(
    1015          60 :                     m_poMemoryPool,
    1016         180 :                     std::make_shared<arrow::Int64Builder>(m_poMemoryPool));
    1017             : 
    1018          60 :                 break;
    1019             : 
    1020         105 :             case OFTRealList:
    1021         105 :                 if (eSubDT == OFSTFloat32)
    1022          33 :                     builder = std::make_shared<arrow::ListBuilder>(
    1023          33 :                         m_poMemoryPool,
    1024          99 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::FloatBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool));
    1025             :                 else
    1026          72 :                     builder = std::make_shared<arrow::ListBuilder>(
    1027          72 :                         m_poMemoryPool,
    1028         216 :                         std::make_shared<arrow::DoubleBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool));
    1029         105 :                 break;
    1030             : 
    1031          36 :             case OFTStringList:
    1032             :             case OFTWideStringList:
    1033          36 :                 builder = std::make_shared<arrow::ListBuilder>(
    1034          36 :                     m_poMemoryPool,
    1035         108 :                     std::make_shared<arrow::StringBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool));
    1036             : 
    1037          36 :                 break;
    1038             : 
    1039          47 :             case OFTDate:
    1040             :                 builder =
    1041          47 :                     std::make_shared<arrow::Date32Builder>(m_poMemoryPool);
    1042          47 :                 break;
    1043             : 
    1044          24 :             case OFTTime:
    1045          48 :                 builder = std::make_shared<arrow::Time32Builder>(
    1046          72 :                     arrow::time32(arrow::TimeUnit::MILLI), m_poMemoryPool);
    1047          24 :                 break;
    1048             : 
    1049          95 :             case OFTDateTime:
    1050         190 :                 builder = std::make_shared<arrow::TimestampBuilder>(
    1051         285 :                     arrow::timestamp(arrow::TimeUnit::MILLI), m_poMemoryPool);
    1052          95 :                 break;
    1053             :         }
    1054        1342 :         m_apoBuilders.emplace_back(builder);
    1055             :     }
    1056             : 
    1057         769 :     for (int i = 0; i < m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); ++i, ++nArrowIdx)
    1058             :     {
    1059         384 :         std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayBuilder> builder;
    1060         384 :         const auto poGeomFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(i);
    1061         384 :         const auto eGType = poGeomFieldDefn->GetType();
    1062             :         const int nDim =
    1063         384 :             2 + (OGR_GT_HasZ(eGType) ? 1 : 0) + (OGR_GT_HasM(eGType) ? 1 : 0);
    1064             : 
    1065         384 :         switch (m_aeGeomEncoding[i])
    1066             :         {
    1067         124 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKB:
    1068             :                 builder =
    1069         124 :                     std::make_shared<arrow::BinaryBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool);
    1070         124 :                 break;
    1071             : 
    1072          53 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKT:
    1073             :                 builder =
    1074          53 :                     std::make_shared<arrow::StringBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool);
    1075          53 :                 break;
    1076             : 
    1077           8 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POINT:
    1078           8 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 0);
    1079           8 :                 break;
    1080             : 
    1081           8 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_LINESTRING:
    1082           8 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 1);
    1083           8 :                 break;
    1084             : 
    1085          10 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POLYGON:
    1086          10 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 2);
    1087          10 :                 break;
    1088             : 
    1089           8 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOINT:
    1090           8 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 1);
    1091           8 :                 break;
    1092             : 
    1093           8 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTILINESTRING:
    1094           8 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 2);
    1095           8 :                 break;
    1096             : 
    1097          10 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOLYGON:
    1098          10 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 3);
    1099          10 :                 break;
    1100             : 
    1101          34 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POINT:
    1102          68 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowStructBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 0,
    1103          68 :                                                     m_apoBaseStructGeomType[i]);
    1104          34 :                 break;
    1105             : 
    1106          21 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_LINESTRING:
    1107          42 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowStructBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 1,
    1108          42 :                                                     m_apoBaseStructGeomType[i]);
    1109          21 :                 break;
    1110             : 
    1111          29 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POLYGON:
    1112          58 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowStructBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 2,
    1113          58 :                                                     m_apoBaseStructGeomType[i]);
    1114          29 :                 break;
    1115             : 
    1116          21 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOINT:
    1117          42 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowStructBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 1,
    1118          42 :                                                     m_apoBaseStructGeomType[i]);
    1119          21 :                 break;
    1120             : 
    1121          21 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTILINESTRING:
    1122          42 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowStructBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 2,
    1123          42 :                                                     m_apoBaseStructGeomType[i]);
    1124          21 :                 break;
    1125             : 
    1126          29 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOLYGON:
    1127          58 :                 builder = MakeGeoArrowStructBuilder(m_poMemoryPool, nDim, 3,
    1128          58 :                                                     m_apoBaseStructGeomType[i]);
    1129          29 :                 break;
    1130             : 
    1131           0 :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC:
    1132             :             case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_GENERIC:
    1133           0 :                 CPLAssert(false);
    1134             :                 break;
    1135             :         }
    1136             : 
    1137         384 :         m_apoBuilders.emplace_back(builder);
    1138             : 
    1139         384 :         if (m_bWriteBBoxStruct)
    1140             :         {
    1141             :             m_apoBuildersBBOXXMin.emplace_back(
    1142         187 :                 std::make_shared<arrow::FloatBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool));
    1143             :             m_apoBuildersBBOXYMin.emplace_back(
    1144         187 :                 std::make_shared<arrow::FloatBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool));
    1145             :             m_apoBuildersBBOXXMax.emplace_back(
    1146         187 :                 std::make_shared<arrow::FloatBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool));
    1147             :             m_apoBuildersBBOXYMax.emplace_back(
    1148         187 :                 std::make_shared<arrow::FloatBuilder>(m_poMemoryPool));
    1149             :             m_apoBuildersBBOXStruct.emplace_back(
    1150         374 :                 std::make_shared<arrow::StructBuilder>(
    1151         187 :                     m_apoFieldsBBOX[i]->type(), m_poMemoryPool,
    1152        1683 :                     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayBuilder>>{
    1153         187 :                         m_apoBuildersBBOXXMin.back(),
    1154         187 :                         m_apoBuildersBBOXYMin.back(),
    1155         187 :                         m_apoBuildersBBOXXMax.back(),
    1156        1309 :                         m_apoBuildersBBOXYMax.back()}));
    1157             :         }
    1158             :     }
    1159         385 : }
    1160             : 
    1161             : /************************************************************************/
    1162             : /*                          castToFloatDown()                            */
    1163             : /************************************************************************/
    1164             : 
    1165             : // Cf
    1166             : /*
    1167             : ** Rounding constants for float->double conversion.
    1168             : */
    1169             : #define RNDTOWARDS (1.0 - 1.0 / 8388608.0) /* Round towards zero */
    1170             : #define RNDAWAY (1.0 + 1.0 / 8388608.0)    /* Round away from zero */
    1171             : 
    1172             : /*
    1173             : ** Convert an sqlite3_value into an RtreeValue (presumably a float)
    1174             : ** while taking care to round toward negative or positive, respectively.
    1175             : */
    1176        3450 : static float castToFloatDown(double d)
    1177             : {
    1178        3450 :     float f = static_cast<float>(d);
    1179        3450 :     if (f > d)
    1180             :     {
    1181          12 :         f = static_cast<float>(d * (d < 0 ? RNDAWAY : RNDTOWARDS));
    1182             :     }
    1183        3450 :     return f;
    1184             : }
    1185             : 
    1186        3450 : static float castToFloatUp(double d)
    1187             : {
    1188        3450 :     float f = static_cast<float>(d);
    1189        3450 :     if (f < d)
    1190             :     {
    1191           7 :         f = static_cast<float>(d * (d < 0 ? RNDTOWARDS : RNDAWAY));
    1192             :     }
    1193        3450 :     return f;
    1194             : }
    1195             : 
    1196             : /************************************************************************/
    1197             : /*                         GeoArrowLineBuilder()                        */
    1198             : /************************************************************************/
    1199             : 
    1200             : template <class PointBuilderType>
    1201         516 : static OGRErr GeoArrowLineBuilder(const OGRLineString *poLS,
    1202             :                                   PointBuilderType *poPointBuilder,
    1203             :                                   arrow::DoubleBuilder *poXBuilder,
    1204             :                                   arrow::DoubleBuilder *poYBuilder,
    1205             :                                   arrow::DoubleBuilder *poZBuilder,
    1206             :                                   arrow::DoubleBuilder *poMBuilder)
    1207             : {
    1208        2360 :     for (int j = 0; j < poLS->getNumPoints(); ++j)
    1209             :     {
    1210        1844 :         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPointBuilder->Append());
    1211        1844 :         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poXBuilder->Append(poLS->getX(j)));
    1212        1844 :         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poYBuilder->Append(poLS->getY(j)));
    1213        1844 :         if (poZBuilder)
    1214         540 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poZBuilder->Append(poLS->getZ(j)));
    1215        1844 :         if (poMBuilder)
    1216         220 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poMBuilder->Append(poLS->getM(j)));
    1217             :     }
    1218         516 :     return OGRERR_NONE;
    1219             : }
    1220             : 
    1221             : /************************************************************************/
    1222             : /*                          BuildGeometry()                             */
    1223             : /************************************************************************/
    1224             : 
    1225        3572 : inline OGRErr OGRArrowWriterLayer::BuildGeometry(OGRGeometry *poGeom,
    1226             :                                                  int iGeomField,
    1227             :                                                  arrow::ArrayBuilder *poBuilder)
    1228             : {
    1229        3572 :     const auto eGType = poGeom ? poGeom->getGeometryType() : wkbNone;
    1230             :     const auto eColumnGType =
    1231        3572 :         m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeomField)->GetType();
    1232        3572 :     const bool bHasZ = CPL_TO_BOOL(OGR_GT_HasZ(eColumnGType));
    1233        3572 :     const bool bHasM = CPL_TO_BOOL(OGR_GT_HasM(eColumnGType));
    1234        3572 :     const bool bIsEmpty = poGeom != nullptr && poGeom->IsEmpty();
    1235        3572 :     OGREnvelope3D oEnvelope;
    1236        3572 :     if (poGeom != nullptr && !bIsEmpty)
    1237             :     {
    1238        2073 :         if (poGeom->Is3D())
    1239             :         {
    1240         266 :             poGeom->getEnvelope(&oEnvelope);
    1241         266 :             m_aoEnvelopes[iGeomField].Merge(oEnvelope);
    1242             :         }
    1243             :         else
    1244             :         {
    1245        1807 :             poGeom->getEnvelope(static_cast<OGREnvelope *>(&oEnvelope));
    1246        1807 :             m_aoEnvelopes[iGeomField].Merge(oEnvelope);
    1247             :         }
    1248        2073 :         m_oSetWrittenGeometryTypes[iGeomField].insert(eGType);
    1249             :     }
    1250             : 
    1251        3572 :     if (m_bWriteBBoxStruct)
    1252             :     {
    1253        2869 :         if (poGeom && !bIsEmpty)
    1254             :         {
    1255        1682 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1256             :                 m_apoBuildersBBOXXMin[iGeomField]->Append(
    1257             :                     castToFloatDown(oEnvelope.MinX)));
    1258        1682 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1259             :                 m_apoBuildersBBOXYMin[iGeomField]->Append(
    1260             :                     castToFloatDown(oEnvelope.MinY)));
    1261        1682 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1262             :                 m_apoBuildersBBOXXMax[iGeomField]->Append(
    1263             :                     castToFloatUp(oEnvelope.MaxX)));
    1264        1682 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1265             :                 m_apoBuildersBBOXYMax[iGeomField]->Append(
    1266             :                     castToFloatUp(oEnvelope.MaxY)));
    1267        1682 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1268             :                 m_apoBuildersBBOXStruct[iGeomField]->Append());
    1269             :         }
    1270             :         else
    1271             :         {
    1272        1187 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1273             :                 m_apoBuildersBBOXStruct[iGeomField]->AppendNull());
    1274             :         }
    1275             :     }
    1276             : 
    1277        3572 :     if (poGeom == nullptr)
    1278             :     {
    1279        3831 :         if (m_aeGeomEncoding[iGeomField] ==
    1280        1285 :                 OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POINT &&
    1281        1285 :             GetDriverUCName() == "PARQUET")
    1282             :         {
    1283             :             // For some reason, Parquet doesn't support a NULL FixedSizeList
    1284             :             // on reading
    1285           4 :             auto poPointBuilder =
    1286             :                 static_cast<arrow::FixedSizeListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1287           4 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPointBuilder->Append());
    1288             :             auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(
    1289           4 :                 poPointBuilder->value_builder());
    1290           4 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1291             :                 std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1292           4 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1293             :                 std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1294           4 :             if (bHasZ)
    1295           2 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1296             :                     std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1297           4 :             if (bHasM)
    1298           0 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1299             :                     std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1300             :         }
    1301             :         else
    1302             :         {
    1303        1273 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poBuilder->AppendNull());
    1304             :         }
    1305             : 
    1306        1277 :         return OGRERR_NONE;
    1307             :     }
    1308             : 
    1309             :     // The following checks are only valid for GeoArrow encoding
    1310        3277 :     if (m_aeGeomEncoding[iGeomField] != OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKB &&
    1311         982 :         m_aeGeomEncoding[iGeomField] != OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKT)
    1312             :     {
    1313         862 :         if ((!bIsEmpty && eGType != eColumnGType) ||
    1314         188 :             (bIsEmpty && wkbFlatten(eGType) != wkbFlatten(eColumnGType)))
    1315             :         {
    1316           6 :             CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1317             :                      "Geometry of type %s found, whereas %s is expected. "
    1318             :                      "Writing null geometry",
    1319             :                      OGRGeometryTypeToName(eGType),
    1320             :                      OGRGeometryTypeToName(eColumnGType));
    1321           6 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poBuilder->AppendNull());
    1322             : 
    1323           6 :             return OGRERR_NONE;
    1324             :         }
    1325             :     }
    1326             : 
    1327        2289 :     switch (m_aeGeomEncoding[iGeomField])
    1328             :     {
    1329        1313 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKB:
    1330             :         {
    1331           0 :             std::unique_ptr<OGRGeometry> poGeomModified;
    1332        1313 :             if (OGR_GT_HasM(eGType) && !OGR_GT_HasM(eColumnGType))
    1333             :             {
    1334             :                 static bool bHasWarned = false;
    1335           0 :                 if (!bHasWarned)
    1336             :                 {
    1337           0 :                     CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1338             :                              "Removing M component from geometry");
    1339           0 :                     bHasWarned = true;
    1340             :                 }
    1341           0 :                 poGeomModified.reset(poGeom->clone());
    1342           0 :                 poGeomModified->setMeasured(false);
    1343           0 :                 poGeom = poGeomModified.get();
    1344             :             }
    1345        1313 :             FixupGeometryBeforeWriting(poGeom);
    1346        1313 :             const auto nSize = poGeom->WkbSize();
    1347        1313 :             if (nSize < INT_MAX)
    1348             :             {
    1349        1313 :                 m_abyBuffer.resize(nSize);
    1350        1313 :                 poGeom->exportToWkb(wkbNDR, &m_abyBuffer[0], wkbVariantIso);
    1351        1313 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1352             :                     static_cast<arrow::BinaryBuilder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1353             :               ,
    1354             :                         static_cast<int>(m_abyBuffer.size())));
    1355             :             }
    1356             :             else
    1357             :             {
    1358           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1359             :                          "Too big geometry. "
    1360             :                          "Writing null geometry");
    1361           0 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poBuilder->AppendNull());
    1362             :             }
    1363        1313 :             break;
    1364             :         }
    1365             : 
    1366         308 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKT:
    1367             :         {
    1368         308 :             OGRWktOptions options;
    1369         308 :             options.variant = wkbVariantIso;
    1370         308 :             if (m_nWKTCoordinatePrecision >= 0)
    1371             :             {
    1372           0 :                 options.format = OGRWktFormat::F;
    1373           0 :                 options.xyPrecision = m_nWKTCoordinatePrecision;
    1374           0 :                 options.zPrecision = m_nWKTCoordinatePrecision;
    1375           0 :                 options.mPrecision = m_nWKTCoordinatePrecision;
    1376             :             }
    1377         308 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1378             :                 static_cast<arrow::StringBuilder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1379             :                     poGeom->exportToWkt(options)));
    1380         308 :             break;
    1381             :         }
    1382             : 
    1383          20 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POINT:
    1384             :         {
    1385          20 :             const auto poPoint = poGeom->toPoint();
    1386          20 :             auto poPointBuilder =
    1387             :                 static_cast<arrow::FixedSizeListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1388          20 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPointBuilder->Append());
    1389             :             auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(
    1390          20 :                 poPointBuilder->value_builder());
    1391          20 :             if (bIsEmpty)
    1392             :             {
    1393           8 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1394             :                     std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1395           8 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1396             :                     std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1397           8 :                 if (bHasZ)
    1398           4 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1399             :                         std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1400           8 :                 if (bHasM)
    1401           2 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1402             :                         std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1403             :             }
    1404             :             else
    1405             :             {
    1406          12 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1407             :                     poValueBuilder->Append(poPoint->getX()));
    1408          12 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1409             :                     poValueBuilder->Append(poPoint->getY()));
    1410          12 :                 if (bHasZ)
    1411           6 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1412             :                         poValueBuilder->Append(poPoint->getZ()));
    1413          12 :                 if (bHasM)
    1414           2 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1415             :                         poValueBuilder->Append(poPoint->getM()));
    1416             :             }
    1417          20 :             break;
    1418             :         }
    1419             : 
    1420             : #define GET_XYZM_STRUCT_FIELD_BUILDERS_FROM(poPointBuilder)                    \
    1421             :     auto poXBuilder =                                                          \
    1422             :         static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(poPointBuilder->field_builder(0)); \
    1423             :     auto poYBuilder =                                                          \
    1424             :         static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(poPointBuilder->field_builder(1)); \
    1425             :     int iSubField = 2;                                                         \
    1426             :     arrow::DoubleBuilder *poZBuilder = nullptr;                                \
    1427             :     if (bHasZ)                                                                 \
    1428             :     {                                                                          \
    1429             :         poZBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(                      \
    1430             :             poPointBuilder->field_builder(iSubField));                         \
    1431             :         ++iSubField;                                                           \
    1432             :     }                                                                          \
    1433             :     arrow::DoubleBuilder *poMBuilder = nullptr;                                \
    1434             :     if (bHasM)                                                                 \
    1435             :     {                                                                          \
    1436             :         poMBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(                      \
    1437             :             poPointBuilder->field_builder(iSubField));                         \
    1438             :     }                                                                          \
    1439             :     do                                                                         \
    1440             :     {                                                                          \
    1441             :     } while (0)
    1442             : 
    1443          85 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POINT:
    1444             :         {
    1445          85 :             const auto poPoint = poGeom->toPoint();
    1446          85 :             auto poPointBuilder =
    1447             :                 static_cast<arrow::StructBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1448          85 :             GET_XYZM_STRUCT_FIELD_BUILDERS_FROM(poPointBuilder);
    1449          85 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPointBuilder->Append());
    1450             : 
    1451          85 :             if (bIsEmpty)
    1452             :             {
    1453          20 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poXBuilder->Append(
    1454             :                     std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1455          20 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poYBuilder->Append(
    1456             :                     std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
    1457             :             }
    1458             :             else
    1459             :             {
    1460          65 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1461             :                     poXBuilder->Append(poPoint->getX()));
    1462          65 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1463             :                     poYBuilder->Append(poPoint->getY()));
    1464             :             }
    1465          85 :             if (poZBuilder)
    1466             :             {
    1467          28 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poZBuilder->Append(
    1468             :                     bIsEmpty ? std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
    1469             :                              : poPoint->getZ()));
    1470             :             }
    1471          85 :             if (poMBuilder)
    1472             :             {
    1473           4 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poMBuilder->Append(
    1474             :                     bIsEmpty ? std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
    1475             :                              : poPoint->getM()));
    1476             :             }
    1477          85 :             break;
    1478             :         }
    1479             : 
    1480          20 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_LINESTRING:
    1481             :         {
    1482          20 :             const auto poLS = poGeom->toLineString();
    1483          20 :             auto poListBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1484             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::FixedSizeListBuilder *>(
    1485          20 :                 poListBuilder->value_builder());
    1486             :             auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(
    1487          20 :                 poPointBuilder->value_builder());
    1488             : 
    1489          20 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1490          20 :             OGR_ARROW_PROPAGATE_OGRERR(GeoArrowLineBuilder(
    1491             :                 poLS, poPointBuilder, poValueBuilder, poValueBuilder,
    1492             :                 bHasZ ? poValueBuilder : nullptr,
    1493             :                 bHasM ? poValueBuilder : nullptr));
    1494          20 :             break;
    1495             :         }
    1496             : 
    1497          57 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_LINESTRING:
    1498             :         {
    1499          57 :             const auto poLS = poGeom->toLineString();
    1500          57 :             auto poListBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1501             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::StructBuilder *>(
    1502          57 :                 poListBuilder->value_builder());
    1503          57 :             GET_XYZM_STRUCT_FIELD_BUILDERS_FROM(poPointBuilder);
    1504             : 
    1505          57 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1506          57 :             OGR_ARROW_PROPAGATE_OGRERR(
    1507             :                 GeoArrowLineBuilder(poLS, poPointBuilder, poXBuilder,
    1508             :                                     poYBuilder, poZBuilder, poMBuilder));
    1509          57 :             break;
    1510             :         }
    1511             : 
    1512          32 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_POLYGON:
    1513             :         {
    1514          32 :             const auto poPolygon = poGeom->toPolygon();
    1515          32 :             auto poPolygonBuilder =
    1516             :                 static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1517             :             auto poRingBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(
    1518          32 :                 poPolygonBuilder->value_builder());
    1519             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::FixedSizeListBuilder *>(
    1520          32 :                 poRingBuilder->value_builder());
    1521             :             auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(
    1522          32 :                 poPointBuilder->value_builder());
    1523          32 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPolygonBuilder->Append());
    1524          62 :             for (const auto *poRing : *poPolygon)
    1525             :             {
    1526          30 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poRingBuilder->Append());
    1527          30 :                 OGR_ARROW_PROPAGATE_OGRERR(GeoArrowLineBuilder(
    1528             :                     poRing, poPointBuilder, poValueBuilder, poValueBuilder,
    1529             :                     bHasZ ? poValueBuilder : nullptr,
    1530             :                     bHasM ? poValueBuilder : nullptr));
    1531             :             }
    1532          32 :             break;
    1533             :         }
    1534             : 
    1535          93 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_POLYGON:
    1536             :         {
    1537          93 :             const auto poPolygon = poGeom->toPolygon();
    1538          93 :             auto poPolygonBuilder =
    1539             :                 static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1540             :             auto poRingBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(
    1541          93 :                 poPolygonBuilder->value_builder());
    1542             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::StructBuilder *>(
    1543          93 :                 poRingBuilder->value_builder());
    1544          93 :             GET_XYZM_STRUCT_FIELD_BUILDERS_FROM(poPointBuilder);
    1545             : 
    1546          93 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPolygonBuilder->Append());
    1547         178 :             for (const auto *poRing : *poPolygon)
    1548             :             {
    1549          85 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poRingBuilder->Append());
    1550          85 :                 OGR_ARROW_PROPAGATE_OGRERR(
    1551             :                     GeoArrowLineBuilder(poRing, poPointBuilder, poXBuilder,
    1552             :                                         poYBuilder, poZBuilder, poMBuilder));
    1553             :             }
    1554          93 :             break;
    1555             :         }
    1556             : 
    1557          32 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOINT:
    1558             :         {
    1559          32 :             const auto poMultiPoint = poGeom->toMultiPoint();
    1560          32 :             auto poListBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1561             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::FixedSizeListBuilder *>(
    1562          32 :                 poListBuilder->value_builder());
    1563             :             auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(
    1564          32 :                 poPointBuilder->value_builder());
    1565          32 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1566          88 :             for (const auto *poPoint : *poMultiPoint)
    1567             :             {
    1568          56 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPointBuilder->Append());
    1569          56 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1570             :                     poValueBuilder->Append(poPoint->getX()));
    1571          56 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1572             :                     poValueBuilder->Append(poPoint->getY()));
    1573          56 :                 if (bHasZ)
    1574          28 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1575             :                         poValueBuilder->Append(poPoint->getZ()));
    1576          56 :                 if (bHasM)
    1577          18 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1578             :                         poValueBuilder->Append(poPoint->getM()));
    1579             :             }
    1580          32 :             break;
    1581             :         }
    1582             : 
    1583          81 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOINT:
    1584             :         {
    1585          81 :             const auto poMultiPoint = poGeom->toMultiPoint();
    1586          81 :             auto poListBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1587             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::StructBuilder *>(
    1588          81 :                 poListBuilder->value_builder());
    1589          81 :             GET_XYZM_STRUCT_FIELD_BUILDERS_FROM(poPointBuilder);
    1590             : 
    1591          81 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1592         198 :             for (const auto *poPoint : *poMultiPoint)
    1593             :             {
    1594         117 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPointBuilder->Append());
    1595         117 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1596             :                     poXBuilder->Append(poPoint->getX()));
    1597         117 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1598             :                     poYBuilder->Append(poPoint->getY()));
    1599         117 :                 if (poZBuilder)
    1600          58 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1601             :                         poZBuilder->Append(poPoint->getZ()));
    1602         117 :                 if (poMBuilder)
    1603          18 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1604             :                         poMBuilder->Append(poPoint->getM()));
    1605             :             }
    1606          81 :             break;
    1607             :         }
    1608             : 
    1609          28 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTILINESTRING:
    1610             :         {
    1611          28 :             const auto poMLS = poGeom->toMultiLineString();
    1612          28 :             auto poMLSBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1613             :             auto poLSBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(
    1614          28 :                 poMLSBuilder->value_builder());
    1615             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::FixedSizeListBuilder *>(
    1616          28 :                 poLSBuilder->value_builder());
    1617             :             auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(
    1618          28 :                 poPointBuilder->value_builder());
    1619          28 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poMLSBuilder->Append());
    1620          60 :             for (const auto *poLS : *poMLS)
    1621             :             {
    1622          32 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poLSBuilder->Append());
    1623          32 :                 OGR_ARROW_PROPAGATE_OGRERR(GeoArrowLineBuilder(
    1624             :                     poLS, poPointBuilder, poValueBuilder, poValueBuilder,
    1625             :                     bHasZ ? poValueBuilder : nullptr,
    1626             :                     bHasM ? poValueBuilder : nullptr));
    1627             :             }
    1628          28 :             break;
    1629             :         }
    1630             : 
    1631          77 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTILINESTRING:
    1632             :         {
    1633          77 :             const auto poMLS = poGeom->toMultiLineString();
    1634          77 :             auto poMLSBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1635             :             auto poLSBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(
    1636          77 :                 poMLSBuilder->value_builder());
    1637             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::StructBuilder *>(
    1638          77 :                 poLSBuilder->value_builder());
    1639          77 :             GET_XYZM_STRUCT_FIELD_BUILDERS_FROM(poPointBuilder);
    1640             : 
    1641          77 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poMLSBuilder->Append());
    1642         170 :             for (const auto *poLS : *poMLS)
    1643             :             {
    1644          93 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poLSBuilder->Append());
    1645          93 :                 OGR_ARROW_PROPAGATE_OGRERR(
    1646             :                     GeoArrowLineBuilder(poLS, poPointBuilder, poXBuilder,
    1647             :                                         poYBuilder, poZBuilder, poMBuilder));
    1648             :             }
    1649          77 :             break;
    1650             :         }
    1651             : 
    1652          38 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_MULTIPOLYGON:
    1653             :         {
    1654          38 :             const auto poMPoly = poGeom->toMultiPolygon();
    1655          38 :             auto poMPolyBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1656             :             auto poPolyBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(
    1657          38 :                 poMPolyBuilder->value_builder());
    1658             :             auto poRingBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(
    1659          38 :                 poPolyBuilder->value_builder());
    1660             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::FixedSizeListBuilder *>(
    1661          38 :                 poRingBuilder->value_builder());
    1662             :             auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(
    1663          38 :                 poPointBuilder->value_builder());
    1664          38 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poMPolyBuilder->Append());
    1665          82 :             for (const auto *poPolygon : *poMPoly)
    1666             :             {
    1667          44 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPolyBuilder->Append());
    1668          98 :                 for (const auto *poRing : *poPolygon)
    1669             :                 {
    1670          54 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poRingBuilder->Append());
    1671          54 :                     OGR_ARROW_PROPAGATE_OGRERR(GeoArrowLineBuilder(
    1672             :                         poRing, poPointBuilder, poValueBuilder, poValueBuilder,
    1673             :                         bHasZ ? poValueBuilder : nullptr,
    1674             :                         bHasM ? poValueBuilder : nullptr));
    1675             :                 }
    1676             :             }
    1677          38 :             break;
    1678             :         }
    1679             : 
    1680         105 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_MULTIPOLYGON:
    1681             :         {
    1682         105 :             const auto poMPoly = poGeom->toMultiPolygon();
    1683         105 :             auto poMPolyBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1684             :             auto poPolyBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(
    1685         105 :                 poMPolyBuilder->value_builder());
    1686             :             auto poRingBuilder = static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(
    1687         105 :                 poPolyBuilder->value_builder());
    1688             :             auto poPointBuilder = static_cast<arrow::StructBuilder *>(
    1689         105 :                 poRingBuilder->value_builder());
    1690         105 :             GET_XYZM_STRUCT_FIELD_BUILDERS_FROM(poPointBuilder);
    1691             : 
    1692         105 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poMPolyBuilder->Append());
    1693         222 :             for (const auto *poPolygon : *poMPoly)
    1694             :             {
    1695         117 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poPolyBuilder->Append());
    1696         262 :                 for (const auto *poRing : *poPolygon)
    1697             :                 {
    1698         145 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poRingBuilder->Append());
    1699         145 :                     OGR_ARROW_PROPAGATE_OGRERR(GeoArrowLineBuilder(
    1700             :                         poRing, poPointBuilder, poXBuilder, poYBuilder,
    1701             :                         poZBuilder, poMBuilder));
    1702             :                 }
    1703             :             }
    1704         105 :             break;
    1705             :         }
    1706             : 
    1707           0 :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_FSL_GENERIC:
    1708             :         case OGRArrowGeomEncoding::GEOARROW_STRUCT_GENERIC:
    1709             :         {
    1710           0 :             CPLAssert(false);
    1711             :             break;
    1712             :         }
    1713             :     }
    1714             : 
    1715        2289 :     return OGRERR_NONE;
    1716             : }
    1717             : 
    1718             : /************************************************************************/
    1719             : /*                          ICreateFeature()                            */
    1720             : /************************************************************************/
    1721             : 
    1722        3113 : inline OGRErr OGRArrowWriterLayer::ICreateFeature(OGRFeature *poFeature)
    1723             : {
    1724        3113 :     if (m_poSchema == nullptr)
    1725             :     {
    1726         227 :         CreateSchema();
    1727             :     }
    1728             : 
    1729        3113 :     if (m_apoBuilders.empty())
    1730             :     {
    1731         264 :         if (!m_apoFieldsFromArrowSchema.empty())
    1732             :         {
    1733           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
    1734             :                      "ICreateFeature() cannot be used after "
    1735             :                      "CreateFieldFromArrowSchema()");
    1736           0 :             return OGRERR_FAILURE;
    1737             :         }
    1738         264 :         CreateArrayBuilders();
    1739             :     }
    1740             : 
    1741             :     // First pass to check not-null constraints as Arrow doesn't seem
    1742             :     // to do that on the writing side. But such files can't be read.
    1743        3113 :     const int nFieldCount = m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount();
    1744        8268 :     for (int i = 0; i < nFieldCount; ++i)
    1745             :     {
    1746        5156 :         const auto poFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i);
    1747        5158 :         if (!poFieldDefn->IsNullable() &&
    1748           2 :             !poFeature->IsFieldSetAndNotNullUnsafe(i))
    1749             :         {
    1750           1 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1751             :                      "Null value found in non-nullable field %s",
    1752             :                      poFieldDefn->GetNameRef());
    1753           1 :             return OGRERR_FAILURE;
    1754             :         }
    1755             :     }
    1756             : 
    1757        3112 :     const int nGeomFieldCount = m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount();
    1758        6335 :     for (int i = 0; i < nGeomFieldCount; ++i)
    1759             :     {
    1760        3223 :         const auto poGeomFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(i);
    1761        3255 :         if (!poGeomFieldDefn->IsNullable() &&
    1762          32 :             poFeature->GetGeomFieldRef(i) == nullptr)
    1763             :         {
    1764           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1765             :                      "Null value found in non-nullable geometry field %s",
    1766             :                      poGeomFieldDefn->GetNameRef());
    1767           0 :             return OGRERR_FAILURE;
    1768             :         }
    1769             :     }
    1770             : 
    1771             :     // Write FID, if FID column present
    1772        3112 :     int nArrowIdx = 0;
    1773        3112 :     if (!m_osFIDColumn.empty())
    1774             :     {
    1775        2258 :         int64_t nFID = poFeature->GetFID();
    1776        2258 :         if (nFID == OGRNullFID)
    1777             :         {
    1778          36 :             nFID = m_nFeatureCount;
    1779          36 :             poFeature->SetFID(nFID);
    1780             :         }
    1781             :         auto poBuilder =
    1782        2258 :             static_cast<arrow::Int64Builder *>(m_apoBuilders[0].get());
    1783        2258 :         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poBuilder->Append(nFID));
    1784        2258 :         nArrowIdx++;
    1785             :     }
    1786             : 
    1787             :     // Write attributes
    1788        8267 :     for (int i = 0; i < nFieldCount; ++i, ++nArrowIdx)
    1789             :     {
    1790        5155 :         auto poBuilder = m_apoBuilders[nArrowIdx].get();
    1791        5155 :         if (!poFeature->IsFieldSetAndNotNullUnsafe(i))
    1792             :         {
    1793         966 :             OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poBuilder->AppendNull());
    1794         966 :             continue;
    1795             :         }
    1796             : 
    1797        4189 :         const auto poFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i);
    1798        4189 :         const auto eSubDT = poFieldDefn->GetSubType();
    1799        4189 :         switch (poFieldDefn->GetType())
    1800             :         {
    1801        2453 :             case OFTInteger:
    1802        2453 :                 if (eSubDT == OFSTBoolean)
    1803          16 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1804             :                         static_cast<arrow::BooleanBuilder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1805             :                             poFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerUnsafe(i) != 0));
    1806        2437 :                 else if (eSubDT == OFSTInt16)
    1807          16 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1808             :                         static_cast<arrow::Int16Builder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1809             :                             static_cast<int16_t>(
    1810             :                                 poFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerUnsafe(i))));
    1811             :                 else
    1812        2421 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1813             :                         static_cast<arrow::Int32Builder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1814             :                             poFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerUnsafe(i)));
    1815        2453 :                 break;
    1816             : 
    1817         128 :             case OFTInteger64:
    1818         128 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1819             :                     static_cast<arrow::Int64Builder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1820             :                         static_cast<int64_t>(
    1821             :                             poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger64Unsafe(i))));
    1822         128 :                 break;
    1823             : 
    1824         201 :             case OFTReal:
    1825             :             {
    1826         201 :                 const auto arrowType = m_poSchema->fields()[nArrowIdx]->type();
    1827         201 :                 const double dfVal = poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleUnsafe(i);
    1828         201 :                 if (arrowType->id() == arrow::Type::DECIMAL128)
    1829             :                 {
    1830             :                     auto res = arrow::Decimal128::FromReal(
    1831             :                         dfVal, poFieldDefn->GetWidth(),
    1832          32 :                         poFieldDefn->GetPrecision());
    1833          32 :                     if (res.ok())
    1834             :                     {
    1835          32 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1836             :                             static_cast<arrow::Decimal128Builder *>(poBuilder)
    1837             :                                 ->Append(*res));
    1838             :                     }
    1839             :                     else
    1840             :                     {
    1841           0 :                         CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1842             :                                  "Cannot parse %.18g as a %d.%d decimal", dfVal,
    1843             :                                  poFieldDefn->GetWidth(),
    1844             :                                  poFieldDefn->GetPrecision());
    1845           0 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poBuilder->AppendNull());
    1846             :                     }
    1847             :                 }
    1848         169 :                 else if (arrowType->id() == arrow::Type::DECIMAL256)
    1849             :                 {
    1850             :                     auto res = arrow::Decimal256::FromReal(
    1851             :                         dfVal, poFieldDefn->GetWidth(),
    1852           0 :                         poFieldDefn->GetPrecision());
    1853           0 :                     if (res.ok())
    1854             :                     {
    1855           0 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1856             :                             static_cast<arrow::Decimal256Builder *>(poBuilder)
    1857             :                                 ->Append(*res));
    1858             :                     }
    1859             :                     else
    1860             :                     {
    1861           0 :                         CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1862             :                                  "Cannot parse %.18g as a %d.%d decimal", dfVal,
    1863             :                                  poFieldDefn->GetWidth(),
    1864             :                                  poFieldDefn->GetPrecision());
    1865           0 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poBuilder->AppendNull());
    1866             :                     }
    1867             :                 }
    1868         169 :                 else if (eSubDT == OFSTFloat32)
    1869             :                 {
    1870          28 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1871             :                         static_cast<arrow::FloatBuilder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1872             :                             static_cast<float>(dfVal)));
    1873             :                 }
    1874             :                 else
    1875             :                 {
    1876         141 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1877             :                         static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1878             :                             dfVal));
    1879             :                 }
    1880         201 :                 break;
    1881             :             }
    1882             : 
    1883         499 :             case OFTString:
    1884             :             case OFTWideString:
    1885         499 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1886             :                     static_cast<arrow::StringBuilder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1887             :                         poFeature->GetFieldAsStringUnsafe(i)));
    1888         499 :                 break;
    1889             : 
    1890          62 :             case OFTBinary:
    1891             :             {
    1892          62 :                 int nSize = 0;
    1893          62 :                 const auto pData = poFeature->GetFieldAsBinary(i, &nSize);
    1894          62 :                 if (poFieldDefn->GetWidth() != 0)
    1895             :                 {
    1896          20 :                     if (poFieldDefn->GetWidth() != nSize)
    1897             :                     {
    1898           0 :                         CPLError(
    1899             :                             CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    1900             :                             "Cannot write field %s. Got %d bytes, expected %d",
    1901             :                             poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), nSize,
    1902             :                             poFieldDefn->GetWidth());
    1903           0 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poBuilder->AppendNull());
    1904             :                     }
    1905             :                     else
    1906             :                     {
    1907          20 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1908             :                             static_cast<arrow::FixedSizeBinaryBuilder *>(
    1909             :                                 poBuilder)
    1910             :                                 ->Append(pData));
    1911             :                     }
    1912             :                 }
    1913             :                 else
    1914          42 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1915             :                         static_cast<arrow::BinaryBuilder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    1916             :                             pData, nSize));
    1917          62 :                 break;
    1918             :             }
    1919             : 
    1920         216 :             case OFTIntegerList:
    1921             :             {
    1922         216 :                 auto poListBuilder =
    1923             :                     static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1924         216 :                 if (eSubDT == OFSTBoolean)
    1925             :                 {
    1926          36 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1927             :                     auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::BooleanBuilder *>(
    1928          36 :                         poListBuilder->value_builder());
    1929          36 :                     int nValues = 0;
    1930             :                     const auto panValues =
    1931          36 :                         poFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerList(i, &nValues);
    1932         108 :                     for (int j = 0; j < nValues; ++j)
    1933          72 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1934             :                             poValueBuilder->Append(panValues[j] != 0));
    1935             :                 }
    1936         180 :                 else if (eSubDT == OFSTInt16)
    1937             :                 {
    1938           0 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1939             :                     auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::Int16Builder *>(
    1940           0 :                         poListBuilder->value_builder());
    1941           0 :                     int nValues = 0;
    1942             :                     const auto panValues =
    1943           0 :                         poFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerList(i, &nValues);
    1944           0 :                     for (int j = 0; j < nValues; ++j)
    1945           0 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1946             :                             static_cast<int16_t>(panValues[j])));
    1947             :                 }
    1948             :                 else
    1949             :                 {
    1950         180 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1951             :                     auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::Int32Builder *>(
    1952         180 :                         poListBuilder->value_builder());
    1953         180 :                     int nValues = 0;
    1954             :                     const auto panValues =
    1955         180 :                         poFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerList(i, &nValues);
    1956         540 :                     for (int j = 0; j < nValues; ++j)
    1957         360 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    1958             :                             poValueBuilder->Append(panValues[j]));
    1959             :                 }
    1960         216 :                 break;
    1961             :             }
    1962             : 
    1963          92 :             case OFTInteger64List:
    1964             :             {
    1965          92 :                 auto poListBuilder =
    1966             :                     static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1967          92 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1968             :                 auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::Int64Builder *>(
    1969          92 :                     poListBuilder->value_builder());
    1970          92 :                 int nValues = 0;
    1971             :                 const auto panValues =
    1972          92 :                     poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger64List(i, &nValues);
    1973         292 :                 for (int j = 0; j < nValues; ++j)
    1974         200 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1975             :                         static_cast<int64_t>(panValues[j])));
    1976          92 :                 break;
    1977             :             }
    1978             : 
    1979         152 :             case OFTRealList:
    1980             :             {
    1981         152 :                 auto poListBuilder =
    1982             :                     static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    1983         152 :                 if (eSubDT == OFSTFloat32)
    1984             :                 {
    1985          48 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1986             :                     auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::FloatBuilder *>(
    1987          48 :                         poListBuilder->value_builder());
    1988          48 :                     int nValues = 0;
    1989             :                     const auto padfValues =
    1990          48 :                         poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList(i, &nValues);
    1991         144 :                     for (int j = 0; j < nValues; ++j)
    1992          96 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poValueBuilder->Append(
    1993             :                             static_cast<float>(padfValues[j])));
    1994             :                 }
    1995             :                 else
    1996             :                 {
    1997         104 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    1998             :                     auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::DoubleBuilder *>(
    1999         104 :                         poListBuilder->value_builder());
    2000         104 :                     int nValues = 0;
    2001             :                     const auto padfValues =
    2002         104 :                         poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList(i, &nValues);
    2003         280 :                     for (int j = 0; j < nValues; ++j)
    2004         176 :                         OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    2005             :                             poValueBuilder->Append(padfValues[j]));
    2006             :                 }
    2007         152 :                 break;
    2008             :             }
    2009             : 
    2010          52 :             case OFTStringList:
    2011             :             case OFTWideStringList:
    2012             :             {
    2013          52 :                 auto poListBuilder =
    2014             :                     static_cast<arrow::ListBuilder *>(poBuilder);
    2015          52 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(poListBuilder->Append());
    2016             :                 auto poValueBuilder = static_cast<arrow::StringBuilder *>(
    2017          52 :                     poListBuilder->value_builder());
    2018          52 :                 const auto papszValues = poFeature->GetFieldAsStringList(i);
    2019         132 :                 for (int j = 0; papszValues && papszValues[j]; ++j)
    2020          80 :                     OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    2021             :                         poValueBuilder->Append(papszValues[j]));
    2022          52 :                 break;
    2023             :             }
    2024             : 
    2025         109 :             case OFTDate:
    2026             :             {
    2027             :                 int nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute;
    2028             :                 float fSec;
    2029             :                 int nTZFlag;
    2030         109 :                 poFeature->GetFieldAsDateTime(i, &nYear, &nMonth, &nDay, &nHour,
    2031             :                                               &nMinute, &fSec, &nTZFlag);
    2032             :                 struct tm brokenDown;
    2033         109 :                 memset(&brokenDown, 0, sizeof(brokenDown));
    2034         109 :                 brokenDown.tm_year = nYear - 1900;
    2035         109 :                 brokenDown.tm_mon = nMonth - 1;
    2036         109 :                 brokenDown.tm_mday = nDay;
    2037         109 :                 GIntBig nVal = CPLYMDHMSToUnixTime(&brokenDown);
    2038         109 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    2039             :                     static_cast<arrow::Date32Builder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    2040             :                         static_cast<int>(nVal / 86400)));
    2041         109 :                 break;
    2042             :             }
    2043             : 
    2044          36 :             case OFTTime:
    2045             :             {
    2046             :                 int nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute;
    2047             :                 float fSec;
    2048             :                 int nTZFlag;
    2049          36 :                 poFeature->GetFieldAsDateTime(i, &nYear, &nMonth, &nDay, &nHour,
    2050             :                                               &nMinute, &fSec, &nTZFlag);
    2051          36 :                 int nVal = nHour * 3600 + nMinute * 60;
    2052          36 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    2053             :                     static_cast<arrow::Time32Builder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    2054             :                         static_cast<int>(
    2055             :                             (static_cast<double>(nVal) + fSec) * 1000 + 0.5)));
    2056          36 :                 break;
    2057             :             }
    2058             : 
    2059         189 :             case OFTDateTime:
    2060             :             {
    2061             :                 int nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute;
    2062             :                 float fSec;
    2063             :                 int nTZFlag;
    2064         189 :                 poFeature->GetFieldAsDateTime(i, &nYear, &nMonth, &nDay, &nHour,
    2065             :                                               &nMinute, &fSec, &nTZFlag);
    2066             :                 struct tm brokenDown;
    2067         189 :                 memset(&brokenDown, 0, sizeof(brokenDown));
    2068         189 :                 brokenDown.tm_year = nYear - 1900;
    2069         189 :                 brokenDown.tm_mon = nMonth - 1;
    2070         189 :                 brokenDown.tm_mday = nDay;
    2071         189 :                 brokenDown.tm_hour = nHour;
    2072         189 :                 brokenDown.tm_min = nMinute;
    2073         189 :                 brokenDown.tm_sec = 0;
    2074         189 :                 GIntBig nVal = CPLYMDHMSToUnixTime(&brokenDown);
    2075         306 :                 if (!IsFileWriterCreated() &&
    2076         117 :                     m_anTZFlag[i] != OGR_TZFLAG_UNKNOWN)
    2077             :                 {
    2078          59 :                     if (m_anTZFlag[i] == TZFLAG_UNINITIALIZED)
    2079          35 :                         m_anTZFlag[i] = nTZFlag;
    2080          24 :                     else if (m_anTZFlag[i] != nTZFlag)
    2081             :                     {
    2082           0 :                         if (m_anTZFlag[i] >= OGR_TZFLAG_MIXED_TZ &&
    2083           0 :                             nTZFlag >= OGR_TZFLAG_MIXED_TZ)
    2084             :                         {
    2085           0 :                             m_anTZFlag[i] =
    2086             :                                 OGR_TZFLAG_MIXED_TZ;  // harmonize on UTC ultimately
    2087             :                         }
    2088             :                         else
    2089             :                         {
    2090           0 :                             CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2091             :                                      "Field %s contains a mix of "
    2092             :                                      "timezone-aware and local/without "
    2093             :                                      "timezone values.",
    2094             :                                      poFieldDefn->GetNameRef());
    2095           0 :                             m_anTZFlag[i] = OGR_TZFLAG_UNKNOWN;
    2096             :                         }
    2097             :                     }
    2098             :                 }
    2099         189 :                 if (nTZFlag > OGR_TZFLAG_MIXED_TZ)
    2100             :                 {
    2101          60 :                     const int nOffsetSec = (nTZFlag - OGR_TZFLAG_UTC) * 15 * 60;
    2102          60 :                     nVal -= nOffsetSec;
    2103             :                 }
    2104         189 :                 OGR_ARROW_RETURN_OGRERR_NOT_OK(
    2105             :                     static_cast<arrow::TimestampBuilder *>(poBuilder)->Append(
    2106             :                         static_cast<int64_t>(
    2107             :                             (static_cast<double>(nVal) + fSec) * 1000 + 0.5)));
    2108         189 :                 break;
    2109             :             }
    2110             :         }
    2111             :     }
    2112             : 
    2113             :     // Write geometries
    2114        6335 :     for (int i = 0; i < nGeomFieldCount; ++i, ++nArrowIdx)
    2115             :     {
    2116        3223 :         auto poBuilder = m_apoBuilders[nArrowIdx].get();
    2117        3223 :         OGRGeometry *poGeom = poFeature->GetGeomFieldRef(i);
    2118        3223 :         if (BuildGeometry(poGeom, i, poBuilder) != OGRERR_NONE)
    2119           0 :             return OGRERR_FAILURE;
    2120             :     }
    2121             : 
    2122        3112 :     m_nFeatureCount++;
    2123             : 
    2124             :     // Flush the current row group if reaching the limit of rows per group.
    2125        3112 :     if (!m_apoBuilders.empty() && m_apoBuilders[0]->length() == m_nRowGroupSize)
    2126             :     {
    2127          22 :         if (!FlushFeatures())
    2128           0 :             return OGRERR_FAILURE;
    2129             :     }
    2130             : 
    2131        3112 :     return OGRERR_NONE;
    2132             : }
    2133             : 
    2134             : /************************************************************************/
    2135             : /*                         FlushFeatures()                              */
    2136             : /************************************************************************/
    2137             : 
    2138          38 : inline bool OGRArrowWriterLayer::FlushFeatures()
    2139             : {
    2140          38 :     if (m_apoBuilders.empty() || m_apoBuilders[0]->length() == 0)
    2141           0 :         return true;
    2142             : 
    2143          38 :     if (!IsFileWriterCreated())
    2144             :     {
    2145           8 :         CreateWriter();
    2146           8 :         if (!IsFileWriterCreated())
    2147           0 :             return false;
    2148             :     }
    2149             : 
    2150          38 :     return FlushGroup();
    2151             : }
    2152             : 
    2153             : /************************************************************************/
    2154             : /*                        GetFeatureCount()                             */
    2155             : /************************************************************************/
    2156             : 
    2157           1 : inline GIntBig OGRArrowWriterLayer::GetFeatureCount(int bForce)
    2158             : {
    2159           1 :     if (m_poAttrQuery == nullptr && m_poFilterGeom == nullptr)
    2160             :     {
    2161           1 :         return m_nFeatureCount;
    2162             :     }
    2163           0 :     return OGRLayer::GetFeatureCount(bForce);
    2164             : }
    2165             : 
    2166             : /************************************************************************/
    2167             : /*                         TestCapability()                             */
    2168             : /************************************************************************/
    2169             : 
    2170         626 : inline int OGRArrowWriterLayer::TestCapability(const char *pszCap)
    2171             : {
    2172         626 :     if (EQUAL(pszCap, OLCCreateField) || EQUAL(pszCap, OLCCreateGeomField))
    2173          27 :         return m_poSchema == nullptr;
    2174             : 
    2175         599 :     if (EQUAL(pszCap, OLCSequentialWrite))
    2176          24 :         return true;
    2177             : 
    2178         575 :     if (EQUAL(pszCap, OLCFastWriteArrowBatch))
    2179           0 :         return true;
    2180             : 
    2181         575 :     if (EQUAL(pszCap, OLCStringsAsUTF8))
    2182           1 :         return true;
    2183             : 
    2184         574 :     if (EQUAL(pszCap, OLCMeasuredGeometries))
    2185         227 :         return true;
    2186             : 
    2187         347 :     return false;
    2188             : }
    2189             : 
    2190             : /************************************************************************/
    2191             : /*                         WriteArrays()                                */
    2192             : /************************************************************************/
    2193             : 
    2194         266 : inline bool OGRArrowWriterLayer::WriteArrays(
    2195             :     std::function<bool(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field> &,
    2196             :                        const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> &)>
    2197             :         postProcessArray)
    2198             : {
    2199         266 :     int nArrowIdx = 0;
    2200         266 :     int nArrowIdxFirstField = !m_osFIDColumn.empty() ? 1 : 0;
    2201        1921 :     for (const auto &poBuilder : m_apoBuilders)
    2202             :     {
    2203        1655 :         const auto &field = m_poSchema->fields()[nArrowIdx];
    2204             : 
    2205           0 :         std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> array;
    2206        1655 :         auto status = poBuilder->Finish(&array);
    2207        1655 :         if (!status.ok())
    2208             :         {
    2209           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2210             :                      "builder::Finish() for field %s failed with %s",
    2211           0 :                      field->name().c_str(), status.message().c_str());
    2212           0 :             return false;
    2213             :         }
    2214             : 
    2215             :         // CPLDebug("ARROW", "%s", array->ToString().c_str());
    2216             : 
    2217        1655 :         const int iCol = nArrowIdx - nArrowIdxFirstField;
    2218        1655 :         if (iCol >= 0 && iCol < m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount())
    2219             :         {
    2220        1342 :             const auto poFieldDefn = m_poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(iCol);
    2221        1342 :             const auto eFieldType = poFieldDefn->GetType();
    2222        1342 :             if (eFieldType == OFTInteger || eFieldType == OFTInteger64)
    2223             :             {
    2224         219 :                 const auto &osDomainName = poFieldDefn->GetDomainName();
    2225             :                 const auto oIter =
    2226         219 :                     m_oMapFieldDomainToStringArray.find(osDomainName);
    2227         219 :                 if (oIter != m_oMapFieldDomainToStringArray.end())
    2228             :                 {
    2229             :                     auto result = arrow::DictionaryArray::FromArrays(
    2230          12 :                         field->type(), array, oIter->second);
    2231          12 :                     if (!result.ok())
    2232             :                     {
    2233           0 :                         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2234             :                                  "DictionaryArray::FromArrays() for field %s "
    2235             :                                  "failed with %s",
    2236           0 :                                  field->name().c_str(),
    2237           0 :                                  result.status().message().c_str());
    2238           0 :                         return false;
    2239             :                     }
    2240          12 :                     array = *result;
    2241             :                 }
    2242             :             }
    2243             :         }
    2244             : 
    2245        1655 :         if (!postProcessArray(field, array))
    2246             :         {
    2247           0 :             return false;
    2248             :         }
    2249             : 
    2250        1655 :         nArrowIdx++;
    2251             :     }
    2252             : 
    2253         266 :     if (m_bWriteBBoxStruct)
    2254             :     {
    2255         176 :         const int nGeomFieldCount = m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount();
    2256         356 :         for (int i = 0; i < nGeomFieldCount; ++i)
    2257             :         {
    2258         180 :             const auto &field = m_apoFieldsBBOX[i];
    2259           0 :             std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> array;
    2260         180 :             auto status = m_apoBuildersBBOXStruct[i]->Finish(&array);
    2261         180 :             if (!status.ok())
    2262             :             {
    2263           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2264             :                          "builder::Finish() for field %s failed with %s",
    2265           0 :                          field->name().c_str(), status.message().c_str());
    2266           0 :                 return false;
    2267             :             }
    2268             : 
    2269         180 :             if (!postProcessArray(field, array))
    2270             :             {
    2271           0 :                 return false;
    2272             :             }
    2273             :         }
    2274             :     }
    2275             : 
    2276         266 :     return true;
    2277             : }
    2278             : 
    2279             : /************************************************************************/
    2280             : /*                            TestBit()                                 */
    2281             : /************************************************************************/
    2282             : 
    2283         504 : static inline bool TestBit(const uint8_t *pabyData, size_t nIdx)
    2284             : {
    2285         504 :     return (pabyData[nIdx / 8] & (1 << (nIdx % 8))) != 0;
    2286             : }
    2287             : 
    2288             : /************************************************************************/
    2289             : /*                       WriteArrowBatchInternal()                      */
    2290             : /************************************************************************/
    2291             : 
    2292         126 : inline bool OGRArrowWriterLayer::WriteArrowBatchInternal(
    2293             :     const struct ArrowSchema *schema, struct ArrowArray *array,
    2294             :     CSLConstList papszOptions,
    2295             :     std::function<bool(const std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> &)> writeBatch)
    2296             : {
    2297         126 :     if (m_poSchema == nullptr)
    2298             :     {
    2299         121 :         CreateSchema();
    2300             :     }
    2301             : 
    2302         126 :     if (!IsFileWriterCreated())
    2303             :     {
    2304         121 :         CreateWriter();
    2305         121 :         if (!IsFileWriterCreated())
    2306           0 :             return false;
    2307             :     }
    2308             : 
    2309         126 :     if (m_apoBuilders.empty())
    2310             :     {
    2311         121 :         CreateArrayBuilders();
    2312             :     }
    2313             : 
    2314         126 :     const int nGeomFieldCount = m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount();
    2315         126 :     const int nGeomFieldCountBBoxFields =
    2316         126 :         m_bWriteBBoxStruct ? nGeomFieldCount : 0;
    2317             : 
    2318         126 :     const char *pszFIDName = CSLFetchNameValueDef(
    2319             :         papszOptions, "FID", OGRLayer::DEFAULT_ARROW_FID_NAME);
    2320             :     const char *pszSingleGeomFieldName =
    2321         126 :         CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "GEOMETRY_NAME");
    2322             : 
    2323             :     // Sort schema and array children in the same order as m_poSchema.
    2324             :     // This is needed for non-WKB geometry encoding
    2325         252 :     std::map<std::string, int> oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx;
    2326        1644 :     for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(schema->n_children); ++i)
    2327             :     {
    2328        1518 :         if (cpl::contains(oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx,
    2329        1518 :                           schema->children[i]->name))
    2330             :         {
    2331           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2332             :                      "Several fields with same name '%s' found",
    2333           0 :                      schema->children[i]->name);
    2334           0 :             return false;
    2335             :         }
    2336        1518 :         oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx[schema->children[i]->name] = i;
    2337             : 
    2338        1518 :         if (!pszSingleGeomFieldName && schema->children[i]->metadata)
    2339             :         {
    2340             :             const auto oMetadata =
    2341         256 :                 OGRParseArrowMetadata(schema->children[i]->metadata);
    2342         128 :             const auto oIter = oMetadata.find(ARROW_EXTENSION_NAME_KEY);
    2343         262 :             if (oIter != oMetadata.end() &&
    2344         134 :                 (oIter->second == EXTENSION_NAME_OGC_WKB ||
    2345           8 :                  oIter->second == EXTENSION_NAME_GEOARROW_WKB))
    2346             :             {
    2347         126 :                 pszSingleGeomFieldName = schema->children[i]->name;
    2348             :             }
    2349             :         }
    2350             :     }
    2351         126 :     if (!pszSingleGeomFieldName)
    2352           0 :         pszSingleGeomFieldName = OGRLayer::DEFAULT_ARROW_GEOMETRY_NAME;
    2353             : 
    2354         126 :     std::vector<int> anMapLayerSchemaToArraySchema(m_poSchema->num_fields(),
    2355         378 :                                                    -1);
    2356             :     struct ArrowArray fidArray;
    2357             :     struct ArrowSchema fidSchema;
    2358         126 :     memset(&fidArray, 0, sizeof(fidArray));
    2359         126 :     memset(&fidSchema, 0, sizeof(fidSchema));
    2360         252 :     std::vector<void *> apBuffersFid;
    2361         252 :     std::vector<int64_t> fids;
    2362             : 
    2363         252 :     std::set<int> oSetReferencedFieldsInArraySchema;
    2364           0 :     const auto DummyFreeArray = [](struct ArrowArray *ptrArray)
    2365           0 :     { ptrArray->release = nullptr; };
    2366         126 :     const auto DummyFreeSchema = [](struct ArrowSchema *ptrSchema)
    2367         126 :     { ptrSchema->release = nullptr; };
    2368         126 :     bool bRebuildBatch = false;
    2369        1642 :     for (int i = 0; i < m_poSchema->num_fields() - nGeomFieldCountBBoxFields;
    2370             :          ++i)
    2371             :     {
    2372             :         auto oIter =
    2373        1516 :             oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx.find(m_poSchema->field(i)->name());
    2374        1516 :         if (oIter == oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx.end())
    2375             :         {
    2376           4 :             if (m_poSchema->field(i)->name() == m_osFIDColumn)
    2377             :             {
    2378           1 :                 oIter = oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx.find(pszFIDName);
    2379           1 :                 if (oIter == oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx.end())
    2380             :                 {
    2381             :                     // If the input data does not contain a FID column, but
    2382             :                     // the output file requires it, creates a default FID column
    2383           0 :                     fidArray.release = DummyFreeArray;
    2384           0 :                     fidArray.n_buffers = 2;
    2385           0 :                     apBuffersFid.resize(2);
    2386           0 :                     fidArray.buffers =
    2387           0 :                         const_cast<const void **>(;
    2388           0 :                     fids.reserve(static_cast<size_t>(array->length));
    2389           0 :                     for (size_t iRow = 0;
    2390           0 :                          iRow < static_cast<size_t>(array->length); ++iRow)
    2391           0 :                         fids.push_back(m_nFeatureCount + iRow);
    2392           0 :                     fidArray.buffers[1] =;
    2393           0 :                     fidArray.length = array->length;
    2394           0 :                     fidSchema.release = DummyFreeSchema;
    2395           0 :            = m_osFIDColumn.c_str();
    2396           0 :                     fidSchema.format = "l";  // int64
    2397           0 :                     continue;
    2398             :                 }
    2399             :             }
    2400           6 :             else if (nGeomFieldCount == 1 &&
    2401           3 :                      m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldIndex(
    2402           3 :                          m_poSchema->field(i)->name().c_str()) == 0)
    2403             :             {
    2404             :                 oIter =
    2405           3 :                     oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx.find(pszSingleGeomFieldName);
    2406           3 :                 if (oIter != oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx.end())
    2407           3 :                     bRebuildBatch = true;
    2408             :             }
    2409             : 
    2410           4 :             if (oIter == oMapSchemaChildrenNameToIdx.end())
    2411             :             {
    2412           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2413             :                          "Cannot find field '%s' in schema",
    2414           0 :                          m_poSchema->field(i)->name().c_str());
    2415           0 :                 return false;
    2416             :             }
    2417             :         }
    2418        1516 :         anMapLayerSchemaToArraySchema[i] = oIter->second;
    2419        1516 :         oSetReferencedFieldsInArraySchema.insert(oIter->second);
    2420             :     }
    2421             : 
    2422             :     // Note: we cheat a bit by declaring a single instance of the minx/miny/
    2423             :     // maxx/maxy sub-field ArrowSchema*, and make all struct ArrowSchema point
    2424             :     // to them. That's OK because we use DummyFreeSchema to release, which does
    2425             :     // nothing.
    2426             :     struct ArrowSchema bboxStructSchemaXMin;
    2427             :     struct ArrowSchema bboxStructSchemaYMin;
    2428             :     struct ArrowSchema bboxStructSchemaXMax;
    2429             :     struct ArrowSchema bboxStructSchemaYMax;
    2430         126 :     constexpr int BBOX_SUBFIELD_COUNT = 4;
    2431             :     std::array<struct ArrowSchema *, BBOX_SUBFIELD_COUNT>
    2432             :         bboxStructSchemaChildren;
    2433         126 :     constexpr int BBOX_STRUCT_BUFFER_COUNT = 1;  // validity bitmap array
    2434             :     // cppcheck-suppress constStatement
    2435             :     std::vector<std::array<const void *, BBOX_STRUCT_BUFFER_COUNT>>
    2436         252 :         bboxStructBuffersPtr;
    2437         252 :     std::vector<std::vector<GByte>> aabyBboxStructValidity;
    2438         252 :     std::vector<std::vector<float>> aadfMinX, aadfMinY, aadfMaxX, aadfMaxY;
    2439             :     // cppcheck-suppress constStatement
    2440         252 :     std::vector<std::array<struct ArrowArray, BBOX_SUBFIELD_COUNT>> bboxArrays;
    2441             :     // cppcheck-suppress constStatement
    2442             :     std::vector<std::array<struct ArrowArray *, BBOX_SUBFIELD_COUNT>>
    2443         252 :         bboxArraysPtr;
    2444         126 :     constexpr int BBOX_SUBFIELD_BUFFER_COUNT =
    2445             :         2;  // validity bitmap array and float array
    2446             :     std::vector<std::array<std::array<const void *, BBOX_SUBFIELD_BUFFER_COUNT>,
    2447             :                            BBOX_SUBFIELD_COUNT>>
    2448         252 :         bboxBuffersPtr;
    2449             : 
    2450             :     // Temporary arrays to hold the geometry bounding boxes.
    2451         252 :     std::vector<struct ArrowArray> bboxStructArray;
    2452         252 :     std::vector<struct ArrowSchema> bboxStructSchema;
    2453             : 
    2454         252 :     std::vector<struct ArrowSchema *> newSchemaChildren;
    2455         252 :     std::vector<struct ArrowArray *> newArrayChildren;
    2456         126 :     newSchemaChildren.reserve(m_poSchema->num_fields());
    2457         126 :     newArrayChildren.reserve(m_poSchema->num_fields());
    2458        1642 :     for (int i = 0; i < m_poSchema->num_fields() - nGeomFieldCountBBoxFields;
    2459             :          ++i)
    2460             :     {
    2461        1516 :         if (anMapLayerSchemaToArraySchema[i] < 0)
    2462             :         {
    2463           0 :             CPLAssert(m_poSchema->field(i)->name() == m_osFIDColumn);
    2464           0 :             newSchemaChildren.emplace_back(&fidSchema);
    2465           0 :             newArrayChildren.emplace_back(&fidArray);
    2466             :         }
    2467             :         else
    2468             :         {
    2469             :             newSchemaChildren.emplace_back(
    2470        1516 :                 schema->children[anMapLayerSchemaToArraySchema[i]]);
    2471             :             newArrayChildren.emplace_back(
    2472        1516 :                 array->children[anMapLayerSchemaToArraySchema[i]]);
    2473             :         }
    2474             :     }
    2475             : 
    2476         126 :     if (m_bWriteBBoxStruct)
    2477             :     {
    2478          14 :         memset(&bboxStructSchemaXMin, 0, sizeof(bboxStructSchemaXMin));
    2479          14 :         memset(&bboxStructSchemaYMin, 0, sizeof(bboxStructSchemaYMin));
    2480          14 :         memset(&bboxStructSchemaXMax, 0, sizeof(bboxStructSchemaXMax));
    2481          14 :         memset(&bboxStructSchemaYMax, 0, sizeof(bboxStructSchemaYMax));
    2482             : 
    2483          14 :         bboxStructSchemaXMin.release = DummyFreeSchema;
    2484          14 : = "xmin";
    2485          14 :         bboxStructSchemaXMin.format = "f";  // float32
    2486             : 
    2487          14 :         bboxStructSchemaYMin.release = DummyFreeSchema;
    2488          14 : = "ymin";
    2489          14 :         bboxStructSchemaYMin.format = "f";  // float32
    2490             : 
    2491          14 :         bboxStructSchemaXMax.release = DummyFreeSchema;
    2492          14 : = "xmax";
    2493          14 :         bboxStructSchemaXMax.format = "f";  // float32
    2494             : 
    2495          14 :         bboxStructSchemaYMax.release = DummyFreeSchema;
    2496          14 : = "ymax";
    2497          14 :         bboxStructSchemaYMax.format = "f";  // float32
    2498             : 
    2499             :         try
    2500             :         {
    2501          14 :             constexpr int XMIN_IDX = 0;
    2502          14 :             constexpr int YMIN_IDX = 1;
    2503          14 :             constexpr int XMAX_IDX = 2;
    2504          14 :             constexpr int YMAX_IDX = 3;
    2505          14 :             bboxStructSchemaChildren[XMIN_IDX] = &bboxStructSchemaXMin;
    2506             :             // cppcheck-suppress objectIndex
    2507          14 :             bboxStructSchemaChildren[YMIN_IDX] = &bboxStructSchemaYMin;
    2508             :             // cppcheck-suppress objectIndex
    2509          14 :             bboxStructSchemaChildren[XMAX_IDX] = &bboxStructSchemaXMax;
    2510             :             // cppcheck-suppress objectIndex
    2511          14 :             bboxStructSchemaChildren[YMAX_IDX] = &bboxStructSchemaYMax;
    2512             : 
    2513          14 :             bboxStructArray.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2514          14 :             bboxStructSchema.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2515          14 :             bboxArrays.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2516          14 :             bboxArraysPtr.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2517          14 :             bboxBuffersPtr.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2518          14 :             bboxStructBuffersPtr.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2519          14 :             aabyBboxStructValidity.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2520          28 :             memset(, 0,
    2521          14 :                    nGeomFieldCount * sizeof(bboxStructArray[0]));
    2522          28 :             memset(, 0,
    2523          14 :                    nGeomFieldCount * sizeof(bboxStructSchema[0]));
    2524          28 :             memset(, 0,
    2525          14 :                    nGeomFieldCount * sizeof(bboxArrays[0]));
    2526          14 :             aadfMinX.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2527          14 :             aadfMinY.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2528          14 :             aadfMaxX.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2529          14 :             aadfMaxY.resize(nGeomFieldCount);
    2530          28 :             for (int i = 0; i < nGeomFieldCount; ++i)
    2531             :             {
    2532          14 :                 const bool bIsNullable = CPL_TO_BOOL(
    2533          14 :                     m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(i)->IsNullable());
    2534          14 :                 aadfMinX[i].reserve(static_cast<size_t>(array->length));
    2535          14 :                 aadfMinY[i].reserve(static_cast<size_t>(array->length));
    2536          14 :                 aadfMaxX[i].reserve(static_cast<size_t>(array->length));
    2537          14 :                 aadfMaxY[i].reserve(static_cast<size_t>(array->length));
    2538          14 :                 aabyBboxStructValidity[i].resize(
    2539          14 :                     static_cast<size_t>(array->length + 7) / 8, 0xFF);
    2540             : 
    2541          14 :                 bboxStructSchema[i].release = DummyFreeSchema;
    2542          14 :                 bboxStructSchema[i].name = m_apoFieldsBBOX[i]->name().c_str();
    2543          14 :                 bboxStructSchema[i].format = "+s";  // structure
    2544          14 :                 bboxStructSchema[i].flags =
    2545          14 :                     bIsNullable ? ARROW_FLAG_NULLABLE : 0;
    2546          14 :                 bboxStructSchema[i].n_children = BBOX_SUBFIELD_COUNT;
    2547          14 :                 bboxStructSchema[i].children =;
    2548             : 
    2549          14 :                 constexpr int VALIDITY_ARRAY_IDX = 0;
    2550          14 :                 constexpr int BBOX_SUBFIELD_FLOAT_VALUE_IDX = 1;
    2551          14 :                 bboxBuffersPtr[i][XMIN_IDX][BBOX_SUBFIELD_FLOAT_VALUE_IDX] =
    2552          14 :                     aadfMinX[i].data();
    2553          14 :                 bboxBuffersPtr[i][YMIN_IDX][BBOX_SUBFIELD_FLOAT_VALUE_IDX] =
    2554          14 :                     aadfMinY[i].data();
    2555          14 :                 bboxBuffersPtr[i][XMAX_IDX][BBOX_SUBFIELD_FLOAT_VALUE_IDX] =
    2556          14 :                     aadfMaxX[i].data();
    2557          14 :                 bboxBuffersPtr[i][YMAX_IDX][BBOX_SUBFIELD_FLOAT_VALUE_IDX] =
    2558          14 :                     aadfMaxY[i].data();
    2559             : 
    2560          70 :                 for (int j = 0; j < BBOX_SUBFIELD_COUNT; ++j)
    2561             :                 {
    2562          56 :                     bboxBuffersPtr[i][j][VALIDITY_ARRAY_IDX] = nullptr;
    2563             : 
    2564          56 :                     bboxArrays[i][j].release = DummyFreeArray;
    2565          56 :                     bboxArrays[i][j].length = array->length;
    2566          56 :                     bboxArrays[i][j].n_buffers = BBOX_SUBFIELD_BUFFER_COUNT;
    2567          56 :                     bboxArrays[i][j].buffers = bboxBuffersPtr[i][j].data();
    2568             : 
    2569          56 :                     bboxArraysPtr[i][j] = &bboxArrays[i][j];
    2570             :                 }
    2571             : 
    2572          14 :                 bboxStructArray[i].release = DummyFreeArray;
    2573          14 :                 bboxStructArray[i].n_children = BBOX_SUBFIELD_COUNT;
    2574             :                 // coverity[escape]
    2575          14 :                 bboxStructArray[i].children = bboxArraysPtr[i].data();
    2576          14 :                 bboxStructArray[i].length = array->length;
    2577          14 :                 bboxStructArray[i].n_buffers = BBOX_STRUCT_BUFFER_COUNT;
    2578          14 :                 bboxStructBuffersPtr[i][VALIDITY_ARRAY_IDX] =
    2579          14 :                     bIsNullable ? aabyBboxStructValidity[i].data() : nullptr;
    2580             :                 // coverity[escape]
    2581          14 :                 bboxStructArray[i].buffers = bboxStructBuffersPtr[i].data();
    2582             : 
    2583          14 :                 newSchemaChildren.emplace_back(&bboxStructSchema[i]);
    2584          14 :                 newArrayChildren.emplace_back(&bboxStructArray[i]);
    2585             :             }
    2586             :         }
    2587           0 :         catch (const std::bad_alloc &)
    2588             :         {
    2589           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
    2590             :                      "Out of memory in "
    2591             :                      "OGRArrowWriterLayer::WriteArrowBatchInternal()");
    2592           0 :             return false;
    2593             :         }
    2594             :     }
    2595             : 
    2596        1644 :     for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(schema->n_children); ++i)
    2597             :     {
    2598        1518 :         if (!cpl::contains(oSetReferencedFieldsInArraySchema, i))
    2599             :         {
    2600           4 :             if (m_osFIDColumn.empty() &&
    2601           2 :                 strcmp(schema->children[i]->name, pszFIDName) == 0)
    2602             :             {
    2603             :                 // If the input data contains a FID column, but the output data
    2604             :                 // does not, then ignore it.
    2605             :             }
    2606             :             else
    2607             :             {
    2608           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2609             :                          "Found field '%s' in array schema that does not exist "
    2610             :                          "in layer schema",
    2611           0 :                          schema->children[i]->name);
    2612           0 :                 return false;
    2613             :             }
    2614             :         }
    2615             :     }
    2616             : 
    2617             :     // ImportSchema() would release the schema, but we don't want that
    2618             :     // So copy the structure content into a local variable, and override its
    2619             :     // release callback to a no-op. This may be a bit fragile, but it doesn't
    2620             :     // look like ImportSchema implementation tries to access the C ArrowSchema
    2621             :     // after it has been called.
    2622         126 :     struct ArrowSchema lSchema = *schema;
    2623         126 :     schema = &lSchema;
    2624         126 :     CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(schema);
    2625             : 
    2626         126 :     lSchema.n_children = newSchemaChildren.size();
    2627         126 :     lSchema.children =;
    2628             : 
    2629         126 :     lSchema.release = DummyFreeSchema;
    2630         252 :     auto poSchemaResult = arrow::ImportSchema(&lSchema);
    2631         126 :     CPLAssert(lSchema.release == nullptr);
    2632         126 :     if (!poSchemaResult.ok())
    2633             :     {
    2634           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "ImportSchema() failed with %s",
    2635           0 :                  poSchemaResult.status().message().c_str());
    2636           0 :         return false;
    2637             :     }
    2638         252 :     auto poSchema = *poSchemaResult;
    2639             : 
    2640             :     // Hack the array to use the new children we've computed above
    2641             :     // but make sure the original release() callback sees the original children
    2642             :     struct ArrayReleaser
    2643             :     {
    2644             :         struct ArrowArray ori_array
    2645             :         {
    2646             :         };
    2647             : 
    2648         126 :         explicit ArrayReleaser(struct ArrowArray *array)
    2649         126 :         {
    2650         126 :             memcpy(&ori_array, array, sizeof(*array));
    2651         126 :             array->release = ArrayReleaser::release;
    2652         126 :             array->private_data = this;
    2653         126 :         }
    2654             : 
    2655         126 :         static void release(struct ArrowArray *array)
    2656             :         {
    2657         126 :             struct ArrayReleaser *releaser =
    2658             :                 static_cast<struct ArrayReleaser *>(array->private_data);
    2659         126 :             memcpy(array, &(releaser->ori_array), sizeof(*array));
    2660         126 :             CPLAssert(array->release != nullptr);
    2661         126 :             array->release(array);
    2662         126 :             CPLAssert(array->release == nullptr);
    2663         126 :             delete releaser;
    2664         126 :         }
    2665             :     };
    2666             : 
    2667             :     // Must be allocated on the heap, since ArrayReleaser::release() will be
    2668             :     // called after this method has ended.
    2669         126 :     ArrayReleaser *releaser = new ArrayReleaser(array);
    2670         126 :     array->private_data = releaser;
    2671         126 :     array->n_children = newArrayChildren.size();
    2672             :     // cppcheck-suppress autoVariables
    2673         126 :     array->children =;
    2674             : 
    2675             :     // Process geometry columns:
    2676             :     // - if the output encoding is WKB, then just note the geometry type and
    2677             :     //   envelope.
    2678             :     // - otherwise convert to the output encoding.
    2679         126 :     int nBuilderIdx = 0;
    2680         126 :     if (!m_osFIDColumn.empty())
    2681             :     {
    2682           2 :         nBuilderIdx++;
    2683             :     }
    2684             :     std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>>
    2685         252 :         oMapGeomFieldNameToArray;
    2686         252 :     for (int i = 0; i < nGeomFieldCount; ++i, ++nBuilderIdx)
    2687             :     {
    2688             :         const char *pszThisGeomFieldName =
    2689         126 :             m_poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(i)->GetNameRef();
    2690         126 :         int nIdx = poSchema->GetFieldIndex(pszThisGeomFieldName);
    2691         126 :         if (nIdx < 0)
    2692             :         {
    2693           3 :             if (nGeomFieldCount == 1)
    2694           3 :                 nIdx = poSchema->GetFieldIndex(pszSingleGeomFieldName);
    2695           3 :             if (nIdx < 0)
    2696             :             {
    2697           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2698             :                          "Cannot find geometry field '%s' in schema",
    2699             :                          pszThisGeomFieldName);
    2700           0 :                 return false;
    2701             :             }
    2702             :         }
    2703             : 
    2704         126 :         if (strcmp(lSchema.children[nIdx]->format, "z") != 0 &&
    2705           1 :             strcmp(lSchema.children[nIdx]->format, "Z") != 0)
    2706             :         {
    2707           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2708             :                      "Type of geometry field '%s' is not binary, but '%s'",
    2709           0 :                      pszThisGeomFieldName, lSchema.children[nIdx]->format);
    2710           0 :             return false;
    2711             :         }
    2712             : 
    2713         126 :         const auto psGeomArray = array->children[nIdx];
    2714         126 :         const uint8_t *pabyValidity =
    2715         126 :             psGeomArray->null_count != 0
    2716         126 :                 ? static_cast<const uint8_t *>(psGeomArray->buffers[0])
    2717             :                 : nullptr;
    2718         126 :         const bool bUseOffsets32 =
    2719         126 :             (strcmp(lSchema.children[nIdx]->format, "z") == 0);
    2720         126 :         const uint32_t *panOffsets32 =
    2721         126 :             static_cast<const uint32_t *>(psGeomArray->buffers[1]) +
    2722         126 :             psGeomArray->offset;
    2723         126 :         const uint64_t *panOffsets64 =
    2724         126 :             static_cast<const uint64_t *>(psGeomArray->buffers[1]) +
    2725         126 :             psGeomArray->offset;
    2726         126 :         GByte *pabyData =
    2727         126 :             static_cast<GByte *>(const_cast<void *>(psGeomArray->buffers[2]));
    2728         126 :         OGREnvelope sEnvelope;
    2729         126 :         auto poBuilder = m_apoBuilders[nBuilderIdx].get();
    2730             : 
    2731         681 :         for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < static_cast<size_t>(psGeomArray->length);
    2732             :              ++iRow)
    2733             :         {
    2734         555 :             bool bValidGeom = false;
    2735             : 
    2736        1059 :             if (!pabyValidity ||
    2737         504 :                 TestBit(pabyValidity,
    2738         504 :                         static_cast<size_t>(iRow + psGeomArray->offset)))
    2739             :             {
    2740         439 :                 const auto nLen =
    2741         439 :                     bUseOffsets32 ? static_cast<size_t>(panOffsets32[iRow + 1] -
    2742         429 :                                                         panOffsets32[iRow])
    2743          10 :                                   : static_cast<size_t>(panOffsets64[iRow + 1] -
    2744          10 :                                                         panOffsets64[iRow]);
    2745         439 :                 GByte *pabyWkb =
    2746         439 :                     pabyData + (bUseOffsets32
    2747         429 :                                     ? panOffsets32[iRow]
    2748          10 :                                     : static_cast<size_t>(panOffsets64[iRow]));
    2749         439 :                 if (m_aeGeomEncoding[i] == OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKB)
    2750             :                 {
    2751         171 :                     FixupWKBGeometryBeforeWriting(pabyWkb, nLen);
    2752             : 
    2753         171 :                     uint32_t nType = 0;
    2754         171 :                     bool bNeedSwap = false;
    2755         171 :                     if (OGRWKBGetGeomType(pabyWkb, nLen, bNeedSwap, nType))
    2756             :                     {
    2757         171 :                         m_oSetWrittenGeometryTypes[i].insert(
    2758         171 :                             static_cast<OGRwkbGeometryType>(nType));
    2759         171 :                         if (OGRWKBGetBoundingBox(pabyWkb, nLen, sEnvelope))
    2760             :                         {
    2761         171 :                             bValidGeom = true;
    2762         171 :                             m_aoEnvelopes[i].Merge(sEnvelope);
    2763             : 
    2764         171 :                             if (m_bWriteBBoxStruct)
    2765             :                             {
    2766          43 :                                 aadfMinX[i].push_back(
    2767          43 :                                     castToFloatDown(sEnvelope.MinX));
    2768          43 :                                 aadfMinY[i].push_back(
    2769          43 :                                     castToFloatDown(sEnvelope.MinY));
    2770          43 :                                 aadfMaxX[i].push_back(
    2771          43 :                                     castToFloatUp(sEnvelope.MaxX));
    2772          43 :                                 aadfMaxY[i].push_back(
    2773          43 :                                     castToFloatUp(sEnvelope.MaxY));
    2774             :                             }
    2775             :                         }
    2776             :                     }
    2777             :                 }
    2778             :                 else
    2779             :                 {
    2780         268 :                     size_t nBytesConsumedOut = 0;
    2781         268 :                     OGRGeometry *poGeometry = nullptr;
    2782         268 :                     OGRGeometryFactory::createFromWkb(
    2783             :                         pabyWkb, nullptr, &poGeometry, nLen, wkbVariantIso,
    2784             :                         nBytesConsumedOut);
    2785         268 :                     if (BuildGeometry(poGeometry, i, poBuilder) != OGRERR_NONE)
    2786             :                     {
    2787           0 :                         delete poGeometry;
    2788           0 :                         return false;
    2789             :                     }
    2790         268 :                     bValidGeom = true;
    2791         268 :                     if (m_bWriteBBoxStruct)
    2792             :                     {
    2793           0 :                         poGeometry->getEnvelope(&sEnvelope);
    2794           0 :                         aadfMinX[i].push_back(castToFloatDown(sEnvelope.MinX));
    2795           0 :                         aadfMinY[i].push_back(castToFloatDown(sEnvelope.MinY));
    2796           0 :                         aadfMaxX[i].push_back(castToFloatUp(sEnvelope.MaxX));
    2797           0 :                         aadfMaxY[i].push_back(castToFloatUp(sEnvelope.MaxY));
    2798             :                     }
    2799         268 :                     delete poGeometry;
    2800             :                 }
    2801             :             }
    2802             :             else
    2803             :             {
    2804         116 :                 if (m_aeGeomEncoding[i] != OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKB)
    2805             :                 {
    2806          81 :                     if (BuildGeometry(nullptr, i, poBuilder) != OGRERR_NONE)
    2807           0 :                         return false;
    2808             :                 }
    2809             :             }
    2810             : 
    2811         555 :             if (!bValidGeom && m_bWriteBBoxStruct)
    2812             :             {
    2813           6 :                 if ((bboxStructSchema[i].flags & ARROW_FLAG_NULLABLE))
    2814             :                 {
    2815           6 :                     bboxStructArray[i].null_count++;
    2816           6 :                     aabyBboxStructValidity[i][iRow / 8] &=
    2817           6 :                         ~(1 << static_cast<int>(iRow % 8));
    2818             :                 }
    2819           6 :                 aadfMinX[i].push_back(0.0f);
    2820           6 :                 aadfMinY[i].push_back(0.0f);
    2821           6 :                 aadfMaxX[i].push_back(0.0f);
    2822           6 :                 aadfMaxY[i].push_back(0.0f);
    2823             :             }
    2824             :         }
    2825             : 
    2826         126 :         if (m_aeGeomEncoding[i] != OGRArrowGeomEncoding::WKB)
    2827             :         {
    2828           0 :             std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> geomArray;
    2829          81 :             auto status = poBuilder->Finish(&geomArray);
    2830          81 :             if (!status.ok())
    2831             :             {
    2832           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2833             :                          "builder::Finish() for field %s failed with %s",
    2834           0 :                          pszThisGeomFieldName, status.message().c_str());
    2835           0 :                 return false;
    2836             :             }
    2837         162 :             oMapGeomFieldNameToArray[pszThisGeomFieldName] =
    2838         162 :                 std::move(geomArray);
    2839             :         }
    2840             :     }
    2841             : 
    2842             :     auto poRecordBatchResult =
    2843         252 :         arrow::ImportRecordBatch(array, std::move(poSchema));
    2844         126 :     if (!poRecordBatchResult.ok())
    2845             :     {
    2846           0 :         CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2847             :                  "ImportRecordBatch() failed with %s",
    2848           0 :                  poRecordBatchResult.status().message().c_str());
    2849           0 :         return false;
    2850             :     }
    2851         252 :     auto poRecordBatch = *poRecordBatchResult;
    2852             : 
    2853             :     // below assertion commented out since it is not strictly necessary, but
    2854             :     // reflects what ImportRecordBatch() does.
    2855             :     // CPLAssert(array->release == nullptr);
    2856             : 
    2857             :     // We may need to reconstruct a final record batch that perfectly matches
    2858             :     // the expected schema.
    2859         126 :     if (bRebuildBatch || !oMapGeomFieldNameToArray.empty())
    2860             :     {
    2861          84 :         std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> apoArrays;
    2862         662 :         for (int i = 0; i < m_poSchema->num_fields(); ++i)
    2863             :         {
    2864             :             const auto oIter =
    2865         578 :                 oMapGeomFieldNameToArray.find(m_poSchema->field(i)->name());
    2866         578 :             if (oIter != oMapGeomFieldNameToArray.end())
    2867          81 :                 apoArrays.emplace_back(oIter->second);
    2868             :             else
    2869         497 :                 apoArrays.emplace_back(poRecordBatch->column(i));
    2870         578 :             if (apoArrays.back()->type()->id() !=
    2871         578 :                 m_poSchema->field(i)->type()->id())
    2872             :             {
    2873           0 :                 CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2874             :                          "Field '%s' of unexpected type",
    2875           0 :                          m_poSchema->field(i)->name().c_str());
    2876           0 :                 return false;
    2877             :             }
    2878             :         }
    2879         336 :         poRecordBatchResult = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(
    2880         252 :             m_poSchema, poRecordBatch->num_rows(), std::move(apoArrays));
    2881          84 :         if (!poRecordBatchResult.ok())
    2882             :         {
    2883           0 :             CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
    2884             :                      "RecordBatch::Make() failed with %s",
    2885           0 :                      poRecordBatchResult.status().message().c_str());
    2886           0 :             return false;
    2887             :         }
    2888          84 :         poRecordBatch = *poRecordBatchResult;
    2889             :     }
    2890             : 
    2891         126 :     if (writeBatch(poRecordBatch))
    2892             :     {
    2893         126 :         m_nFeatureCount += poRecordBatch->num_rows();
    2894         126 :         return true;
    2895             :     }
    2896           0 :     return false;
    2897             : }
    2898             : 
    2899             : #endif /* OGARROWWRITERLAYER_HPP_INCLUDED */

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