LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - ogr/ogrsf_frmts/pgdump - ogrpgdumpdriver.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 38 39 97.4 %
Date: 2025-03-28 11:40:40 Functions: 2 2 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /******************************************************************************
       2             :  *
       3             :  * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
       4             :  * Purpose:  Implements OGRPGDumpDriver class.
       5             :  * Author:   Even Rouault, <even dot rouault at>
       6             :  *
       7             :  ******************************************************************************
       8             :  * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at>
       9             :  *
      10             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      11             :  ****************************************************************************/
      12             : 
      13             : #include "ogr_pgdump.h"
      14             : #include "cpl_conv.h"
      15             : 
      16             : /************************************************************************/
      17             : /*                         OGRPGDumpDriverCreate()                      */
      18             : /************************************************************************/
      19             : 
      20             : static GDALDataset *
      21         100 : OGRPGDumpDriverCreate(const char *pszName, CPL_UNUSED int nXSize,
      22             :                       CPL_UNUSED int nYSize, CPL_UNUSED int nBands,
      23             :                       CPL_UNUSED GDALDataType eDT, char **papszOptions)
      24             : {
      25         100 :     if (strcmp(pszName, "/dev/stdout") == 0)
      26           0 :         pszName = "/vsistdout/";
      27             : 
      28         100 :     OGRPGDumpDataSource *poDS = new OGRPGDumpDataSource(pszName, papszOptions);
      29         100 :     if (!poDS->Log("SET standard_conforming_strings = ON"))
      30             :     {
      31           1 :         delete poDS;
      32           1 :         return nullptr;
      33             :     }
      34             : 
      35          99 :     return poDS;
      36             : }
      37             : 
      38             : /************************************************************************/
      39             : /*                        RegisterOGRPGDump()                           */
      40             : /************************************************************************/
      41             : 
      42        1667 : void RegisterOGRPGDump()
      43             : 
      44             : {
      45        1667 :     if (GDALGetDriverByName("PGDUMP") != nullptr)
      46         282 :         return;
      47             : 
      48        1385 :     GDALDriver *poDriver = new GDALDriver();
      49             : 
      50        1385 :     poDriver->SetDescription("PGDUMP");
      51        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_VECTOR, "YES");
      52        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_CREATE_LAYER, "YES");
      53        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_CREATE_FIELD, "YES");
      54        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_CURVE_GEOMETRIES, "YES");
      55        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_MEASURED_GEOMETRIES, "YES");
      56        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_Z_GEOMETRIES, "YES");
      57        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DMD_LONGNAME, "PostgreSQL SQL dump");
      58        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DMD_HELPTOPIC, "drivers/vector/pgdump.html");
      59        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DMD_EXTENSION, "sql");
      60             : 
      61        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(
      62             :         GDAL_DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST,
      63             :         "<CreationOptionList>"
      64             : #ifdef _WIN32
      65             :         "  <Option name='LINEFORMAT' type='string-select' "
      66             :         "description='end-of-line sequence' default='CRLF'>"
      67             : #else
      68             :         "  <Option name='LINEFORMAT' type='string-select' "
      69             :         "description='end-of-line sequence' default='LF'>"
      70             : #endif
      71             :         "    <Value>CRLF</Value>"
      72             :         "    <Value>LF</Value>"
      73             :         "  </Option>"
      74        1385 :         "</CreationOptionList>");
      75             : 
      76        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(
      77             :         GDAL_DS_LAYER_CREATIONOPTIONLIST,
      78             :         "<LayerCreationOptionList>"
      79             :         "  <Option name='GEOM_TYPE' type='string-select' description='Format "
      80             :         "of geometry columns' default='geometry'>"
      81             :         "    <Value>geometry</Value>"
      82             :         "    <Value>geography</Value>"
      83             :         "  </Option>"
      84             :         "  <Option name='LAUNDER' type='boolean' description='Whether layer "
      85             :         "and field names will be laundered' default='YES'/>"
      86             :         "  <Option name='LAUNDER_ASCII' type='boolean' description='Same as "
      87             :         "LAUNDER, but force generation of ASCII identifiers' default='NO'/>"
      88             :         "  <Option name='PRECISION' type='boolean' description='Whether fields "
      89             :         "created should keep the width and precision' default='YES'/>"
      90             :         "  <Option name='DIM' type='string' description='Set to 2 to force the "
      91             :         "geometries to be 2D, 3 to be 2.5D, XYM or XYZM'/>"
      92             :         "  <Option name='GEOMETRY_NAME' type='string' description='Name of "
      93             :         "geometry column. Defaults to wkb_geometry for GEOM_TYPE=geometry or "
      94             :         "the_geog for GEOM_TYPE=geography'/>"
      95             :         "  <Option name='SCHEMA' type='string' description='Name of schema "
      96             :         "into which to create the new table'/>"
      97             :         "  <Option name='CREATE_SCHEMA' type='boolean' description='Whether to "
      98             :         "explicitly emit the CREATE SCHEMA statement to create the specified "
      99             :         "schema' default='YES'/>"
     100             :         "  <Option name='SPATIAL_INDEX' type='string-select' description='Type "
     101             :         "of spatial index to create' default='GIST'>"
     102             :         "    <Value>NONE</Value>"
     103             :         "    <Value>GIST</Value>"
     104             :         "    <Value>SPGIST</Value>"
     105             :         "    <Value>BRIN</Value>"
     106             :         "  </Option>"
     107             :         "  <Option name='GEOM_COLUMN_POSITION' type='string-select' "
     108             :         "description='Whether geometry/geography columns should be created "
     109             :         "as soon they are created (IMMEDIATE) or after non-spatial columns' "
     110             :         "default='IMMEDIATE'>"
     111             :         "    <Value>IMMEDIATE</Value>"
     112             :         "    <Value>END</Value>"
     113             :         "  </Option>"
     114             :         "  <Option name='TEMPORARY' type='boolean' description='Whether to a "
     115             :         "temporary table instead of a permanent one' default='NO'/>"
     116             :         "  <Option name='UNLOGGED' type='boolean' description='Whether to "
     117             :         "create the table as a unlogged one' default='NO'/>"
     118             :         "  <Option name='WRITE_EWKT_GEOM' type='boolean' description='Whether "
     119             :         "to write EWKT geometries instead of HEX geometry' default='NO'/>"
     120             :         "  <Option name='CREATE_TABLE' type='boolean' description='Whether to "
     121             :         "explicitly recreate the table if necessary' default='YES'/>"
     122             :         "  <Option name='DROP_TABLE' type='string-select' description='Whether "
     123             :         "to explicitly destroy tables before recreating them' default='YES'>"
     124             :         "    <Value>YES</Value>"
     125             :         "    <Value>ON</Value>"
     126             :         "    <Value>TRUE</Value>"
     127             :         "    <Value>NO</Value>"
     128             :         "    <Value>OFF</Value>"
     129             :         "    <Value>FALSE</Value>"
     130             :         "    <Value>IF_EXISTS</Value>"
     131             :         "  </Option>"
     132             :         "  <Option name='SRID' type='int' description='Forced SRID of the "
     133             :         "layer'/>"
     134             :         "  <Option name='NONE_AS_UNKNOWN' type='boolean' description='Whether "
     135             :         "to force non-spatial layers to be created as spatial tables' "
     136             :         "default='NO'/>"
     137             :         "  <Option name='FID' type='string' description='Name of the FID "
     138             :         "column to create. Set to empty to not create it.' default='ogc_fid'/>"
     139             :         "  <Option name='FID64' type='boolean' description='Whether to create "
     140             :         "the FID column with BIGSERIAL type to handle 64bit wide ids' "
     141             :         "default='NO'/>"
     142             :         "  <Option name='EXTRACT_SCHEMA_FROM_LAYER_NAME' type='boolean' "
     143             :         "description='Whether a dot in a layer name should be considered as "
     144             :         "the separator for the schema and table name' default='YES'/>"
     145             :         "  <Option name='COLUMN_TYPES' type='string' description='A list of "
     146             :         "strings of format field_name=pg_field_type (separated by comma) to "
     147             :         "force the PG column type of fields to be created'/>"
     148             :         "  <Option name='POSTGIS_VERSION' type='string' description='A string "
     149             :         "formatted as X.Y' default='2.2'/>"
     150             :         "  <Option name='DESCRIPTION' type='string' description='Description "
     151             :         "string to put in the pg_description system table'/>"
     152        1385 :         "</LayerCreationOptionList>");
     153             : 
     154        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DMD_CREATIONFIELDDATATYPES,
     155             :                               "Integer Integer64 Real String Date DateTime "
     156             :                               "Time IntegerList Integer64List RealList "
     157        1385 :                               "StringList Binary");
     158        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DMD_CREATIONFIELDDATASUBTYPES,
     159        1385 :                               "Boolean Int16 Float32");
     160        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DMD_CREATION_FIELD_DEFN_FLAGS,
     161        1385 :                               "WidthPrecision Nullable Unique Default Comment");
     162             : 
     163        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_NOTNULL_FIELDS, "YES");
     164        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_DEFAULT_FIELDS, "YES");
     165        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_UNIQUE_FIELDS, "YES");
     166        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_NOTNULL_GEOMFIELDS, "YES");
     167             : 
     168        1385 :     poDriver->SetMetadataItem(GDAL_DCAP_VIRTUALIO, "YES");
     169             : 
     170        1385 :     poDriver->pfnCreate = OGRPGDumpDriverCreate;
     171             : 
     172        1385 :     GetGDALDriverManager()->RegisterDriver(poDriver);
     173             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14